Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, SEPT. 29. 1949
The Butterfly’s
By Albert Mary Thweatt
“False propaganda is the most conspicuous offense against
the Nihth Commandment in our day. When the newspapers-
governments, partisan groups, or advertisers pollute the wells
of truth and betray the public mind by subtle half-truths and
misleading statements- they are really bearing “false witness"
Our whole social fabric breaks down if we cannot trust re¬
sponsible men to hotior and to tell the truth. We need to
be as true in these days as Washington and Lincoln were in
their day."
Georgia State College’s first football game of the season
found hundreds of sport fans riding up to the new athletic
field. Quite s/a array of fall wear was featured by not only
members of the fairer sex but the males as well. Sport cor¬
duroy coats seemed to have held sway with the men. The
ladies wore suits, woolen dresses, sport dresses, sweaters and
skirts. A few satin and taffeta dresses were in evidence.
Among the hundreds seen at the gamp were the Edward
Laws, Dr. and Mrs. Luther Thompson and daughter, Dr. and
Mrs. S. F. Frazier, Mesdames Gladys Sanders, Leah Skipper
Gredn, Irene Alexis and children- Marguerite Long and chil¬
dren, Rev. and Mm. E. O. S. Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
C. Bass, their two and a half years old daughter, Patricia and
four months old Charles Jr., iMrs. Bass is the former Gwendo¬
lyn Lester), Rev. and Mrs. Gustave Caution, Rev, Henry W.
Murph, Mr. R. W. Gadsden, the Eulie Bellingers and their son,
"Butch-” Mesdames Carrie Tolbert, Louise Lester, the Alphon-
Fields, Misses Augusta Pettie, Lollie Orr, Dorothy Mclver,
Barbara Burxe, Arthur Givens, W. G. Dixon, Lawrence Per¬
ry, Miss Viola Garrett, Bowles Ford, S. A. Jones, Arthur Giv¬
ens- Frame Freeman and his camera, Dorothy Boston and
others too numerous to mention.
....CONGRATULATIONS to Coach Ted Wright and his team
for having the courage to compete against Kentucky State
who is supposed to have one of the best colored teams in the
country . . Sport fans were fortunate to have had the oppor¬
action. Having had .
tunity .to observe this great team in .
the chalice to play them will encourage Georgia State’s Kentucky team '
to win games between teams more their equal. The
team used the “Platoon” system (having both offensive and I
defensive teams).
Coach Joseph Green served as head linesman, Hinton
James, Referee; Bliger, Umpire; and Mackey, Judge.
>Mrs. Ernestine Taylor was hostess to the Contra-lit)
Bridge Club on last Thursday. As usual she had a lovely
party.] Ernestine enjoys having parties and leaves no stone
unturned in making them most pleasant and enjoyable. Those
dijoying the party included Mesdames Mary H. Jones, Pauline
Hallgins, Eldora Greene, Nancy Collier- Altomese Dowse. Irene
Alexis, Eldora Martin, Mattie Payne, Augusta Pettie, Grethel
Bcott, Helen Weathers- Margaret Rhodes, Enobia Jackson,
Mamie Smith. Bessie Adams, Margaret Priester, Annie Sim¬
mons, Emma Henliett, Louise Lester, Louella Smith, Gertrude
Greene, Jenny Douglass, Martha Wilson, Mamie Cox- Nona
Hopkins, Rosa Lee Harden, Carrie Lou Lavender and Lucile
Thomas. After the guests had indulged in a most sumptuous
repast the hostess annouficed the lucky prize winners. The
first club prize was won by Mrs. Helen Weathers while the
gtiest prize was won by Mrs. Nancy Collier. Both were large
beautiful white trays decorated with painted rose designs.
Second prizes were won by Mrs. Margaret Priester and Miss f
Augusta Pettie. Mrs. Nona Hopkins drew consolation. The
last three prizes were maderia halndkerchiefs.
Mrs. Margaret Priester had a few neighbors and f£end.l
in last night to meet and play games with Mrs. Hattie Gar¬
ret and her daughter, Miss Viola Garrett who is an instruc¬
tor of Biology at South Carolina State College. Mrs. Gar¬
rett who hails from New Orleans was spending a few days
with her daughter in Orangeburg alnd both came to Savan¬
nah as week end guests of the Priesters.
All who enjoy the affairs given by the Waldorf Cluf will
be looking forward to their Harvest Dance on October 1,4th at
the Coconut Grove.
Dr. and Mrs. Burke Syphax and their two years old son,
Michael, of Washington, D. C., arrived in the city last week
for a visit with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Jamerson-
Sr. They left on Thursday for Miami, Florida to spend sev¬
eral days with their sister, and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Drew Days- They returned this week. Mrs. Syphax is the
former Jaunita Jamerson and Mrs. Days the former Dorothy
Evadrae Priester writing hbr parents that she is thrilled
with everything at the University of Michigan . .Mrs. Myrtld
Johnson and her hubby having a wonderful vacation in Los
Angeles. Chicago and Detroit. Mr. Johnson was a delegate to
the National Baptist Convention held in Los Angeles.
Heard in the air that there may be a chance of Miss Celeste
Hatcher’s being reinstated at the Carnegie Library.
Mrs. Janie Sabattie left for Cleveland. Ohio and Detroit,
Michigan on last Sunday. Enroute she will stop over to vis¬
it friends in Washington, D. C. She will make her return trip
by motor.
Mrs. Louise Jackstf Hutchinson and little son, Gaines, Jr.,
vtf re the guests of their parents- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jackson
’for a few days. . She by the way is a former graduate of Geor¬
gia State College . . At present Mrs. Hutchinson is employed
by Schenley Distilleries In the Empire State Building in New
York where she is now residing . . Her sister is a Nurses Aide
in the Rockland State Hospital in Orangeburg, N. Y. She is
a graduate of South Carolina State College.
Miss Frankie Golden who is Supervisor of Schools in Doo¬
ley County spent the week end in the city. She seems to be
enjoying her work immensely.
The Chatham County Teachers Association began the new
term with a record attendance with Mrs. Ayler Mae Lovett as
president. Several new officers were elected.
Miss Carolyn Gladden. Clerk of Second Baptist Church
read a letter to the church from Rev. Edgar Quartermaq.. the
newly elected pastor. He informed them that he will be hap¬
py to meet all members in a sort of “Home Coming" service
on Sunday, October 2nd Rev. Eddie pavis has very faithful¬
ly served as supply pastor for the church.
The Educational Commission of Second Baptist Church pre¬
sented scholarships to four June Beach High graduates who
are members of the church. They included Misses Ernes¬
tine Maynor, * Catherine Hunt, Margaret Bennett and Alan
Walker. Since Alan is beginninig his freshman year in Archi-
tectual Designing at Hampton Institute and could not be here
to receive his in person, his grandmother. Mrs. Justine Pat¬
terson (also a Hamptonian) received it for him expressing
Mrs. Anita Stripling, the president explained the purpose
and qualification for the scholarships. . The presentation was'
made by Mrs. Flonince Este, the Commission’s first and past
president , Presentations were made to Mrs. Gloria Walker
Smalls in 1947, Misses Dorothy Mclver- Evelyn Smalls, a,nd
Delores Jones in 1948. Congratulations for this grand gesture
of encouragement to the young members of the church.
Miss Charlotte Williams is recuperatinig from a recent op¬
eration at C. of Ga.. Hospital. Mr. John Habersham is also re¬
cuperating from a minor operation. Their many friends
wish for them both a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Jane Parker Starr was hostess to the Junior League
on last Monday night.
The marriage of Mrs. Eliza-
beth Armstrong Scruggs and
Edward IE. Perry was solemn z-
ed at a lovely ceremony Sat
urday n gl t at 8:3jL Rev A. C.
Curtright officiated. The cere-
mony was performed at the
the home of the groom, 624
West 38th street, with a back¬
ground of palms, white pom¬
pom chrysanthemums and
pink gladioli.
Th: -bride was lovely n her
gown of blue crepe with a
bodice of blue lace. She
a corsage of white roses.
Her matron of honor
only attendant was Mrs.
lie Franklin of Arlington,
who wore a gown of grey bro-
caded satin. ‘ Her corsage was
of pink roses.
Mr- W llie Franklin served as
best man. Immediately follow¬
ing the ceremony a rec ption
was held * at their home, 624
W. 38117 Street.
The Duketenas
Th? Duketenas club met at
the home of JVLrs. Nora Thomas,
5C6 W. 34th street, Sept. 2 U,
with the president in charge
iRIoutfme business was carried
cut and games were played, the
f rst prize being won bv ' Mrs.
2nd hv by Mr Mrs. „ Emma FmrT , a
Cooper- All were glad to
Mrs. Helen Roberts out. Next
meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. Cooper, 61,5 W. Bolton
street. The hostess served a
delightful repast. Mrs. Rosa
Durant is president.
C. D. C. Elects Officers
September 22, the fifth pre¬
cinct of the Sitizens Democrat¬
ic club held its first meeting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Davis, 1C35 Arlington avenue.
follow mg off .crs were
elected for the ensuing year:
Earl Cruse, chairman; Mrs.
Mary E. Mack, vice chairman;
Lewis Burns, secretary; Mrs.
Mazie Davis, assistant secre-
tary; A. L. Davis, treasurer; M.
B. Spikes, Robert Camm and
Mrs. Joseph ne Bamil, repre-
sentatives. Several Rpvprn 1 viators vis tors
were present from other pre¬
cincts, who made timely re¬
marks. At the close of toe
meeting an enjoyable repast
was |erved. Lula Washington
is reporter.
Austin Dobson New /
Post 500 Members
James Austin and Earl Dob¬
son beoame the newest mem¬
bers in the William P. Jordan
Post, American Leg on, when
the post met Sept. 21 at the
Recreation Center.
Jesse Lee, post finance offi¬
cer, reported on the raffle for
the f.nanc’ committee, and J
C- Copeland, service officer, re¬
quested aid for a fellow veter¬
an, which was granted.
Arthur C. Rob nson and Jas
Austin were appointed to the
entertainment and legal com¬
mittees, respectively. Earl Dob¬
son replaced Mrs. Mar.arr Starr
as captain for one of the elev¬
en membership teams. MV
Starr requested to be relieved
because of sickness in her fam¬
It was announced that a Le¬
gion Auxiliary will be formed
by the post, and that the mo¬
thers, w.ves, sisters and daugh¬
ters of all Legionnaires w.ll be
invited to join. The auxiliary
will be organized within two
weeks- It was also announced
that the post was assisting
with the compiling the list of
local war dead, and, further
that the post would conduct at
the Roll Call and Inspection
for the Boy Scouts of America.
W. W. Law, the post command¬
er, presided.
* 'I • '•
for 45 U-
PHONE 5^08 • 128 W. BAY ST.
Surprise Birthday Party
In honor of Robert E. Stepn
erson on Sept. 6 a surprise par- | j
ty was given by his wife, Mrs.
Charlotte Stepherson, and I
granddaughters, Ollie and
Ruth e Lee Stepherson. The
home was beautifully decorat-
ed in blue. Candy, refresh-
ments and souvenirs were giv¬
en as favors. Ass sting Mrs
Stepherson were Mrs. Rosa
Rivers, Mrs. Nettie Bing and
Mrs. Daisy Sampson. Guests
included Mr. and Mrs. John
Bing, Mrs. Ada Scott, Mrs. R
L. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Riv:rs, Mr. and Mrs, R. E
Stepherson, Jr , Mr. and Mrs
E. Stewart, Vina Bowen, Mrs
Lillian Jackson, Mrs. Carr.e
Stepherson, Mrs. Pearl Hills
Mrs. Wilson Scott, Rev. Joseph
W. M Brown, MPs Mabel B ng,
Cambel, Mrs. Elizabeth Mack,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lewis, Mrs.
j Daisy Sampson, Mss Lourin
Bolden, Mrs. Katie Kennedy
and Miss Georgia Mae Samp¬
First Aid Club Mo. 1
The regular meeting of the
First Aid club "l9th No. ‘at 1 the“'home met on
September Bis¬
0 f the president- Mr. S. D.
ard, on Ryal Ave. with Mrs. S.
D. Bisard, as hostess. After the
business a {sumptuous repast
was served by Mrs Bisard
which was enjoyed by those
present. It was indeed a treat
to receive the hospitality ex¬
tended -by the hostess, whom
%e found to be a pleasing per¬
son. The members were also
happy to have with them on
Sunday, September 25th at
the home of Mrs. Gladys Cor¬
ley, Sgt» Benjamin F. Miller,
the organizer of the club who
was the speaker of the even¬
ing. An inviting repast was
served by Mrs. Corley. The
next meeting will be at the-
home of Mrs. Anna McCoy, 3
Charles Lane, October 4th. S.
D - Bisard is president and Mrs
Beatrice Tootle- reporter.
Jordan Post To Call
Boy Scout’s Roll
It was announced today by
T. J. Flanagan, Jr., field scout
executive of the Coastal Em-
p ire cmmcil, that toe William d' I
Jordan post ^ commande
by W. W. Law, will call the
roll of all Boy Scout troops in
the Chatham div.s on-
The roll call is national and
it is in keeping with the na-
t nnwide roundup of the Boy
Scouts of America.
The Scouts will be inspected
at the meeting place of the
Ail scoutmasters are request¬
ed to have all of the scouts on
hand for the roll call.
Sr. Boy Scouts Visit
Air Field
S x senior Boy Scouts of Ex¬
plorer Ship 170 made a 2-hour
tour of Chatham Air Force j
The troop, sponsored by St.
James AME church, was gu d-
ed through the ground training
school, where instructors ex¬
plained toe cut-away and
mark-ups of various parts of
a B-50 Super Fortress.
The scouts were also taken on
a conducted tour of the flight
line and escorted through one
of the big airplanes.
T J. Flanagan, Jr., field
scout of the Coastal
Emp re Council, was in charge
of the group. Other members
of the tour were Ernest Hicks,
Herman Mosely, Earl Hicks, I
Charles Jones, Charles Bran-
nen and Oliver Brook.
An institute or school of in¬
struction in the work of the
Parent-Teacher Association is I
held each year to better ac -1
quaint those interested with
the work ngs of the PTA.
The Savannah district insti-
tuto tober will be at held 10 Saturday, at Beach Oc- j I
8 a. m.,
high school- It Is urgently:
hoped that representatives;
comprising the d.strict will at¬
tend this school of instruction
in large numbers, especially j
the teachers and principals of
The Savannah district com¬
prises the counties of Chat-
ham, Bryan, Effingham, Lib-
erty, Chandler, Glynn, Long
and McIntosh. Mrs. Josephine
A. Brinson is president of the
district. kA jatJ
The Chisholms Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. M C. Chisholm
of 913 East 38th street, had a
lew lr.ends come in to meet
their house gu:sts and friend,
Mrs. WilFe B. White of New
York city, and their brother,
Christopher Lambrlght, Jack¬
sonville, Fla. Tae guests spent
an er|oyable ev' playing
games. A delicious repast was
enjoyed by all. Those enjoy¬
ing the evening were Mr. and
Mi's. Jam?s Sapp, Sr , Mrs.
Louisa Carr.ngton, Miss Laura
Frazier, Mrs. Francis Morris,
Mrs. Nyler Wash ngton, Mr.
and Mi's. Archie Stevens, Mrs.
Queen Baker, Mrs. Edna
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan
Roberts- Out of town guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eason,
Jr., of 2203 Augusta avenue,
are proud to announce the
birth of a son, Eric Von, on
September 20. Mother and
son are doing fine.
J. L.’s To Sponsor
Armistice Dance
The Junior League held its
regular monthly meeting at
the home of Mrs. Jane Parker
Starr cn September 19. Mrs.
Grethel Scott pres ded at the
meeting in the absence of the
president, Mrs. Susan P. Wat¬
ers. ,
Various c;vic act vities were
discussed. It was dee ded that
the leagi*' would spoil ,or an
Armistice Day dance Friday.
November 11, for the' benefit
of the Child Placement Serv¬
At the close of the meeting
a delightful repast was served
by the hostess.
Florance PTA
The regular meeting of the
Parent-Teacher Association of
Flcrancc street school wa-‘
held Wednesday, September 21
A large number of parents at¬
tended the meeting, and were
gfYQn instructions as to the
object ve of the associat on
and an outline of the organi¬
zation’s program for the year
As a result of this first meet¬
ing there is be ng form d a
parent’s council wh ch wil
serve as an administrative
The regular monthly meet¬
ings w.ll be held at 7 p. m. on
the third Wedne day of each
month- Our last meeting
started promptly at 7 o’clock
and the business sesson for
the evening was completed at
8 00 .
The president of the organi¬
zation, B. C. Ford, and other
officers urge that all parents
and tr ends join in helping to
make the 1940-50 term of the
PTA a? successful as poss.ble
Mr. Wiley Goes To Mami
James E. Wiley, well known
pianist and entertainer, left
Saturday for Miami Beach,
Fla., for the winter season
Mr Wiley w 11 appear at DH
Monta’s (white only) Cafe Bar
on the beach. Mr. Wiley is the
youngest son of Mrs. Sarah
Wiley of Joe street.
Beauticians Association
The Savannah Beauticians’
Association held its regular
meeting Monday at M.n’s
Beauty Nook, with President
Faustine Biguon
After the dispatch of much
bus .'ness, president mad
Real Estate Loans
Consult us before making your Real Estate Loans.
We have handled real estate loans for 50 years.
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It will be to your advantage to see us first
Southern Savings & Loan
19 East Bay Street Rhone 2-2114
Assets Over $2,000,000
, WE PAY :i% Certificates
Above are the officers of the
Senators club which was re¬
organized. The club, which,
pr.or to its period of inactivi¬
ty, was outstanding in the
promotion of local entertain¬
ment affairs, has recently em¬
barked on a re vita? tied pro¬
gram which will again place it
in the foreground of clubs
sponsoring- local entertain-
In the picture are shown,
standlhg, left to right, Grady
Joyce, clerk of order; Grady
L. Smith, chapla n; Clarence
Ligon, insurance agent; Hasie
M. Gjrant, reporter; John M.
Smith, pvt. secretary; Richard
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. M. Burke
of Sandersville were week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A-
Davis of Arlington avenue.
Mrs. Burke is the s ster of Mrs.
Dav^s and just returned from
visiting her other sister, Mrs
R ba A. Fleming, in Toronto,
Mr ;. Annie Jackson of 834 W
39th street, returned home af¬
ter a short stay with her son
and daughter in Plainfield, N.
Mrs. Lillie G. Mason was the
Sunday guest of Mrs. Hatt e V.
Sommcrsett of Montgomery on
Sept. 11, and attended the 59tli
an urgent appeal for all mem¬
bers to be present at th > com- f
ing Monday night’s mcetngi
the which will place. be Mrs. held Naomi atj
Wilson is reporter-
Mother’s Social Club
The Mothers’ Soc al club met
Monday at the res dence of
Mrs. W. M. Walker on Florence
street at which time much bus¬
iness was transacted. The
club’s party on Sept. 17 was
quite a success. The next
meeting will be held at the
residence of Mrs. L. M. Roberts,
reporter. Mrs. M. B. Rosser is
S. G- Sellers, prominent un¬
dertaker of Atlanta, ’motorhd
to the city yesterday with his
daughter, Mis.: Juanita Sellers,
who was recently appointed to
the department at
Georgia State college. M'r.
Sellers was the house guest of
his s ster and brother in law,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ayers of
West 37th street.
One undergraduate and four
graduat* students have been
registered for the fall term at
the Un vers ty of Kentucky
Dean Maurice Seay announced
last week.
A sixth student’s application
has been approved, but he had
not registered.
The lone undergraduate
student is John Wesley Hatch,
Jr., of Louisv.lle, who last year
att ended * law classes at Ken¬
tucky state college for Ne¬
groes at Frankfort under the
terms of a contract between
that school and toe universl-
- Ervin, treasurer; Samuel Green,
cha rman of Act. committee-
Sitting, from left to right,
Herman London, recording* sec¬
retary; Richard Polite, S'.at.
secretary; C. O. Gordon, presi¬
dent; H. Norman, vice - presi¬
dent; Johnnie Cooper, chair¬
Photo by Freeman
anniversary of Beulah Baptist
church that Sunday afternoon
Mlss WlUie f le ° Ca f e lcU
Saturday . mght for New York
city to resume her stud es at
New York university, and l.ttle
Mi.;s Paulette Winfer Smalts
is back in Harrisburg, Pa , to
be in k ndergarten.
Friends of J. F. Butler, well
known agent of the Pilgrim
insurance company, is some¬
what ind sposed and Is at the
home of his daughter, and son
in law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Brockington, of 3515 Stevens
street, phone 3-2565.
ty. The agreement was a ma¬
jor factor in a federal court
decision that allowed Negroes
to register at the Univcrs ty oi
Under the old plan the uni¬
versity sent instructors tc
Frankfort to conduct classes
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