Newspaper Page Text
Savannah Intelligence Office,
f Third door from Whitaker.
Apply to the above for Butlers, Cham
berruaiils, House Girls, Cooks, Waiters,
Nurses, Hostlers, etc.
We guarantee first-class servants.
Wheelwright, Blacksmith and
General Jobbing,
Manufacturer of GRANT’S Celebrated
Cotton Gimlet for Sampling cotton
Ififl Congress St., near Montf/omrvy,
Restaurant & Lodging,
W»i. B. Brown, Proprietor,
IS2 Bryan St., SA IASS AR. G I.
Meals at all hours. Choicest, brands of
i’ l wines, liquors and cigar sal ways on
S Mrs. C. H. Ttassoii’s Hotsl,
If L
K* Only first class hon-tein tlity for the
s accommodation of colored people. Ta
E hies supplied with the best the market
■ affords. Convenient to business part of
K the citv. Terms reasonable.
■ Mitk C. H. THOMPSON, Prop ss.
■ Pou:th st:>• ■*, Mac n, Ga.
I The Boss Barber and Hairdresser
■ Corner West Broad and Congress Sts.
■ Respectfully informs the public that be
■ is now prepared to do all kinds of work
■ in his line, at the cheapest rates. t'hil-
■ dren's and Ladies' haireutting a specinl-
Ty. Call an 1 give him n trial before go
K ing elsewhere, Open Sundays from (T M
H 11 o'clock, a. m.
E B. D. Middelton,
Kt Formerly with .lames Carey and James
K> B. Alston, desires to inform his many
K friends that he has opened a
■ At No. 180 Bryan street, near Jefferson,
wnere he will be pleased to accommodate
K all who may call on him. Open on Sun
days from *> t<> 11 o'clock, i. m
■ S 3 iiit.irTOS suirinr.
K Children's and Ladies" H lireutt iny ami
. Shampooing a specialty. Shaving m-aily
‘lone. ■Customers private mttg*. Op m
from Ga. in. until 11 :l‘O p. m. Sunda.'s,
■ 3. in. to It) a. m.
B 1310 >• 8-Z.r r fl'\S
Ladies'tmd Gents’ v. k.s m-td ■ <■> oroer.
Also Fronts, To ipees, Waves, Car's.
W frizzes and Hair Jewelry. We root am.
■K juako up ladies’ out. combings ;i
JB desirable st;. U. We have <hnr:iet'rUi.;-
• of all kind-t > rent t Ma
|M queradet and tail.'.< ■ Lain--
» rhildron Hnir cutt’c.g r.mi lump• >*»•
BH Also, ba ir dr. s-ing .it r.
■B requited. We i-'tt and ti’.c: imaig m :JI
M of the latest styles. Ca a paid ro,'e'it
BE hair and f.a'.ibjn'.’ cI., Ail g > d>
willingly excha :.:;cd i. i ■ itisi'a; t .
Kid Gloves (’•e.-med.
■9SB 5G Whitaker St. S.ivanmih, Gi
H FR AX KM ?< Z- •’ < > N ■ ><
BB Announces to bis f:; • :ds ami ;be pitbi:.;
that he keeps on h:m ! a f'.vsh si;pii*y
HB the best Beef, Veal and Mutton, a’..-mW
kinds of game v.hen in • anndv.i.!
|B be glad t<> w.-it lis cuU<>::i"r< a- um-.-
HE with politeness and p:.>niptne--. IL,
B-prices are reaso':ni>h and s.'i-i'mt i< m, m
■B| guaranteed, t.’.smls dr'iverad :f denied.
■ Edward B. Campbell,
B e’utc:hek (
IEEE Cor.-Wi'.est.i:; i:; 1 E 1.-. 111 m.;; hr,- Si;, |
Beef, Mutton. Veal. San-age-.
EfiS Poultry, Vegetables, etc.
Articles fresh ■'.nd oi" the b‘-t orndity
gffiH Orders promptly* tide I and de .v re i !"■■■■.
an y P art rii*' city.
HhENKY m.t.i >-
THE OLD .KltLtynt.E
UgREEN <ar ttOCER.
WOULD inform his friends and the
pul. ; : e that be titil h
HHM t bis old stand corner South Broad and
East Boun lry “.rein-. ■.■ am ~n
■■■hand constantly, a fail >upp' > fresii
■MB Bee'.’. Veal. Mutton. 1' I. i'i m. I*
Game :t'id all kc: is i f W m ;
MHEk Prices reason i"'b‘- t<> th.-
sm'Bfe; ;ds delivered if tied:c l.
| Os Which the Public Known But Little-
SV urtliy i>l Careful Conuiderntion.
To the Editor of the Si:i-n<i'l'- American:
Will, you, per .nit u< to muke known to the
1 public the facta wk have learned during the t) year*, concerning disorders of the
human Kidney* and the organ* which di.*- ( Kidney* *o entity break down* Yom
are conducting a Scientijlc paper, and are ■
unprejudiced e rcepf. in faror of THUTH. It
in n- edtes.* to say, no JctumaZ of ;
■ “Cod«” sfandtny would ai/mit these, facta, j
for very obviomt reason*.
If If. WARS’EIi it: CO.,
Proprietori of “ Warner’* Safe, Cure.” 1
That we may amphasizu and clearly ex ,
plain the relation the kidneys sustain to the
j general health, and how much i.s dependent
; upon them, we pro[M><e, metaphorically i
■ sjteaking, to take one from the human body, ;
: place it m the wash-bowl before us, and ex
amine it for the public benefit
You will imagine that we have before us a
j Ixsly shaped like a bean, smooth and glisten
• ing, about four inches in length, two in width,
■ and one in thickuels. It ordinarily weighs
in the adult male about five ounces, but is
somewhat lighter in the female. A small
' orenn! you say. But nndensiatid, the body
■ of the average size man contains about fen
’ quarts of blood, of which every drop pastes
| through these filters or sewers, as they may
■ be called, many limes a day as often as ,
t hrough the heart, making a complete revo
lution in three ininvt •*. From the blood
they separate the waste material, working
: away steadily night and day, sleeping or
| waking, tirei ‘,s;s as the heart itself, and fully
; of as much vital importance; removing im
purities from sixty-five gallons of blood each
hour, or aitout forty nine barrets each'lay, 1
>or !), lAj hogsheads a year' What a wonder
■ that the kidneys can last any length of time
i under this prodigious strain, tqpated and
i neglecto l as they are!
! We glieo this deli ate organ open length-
I wise with our knife, an 1 wilt roughly de
! scr;’ e its inti'rior.
We find it to be of a reddisii-brown < olor,
soft and easily torn, tilled with hundreds of ;
litt.'e tubw. short and threa 1-like, starting j
from the arteries, ending in a little tuft, about |
midway from the outsids opening into a
j cavity of considerable size, which is called j
j the pelvis or, roughly speakizig, a sac, which
, is for the purpose of holding the water t>
j further undergo purification before it passes
I dow n from here into the ureters, and so on I
i to the outside of the liody. Thete little tubes
are the filters which do their work aato-
and right here is where the dis- I
e.a.s ■ of th • kidney first begins.
Poing the vast amount of work which I
1 they are obliged to, from the slightest irreg- |
[ ularity in our habits, from cold, from high
i living, from stimulants or a. thousand anil
| oue other eatLses which occur every day, they
become somewhat weakened iu their uerve I
f or ,e, 1
VYTat is the result! Congestion or stoppage ’
of the current of blood in the small blood |
? vessels surrounding them, which become
; blocked: these delkate membranes are irrt- ’
; tated; inflammation is set up, then pus is ;
I formed, which collects in the pelvis or sa-; ‘
' the tubes are at first part ially, and soon are j
I totally unable to do tneir work. The pelvic ■
! sac goes on distending with this corruption, I
; pressing upon the bloo.l vessels. All this j
i time, remember, the blood, which is entering I
j the kidneys to be filtered, is passing through i
thi : terrible, disgusting pus, tor it cannot
' take any other route!
Stop and think of it for a moment! Do
‘ you realize the importance, nay the vital ns
: eessity, of having the kidneys in order?’ Can
you expect when they lire diseased or ob- ;
i structed, no matter how little, that you can '
have pure blood and escape disease;’ It j
would be just as reasonable to expect, if a <
pest-house were sot across Broakwny and '
I countless thou-an is were compelled to go i
through its pestilential doors, an escape from
contagion and disease, as for one to expect
the blood to escape pollution when <on-tantly i
i running through a diseased kidney.
Now, what is the result! Why, that the ■
’ blooii takes up and deposits this poison ns it
i sweeps along into every organ, into every i
[ inch of muscle, tissue, flesh and bone, from <
your Iva.l to your feet. And whenever, from
■ hereditary influence or otherwise, some part
: of th > body is weaker than mother, a count- I
less train of diseases is established, such as I
1 consumption iu weak lungs, dyspepsia where
there is a delicate stoma'h; nervousness, in
, sanity, paralysis or heart disease in those 1
I who have weak nerves. I
l 'l’he h-art must, soon feel Hie ejjerts of Ihe
, poison, as it requires pure blood lo keep it
[in right action. It increases its stroke in
I number and force to compensate for the
I natural stimulus wanting, iu its endeavor to
| crowd the impure blood through this ob
struction, causing ; am, paipiiation, or an
out-of-breat h feeling. I. nnatural as this ;
force! labor is. the heart must soon falter,
, bsco.'iiing w alter and weaker until one day
it nr ileniy slops, and death from apparent 1
“h?a* t diseas is the verdi t.
Bui; the medical prof.- s on. learned and
dignified, call these dlsea-es by highs mnding
nati.e treat them alone, ansi patients die,
j for the arteries etre carryin t slow death to
I the ari'eided part, constantly adding fuel
br< tight fi-m the-*© -uppurating, pus laden
, kidneys which here in our wash bowl are
■ very 'putrefaction itself, and which should
ha-, e been cured first.
' ut tins is not a 1 th© kidneys have to do;
j for you mint remember thatea h adult takes
j ab>ut seven pounds of nourishment every
, twenty-four houra to supply th ■ vast© of the
j body w hich is constantly going on, a waste
ouial t itho quantity taken. This, too, th©
i kidneys have toseparute from the blood with
' till othnr da ’oinj odiu matter.
But you say: “My kidneys are all right. I
' have no pain in Ihe back." Mi-taken num!
I'o >; le die of kiduey disease of so bad a char
acter that the organs lire rotten, and yet
1 they have uecer there had a pain nor an
i ache.’
Why I Because the disease begins, as we
I have shown, in the iut rior of tuo kidney,
! where there are few net e ■<(>>' t'celiaq tbcon-
I vey the scivation of pain. Why this is so
1 we may never know.
Whim you consider their great work, the
deliia v of their structure, the ease with
which they are deranged, can you wonder at
t!o di-healthof ©ur men an » women? Health
and long li'e < be expected when so vi
tal an organ is impaired. No wonder some
writers ay wo are degenerating. Don't von
see the great, th? extreme importance of
i e* mg this muehinory in wonting order?
aid the finest engine do even a fractional
j part . f this work, without attention fro n
the erg-no r? Don't you see how dangerous
j this h.dden disease is? It is lurking about
• us constantly, without giving any indication
of its present c.
The nuist skillful physicians earn t deto t
it at ;imes, fur tfic .'.ii/ne.' s tA-’iHscf i-r-.s can
| no' /<.• nij ed by any menus wo liave at
I our command. E\ en an analysis th© water,
j vhennc.-dly and iniucsv i? a lv. re.eali
I nothing do mite in many care \ even when
the ki ir.oy-' nre fnirlv broken do«
. Then 100 it for them, as f i-ease, uo ma*:-
| ter wiien* atad. to'.r> per <eir.. as shown
: by n'tor-di Jtii ©‘aminations, has its origin
| tn th© breaking I ■ nos these secreting tubes
i m tn© inter or o the kidney.
As you value health, a- you desire lon .-li’e
I free iroin sickne s and sui-'ering. give these
I or. a.s some atrent on. K-'eptiemin good
I con .'itiou and thus urevent (as is easily done)
al! d s- ar©
Warner's Safe Cure, as it become; year af
ter year b -tter »n..w:i for its a cu ter.' J cure©
and its power over the kidneys, nas done and
« doing more to increase the average dura
tion of life than all the physicians and moli
cines known. Warner’s Safe Cure is a true
specific, mild but certain, harmless but ener
getic and agreeable to the taste.
Take it when sick as a cure, and never let
a mouth go by if you need it, without taking
a few bottles as a preventive, that the kid
neys niavjie kept in nroper order, the blood
nure, that health an I long life may be yous
blessing. H H Warner &, Co.
He Did Not Walk.
Jabc Mathis, of ih<‘ Thirteenth Geor
gia, was a good soldier, but one day
w hen the Confederates were retreating
from the gory field of Gettysburg Jabc
threw his mnsk .t on the ground, seated
himself by the roadside, and exclaimed
with much vehemence:
“I’ll bedashed if I walk another step!
I’m broken down! I can’t do it!” And
Jabe was the picture of despair.
“Get up, man,” exclaimed hits Captain,
“don’t you know the Yankees arc fol
lowing us ! They’ll git you, sure!”
“Can’t help it,” said Jabe, 4 I’m done
for. I’ll not walk another step!”
The Confederate passed along over the
of the hill, and lost sight of poor,
dejected Jabe.
In a moment there was a fresh rattle of
musketry and a renewed crash of sheiks.
Suddenly Jabe appeared on the crest of
the bill moving like a hurric.uie, and
followed by a cloud of dust. As he dash
ed past his Captain that officer yelled:
“Hello ! Jabe; thought you wasn’t
going to walk anymore.”
•'Thunder!” replied Jabe, as he hit the
'lust with renewed vigor, “you don’t
call this walking, do you.
— « • «. .———
“You seem animated by this fine scene,
my dear Annie,” said a lover. ‘ No,”
said she; “I shall never be,
until lam your wife, dearest t” Hcgave
her such a kiss that Jemima vowed she
thought somebody had hit against the
door with a life-presserver, it made such
a noise.
You Can Learn HuwtuGet Rich
by sending your address to Hallett <Ss Co.,
Portland. Maine; they will send you fall in
formation about work that you can doand live
at home, wherever you are located. Work
adapted to al! ages and both sexes. $5 to §'!s a
day and upwards easily earned. Some have
earned over SSO in aday. All succeed grandly.
All is new. Vou are started free. Capital not
required. Delay not. All of the alwve will be
proved to you. and you will find yourself on the
road to a handsome fortune, with a large and
absolutely sure income from the very start.
Sixtieth Year..
The Youth’s Companion celebrates this
year its sixtieth anniversary. It might well
be named the “Universal Companion,” since
its readers are foun'd in ICO OX) families; It is
so wisely edited that its pages are as interest
ing to adults as to the young people. Bas des
the best Short and Serial Stories ifcontains a
great variety of popular and useful informa
tion on Natural History, Science, Home Arts,
(fames and Sports, and is fuhy illustrated. It
costs but $1.75 a year, and a -utlscriptiou :ant
now is credited to January. ItiSS.
If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp
son’s Eye-water. Druggists sell at 25c per bottle.
TOXICS, quickly and completely CLEANSES
tha action of the Liver and Kidneys. Clears the
complexion, matses the skin smooth, ltd resnot
injure the teeth, cause headache, or produce eon-
Phyaieians and DvaggUta eve , rhere recommend it.
Dr N. S Ruggles. of Marion. Ir •_ Rays: 'I
recommend Brown’s Iron Bitter) ■••: i>• > . ixblo tonic blood, and ramorin-g <U dy?j>epti<x
symptoms. [t does :i n hnrt tho * -st i ”
Dr K. M. Delzell. it-n-aol ■!•«.. Ind . says: I
have prescribed Bro wn’s Iren Bittars in of
anaemia and bl xxl diseases also wh?n n. tn’dc va’
needed, and it Lis proved thoroughly wH<fic’’orY.’’
Mr.W*f. Byrns. 36 Sc Mary St New Or!> <ns. La.,
flays: “Brown's Icon Bitter» relieved me i:i a *•£.■’.*s
of blood poisoning, and I heartily commend it to
those needing a purifier.”
The Genuine h.u Trade Mark and crossed red lines
on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
Ladies’ Il.'vn Book—-useful and attractive, con
taining list of prices for recipes, information about
coin i etc., given away by <ll dealers in medicine, ur
mailed to any address ou receipt of 2c. stamp.
On the EASY I’A V MEN T -ostein, frotn 53.25
per mon tn up Ibb style ■-. $22 to bend for Cat
alogue with full particulars, mailed fr<e.
Con.trncted oa the new inethol of str>n;:nic, on
aiinhar ternn. Send for dee -rlpttvo Cats o: ,;e.
Boston. New Y«rk, Chicago.
By John B. Gough.
HU last and croivpliit life work, brim full of thrillins Inter-
Mt, burner cud pathos. Bright, pure, and good, full of
u Uurhter and Utra ‘it «eU« aJtijluJ* oil. Ta it is eddod
the Life and Doidb of Mi. Gouxh. by Rev. LYMAN AB
fIOTT. 1000 AjtnU Wanted,—lhn aud Women. SIOO
io gOOO » month (Id*l*Uf<ricc «e Aindrancs as X
tiva P-rtra T«rmt and Fay Write for circular* t®
▲. I*. WORTHINGTON A Hartford. Voua.
Blaoufacturem of and Dealers in
Saws Jnd Saw-Hill Supplies.
' V ll«-Fairi»K n Specially.
* ’.'f?j'Agcnt-s for L. PIWHB A UQMPAST’t
>yQ-< , , f’y Wood WorkiH< Machinery.
Laig" Mid curr-rlate stcck. Writ,
for catalogue. Atlanta. Ga.
/ Don’t buy a watch until you t
/ flnd out about the latest improTo- I
f meats. Send for new illustrated /
/ catalogue and prico list. J. P. /
/ Stevene, Jeweler. 47 Whiteltall /
' Street. Atlanta. Ga. '
rtaoit Cured. Treexxuntecnton trial.
VS iteLki m ttAJXKIU.dKUrCO-taFu7Htie.lQ4.
No Difference.
“Its very hard on the poor man—
forced to work in heat or cold, storm or
“I don’t think so.”
“loti don t. Look at the luxuries the
rich man enjoys; there’s the full grate in
winter, ice when it’s warm- ”
“Well, the poor man has his ice, as
well as anybody else.
“He does?”
“Certainly; only the rich man has his
in summer, and the poor man gets his in
Daughters, Wives and Mothers.
Send for Pamphlet on Female Diseases, free,
securely sealed. Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica, N.Y
Straic.htkn your old boots and shoes with
Lyon’s Heel Stiffeners, and wear them again.
iffiß r>a '» for • Year’s •übacrip-
OO Vedll.o ’ton to the weakly American
llaral Home. Rochester, X. Y.. without pram
lum "the Choapeatand Beat Weekly in the World.”
8 page s. 18 columns, IS years old. For One Dollar
yon have one choirs from over 150 dUTrrent Cloth-
Bound Dollar Volumes. 800 to SO) pp.. and paper
one year, postpaid. Book postage, 13c. Extra. 10,000
books g ven away. Among them are: Law Without
Lawyers; Family Cyclopedia; Farm Cyclopedia;
Farmers’ an I Stockbreeders' Guide; Common Sense
tn Poultry Yard. World Cyclopedia: Danielson's
(Medical) Counselor; Boys' Useful Pastimes; k’lve
Years Before the Ma-t, Pei<>le’s Bistort of united
Sta'es; ’ nlvarsa! Hlsto. y of All Nations ; Popular
History Civil War’both side#).
Any oxa book and paper, one year, all postpaid, for
15 only. Paper alone 6ftc. If subscribed before
the Ist of March. Batisfaouon guaranteed on books
and Weekly, or money refunded. Reference. Hon. C.
It. PxßßO.'ts, Mayor Rochester. Sample papers, ‘As.
Without Prentium>&se. ayear [ Epgjs*3rup,XY.
head. E'y'.s Creaw
Ram works
magic. Il lyired rne
of catarrh and r<’-EL ,X
stored the sense
snie.U. E. 11. .ShT- •
icowj. Banker, Eliza- Irofcwlwr v" U SA. ]
A particle is applied into each nostril ami is agreeable
to use. Price 50 cte. by teat! or at druggists. Send for
circular. ELY BRO THERS, Druggists, Owego, N, Y.
prof.’s AMohXL Kilmer, m.d.
8 Discoverer of Dr. Kilmer’s
Complete Female Remedy
I,allies’ Home Treatment
. an, J Specific treatment for
all Complaints ana Diseases peculiar to
Daughters, Wives und Mothers
Ka r£rJ’,? < bottles.
kind is also sold separately:
v* ent ale Kemedy, 'Blood and System)sl
A It tU ttt 11- Leaf ISXt.,( Local Treatm’tjg 1 ’
V &* O A noi ntment, External “
t®~or the three in one Puekages2.Qo.
Recovers the “run-down;” bed-ridden’’
or “abandoned.” It Eliminates Humors
and Blood Impurities that cause Scrofula
< 'iJP cer ’ Tmnor, pinmles and blotches.
The age for Pessaries and Exposures is cast
Woman s Health and usefulness again
Dr. Kilmer treats internal Tumor, Cancer
You can’t afford to neglect early svniptoms. ’
B e, er< ! biquiry promptly answered, e
H Dr.Kilmers female Dispensary, Binghamton N Y K
0 Invalids’ Untile to Health" (.'lent. Free) ' I
| ®2 ,1} Bi ll ‘<' DKI LiLISTS. H
Sbkssks eiot sssssssac
~ llw BaiWdi Stalae
Haiaiiva In the UA ICTIIOL<>J LAMP. It is
coolest and safest, hunt. S e it,
w/ioLlshlp V p.)t, J.'j.J Fulton St., Now York.
11 HvniH’t ,•• • Circulttrxnailed t-’’
Frink’s Rupture Remedy
Will quickly cur» any cass of hernia or* rupture.
Explanation and testiinGiiials free. Address
FRINia, 234 Broadway ♦ New \ ork.
i’eotli Perfect and Gums Healthy.
g» _ _ _’ _ to Soldiers «Heirs. Sondßt-amp
Circulars. COL. L. BlNj.
E ®Bfi .o'uisfi J® 11A.M. Ati’y, Washington, D. U.
*• bNadny. Samples worth SLSO FREB
Lmea not under the horse's feet. Address
WlLv BaKwsrKH’sSAXKTV Rei-i Holder. Holly.Jlicn
425,000 I
Copies ready Dec. !, z? ihs
I Double Christinas Number
of the
Tooth’s Companion
Colored Cover, Twenty Fagot, Profusely Illustrated.
Mailed to any address for Ten Coats.
8 . Xew Subscr lptions sent at once,
al IJsLJ DM I. witll will delude th© Companion
. “ FREE from the time the subscrip-
kV ' n ? received to Jan. t, 1&&7» and a full year from that date. This
otter includes the Christmas Double Number.
Please mention this Paper.
Address FERRY HASOII & CO., <ls Terapie Place, Boston, Mass.
oo I Bi
'HieJnff BL’rKER i« warrnnfrr* wat-rproof, <n4 w!!l k*ep you dry !n
< /V L? nn IL m U tL * h ’ d * t • torw - Foe n-* POMMKL suem U A ftrftet rt<in< eoat. and
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A bottle of 1 ( I V
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'j|tZ3F Th AT THERE /S
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. wo THAT IS .
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Salvo CUBES ‘ ffiSra® ’
and Intemperance, not ins’antiy,
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dote for the Alcohol Habit and the
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•Ja bottles Highly endorsed by themed,
leal profession and prepared by svelf,
glj known New York physicians. Send
stamps for ilreulars and referextaes.
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£ as W JONES
® Too Wb<bu scale**
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Tare Baaa and Beam Box Cor
leery site Aeale. For free Ua*
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Machinery for Wei is of any depth, from 80 to i(X» fset,
for Water. Oil or Gas. Our Mounted Steam Drilling and
Portable Horse Power Machines set to work miOinmutea.
Guaranteed to drill faster and with lees power than any
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to S4O per day with our utitehmeryond teoi.e. Splendid
business for Winter or Summer. We ar® the oldest mid
largost Manufacturers in th* b istn®». Send 4 cents tn
Stampsforilhistrated Catalogue H. Abdkkss,
Fierce Well Excavator Co.. New York.
R« Rope to Cut Off Horses' Manes.
Oelebr crt'KCLl P«E’ HALTER. JfeHL
and BRIDLE Combined, cannot
be alloped by any horse. Satnplu
Halter to any part of U. S. free, on Jr -^Ker' ■‘iSbk!
reoetptoffl. SoldbyallSaddlery. At-wK/S 1 jsSkj
Hard ware and Harness Dealers.
Special discount to the trade, f-n! Vv
Bend for Prlce-Idd «, V
R-ochretrv. N. V. a»» w
8 German Asthma Cere never /« <!., to <iveH
s? ue (wiDAi’diate r*.Ue/in the worst Jases. laxures com- Eh
Hgfortabla aJcep: effects cures where ail others tail. aH|
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£st.OO, of Druggists Sample FREK forH
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/ 10c. for book of 50 pages, 4th edition.
Dr. J. H.Weodbury,STN.PcarlSL, Albany.N.Y., Est’b’dlß7oi
WF WAKT YQIT a Jive energetic man
W SUM • e 01 . WOIUIUi
profitable employment to represent ua in every
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large commission on Fedes if preferred, (roods <apie.
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Eaa-dsdft G feat tnsiish Uoutans
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gft ATST M T s * nl sta “P t 0»
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mj3 Also good for Cold in the Head,
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