The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, December 20, 1788, Image 1

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SATURDAY, to, 1788. GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE O R INDEPENDENT REGISTER. ; mmm ■ ■■ ■ in mm —— FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL bf remain inviolate forever. Ce»/.V«». ./ G„r t m. AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State; Essay, , Articles of Intel*, gence, Adverttfements , Isc. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed. TANGIER®, (a Port Town in Africa, in the Empire of Morocco) Junt *4. SOME time ago the Emperor left the ca pital, marching from province to pro vince, at the head of his troops, to puniih the partizans of his two sons ; ibis he does by fire and sword, without mercy; he has already Sacrificed one entire village to his vengeance, byfettingit on fire, and burning the women, children, and every thing in it; inch as had the good fortune to escape the flames, were instantly put to the sword. But in spite of the terror which his arms every where carried, he met with a party near Me quinez, who offered him battle, and he loft Several of his men before he won the day. Prayers are put up in all the mosques, for the success of his Moorish Majefly; at the fame time that curses are uttered against his two sons. It is his Majesty’s desire that his third Son be declared his fuccelfor. London, jiuguji 13. From Brabant we learn, that the Low Coun tries are again in a flame—The 4th inst. the day for (hutting the Seminary, the people as sembled on the grand place, and on the quay: The troops were under arms, the cannon were charged, and every precaution being taken to Reinforce obedience to the Emperor’s orders, and prevent an infurrettfon, the mob were desired to disperse; but as they Were unarm ed, and had committed no violence, but were # Ample fpe&ators, they did not imagine that , coercive raeafures would be taken to drive them away, and continued after repeated ad monitions, to look on ; until an officer of gre nadiers pretended to have felt a stone graze liis hat, gave orders to FIRE; and the whole division, confiding of 400 men, difeharged their mulkets on the unoffending populace.— Nine were killed on the spot, eight have since died of their wounds, and eighty were car ried to the hospital, thirty of whom cannot recover. Among those that fell were two foreigners accidentally crofling at the unhap py moment. A woman and a child in her arms were both killed,, as (he was serving be hind her counter. The mob immediately di spersed; but ineafures so sanguinary and wan ton can only tend to alienate the affections of the few remaining loyalists. This melancholy feene, it is added, would never have happened, perhaps, but for the in trigues of the monks and priests under the di rection of the bi(hop of Antwerp, and the car dinal archbifliop of Mechlin j the ex-ceflive in fluence of these mitered fanatics, joined to the indefatigable industry of the inferior priest hood, and-mendicant friars, succeeded fofar t as to occasion the people to aflemble, and ani mated with religious zeal, they might have proceeded to violence if the military had nor, as they did, imposed upon them, by firing the moment they refufed to disperse. The bi(hop of Antwerp is under an arrest, a guard is stationed at his house, in which he remains confined. The archbi(hop of Mech lin was to have given his benediftion to an abbefis on Sunday the 3d inst. but he received a peremptory command from the government of Bruxelles,to proceed immediately toMech lin, and to remain there until further orders. We are informed, by a gentleman who left Bruxelles on Friday iioon the Bth infl. and who mvellid post, that on the night before, it half part ten, the house of the celebrated 4 THE Varidernoot, pricipal of the patriots of Bra bant, and the avowed enemy to defporiftn, was inverted with 400 foldiets ; every avenue was also fccured, and on the door not being opened on the firft fummens it was inrtantly hewed down, and entered by force. Every search was made, but in vain, two minutes notice had enabled him to make his escape by , the gutters on the top of his house, and he hap pily got out of the reach of his enemies before they had broken open his doors. Patrofes were eftablirtied in every part of the town, the whole garrison was under arms ; a strong de tachment of cavalry and a coach and four, attended, to convey Monfieut Vnidernoot to the citadel at Antwerp, had he unfortunately fallen into the hands of government. Every coach that parted was narrowly examined. The people whom the uoife had aflcmbled were forbid to approach the howfe of the ad vocate ; and the whole town was in the great est consternation when the gentleman who has favoured us with the intelligence left Bruxelles. An attempt was made to seize others in the town at the fame time, but proved equally abortive; and orders ate also dispatched to Louvain, Mechlin, and Antwerp, to seize at midnight several fufpeded persons. A Clergyman in an inland county, lately concluded his difeourfe with the following words : «* Brethren, next Friday is my tythe “ day* and thole who bring the tythes on ♦* that day, which are my due, thall be rc “ warded with a good dinner; but those who <e do not, may depend, that on Saturday they “ will dine upou a Lawyer’s letter.” Sound wholesome infot matron, E;.tr aft of a let tar from A iconic, Avg. Is, “ The last accounts front Algiers mention, that another fleet will fail from that place the beginning of Septehtber, which is to toulifl of five (hips from 18 to 40 guns. The tion of this armament is keptfecret; yet font* politicians think it is designed for the coast of Portugal, whilst others fay it is to cruise off Trieste, and by no means to fail ont of the Mediterranean; but this we know for cer tain, that not a man is fuffered to enter on board the fleet but fucb as have been before in adiou, and given signal proofs ot their bravery. We also learn that the chief com mand is given to the Englilh renegade Sidi Abdallah, who carries the bloody flag : he is a fellow of invincible courage. This man has fought and taken frequently fliips of double Ids force, after the inert defpc rate and obstinate confliCte, some of which were fitted out by different nations on purpose either to take or tteftroy him. He is an ex cellent sailor, being bred to the sea from his infancy, and is allowed by people of maritime (kill to be one of the firft navigators id the Dey’s service.” ExtraS of a letter from Paris t Sept. a. « The coolness between the French and American Governments grows every dayflill more confpicuou*. A full proof is afforded in the entire fuppreflion of the packets from I’Qrieut to America, which are wholly dis continued; nor does there remain any con veyance of letters from that continent to France but by ptivate hands. One cause that hat contributed is the defalcation of trade, though the offenfible reason held forth it the f/flem of ctcoaomy.” Or. in. No.cxvii.] N E W P O R T, Ncvenb. r 6. Last week failed for Novu-Scotia, Miss Abigail Cole, of this town. This lady, by her indufliy and aconomy, had acquired a competency to support her through life, which she loaned to Mr. Lodowick Updtke, of Wickford, (a man poll-fled of'Jjreat tended interest) inexpedation of receiving the inter est for her support in the like money; but he, taking advantage of the iniquiro is Tender Law, tendered the vile titeih of paper as a difehargefor the principal and interest other specie demand. By this unjust cobdutthe has ftript her of her all, and forced her to throw herfelf on a brother’* bounty in a foreign eft* mate. HARTFORD, November 10. ExtraS of a letter from a gentleman at New* port to the Printers of this paper , Nov. 4. “ Our General Afleinbly, which fat at Pro vidence last week, finifhed their business, ac cording to custom, on Saturday evening, did not make a house before Thursday ; they will call no Convention ; have ordered one fourth part of four per cent, rtate notes to be p*id off in paper money at par, ordered Governor Clinton's letter to be published and font to tho Townclerks of every town, and town meet ings to be called to choose Delegates to meet Delegates from other dates, to confidcr of amendments to the New C’onrtitution ; when ami where they are to meet they have not pointed out. They have adjourned to the last of December, to meet at South Kiagfton.” N E W-Y OR K, Nov. 13. ExtraS ts a letter from Wfjbington tounfy t Pennjftvania , October 24. ♦♦lndian affairs wear an unfavourable afpeft. We have no expectation or reason to capeCf an Indian treaty this feafott.” The following melancholy paragraph is ex tracted from the Savannah-la*Mar Gazette, received by Capt. Chifliolm : “ The (loop Deborah, Ingrahm, which ar rived from New*London on Saturday last, furnifhes the most painful intelligence that haa for a long time been communicated to our readers: A rtiort time previous to her arrival at Turk’s llland, where the had occasion to touch, the fell in with and accompanied for three days the (loop Sally, Parish, from Mar tinico. Mr. Parish informed, that, on the 12th of tell month, a dreadful hurricane had been felt at Martinico, Grenada, and ft. Lu cia. At the firfl named ifiand frarce a veflel which remained in harbour escaped definiti on, and those that put to sea have not since been heard of; Grenada has luftamed very considerable damage, but St. Lucia exhibits a fpetfacle the most terrifying imaginable. During the beighth of the hurricane a dread ful earthquake which convolfed tho whole illand, and finally swallowed upwards of the Inhabitants! On such an occalion our feelings cannot be more powerfully ex cited by a sense of the fufferings of our fellow creatures than what is due to Provttcnce for our own prefetvation. Let it be remembered, that, however the philosopher may account for these efftCh by natural causes. there is a Supreme who wields the thunder and direna the ftoirn, and whose dirpiealure it is our dir ty to deprecate by deed* of humility and vir tue." 1 A very valuable mine has been differed