The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, October 30, 1886, Image 2

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JlTJllil HMR RUBUBHED EVERY SATURD AY, BY THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO.. ST. JULIAN STREET, N. E. CORNER MARKET HQTAHE. Subscription Rates. (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.) One Year, fl 25 Mix Months, 75 Three Months, .. 50 icnt, to any person in the Untied. States without extra charge. .RAtnlttancen nlOHt be made by Postal Note, loney Order, Registered Letter, or Express. J. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. R. W. WHITE. Solicitor. jfNF"This paper Is not responsible for. nor oes it necessarily endorse, the sentiments ex ressed in published communications. Let !r» should bo addressed to th3 TRIBUNE U BLLsJI ING COM PAN Y. BK(IISTKKEI> AS HECON ir-CI.ASS MATTER AT he Savannah Post Office. AVANNAII. <; A , October 30, 1886. gl/jA’ ty eelic; n teeing ■ THE WOULD. ■he unveiling of Bartholdi's ■mt staue of Liberty on Bidloe’s kland'at New '.'ork on lust Thtirs iuy whs a memorable occasion to all Iniericaus, and the vibration of latriotism was felt all over the lountry. The statue is of bronze ln<l is the gift of the French people >0 the United States, the citizens kt which have erected it on a shaft |r petieS'lal three hundred and six leet above low water mark. It pre lents a most grand and imposing light, that is very gratifying to all liberty loving people. I A laige delegation of some of he most distinguished citizens of prance honored the occasion with I >eir presence, among whom was the distinguished artist himself who s justly very proud of his famous masterpiece of art President bleveland and his cabinet were Ireseut sis well as dignitaries and Ifficials from various part- of the Biuntry. »All public offices and Ind schools Were dosed, and it is Istimated that over 30.000 were in ■>e parade which consisted of the liilitary, ami civic societies, and the liaval demonstration in the afier |oon was fully equal to the occasion, i'he pyrotecnical display at night W* one of the grandest ever wit lessed in New’ York, and wel vorthy as a grand finale to the nemorable event. The following is the conclu.-ion 4 the address of Hon. yM, Jepew the orator of the day : ITS MEANING. “It means that with the abolition of >rivi|egcs to the few and the infrantfhi-e --ueat of ind viduals, equality of all men tefore the law and universal suffrage, a lallot from fraud and voters ‘foiij intimidation, the press free and education furnished by the state lor all, liberty of worship and tree speech, the riaht. to rise and equal opportunity for honor and fortune, the problems of labor and capital, of social regeneration and moral growth, property and poverty will work themselves out under the benign enfluenee of an enlightened, law making and law-abiding liberty without th- aid of kings and armies, or of an archists and bombs. Through the obel isk so strangely recalled to us of yester day the past of twenty centuries a for gotten monarch says: 1 am the. great king, the conqueror, the chastiser of natioffs,’ and except as a monument of antiquity it conveys no meaning and touches no chord of human sympathy, Jru’ for unnumbered centuries to come, as liberty levels up the people to higher standards and a border life, this statue will grow in the admiration and affec tion of mankind, When Franklin drew the 1 ghjning from the clouds he little dreamed that in the evolution of science his di’overy would illuminate the torch of\zKherty fir France and America. Tfays from this beacon, lighting this gateway to the continent, will welc me the peer and perceeuted with hope and promise of home and citizen? hp. It will teach them that there is room and brotherhood for all who will support our institutions and aid in our development, but that those who come to disturb our peace and dethrone our laws areidiens and enemies forever. I devoutly believe that, from the unseen and unknown two great souls have come to participate in this celebration. The faith in which they d« id is fulfilled, the cause for which they battled is triumphant, the pe pie they loved in the full enj yment of the rights for which they abored and fought and suffered—the spirit voices of Wa-hingtou and Lafayette join in the glad acclaim of France and the I’nii d Mams to Liberty Enlightening the jjVorld.” The nianuf ictnre of brown jugs has nearly doubled since Atlanta went dry. The General Assembly of the state of Georgia will meet on next Wednesday. Sixty thousand Knights of Labor welcomed the return of their dele g/iteh to Philadelphia from the con vention held in Richmond last week. Hon. Anthony’ Wilson 1 as been re-elected to the Legislators from Camden county, and Hon. L. Craw ford has been elected to repi esetit Mclntosh. Lucius M. Lamar, Esq., of Hawkinsville, has been appointed United States Marshal for the i Southern District of Georgia, in place of Col. E, C. Wada. Short letters on important public matters are requested from all parts' of the country. Write plainly '>n one side of the paper and sign your full name. Names will not be pub lished unless it is so desired. It is announced from Philadel phia that two strong ball nines to Cuba this winter. They ‘ fllay a series of games in Havana, after which they will play twelve games with the home clubs of that city. The Election for members. of the [ •50 th Congress takes place on next fimsday, and both the Republican and Democratic parties are putting, forth unusual efforts to secure a] majority. None of the democratic candidates have any opposition in this state. It is well knovn tint the French people do not obey the injunction to love thy neighbor as thyself, towards the Germans. This they have shown by boycotting beer made in Germany. It would be interesting if the Germans should retaliate by refu-ing to drink tiie fine wines for which France is famous. I HE Atlanta Defiance states that the libel case against Hon. W. A. Pledger has been continued to the heel of the session by the Supreme Court where it has been carried on a writ of error by him. The peo ple in this state are famili r with this case against Col. Pledger and if is to be hoped that the Supreme Court will see the unwisdom of confirming the desision of the court below which was against him Rev. Samvel Hi tchenson, pos sibly the ablest colored revivalist in the country, has been appointed by Bishop Turner, to go through the entire work, and do revival la bor. He will render infinite sei vice whereever he goes if the pastors will turn over their church es to him while there. Poweriui as a preacher, mighty as a singer, and understands work as few ministers do—Southern Re corder. ( The prohibition and anti-Prohi bition people of Atlant i are trying haul to unite on a ticket that will be satisfactory to both sides and for the good of the city. At a meeting held a few nights since a committee of fifty was appointed, twei tyfive fom each side to form a ticket, and it will require two thirds of the whole number to make a nomination. It is scarcely prob able that they will be able to agree and tiie candidate of each f iction will have to “tote his own skillet” or little brown jug. President Cleveland has res ponded to an a ) peal for aid from a colored Methodist church in Charleston by a contribution of $lO accompanied by the following letter of sympath\: Washington, Oct. 9,1886. AVr. A. Hu fin Nichol*: Mv Dear Si a—l have received your letter asking for pecuniary aid in repairing the Emanuel African Metho dist Episcopal Church which was seri ously damaged by the recent earth quake. 1 am very glad to contribute something for so worthy a cause, and though the sum is uot large it is accom panied by the wish that through the kindness oi those who appreciate the value of such au iostrurmntalitv for good your church may 8 'on resume its career of usefulness. Yours very truly, Grover Cleveland. I Geronimo tne celebrated Indian I chief and his warriors who so sue-- icei-sfullv defied the United States army for many years, but was recently captured by the U. S. forces, have been sent to Fort Pick j ens by direction of the Secretary of War, where they will be incar cerated until the Government shall j otherwise order. The squawsand ichi'dren of the band have been taken to Fort Marion in Flo 1 ida where they will remain until other wise directed by the war authorities When being separated from their braves the squaws indulged in the wildest lamentations, which was very distressing to the men. The State Fair at Macon was formally opened on Wednesday last and will continue all of next week. A large crowd is in atten dance, and while considerable in terest is manifested the exhibits are deficient in some respects to what they were last year. The mechani cal and agricultural displays are very creditable. The races and fire department contest form a very important feature of the fair. There is no doubt that on the whole the fair will be a success. Round trip tickets from Savannah cost but $5,75 good until November sixth. The municipal campaign in New York city is attracting the attention of the people all over the country, There are three candidates for Mayor namely, Messrs. Abram He\fitt who has the support of Tiynmany Hall and the county De mocracy, Theodore Roosevelt the Republican candidate, and Henry George the candidate of the labor or workingmen party. The people of New ork are thoroughly arous ed and every inch of ground is being s übbornlv contested. The candidates are all men of the high est character, and there is therefore no mud slinging. Hewitt and Roose vi It as well as their friends gre ifly fear tiie election »>f George on ac count of the danger which his (“lec tion would threaten 8 ciety. They claim that if George is elected the socialists or arnarchist views and doclrines will assume formidable proportions. They are three strong men and one’s chances of election seems to be as good as the others. Whoever is elected will have h’s hands full in purifying the official morals of the city as it is said that corruption and rascality has grown bold over success. Congress at its last session passed a law authorizing the construction of a public building in Savannah at a cost of $200.1)0(1 and made an ap propriation of $5°,000 to com mence the work. Since th* law was passed the Treasury officials having charge of such matters, have been actitely at work to se cure a suitable site for the building Bids were received for furnishing a proper site, but the one recom mended by the special Treasure Agent ns suitable, northwest corner of Bull and South Broad streets, is objectionable on account of the price. I'he owner of the propertv ask s62,ooo for it which is considered exorbitant by the Speci d Agent who Values it at between S4O 000 and $45,000. The Secretrry of the I reasury it is said will approve the Special Agent’s report to acquire the property by cond mnation, but is in doubt as to his po ,w zer to do so and the law officer of the g iverninent will be called on for an opinion in the premises, and if there is no authority under the law for such a course, the matter will be referred to Congress. From rhe present outlook it would seem that work on the ‘‘new public building” will not be started until far into next year. P. O'CONNEL L. S.-i-'sors, Saws and Razors Sharpened. Parasols and Umbrellas rep tired K-vs , titled to Locks. Repaired, and all ! kinds of Jobbing executed neatly Cor- I nor St. Julian and West Broad srteets. J. W. WARREN, —dealer in— Grociries, Mu fnb, It. Corner Most Bioad and Sims Street. 8a va n n uh, G corgia> ( B. D Middelton, THE BARBEE, Formerly with James Cary and James B. Alston, desires to inform his many friends that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP, At No. 180 Brian street near Jeffer son whare be will be pleased to accom modate all who may call on him. IW-Open on Sundays from 6 to 11 o’cl’k a m- LEWIS MIZELL, 55 Drayton Street. Hair Dresser Children and Ladies’ Hair-cutting and Shampooing a specialty. Shaving neatlv done. Customers private mugs, open from 6 a. m. until 11:30 p. in. Sundays, 6a. in., to 10 a. m. If You Want First-Class Work Go To James B. Alston; The T 3 a.riser. No. 43, WHITAKER STREET. Shaving, Hair-cutting, Shampooing and all kinds of work in his line done with neat ness and dispatch, and as cheap as the cheap est Children Hair-cutting and and the honing of Razors given special attention. J AS. J. J EFFERSON?” The Bess iarb?r mi Ewtar. Corner West Broad and Congress Streets. Respectfully inform the public t’iat he is now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, at the cheapest rates. Children and La dies’ Hair-cutting a specialty. Call and give him a trial before going (Isewhere. Open Sun days from (i to 11 o’clock a. in. PERMANENT and transient BOARD and LODGING. BY S. B. GRANT, Corner Liberty and Reynolds Streets. (Opposite S. F. & W. R. R. Depot.) Accommodations good. Rates reason able. Splendid location. LODGING 25 cents PER NIGHT. “newly "fit tedup LABORING MEN’S HOME Restaurant and Lodging, Wm. B. BROWN, Prop’r. 182 Bryan Sireet, SAVANNAH, GA. Ab ais at all hours. Choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on hand. WHEN VISITING MACON, GA , STOP AT MRS. C. H. THOMPSON’S, >* «» r JT' JE . Only Fir.-t-class House in the Citv for the accommodation of Colored Peo ple. Tables supplied with the best th< market affords. Convenient to business part of the city. Terms reasonable. Mrs C. H. Thompson, Pr pri. tre.-s Fourth Street. Macon, Georgia. AT KROUSKOFF’S MILLINEKU HOUSE ! There is a grand sight for you all !!! NEW MILLINERY GOODS Hats, Flowers, Silks, Satins, Crapes, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats! Nothing but New Goods—all to be sold cheap. 1,000 Straw and Felt Hats black, white and colored, at all prices. 1.000 Plumes ami Feathers. Remember This Is HEADOUARTERS For Society Hats and Ribbons, also. Head quarters for Mourning Goods, Crapes, Veils and Hats. Do not fail to come at once to the headquarters of S. KROUSKOFF, 151 Broughton Street. 0 i * « £ J CRANE - PR ACT ICA L- A WATCHMAKER ! AND JEWELER, 41 Whitaker St., 3d door from York, SAVANNAH, CA.* All work guaranteed to be done in first-elans . order. \l paid for Old Gold and Silver. JOSIAH J. GRANT, / WHEELWRIGHT, BLACKSMITH, 1 AND GENERAL JOBBING. Manufacturer of GRANT’S celebrated Cotton Gimlet for Sampling Cotton, 199 CONGRESS STREET, NEAR MONTGOMERY, Savannah, Georgia. SAIMViII ITTELLIGE.U’EIIEM, 14G LIBERTY STREET, THIRD DOOR FROM WHITAKER. Apply to the above for Butlers. Cham ber-M ids, House Girls, Cooks, Wai ters. Nurses, Hostlers, etc. We guarantee First-class Servants. P. />. Bracewell, Co,, R. THOMAS, Agent. FRANKLIN F. IT STALL Ml. 31, l.\ TIIE MARKET, Announces to his friends and the pub lic that he keeps on hand a fresh supply of the best Beef, Veal and Mutton, also all kinds of game when in season, and will be glad to wait on his customers as usual with politeness and promptness. His prices are reasonable and satisfac tion is guaranteed. Goods delivered if desired. Don’t fotget, Stall 31. GREEN GROCERY. o HENRY FIELDS, The Old Reliable GREEN GROCER, WOULD inform his friends and the public that hastill holds the fort at his old stand corner South Broad and East Boundry streets, where lie keeps on hand, constantly, a full supply of fresh BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON. PORK. I-ISH, POULTRY, EGGS, GAME and all kinds of Vegetables. Prices reasonable—to suit the times. Goods delivered if desired. Edward B. Campbell, Wholesale and Retail Cor Wheaton and East Boundary streets. Beef, Mutt >n,- Veal, Pork, Sausages, Poultry, Vegetables, &e. Articles fresh and of the best quality. Orders'promptly filled and delivered free to any part, of the city.