The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, January 31, 1789, Image 1

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Saturday, January, 1789* GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE » . 4 .«■ I # •.-* *.* »4 -» > 7 O R INDEPENDENT REGISTER. FREEDOM of the PRESS, „d TRIAL b r JURY, to remain inviolate forever. C'nfli.u'Un ./ G,.r S ia. AVGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E . SMITH, Printer to the State-, Ffays, Articles of Jntelli genee, Aivertifements , Lc. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed. GEORGIA. By His Honor GEORGE WAL TON, E/quire, Captain Gene ral Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the fa id State . A Proclamation. WHEREAS the Legis lature, in its prelent Seflion, having pas fed an Ad: lor ap pointing the time, manner and places, for holding eltdions for Keprefentatives in Congress, I Lave, there!ore, thought fit, by and with the advice of the Honorable the Executive Coun cil, to iflue this my Proclama tion, notifying to all peffcns qua lified to vote for members ol the , Legislature, that they are required to assemble at the usual places of holding the annual elections for members of the General Aflem: bly in the refpedive counties, on the second Monday in, Februa ry next, and to vote for three persons, to be of three years /landing residence in the three Brigade Diftrids, refpedively. And it is commanded, that twp i or more of the Senior Afliftant Justices in each county, or, in case of their sickness, or other disability, two or more other of the Justices of the Peace, to be by them appointed, /hall prelide at, and superintend, the said ejec r tions s and /hall, within fifteen days next thereafter, make re turn to the Executive, feaiedup, of the number of persons voting, and voted for. And it is alio fur ther commanded, that the re fpeftive Sheriffs do give their punctual attendance to pre/erve good order and decorum thereat. Given under my Hand\ and the Great Seal of the Jaid State, in the Council Chamber , at Augufa f tbit fwenty-fe wentb day of January , in the Tear of our Lord, one thonjand, /even hundred and eighty-nine \ und of our Sovereignly » and Independence the thirteenth. GEORGE WALTON. By hit Honedt Command, JOHN MILTON, Secretary. GOD S AYE THU' STATE. 1 An Aft For appointing the time , manner, a?id places Jor holding elections for Repre/entatives in Congre/s. IN order on the part of this state to carry into effeft the Conftitutiort for the United States of America, Be it enabled by the Freemen of the State of Georgia in General AJJembly met , and it is hereby enabled by the au thority of the fame , That the elec tions in this state for members in the House of Reprdentatives in Congress of the United States (hall be had and held in the man ner following, that is to fay, This state (hall be and is hereby’de clared to be divided into three d*- ftrifts, in the fame divifiohs tlie brigades of this state are now laid out; and the eleftions within the laid diftrids (hall be held in their refpeftive counties on the second Monday in February next, at such places and in the lame manner as the annual eledions for the Le gislature now are; excepting that the Senior or Afliftant Justices of the refpeftive counties, or any two oh them, (hall preside at and fuperinjtend such fteftions, or in case of their (icknefs or other dif-' ability, the said Affiant Justices, or any two or more of them, dial!, and they are hereby required to nominate and appoint two or more fit and discreet persons (be ing Magistrates) to (uperintend the fame. And the Sheriffs of such counties (hall attend for the express purpoleof prefervinggood order and decency thereat, and excepting also, that the manner of elefting the three members for Repreientatives of this state (hall be, that every voter (hall ballot for three persons, one only of which (hall be a resident of three years (landing in the diftrift such constituent reftdes in, and the other two persons so to be ballot* ted for by such voter (hall be rc fidcnts of like (landing of the the ... « t • m. CVol. 111. No. CXXII.j *"— ' -t' 1 - ■l —l ■ i.n~ 'i' I'l , * SBCS3» other two separate diftrifts; th ,t is to favs there (hall be one can * didate ballotted for by every votei* who is an inhabitant of each ft* parate diftrift, so that each diftrift in the state may be properly, inv* partially, and effeftua ly lepre fented. The Magistrates holuirg the eleftions in each county (hall within fifteen days make a le turn of the number of persons voting and the persons voted for, healed up, to the Executive, who lhall within two days thereafter count the number of votes, and certify the pcrlon having, the hlgheft number of votes in the dittrifts qualified as before laid down, and having the high est poll or number of votes through out the state, to be and they are hereby declared the Representa tives of this state in the Cor.gre s of the United States; w> ich his Honor the Governor (ha)l notify by Proclamation and information to the persons elefted. And in case of refufal tp serve or negleft of notification of acceptance to his Honor the Governor within ten days after due notice given, his Honor the Governor (hall or der a new eieftion to be held in like manner as pointed out in this Aft. And, be it further enabled , That if any oh the counties within the relpeftive diftrifts of this state, Jhftl negleft or refufe to hold the .eieftion tor the H epreleotatives ss heretofore pointed out, that then and in such case the coun ties ' so proceeding to eleft and tran/mitting their returns, (hall be considered as having complet ed the eieftion, and the persons so chosen sty fuoh counties hav ing the highest number of votes, that is to lay, one candidate being an inhabitant or resident in such diftrift (hall be deemed and ac cepted as the Reprdentatives for the state in the Congrds of tho United States, And be it further enabled, That