Newspaper Page Text
Hello, friends, the Whistler
was stopped last week when the
hurricant came by, but he re—
sumed his canvassing
afterwards, while all of the
lights were out. I am hoping
that the storm did not. by any
chance, blow down your house,
your fence or just your roof
Plenty of that was done.
Last Friday the Cleougia
State football team cruised
down to Bethune-Cookman and
lost, 21-0, but the game was very
good. I want to compliment
the team on their defensive
All of the kids who have
been saying that the Whistltr
has been giving false reports
keep this little thought in
mind: “In the future, so live
that when the Whistler passes
your way, you will not be add¬
ed to his list of circumstantial
The Whistler wishes to com¬
pliment W- W. Law, president
of the NAACP Youth Council,
on the splendid job he is do¬
William Terr.ell, why not be
yourself, you will be liked more.
Prince Jackson, you are great
when you are well but you stay
sick all of the time . . . Paul
Hubert, how is it possible to
know , so much , and , yet so little?
Edgar O. Prince, the Whist
ler is thanking you, in behalf
of 01 everyone everyone, lor for the the nntnhle notable job inh
you are doing . . . James T- El-
ge th k you make ‘. a he i good
impression . . . Charlie John-
son you and Thelma Perry
make a fine couple . . . Frank
Simmons and Dorothy Hannah
are a fine couple . . . Mary
Clyde, it is October and I am
tired of seeing your white bag.
Clifford Hardwick, won’t you
ever let Beautine Williams walk
I am beginning to wonder
about those chicks over at
Beach. Every day I see some
Cub Pack 48 will honor their
den mothers at the
« meeting at ^
church, institutional sponsor of
Ss to'be "'honored Tet
rinmoc r mLp? TV/T T-ir, Ira tPU EllZa V, M n.
r 0 v, >^ on am
Wilheimim T m> arranged"for
program is being
the occasion and certificates of
merit will be p-esented hv
Ecouter J S- Delaware W pack' W
Law is cubmaster for the
____ ,
Invitations have been issued !
at four o’clock at Thankful
Baptist church West Broad and
Bolton strppts i '
The reception will be at the
church after the wedding. All
friends are invited.
Alvin Wilcox is in the city
from New York visiting his fa-
The Royall Undertaking
Faneral Directors and Embalmers
Over 60 Years* Serving This Vicinity
501 West Broad Street
Savannah, G»- Phone . 1-2175
of the boys going there. Could
i it be that they have a girl over’
| there? . . . My congratulations
g0 to Jackie Levy and Dorothy
! a11 of the
1 see § irls with
lin . ^ s now - What is this “a get
hitched” fever going around?.
n.eiores Jefferson and Georgi-
anna Google, why claim anoth- j
er’s guy? . . . Julius Williams,
why don’t you conso.idate your!
love and give it all to Juanita j j
Simmons? . . . John “Scrappy”
Williams and George Fletcher;
are no longer considered lov¬
ers, but just persons who once I
were . . . Edward “Buck” Wil-! !
liams, .when is it going to hap-
pen . . . George Ladson, don’t
you have what you want?
Kids, don’t fail to remember
what you do in the dark will
be brought to light, I know be¬
cause I am the Whistler.
Leola Jackson and Juanita
Myers, you are playing it cool.
The Whistler is wondering why.
Walter Leonard, the Whistler
sees you going over to Beach
very often. Is it because of Al¬
berta Denmark? . . . Moses
Blount, Bessie Wright is fine
if it is possible.
The Whistler heard some¬
body say that there is going
, to be a chicken supper spon-
spred by the NAACP Youth
S ° Wat f*
/ ~ ie . . . I eh your n parents
to tune in with you on station
W FRP Sunday at 115. The
Whl8tler Mr ‘- k«-
] and Thomas visiting her g par-
ents . Child SU , P are
Mrs . M D ./ the Whistler says
lhat you are the Mother f the
We ek . . . __ Earl Goldwin why |
| are you so crazy about «j’ oe? „
you better be wise and you
better beware or one of the3e
days you m ight look at the
Tribune and your name might
be there; and only I know, be-
i cause I am the Whistler.
So long,
S TS^ “T
j Montgomery. Hie mairiage
'?*-**'£ N Y where "H.* Mr and Mrs
" " - -
f Mr. ° nt Montgomery ? 0mCry Ure is now the , ' esidin son ot e-
JftW? dtv”' M_______ ° arfield Philpot I
Sunday afternoon, Mrs. 1
CoIclou g h entertained
Wlt h a surprise birthday sup-;
the bl1 lhd ay cake in the center j
M and White hapPy candles birthday for and de ^a- blue:
^ A three ^ ourse dinner
who served helped by Mr. the CoIclough hostess. Those j
joy a hanpy event were Mr andf and j
Mrs. B. D Freeman, Miss „ Beatrice ^
Freeman and Mrs. Mattie
Charming Felecia O. Payne ol
Charlottesville, Va„ has been
chosen by her schoolmates at
Carolina ca.obna A A. and and T T. col-
much activity by
T. H. Hamilton, president-
R eneral of tho Cosmopolitan
Society, deserves much praise
and credit ‘ or t]ae splendid pro-
grams be is presenting at the
various churches in and out oi
town with the choral groups
his society.
The churches are being fi-
nanciaily benetdted by his
broce—Montgomery K „ Su „-
beam and Coronation
rS & tStnr^a iS
double wedding and musical
„ « Bo ton a St. St. Baptist B.p« s ,
church Monday night, Oct- 13,;
and Pastor Richardson was
i ou d in his praise of the great j
work that is being done by Mr |
if m MnT th^ their ,■“* time and co ; work service « s
pe to ° ple ^ 111 training wholesome of the entertain-| young
ment -
In addition to the Gospel I
Chorus of St. Philip AME
church, the Gospel Chorus of
£TML' associated ,.o„,
will be at the Evergreen
church Sunday, Nov. u,
in the annual I
Day of the
The foll owing are the co-
° rkerS: Mrs ’ Essie ‘Hatten
“c’orine Miss “RobertT Eva Mikel. Mes-
Saxby, Catherine Gould,
Julian. Laura R.
rien and others.
The leading officers of the
Master Three choral groups are
Rosebud unit, Miss Evelyn
Crawford, president; Miss Fay
Boston, secretary; Mrs. Cgles-
tine Tilson, organist; Ernest
Tilson, director; Coronation
unit, Miss Eloise Brantley,
president; Miss Ertha Lee
Reed, secretary; Miss Curley
Mae Roberts, organist; James
Brinkley, director; Sunbeam
unit, Miss Willie Mae Julian,
president; Miss Lillie Alston,
s-hrcvta,ry; Miss Elease Saxby,
i Wimberly’s
Recreation Parlor |
526-28 West Broad St. f
Is The Right Place To *
Spend Your ftecreatiof X
Hours ij
* *
, .,
during homecoming football
j game at Greensboro, with West N- Virginia C., this State week
end enci^_________
Mr. and Mrs. James Henry
DeLorme entertained their
lovely little son, James Henry,
Jr., on his third birthday at
tlieir residence on West 45th
street, Saturday, October 18.
The children assembled on
spacious lawn and played
games- Then they were usher-
ed into the dining room to be
served. Halloween colors and
favors were carried out.
Those who helped little
James enjoy the evening were
„ d0
DeLorme, Janice Johnson e
Young, Josaphine Hendrix, Viv-
ian tan Casen, Casen. Edwina Simmons,
Emma Lee Miller, Fannie Bell
Miller, Carol E. Benton, Lavern
Stephens, Rosa Lej Holmes,
Carolyn Tucker, Constance
Nathalie Tucker,
Carolyn iRdhinson, James Ca-
sen, Jr„ Benjamin Densler, Jr.,
James C. Holmes, Joseph and
Miller Young, j r „ Thos„ Reles
and Truman Cooper, Vernon
and Robert Stephens, Merritt
Spaulding, Bernita Cooper and
James F. Densler.
Little James received many
Jamfi s’ godmother, and Mrs.
Matllda D. Rivers, assisted Mrs.
DeLorme with the serving.
[organist; Master Oliver sUiv ' V '
1 j director
Miss Eloise Brantley, presi-
d enl 6f the Cor °nation unit, is
, .
Brooklyn, N. Y.
P " !<f! '
-- - --
Fftial plans were discussed
f° r the fall social calendar of
the Frogs club at the regular
monthly meeting at Coconut
Crove Wednesday, October 15.
the plans call for a stag and
dance party during the holiday
Election of officers will take
place at the November meet¬
ing and all members are urged
to be present.
The Moonglow Social Club
held its meeting at the home
of Moses Green, ill Fahm St.
The next meeting will be at
te home of W. Simmons, 335
Yamacraw Village. J. B Lock-
wood is president, Moses Green,
hairman and w. Simmons, is
By Felicile
wen now that everyone is over the fright of the re¬
cent hurricane threat let’s as a little diversion, follow the
Butterfly’s Trail to Africa—dark continent but it will be
hard to believe it is the dark continent When I tell you
some things as related by our own Ann Stiles Falconer
(Mrs. John B.). To begin with she reports that Monro¬
via, Liberia, West Africa is like any small town in the
southern part of the United States. The palm trees and
tropical flowers plus the natives in tribal costumes and
living in native huts making a picturesque background.
Large houses are in profusion and by the way Ann i*
living on Broad street, where every thing passes enroute
to the President’s mansion. Her huge three storied house
has a porch extending around three sides and she has so
much help (can you imagine it) that it makes her nervous.
There’s the main man Peter, belonging to the crew tribe.
He worked for Ann’s hubby (John) when he was at camp
during the w ar and when he heard John was back, walked
35 miles to work for him. Peter (who is only a little
taller than Ann’s daughter, Beverly Ann) has a wife and
baby. Beverly considers him a playmate. Then there’s
Jacob, the washman; Ben. the cook; James the steward
and Malekelu, the nurse. The servants don’t want Ann to
do a thing-_not even pick ut> the broom The servants
live on the first floor, the Falconer, on the ttecond and the
dh'.'/'r.' r e nT' i for rt <s
it hu she has oh nt t \ o room. Th Ihe tan is only $2.>0.0<)
by boat, think it over).
Ann and Beverly were delayed in West Africa for S
days, and had to stop at a hotel. The bill being 650
francs a day—exchanged in an American dollar 69 francs.
Are you wondering about the social life of the Falconers?
Oh there are afternoon affairs, teas, movies, drinks of all
description flowing like w ater and every one serving them.
They received an invitation from the President of Libe¬
ria to a Buffet Luncheon in honor of Commander and
Mrs. W. K. Tremple, officer in charge of the. U. S. Navy and
Mr. Harry Lutz, works manager of the Raymond (Wr<
Pile Co., and an invitation to a special movie show dun’nj
the Dramatic Cast—at the Executive Pavilion. Good
movies are sent there three times a week by the U. S
government to the Public IVealth People—whom Ann de
scribes as a jolly bunch of nurses and doctors.
Beverly Ann growing several inches since her depar
ture from the States and acting like Mrs. Vanderbilt . .
giving orders to the servants and actually calling childrei
Les Rnfants and saying “viola” and “Merci.”
Ann is starving for news from the states and want
newspapers, comics and magazines. Her address is Mrs
John D, Falconer, P. 0. Box 65, Monrovia, Liberia,
Back to the States. Ann’s sister, Lucilie is work in
for the Family Service in Boston, Mass. (Lucile received
«her master’s last summer at the Atlanta Umvers-t
School of Social Work). She did her fie,1d work in DetroM
She is a Psychiatric Social Worker—the only colored work
the staff. * ’
cr on
This column congratulates Mrs. J. (’. Frazier on hold
. , . e , , , . r .«
close succession. j ," Mav God give you strength i j : r , and :::. , n healU v . L , i ';
to continue to carry on.
The graduate nurses association sponsoring a “TeV
at the home of the Robert Spencers on Sunday, Oct. 26'1
on West Victory Drive . . . Mrs. Annie Smothers, R. N
president of the local Nurses Association attending th
State Graduate Nurses Association in Macon, Ga., Octo
her 24-25.
J. B. Finkney attending Fust Broad’s P.-T. A. repro
senting his nephew and being mistaken for a father by
the president . . . That mistake may be a token of goo 1
luck. Who knows?
The Shepherdess Wedding held at First Bryan Rap-
tist Church being most colorful. It was under the super¬
vision of Mrs. Frma Roberts Williams. Mrs. Virginia
Cary Flovd was organist for the affair. Congratulations!
Sunday was Youth Sunday at St. Matthews Episco¬
pal Church and the youth took the lead in the molpdhfr
services. A very impressive plavlet “The Box Quartette”
was presented in the place of the sermon. Those who
Participated in the playlet were; Theda Rooks, Barbara
Snipe, Margaret Louise Solomon and Laura Geneva Solo-
man. A ouartetfe composed of Ella Marie Law, Jean
Md]er, Delores Hardwick and Vivian Andrews sane the
offertory “Listen to the Lambs.” The other music was
furnished by the Junior Choir.
for eight DAYS
The Bronze Follies, with a
_ . .
pe t ‘ f f(| rmer.s alK , a swin , S ", band,
™* * '« the *•*
best colored shows on the road !
This show Is the big
feature attraction with the
Endy Bios. Shows and Thrill
Beach-Cuyler high school will
>bserve its annual home-coming
Thursday, November 13, at
vhich time the day promises to
>e brought to a brilliant cli-
nax, when the Beach-Cuyler
football team will clash with
Mrs Margaret Caution commended for
grand iob she has done in training the Junior Choir and
the children who particinated in the playlet. The Youth
Leaders ar^ Mesdames Margaret Caution. Amanda Car-
ter. Billie Burnev, Flla Law and Leonard Law, superin¬
tendent of Sunday School. James Drayton is organist
for the Junior Choir.
The Penny Group of Second Baptist Church under
the sponsorship of Mrs. J. H. Patterson will celebrate its
9th anniversary on Sunday morning, Oct. 26 .... all
friends being invited to attend.
Mrs. J. A. Colston to he the guest speaker at First,
Congregational Church this coming, Sunday morning,
when Woman’s dav will be observed. Whv not bear this
lady who is the wife of our new president of Ga. State Col -,
lege? principal
Mr, R. W. Gadsden, former of Fast Broad
and Paulsen schools, paying them a surprise visit .... 1
Like old times to have him visit the classrooms. Drop
in mere often . . . good to have you around.
The Michael Campbells (Michael and Veronica) sus¬
taining a great loss in their lovely kitchen due to a short
circuit caused by the recent hurricane. . . so very sorrv.
Missing Mr. Lawrenee Geiger, the janitor, of East
Broad School ivho is on a leave of absence due to illness.
It was like a family reunion when the Wolverines,
wives of the Wolves gathered at the beautiful home of Mrs.
S. Thomas the purpose of organizing and making plans for
the future. Mrs. Dora McNeal was elected to head the Pack
with Mrs. Edna Alston as secretary and Mrs. Lucile
Thomas as treasurer. * Other tnembers are Mesdames
Essie Edwards, Eldora Greene. Mamie H’aynef, Lucile
Johnson, Amanda F'arker, Ellen Simmons, Ernestine Tav-
] or , Carrie Tolbert, Maude Tvson, Helen Weathers and
- Martha - - ----- Wilson.
i If
if ■% * * *(, a
Circus, which begins Oct. 24 f| J
and runs for eight days at the
Fair Grounds. See the big
trained animal circus and 13
olher ,, big shows , and . _ de the; „ 20
mammoth thrill rides. Chi.d- sj
T? '
■« **»*•«'
and shows will be reduced to
ip cents plus tax. Special bus
service to the Fair Grounds;
plenty of free parking.
the team of Haines Institute,
Augusta, at 7:39 P- i+i„ at the
Grayson stadium.
A dance will be given follow¬
ing the game.
Special buses will be at the
stadium at 9:30 for the return
to the city- Student tkdeits
are 50 cents, adults, 75c, and
season tickets will be honored.
Savannah loo Delivery Co
Dial S15P
v*J* ,: I 4 *T 4 *t , *J**r**v*»I**I**I**'J*‘'I* v*! , »5 , »J**r**»**! , %- , *I' 4 *J , »!**I’*!' , »!**T*‘!* k ?**!* , ^*'?*'?**^*^ , *?**‘*‘>'^'***^ , '^“^ *'
Files of The Savannah
Tribune Job
Depart ment
Oct. 24—Harvest Ball at Coconut Grove by
the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Tickets,
Advance 75c; At Door 31-00.
Oct. 22—Enjoyable Night of Games at the Y.
M- C. A. Building by the Ilolsey Reading Circle.
Admission 25c.
Oct- 27—Fashion Sho\y at St. Paul C. -M E.
Church. Admission 25c.
Oct. 27—Musical Recital at St- Philip Monu¬
mental Church, featuring the Davis Choral
C’ub, Tile Sextet and Doris Johnson at the
Piano. Admission 25c.
Oct• 29—“The Crucifixion of Christ” moving
picture scenery at Tremont Temple Baptist
Church- Benefit Women’s Day Drive. Ad-
mission25 and 50c.
r Oct. 31—Masquerade Ball at Coconut Grove by
the Nobles. Advance 65c; At door 75c.
Nov- 3—Recital by Florence Bailey at Jeru-
No. 7—Lou Sealia Swarz at St. Philip Monu-
rnenta’ A. M. E. Church presented by the
Five Chapters of the Order of Eastern Star.
Patrons $1.00. Gen. Adm. 75c; Children 40c.
Nov- 7—Ship Wreck Dance at Lincoln Inn by
Redeemers Sporting Club. Tickets Advance
60c; at door 75c.
Nov. 11—Armstjce Day Ball by the American
Legion Geo. S- Patton Jr., Post 513. at Legion
Ilall adjoining Manhattan Club. Tickets ad¬
vance 50c; at door 65e.
Nov. 13—Annual Barbecue at Playground of
St. Philip Mon. A. M. E. Church. Dinner 50c.
-M-4-H'I-M 1 1 1 ? 4