Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1049 \
Out of Town News
B Mrs. Pearl Icrinson
-.Sunday was .homj .coming
day at Taylor Chaps! A. M. E
Church, Pastor H. E. Scott de-
livered an inspiring sermon;
money raised, >89 01.
Sunday will be pastoral
at Pleasant Hill Holiness
Cnurc.i Elder Fraser i; pastor
Ine VaJey Tone quartet
w.ll sing at Pleasant H I!
Ho’l ness Church Sunday.
Miss Mildred
a student at Beach-Cuyler,
spent the weekend at h ome
with her parents, Mr. ,St Mrs.
Rentie Solomon.
By Yvonne Bunch
Sunday at S:. John A. M, E.
church, Rev. Wicker preached a
npltnd.d sermon.
Rev. Smokes and Henry
Brown went to Savannah, on
business, al o little Joe Brown,
ptw. Smokes visited his daugh-
tr|i there.
Mrs. Eunice Wallace and
Henry Brawn v.sited hi
nephew, Mrs. Bertie Smokes,
mother is returning home
Thursday after spend tig a
month with her through illness.
Mrs. Hattie Shellman and
Mr. & Mrs. A. B. Jens', and
family of Claxtor were roe
guest of Mr. it Mrs. O. Bunch
M ss Missouri Edmond vis dec
Mrs. Marjorie Jones Monday,
also Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bah,
By Eugene Johnson Sr
The Triumph Gospel Singer:*
of Savannah thrilled the audi¬
ence with religious numbers
Friday night at the Wilderness
Baptist Church.
Rev. Lamar Kelly leader of
the church has organized the
cinurch into five groupato raise
money to help beautify the ul¬
terior of the church.
The Progressiva Union maet-
ing will be held Sunday after
which the Golden Beil Singers
Exhaustive Research by Eminent
Dental Authorities Proves How Using
Colgate Dental Cream Helps
Stop Tooth Decay Before it Starts!
IN "VTOW dental science offers proof
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Proof—based on hundreds of case
histories, two years of continuous re¬
search at leading universities—the
most conclusive proof in ail dentifrice
research on tooth decay.
Under the direction of eminent
dental authorities, one group of col¬
lege men and women aiways brushed
their teeth with Colgate Dental
Cream right after eating—while an¬
other group followed their usual den¬
tal care. The average of the group
using Colgate's as directed was t
startling reduction in numoer of
cavities —far less tooth decay! The
other group developed new cavities
at a much higher rate.
Modern research shows tooth de¬
cay is caused by mouth acids which
are at their worst after meals or
Always use Colgate’s* to
cq^-: Clctn Your BreatB While You Clew Your Teeth
c -
* KijM after
will render a program.
Sunday was communion day
a! Tneoe. AM., church, Rev.
M. L. Lester, preaching
The camp meeting will close
Sunday right at the camptent.
Tne Southern Jubitaires will
vvillcnderrealizxvBroder ET ET
render a program Cct. 30 a
St Peter’s at 4 p. m. and at
Thebes at 6 p. m.
Rev. and Mrs. Le:ter are the
proud parents of a sen, Ma.
eddwrrepsproudpaMna E E EE
jr., born at Grady hcsp'.al in
Atlanta on Oct. 10. Both mo-
ther and child are doing nicely,
By Mrs. C. Mullice
Sunday the Mi sionary
foeV'ty of Ebenezer Church
ad its regular meeting of the
ohurch with a good attend¬
ance, Mrs. B. A. Frazer, i
nresident, M ss. Rosa Lambrigh’
The Usher Board of Beach
Hill Baptist Church anniv-
e|,ary was observed Sunday.
Ushers of calvarv Chur, i
Ebenezer, Midway and Com¬
munity were on program, Mr
josie Green, is Director, and Mr.
Ki cman Baker, President.
Albert S'evens is at home
from Crystal River, Fla., after
having an accident. He is im¬
proving. left
Mrs. Ida C. Williams
for Tampa, Fla. last Saturday
to visit tier grand daughter,
Jacqulin Hendry.
Laura Carter, Juvenile, GES,
will have a Silver Tea Sunday
at home of Samuel Mullice, Jr.
Mils, Rosa Lambright and
Harry Golden made a business
trip to Savannah, last Sat.
sbanols.qqm.di esth ththth
Mrs. Floria a Lambright
was the Sunday evening guest
of Miss R. Lambright.
Nichols Ga. News
The last quarterly confer-
ence of St. James AAME church
held Saturday,! October 8
at Nicholas with Presiding El-
der I. J. Johnson in charge.
Ail boards made excellent re-
ports and the presiding elder
w’as much pleased with the
progress“ made during the quar-
Rev. C. J. Lively, pastor,
took marge of the service on
Sunday when the presiding el-
der became indisposed. The
amount of money reported
by Mrs. A'; er Johnson
Cervices were excellent Svn
day at New Hope AME cuurch
with Pastor preaching,
The club leaders made fine re
Ports w,th Mrs. Lesi e Perry
urning in the highest amount,
130.59 The contest ends
-hird Sunday in November.
The St. James Bap. st chur-.i
ahoir attended the choir con
vention at Bethel AME church
it Hinesvil'.e., The choirs’
vent.on will be held at FAB
shurc.i in Glenoville.
Mrs. J. W. Shaw, Jr.,
fesup was the Sunday guest of
-ier son, Prof. J. W. Shaw, Jr.
Mrs. C. W. Stafford of Eruns
wick was the week end guest
of Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. M. Stafford.
Deacon and Mrs. O D. De..
loach a/nd Mesdame, Alice
grant and Ailsr Johnson were
the Saturday guests of Mrs. R.
E. Lync.i of Claxton, who has
been ser ous'y ill but is improv
ing nicely.
Mrs. Henrietta Walker was
Sunday guest of relatives at
Hinesv lie.
| * GUYTON |
by Reatha M Simmons
Sunday was pastoral day at
Macedonia Bap'ist church,
Pastor W. S. Scott preaching.
Services at night were conduct
ed by Daacon Joe Hunter and
the sermon preached by Rev
Recreation Parlor
525-28 West Broad Si.
Is The Right Place To
Spend Your ltecreatioa
snacks. When you brush your teeth
with Colgate Dental Cream right
after eating, you help remove acids
before they can harm enamel. And
Colgate’s penetrating foam reaches
crevices in teeth where food particles
often lodge.
The Colgate’s now at your dealer's is
the same formula used in the tests.
Colgate’s contains aii the necessary
ingredients, including an exclusive
patented ingredient, for effective daily
dental care. No risk of irritation to
tissues and gums! And no change in
flavor, foam, or cleansing action.
No ciaim is made that using
Colgate’s can stop all tooth decay,
or help cavities already started. But
brushing teeth right after eating is
the proved way to help stop tooth de¬
cay with Colgate Dental Cream.
B. J. Sherrod of New Hope.
Mrs. MJdrpd Caswell and
James Lcnah .were the week
end guesti of Mr. and Mrs. Jes
-ie Roberts,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown
! of. New York were t‘ne week ei id
: guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Those on the sick list ar
Mrs. Nellie Bryant, who -S ini
proving, and Mr. Nelson,
Mrs. Willie Irv ng wiio has
been away for some t.nie, has
i returned.
Mr;. Thelma Robinson has
returned from Washington. D.
ty Mrs. Agnes Coli ns
£t. Philip’s tiome coming was
a great success. It was par
j ticipa ed in by Mt. Oicve, Will New
i Bethel and Et. ams
j churches. Rev. S. J. Brown
preached the morning sermon
j and Rev. Jchn Clark 4.he after
i >nocn ser mon.
| Mrs. Janie Bell Wil iams has
'• returned home after spending
j two weeks in Wash ngton, D.
c„ with her rister.
Mrs. p a nie M.ller, Mrs. Bea
trice Drink-., Mrs Loma Me
Nea t o nc j Mrs. Reta M. Towns
mcx tored to Coll ns Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Clay were
t he Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Clay.
1 the week
Rev s A grown was
, enc j gue st of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
j Hammock.
Mrs. Mollie Goins was the
| g u nday dinner guest of Mr. and
; M r:. Harold Mosley,
M r. and Mrs. Frank SmaF.
made a businers trip to Clax
ton on Saturday.
Tom Browder has returned
to Hawkinsv lie after spending
the week end wi*h his
The box supper given at the
Reisville h gh school netted
$52 55.
By Earline Gause
Sunday was Women’s day at
Bethel AME church, Mrs. W.
Feilnell delivering the morning
message and Rev. R. Richaid
speaking at night. A program
was also rendered at the even¬
ing service with Mrs. J. H.
Beamor as mistress of ceremo¬
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wil-
' and family of Savannah
| hams
were the Sunday guests of his
j mo'Jher and sister, Mrs. Janie
Williams and Mrs. Clifford
I Taylor.
On the second Sunday In
| September men’s day was held
Toward This Jewelry
Purchase 99c
This Coupon and Only
Entitles Bearer to One
of Our Regular $5.00
Facsimile DIAMONDS
This Sale For One Day Only
719 West Broad Street
' A
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LUdtfS LOOK If want the
m wt you
BEST for your baby
Be sure you get
* Vaseline’ Petroleum Jelly. This
trade mark is your guarantee of
safety. It’s pure enough for
baby’s tender skin ... safe for
1 first aid treatment of burns,
bruises, throat irritations and a
dozen other household emer¬
gencies. Buy a jar ... today!
at Eethel AME church and the
amount raised w r as $50. Last:
Sunday $149.35 was raised
Mrs. Rosa Mell Martin andj
little daughters, Dorothy and
Lorene were the Sunday guests
of her mother and sisters.
Miss Mattie E. Shaw was the
Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles ‘McMillen.
George W. Shaw is home vis-
King his parents, Mr. and
Lonnie Shaw.
Miss Mattie E. Shaw (pent
Friday night with her
ant aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
L Baker.
The Busy Bee Xmas club will
meet at the home of Miss Mat-
tia Shaw next Friday night.
The Singing Convention met
at Bethel AME church Sunday
evfV.iing. Money raised was
By Markie Blair
The State Department has
a unit set here giving blood
tests and X-rays October 17-
22 .
line first six weeks of school
will end Friday October 21st. *
By G, W. Benjamin
Sunday was pastoral day
at Mill Creek Baptist church,
Rev. H. C. Boyd preaching a
noble sermon. Money raised
$33.97. Rev. Boyd and Mr.
Sj'ckerson were clin'ner guests
of Dea and Mrs, G. W. ben¬
jamin Sunday.
Mrs. Queen Smokes was‘the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rjals on
The funeral of Mr. Mannie
Browtp was largely attended
last Tuesday at Mill Creek
church. Rev. P. H. Lyde offi¬
ciating. Sidney A. Jones Fun-<
eral Home was in charge.
The funeral of Mrs. Annie
Cross was largely attended on
Monday at Mill Creek church
Rev. P. H. Lyde officiating and
Sidney A. Jones Funeral Home
in charge.
Tne Union meeting will meet
with the Cypress Bay Baptist
Church at Lanier on the Fifth
Saturday and Sunday. Rev. C.
L. Cross, pastor.
By Robert L. Walker
Sunday was pastoral day at
Thomas C'haJpel AME 'church.
Rev. A. MonOiey. pastor. The
Sunday School was largely ati
tended, \
We are sorry that Mrs. Lu-
la Goldwire is very ill.
Mr. Jack Hickerson is some
Mary Williams and little Sa¬
die Mae Harris were the week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1
Willie Paschal and formerly of
Ernest Young was the week
end guest of his uncle and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wallace. 1
Henry Wallace was the after¬
noon guest of his mother, Mrs.
Maggie Young. j
Mr and Mrs. Maryetta Earnest' Wal-«
laco and family and
Young were the Sunday guests
of Mr., and Mrs. Sweetie Mae
and ly of Emma Springfield. Wallace and fami- j
The U. K. Y. Sewing circle j
will moat at the home of Sis.
A. Mainoney on the 22nd and I
in the afternoon the same
club will have a rummage sale
at the home of Mrs. Stephens.'
Things will be cheap: dresses,
shoes, hats, shirts,
Mrs. J. P. Odum is back
home from the bedside of her
daughter-in-law, with a new
born baby grand son. He will
be called Oscar Adams.
by Mrs. M. F. Ba'ley
Euparv sor Mary Lee Hall
ad Principal Raleigh Macon of
the high senool are attending
the weeks conference of super.,
visitors and principals at Ga.
Baptist college in Macon.
Revs. Middeton, Lyncu, Douse
and Revs Lee and Perkins filled
their out o town, appoint¬
ments Sunday.
Miss Mildred Jones of Fort
Mahogany Double Four Post
Bed. Good condition. Call
of Chicago
Only Colored Male Hair
Stylist in the City
At Mme. Freeman’s
Beauty Shop
t(5GH Montgomery St.
Valley was the week end guest
of her meaner, Mrs. J. P.
After .vivt '.rg relat.Vfs in
New York city, Mrs. Margie
Wi'ght has returned. She was
accompanied by her sister in
law, Mrs. Julia Lee of New Jar-
sey, who Will be her house
guest for a few days.
As ss Gladys Martin of
toner, S. C„ is the hou e guest ”
of her unefe and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Harper.
Deacon Dan W.lliamj suf-
fered an accident in *u ch his
leg was broken.
Mrs. Fannie Tatum is on the
ick 1; st.
Mrs. Saliie Johnson and Mrs.
Mary Hale are still confined
to bed.
Mrs. R. E. Lynch has re-
by L. C. T'ailJ
Sunday ~ , was pastoral . , day .
Mt. Zicn Bapt st church
Rev. F. C. Curvin of Dublin de¬
livering the morning and even-
"g me sages. Communion
was served. The regular choir
rendered music, and at 4 n. m.
‘.he junior choir rendered a pro¬
Mrs. Ophelia Willis had a;
her gue t Mrs. LLillie V. Pace
of Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs A M. Morman
and Mrs. Julia Ivery of Vldalia
were Funday guests of Mrs. Ro-
sa Todd.
Mro. Willie Bostic is
aga n after a few weeks of ill-
The Treutlen County Colored
Ci i c club ‘.leld itn regular j
business meeting Sunday.
Curry Love and Carl Walker
motored to Augusta on busi¬
Mr. and Mr-. A. McArther
\lth Iheir son and daughter
motored to Savannah as guests
of Mrs. McArther’s father.
The WMBS of Mt. Zion held
its regular meeting with Mrs.
Hodges in caarge
Mt. Olive church has called
Rev. A. H. Harden as pastor
for another year.
Ernest Hodges and Miss Jes¬
sie Mclver were visitors of
Mit. Zion Sunday.
An interesting baby contest
is being waged in behalf
Lovely Hl.l church.
R C. Smith attended the as-
scslat cn at Glenwood.
Mrs. Rosa Todd was called to bedside of her daughter,
Miss Pearl Todd, who has un¬
dergone a major operation at
Jefferson hospital In Philadel¬
by T.iomas Williams
Many attEndad the singing
conventfon at Manassas on Sun
Sunday services were excel¬
lent at Mt. Pilgrim Baptist
church, Rev. E. L. Glasker, pas-
Little Carlon Rutch
ed his seventh fcigtuday Oct. 12
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. B. Futch.
Mrs. A. C. Holloway is im¬
Mrs. Lula M. Jackson and
Millions of bottles are bought by men who like that
t clear clean
"-V Y> laste
J ,
>"y “One picture” say the Chinese, “is
better than a thousand words”.
But even 10,000 words about PM’s
“clear, clean taste” wouldn’t be¬
gin to make it as clear as this pic¬
ture of the fawn. This p.m. sample
wc s the “elear, clean taste” that leads
'M men to order “PM”.
7/ m III «, n
Nm. Jj i .
National Distillers Products CorN.Y.; N.Y. Blended Whiskey."86Proof. 67%% Grain Neutral Spirits
grandch.idren were the Sunday
gues'.s of Mrs. Maggie DunstbB
ana grar.ddauhter.
mother s. BHR FHR HRD CHR
We are <orry t o learn of the
illness of Mrs. R. M. Henderson
hut hope for her a speedy re-
The Collins High school is
Improving each day under
Prof. L. S. Young and his co-
The Collins High school
gave a dance Friday night in
behalf of the school.
Dea. and Mrs. Duncan Mi
e'-’.’s daughter. Marie is ho
after an operation and Li stea
j ily improving. feavannahian* regret
j East
j learn of tne death of Mrs.
sephine Wiggins. Her fun^
al was held from Bryan
tist church, Rev. Williams in
charge. Interment in Laurel
Grove Cemetery,
iMr. and -Mrs. Lindsay Wan-
ton are the proud parents of a
baby boy. He arrived last
week and will be named Lind-
Jr -
Miss Mildred C. Baker will
j say I do next Tuesday evening
when she will become the bride
Jof Ernest her parents, Sanders Mr, at and the home Mrs.
Ban Baker Sr. on East Gwin^
nett street.
Mrs. Bernice Wilt. >r and chil
dren Albert and Junior spent
Sunday in Statesboro visiting
Mr. Wiki, r’s relathes.
Frien ... of Mrs. Hattie Young
regret to u.arn of the death of*
her brother, 'Dea. David Bontl
who was buried from Sweet
Field Baptist church. Rev. R. ».
Cooper in charge; interment in*
Pin Point cemetery.
Community Club meeting bn
Monday night at FAB church.
Mrs. Moultrie is Fin. secretary.
E. J. Oliver, V. president and A.
Morrell, is president.
Mt. Bethel Ministe r s and
I sacons Union To
Hold Session
Cn Monday night, October
23rd the Mt. Bethel Ministers
and Deacons Union will begth
its fifth Sunday sessions for
the week at Mt. Moriah Baptist
Church, ACL Boulevard,; Rev.
J. L. Rumph. pastor. The foil
lowing churches will participate
in the weeik’s program: Mon¬
day night, Mt. Moriah Baptist
church; Tuesday/ nigh’-, OctL
25, Mt. Bethel Baptist Church;
j Wednesday night, Oct. 26 and
Union I(aptist church; Thurs¬
day night, Oct. 27. Jerusalem
Baplitt Church. Friday night
the Board meeting and all male
members are asked to be preo-j
ent. The meeting will be in
the hands of the Field Mission
8isters . The public is i,nvit-:
ed to be with us.
Rev., J. S'. Powell, Moderator
Dea. A. Jivens, Secretary. ift
•'•4*4*4*jH^t;XyX******4"K SMRBAN MS ,
Springfield Terrace
By Mrs. E. H. Perry
Mrs. Rosa Simmons and her
s ster, Mrs. Annie Scott, re¬
turned after visiting iheir son
and nephew of Morristown,
N j who has been ;1 for qulte
a while. He is now much be.tar
and is at home.
The many friends of Mrs. A
Adams of Fahm street were
saddened learning of her
passing last week. Sue
af Fahm Street were saddened
was a member of the usher
board of FBB church.
Mrs. M. Clarke of 145 Lum¬
ber street and family were be-
reaved by the passing of her
t w i n SO n, Master Clarke. Funer-
a ] was h e in a t gt. Philips Mon-
u mental Church on Saturday
on Monday evening Oct.
jg a t Jerusalem Churcn Rev.
W Ison pastor, a large crowd
gathered to witness the celeb-
ra ti on of the 3rd anniv¬
ersary of Perry’s Vocal School,
an interesting program wa»;
carried out and the little tots
played their parts well n the
Tom Thumb wedding. Two
prizes were presented, first to
Mss. Julia Mae Jerrydoe,
and second to Miss Beverly
wiles, grand daughter of Mrs.
Brown. Henry Dukes is
pres dent and Mrs. E. H. Perry,
instructor, a large sum was
for the school,
silrfcseh nqoe$t .iyewr
The meeting of Uhe Deacon¬
esses Un.on was held at.
Bethlehem Baptist Ohurch on
Thursday and plans made
attend the stat e convention in
By M. E. Morrell
The attendance was good on
Sunday at FAB Church. Rev.
Shellman brought the message
midday, while the Mission sis¬
ters rendered a program Sunday
night. This Sunday is pasto¬
ral day and Pastor
ham will be with us all
Tne Youth Age Rally will be
held November 20. Mrs. Rut
Smith is captain of the youths
while Mrs. Baker is captain for
the aged.
The mission sisters are en¬
tertaining the union moating
at FAB church October 28 to
30. Mrs. Laura Walker is
president and Mrs. Palmer, sec-
Geo. Manigault left
for North Carolina where he
will sail for Australia.
Ask The Man
es You
Skin too dark? Try Dr. FRED I’almer'a Skin
V/hitener tonight. Lightens skin, acts on eter¬
nally caused pimples and Flemishes. 25c and 50C;,
4 Bf >IrPl'U!^ 2K iUtH f/ H