The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 15, 1913, Image 6

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ttAKM 41-djfikj MV\r*HAra\n i 4Hb & - by ]Wp ECTRIGG jKf ; REGISTER, RoapRD.IA. SOBStSPffIWINCt fl St TO sawfojl y v j {This matter must not be reprinted with- out special permission.] If the newly built corn crib is of good size it will be well to make ar rangements for ventilation in case the corn is not thoroughly ripe when picked. In holding potatoes through the win ter it is well to keep in mind the fact that there is usually a shrinkage of five or six pounds per bushel during the period of storage. Trees that stand on the line between two properties belong jointly to the owners of such properties. In such ease neither party can trim or fell the trees without the consent of the joint owner. With a flock of hens in confinement a ration of finely chopped meat should he fed a couple of times a week to take the place of the insects and worms which they would get during the sum mer months if given free range. Thulin, the Swedish aviator, recently flew across the Baltic sea from Lands* krona to Stralsund. Germany, in two hours, the distance being covered at the rate of 156 miles per hour. This as three times the speed of the fastest passenger schedules. There may be a few sections of the country where the potato crop is up to normal, yet there are many other sec tions where hosts of folks not only have not raised enough for their own consumption during the winter, but will barely have enough for seed. Figures which have been compiled with much care by the United States geological survey show that the disas trous Ohio flood of last spring inflicted a loss on the territory visited by it of $200,000,000, and this huge total does not take into account indirect losses or losses of life. Adulteration in coffee may usually be detected by shaking some of the ground coffee in pure water. If pure the coffee will usually float on the sur face, while if adulterated the water will show a pronounced coloring as a result of the materials which are used in the adulterating process. Oct 21 has been set aside by the In ternational Apple Shippers’ association as national apple day. The object is to call country wide attention to the apple as an important fruit and to its relatively low cost One of the aims of the campaign is to see that every body eats an apple on national apple day. A speaker at the recent meeting of the National Meat Packers’ association predicted that within ten years the better cuts of steak would be retailing at $1 per pound. If this comes any where near being fulfilled it gives promise of a handsome return for the farmer who sticks to the stock raising business year in and year out. About the cheapest kind of hypocrite there is is the person who is uniformly • courteous and pleasant to strangers, but who is short and sharp and incon siderate with the members of his or her own household. The fraud in con nection With this kind of business is that such people want their neighbors to think them one thing when in reali ty they are quite different. Reports from many sections in the New England states seem to point to the fact that, while many es the small er orchard tracts and some of the larger have been sadly neglected, yet those who have carefully pruned and spray ed their trees and have given the cul tivation and fertilizing which condi tions required have been well repaid for their efforts in generous yields of marketable fruit. So effective is the vaccination meth od for typhoid fever'that in the Unit ed States army, where vaccination is io# compulsory, the number of deaths due to this disease has fallen from sev eral hundred annually, which was the death loss before vaccination was adopted, to twenty-seven cases in 1912, while during the past year there has not been a case among the 80.000 sol diers comprising the army. The verdict seems to be general, now that the fly season is about over, that these pests have been much less nu merous this season than in past years. There is little question that this is the direct result of a nation wide fly swat ting campaign, coupled with greater diligence in the matter of keeping their breeding places covered or disinfecting them. There is no need as yet, how ever, to fear that the supply of flies will be entirely exterminated and thus wipe out the useful service a few of them render as disintegrators of waste -decaying manorial and vegetable mat ter. Where has been grown for feed it should be cut now and put lu medium sized cocks and fed from these. It will not stand stacking in large masses, as Is done with hay and dry fodder corn, owing to its tendency to ferment and spoil. Under average conditions It costs not far from 80 cents per ton to take standing corn and put it into the silo. Other things being equal, the larger the force at work and the heavier the yield of corn fodder the cheaper is the cost per ton to handle it The little gasoline engine will turn the hand separator and do good work if the right kind of pulleys are used, but it should be partitioned off in a room by itself or at least have the exhaust connected up outside. The smell of gasoline must be kept away from the cream. The poultry department of the Min nesota experiment station strongly rec ommends cracked corn soaked several hours in skim, sour or butter milk as an excellent ration for fattening poultry for market. It not only produces rap id growth, but keeps the fowls plump and in good condition. Where it is possible it is well to manure and plow a part of the garden patch before freeze-up. This plowing turns up lots of insects that are in their winter quarters, exposing them to the weather and bird life, while the action of the frost and air upon the soil thus turned up is beneficial. A supply of lettuce may be provided which will last well into winter by set ting small plants in boxes and placing them where they will be protected from hard freezing. Later the boxes should be taken into the house and placed where they will get plenty of light and the plants watered fre quently. In sections where crickets cause trou ble by gnawing the twine bands with which grain is bound the matter may be overcome by soaking the balls of twine in kerosene or In a solution made by dissolving two pounds of bluestone in twelve gallons of water. The crick ets will let twine alone that is treated in this manner. Most cases of the poisoning of cattle that are allowed to pasture on fields of forage which have been stunted by drought during the summer months and have started to grow a second time seem to be caused by prussic acid, which is developed in small quantities in chemical changes which take place following such growth. The other day it was decided that hereafter with every marriage license in Cook county, 111., a cookbook will be presented to the couple about to be married. This will help some, for if there is one thing more than another calculated to give a young husband the jimjams maritally it is soggy and sour bread and biscuits before the honeymoon is over. I Not the least of the ills connected . with the large shortage in the 1913 I corn crop is an unusually high price, I which will tend to discourage the feed ing of the cereal to the farm animals. I The prime cause of the depletion in I fertility of so many American farms has been the selling of the products in the raw instead of in the finished form of butter, pork, mutton and beef. The carrots should be taken up and stored in the cellar before the heavy freezing weather comes on, while the parsnips and salsify will be of firmer texture if they are left until just be fore the ground freezes. Some of the two last named vegetables may be left in the ground all winter and dug when the frost goes out. If the roots put in the cellar are placed in moist sand and not allowed to dry out they will not shrivel and will keep their flavor and texture much longer. I ■■ In the state of Missouri a plan has lately been put in operation, following the passage of laws requiring it, where by the state pays sls a mile for the dragging and maintenance of all roads in the state connecting county seats, but the aid is given only to those coun ties in which the roads have been im proved to the point where they are ac ceptable to the state board of good roads. In other words, the state aids those counties which show a disposi tion to help themselves. It would be interesting as well as surprising to know how many of the 1 ills as well as bow much of the poor condition of domestic animals are more or less directly traceable to stale or musty food, impure water and lack of fresh air during those months of the year when close housing is necessary Not all of the conditions referred to exist at the same time or continue through the whole year, but on a good many farms they prevail to such an extent as to cause a good sized leak in . the farm income. How often in suggestions that are given for the care of animals or poul try in which a disease has appeared the direction is given to remove sick animals from the well. Os course the sick must be separated from the well, but in many cases it is far better to remove the well animals or poultry from those that are sick and, what is even more important, from the condi tions under which it has been possible for disease to develop. Leaving the well in the quarters where the sickness has developed is simply an invitation to have them cewae down with the I same malady. treating fence posts. Partners’ bulletin No. 387 should be in the hand-j of every farmer who has a job of fencing to do. It takes up simply, yet in detail, practical methods for treating wooden posts with pre servatives which will prolong their period of service. Outfits for treating posts in the manner mentioned cost from $lO or sl2 for simple homemade barrel outfits to SSO for tank outfits with bricked in fireplace in which the posts can be laid down full length. The most satisfactory results in treat ing posts seem to have been had with pine, cottonwood and willow posts, this being due to the cheapness of the post material and the greater capacity of these lighter woods for absorbing tiie preservative material. Before posts are treated all bark and fiber should be removed and the posts thor oughly seasoned. Usually this is ac complished in the case of five inch P »sts following exposure to the weath er for a period of from six to eight weeks. In the experiments described in the bulletin the best results were secured by first giving the posts a bath in hot creosote from one to three hours, depending upon the kind of wood, and following this with a bath in <old oil for from one to two hours. The result of the preservative treat ment is definitely shown in the case of lodgepole pine in Idaho. Untreated posts, costing 6 cents each, lasted four years, while treated posts, costing the same and given a creosote bath cost ing 15 cents, lasted twenty years. Fig uring the cost of setting as 12 cents in both cases and figuring 6 per cent interest on the investment, it makes the annual cost of the untreated post 5 < ents and of the treated post 3 cents ier year. A postal addressed to the department of agriculture at Washing ton will place this bulletin in the hands of any farmer who may desire it. SKIMMILK FOR HENS. Some very interesting evidence of the value of skimmilk as a ration for laying hens is contained in a contribu tion to Hoard’s Dairyman from the proprietor of a large New York poultry farm. He became convinced of the wisdom of using skimmilk as a part of the ration for the hens and during April, May and June fed on an average about 350 pounds of skim milk per day to 1,500 hens. By a mistake in instruction the milk was fed to other stock for a week or two, and at once there was a decline in egg production from sixty-two dozen eggs per day to thirty-eight dozen, the loss directly due to the omission of the milk being twen ty-four dozen, which, at 31 cents per dozen, were worth $7.44. This, divided by the 344 pounds of skimmilk which were being fed per day, gives $2.16 per hundredweight as the value of the skimmilk as an egg producing ration. It might be contended by some that the slump was due to other causes, but this is disproved by the fact that as soon as the milk was resumed as a part of the ration the daily production of eggs again increased from thirtv eight to sixty-six dozen per day. the apple show. The sixth national apple show and fruit products congress, which is to be held at Spokane, Wash., from Nov. 17 to 22, promises to be one of the most valuable yet held from the standpoint of the program of addresses and dis cussions which is being arranged. Each subject discussed will be opened by men of recognized authority and experience in that particular line, while the discussion following will be by practical fruit growers present Among some of the subjects already selected for discussion are: The standardized pack, utilizing lower grade fruits in by products. storing fruit for market financing the fruit crop and co-opera tive marketing, considered as a vital necessity to the individual grower and to the future of the apple industry. A GLASS HOG HOUSE. A Kansas hog raiser some three or four years ago built a glass hog house at a cost of about $2,000, it being his contention that hogs need a good deal more sunshine than they usually get. This house contains sixty-two pens that are six by eight feet in size. Each pen is connected by a sliding gate with an eight foot alley way which runs the entire length of the house and in which the little pigs can exercise. Each sow is marked as she is given a pen, and a record is kept of the num ber and individual thriftiness of the pigs in her Utter. In making the house double glass was used, and the owner reports that it never freezes in this glass hog house. He says if he were to build another hog house he would build it like this one. BUTTERMILK PAINT. A very satisfactory as well as cheap paint for rough uses may be made ac cording to the following recipe: Take one gallon of buttermilk and to it add three pounds of portland cement and enough Venetian red or other pigment to give the desired coloring. The paint should be applied as soon as possible after it is made and should be stirred frequently while being applied, as the cement, being heavy, tends to settle to the bottom of the pail. If the paint has five or six hours in which to dry after it is applied it will shed water very effectively. However, it does not produce a glossy color and will not be found successful for the better kind of work. INSUKAMCE GEOGRA- PHY When is a man most confused? When he misses his train. A hen are the people most un safe? When they are not insured with the Pilgrim Health and Life Insurance Company. ‘ Which company pays for all dis eases known to medical science? The Pilgrim. Which company carries its mem bers the longest before lapsing their policies? The Pilgrim. Will you explain why the Pil grim does this? Only to aid its policy holders, that’s all Which company organized firs among Negroes in Georgia, an secured a charter to do business along the Industrial lines? The Pilgrim, of course- W hich company collected the largest amount of morey, accord to the last report of the INSUR ANCE DEPARTENT. to the Governor of the State? The answer is in the report, The Pil grim. How can this statement be veri fied ? By referring to the report of theINSURANt E DEPART MENT, of the State of Georgia- How can a policy be obtained with the Pilgrim, in case its agents turn back before they reach your home? By ringing phone 4129. Why has the Pilgrim so many satisfied policy holders? By per forming its perpetuated motto, PR MPTNESS HONESTY AND JUSTICE* Why is it so easy to secure new members for the Pilgrim? They have heard of the many blessings it has, and is still bestowing upon its thousands of satisfied policy holders, How long after the death of a member, before the beneficiary can draw the death benefit? As soon as the death certificate is properly filled by the attending physician. How many men and women of our race are employed and are well paid by the Pilgrim? SIX HUNDRED TWENTY SEV EN. Are you being satisfactorily served? If not see the Pilgrim’s agents, or ring the office, and your order will be filled, and promptly delivered- Local and long distant phone 4129. Offiice, 509 West Broad Street, Savannah Georgia J. S. Perry, Supt A. B- Singfield, Gen’l Supt. —Adv Ocean Wave Case Meals at all hours. Quick lunches served in up-to date style. Open day and night J. S. fcJoyd & Son 42 Habersham St. Lamb and the Scotchman. Charles Lamb said he never could Impress a Scotchman with any new truth; that they all required it to be spelled and explained away in old equivalent and familiar words and phrases. He said he bad spoken to a Scotchman who sat next to him at dinner of a healthy book. “Healthy, sir! Healthy, did you say?” “Yes, healthy.” “I dinna comprehend. I have heard of a healthy man and of a healthy morning, but never of a healthy book." " Oriental Rug Dyes. The dyes employed in the coloring ot the materials that go to make up ori ental rugs have always been the de spair of westerners. We are told of one strange method of making the dyes of ancient days. It seems that in some places the custom prevailed of making holes in the beds of brooks during the dry season, in which, when the rain fell, all sorts of vegetable and mineral substance were deposited and left to act upon one another until the dry sea son arrived, when the contents of the holes were removed by the dyers, who, grinding all together indiscriminately, made shades that vied with the pi geon’s breast in beauty and with th® clouds of sunset in variety. Historic St. Sepulcner’s. St Sepulcher’s, the city church al the end of Holborn viaduct, whose churchyard is open to the public, dates, as the name implies, from the time of the first crusade. Os the present edi fice, which had suffered sadly from “restorers,” only the fine tower, one ot London’s landmarks, retains medieval masonry. From the top of this tower “rich Dodington.” the brother-in-law of Walsingham, threw himself to avoid a chancery lawsuit “If I do break my neck,” said Bacon to Queen Elizabeth, “I shall do it in a manner as Mr. Dodington did it, who walked on the battlements of the church many days and took a survey where he should fall.”—London Chronicle. A Ducal Bull. The Duke of Abercorn made a queer oratorical muddle in a speech he deliv ered one day. He was speaking of the great siege of Londonderry and of how bravely the citizens had defended their city against the besieging army. “They withstood th® stage,” be w®nt on, "la order that they might hand dawn their birthright to fitdr ancestors, whs are yonrxeivea!”- MaH. SUNDAY SCHOOL. » Lesson Vll.—Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 16, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Deut. xxxiv, 1-12. Memory Verses, 5-7—Golden Text, Ps. cxvi, 15 —Commentary by Rev. D. M Stearns. We have now come to our last lesson in the books of Moses and to the record of his removal from the earth. The book of Genesis covers a period of over 2,200 years. Exodus over 200. Numbers about forty years, but Le viticus and Deuteronomy do not bring us any farther down the stream of time. The book of Deuteronomy seems to cover about one month, - in which Moses rehearsed to Israel the Lord’s dealings with them. We have seen that Aaron died in the fifth month of the fortieth year and Miriam in the first month (Num. xx, 1; xxxii, 38). Moses continued until the eleventh or twelfth month. He" be i gan his rehearsal in the eleventh month of the fortieth year (Deut i. 3) and continued until the time of his depart ure (chapter xxxi. J, 2). We would like to call attention to many things in these closing chapters, but wiP first consider our lesson chapter, the first four verses of which tell us how the Lord showed him from the top of Pis gah, over against Jericho, all the land which He sware to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob to give unto their seed, but which neither Moses nor Aaron could enter because of his rebellion against the word of the Lord at Mari bah (Num. xx, 12, 24). It is written that Moses pleaded with the Lord to allow him to go over the Jordan and see the good land, but the Lord would not hear him and said to him, “Let it suffice thee; speak no more unto me of this matter” (Deut. iii. 23-27). And this because he had spoken unadvisedly with his lips, having allowed his spirit to be provoked, and had smitten the rock instead of speaking- to it as God had commanded. Many a time he had prevailed with the Lord in prayer for this rebellious people, and now because of them his request for himself is denied. Yet God is love, and love is kind. Well might the psalmist say, “If Thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?” (Ps. cvi. 32. 33; cxxx, 3.) We cannot but think of Him who did not save Himself in order that He might save us. Os this very event. His decease at Jerusalem. Moses and Elijah talked with Him on the Mount of Transfiguration some 1,500 years after the event of our lesson (Luke lx. 30, 31). Os all the events that have ever transpired on our earth none can compare with those of Golgotha. Though there have been many fore shadowings, the mind of man cannot grasp the awful realities of that day and the Son of God suffering for the sins of the world. So Moses, the servant of the Lord, died, but there was nothing sad in such a death. It was a release from the long conflict with the world, the flesh and the devil and a going home to stay with God. whom he had long known face to face. There was neither sickness nor suffering; his eye was not dim nor his natural force abated (verses 5. 7, 10). Aaron had no sickness (Num. xx, 25-28). Sickness is not necessary to death. Do we not see it all about us and read of it in the papers every day, whether it is called by the name of heart failure or some other name? Even should it be a violent death our Lord said, “Fear not them which kill the body.” And we are elsewhere taught that to die is gain. It is to de part and be with Christ, which is very far better; it is to be absent from the body and present with the Lord, and precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints (Matt, x, 28; Phil. 1, 21. 23; II Cor. v, 8; Ps. cxvi, 15). Moses died and was buried in the land of Moab, but no man knoweth where (verses 5,6). He and Eleazar probably buried Aaron’s body, but there was no man present at the death and burial of Moses. The Lord did it The record is. "‘He buried him.” Per haps the angels helped. I am glad that the body is not the person, and, though we bury bodies, we do not. strictly speaking, bury people. A man once said: “You may bury me if you can catch me. There is great com fort to me in knowing that I shall not be at my own funeral if my body ever has one.” There is always the possi bility of not dying, but of being caught up to meet the Lord ia the air, for we shall not all sleep (I Cor. xv, 51, I Thess. iv, 16-18). Some already have their glorified bodies, as Enoch and Elijah, who were translated, and probably those who came out of their graves after the res urrection of the Lord Jesus (Matt, xxvii. 52. 53). It looks from Jude 9 as if the body of Moses was raised from the dead, for the devil does hate the resurrection of the bodies of the saints, and that may have been the cause of the contention there referred to. for Michael is the special angel of Israel (Dan. x, 13. 21; Rev. xii. 7). The story of Joshua, the new leader, will come before us more fully in our next lesson. Let us give attention to some of the last words of Moses. Notice how he set before them life and good or death and evil; life and death, blessing and cursing, urging them to choose life and to set their hearts unto aM th® words which h® had spoken as their very Mfe (Deut xxx. 15. 19: x»H. 46. 47). > Th® South Atlantic Barber shop Headquarters for barber supplies anti shoe polish. A fine line of cigars, pipes and tobacco. Shoes shined and repaired. Dealer in second handed shoes Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired Hot, cold and shower baths. It. A. MANZO, Gen’l. Mgr 145 West Broad St. The Up-to-date BARBER SHOP Hair Cutting, Shaving, Shampoo ing Bump and Wart Treatment Work Guaranteed. W. H. PRINCE, Proprietor 508 W. Gwinnett St Sav’h. Ga kCOTS VIMiRD TO SELL MAGIC Skavin g Powder A wonderful discovery to shave the head and face without using shears or razor. Will send half pound can by mail, postage paid* for 25 cents in stamps. WRITE TIE MIS fflD COMPXIT Savannah, Georgia J. W. SMALLS Contractor and General Builder Estimates Cheerfully Furnished ON SHORT NOTICE Write or Call at 139 Barnard treet Phone 506 THE UTILITY RED Call and see the birds. For sale at reasonable prices. Duck eggs for sale n season. Indian runner Duck and Pekin Duck. Duck eggs SI.OO per set J. H. ANDREW 748 EAST BOLTON STREET Henij Itais Feed Co HAY &. GRAIN OF ALL KINDS SQB W Jones Come and take a look at ou Stock or Phone your order and it will be deliveredpronaptly. Phone 3461 Madame tai Wta Graduate Prof. Roher’s School, New York. 743 Price Street. Telephone 2328 Wigs, Switches and Pompadours Made from Natural Hair. Combings Made Up. Shampooing and Hair Straigtening a Speciality. Face and Electric Massage, Dyeing and Matching Hair. ORIENTAL HAIR GROWER, An excellent preparation, will pro duce a beautiful growth of hair. Di rections on each box. For sale, price 25 cents per box. The Acme Bicvcle Sloe / \ \ Dealer in New and Second Hand ed Bicycles. Tires and Sup plies. Agency on the Monarch Bicycles. K. HALPERN, Proprietor, 463 West Broad St. Phone 1340. GAREY’S Variety Bakery Good® delivered promptly to any part of th® city. 604 West Broad St, Near Gaston. Phone 1869-J Masonic Books and Regalias LODGE BEALS, FINANCIAL CAROS and BLANKS es every description. Publlahtra and Manufacturers' PHeac Laharat Ofacounta Will Ba • SOL «. JOHXHOn Bn