Southern centinel, and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1793-1???, April 23, 1795, Image 1

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GAZETTE OF THE STATE. f . 1 ■■ 11 11 *— l Vol. 11. Numb. XCVIIL] - ■ 1 ■■ . ■ ■ ■■ .... ——, ,1 -= r , r - tt-t-ti w-tiw-1 ! -A - -- - -■ ■ AUGUSTA: Printed by ALEXANDER M ‘MIL LA N, i'r INTER TO .'HE STATE. m T'HE Subscribers have commenced X the COMMISSION and FAC TORAGE bufmefs in Augujla , on the north Hue of Broad-ftrtet, opposite the Market, and will ftr-e. all kinds of Merchandise and Produce —From at tention and integrity we hope to be encouraged by our friends and acquain tance. SKinar <ss 3^raniam. April 9, 179S gained Goaper, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general , that he has opened for /ale, at the fore lately occupied by Me]/- Roljlon and Nefoit. on M'lntojh jlreet, leading to the middle Ware Hou/e, A frelh and general aflbrtmsnt of /Dry CJoodd, diard- Ware, and (jro* ceried, Which he will fell low forcafli or pro duce. April 16, 1795. FI L. S. L '/> vi m. 1.1 . On the firJlTuefJoy in May next, at the Court house in Wfblngttn county, -wilt be fold, the folio-wing property, viz. 200 acres land, Montgomery county, on tb* Oconee river, near Carr's Blutf. 1,600 acres Walhington county, on the waters of Oconee, adjoining Thomas King. too acres adjoining said King. 156 acres Hancock county, on Big Ogechee. . Also, a Waggon and four Horses, seized by two executions, John Campbell vs. David Glenn, and Thomas Rutherford vs. said Glenn. Conditions cash. . H. BREAZEAL, SAV.C 5 “ ? Sale. Will be fold on the I/? Turf Jay in Miy next , at Columbia Court-boufe, 13 negroes, #he property of Alio, 11 of pine land, in Hancock county, on Town Creek, joining land of Robert Middleton ; taken as the property of laid Middleton- Alfg , 200 acres iri Colum bia county, on the waters of Savannah river joining lands of \Ve4fet and Mrs. Boyd. Also, 100 near the fame, joining lands of John Fofterand Mrs. Bovd, W taken as the property of Lemon Thomas Reed. Conditions calh'. S. MARSHALL, A. S. April 2, 1795. SValice. A LI. perfotis are hereby forwarned, •RiL not to c it or carry off timber of ” any kind whatever, from that tract of land known by the name of Willis’s or the Dutch Mills near Augusta, or they *% if .y they'will be prosecut ed to the ufmoft rigor of rh* law. THOMI#ON BIRD, HARFV\% MONTGOMERY. April 8,T>95. * NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trusting or crediting, on my wife Suckey, as M-.all not be for any of hereon trads. WILLIAM SMITH. Augujla, March 23, 1795. jt. AND ' oJaAcn Execution, And tvs. Ibe fold at Wilkes court house, on Saturday the 23 d day of May, /-•- she taxes of the year 1794, the f following trad of land viz. 350 ac'ss the property °f Tnomai T. ’■rell, on Beverdam creek I joining Ca/'ey AJ/te and Peter Smith in Wilkes. 200 acre%s the property cf Henry Jones, on Savannah river joining Riun and Jar den. 200 acres joining Cordil and Middleton. 50 acres the property of Philip Jones, joining Talbert and Greer. 250 acres on long creek f oining Anderson and Favours, for Jok" Wheats tax. 300 acres on Fishing creek, granted to Edward Jones, join ing John Todd and Andrew Shirk, for the tax of the fame. 291 acres the property of William Jones , joining Saunders and l. Jones. 850 acres iri Greene county, on Ttaykr'e creek of Broad ) river, joining Wm. T ray Ur and Gordin, I granted to Thomas Stan die). ' Likewise, 2873- acres on Btverdam, of Richland creek grant ed to Thomas Johnjlotr, vacant on all ty of Thomas Standley. D. MERIWETHER, C. IV. C. Gaf&cicr’j date. TO BE SOLD, On Tuefday the 19 th May next, at \Vajhlngtun Court-hot J'e the following finds, for taxes due for 1 793. 287 y acres the proper ty of James Cat he l on Buck creek. 100 acres the property of John Perminter, on Town creek ad joining Green's land. 1000 acres the property of Drury Ledbetter on Town creek ad joining unknown land. 200 acres the* property of JoJeph Carson on Little Ogechee ad joining Morgan's land. 287 y acres the proper ty of Dfrnjee Wood, lying on Oconee rivet a joining unknown land. JOHN HAMPTON, T c w. c. * NOTICE. oJ&e ij-u£jcri&er rc= quests the favour of such cf his cufto ir.ers who are (hil in arrears to him. that t!,?y*yil! come forvard ami nuke the be!l %t;emenrf n their ’power be tween this ?nd the firfc of May next H >f that from the iong indulgence v hich many have met with from him, tills notice wii! faveihcpar •tier from arv further trouble. N. B. A number of perforis who re side at a diilancc owe finall accounts oSioug (landing—as this will be the eto them, i is to be hoped they will avail*hemfel- e thereof • Andrew Junes. Mmxh 18, 1795. ‘"~" ri ■ tub 1 ■■■»!! nir-T 1 I Collectors Sale. Will be fold at Columbia Court house, or. Saturday the 18 ta April next, JJO acrea cf £and, more or left, adjoining land? of Wm. the property of John Ray, tor tax. Daniel Marjhall, T. C. THURSDAY, April 23, 1795. . -19 r* A v. r„»,V,>..Vi.V..Y»drv Of grocer led* The Subfcrtier u. Received and now opening for / t ■ C J.mthwcjl cot tier of C'.yac.-i. .< i .’afiington Jtreets. wit . Blajn's , pjrejo 1 d general , itjjlti ne-.t of UQpORs .au G ytJCERIES, among which .ef il'-wing Articles. OLD JaninTutpfiK./ Weil ffd Northward rum, Cogniac and apt*? brandy, Genuine Mudeir.) wine, Teneritfe, flierr' and Malaga 10. tr Belt Port wine ti buttles, Do. London po cei and StaTordfhire cyder in ditto, Amiileed ojiiaj, ' Holland gin, Loaf, and common brown sugar, Molalles, Bell by loti and b, !t« a tea. Pepper, pimento n ultard, Ziiit currants, Jar and ktg raiftl", Nutmegs, A ■ Copperas, allutnl fu'pl.ier, See. Bottled fnuff, I Pomatum, liarclU^ Camphor, HritilDfc.\, Turiington’s bai m, I Fig blufc, pewtei Nails of all lizef . Bar iron, Heel, , Iron pots and D T oveds, Frying pans, Cutting knives, L . ’ cs. Window Crt.cktry and g.^Bware, Playing cards, Powder, fljott am 1 sad, Lmtfecd and trail"Sil, White lead, Span n brown and yellow ochre, &c. &ckec Which he is deter ninci to fell low for ctijh or produce only. ffcfepfi Slu ten In fan. April 1, 3795-. FO R fs A L E, At the Sublcribcij? Store, on the mofl moderate termifor calli or produce, a variety of gor.'.i, among which are. AFF.W humred pieces of hneft India nam|.cns, Iriill (mens, (het’ tigs, ofnabrigs, Calicoes, lhawls,piuilius and lawms, A good afibrtmeiwof men, women, and childrens hats. v Calamancoes, flia(oonsand tammies, Men, wtimen children Ihoes, Cotton cards, pester, Naiis, window g! fs, Ironmongery anccutlery, Also, 4 years id London particular Madeira wine, Hierrv, oTd spirits, Northward rum, ..'pple brandy, Jamai ca sugar by the b.rrel or lels quantity, coffee, tea, and molalles, fait, Iron, &c. JOHN MACIVER. 4 v | aMOTMHBMMMTMMMWMW » ■ 1| d&erijN date. Will be Sold, Onthe firJlTuefdiy in May r.ext, at the Market-h\ufg , in Augujla, Jl tract oj land on ific Uchee I Hand, commonly known by Germany’s I Hand, originally granted to John i<ae, jnn. containing 220 acres, fold as the property of said John Rae, being a partner qf Raes, Elbert and Graham; aifo several Negroes, for merly the proper!* of laid concern, at the fait of Ciay and Haberfham. JAMES RICHARDS, S. R. C. March 'r, Blank Deeds of Con - veyance,ana Blank Bonds fur laic at this Office. j d&erijj'a date. W!LT, BE SOLD, On the firjl Tnefday in May ne<t, at ' the jourt-houfe of Wildes county, the f Mowing roperty, viz. Nerrocs, Ruth ana her two Grace and Lewis, taken under ' tias the property of Henry Karr.®*» Two Negroes named . Sam and Cato, and 300 acres of h. f more or less, lying on Little river, a iotnir-T land of Thomas Norrils and o thers, inc'udingihe plantation and i.n -provemeißt whereon John Lindsay now < lives. Taken under execution as the property of said Lindsay. Also, on the fi jt Tuej'day in April next, will be fold at the above place, A Negroe Lad named jolmfon, taken under execution as the property of William Glen. 200 acres of Land on the waters of Little river, includ ing the improvements, whereon Josiah Wancricf now lives, joining lands of Afr Adkins and F. Sims, taken under execution as the property of fdidAion crief. 250 acres of Land, in cluding the plantation whereon Richard Beafly now 11 yes, lyhig on the waters of Ne -vford, joining land of the wi dow Jackson, \\ : vlly Pope and others Taken under execution ds the property \» t / • • «o o * • L. u/x i . o. Feb. 19, 1795 Public Notice. T 5 * HO S E gentlemen who hold *- fublcription papers for the Georgia Cotton Ala- NUF ACTOR Y, are deCred to fend the lame to William Robertson, Esq. Clerk of the Superior Court atAugulla, without lol's of time; alio pieafe to accompany the fame with a letter to 1,. Allen, directed under cover to fatd Roberti'on, mentioning the amount of the laid fublcription each person fends. Bv order of the Company, LEVI ALLEN, Manager. Augstjlc, April 1, 1795. Final Notice. Subfcribers having made ma- Any fruitlefs applications to thole indebted to them as well as to Robert Dick and Co. for a settlement of their accounts; now give this final notice to all concerned, that unless fatisfactory fettiements are made by the 15th Mav all accounts then unliquidated will be pu' into the hands of n-j Attorney at Law to recover without difcnm'mation of persons Thole vs —n>reel by bond, cr note f. ii the •elves nM> of if they wifli to a voider’ r arti »r expence. Wm. *K I NNEDY 6 Co. HJ fublcribers having made A repeated applications totnofe . indebted to them on account, for a settlement of the lame, without eifect, do now give notice, that unless the fame , are fettled on - or before the llt day of June ensuing, the« will be under f be neceflity of placing them in the h nds of Seaborn Jones, Esq. for colledtion— Thole who are indebted by fpecialt'es are also informed tii?t part payment will be expected by the fame time, especially from thole who have already experienced long indulgencies. GEO. BARNES, Co. April t, 1795. Wanted'to pur chafe, A few good field Negroes, for whicJ cash W'l be given. F.nquire of tin . Printer. IP, ice 4 Dol. per Ann SVatice IS her Ay given to aij concerne-i, that (agreeably to an fc'xectrnveo-der of i’lft to tr>e <L'ia book of subscription opened at roy office, on ti.e lit d/fy of iViay next, ior loans to the atnoufrt of co,ooo dollars, agree ably tp t hf adl palled last feflion ot the legiflatura for that purpole. / ARRiHAM JON i S. Auditor. , j Ext lit of i JB aft to appropriate money for / J * V the year 179*’ f ( AND '’thert as there remains on the part , of t\is Itarje unfubl'eribcd to the loan propo. , ■ •e/u lited States, provilion ' of the refpeuive ltates, the sum \ •••s, which this Hate iloth hold ) :e inteitft due and accruing 'I \ ■ in trail for the non-Jublcribing 1 B--W enacted, That hi* Excellency the „j|g gove. y *jf f and he is' ert by uuthonftd and r -quire. 1 t () over and tratisler f.> much tiicr. ijud to fii-th person* ns are entitled to the fan.v, hv ccncurrei! refolntions of ti.c legislature v a nl mat he do assign over, and transfer in lYf.o n uniter of the laid to inch nerliojt' r. . .ire holders ot nr n 'vhicti prior to the lit oi were lifued by Atlnsftate, a* tiienti nr ov .‘; C r ~ f (•• xcept thu'e nf,if dby O’.-j'.;, ‘ * ami Seth John , troun * J remain nnfettled) or «•_ been In re 1 lifued within the view , ri , |f(J J Iblulion of the f Jt r l0 ~ refp'ciitvr the fame, I I ner, to wtt —That from a » c | Wtc\lie n a f_ ling of this art, a book of * ■<-iptiots fhaM 1 be opened, under the dire A Exu ! 1 crcy the Governor, and Jeep,- ' until the whole amount «i^l e afore* 'a '■aln-ce (ball be f. Pfcribsd thereto : p, cx ‘i ! d, That no greater fun Rial] be received in the I. id revilic rs it > ri t }„ am , URf - - * . 1 ca.e (Hiill ii- rt .-eiv- cl 'ls , t.,’ **itm* thereof, or from n- pub ,; c "o- , , art or document, fitall appear, or can be i c-r in ed tohave been iilued for any pupipoie <>thf r than Comp'nfations and expeuditnrs for Services or supplies toward the profccutlon of the late war, and the defence of the United States, or of feme part thereof during the lame ; and that his Excellency the Governor dr. aflig-> over, and transfer unto fuchpcrfoiiS as fliall so subset ib; , and are entitled to the fame as aforefaid, the amount to which each shall be entitl ed, to gether wish the interett thereon, upon the principles of the aforefaid art of the Unit ed States, making provision for the debts of the lefpeftive dates: Provided never tkelefs, That no part of the lum of nine- J teen tbonfand nine hundred and 'venty A eight dollars, acknowledged on fettlertSi-nt of accents with the United State*, to rill: by them to this dale, (bull he so fnblcii V h«d or t-ansfi-r rc^. Georgia, Richmond County, Superior Court t , March Term, 1794. William Decker, p vs. > Petition to foAc'ofc. James T. Dicken. } UfON the petition of William Decker, of the city of Charlcfton, merchant, praving the f .reclofure of the equity of re demption, on alt that lot of land containing in the whole one acre, being and lying in that townofAuguita,and known anddiltinguifli-. ed in the plan of the said town by No. 6, to gether with all and nguiar the buildings, • rights, members, ant appurtenances there* . unro belonging or in any wife appertaining. Ar.d aldu three negroe Haves, viz Lenorda, f D rkcsaod Ann her daughter, vi create ; mortgaged by the said nvs^*. Qickcn to the laid William Deck- • er, for the font of fivfc hundred pounds law • jt ful money ol South Carolinoj with lnt« rest for the fame at (even percent, per annum, contained in a hand dulv executed by the said James T. D cken, to the said W ; >liam Decker and on motion ofCeorge Walker '' Esq. attorney for the morrgagee, it is or dered, that the principal, intered, and colt upon the said mortgage be paid Into court within twelve months from this day, and unless the fame be p.i p.-'H the equity'of re „demption will from thence forth be fore clofed and purfiiant to General Affeinbiy W in such cases made and provided. Exiradfrout the minute u Win. ROBERTSON, Clk. WANTED A Negroe Fellow, who is a good Holder, and wbofe honelly and Sobri ety can be vouched for. Enquire of the Printer. * March, 6 , 1795.