The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, October 09, 1947, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT MELODY THEATRE t)ut of Town News i BRUNSWICK I By Henry Thomas At St. Jam s Baptist Church the cornerstone was laid by the Odd Fellows and the pastor. The collection was $120.19. The members of Oaa Groe Baptist Church were the guests. Dca. F. Futch and Mrs O. C. Hall are on the sick list. Rev R. B. Brown, pastor of Oaw Grove Baptist Church Is on his vacation and the church Is being served by Rev. C. S Hardee. C'n October 12th the Four Fools will be at Oak Grove Bap list Church. BULLOCH COUNTY By H. IS. Isom The revival meeting conduct ed by Rev. J M. Dingle at Mt- Zion was a great success- S 1 - vices were line at Mt. Zion on Sunday. One was baptized. The Xmas Saving chib met at the home of Mrs. Lenia M. Williams Sunday. Mrs. A into Mae Lundy at¬ tended the association There will be a bazaar and a woraarles 3 wedding at New Sftndridge Jr. High Thursday 7:30 p. m. The funeral of Mrs. Katie Wi’.'-on was held at Mt. Zion on rfonday at 2:30 p. rn. Mrs. Lurinr Prescot and Mrs I.ucile Harris are improving. Mrs. Emma Hendrix left on Monday for Atlanta where she will visit her daughter. CLAXTON By F 1). Aay The Ladies Aid club sponsor¬ ed a rally on September 14'h end raised $8909. Mrs. M. F Bailey is president: Mrs. Dora Kilby, vice prestdenvt; Mrs. Bes ie Baker, secretary and re- ORDER YOUR Xmas Cards Now! Beaufilul Assortments With or Without Name Imprinted Boxes of 50 Cards For $1/M $1.25 $1.50 An Agent Will Bring Samples To Your Home Upon Bequest TELEPHONE 5338 The Savannah Tribune 100!) West Broad St. Savannah, (7a. porter; Mrs. Mattie Scott, trea¬ surer and Rev. N. L Lyde, rat- tor. The club met September 28 at the home of Mrs. Philis Pc kins. Offering was $7 7 , 1 . T he meeting o i October wa; at th" home of Mrs. Bess!" Car¬ ter who served cake and punch Offering was $2.30. The next meeting will be held at th" home of Mrs- Salim Johnson or> October 12 at 6 o’clock. | FREEDMAN GROVE J Ily Mrs. C. Mullice Sunday night the Presiding ladder held the 4th quarterly conference at St. James A M E Church which was well at- t( nded. Mrs. Mary Wilson and B. A Frazier made a business trip 1 j Cavannah on Sautrday, al¬ so Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robin¬ son and Mrs. Marv E. Golden Mr. Samuel Mullice who was a patient at the Charity Hus- 1 Hal Is n: w at home will be lad to see all friends. F. S Lambright is confined to his home with a sprained leg. Mrs Josle Green was called to the bedside of her mother last week. Last Monday Freedman Glove VI D. club was hostess io the H. D. Council which met nt, Tlicbes. Mr;. R. Frazier is pres'dent of the council and Ml,;:: M. Matt.hi, Demonstra¬ tion Agent. A SON Dr. M P. Sessoms announces among his patients the birth ot u. son to Mr. and Mrs Joseph R vers o 147 Randolph street on OcUber 3 The child will be named Derricks. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS All news matter must be written in ink, on one side i»f the paper only, and he in the office by Monday evening of each week. SAVANNAH TRIBUNE ami tried to lead her to sale: away from the flames Unit wen all around them, when she broke away from him and rushed into to flames. He tried to rescue her. When he saw that lie coqld not, he rushed through the flames to an up-j tairs window and plunged to the ground. The woman was burned tr death in the inferno and the man was badly burned, all hi; clothes except liis shoes being burned off his body. He wa: riuhed to the hospital, when he d ed late Sunday afternoon When the firemen arrived at the houi* they found Nairn,.- enveloping the entire inside ot 'he house, which was complete- ly gutted by the fire. Both bodies were turned over to the Sidney A. Jones Funeral Home, where the funerals were held Tuesday, interment in Laurel Grove cemetery. Mrs. Jones is survived by a foster son, Thomas Golden, and Mr. Donhum is survived . . by . his . . mother. , Mr. ... Anna Donhum. i Read THE TRIBUNE Every Week II — CAPTAIN CLYDE HALL, out- standing quarterback ol the Georgia State college lootbal' team during the 1940 season, who wal lead the State &>1- lege Tigers against Claflin uni- verslty at Grayson Stadium on Saturday, October 11, ut 2 p m. PRESENT “A CROWN O' THORNS" Ail Peoples New Century Baptist church, Harmon and Joe streets, will present the story of the cross in moving talking pictures, entitled “A Crown of Thorns,” as a fea¬ ture of the eighteenth anniver- 'hr >y church on^Sunday n "hi October 13, at 8 o’clock. The Rev. E. N Bunn, Ph. D paster, :ind his congregation are anticipating a record crowd to be on hand for ths event promotion day program Sunday, Sept. 25, the Sunday I eliool of Mt. Zion Bapti church rendered an enthusiastic promotion day program and at this true 67 certificates wen presented pupils from the va¬ rious classes. The Sunday school is progressing under the leadership of Deacon J. J. Wel¬ come and his board of teach¬ er:;. The church was beautiful¬ ly decorated for this occasion GRAND C HIEF GREEN 111 TURNS HOME Grand Chief J. T- Green ha.. just returned from Washington D. C., where he attended a meeting with the board of na¬ tional directors of the Inde- pendent Order of Good Samari- tans and . Daughters _ . . of r Samar a. at which time they held a very successful meeting, verifying all reports that came into the na- j ticmal secretary’s office from Grand Turk, Masar, Cuba, Pan an:a and in the West Indies Is as well as the various ju- risd.ctions of the United States A $11)0.00 eholarship . board was organized with Father T Henry Brown ol Fort Valley a hairman, and an Art and Crai Department v as also organized The next national grand lodge meeting will be held in Atlantic City, N. J.. the seeon: week in August. 1919. in.-dead of Nassau- The national sir" J. P. Patterson, of Jackson- y rfioonim p t* nurses aid corps, which will be organized throughout the sev eral jurisdictions. • I WO l ITALY BURNED • ’oiiunurd from Page l TITE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE TEMPTATION 4 *' 1 ! Meric Obn,iii j;oisons Charles Korvin. one of the men in ra :c I life, to t it a score of evil doing in "Temptation,” fa- Iteniui.iunal Picture in which the two co-star with George Brent i anil Paul Lukas- Theatre, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 13, 14. LOOM TOWN 1 j iAV-ii MEN FIGHT FOS GIRLS AND GOLD! ; ii GUJ ~>pet4C&t 2 1 ' . (nBLE . BOGftl TOWN BOOM TOWN Ghuc/c/^t i HARR in BOOM TOWN Ii | jP ms TOWM Arj~~) [ i I 4 great pictures in ONE! A1-G-A, l j mammmmmmmaimmmmmam 1 ° :ta ‘ 1 ’ um * nnc starting Sunday, October 12th, for J Big Day s at the Melody Theatre- _ ___ PRIZE WINNERS BRYAN CO. LAIR ----- Continued From Page One orn^tn. vc'Ctublr flit .vlr. M. i" Bu- con peaches Brut0K; tomatoes, .irst. / Mary ,, Bacon; syrup, syrup, first, first, ... , L. L. II II Gamson, . . u.,1. md, J. J. S. o. Bacon: " ecmlc ‘ Mlum ‘ ut y; second. Ml.. G.u.v E;u:o > , f ain. •' ^'V ' 1 ,ari! u :,HUI ' T0U<t Mrx Dm oth.v i u\lm , ao.ii «iU • ■'' '• 1l ImU’.e bheTman. second, Mrs. I-Iuttie Shcfl nuu , ol >' i ilis, si'coiici, Ivt? 11 attic Shelinian, handbag, fii'st. Mrs. LTa.Ltie- Sht'llman corn on ca.r, iirsl, A. G. Cur¬ ium; . veond, Earl D. Garrison; corn on stalk, f rst, G. S- Hu¬ ron. 2 nd. I. I! Ham.-on; sweet first, J. S. Bacon; sec¬ N. M. Battey; sugar cane, fir ’ Willie Bacon; second ,N M. M Ba Bailey. ttey. The winners of booths: Pem- broke high school, sponsored by tha Pembroke Hardware Coni pany, first place; second. Geo wash ngton Carver and Dixit Daniels. Mrs. O S. Yeauman (whitei two dresses, one hanu weaved and hand mad', 22 ; years old, and the other hand- weaved and hand-made, 150 years old; v and also one coffee motor, 25t years old, which was looking at and to see how good they are kept, paf? seal SALE CHAIRMAN OF SCHOOLS ____ Continued from Rage l drive: 7 ----;----,-----------r Industry, Leonard ;---- La%- business. W. C. Wimberly; s|>- roritics and fraternities, Altd Dowse and Mrs. Nancy Collier; schools, city, Mrs. Rose- marv Jackson; county. Mis- Frankie _ . . Golden; _ ,. Georgia _ StaL _. , . C. , , \. r Clay: „ beauticians, . . . Mrs. Faustme Baa non and Mrs Rosa\ie Ha.i'den: bai be rs. Mr? Evelyn Grant; plaster ers. M. 13 Gamble. public he a th. Mae Smother s; private auhne lendricks ra: and soci rgau ;.oi.ions, BIRTHS Births registered in the fice of vital statistics of City Health Department, cently, are as follows: Name of father name of child—date of John Byrd, 474 W. street, John, Jr., Sept. 24. Henry Simmons, 815 E. Gwin¬ nett lane, Nathaniel, Sc-pt. 27 Henry Grant, Jr., 730 | Perry street. Henry, III, Sept 26. Willie Haygood, 1418 Augusta avenue, Ronald Eugene, Sept 17. Wesley Jenkins, 524 Price St., Elaine, Sept. 1. Herbert Edwards, Old Augusta avenue, Dorothy, Sept. 1- Charles H. Jenkins, 252 Fell- ! ----- ' v/ood .M Homes, TTw-> r -.niillin Willie Earl, TTn »•! CnnU Sept 25. ; Leroy Spann, 455 Montgomery street, Minnie Pearl, Sept. 27 James Dukes, 2 Chapman St.. Eric, Sept. 14. Christopher Butler, 1116 East Waldburg street, Paulette, Aug 16 Sol Harden, 1003 West 40th street, Danette Elaine, Aug. 23. Tom Brown, 633 E. j street, Andrew Leola, Brown, Aug. 24. 644 W. 47th street, Andrew, Jr., Aug. 21. I Oscar SuJl van, Bloomingdale .Louis, Aug. 19 I Samuel Cutter, 6C9 W. 36th, Samuel, Jr., Aug. 29. Percy H. Stone, Jr., Georgia State college, Edward Jason Aug. 30. Samuel Scott, Bloomingdale ! Sammie Raymond Lee, Hightower, Aug. 4. Thun- j derbolt, Raymond, Jr., Sept. 2 ! William H. Mobley, 18 Fell- wood Homes, William Henry, Jr. Sept. 11. Richard Jenkins, 710 W. Broad street, Richard, Jr., Sept. 11. James Watson, Jr., 531 Yam- araw Village, Janet Elizabeth, Sept. 9. Shim Wright, 20 Dooley ave¬ nue, Elou se, Sept. 17. Thomas Stanley, 112 E. 41st lane, Gwendolyn, Sept. 27. Daniel Singleton, 644 Whea- ton, Rose Mary, Sept. 29- \ Joseph Rivers, 147 Randolph, Derrick, Oct. 3. j Alonza Cheney, 714 E. Ogle- thorpe avenue, Margaret, Oct 4. Cyrus Martin, 783 E. lane, Eunice Annie, Sept. 30. ( -I—i-r--I—ti--r—r-i—- t--i-- i--i--r--r-*j FOR SALE ’ Sash Wd?h,s ' pi t icnty on i v -»ii All sivex sizes. All in First! class Shane. Joe Lucas, 518 W. Bryan • - A A.**»J»**• y »’• >J« *{• •)* »*«**«.*• yy y * 1 ** 1 *vv* 1 -‘!• ^*l**i• *}•%*v* 1 * | i * t Merchandise For Sale 4- v Rose Talfeta Evening •y a : ^ J coat, $15. Navy Blue | ’ ? Wool Gabardine Suit S15. 4 % l"'*'' K < * . * °‘ lt ^ 5 ? t ' f J, ° 0 ‘ 5 ” 5J st % f '*4*:-4*:-44-F:"94*:-444444*S-444-*:- 4 4#th ftrcct * 1 honc 3 - 5571 f * 5 j f V f For Line Groceries f And Western Meats 4 X 4 * Iathrop CHARLIES SHOP Ave. & AT Bay PLACE Street ! * 4 4 Beer and Wine t X 4 r f *C V T . v •l'4444444444444-!-4-:-44-:-444-a It W. Gadsden and Mrs. Ruby Gadson. | Weiiare agencies, Mrs. becca Alexander; churches, Mrs | v itha Rickenbackcr; post Mai'a- J o? nS; hut I: Maigaret t Oliver; cafes t *-h- ,, In ,, Lie Rapnael , , , and ter Lcftwich; county, West Mrs. Annie T. Miller; . g Savannah, Mrs. Melvcnia j ja | SOJ1 . Montgomery Young; Sandfly, Rev. t. j. ec ott; White Bluff, F. M. Wash- ——- ir’.lan: Burroughs, Miss Ada p gl.t; street sales, Miriam _ j ran fc ; Fell wood Homes, Leroy U Bolden; Yamacraw Village Eu ■ nc Gadsden: filling sta- Urns, Miss Charlotte Williams: 1 Fi-ed - 1 ■ * r.;.cii, Bryant, Ilsur; h. L Williams and ’ • Li . II Rhode - medical soci- i et.its, Mrs M. D. Bryant Mr R w. Moore; Union and Terminal Stations, O s c a j I Greene. All committee chairman are urged to bo present at a meet- • ng to be held at the YMCA Wednesday evening. October 15 at 7:30. F. \ a. M. The members of this fU ® Lodge and transient brothers ________________________ are fraternal it..-1 W.G /n^A b j y invited to attend regular communication Wed ties da y night October 15, .1947, 8 o’clock. A C. CURTRJGHT, W. M. DANIET. WILLIAMS, Sec. M ARLY 4 000 DISABLED VETS PLACED ON JOBS Continued From Page One were pleased with their ser¬ vices. They found those ex- ;ervicemen 'exceptionally de, pendable, willing, loyal and nore productive than the aver- age non-handicapped worker." These veterans are perform- j ng a wide variety of jobs;'they a.v- behR emip7fc'?d IV Large itility ..... and , , transportation „ ... firms. , banks, . de¬ , insurance companies, pariment stores. brokerage ^ , firms and by innumerable em- ployers in all sorts of small bus* i nesses They are working if\, clerical and sales jobs, on exe~j . and managerial pois- :ns. :d in a number of skill- ed and semi-skilled trades. The Safety Cab Co. Now In Their New Location Wayne and West Broad Sts. t 7188 FOR SAFE, PROMPT AND COURTEOUS TRANSPORTATION A NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM INSTALLED TO GIVE SERVICE m THAT WE WERE UNABLE TO GIVE DURING THE WAR. The Safety Cab Company Has Been Serving The Public Since 1937 NORMAN DASH, Manager THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9, ‘TARZAN AND THE HUNTRESS” JOHNNY SHEFFIELD Co-starring wfth Johnny Weissmuller and Brenda Joyc c Johnny Sheffield scores in Radip’s melodrama, “Tanjm ! ;i ,jrT ---- the ---" Huntress,” 7 "--- a ----*----- SoPLesspr r- 1 1 production. ,1.. i.: „„ At A a East m i m Side .i . Thc- mi atre, Sunday, Monday, Tues- day. October 12, 13, 14. ------*__ GA. HIGH STEPPERS The Georgia High Steppers met at the home of Charl’e and Thomas Speed, meeting 'being called to order by the president. RoiAina busiries: was transacted, after which re- freshments were served. Nex’ meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Marion Alexand¬ FIFTH PR2CINCT HEMS. TO MEET The Citizens Democratic club o" the lift h precinct will hole its regular meeting Oct. 13 a' St. Thomas AME church, 49th and Burroughs streets. All members of this precinct arf asked to be present. Dr. M. P Sessoms is chairman and Mrs Sera Burns, reporter. ELKS CONFER DEGREES Thursday evening, Sept. 25 Daughter Ruler Lottie Floyd and Deputy Daughter Ruler Will e Brown, with officers and members of Elite Temple No 71. were honored with the pres¬ ence of Past Grand Dgt. Ruler Hattie I. James of Jacksonville, Fla., at the Elks Rest in a spe- cial degree meeting. * In this meeting four candidates were initiated. Then the degree- chambers were opened and Past Grand Daughter Ruler James conferred degrees on 76 mem- of Elite Temple, including the four newly made candi- dates. Beautiful Chenille s )) r c a d s, housecoats, Beach coats and c a p e s, ni a d c to or¬ der; better quality for less money- Special at¬ and tention odd size given housecnals. to large Come (tut and watch ns make them- Open All Day Sunday Gregory’s ‘Chenille Products Ogeechee road at 7 mile Post. Call County 34J11 OPTICAL SERVICE The best examination—the finest lenses—the most be¬ coming frames. Our prices are always less than others charge. Oculist prescription at a discount. Consult the old reliable. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DR. M. SCHWAB'S SON OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN 118 Bull Street Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses were Issu¬ ed to the following couples from the Ordinary’s office dur¬ ing the past week: September 30, Harry Mungin : and M ss Laura Mae ^Miller both of Daufuskie, S. C f October 1, Jack White as Miss Mattie Joshua, both of vannah. land October Ella 2, Belle Fred Green, Richards!?^ both | Miss of Savannah. Octotber 3, James Johnson and Miss Leola Brown, both of savannah. October 4, Joseph Wilson and Miss Ethel Rogers, Thomas Wat- kins and Miss Ella Davis, Eli Williams and Miss Eleanor Ai- kens, Luther Crenshaw and Miss Flossie Mitchell, Bob Banner and Miss Lottie Bell, both ot Savannah. October 6 , Henry Riley and Miss Mamie Lillian Irvin, Ed¬ gar Ladson and Miss Leona Smalls, Cozie Bryant and Miss Annie Mae Sims, Nathane’ King and Miss Ophelia Taylor all of Savannah. October 7, Vern'a Walthour of Savannah and Miss Naom’ Burrell of Orlando, Fla., Clar¬ ence Leon Bynes and Miss Au¬ relia Barnard, both of Savan¬ nah. * M. P. Sessoms, W- E. Lampkin. George Fuller, Coy Futch. A- L. Cox, L- II. White. Mine. Cargo- McGlockton, James J. Cox, Mgr., Funeral Director. Cox Funeral Home, (Incorporated) Phone 3-4785 520 West Henry St. 24 Hr. Ambulance Service Cooperatively owned in order to give you the best of service at the most reasonable prices. CHURCH AND CLUBS ENTERTAINMENTS HAVE YOUR I . , f , Anderson S Com ectioffyfy 611 E. Broughton St. Birthday Parties. All Free Fancy Groceries For Sa'e CALL US UF DON’T rORGET Phone S-8221 Paul & 4ndv Starters—Magnetos - Gen¬ erators — Carburetor* Batteries—Fu ^ “"•nos ON THE CORNER OF TH* SQUARE 399-311 W. OGI.KTIIORPB