The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, October 30, 1886, Image 1

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She '-nuinnni'ih imbunc. Published bv the Tribune Publishing Co.) J. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. J. Sfi. K. W. WHILE, Solicitor. ) VOL. 11. JOYCE & HUNT, 31 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia —Exclusive Dealers in thisTerritery for the Incomparable— lew Home Sewtag Machine The only Machine that has a Perfect Automatic Bobbin Winder. Which enables the operator to wind a perfect bobbin without any aid from the operator - ALSO AGENT FOR- The Wheelock anil Nw Eoslani Pianos, AND 7 Kimball, Clough & Warren Palace Organs. Th Ph to Buy th Bsst Soods fc ths Least iasy -IS A.T— TEEPLE & CO.’S, I£>3 and 195 Broughton GALL AT OUR STORE I If you want Furniture, Mattings, Window Shades, Refrigerators, Bed-Springs, Mattresses, Cooking Stoves, or anything in the Housekeeping Line, it will pay you togcall on us before buying elsewhere. New Goods Constantly Arriving. TEEPLE * CO., 193 and 195 Broughton St., Between Jefferson and Montgomery. PRICES PARALYZED! Popular Prices Preach Profitably. CHOICE CLOTHING. OCEANS OF OVERCOATS- Examine F our stock of Clothing in Cassimeres. Worsteds, Cheviots Corkscrews, Diagonals, etc. Gents’ Suits, Boys’ Suits, Youths’ Suits and Our Big Specialty, Children’s Suits. We open the season with Low Prices, and Guarantee our Clothing First-class in every respect. Neckwear in variety indeseribable; Underwear in plain and fancy goods ; Hosiery and Gent’s Furnishings. All the fashionable ah apes in Hats? 158 BROUGHTON S i . Abrahams St Birnbaum. Fooling an English Man-Of-War. In the early days of our commerce with China after the treaty which al lowed American clippers to enter the harbor of Hong Kong, one of the largest English three-deckers was lying in the harbor, and at sunset her yards and top masts were housed to show the manner in which the strip was manned. A Yankee Captain, who was awaiting a freight of new tea, watched the English man and decided to try his hand with him. Two or three days later at the sunset gun the American clipper’s yards and sails came down and topmasts housed some minutes before the man of war. Again in the morning at the sig nal the yards were sent up and the Eng lishman was again behind. For several days the race went on with the same re sult, until the American ship received her cargo, and on the day before setting sail the yards came down and were sent to the English frigate with the compli ments of the Yankee Captain. They were bamboo poles with painted (furled; sailed. New London Telegraph. A Philosopher. Fogg’s father is a philos jph t. He is as deaf as a post; but he does nut repine, ©n the contrary, he says his deafness is his chief joy. He did fret a good deal at first, as his hearing began to grow dull; but when he found by actual ex periment that he could sit within three feet of a uagpipe and not hear a note he was happy. Since then his principal plea ure consists in wandering about un til he finds a bagpipist, and hovering about the torturer for hours at a time; but up to latest a D ices, the old gentle man has been unable to decide which pleases him most, the absence of -oind from the bagpipe, or to ob-erve the con tortions of those whose ears are still open to its bloop cuidling screams — Transcript Chari Albxandbb was formerly a wealthy commission merchant in St. Louis. He failed in business some time ago and became insane. Yesterday h.s wife went to the asylu n to visit her h»’l£>and, but his condition would not permit of her seeing him. In hopeless despondency the woman went home, and, after a night of unrest, ass-ended to the roof of her house and jumped off. The fall killed her instantly. SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1886. A Spanish shepherd killed by light ning recently was made the subjeot of a scientific post mortem to discover how the electric bolt had done its fatal work. His eyebrows and eyelashes were burned off, his eyeballs were dried up, all his left side was scorched and burned in spots down to the ankle, while the right side of the body and right leg were uninjured. Serious as these in juries were, none of them appeared sufficient to have caused his instant death. But as soon as the breast was opened the cause of death was apparent, 'lhe lungs were frightfully congested and the heart was enormously dilated and filled with coagulated blood. With all this damage to the man his olothmg was very little injured, the only traces of the lightning upon it being a small hole bored through the rim of the hat and a slight singeing of the shirt collar. It isn't the man who makes the most money who saves the most, as was shown in the case of the Boston salesman who once received a salary of SIB,OOO per year and was recently sent to the poor house. Two brothers worked in the same store. One was the head porter, with a yearly salary of SI,OOO, and the other was a salesman who received SO,OOO per annum. The last mentioned had only himself and wife to support, yet he was always poor, owing to ex pensive habits, while the first, with a fam’ly of eight or nine children, grew gradually rich, and lent his extravagant brother SI,OOO which he found hard to get back This is a practical illustra tration of the old fable of the hare and the tortoise. Bamubu Gilbhbt of Georgetown, N. J., stored 150 bushels of potatoes in the attic of his little house preparatory to barrelling them. On Tuesday night, while his family was at supper, the floor gave way and the potatoes came down on them, breaking Mr. Gilbert’s arm and Mrs. Gilbert’s leg fracturing her shoulder, and injuring a daughter’s arm so that it w.ll have to be amputated. Ther’ is a good deal of practical common sense in the answer of the old cook in JNew Orleans vhen her young mistress told her of Wiggins’ coming earthquake. “Go ’long, chile,” she said, “go ’long wid yer nonsense! God a mighty doan’ go an’ tell anybody what He's gwine ter do; Me jes’go ’long and do it.’’ Sometime. Well, either you or I, After whatever is to say is gold, Must see the other die Or hear through distance of the other dead Sometime, And you or I must, hide Poor empty eyes, and faces wan and wet, With life's great grief, beside The other’s coffin, sealed with silence, yet Sometime. And you or I must look Into the other’s grave, or far or n jar, And read, as in a book Writ in the dust, words we made bitter here Sometime. * * * * * * Oh! fast, fast friend of mine! Lift up the voice I love so much, and warn; To wring faint hands and pine, Tell mb I may be left forlorn, forlorn, ‘ . Sometime. *'e• * * * * Say you may think with pain Os some slight grace, some timid wish, to please, Some eager look, half vain. Into your heart some broken sobs like these, Sometime. —S. il B. Piatt. A Novel Matchmaker. The following clever little sketch, adapted from thte French, appeared in the New York Graphic-. I must confess that I always had a weakness for elephants. You have no idea how much of ex quisite sensitiveness, extreme delicacy, nay, of genuine poetry is concealed un der this rough and wrinkled exterior. To me the elephant is a lyric poet spoiled in the making, but with all the irritabil ity that characterizes the genus. What do I say? In fact, he needs only his lit tle blue cloak to be thoroughly equipped for his rythmic task. It is a case of a philanthropist turned pachyderm. I saw one once at Benares sprinkle fresh water with his trunk upon the head of an English soldier nearly dead of sunstroke. What human good Samaritan could have done more? Indeed I have often won dered why the Academy has not before this awarded the Montyou prize to an elephant. But man is so unjust. He treats this noble being like a beast— this being at once so strong and so gentle —in order not to be compelled to pay a debt of gratitude. ‘ I believe there is much truth concealed in the Brahmin legend. You remember that, according to that fable, when Vishnou had created man and discovered what a wretched mistake he had made he at onco invented the elephant in or der that by means of his charming at tributes saddened nature might find in him a compensation for all the shortcomings of the wicked biped. .Some years ago I visited a small town in thosouth of France, to assist one of the friends of my boyhood in an electoral contest. Every day I managed to pass a portion of the afternoon at the local Jardin des Plantes. Three eucalyptus trees, five palms, two specimens of the ailante and six Italian pines—all very dusty—together with a dozen orange trees, were the only exotic . representatives of the vegetable king dom. The fauna of the tropics was suggested ' by four phthisicky monkeys, several hyenas, a porcupine, two very grouty brown bears, a rather melancholy young dromedery, a flabby old lion, and—the gem of the collection—an elephant from the coast of Coromandel. He was called Belisarius, from his be i ing blind of one eye. I at once made friends with this noble i animal. A strong sympathy drew me towards him, while he, in turn, was not long in getting acquainted with me,although manifesting, but with great fact, a'ovnse of his own superiority. As soon as he saw me coming the eap ; five would greet me with a tow trumpet [ note of satisfaction, and after having swung round his long proboscis as a sign ; of welcome, he would raise it above the iron barrier which separated us and re ceive from my hand the delicate rye-bread rolls with which I had taken care to pro vide myself. And fixing on me his eye, his only eye. which gave to hisintelll- gent face an air of paternal gentleness, and which seemed to sadden his charm ing smile, he appeared to thank me for the thoughtfullness that thus ministered to his tastes. His keeper’s dwelling, a pretty cottage completely covered with honeysuckle, opened on tire enclosure where he was usually exhibited. I noticed at the win dow a young woman who was generally singing as she rocked the cradle of a sturdy pink-sod-whit?, chubby-faced in fant. The delicate beauty of the mother and the inviting appearance of the neat little rustic home served to throw around the Colossus of the Jungle an atntosphero of peace and happiness. From time to time Belisarius would aproach the win dow, and, with his trunk thrown back in the air, would seem to send a kiss to the baby asleep in its wicker nest. It occured to mo that the family must be very fond of this great, kind brute, whose manifestations of dumb affection were evidently so sincere. A voice disturbed my reflections. It was the keeper who, while performing his usual duties in his boarder’s cage,had spoken to me. He had understood how much interest I took in his pct, and even seemed to guess my thoughts. “Ah, yes, Monsieur. Every one adores him, but no one more than I, I assure you. Belisarius made my fortune and made me happy.” At the word “fortune" 1 had involun tarily summoned before my mind’s eye a vision of the mines of Golcondaand Mo gul fetes; but I reflected that the modest position held by the speaker was incon sistent with the extravagant conceptions of my imagination. Construing my silence into a desire to hear more, the man continued: “A few years ago, Monsieur, 1 did not occupy the enviable position in which you see rue to-day. Instead of being the keeper of the elephant I was only a common gardener, spading the beds, raking over the walksand watering flow ers rn this same garden. But I was in ; love—madly, rapturously in love! ‘ Very often 1 was guilty of a serious , infrtAion of the rules that regulated my ' professional duties. The rarest and most i beautiful of the flowers I was paid to guard and care for found their way to the little cottage you see there. She who lived there was the object of my affec | tion, and she loved me in return. But when I made so bold as to ask for her hand ? her father, who then occupied the position I now hold, brutally showed - me to the door! He said that he wouldn’t have h.s daughter marry below her sta tion, and that he designed her to be the wife of the man who took charge of the bear pit, who was in time to be his (the father's) successor. And 1 was only, os I have told you, a common gardener! But why, I aked myself, could I not make as good an elephant keeper as any other? Love made me ambitious. “From that time I summoned all my courage, and surreptitiously entering the enclosure I set my wits to work and lavished upon the elephant all the atten j tions of a real keeper. My future father j in-iaw, it must be added, had been ! somewhat neglectful of Belisarius’s com fort. i “The worthy animal appreciated my trouble. Ah! what intelligence— what a mind!—as clear as amber. After a while he saw through my little scheme, for when I was there his one eye would turn roguishly towards the window where, as if by accident, Lucie, the daughter of the real keeper, would ap pear, having chosen that very moment for shaking her crumb-cloth over poor Belisarius's head. “Well, my love was to receive great assistance from this dumb beast, as you ; will see. I “The elephant’s disposition, hitherto ! so mild and peaceful, changed suddenly. Belisarius, in spite of his hav ng ; come to years of discretion, began to ; play tncks worthy of the veriest sehool i boy. Thus one day, when the doors and ' windows of the cottage had been left i open, this sly old pachyderm amused himself by moving all the furniture of < my predecessor within reach out into his j enclosure. On another occasion, when 1 his keeper wm a few <iond» i $1.25 Per Annum; 75 cents for Six Months; - 50 cents Tbrre Months; Singh' Copies I 5 cents—ln Advance. at dinner, there was discovered in the soup not the single permissible hair of or dinary domesticity, but a whole mass of something resembling fur. It seems that a dromedary, who occupied the next in closure to His Ro/al Highness, had that day been deprived of his hirsute cover-, ing, and the elephant took advantage (T the incident to introduce this nov flavoring into his keeper’s soup withew t ie knowledge of the cook. “Bit these arc only specimens of t * tricks that Belisarius was constants, playing in bis new role. At last it b® came evident, even to the not very iicut™ intelligence of the keeper, that he would have to ref ire from his post in favor of some one more agreeable to the powerful and cunning brute. He therefore re-, signed, and all the employes of the Jardin were tried in turn as his succes sor. In vain! Belisarius had quite made up his mind as to the keeper he wanted, and was not to be drived vrom his fixed determination. I thus fouirdk myself master of the situation. Lucie’s" father was compelled to admit that I discharged the duties of the position bet ter than anyone else. But what a long step in advance for me and at my age— all the way from common gardener to elephant keeper! “The poor man, who was really anxious that his daughter should make a good mutch, did not show me out when 1 asked for her hand a second time. “A month later Lucie and 1 were mar ried. The wedding dinner was spread under the arbor covenxl with clematis that adjoins the elephant’s enclosure, which permitted Belisarius to attend as one of the guests. He also deigned to consume that portion of the feast which had bacn prepared for his special bene fit. Eighteen of the little rye rolls he al ways found so toothsome and eleven bunches of carrots probably made his majesty feel almost us contented as if he were about being married himself. At all events they had a quieting and hu manizing effect upon Ids disposition. No boyish tricks disturbed our frugal ban quet—no dromedary hairs were found in the soup. With his single eye he gazed cheerfully upon the happy scene, and as you have seen, Monsieur, he still watches with the same thoughtful care over iny wife and little one.” Convicts’ Whims. “The boys adopt various methods for passing away the time,” remarked a state prison < fficer. “Chicken Welch, who with three other prisoners, escaped from the institution last summer by scaling the roof of the south wing, but was cap tured, has hit upon an idea which ap parently interests him greatly. He is imitating Harry Jennings and is raising rats. He has got about half a dozen at present. It is amusing to see him as he passes to and from his cell to the shop where the men stay during the day. His rodent companions, which are quite large, put their heads out of his pockets and if there is no one very near they will run up on his shoulder, and even on top of his head. They are very tame and seem to affectionately regard the con vict, who is certainly proud of his pets. He is learning them to perform several interesting feat*. * “When Harry Jennings was ayresi dent of the institution, under Warlen Haynes, he bred mice, and had at oMc time in the cel la-, under the clerk's office, about 400 of these little creatures, some of which were white, some black, some brown and some a mixture o| these colors. Descendants ot Jenningswmice are quite numerous in the prison, not a few of the convicts having one or two specimens.- The men enjry the com panionship of these verinin and prize them highly. The prisoners, however, who are the fortunate possessors of canary birds do not take kindly to the mice.— Bouton Globo." Willing to Accommodate. “I would give you more than a dime,” saida kindly old gentleman to a tramp, “but I have nothing smaller than a five dollar bill. Have yod any little ones, my'friend I” “Yes, «iir; I have a few little one und , two dollar bills. I’ll break thu five for, vou. .n VO—x o»«- - NO. 2.