Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, March 04, 1865, Image 1

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» •*3E it x * Ragland & Wynne, Proprietor. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 4, I860. VOL. VTL-^122. jYJNING EDITION. lubitfP tion and Advertising Bates. I m '« tlKJ v.'.7.7jw ,ILY A!>VKBTISIXO RATE!. t Inserted once—$4 per square. tll.Y .UlVKRTISIXQ BATKS. nA per square lor oaelidnsertjon 23J/-*:i *ird Aa.«' i ' ,co ' I ipti"-' 1 S" 1 75L.-M .... I I sqr. for each insertion. P2kV« r $l l»V*rcir. for each inmrtlon. l,) ' s ’" ,hor " ElPreM Corai "" til.j#. • -ud'' nt by mail at the risk Georgia l.rgiilnlure. Ma» ov. Gd.. March *2, 1865, 8KNATK. Sir West moved t*> reconsider the ac- Jf the Solute on yesterday, by which -» till «»* I'”' .1 HUthmmn* th.i (iuvor- |,,„r onku ini|>r««tui*nt. fur th« heneUt |,.T n... ii.d.K**"' " ml •‘SSlere’ famIHw. J|t. Witt ;»oko in oppoBition to the nil. H»* contend'd that the bill allowed 'jupomlm nt ol ndditional Hgeita, who jnfbt co over the bind harnsaing the poo- £]/ Theta aiteii'.■*. too, would Im eyoinpt- LjOotu tlin nnUtiu M-rvicu. He said that jtherohj vt of the bill would be to iru- ai 'Upplien for the benefit of refugees, he knew of no legislation that hail l.aen bed for this el ass. "** " " he 27th Senatorial !)«• ■ prasi ■ Ilf Itrici, replied. I bill authorising the f I Governor of one agon IUke in clmvg ■ the fun f the Legislature fur tin f« nl . nJ soldier nded that il tho, ‘ itment by the tho county, to proprinteil by Ut of tlm Midi- appointed I I impr*'!istiu‘iiU» < pstdurat niijtary I 1 hut object! Mr. Wulki [•bill. the <*•»% ernor .to make the c.iiplated iu tho bill me would not be exempted » e in tin? State; hence Id hdl to the glound. — went on to ; peak again.-fl, Lite It f -gjtv- **•*" uaaa 17. I A bill t-» extend the civil jurisdiction of . the City Gourtef Augusta. |, A bill iu* declare of lull force all tho law' ol iIi'h Stall* wliicli woro of force when tho Code went into operation, and which worn not rap.-ibul by the Code or any subsequent li'gLlation. A hill to author z.e the non-recording of vouchers accompanying returns of ad ministrator;?, executors and guardians.— Lost. A hill for the rebel of tho Lawrence- rilluManutnot ningCompany. Lost. On motion of Mr. White, tho rules were Mwpemlod, and ih« roolution fixing tho per diem pay u! the member* was tukon °p. Tbo revolution was lost—yoas 11, nays bill to authorize Judge* of Superior I'jurts to call special sessions for Lhu more spMdy trial of < riminul cases. Passed. 1 Senate adjourned. 1 !l»l : SIt OF ItKlMtF.KKN'I ATI VEh. Tbo copy of tho correspondence bo- Iwoen Governor lirowri and tho Secretary of War wflf* taken tip and road. It was ordareil that 240 copies be printed for the use of the Uouso. The copy of lhu report of Major G011. G. W. Smith and Adjutant Gen. Wayne whs taken up, and without being read, 24Ucopi(* were ordered to \n printed. The House proceeded to road bills tho tint tune. Air. Hall, of Hulls . A resolution in- Mulcting tho Judiciary Committee to ro- ;wrt whether Hny further legislation is in regard to Superior Court*. Mr. Frazer, of Liberty : A resolution requesting tho military authorities to keep f orCB ° r cavalry in Liberty, Bryan and McIntosh counties. Mr. Mathews, of Oglethorpe • A reso lution instructing the Judiciary Commit- tic to report a bill protecting tho marriage relatione of slave:. Mr. Horsley, of Up-on; A resolution hung the pay of membors of the next l«neral Assembly, li provides $1 per by. and one cent per mile as milage, pay. 4* in gold or silver, or its equivalent. V 1 m gold or silver, or its equivalent. Air. Ruiioll, of Chullmin ; A bill to ul- A refugees and exiles, in Congressional JjricU where they do not reside, to vote, ^pcaei until A p. m. SKVATK—AfTKItNOOX HKS8ION. S »; ru yberry moved to tuko up his reso- luimus, Urolutma that tho further use of con- I WlpUontur rerquitin* our armies should be i) duped, »ml a roet.it had t<» requisitions on aiiloB foi troupr. Tho motion was ugreod Mr. .Spray berry ; l ™*^ th «S™llto in on nblu »nd ‘ wrtlloli, P“ reroluiiu,.., on motion „f Mr. I'nltlo.irer r n e mT tjU,,,0 °iu«nittco on Military A flairs. ok the floor, and hie M l •ivers and fa Bui to !>■ f Collet .he t;« ol Marietta mu to repeal section Bill to c*l. -.i.go th-j liuo’lj of Tu raised, be impored fell r «i|r»r«lio«!Jii‘pl i,„ uyeiu. Piund. JSiftsrssar «’»">«.“ ww 'oSplj? “‘u”." 1 ! ‘ h “ AcUI in lq 11 nboar fat V* "“If;" 1 lion l',o3 of Ibo Codo. Lost. . • authoriie and i t-pi ire th« recording ui ffiWr e .". ,l J ia, i wd- . ,vUru tllu rocor d* have wn burned. l*aved. Jalim i‘ kU , t . u ' ri *' J bxoeutors. Ao., in counties te£.«fi.!XS.l';“' k ’ ,l " ,r Me,ro| ‘“ li, “ T<| .- The Mobile SltustlolW- 1 Tho Register of Tuesday sayfe, scouts ro- I port to headquarters tho arrival in the lower bay of ‘28 of the enemy’s vessels, including six Mississippi transports.— There was unusual bustle and activity on Dauphin Gland, grout boating of drutue und all tho indications of a hostile force P reparing for an important moveipent.— nforination is also received that a con siderable force of the enotny has been collected at Pensacola, estimated a L from 10,tXXJ to lo,000 men. Tho 4th army corps is also reported at Huntsville, in this .State. Those, adds tiio .Register, are tho un mistakable signs uian curly attack on this position with a view to an invasion of Alabama ami MK-bsippi. Mobile has been long spared and highly favored.— Many demon-trations have mien inude of an attack, But they have all one after the other passed away without results. It is safe lo • that LlsnricA. ■ Mr. Nisbot umved BAIjpted. . Pottle moved t Adopted, hi tuution the bill v » prwtul. Adjoun A t 'iHp “I'hyaicluos-”— 'oouuty survey^ •11 tbv. tabic fur "* ,,r *« r «»SKXTATI\R8 -AFTKRXOOX S»S- Tbo H„a*e met and road bills the third liwo. r # Mw , i' eu ' 14,1 !v 1 ll,r lho relKjI of tax . r, ? 4 i ®f l i' r /'“ r, v dcstr.ijcd by tho Vo t l , s wc »»l4nic to the ouu- Ji4 ui *®r tb« rcliof of David A. aud lloury C. "ftr.uffobboountv. Poised. ^ a PP r °PrLHtln* tho suui ofaii million* tr 2yJ ,,a, “ , Jyf Ibe suppor. ol imligcnt families uf •"■‘-r*. 1 oa ram ot (he million wn* stricken ^«ud ten million in/arteil. wttaSSo&i^SlISlSw. 1146 UuUrte a ‘ liour,,c ‘ , UjIN. FoUKEU-T AsA DhHKRTKliK. — The leartig from a gentleman just '*0 Mississippi that this true general i* **bngio deserters and -tay-at-home 80)- by hundreds and tb-a.-uuds. lie « adopted a now and docLivo method, m.houjeofajcnown deserter is visited, ,!J U . # pceupanU arc informal that “yonr. hu * b f l,, ‘ J ' hruther or son, is skulk, inf A I* .‘ iul y while tho country th * K' v0 y°U one woek to s< «*^tn to the ranks—failing in that, yuuF will he burned and you williio H, 1 . u> oaemy’i linos, lor you ptng the enemy and yotnnustgo where ^4 belong. Tim et^t of the speech £* a !'* to bp mnrvelb.us, and only in a hju *t b**en necessary to ex- 1 "^toti.y threat, . Due branch of tho Illinois Legislature passed a bill appropriating $*J5,0W0 for purchase, pn behalf of the State of the Su. U u m repose the remutns of Vi’. A '. The Timas says trust the bill will become a law.— purchase should have been tirade .ore, and it if aluiout disgraceful that it at. • n ,n *do before. As Douglas, •nan living, was the chief prtd* of the his remains wore deposited .. id that wu are now to share our part in the dangers which have been brought to tile door* of opr countrymen elt>uwhore, ‘and t" do our part of the duty we owe to ourselves and our beloved and bleed ing country. We have had loo much warning not to be prepared to meet the shook with coolness when it comas. Mo bile will be held, and tho fushion of ovuc* un ion will not bo followed in this case.— Kvery fort, battery and redan Avill bo belli until the last extremity, and .'Ulcers are expected to know no duty but to stand, by their posts and guns until tho last.— Happily wo have never been bettor pre pared top the enemy since the war began. Mur troops—we mu-1 nolsay wlmtis tfioiT number nro of tho flower of tho votenuiR of the C’onfede.r'hto armies -men who have become accustomed to buttle, and the re cent voluntary movements among them indicate that they are animated by the true heroic spirit. Wo are bountifully supplied for siege, un i we have the means of making a brilliant, and if every man does hi- duiy, a successful light lor the ers bile tTieir''tongirds"aiulTiofiTllfefffihlftft while the struggle lasts. Tim Tribune of the same data learns that there is the appearance of unusual activity below. The number of tho Yan kee licet is reported t<> be increased, and transports are moving to and fro constant ly; but with what object was not known. 1 ho Tiibuno also hears that one of the Yankee iron-dads had got aground in an unusually high tide, and at the last ac count*, was in so perilous a position that it was supposed she would lmvo to be abandoned and destroyed. We sc* by the General Orders in tho Mobile papers that Gen. Maury has or dered the commanding officer* of (he right and leli wings of tho defenses of the city ol Mobile, to ut once (Stffblish guards upon all the approaches to tho city along their lines, with orders to require proper passports from all persons pacing in ami out of the city. A commissioned officer is to be posted near at hand to scrirlinizo carefully all persons passing, und,to de tain any of,a eioirbtful character. Gitizuns living noar the city will not be interfered with unnecessarily, und a nui- Aonablo time will be allowed to provide themselves with the usual papers, which they will procure from the commandant ot the post. VV •alert 1 Kentucky. To lira ArieHX’iuto*) Press North I Gaiko, February 9.—Our sister cily of Columbus was the scone of much excito- i lueiiton Tuesday evening last, occasioned by a dag ol truce nniviug nt the picket 1 lines. The Hag came in under tlm p.eii u t of making an arrangement by which the rebels woro to co-operate with wiir forces i in assisting to clem* Western Kentucky ol 1 guerrillas ; but CM Hick-, tho over vigi lant compqanVler of the post, having rea- I son to stuped it was for tho purposo of lurking around, hud his foroes ready for action on short notice, ami at once «d to work to goUle the “Johnnies.” Luarn- mg that about loU of t.iuni were encamped about twelve milco back of Odumbus, near Clinton, an expedition was sent out by railroad tbo samo night, consisting ol about 150 men. under comiryind of Major Lunsing, 4‘Ji UuiLu.l Cjmtes artillery (coN °red). I buy proceeded by rail within live miles of Clinton, tfberotliey dibcmharlu d und nroeet-led < >iutiju-Iv on foot. When within >1 short di.-Uucu from Clinton,they woro fired upon My rebel pickets, who im mediately fled in confusion. Uur forces followed them closely for fomu distance, wlieu they Iouik| that the robuls had tukon refuge within a Miiall fort or stockade. 1 hey opened u vigorous lire on the ap proach ol our forces ; but the charge of our troops soon citusod a grand skedaddlo, and rcuulted in killing two men and cap turing one lit-u ten ant, one sergeant, one inun, and twelve good horses. The’ rest all escaped. 'I hey being mounted, it was deemed uankn to follow them with in fantry. The expedition returned yeHor- day morning, without tho loss of u tingle man. I r iom Grant’* Army—Anticipated At tack on its Centre. A Yankee letter from City Point, dalod the Lilli uit., says: From the reports of deserters, and from otli.T source* of information equally re hab.u, it would seem that General Leo is contemplating itf 1 nlluuk on our M eontro, and is making, or has inude, the necessary (impositions f r micIi a inoxomonf. I wrote you yesterday that if iho enemy ventur'd any oilVnisiva movement at ali Id be mo*t likely dip ted ajiliut Tlie Uuvtrnmr.nl Female Kmployeea. The following is the biil recently passed by tho bonnte to reruhito tbo pay and allowances ol eortuin female employees of the Government: The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That tbo salary, pay ami al lowances of porsens hereinafter named shall be as follows: %> 1st. Females ompioyed asclork* in tho cloth- tax branch ot tho GuartonniiMter's Department or ln any hospital established for tbo bouefit of partments of tne Government; Providod, That such persons, when omployod as clerks iu hos pitals, may accept, in lieu of tho above 00m- pMMtion, to pay and allowanuos boroinulter vrantod to chief matrons ol hospitals. 2d. All females employed as obfot matrons, or ossistant matrons, or ward uiatrous, or nurses in hospitals, shall hereafter be nllowed and paid one hundred p» r cent, in addition to tho compensation now allowed by law for their ser vices; and iu all cases whore suitable quarters and fuel aro not lurnihhed by tho surgeon in ohurge of tho hospital, they shall bo allowed aud paid commutation for tlie same, at the rate of one room lor each matron or nurse, and one and one-half cords of wood per moutn during winter, and threo-fourths ol’.a cord per aiotuu duriiiK summer. 3d All futiwtlo* clunked or employed iu the clolhinir branch uf (be (ju»rterma<ler's Depurt- mout, in cutting or making clothing or other urticlos lor tho use of tho army, will be allowed and naid o»o hundred and twenty-five per cent, in uddition to tho compensation now allowed lor suen labor or service. And all families permanently engaged or employed in such clothing branch ol the Quartermaster's Depart ment, shall, in the ovonC* the same ean ne fur nished, be alloWid to purchase one cord of wood per month during winter, und ono-half cord per month during .-umuicr. 4tli. All feu in l os engaged or employed in ma king ‘>r preparing cartridges or other munitions of war ui tho Ordnance Department, shall here after he ullowod and paid sevonty-ilvo percent, ui addition to the compensation now allowed lor such labor or service, and shall ho entitled, in the ovout the samo can ho lurni-hcd from the ('oiuinissnry Dopurimcut, at cost price to the Government one ration each; and shall, in the event the same can bo furnished, have tho further privilege of pui chu-iug, ut cost priuo to ‘ ‘ ird ol wood per month e-lnilf cord per mouth ,he Government, during Vint ir 1 during summer. Mh. The Secretary of War is hereby nuthor i< vd and required, under such regulations in *t*rr« wwSMr,*ft mViVMt ttS.'Sa,"AS!fSJl ond, third and feurth paragraphs of this Act, tt pu realise, at cost price to tne Governuiont, such loods us may be neces- r the Dciilovnhle Condlilun or Kentucky. A rcconl iMut,I'th.i Louisville JuurnuU.y,: . iliu tutu coiiilitiDii .,1 ourStutoi? now mi olt- “i ’“"f' 1 ■•JlallaJc. It I. wit inlenunte {a 1 .'t 8< ,on ' nn< 110 *«A r K«»r portion ol . rito f y *i M ovcrr . ul » by umniuilers and giv- ml.riV.iivR; T 0r un ‘j despoliation. Society is ?; !, o ;:«” r lent buiiiln roi.m at will und tho i.o.ioolitl ulll- fMi is hunted down with trie greatest oagerness, ond robbed nn.l murdored in tbo on,dust man’ ■ n r ..*. > . 1 » , iw J*.'' ^h® desperadoes bid deliunee to «l authorny and they mock-at nil attempts to , rblf j tbcui tnto fnbjuirnti^n. A ruthless wur- tnre is waged- ino kmlo s rod wdh tho bldod .. the innoeeiit victim- and the firo brand is applied with loelingH of exultation, mid the wendl, U . 0d r |" ! “ uu y»' boniOM uUe.it bow well tbo work |» Mid biw boon done. Tnido la destroyed. But lew signs ol'prosperity arc 10 he seen in 1 land towns business. Mores aro closed, und an aii of dose- bus fullered terribly indeed. Tho outlaws an. proyiug upon her vitals, and if u roinudv i- ni.t shein applied, the disease will become hopeless, toWni’.i l M on < J c ‘' rttcll ‘t i "K. property is going ; !V.i.r Uc iV' ,? ‘ ttUl * overywhere stalks the form • ’ u J rf truly time that some plau were devised to a (Turd protection to tho people and « "i U l °! d , U i° luti0 t‘- 11 ii lilue that buunhed from the commonweal th, and law and authority lirmly established. A Rood story is now in circulation in ii yj. lhu chief director of the po ll ••ol t.ic iviu^aoin, intending to pay n vn.it to u suboroinnh* cLicf at qnooi the von principal cities of tho khiifdoin iplH^riiph. d to him mi Latin as foU« - ! on nun, «: 55,” iimi^inintf that tbeEcn^* htrship of tho officer would enable him to uminrstiiml the mcsFnt p c. This man. how- «.*vt*r, wus scizod with an unwonted zoul. and coiic.umng that a groat orfliiinal willi a lor.Mgn namo wus to ho arrested, ho marshaled the whole force at his disposal and luarchud with liii men W» Llio railway’ Btnlmn. Huvinjf entupd Ilium to surround tho building and clouely guard ouch out- 'ot, he was proceeding to search ovory Cttmcgo of tho &M train on its arrival, in tho hopo ol detecting .Mr. Voriiuni, when the chief director stepped out on the pint- form, and thu ovqi-aonloua «iiboi d{n#le ‘“O'*, found Hint ho h»a mado u wreut lorl of uiiusclf. On Saturday night one of tho Govern ment Warehouses in Augusta was robbed of twenty-seven hundred blankets. The thieves woro very deliberate in their movements. Thuy first proceeded to tho |>ubiio stable on Kills street, took out a' pair of mules, Filched up a wagon, und proceeded on their mission, returning tho team very honestly after tho work of stealing. Finding it impossiblo to'seeroto one of tke bales of blankets, they coolly to^ed it in the street. Who those thieves woro quicn saht.—Macon Telegraph. The Constitutionalist, of the 28th, says the recent heavy rains hu:o caused anoth- or isegson of high water throughout that section of the country. On Monday the •Savannah river wus booming, with thirty teet in tho channel. To-duy the stream rolls along with an angry tide, but does, not threaten any serious damage. Some ono bun (trod and filly bales of cotton that hud been placed Upon the bank ready foi the torch, floated off, hut v/oYu secured by tho hands of tl\o giuib<»a,t moored below tho city. tllO 1 litre ivilli tre would naturally or e»>t point, and if tho any ad van tau I? 1 ne NotUiMfi.plan (Mass.) l'rest say I a business man iu that town exercLes hi j benevolent in distributing turkeys tu i emmeyaes without much detriment 1 If they can take tbo oi*Lh he Tiik Wrong Animai..—Qranfcley Korklcy, tho English snob and artist, tells the following excruciating story of Lady Ilaggcrstoue’s scheme to charm tho Hogent: Her ladyship had at her residence a miniature farm yard and three pretty little Alderney cattle. When tho Prince and his friends had arrived she came forward from a side wicket tv milk maid, for tho purposo of makiuga sylla bub for tho prince. Sho had a stiver pail in ono baud and an ornamental stool in tho other. Lady llajrgerstoue trip ped along, with ribbons flying from her dainty little milking hat that hung on 0110 side of her graceful head, and the smallest little apron tied below her lacod stomacher, till she came opposite His Royal Highness, to whom she dropped a really graceful curtsey. Then passing lightly over tfiSbeautlfuly pluiiou straw, her tucked i\j> gown showing her neat ankle, us well as her colored stockings, sho placed her stool and pail convenient, for use. Leaning against the flank of ono of tho Grossest looking of the Aldemeys, sin* was attempting to com mence her rustic labors, but not having selected the right sex, the offended animal did not seem to fancy tho performance, for ho lirst. kicked out, then trotted away, nearly upsottiug stool, pail and Lady Haggorstono, who. covered with confusion, made a hu$ty retreat to her little dairy, whoucc she did not appear again. ‘The Wav j Always Stopped.’* ol'-uu'inTOmi. ‘Mi foro Iiad “rid on ;i railroad,” who wus pu.«senj;or on one of the Vermont rail roads ut tlie limo of a rcecnt collision, when a freight train collided with a passenger train, smashing ono of the ours, killing several passengers and np sotting things generally. As soon as ho could recover his scattered senses tho conductor wont in saaroli of thi venerable damn, whom ho found silting solitary und alone in tlie cur, (tho other passengers having sought terra Jirma,) with a very placid countenance, not withstanding she had made n complete summersault over tho scat in front, and her bandbox and bundle had gone unceremoniously down the passage way. “Aro you hurt inquired the con ductor. “Hurt! why said tho old lady. “Wo have just been run into by a freight train, two or throo.pusaan- gcra have been killed, und several others sevorely injured,” “La, mo ! I didn’t know but that was the way you always stopped!” llow'rioTUfMT.ivK.—Tim only ho tel in jthis cily charges forty dollars per day for board, a price by no oieant h’ghor than that oomamli .1 at other hotels iu tho Confederacy, anil if a poor Confederate • hluir wants a single meal, tlm price is li(tm dollars—jest four dollars more thga Ills month's pay. Hverything .a man has to eat costs a fabulous price, .and yet tlie snrviocsof tbo mechanic Or laborer iu no way corresponds with Ibo amount bo receives for those sorvli us. Most of thorn load tin. life of a dog front oue work’s cud to another arid it serins almost a luimelo that they ean earn enough to live upon. Tlnot) aro konm propin in the community who are (huklhg rapid fortunes who before tho war woro for the most part insolvent. Lrko the lilies of tho Held “they toil not, neither do they (pin, yot Solomon iu all Ills glo ry, was not arrayed like ouu of these I” fjoiiigimlfinj Muil. Tils LkuiUhtusc.—Worn what «u can lour a In. I.tarixlaiar. will not luljmni lion wrolt— loul.tlco. tha M.mbor, aru anxious Lo out 1)0,110 tt.dsa.qth*Mormons oxi.onno to wUTrh thoy aro subjootqu boro | but wo an satisliod th«y uru too i>atriotic to iiormlt nnr mere I'ot'iiniury consid^mtion to tietor them from Uttim> tiioir whole fluty to tho State. Wbutovcr work in Msontinl to tbo iiiterests nf the public, they outfhtto perform, oven if thoy aro required to remain u low tltiyo longor than tlioy wish, to flu it, I hey ciinnot work at nights, hocuuse of tho uhsonoo oflighU When they shall huvo fiit- ishtsfl the duties of tho jiossiun, they can return homo with a char unm*<flnnoe, iLsmirutl ihrtt 110 one will ohari'v*: ..eiu with con.sumim; time at the public •xpop-o, lor wu nfo very much min- takon if each individual moinbor doos not find huudiedn of dollars, n when ho loft. |.W. ,f At**Sd hi. pockot litfhlor hy t ‘ < return h< WAR TAX NOTICE! K will uttoiul at tho following times and places to assess and collect the Confederate luxes of ISfil; also tho Registry Tax- for 1S<J5. TF «... — ..oiriaxare ro- quircl to go to tho Depositary and have them ‘iiuigcd to suit tho amount of their tax. Tho AssoMors of Tax iu Kftid and tho Assoa- •rs of State mid County tax will be with us. Those who do not meet us will bo treated as defaulters, an tho law directs; Monday, 27th Februury, at Sandfort Tuusdny. 2StU February, at Ihihce I*ost Office Wedneaihiy, March 1st, at Uurtvilie ZM"«da.v, March titli, at Salem Tuosd y, March 7th, at Onolika Thursflay, March Uth, nt Waoooehee Valley Friday, March lOih, at Dover Dost Office Saturday, March lltli, ut Girard . Monday, March 13th, nt Crawford Tuesday. March 14th. at Watoola Depot, ihursday. Maroh 10th, at Villula Friday, Match 17th, at Drown'd Shop. F. 0. SLAPPY, Coll.3M.li Diet of Ala. .1. A. DODSON, fobtt-iUWflw 0. J. • Just Received, li FINE LOT-OF GOLD LACE, „ GrO tiU r’EPJS, Englisli Tooth Brushes, AND OLD DROWN WINDSOR SOlP loliin t. h. Hinmi. FOR HxVIjia, A FINE CARRIAGE, (A llftliTT.) OT Mill’ll WORK. Aeply to thi. Olliro, Jobin-oiv JAQL'Ui.S'OAllltlAlfK SHOP. For Sale, dollars, I! uvk.v lla . .. Si) Kit MAN St CO Insonic Hall, up sta Regular Packets. IIKstoiiinor JACKSON, D. 1 FRY, mn-tor, )onv»r, until further notice, Columbus every ytxnctr.n !*<■*, ,Mr- yam^nDue 104404 Tito steamer INDIAN. 0. D. VkY, maeterT joaves Columbus ovory l’uewtay 0 a.M.,rvturn- ui*. leave* Chattahoochee every Tuesday 2pm iho stoaiuor MISl’, A. FRY, mauler, leave* Jiitll.5 2ui City Foundry. SUGAR MILLSand KETTLES! Shipping Not: 03. . MUSOOtHSB RAILROAD, \ SuPKUINTBXDKKT’B OVKIOIt.' ) Owing to tho want of sufficient transportation f.»r GuVKRN.M KNT FREIGHT. private trornht will not be received at thin Depot until further notice. W. L. CLARK, ode 8-1-if • 8ui>’t. ^Muscogee- Railroad. CH A WL ill OF auiijCPUIjB. O N ari l alt# Thursday, .lan> l'JtL theTrnlu. on the MUSCOGEE UA1LR0ALI) will ruu an (oliows,: 1‘ASSKMUER TRAIN ; Leave Co I urn bus at 6,30 a.iu. Arrive iu Mnoon at 2,f.O p. iu. feV. t.«. Vft'BIGHT TRAIN : . LiifVo Coiutnbud at *&.0Ga. in. Arrive nt Columbus at..^— _ j»aa). ’ _ a»»'h i’lirongli tu IHoulgoiMry. Muhtgomery & West Point RAILROAD COMPANY. COLUMBUS. August 27.1861. jr the 27th Inst., the Fasson - tbe MontKomer> Sl Wist l*e Rail Ro^I will, J-oo' e MonCgomory / * c W ^ 1 Point Arrive at Columbus Luav ^’idumbud Arrive at M<qu'7nmory Arrlv' a' ’.vest Point at 4:30 p. 1 Fiuiiiht Tr.tiu loaves Columbus at 8:40 a Arrival -at hJu7 p. m. D. U. CRAM. Sup'll Eng. huk*27, HUH.—tj at 8:00 a. 1 at 7-10 a. 1 at 5:32 p. I at o:5U a. n ut 3:00 p. ii nt 4:30 t y Kront, for, •xtcriilod, tho ri to ho tho v> . nerny oould g ioro no tut^lit cli ’ v *—.H ,,ovv (run. . n- , um uxtont ox twice inu v«:uo uttho fowi, eiKo that H r* fr favorite Bpncics pf luotipn 1 Tn« oath is said to piove a reffulnr iron with Lee to ifib8su|»on our centre, and clad, ns tliu % far he bus kept his bird- rm endeavor to pjurcC it. la tho present the strenutli of it CMinpuiffn this sterns to be the only plan 1 . ■■yw... . • < 1 tu mnu iuu < itLii ne wi'rw (KJUld kumi , wfil Hi re eArh H tqrkey. Hm !. mill u clmui a do- i that ipey buvo not chouted hiiuon time to ,,llkf • , or.i ox per i- . iho extent of twice tho value ol tho fowl. ‘ '* Atlanta Arsenal. II*u» Qimuticmh. Gov’t Worn. .(Ord.U Coinmbus, G.i.. March 2,1*AV f I uiii now ju oi'Uicd to pay all claim* against tie "Atlanta Arsenal," ahd requeot all pnrtioa holding any, l«» 1 rcuonf tlicm at gimp, u* the itg ePJSufl, Jj thqy flu aot, and delu^ *4n die I'euege. tb*y alw will |p • rly firwe*! be sent by ction. M. II. wuiGwr; *- Cot. Cum J«r. cmupuiffn tli 1» spems to be the only plun — — of upurau'jris r«n,Hilling to Il,e rebolcom-! Suahp pRACTIcr. To On inumlor, Ttls Army of Iho Potomac cun Wr.iTii) \\r ^ . n no longer bo fluukoil, urn) ir it ra to bo I ' V ' AL1,Mr IFE.—Xhe C lii-bulgtyl it cun only bo*by cuttin/' it in jly, Leo i- roportdl lobe mass- ilnlil .* troops around Fotors- Ll. * view of mukinir un uLUtck. i of thn loiiomoti' Obtain a Cleveland Flaiudcplor montioBs tho case of a woll drcAHod youn^ man, of good manners, who gave in his income to the assessor*; at. so vend thoujund dollars, paid the tax 7. : v**'v.’ 1 had the pleasure ofseeiutc his numo rd^K,^tr^d h .°^ 1 1110 •»><» o.uully 11ideou* ol Utc. There oouatr y- Oil the strength uf tliln, ho Pjntly Mimethin* astir. It U uc-| cuurled a woalthy man’s daughter and hero a. a certainty that the enemy married her. Then it was found out thtf no had no money, and had sold his mo-' tiler’s watch to pay the income tax.— The government made a good thing out of it; so did the young man. ^^jjmcdily attack Us, und,likely enough, _ fa point of attack may be Noincwhero in # tho vicinity “f .Meadu's Station, where toe late feigned ntaault was made. . Such an enterprise may seem rather bold and har.ardous for the rebel ai my, hut Leo h in a critical .position, and inuat mnkc lon.o d'*»«p«.*rHto push before long, unless ho do r r - - nt | There is a man in ono tjuartcr of ParL I \k’\7 *° MVM f’ uuUj .J* et s;r ,,kjur iC- : who guts his living by ffoiu^ around | Whatever hu designs, ho will discover i,.» ; ® , , that they have hoeu auiicipuled und pro- I waking people up wuo have to be early pared for. I at the markets; another, “the guardian , , , . ~*Vf**U —r. , t angel,” who makes it his business to -.A: " ' y ° ' ' «*» rt drunkarda homo from tho wiue Captain John Y. Beall, # convicted of I fl h°p8two ccuta each; another who being n «>py and guerrilla, and being ono I breeds inoffeotfl for the nohermon. of the l.ake Lrio pyato.-, will be hung on I 00 ,M «■* u»» remains were depositee neir renting plnco at tho earnest «olic- JJUou of thn authorities of tbo State, and kL W, H ‘*ndur« In honor so long a* nisu>ry ».hail porpuiuato the existence muinory of the State, it >* fitting that ground* hallowod b,v his grave shall * poisesiion of tho State ... »u< li iao «IIU v>ui i/tl UUIIg UU Saturday morning at Governor's island, New York. 'The son ton co has been fully approved by Gen. Dix. * Foote on being scolded by a lady, aaid : “I have heard of tartar and brim- "tone : you are the creaiu of oue uud the flower of the other.” Look here, Coon,” aaid a knowing darkey, “dout stand on de railroad dar.” “Why, John ?” “Kaso if de corn see dat niouf of yours, dey tink it am de dapo aud ruu rite i^. ,, raid olfiii vgffay. I have a battery, ueedad for its dcfouci Coi.mqjpn|,^,.|ftttrcl» in ol>edioa«e t» taatrocttawifrom U-iwar.l. Coon.^OeiMooBylhiadistrict of Gear-, Hia, fttoMiun Is e xiled <• tbo aTioU^r u| h^xuli Arms soattersid throogh tbo eeWniry ju hands of private individuals. The tieoaisshy of th® service dcumiid'* «spMiall> M this paniru- ISr Joncluro, that all those *e|r ibmild hu uaibof.;.l imumdli^e}^ tanfod error (o the Cunfaaorfle StntoaAriailttl kMWs Post- Citigons Vr« carffestly reqnuiO d to send for ward all tho arm.-' they haw ir their nnssossiou. lmom von zinxkn. * '* Post. XU V, 1 , March 2d, 180 , ) TklueUft U b ■opposed, is threatened by a ddoflSi* nfpmy. I Wirt, hhlon Is ueo< requires sixty-four horvia. number fr< joliiWu cuuiury, both in Ge^-fla ud ASyg to be,used only in an eumrue^y, Led liy the Post Coininand.intto-#eu7li horses will be exoiuptcd fioiu inifoiIWBr »f 1iu- presstaent, Uutil the omerguiicy m a y arise, they wilt be ueoded r uly onoe a w|k for drill. Leave e^| ofler s in this bebaif at tho office of Post Commandant, Knqelrtr office, or with me at Dr. detiraffMriet *. * «• J>F. WADDELL. inor3—■diw Maj.Art'y. tflJSfS? 0w, ' > ' ftDa * ond blMs 10 MYEISL WATSON & CO. AicIinmk im Cfneral Ctuniission Vrrrluols, At Hull A DiO’k’s old RtafiJ, oiq.oxito Bank of Oolumhus, Broad st. Poiv-nai juii prompt all oonnlgaiu Si,l UHQUHAitT & CHAPMAff, AT TIi K OLD STAND OF DANFORTH U NAQKL. COLUMBUH, GEORGIA^ DKALKRbIN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, cbo. W ifi have a laryo aud complete stock, entbro- ctnr the best articles of Eng Uau | Frencn and Amerioan MANUFACTURE. NEW BOOKS NEW BOOKS! •* JUST RK0B1VKL). ivt a.o a. nx a. . By M:hm KvaRH.I MISTRESS AND MAID' Uy.MiHH.Mui.ooil, JOSEPH the Second and Hii Court, 1st and 2d Volumes. • For Mile hy July 3-t f __ 4J. W. PHASE. Mobiio & Girard Railroad. CIIANOU (IP NI'HKUIII.G. (Ilium.. Aiu.,Out. X 18M. (IN and after Moininy, tlm loth Inst., Trains vy on this lt»ad will run (Sundays excepted/ a« follows t J'ASS^Q^ft TRAIN. Luavo CoiHsuoiH at l:Dr.a. Arrive in 1 ftp-a Sprints #t ti:UUp t m. niKWHTTRAJ' 1 PTJBIjIC acts, Passed ut tho Kirri Session of tho 2d Oongrens of the Confederate States. ItY AUIHOIIH Y. N(~7. An Act lo provide for Dm nppointmpntof j additional military AtorekoeperK in tlm , provisional army of .the (.'onled. into Slates. The CongreM of thatConfedcrato States of America do enact. Tlmttho Prusidout be au thorised to appoint tee military Htorekccpcm of ordnance iu iho prqfUtmuil army of tho (Jon- federate States, in a*roui<>n to tlmse authorised by act of May first, eigntoou hundred and sixty- three, entitled “Ani act to provide lor tl pointnieut of laintary Htorokucpors jn tin inionel iiriayef the Confederate States." Ilvo Mi the payejnd allowances ol a ciptain ofin- iimy. and fife with tho pay uud tillowanccs of rtriw lieutemRi; of infantry. Soc. 2. Thnt military storekeepers of the flr*t olass so iw»p"intd.shall lie required touivciliu mmoibonds in the sum of twenty thou.-imd did- Urs, antTthose of the second clusi-; in the sum uf ten thonsuiid dollars. This actsinill lie in force fi'Mitt-*«>•)• after jls lMisSOtfU: Provided, That no ono taati 7)o appointed under its provist..n- . •. cept persoiiH who wore perforininK thoduii-f ..f aeiin* military storel(eci>crs prim lo J.uur.irv ftrut, eighteen hundred ttiul sixiy-Puir. or shall become incapacitated by wounds or sicl.11u.ta Im- active service. Approved. Juno 4,1361. shall,bo collected at tbe same ti * * ‘lots. 1 from tho tn snbjNcts. und#|thelaws , -Jxh«r«- uppropriiited, first, fb the ’"used compensation of the I pM.-sed at the presont 1804; 1.1<> ftmond an not entitled “An act tlm relief of tax payers in Pertain , ' approved February thirteenth, tenn hundred und nitty-four, ('oiiyress of tho G-.nfedorate .States of co no enact, 1 bat w ben over slaves shall botwoon the time of the of the ol tlx vide for thoap- }h e | -Wu od by law for th_ re .a, Mich slaves shall the irct of the onorny, tsiitrn 1 iu the manner ni section ol tbe ac.t en- ubr fi. An net lo graduate tho pay »>1 general of-* Icdcl No. IS. An act to aulhon/o tin District Courts ol tlioCi to appoint and viiange ih places id’ holding Llio Con respective districts. Tho Congress ol the (Jonfoder America do unael. Thai tiiu judyi triotoourts of tho Coutc'icratu St tl und authority to appoint und <-h:> and planes of Iroldiitir I lie. ottrU in districts, whenever, in their j» ilu (Vifed.mle SlJle, V '! if* 0 ,,4ky " l a Ruiieia l dollar ■ pur unmth ; tha •m. ijui- imiidrcd and fifty . 1 1 A a ,MI, jor sronei 11 tiltv dollars per mouth • mum. 111 army in thefi-d 1 • 1 ■•••** the said muiu oiftv ■ h one hundred dbi • ••; il. :i muibr-gener. nt : I -hall, whilst serving • m filly dollars per month, i by ir 111 allowed, whilst 80 inn aMitional com - '•"id* •' ‘'parato army in u-poalode ! thi: 1 shall An act to mil.. tublic XIKCI pass all neoeMSiiry order.- lo olloct such appoint ' ■')' ment or cliamte of time or pis j, •• •' to prove'- ui for tho removal ol the records and files «>i ih^ fill court. . | I'd • Sec. 2. This act shall continiib iu ibreo only | flu during the exigencies of the presold war with “A tho United States. ; " t — * [ pri NaddS. . ,j An act for tlie payment of com missipnera appointed under Abe act cntltM “An act to suapond thre privilege of tho writ of habeas corpus in cortnin cast s, uud to confer certain power* upon sai l com- niiAsionors. The CoPirreM of tho Confederate Stales of America do enuct. That the eoiuiuisdouen ip- 1)oiuted under the said act shall be untitled lo receive tho compensation of two hundred, and fifty dollars each per month, until tho oxMra- ticn of their service; and that their <atfl«i*lai)ts shall he allowed one hundrod aiid fiftk dollars per month, from the date of thovr uppoiiamejim respectively, until the oxpiru(Ionol liicir >cr- Seo. 2. That the said oormnlfoiotion* ah till have tho powers nonfbrrod upon' couiiuUiioiiera appointed by the district courts by the net nt the provisional Congress, approvod ihirtio/U of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and numbered two hundred and .-evunfy-three appointment ot rtillery for ord- 10 act entitled 11 merit of otli- sl army," ap neen hundred No. 20. An act; to increase tlm compensation of (he nort-cotiiuns^pncd .olllcd^ im.l pri vates of the ftlifuy of.the Gopfvdeiutg States. 1 i.j •. The Congress of the Confederate Slates <d America do enact. That* from ..and after the piusaau of this act. the* pay wfitlw nim-cmnmi.-- siopud officer*, privates mid mtritirf.iiH of fife army of the Confederate States be. and (he same is hereby iueraaflc4-ecven dollars per 01 Mm.y*w;Lum.tho llApproved Juno 9,IHiVL. 1 ‘ Nb.Au. An net to amend an ^ct 'entitled “ An net to oafltublish a Nilrb and Bu reau.'', approved April twenty BOi ond, .eighteen hundred and sLxfy : t^iV0n. • 4 The Congress of the Contvdenite £>tates pT America do uuact. Thai the u<3t up prove J April a second, eighteen hundred htrd »ixiy- onstuting tho Nitre Bureau an iudupon- feau of tuo War Dnpartiuoat, be amen - dad as follows: That the Nitre and Milling Bureau, shell consist of one Colonel as Chief ••! bureau, two Lieutenant Colohol, f=lv AJ.ijors, twelve Captains, who .-hull hnio fhe s»*in« |Mj.v lindillowuuces nroscriboiifor officers ofcavun y ottbe samegrafle. 8eo. 2. Beil further enacted. That, ohouii. I.s auu professional insist ant*, abso lately esrcniial for tuo operations of the bureau, uot to’ exceed Six of oww uifts*. Shull be nppivrwoi b\ tho Sc- rotary of War, with pay in 110 cose f.. bo alio.u that of LieutcuautCoionulof the ooiuiitiH,)ion» d 60 £So!1 3- That tliis act shall oouti'nno ill force No. <12. An act to afn'cnd tho laws relating to tlm • tax ill kind. Tho CoAgreiH of the 'Confederate 1 Htufek <<f America do Migt t, Lnjitdhe IMt :<p| iovou s«*v- enteontkVckviliry. uigiitoen humlrqdund rixty four, eaUtlcd “An act to lay taxes tor 1 ho common delouoe anu carry pn Lht uyvernmunt of the,Qpufederate {Status,” approved Apjii twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred xml eixtv- ibree, be. and tho esruee i# hereby »munde<l m follow*: alter Die word ’wool” in the find pro viso of the fourth paragraph of seqlLou ton, the words "iu the aggregate shall bo llisfcrrea : ami iu the same article and section, 11»« word ‘‘eight’’ ■hall be sab-ti toted fir tbo wont"'UVe,"M«H tu read: Provided, Tnat postquavtcrmastarxshall Pint ih .... fled'i'll - aid App "I H*ldiUui...l ..lli.iuMul artillery luliu., kni.ravnt Elei.t.mbur nil ■ ■> Iniiicfr. I I Hilly-two, ana l<t -'U I illll.'urH nli.il l.o qh i.rou a m t t'.aiood ecu e<i J uup 1,1,1804. No. ia An 11M I.'nutliork'.c tho uwnert of^hereg- ,a *- i, rc'*i ol^ht i>r> cent, ton yrar eohvert thy prtiyisloni ibi.. buntis, i-.dpo| ’until} f (ho act amni'vi'.l .May aixteenth. eight. cluing- The Co , hurpctrCiJ i-liuel in bonds, . titled "An cates ot -1 .\luy, oi .'hi the s.iiuo in 1 b6rih ■>. • onfoderato Htatea ot t llio owners of* the rev • tMi .year convertible 1 :-IviMt.ux. 01 an act on • loan anfl the Dsm* !_ ■ • ' p c-oribo the Punish • ••'•;. ::.:<! forgiu(?certlfi- _ •V ! J • ‘U'l-i'oved sixteenth i and .M.xty-one.'he, and uuioiir-l to exchange tbe > p»>ablo ton years after - the year eighteen hun- wuh s p**r cent, mtoient, »U|H the Tfeatury b.- mopc.10 n nd i - (Ju)coqp..M und lipspilnl*, I In* •’ authorized to mamifactpra of n«b of the army tor t to make all ttecoemry -• ■••uro «od dirt illation <if 1 to,, iiluuholio und epir mi , i\ ..f the army ami i, ruu a- may bo couduofre und timt the said eon -'.ore made shall operators 1 jton. ta manu£»c|an» tbe .Tuivcpu < >eneral and tire b ill hu autboriiedfd‘5*- - I distilleries for thepmg- ""'plioy aforesaid, usd oy skull , instead * l u“gh party sbaH )rti- I ».y thin whiskny, hr __ • Min 'ir. than bosh, ■ntrkctfc, tiu > sell, in 1 :ii(l contrui 1 . any alci liol. whiskey, phidto ol spirituous liquors im under the license albre a. t Ol rate nt a lioeneeto oy \. .I.itmn ot the prohllti. ■I. w bun such violationshal 1 •mortiior umlyr-Uie laws y occur. ^TrslgDlaud JF«»- t»» OkaUc0H)^hee, |7KJf ahee teWlumhus, JUOUl) W1NUATK, Hh.mraol. . iiAN.iriivr. .ih-u,od. AUU l'HY, Iodlmn. " Exchange or Sale v;.{ OTaa? lowiAt erttcle* of Hnnlwure. whtcVwe w( 11 •£- henge tor Perk. Bacon, Lard. Wheat. K'tdur, or any other articles of )»rovl*ii>ni nr Juiifederate currency, vis ; , BAR and IlOUl* lUuN of all sises, iu iUb]o POT JAR MILLS and KLTTLES. of a*il sisef 30 to TJ) (callous. OYENS.aud SKILLKTi. l ltv tANS ,n<I AMHk'WS, (JIlUl* Hiid UKOAU AXES. hUOVKLS ami SFA’JES. TM.ACK CHAIMS iraj PUOUHU MOULDS.; Ortlor. lor Caulln*. tu,J Muchittework |>roni,it iy eyowlui. JOHN D. URAY A CO. ijS.lti . Notioe. I llt.lU.H\ nutity all jiuriuir. u.iijit traUiu, lur u nut... nivuii in thu UUur nut uf Mur or llr>t of J«u«, lsrk). m,Jo l.ay.bU Ibo 25^ ol December theroaitur, for seven hundred dol lars, payable to 1*. j. Riegers --{It 2. In all cases wh^e^pH. J-ubjeet^o a lex in kind, have been, of imiy be deatrcBlod. >a wholo or m part,**? Ure or ooty otaar uenhh u-' tal cause, or by the enemy. U Lebire n»< nt tike asses.-or saall regard Ibo \f^r\ of The crop not destroyoa as au Uu\t vi owner; it utternMeesmcnt and pay ii 11'i c.'lpti .nnl ! imprca«<‘d The Congrc.-,- <■ dablishuiuut l«>r a < or tain dis • vn »*r informally 'f tho army, federate Slates ot ‘all bo the ‘ • ini and Mi ld lor each ikV'T?*-! tha p » Hi (r Claim UiyeMfoie furiudlo owner, or boretidoro Uiuui l»fecund lor l oo u-« uf Uiu nr for by any officer in the mi i the iltlwjujlro he saiistbetorily provenAhu qmwterul u t«r shall alee regard the portion pi mo hum nqt destroyed s« all that was produced, and too proof rolieving the producor ‘bull entitle the quarturuiastfer to a oredft on bis’nttar.i tor tbo property thus lost. ’ Keo. 3. In oa«e« where tha quantity of corn received troin the lax in kmd is nuffioieot to ■apply tne uctuui wants of tuo t»rodoear. with out apy udauU his lM*rU upon »nt1slaAii(u'y evidence of thh ISce. ID Sewatury-ol^ aathoricod toultew tturemump volae tchc paid* for the dibaafo tile extent lh**.r»quin . of tHi^m.lutumlwllur lh.l»,ij- • - tb. Jwnur. UHr owu. IruUt.iwl uatiii) uoiIiumH. U)...,, nndareil on dt about tne tsrst _ mghUcu hundred und MXty-ti«a un<J Hundred ayd *Uly-sikjtae aheli rear ■aid date. - * Approved Juue 10. ItyL An mcl to amend “An nt*t to forces to nervy during ihu war, ♦*1 NaUruaty eoretiUmnbks erghtoon h dred and sixty-lour. ho direction of • to him, receive in rotation to all to rhominy by tbe or lniormally im lyand not yetpuid «r said officer be -°th«r hebp.ffi.bon tbo tacts tho li ut ll- .cl*r ) 111 . Mch COM to <>f the Treotary ui.n . lq tho fb.«t(ee 1 Utah ‘bio li.iiL. • ^ original ,, ...all Wo repo# lin*iv <■{ iho'i ru/bsury Ui rbel lor th* uan»-Mi*sie«ipj Umait. iHh'tr ieobatftli.g •-‘Dm OHUV4iuh* i lor , «^^. Uiq l ’ y ■*“thorisud to mnmi'Sr aif ..oi-l'VO^liuqT* of x tttjwn tbe product# urfoe-U<f tbo MMHmdpvi river, 'ffii ••aid odhie'of the PuiTpy of l«*tunr i.uiim ited In takigga uionv ivaiaad loc-staiaeeaa iur»»jgrdte t;du.l oa*iu*io afluuium ibi to iiuftass i on him ,u»¥° « iiie~i5it)peiffii3K aUow'ei- II be ti'n dollars per day while ^ jtury offaVaf; Provided, cwtnry .h >V ur in*> assign to duty ttcdud itny waariermaster ur di&i America do enact, a*!t to urxanlsc tore MVCUtCUllth Ua for every, ml S^-Tui fary ttf »ud alii aAhe army ; uuiL in ijmt ev«a, said . ut tlML*a*4nf-forljv cents d ft) me aUhrt#^ r ‘ ,l ^ v fit onu. colleot ffify ncm dv •J»rivu kind „ also uui) ta amountVNflF > field he. anvwS r »,.., rt bW (luringffiit- w. , cignteer* buu-'i eelved or ^jschj*uc« same in befehy * ibn. pay und ullowaapo • i mo«er«-<<i<lciit4, j emned ofin'ur <*r private. . . reutenu and eighteen j and trammed, shah be the f*iaao an u7ro7u*"n P (h«ir ' iwj^wbu.woru i.fcvuu- tu cii.iMiu.a nliumaj »ot „ j, „„ U .| ■elves w*iI)l»i.tao tiuie iojkiltiaiy ►ervJbc. «<•«■ tin • •**—•■* 1 T Sir-.-*, K>t M m» Mi Mu. 5 ,^"2K gw’fliHt J.y .ut .1. iluge shall ooblinue lurthespu •tier ra-uMupadou hy an o> ' potion ... . public euoir. uud itvo been t*iu.ee ll. ^roiid iho lints ol the Cut Tganuu thainrt-1 ves tn pm , bUjMive, eant ot lhu AJi- i- .ppi i'iV(r,'iU eouu i v tho fon dp* ot May. rh.ifxu kSffifSfttSVS | ..XUT-I1VU.K*. • . X» M .•ui.-iMT .ii'ur ; »?.(»? a. • lnl(usoTnio vii crii ticii aforesaid, not p>^L % I ia.*utod to tob ug# •per entu i’uii act. rmSnsitfF 1 *1, rtiall not b« again, aud Lo Harris county, Fob J A V LN BAT 11.I/O. >. l!)0^ leblWr w3m JUffit ooolvoci, TUK FO l im 1 V o l.H M E OF JOSEPH 11. aud his Court, .By . J. W. PKAHK. *1 aud levied a tux the amount ot tbe present tax on i jecta (ur tbe >eai eighteen huiultN four, which tax shall be pay a do federate Traeeury notes uf iho ui r P!IRK K 1 .'ll! LL Slit-op (o Kxrliaugo