The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, December 13, 1788, Image 1

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SATURD AY, December 13, 1788. GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE O R INDEPENDENT REGISTER. FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRI A L by JURY, to remain inviolate forever. Cnjtiiuin es Giorgio. AIjGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State-, EJfays, Articles of Intelli gence, Advertisements, is c* wilt be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed. Mohadia , in the Bannat ofTeme/war, near the Frontiers of Turkey y Augujl 8. YESTERDAY our troops, polled near Shuppeneck and Old Orfawa, were at tacked by the Turks on three Tides at once, and were obliged to retire without firing oue (hot. The Turks purlued them, and took 13 pieces of cannon, besides all the provision waggons, with 8000 loaves, together With mod of the tents and baggage. Our loss, as may be imagined, is very considerable ; Old Orfawa and Shuppeneck are both burnt. Th is day a corps of Turks have penetrated as far as the bill near Meferitz, and set fire to the watchhoufe there, in which there were 150 men, of whose fate we are ignorant. Another corps has rurtied forward againrt our port at the pass of Veterania, where a heavy tiring was heard, and we hope they have met with a rcpulfe. From the combined Corps of the RuJJran and Aujlrian army near Cbccxirn, Augujl 7. According to the deserters who arrive in emr camp from Choczim from time to time, those inhabitants of that Tortrefs who are in better circumrtances than the reftjfuhfift upon the few provisions they had feraped together before the magazines were burnt, whilst the rest are glad to put up with the corn saved from the fire, mostly spoiled and rendered un wholesome by the ftnoke and fire j yet the garrifou still obrtinately hold out. LEGHORN, Augujl 6. The ihips of war sent by the Dey of A Igiers to the afliftance of the Porte confirt of one xe beck of 34 guns and 300 men, one of 24 guns aud 224 men, a bark of 32 guns and 350 men, another of 28 guns and 224 men, and one of 22 guns and 296 men. This fleet is com manded by the jewilh renegade Kaggi Mach mer, who hoists his flag on board the firft xebeck. * Z O N G, Augujl 2C* By a courier arrived this day from Monte negro we learn, that Major Bukaflowicb, at the head of 300 Croatians and several thou sand Montenegrins, had attacked the famous Mahmud Pacha at his head quatters, situate between Spux and Sabgliak. The enemy left Cj 3 slain upon the field, and the brave Major loft but jJ7 men. He has since ordered the towns of Spux and Sabgliak to be derttoyed, together with a tower of considerable rtrength in the vicinity of the latter. VIENNA, Augujl 18. The last accounts of the siege of Oczakow are of the 22d of July, at which time Piince Potemkin'was pofieiled of a height which commanded the place. The2ttack was very warm, the Turks using their utmost efforts to baffle the designs of the Ruffians, who at lalt overcame them, and obliged them to abandon the above very important post. Prince Po temkin behaved mod gallantly in this.enter prife, and exposed himfelf to the enemy’s fire the whole time. After this advantage the grand operations of die siege will commence, in which they promise themselves the gieatcft success. These account* fay nothing of the Captain Pacha, or of the army of theSerafkier, who was said to be marching to the advance of Oczakow with 50,000 men. Ad miral Paul Jones’s fquidron i* crtiifingofT «|:c coast of Oczakow as in as the wouih of the j Danube. We are allured that the Ct ptain Pacha in the battle of the 28th of June filed at his own people, who refuted to fly into the midst of the flames to save the lh p in which he was. 20. The accounts received from Mehadia, of the check received by cur troops, and the burning of old Orfowa and Schuppeueck, 3re very sensibly felt hete, particularly as they are not onlyful y confirmed, but it is further known that thecoiflp of Tuiks which has en j tered the Bannat confifl.s of 15,000 men, who have carried fire and fwopd through a diflrift of ten mi'es round. The above corps is only the van ot he army under the Grand Vizir, and fexeial stronger detachments will fomi follow. Thus the Turkitli General has in part executed his long projected plan, without leaving Transylvania, Wallachia, or Molda via, totally i: nth ought of, as he has sent, and is still fending, coufitlerable detachments to * thole parts. * We at e allured front authentic fonrees, that the Emperor ftiuck his tent at Senilin on the nth, and is marching with a confidcrablc part of bis army in all possible hafle towards the Bannat to drive the Tuiks from thence. His iVfajedy puipofes ertab lifhiirg bis head quarters at Weilkirchen. 27. The lafl letters from the Bannat advise, that the P mperor arrived at Weilkirchen cn the 20th inrt. Whihl his Imperial Mojefly was 011 his march the Turks made llrong ef forts to penetrate into the heart of that pro vince. They attacked a defile, called ibe Veteranifche Hole, with great fury, made thenifelves mailers of an advanced post, and put to the fwovd two divisions of L’rcchain ville’s regiment of foot, giving quarters nei ther to officers nor soldiers. They made se veral unfuccefsful attempts tocairy the prin cipal poll, but were always beat back with great lof3. This however appealed to Le l>tir a secondary object with them. Their ptinci- j pal one was to drive General Wartenllebcn fioni the heights, where his corps wasadvau tageoully pofled neir Mehadia. For that pur pose the Serafkier of Georgia was detached, on the 17th infl. with a corps of 16 coo men. ; moflly Spahis, to attack that General, whole I force confided of about Boco men. Theaftion ( began erfly in the morning, and was so ill conduced on the patt of the Tutk's, that the Auflrian infantry (from behind their redoubt) had little erfe to do than to m ( w down (he Turkifli ranks, as they raihly advanced with in the leach of grape (hot. To this carnage I they exposed thciql’elves repeatedly during the course of the day, but without ever mak ing the fmallett impreflion on the Auflrian line. At length, between five and fix o’clock m the evening, they retieated, but were not pursued by the Impcrialirts, who « hole not to quit their advantageous position to follow the enemy into the plain. The loss of officers and men on the fide of the Turks was very tcnli derable, whilst that of the Aufltians confided only of 5 men killed, and 25 wounded. The Turks have also attempted to penetrate into Transylvania. On the 13th rnd 14th just, they attacked the twopaffies of Vtilcarer and Bnzzaner, in large bodies, and with the imnoft intrepidity,overthrowing the firfl c< rps of Imperial troops opposed to them in each of thole paffies.and making a confidtrable daught er j but freth troops arriving fucccffively to then defence, the Turks Hire finally ifpulled, THE tVOL. ni. No. CXVI.J without being able to gain any firm footing in that province. Trm ibe Lcnvcr Elbe, Angvjl 29. The Swedes have loft a fliip of the line, sai led the Gultavus Adolphus; the failed in company with two fiigatcs to reconnoitre, but unluckily happened to meet the whole Ru ilia 11 fleet under Admiral Greig; the f. ig.ncs cl eaned, but the fliip got upon a sand !i, nk, and was burnt by the Ruffians ; theciew, coulill ing of 570 men, were lent to Revel. The Swedes have railed the liege of Frede ric kilum. FRANKFORT, Jugv/I 10. We learn by letters from Vienna, that a body of 50,c00 is arrived at Kladova. TJie camp of Mehadia has been reinforced with 2<> battalions, and 2500 Jews are arrived at the Emperot’s armies to fctvc iu them. _________ m LON DON, Sept. 1. We have received a confirmed account of nearly the total definition of Serajo, the ca pital of Bofnla, by a fire which broke out there the beginning of lafl month in four d ffeient places at once. All that pa it where the jews inhabited, with their magazines, (hops, and merchandizes, were deflroyed by fire, betides all the Chriflian houses, and above ioro be longing to the Turks, including 10 mofque® ; in :! e whole about ;coo houses. Saturday morning a Diflouting Minifler, in a fit of dcfpondency, jumped from the attick flory of his houfc in Hatton-flreet, <nd was killed. The Fmprcfs of Russia has it vefled Admi ral Greig with the order of ti e blue ribbon, the highert order in Ruffin, for his galknt be haviour in the late allion with the Swede*. Ti c Englilli officers behaved with great bravery in the action, partictdaily Captain Elphmftcnc, who had his quarterdeck swept ; three times, and his fliip t< wed into port z mere wreck, so as to be unfit for further ler vice. This is the llup the Swedes, in their account, supposed to be funk.] t'yiraQ of a letter f*om Elfneur , Augwjl 23. The Ruffian squadron under Adi; Van , Teffien fliil continues here, feeding Swfdifli piizes in from the C attegat. The Lar.ifli auxiliary fliips are joining him, and great pre parations are also making by land. The sp ptehenfic n of war between De nmat k and Swe- J den pre'cuts the flags of either ration front • getting insured. A few days ago a Ruffian frigate of guns was taken by the Swedes; flie had on board r2C camions and other war like (lores.” 25. A letter was on Tucfday Dft filed at I.lojd’e, from the Secretary of State to the merchant* in the city, conveying to them the aereeatle information, that the Emperor o Motor co ias declared the mod pacific inten tions, nut only towards this country in par ticular, but Europe in general. 2*5. Ytflcrday morning difpatche* received from Litton, dated the *s*l* h '** month, which bring an accounf of l " e ,ea ‘ 1 of the Prince of Brazil, heir apparent to 1 « crown of Portugal, who died on tbe .1 n . *• four o’clock in the morning, on which iccou® all the fl.ips that lav .11 the harbour ho»fle«l their flag* half u>*A *' **■ *j ~ The Ruffian fleet *te reinforcing *'•" * third fliip of ico gun*, and mother nu u