The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, January 24, 1789, Image 1

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SATURDAY, January 24, 1789* GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE O R » INDEPENDENT REGISTER. I FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, to remain inviolate forever. Confutation of Georgia. , 'J2 AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State ; FJfays % Articles of Intellu gence. Advert if SAc. will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing far formed. The CONVENTION of tie STATE of GEORGIA to the Freemen oj the said State. Fellow Citizens, WE have the honor to lay before you a Constitution, which we think the inofl likely to meet with your approbation, and answer the purposes of govern ment. Was the power of adopting the fame unquestion ably vetted in the Convention, we (hould not hesi tate to declaie the fame to be the immediate Con stitution of the (late ; but as the judging of this right appears to be in the Convention, we are de licate in determining, and therefore have thought proper to intorm you thereof, and adjourn until the second Tuefday in June next, when the ex ceptionable parts it any there (hould appear may be pointed out, which will govern our luture de cision thereon. HENRY OSBORNE, Frefident , and Delegate from Camden. Thomas Stafford, Camden , George Handley, Glynn , F. O’Neal, 7 r John M'Queen, 5 Ltbert y- James Gunn, i Ths, Gibbons, l Chatham. Asa Emanuel, J Benj. Lanier, *1 J. Green, l Effingham. O. Bowen, J Thos. Lewis, 1 D , David Emanuel, \ burke ' W. Stith,jun. 1 W. Stith, l Richmond'. John Wereat, J Geo. Mathews, James Williams, . Wilkes. Elijah Clarke, R. Wilkinson, n . Jof. Williams, WaJJ.ington. Abm. Barnett, } Davis Gresham, C Greene . Wm. Fitzpatrick, John Gorham, S N. Cleveland, C Franklin . M. Woods, ) r AuguflOy 20th January , 1789. The Constitution of the State of Georgia. '«RTI C L E I. Sefl. I, legiflative power (hall be veftcd I in two separate and diflindt branch es, to wit, a Senate and House of THE Representatives, to be Ailed, “ the General As sembly.” Sett. 11. The Senate (hall be eledled on the firft Monday in October in every third year, until iuth day of elediion be altered by law, and lhall be ccm potcd of one member from each county, chosen by the eledtors thereof and lhall continue ii r the term of three years. SO. ill. No peifen (hall be a member of the Senate who (hail r.ot have attained to the age of twenty-eight years, and who shall not have l een nine years an inhabitant of the United States, and three years a citizen of this slate ; provided that r.o perlon now eligible to a (cat in the leg’flature be precluded ; and (hall be an inhabitant of that coun tv for which he (hall be eledled, and have redded therein fix months immediately preceding his eledtion, and (hall be poftcfTed in his own right of two hundred and fifty acres ot land or lome proper-* ty to the amount of two hundred and fifty pounds. Sett* IV. 7he Senate (hall elcdf by ballot a Pre sident out of their own body. Sett* V. The Senate (hall have iblety the power to try all impeachments. Sett . VJ. j he elcdlion of members for the House of Representatives (hall be annual, on ti e firft Monday in Odfoher, until such day of eledtion he altered by law'; and shall be cempoftd of members from each county in the following proportions: Camden, two; Glynn, two; Liberty, four; Cha tham, five; Lfnngham, two; Burke, four; Rich mond, four; Wilkes, five; W/a(hington, two; Greene, two; and Franklin, two. Sett . VII. No person (hall be a member of the House of Representatives who (hall net have at tained to the age of twenty-one years, and have been seven years a citizen of the United States; provided that no perion now eligible to a feat in the legislature be precluded ; and (hall be an inha bitant of that county for which he (1 all be eledled, and have resided therein three months immediate ly preceeding his eledtion, and (hall be peflefied in his own right of one hundred ar d fifty acre. 4 of bnd or other property to the amount of one hundred and fifty pounds. Sett. VIII. The Hcufe of Representatives (hall choose their Speaker and other efihers. Sett. IX They (hall have solely the power to impeach all perlons who have been or may be in office. Sett. X. No person holding a military ermmif fion or office of profit undet this or the United States, or cither of them, (except (i f ires of the Brace and officers cf the militia) (hall be allowed to take his ieat as a member ol either branch of the % * « t r# * -0' 9 * f - ■' f * - % -«■ ; : ' 4 *' [Vol. TIL NoTCXXL)