The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, October 09, 1947, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 . 1947 SOCIETY CLUBS HARVIN—JONES W3 BRIDAL PARTY—Left to right: Front row: Georgia Ann Gill, Joan Faye Huff, Thomas Love, bruit and groom. Mr. anj Mrs. Rufus Jones, Miss V. E. Boxx, Mrs- Atvenia Rhodes Er¬ nest Woods. Back row: Mrs, M. G. Young, Mrs. I. J. Darby, Mrs. Pearl Harvey, M. Romanian. On Sunday afternoon, Sept 28, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Harvin and Mr Rufus Jones were join- ed in holy wedlock at the bride’s home on East Bolton street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev C. K. Knight, pastor of St. James AME church. Prior the entrance of the bridal par- ty, Mrs. M. G- Young sang, ‘ I Love You Truly.” Against a high of palms and cut flowers, Vride made a charming picture in a form-fitting gown of blue crepe and short veil of blue net held in place by blue and pink fOrget-me-nots. She carried a ■bouquet ^pink of pink roses tied with ribbon. The color scheme of pink and blue was carried out In the costumes of the at- tdpfcaiits. To the strains of the Wed¬ ding March, played by Mrs. I. J. Darby, the two matrons Mesdames Alvenia Rhodes and Pearl Harvey, entered wearing gowns similar to that of the bride- They carried bouquets of pink gladioli, tied with pink ribbon. The flower girls, Georgia Ann Gill, cous'.n of the bride, and Joan Faye Huff, wore long dresses of blue crepe with pink THE SHADOW By GEE GFL The girls around the pus are really playing their long skirts and dresses. The boys are playing their tarns and be-bop-glasses. The back to school hop was a nice affair. Helen Dilworth is that gleam in your eyes for Brother? Or can it be that Wednesday night left it there Pink orchids to the Vogues for such a fine affair last Thurs¬ day night. Dorothy Boston, the time has come when you must make up your mind between Joseph Carter and Thomas Robinson . . . Nettie Williams, The Royall Undertaking Company Funeral Directors and Embalmers Years Serving This Vicinity accessories. Their flowers were old fashioned bouquets of blue nd p ink flowers tied with , ,. ... _ m C ft 18 1 0!1S ' iey f f ° a ll0W ecl . by Mastet Thomas the > nng h bearer - The bride entered on the arm of her aunt, Miss V. E. Boxx, by whom she was given in marri- j age. ° and Ws attend _ ‘ ’ €ssrs Matthew ..... .. Boma- man and Ellis Woods, were at¬ tired in dark suits with boutton- nieres of pink rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs Jones will re¬ side at 815 East Bolton street. Guests witnessing the cere¬ mony were Mrs. Rosalyn Ar¬ nold, Mrs. Estella Boles, Mrs Rosalie Boles, Mr. and , Mrs. „ ,, M. Bomaman, Mr. Frank Barnes, Mr. Marcus Burke, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bryant, Mr. Lawrence Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Bryant, Mrs. Alma P. Bryant Mrs. W.llie Brown, Mr. Marcus Burke, Mr. Lucius Boyd, Mrs , Belle Cooper, Mrs. Mary Lee Clarke, Mrs. Birdie Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Dixon. j Daisy Mrs. Ealey, Idonia Mrs. Dutchee, Mattie Feil- Mrs wood, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gill, Mrs. Cassie Mae Hall, Mrs. Nel- said two is a couple and three is a crowd. So some- body has got to go . . . Henr> Blake said Dorothy Langston it all his. I wonder . - . Vivian Andrews, James Sanders it some cool character. What has happened to Eddie B. Garvin? The new boys who go to the College are really cool in their be-bop glasses . . . Lucy Polite, your picture is nice. . . Rose Gartrell, what is this I heart about you and Arthur Andrews? Lawrence Bryant, is that gleam in your eyes for Georgian.! Google? . . Remember, old lie Handy, Mrs. Clara Heyward Mrs. Gladys B. Huff. Mrs. Hat tie Jackson, Mrs. I. M. Jackson, Mrs. Wilhelmina Jackson, Mr Peter Jenkins. Mrs. Martha Jenkins, Mrs Rebecca Jenkins, Mrs- Lelis Johnson, Mrs. Lettie Johnson Mrs. Herman Johnson, Miss Brenda Johnson, Mrs. Hattie M Jones, Mrs. Hazel Jones, Mrs. E. Kennedy Kennedy, Rev. Rev. and and Mrs Mrs. C. C K K Knight, Master Henry Loadhoit, Mrs. Minnie Middleton, Mrs. Mary Martin, Master Charles Marks, Mr. Elijah Mitchell, Mr. Albert Morris. Mr. Carter Myers, Rev. Over- srteet, Mrs. Lucile Pierce, Mr „ Robert . . „ Re ., d, Miss Mattie Reid , Mr - Andrew Robinson, Mrs. Margaret Rhoades, Mrs. Laura p Rutledge, Mrs. Retha Scott Mrs - Catherine Saulte.t;, Mis- R ' Shiveiy, Miss Lula Smith, Melinda Smith, Mrs. Av- ary Sams, Mrs. Caroline wer> Mrs. Mamie Walker, Mrs Nancy Walker, Mrs. Helen Wea¬ thers, Mrs. Celestine Williams Mrs. Sophie Williams, Mrs. Mi¬ riam W.therspoon, Mr. and Mrs. E. S- Woods, Mr. and Mrs. I more Young, Mrs. Yardley. love never dies. What has hap¬ pened to John ‘Scrappy” Wil¬ liams these days? . . . Ernestine Frazier is a very nice girl. . Dorothy Bell, what is this we hear? . . . The Miss Beach and Miss Culyler contest is on- Ev- ,lke ,o who will be the lucky girls, . . Retha Shank is singing, “ I’ve Got to Find Me Somebody to Love.” Henry Scott, you are a nice fellow, but watch step . . . Loretta Williams is singing ‘‘I Walk Alone.” Jua- nita Lonnon and Nettie Ward take my advice and don’t talk ;o bad to your teacher, because yov! he has his education and l have have voura yours m to get. ■ c hi a Riggs, how do you like school?; Beatrice Williams, I know you ike Georg a State because € i it r ord Hardwick is there Roy . . . Brown , h-ow do you like col- lege? ... I know the girls will be glad when you come back Moses Blount, it seems to me that y° von u arc are trying trvino to tn t nkc a k e over all of Brown’s girls. Take my advice and get a new line, because your old one has played out . . . Mqrion Milton, I don’t see you anymore. Are you still living true to Frank the" Best? . . Christine Williams, ;imr has come when you must be your age. So long, GEE GEE. THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE WINS BABY CONTEST AARON martin, ill, who won first prize in the baby con- test in tne forty-ninth anni- versai:y of St. Paul Baptist ’hurch. The 13-months-old son of Aaron Martin, ii, and Mrs. Ann Martin of 28 Sixth street, uauves oi Coiumbus, received a cash pr ze of *7-00 for report- ing $51.85 in the contest, whose total receipts amounted to $200,50. Second prize went to Marga- ret Robinson, $5.00, for raising $31.63: third prize. $3.00, to Eleanor Jean Hendley for p n S $25.25. Other contestants were: Walter Reddick, $18.40; [James Arthur Cooper, $11.50 | and Louise L- Johnson, $10.80. -phe total amount raised by )] ie various captains in the an- mversary was $1,196.00. An interesting event of the church to be held Wednesday night, October 15, will be the 38th anniversary of the home mission. Pastor E. A. Hagins and his congregation are elated over the excellent results of the an¬ niversary celebration, j ___ TO CELEBRATE 2nd BIRTHDAY -__ ir'SJm " i Little James E. Thompson who w'll celebrate his second birthday on October 12. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner City. HOUSE WARMING AT PEMBROKE The spacious new home, ‘La Ta 4? oia -h, of Mis. Dors Taylor, was dedicated last Sunday. The services were performed by the Reverend E A - Ha § ins ’ Pastor of St- Paul Baptist church, The home, which is modernly . is located within the city limit on Taylor avenue The house warmiiag was well tended by many Iriends. Mrs Mrs. Tav ay i or or is i., the the nonular P°P ular widow ^ 0 f the 1 * late Ernest es Tavior a and ls now attending Georgia „ , state college. ______ MARRIED LADIES PLEASURE CLUB q-he Married Ladies Pleasure cliab met at "mee’tinE the home "o^mJ^caUed of Mrs. Hevward ”Tl. to order by k. the president, jH. L. Bussie. After the regular routine of business the program committee, under Mrs. Hey¬ ward, chairman, made the fol¬ lowing renditions: Paper, ‘Have lowing renditions: Paper, “Has Anyone Seen Christ in You?' World uit hehman mm WINS CONTEST A baby contest which was won D.xon by cUmaxed Baby Herman the fourteenfh ^lvester vary celebration of the John Baptist church and the third anniversary ot Mrs. E. Faustine Bignon as C c di- Hi— rector of the organization. contest closed Sunday, ^ , The on September 28, and as winnar he «. . ____—_ rL “P° rted A. —. —1 din $2500 C /VA of . C the I L n 4 ^f n 1 1 t raised, $11^72. Little l Herman is the son of Mr. and Mrs Herman Dixon . Second prize was won by Ba- by Patricia Mae Reddick, who reported $18.50. Other babies in the contest were Bobby Lee, Margaret Teeri Rcid ’ Nancy Siack ’ Vickey Co P^r. Ralph Nathaniel Fisher THE BUTTER FLY’S TRAIL By Felicite Th : s wnek found me fluttering around in the vicinity of the West Savannah School and just as 1 was about to light on a beautiful flower, 1 saw Mrs. Catherine Williams along with her sixth grade class who were about to talc a hike over the viaduct to visit the Telfair Academy of Aria and Sciences. The class is studying ‘‘Health Through the Ages.” While there I found out that the faculty of West Savannah School met with some of the community leaders including several pastors, Mr. Blackshear, and Mr. Peter Jackson at Second St. John Baptist Church in West Savan¬ nah, Rev. Giascow is pastor. The purpose of the was to create a closer relationship between the school and community with emphasis oji recreation for all ages. The Echos!—by the way— is getting a new coat of paint. Mrs. Veronica Taylor is Principal. T he it Thursday was El ction <la ,r at F-a -t Broad. ( • izenship Committee was complimented by the principal— Mrs. Rubye Gadson, for providing such an excellent pvnc f j ct in democratic procedure for the children. r \ he order anf ] seriousness of the voters were commendable. More detail elsewhere in this paper. Second Baptist Choir under the direction of Mrs. Y e- ron j ca Campbell receiving congratulations for the very 1 m p r0 gram over WFRP on Sunday. The Choir also sang Sat- ur( | a y n jght at the Y. M. C. A. for the Georgia Workers Education Service. Veronica was very stunning in black s at- n Fiat and carrying a bag to match. She was the guest spea j {er a t Tabernacle Baptist Church at the Sunday School ^ ourj at the promotion Day exercises. Her subject being: ’’Just The Beginning, FLEETING GLIMPSES: c Saturday^ . . Seen shopping around in_ Adler , son - Agatha Cooper, Mary McDew, Martha \\ ilsim. t ni a . ling and Countess f ox. Anita—asking every one she saw on the‘third'floor if they had seen Countess, the beautifful Countess woolen un¬ aware of Anita’s anxiety, admiring BrougVit materials on the first floor. Promenading on n ireet were Editta Gill, Lottie Cromartie and *' J ( ora s Stevens-Greene. Westmoreland-Ford _ , at , , homo to , n in- . Mrs. Edwina Saturday Night ochle Club members and guests on last hich happened to be “Boles’” birthday. The tasema - w hostess plus of the ma | ng personality of the presence 2SJ- a 7 0( i mir h spice to the evening. Top score for t ho , a r Women—U 1 i In-erjoll. McDew. r s u n e Consolation—men—Gus Ifayes; women—Mary NL Dew. Those persons enjoying the evening—Susan and Arnett Waters, Janette and Gus Hayes, Mary and Stephen - - Parker, Ursuline In- _ D w, Annie and Frank Givens, Jane gersoil, Eugene Gadsden, Ella and Ed Law Seen at the World Series was Lester Johnson. Wile Lucile carrying on at the filling station. The marriage of Miss Frances Theresa Robinson and Ulysses H. Banks was solemnized at a pretty <*rernony h; taking place at seven o’clock Saturday evenim? at ' home of the bride. Rev. W. C. Davis of St. Phdip Mon¬ umental AME Church, officiated. At one end of the hv ing room where issssriiS the ceremony was performed, was an £« beauty The groom had as h»« was of American roses. who given J best man, Joseph Jones. The bride was w,th marriage by her father-was lovely in a Beige amt- brown accessories. She carried a gold Bible and her of white carnations. Endowing the wedding corsage was bride!*, table covered wilh reception was held. The was a In the centeir-the wedding a beautiful lace cloth. T____. _ and an arrangement of roses and fern. parents—Mr. u and , and ZT groom li. are Robson residing with the bride’s at 501,V, East Anderson streeL Visiting the Beverly Glovers’ is their sister M a h Logan. She will be leaving soon to join her hus¬ Glover in Pennsylvania. band who is in school Saturday (Wi- Edna Williams having a few over on ......... Each baby was given a prize, the'.atj'Wis being made by Pastor Cleveland. At the close of the program, through the M Henrl M Wilk ns, Director tngnon presented a lovely brief case by Mrs. Wilkbis as a surprise Loin the union. FLORANCE PTA The October meeting of the ^OTance PTA will be held at the school Wednesday, weanesa.y, Oct. uca. 10 a t 7 p . m . This meeting should be of special interest to all parents because of the oppor- ■ tunity to meet the new prin- cipal, and the officers will be installed. The program com- mittee will prepare an interest- lng program and refreshments will be served. ICE AND COAL Savannah Ice Delivery Co Dial 815P COLLEGE GOSSIP By the whistler Hello, guys and gals, the Whistler Is passing your way ngain. He will give you a few | tips, a thou- dit to remember and led you what everybody is I ; doing. begged In my previous of article j I every one you tel wH and keep yourselves straight | because I will let you know that I know what you are doing. I was attempting to board bus last Thursday, and just as j 1 was about to place my fool i upon the step, I heard an comparable no se- As I fixed ! my eyes upon the spot from j whence the noise came, I war f a prised to note that, it wasn’t | any tiling but ttiree of our fresh¬ men, talking in unnecessarily high tones. M sses Bernice Jo eman, Madeline McIntosh and Bettyl King, you are col¬ lege students now, so please act accordingly. It has been often repeated that we, the younger people, will have to carry our race on. I was just wonderinf if we were Igoing to carry It on—up or 1 down. With the type of per- j formence I have seen on street j corners, at parties, etc., 1 would say, ‘ we are resorting to a stage of reduplication.” I am looking forward to see¬ ing every one of you at Gray¬ son SLad urn Saturday, because that is the day when th-s GSC Tigers will make their 1947 foot¬ ball debut against Claflin uni¬ versity. Wli le attending a party Fri¬ day night I was surprised to see so many freshmen. I must compliment them on the splen¬ did way they deported them¬ selves. I wonder what is going to be said about the club that gave the party. I must name one of the hostesses. Gussir Herrington, are you or were you satisfied on that night? It seems to me that John ‘Scrap-1 py” Williams is singing ‘I •*» •’* »% *j* • j* *1* »j* ‘j* ^ * I* ►****«►*« •$• *******5* \musement Column Files of The Savannah Y I Tribune Job ii Department Oct. 10—A Motorcade to Spann’s Place by the Willing Workers of New Moon Baptist Chufeh. XX il. Tickets 50c. «< Oct. 11—A Yard Party at 125 Walnut Street !>.v the Longshoremen Home Protective Lodge. Ticket 40c. Oct. 10—Fall Dance at Coconut Grove by The Willing Workers of New Moon Baptist Church. Tickets 50c. Oct. 12—A Crown of Thorns play at All Peo¬ ple New Century Baptist Church. y (),-t. 0—Fall Dance at oconut Grove by The t Golden Dream Club. Admission 65c. Oct. 13—Motorcade to Spann’s Place by Sec¬ ond Bethlehem Usher Board. Fare 50c. Oct- 20—Motorcade to Dad’s Place by the Heavenly Bound Social Club. Fare 50c. Oct- 24—Harvest Ball at Coconut Grove by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Tickets, Advance 75c; At Door $100. Oct. 22—Enjoyable Night of Games at the Y. M- C. A. Building by the Holsey Reading Circle. Admission 25c. Oct. 27—Musical Recital at St- Philip Monu¬ mental Church, featuring the Davis Choral Club, The Sextet and Doris Johnson at the Piano. Admission 25c. Oct- 29—“The Crucifixion of Christ” moving picture scenery at Tremont Temple Baptist Church. Benefit W'omen’s Day Drive. Ad¬ missions and 50e. Oct. 31—Masquerade Ball at Coeonut Grove by the Nobles. Advance 65c; At door 75c. No. 7—Lou Sealia Swarz at St. Philip Monu¬ mental A. M- E. Church presented by the Five Chapters of the Order of Eastern Star- Patrons $1.00. Gen. Adm. 75c- Children 40e. Don’t Want You No More.’ Jaunita Simmons, I saw J. Wii- liams, III, ringing your doorbell duiuuiay . . . Bernice Coleman, th-s Whistler doesn’t care what Clarence Reynolds says to you every night . . . Elia James, hurry and put your name on my list . . - James Wells, Frank Baldwin or Carol Brown, whe Mr. College? You are all so sharp . . . Edward Williams. the professor does not be say- "Stealie, stealie,” so do not duck when he talks. f eminine charm is something which is not hard to iind out Georgia State way. The most charming-, personalities I have met to far are the Striggles’ twins of wonderful character plus beauty. Retha Shanks, I like the way your long skirts fit. Next to A. D., you are the sharpest gay nineties yet. While snooping around the * other day, I learned that ii is. lord Hardwick, III, has been placed on the board of trus- tees, Carnegie library, through 19 /1. Congratulations, Mr Hardwick. if you fellows and fraulines . re looking for the best in read- ing and advertisement, read The Tribune e»/en-y wLek. If promises to give everyone the best in reading matter. I will be looking for everyone of you at the Modernettes Hour of Charm Sunday, Octo¬ ber 19, at Asbury Me church. For all of you who are vic¬ tims of loud talking and un¬ necessary noise, please keep this in mind: “A man’s lips ut¬ ter only what the brains per¬ them to unloose, and many both are seriously affect- ed through constant abuse. God gave man’s body p°rpetual mo¬ tion, but he didn’t mean for him to keep his lips going just to keep up a commotion. I know because I am the Whist- ler. See you next week.