Newspaper Page Text
NO. 135
fish aininn to emui.amd.
gin. banks Knmtn to vbanoe—butler
givis m’veaqh a blowing op—bats
that hi has bathes steal than marry
Special to Enquirer-Sun ]
Albany, Jobs 6.—At the anonsl elec
tion of Directors of the New York Central
and Hudson ltiver Railroad $01,000,000
voted on board whioh is the same as last
year, ezoept the election of Frederick W.
Vanderbilt to AH the vaoaney caused by
the death of Commodore Vanderbilt, and
the substitution of Jas. Hotter, of New
York, for Mr. Walters Obnroh.
Washinoton, June 6.—Butler has writ
ten a defense of .a oolnmn to.MaeVeagh,
denying certain assertions attributed to
him by MaoVeagh. Bntler says: On
the contrary I was told that, although the
money was promised as a bribe for the
desertion, the poor fellows did not get it,
but were required further to vote for
Spoffotd as Senator before they could get
even what was dne them. How I do not
know this faot, but hope and believe the
Senate will ascertain it on investigation
in the contest for the Senator’s Beat.
• * ' * • • . *
I read in your letter that you say
Wharton did not manage or transaot any
kind of business for me. Certainly not.
Bless your soul, you do not call such
tricks as these bnsiness, do yon 1 They
are not business even, if you should get
that foreign mission for doing them,
which 1 hope you will. You further Bay
Wharton was afraid of Paokard. All the
better instrument, therefore, to get Pack
ard’s friends away from him. It was well
done, and does oredit to your training.
Every one has his own taste in ohoos.
ing his way to acquire money, but if 1
were obliged to choose one of two ways,
either to appropriate it as a military oom-
mander, or to marry into a family where
I was neither wanted nor by whioh I
should be respeoted, to get money to
spare, I certainly sbould choose the form
er, yon may think it, because,
at least, I should have the money after
having committed a disreputable aot to
get it, and not liable to be disappointed
as I might be after I had waited long for
dead men’s shoes by the other method.
Collector King has sent a number of
nominations here for subordinate places
in the New Orleans Custom House,but has
been advised that the obanges are not de
sirable until after the investigation.
The Seoretary of the Treasury tele,
graphed through the Department of tbe
Treasury and Justice to Key West to as
certain officially all the particulars bear
ing upon the outrage upon tbe Amerioan
flag committed by a Spanish man-of-war
in boarding the American whaling sohoon
er Ellen Bczpath of Providence.
It is learned by newspaper publications
that a filibustering expedition is being
fitted out at New Orleans in aid of Cuban
insurgents. Secretary Erarta has ordered
an investigation of the matter. If the
statement is correot, Evarts will endeavor
to have the persons engaged in the pro.
jeot arrested and punished.
Washington, June 6.— It is learned at
the State Department a ohange of minis
ters at Italy and Portugal have not been
under consideration.
It is said Fish will relieve Pierrepont
at the Court of St. James early in the
The President’s list of earnestly pressed
applicants for the Distriot Commissioner-
ship has forty prominent names. He sign
ed Bryan's oommisaion to-day.
Hear Admiral Beynolds reports from
Yokahama, May 10th, he was about Bend
ing tbe Alert in searoh of shipwrecked
persons, supposed to be on some island
near Dampier straits. Savages reported to
the Captain of the passing vessel by
signs, there were sixteen white men and
one woman on an island, but oould not
looate the island.
The Secretary of the Treasury bas
ordered an investigation of the Bureau of
The Seoretary of tbe Navy has direoted
the Laokawans, now at Copuloo, to search
for the rock near Tartar Shoals on which
tbe City of San Franoisco struck. When
found, the rook will be properly buoyed
and its exact looation given.
Special tq Enquirer-Sun.]
Washinoton, June 6.—Alluding to the
alleged outrage on the whaler Eliza Rez.
patch, by a Spanish erniser, Seoretary
Evarts remarked this morning that while
he was sensible of the friendly relations
between Spain and the United States, he
did not intend to allow any outrage upon
out flag, and while Spain would be held
responsible for any insults to the United
States, he wonld see that this Government
fulfilled her obligations toward Spain.
fberdmen's bank pbopebty.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun.]
Washington, JuneG.—The Freedman's
Bank property was offered for sale to-day.
The highest bid was $100,000. The
property was then offered in lots. Tbete
was no bid for the bank building, and for
other property only $10,000 was bid.
The value of the property, as estimated
in the estimates of resources of theoon-
oern, $260,000.
Beat fitting Corsets from 85 cents and
Upwards, at M. Joseph’s.
Special la Enquirer-Sun.]
Savannah, June 0.— At the meeting of
the creditors of Savannah, held to-day,
the City Government was represented by
the Mayor and a full board of Aldermen.
Mr. W. E. Walton, of Augusta,was ohosen
President, and Henry Bryan, of Savan
nah, Seoretary.
Bonds to the amount of $1,187,700
were represented.
A report of the Finance Committee was
submitted by the Mayor, Bhowiog the fi
nancial condition of the city.
Various resolutions weto submitted and
the following finally adopted.
Resolved, That a speoial committee of
seven bondholders be appointed by the
chairman, who shall be oharged with the
examination of the bonded indebtedness
of the city of Savannah and shall confer
with the City Council of Savannah, with
a view of ascertaining whether any ar
rangement oan be arrived at as to the said
indebtedness, and that they report, at
such time as they may deem advisable, to
a general meeting of the said bondholders
to be held in the city of Savannah.
New York, June 6.—The Timet says
negotiations are progressing in the
SweeDy $0,000,000 suit for $25,000. The
Timet, editorialy, condemns the compro
Fonr hundred and fifty thousand in
speoie were shipped to Europe to-day.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun.]
New Yolk, June G.—When the Peter
B. Sweeney case osme up to-day, a con
ference took plaoe between the judges
and counsel. Subsequently Jndge West
brook announced that oounsel informed
him arrangements had been made by
which the estate of JameB M. Sweeney,
deceased, brother of defendant, agreed
to pay plaintiffs a considerable sum on
aocount of the demands sought to be re
covered in this action, and under those
circumstances it was deemed unwise to
press this trial.
The terms of arrangement as conveyed
to the judge, involved no concession by
or reflection npon the defendant. Tbe
oourt was then adjourned to October
The Expms says it is probable that
four hundred thousand dollars will be ao-
Train Wreckers Arrested.
Special lo the Enquirer-Sun.]
St. Louis, June G.—O. W. Rogers,
General Superintendent of the St. Louis
and San Franoisco Railroad, has informa,
tion of the capture of four of a tymd
who ran the train off the traok near Wood,
end station, on that road last Saturday
night. It appears that a young man
named Oliver, about twenty years of age,
who lives near Riobland, was suspected
of having something to do with the deed,
was arrested on Monday and taken to
Richland. He confessed, and gave the
names of the parties engaged as George
Gibson, Allen Greenstreet, and James
Long, who were arrested and are under
stroDg guard at Riobland. There are four
others who were oonnected with the gang
who are not oaptured yet. Oliver says
an ex-6onviot put up the job, and led tbe
party. Tbe intention was to run the entire
train off the traok, and then under the
guise of assisting the wounded, rob the
passengers and plunder tbe train.
London, June G.—A large number of
speoial police have preoeded the Ozar on
the way to Ruobarest.
A special lo tbe Mews from Peath states
that despite all denials, it is positively
asserted that Servia has made complete
preparations to commence hostilities near
Akpolanka and Altnisoh, as soon as the
Russians have crossed the Danube.
Berlin,June G—The Pott intimates that
diplomatic conference may bo held at
Bucharest during the sojourn of tbe Czar.
The semi-official journal De St. Peters
burg, adverting to peaoe rumors sayB di
plomacy bad better not pronounoe in fa
vor of any definite plan for a termination
of war until decisive events have ooourred
on the battle field. The terms of peaoe
must depend on the course of the war.
New York, June 0.—A oable speoial re
ports tho Czar's arrived at headquarters.
The weather in lionmania has turned very
hot. Sickness is increasing. Russia’s
finances trouble her. Bbe is twelve
million francs in arrears to Roumanian
Ragusa, June 6.—Tuesday afternoon.
The Turkish attack on Montenegro from
I ho Albanian side commenced. Alie Saib,
with the whole of his forces advanced
from Spuzuptlie Seats valley, the objeot
being to reach Danilograd. The Monte
negrins met the attack on a hill on Mal-
gat. Fighting is still raging. Up to
noon the Turkish assuults were repulsed.
Five hnudred Turks had been killed. The
Montenegrins fight against enormous
odds. There are 35,000 regulars and ir
regulars against them on this side alone.
The Guardian's Vienna diapato h says
Since the commencement of tbe great
heat, the health of the Russian army has
become worse. Finanoial difficulties
are apparont. For the last fortnight tbe
troops have not reaeived the additional
war money about their regular pay.
of the army chiefly because tbe Grand
Duke Niobolas and his chief of staff,
Gen. Neporoitsoky, frequently disagree.
After tbe Czar’s arrival a state of Beige
will be proclaimed at Bucharest, A Rus
sian town commander will be appointed.
The Guardian's Constantinople dispatch
says by order of the minister of war local
journals are forbidden to publish any
matter relating to the war.
Vienna, June G.—The opinion gains
ground that the Russians will not oross
tbe Danube. The suooesses in Asia are
relied npon as a lever to peaoe satisfactory
to Russia's idea of honorable retreat from
the war.
Constantinople, June 6.—The Khedive
bas intimated to the Porte in view of Earl
Derby's dispatch to Lord Lyons, British
Ambassador at Paris, whioh was laid on
the table of the House of Commons, yes
terday, that if the Porte determined to
refuse the Russian navy the right to pass
through the Suez osnal, it must send
men-of-war to defend its entrances.
London, June G.—Count Sohouvaloff,
Russian Embassador here, arrived at Ber
lin to-day. He will reach London on
Bath and the west of England Societies
Oentenary was celebrated at Bath to-day.
Wideainbe suspension bridge fell. About
one hundred persons were precipitated
thirty feet into the river Anion. Eighty
of the dead are recovered. It ia feared
others perished. Many are injured.
Another aooount represents the disaater
muoh more serious.
London, June G.—Later from Bath says
twenty bodies have been recovered and
several are still missing. Nearly two-
hundred people were on the bridge when
it fell.
Bath, June 6.—The bridge was a wooden
one of light oonstruotion, and narrow,
and about thirty feet long, between thirty
and forty feet above the river Anon, and
resting upon posts morticed into the stone
work at either end, and without centre
support. The bridge snapped in the cen
tre ; the two ends were wrenched clean
from the sides, and the whole mass, with
the people, was plunged into the middle
of the stream, whioh was about seven
feet deep. Boats from the shore were
immediately at work, rescuing the living
and searching for tbe dead.
collier’s strike.
Special to the Enquirer-Sun. ]
London, June 6.—West Lancashire
Colliers,numbering several thousand, have
Special lo Enquirer-Sun.]
Bath, June G.—About 12 porsons were
killed and 51 injnred—some fatally.
Columbia, June G.—The report of the
conference committee appointed to ad
just the differences between the two
Houses relative to tbe appropriation bill
was adopted by tbe House to day with
only a majority of seven. No doubt the
Senate will adopt a report to-night, and
thUB put an end to the finanoial deadlook.
A concurrent resolution passed the
Houses declaring the seat of Jndge R. B.
Carpenter vacant on the ground that tho
eleotion in Deo. 1875, was illegal, the of
fice at that time not being vaoant and or
dering an eleotion to fill the vaoanoy at
15 to-morrow.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun.]
Rome, June G.—The Pope has conferred
the Grand Cross of tbe order of Pius IX
on President MacMahon and Count
Larisoh. The latter is the speoial Envoy
whom the Emperor of Austria sent to the
Vatican to congratulate the Holy Father
on bis Jubilee. The Pope, in receiving
Polish pilgrims, including Cardinal Le
doohowski, alluded to the difficulties of
their pilgrimage in consequence of the
persecution to which they were subjected,
He advised them to overcome persecution
by prayers, which sooner or later would
fall like coals of tiro on the heads of their
New York Custom House Frauds.
Special to Enquirer-Sun.]
New York, June G.—The Custom House
Commission examined Mr. Miller, owner
of bonded warehouses at 71 and 74 South
street, and 88 and 90 Pearl street, ne
said tbe visit of Superintendent Russell,
of tbe Warehouse Department,waB for tho
purpose of collecting subscriptions for
political purposes. He never knew him
to visit stores for the purpose of making
an examination of the warehouse goods.
They have paid subscriptions for political
purposer, probably six times, and have
reoeived no benefits forsucb subscriptions.
He also said he was satisflsd that millions
of dollars have been abstracted from the
Treasury through means of the damage
PhllKdelplilu strike Ended.
New York, June 6.—A strike among
tbe laborers on the piers in the freight
depots of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany has ended. A committee of labor
ers oalled upon several prominent mer-
obauts in this oity yesterday for advice,
and were told to resume work as soon as
possible at the best compromise offered
by the railroad officials. The meeting
this morning decided to rfcsume work at
tbe rato of fourteen cents per hour. After
bearing the report of ihe committee the
men immediately resumed work.
Cbeap Rates.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun.]
Chicago, June 6.— Passenger rates to
Philadelphia have been lowered to $14,
any Baltimore $13.50,
London, June G.—An offloial report re
oeived at Constantinople to-day from the
Governor of Herzegovina oonfirms the
reported defeat of the Montenegrins and
Herzegovinians on the 4th inst. in the
defiles of Kristes with heavy loss by
Sulliman Pasha.
Note. —The Evening Standard's Pesth
speoial is confirmatory of tbe Turkish ac
count of this fight.
The Czar, accompanied by Prince
Gortsohakoff, Baron Jomiori and Privy
Counsellor Hamburger, of foreign office,
arrived at Ploiesti to-night. The Czar
met with an enthusia-tio reception.
Brest, Juno G.—Three Russian frigates
have arrived in this harbor.
Paris, June 0.—At a meeting of tbe
Suez Canal shareholders to-day M.
DeLesseps announced teu votes were sc
oured to the English Government.
out to pieces.
A speoial dispatch from Constantinople
to the Journal DcsDebates asserts that
one thousand Abchasians have been sur
prised and cut to pieces by the Russians.
Special to Enquirer-Sun.]
London, Judb G.—Perplexing contra
dictions relative to Ali Saibs operations
on tbe frontier of Montenegro oontinne
to be received.
Vienna, JuneG.—The Political Corres
pondence, usually well-informed, pub
lishes a special from Catlaro, stating Ali
Saib was defeated at Maijat and lost 700
A Ragusa telegram supports this view.
Ali Saib, ou tbe other hand, telegraphed
to Constantinople a most circumstantial
account of hia successes, according to
whioh, he has oooupied the heights com
manding Danielograd.
Havana, Jane G.—A deoree issued de
daring, aa the authorities of Cuba and
Porto Rioo, have oome to an understand
ing respeoting the introduction of Porto
Rioo tobaooo into the island of Cuba, that
the importation of same is allowed only
at Havana. The remaining are prohibit,
ed aa all other ports of the Island. To
baooo, before passing the Custom House,
is to be subjeoted to striot examination of
a competent commissioner to prevent the
introduction of a foreign artiolo.
Cincinnati, June 6.—Traok heavy. Fa,
voritee were beaten every race.
Mile—Edinburg won, Tiilio Brent 2d,
Viotoress 3d, in 1:5G.
Mile heals—Bell Base won, Miller's Pal,
ton oolt 2d, Pinkinton 3d, in 1:54$, 1:55.
One end ope-half mile—selling raoe
Bell Sanders won, VictoresB 2d, War Jig
3d, in 2:59.
Vesuvius Preparini a Blast.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun.]
Naples, June G.—Professor Palmieri
states that Mount Vesuvius has been in an
nnusnal state of agitation for some days,
showing at night fire at tbe mouth of the
new crater recently opened, above which
a cone ia formed.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun ]
Louisville, JuneG.—Tho International
Typographical Union adopted resolutions
sanctioning the sending the Bonding of a
delegate to the exposition at Paris next
year, to represent tho oompositors of
The twenty-second annual internatiou-
nl convention of tho Young Men’s Chris
tian Association convened in this oity to
Russell Stnrgis, jr., of Boston, oslled
the convention to order. He spoke tirief-
of the suecosa that bos attended (ho
Association’s labor at all points during
the year, and of the increased responsi
bility resting on the further prosecution
of the work.
The oommitteo on organization re
ported the following offloors who were
eleoted: President John V. Ferwell, Chi
cago; Vioe Presidents, Wilkie of Ontario,
Jennings of Pennsylvania, Blank of Geor
gia, Cheever of Ohio, McDonald of New
Jersey, Armstrong of Alabama, Lipse of
Nebraska, nnd Field of Indiana; Secreta
ries, Horton of Indiana, DaviR of Ala
bama, Chapin of Iowa, Palmer of Ar
kansas, Lewis of Massachusetts.
National Insurance I'ampany'i
Trans Terrence
New Haven, June G.—The National
Cnpital Insurance Company has trans
ferred its building in this oity, which oost
$450,009, to tho Treasurer of the United
States, to bo held aa security for claims
of polioy holders. The building is to be
held by the United States until substitu
ted by deposit with the Treasurer of
$150,000 in bonds.
New England b'rcaa Ansoomtlon—
General Banks Tendered Freueb
Boston, June G.—Tho annual meeting
of the New England Associated Press was
held this forenoon. The old officers were
The Journal says Gen. Bonks went to
Washington to-day ia rosponee to a tele
gram offering him the French mission.
OPPOSINU SHERMAN'S POLICY. | debt contracted in n fiduciary oapaaity 01
is contemplated by tbe aoti of Congress
all the other CABINET offioerb and 1° excepted from the operatioD of •
--....... ^ jsss&itssaajawE?*
Washinoton, June 3.—None of the THE SETRO TUNNEL*
Republican politicians who have visited
Washington for a week past in largo num- TUE header in 17,000 feet—an averagi
bers agiee as to the reception Hayes’ pol- oost of $1,000 a day fob eight tears
ioy meets at the hands of the mass of the —control of the stock.
Republican party. All agree os to the 8an Fban0I8C0 Jnne i.-The Stock Re-
reception given to Hherman e polioy. Al- \ porter publishes to-day a report of aa
lowanoe must be made for individual ex- interTiew wilh Adolph Hutro,induced by a
aggeration, but the uniform story is that , etter ef inqairy fro £ a hea v y operator of
one and two dollar notes have disappeared Wall 8t Ne ‘ w ¥o rk. Tho following is tbs
throughout the great agricultural regions snbBtanoo G f Mr. Sutro’s remarks: The
to the great discomfort of a oomnranity Ueadar iB now aboat 17 000 feat> The fu .
where all transactions are small and for t urB ta(0 0 j progre8a j B expected to avs-
oasli. The most serious consequence.i rage 8 00 , ae t month. The work has
to the party are predicted as aresult ba B en p roBeonte d for eight years at an svs-
of this, and the pressure on Sherman oost of abonll 0( & a day . Tha
constantly increases. All the other mem- ex B ot lime of raaohing tha Comstock Lode
bars of the Cabinet are said to oppose Bt the Savage Mine workings,
his polioy, either positively or negatively. ^ n ^ ot at pre8ant be e deflmitely fixed.
MoGrary and Thompson the first, and Q'ne estimate is that 10 months more will
Evarts, Sohurz and Devons the last, and snffioa . Suggestions having been made
the President is said to be losing his faith b never"? well-known practical
ia resnmplion, and rumor of this kind, m J iner8 , hBt the tnone | oon i d
caught up and circulated by prominent not be kept open when , t reaohad the rea ,
Republicans here is not an unfair indi- oomatook Lode formation, whioh has given
cation of the anxiety of politicians for HO much tronbla to njiner8 tha paat
their political salvation at home to force „ nd i8 8tiu 8noh an ob8taolei Mr , gutro
s suspension of resumption. Stewart L. oxp | a j ned that tba tun nel company bad no
Woodford stamped Ohm aa a.bard-money fe * rH on thia 80ora Tbay h r ad J a | teady
man in the Hayes-Alien fight. Hie posi- p a8Had through material similar to, and
tion then has given him a sort of repre- JJ ulta rlHdifflo , 1 | t aH any me t with in tbe
sentative character on the Eastern hard- mBiu , odo- Tbe work '’ had baan slightly
mouey sentiment in Hayes eyes, and a ra tardod there, and extra preoantions
part of hiB visit here is said to have been wer0 required in tbe formations met with,
given to a conference with Iiayos on the (p be swelling Q f the ground was undoubt-
subjeot. | ad i y a groa t disadvantage, but it oonid be
readily overcome. They had ont several
Hostile Attitude of tbe I’enn.ylvo- I quartz veins, some of them giving toler-
nlix Republican* Towards the able assays. People must not, however,
President. look upon the tunnel in the light of a
r ,„OM JESSIESSeu r p r".Si
Piiii^DBLPniA, May 31. fhe hmea.of I ahead as expeditiously as possible, and
to-morrow contains an article saying that d i Bregard a |i B ide issues. The work of
wlnle the Repbhoan leaders have studi prospecting Iibh never been prosecuted in
ously refrained from eny opon aggressive any way, end would not be attempted
assault upon the policy of the President, until the tunnel was put through. Mr.
they have shown their sullen hostility in I 8ntro expteRfled lUe op f Qioa thft t before
the most pointed and practical manner. tbo g aviig0 ground wnereaobod the tannel
Four county conventions of!the party mJght be expeoted to out sOtae valuable
have been held in the four Republican I e b ., dy As to rumors of a ohange in
BtroDgholds of the Btate—Philadelphia, ooutrol of the htook of the company,
Lancaster, Allegheny and Bradford. Mr. Butro answered emphatioally that the
The Republican convention of I biladel- raan agemont could never be wrested from
phis tabled a resolution drawn in the bj|n
mildest form expressing confidence in
new youk detective has got him.
Hundreds of Applications for Con-
Washington, June3.—During tha forty-
eight hourH which elapsed between the
receipt and correction of tho false report
that a vacancy had been oroated in the
American Consulate at Iquique, Pern, by
the death of our Consul, ten written ap<
plications were reoeived at the Depart’
ment of Htate for appointment to the sup<
posed vacant position. The applications
now on file for other consulships number
many hundred, and they aro still coming
in by tho dozen daily.
the President; and its consideration pro- a NOTH EK NATHAN MUR DEREK
voked the hardest and most contemptu
ous epithets agai si him. Lancaster, that
gave nearly 3,000 majority for Bayes, had
no representative in the convention, but
the return judges of the party footed up Now York Sun, May 29th.]
the vote tor candidates and separated «•[ produoa," said Secret Service
without so much aB notioe of their Re- I Detective John Porter, “the meersohaam
publican President. Allegheny, that gave , tobaooo box, and watch taken from
Hayes nearly 10,000 majority, held a fnll Mr Benjamin Nathan immediately after
representative convention a few days ago, tbe mutrtari and affidavits dearly setting
and twioe deliberately tabled a resolution 1 the cause of tbe murder, and by
approving of the Administration, the last wbom p| anno d and exeouted.”
time ten only daring to vote for it. Ben- Thla assertion was made a few days ago
ator Cameron had been in the county # a rendezvous of Secret Service Dateo-
weok or ten days before, and the men who 1 ^ yeH Bowery,
shared most of his wishes yelled the loud- “Gate Gnnuion, Johnny Irving, and
est in crying down tho Hayes resolution. I i$j]]y Forrester were brought by Kelly,tba
Bradford, tbe Hepnblioau Gibraltar of houHekeoper’H son, into a plan to rob Mr.
the North, whence came a surveyor and I jfuthau’H safe," tbe deteotivo added. **Mr.
deputy surveyor, and where the post-office was vory regular, in his habits,
is the perquisite of the old party organ I returned home invariably between 10
that is owned by Cameron, Goodrich A ftU d U o’clock at night. Before going to
Co., won and the President lost an approv- | J0l j jj 0 always smoked his meerschaum
ing resolution. The Htate Convention pipo y wound up his watch, whioh he put
has been postponed to the latest day to \ QU uight tftb j e ftt hiH bed 8i( ] 6t aB B i ao
escape immediate responsibility, and then hi8 tobacco box. Young Kelly found the
the President will be squarely or tacitly ^gQ above mentioned, and admitted
reproached or be disposed of by signiii- theni to the bouse. Mr. Nathan returned
cant silence or stabbed by qualified praise. h ome, oalled Kelly to bis room, and gave
The ticket will be presented as a matter him orders for the following
of form, and tho parly told to elect or de- morn j ng . k 6 closed the door,
feat, no matter whioh. As parties stand and re tired, as it was thought, to
to day the whole Bepublican majority in bed At x o * 0 i 0C k in the morning, Kelly
the State last fall would be lost in Philo- I gQ^fg^ bis room and found him sleeping,
delpbis, Lancaster and Allegheny, and He tben adm jtted Gale Gunnion and Jno.
the Democratio majority in the other jrving, Billy Forrester being left outside
oounties might be anything from thirty to I , ba kunBd) to give warning in case of dan-
fifty thousand. I gar> It was while Gale Gunnion was try-
- I ing to force tbe safe open with tbe dog
Ramovinc Two of Senator Npeneer’* tbat Mr Nathan roused from his sleep.
Friend*. Seeing Kelly, he asked him what he was
Washington, June 8.—A olustor of doing‘he™- Before Kelly oonid reply,
Alabama Republicans here say that Hayes Oale Gunnion sprung up, with intention
will remove two of Senator Spencer’s ini- of running away, when Mr. Nathan grap-
Importer* and Oroeers.
New York, June G.—At the annual
eleotion held to-day by the Importers and
Grocer’s Board of Trado, tho following
gentlemen were eleoted: President, Geo.
W. Lane; First Vioe-President, D. M.
Tutuure; Seoond Vioe-President, H. Far
rington; Third Vice-President, J. A. Liv
ingston; Fourth Vioe-President, W. F.
Gary, jr.,
Tbe committee on trade were instructed
to appear before the Commissioners who
are now investigating the Custom House
affairs, and famish them with a copy of
Ihe report made by said committee in
1874, whioh oovers all gronnd now before
tbat body.
Highest Railroad Folut Reached.
Denver, Col., Jane 4.—The highest
point yet attained by any railroad ha*
been reached in tbe summit of the Saneta
Pass in tbe Saugre de Christo mountains
by tbe Southwestern extension of the
Denver and Rio Grande Railway. The
altitude of summit ia 9,340 feet.
Damage by Water-spout la Iowa.
Burlington, June 4.—A water-spont this
morning flooded tbe oonntry two miles
southwest of this oity, oansing Hswkeye
Creek to suddenly orerflow and do sever
al thousand dollars' worth of damage to
fonnderies.maohino abops and agricultur
al wotlcs.
Killed by LlghtnitiK.
Memphis, Juno 4.—Last Saturday Goo.
Sanderson, maiding on Big creek, some
fifteen miles above this oity, sought shel
ter from the storm under a tree and was
struck by lightning, and his body so badly
mangled as to be aoarcely recognized.
Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Hon. Jno. G. Thompson, Chairman of
the Ohio Democratio State Committee,
expresses himself very confidently in re
aped to a Democratio triumph in that
State this fall. The whole tenor of ad
vices from Ohio is to the same effeot, and
we have the same news from Pennsyl
vania, coming from Repnblioan sources.
A *100,000 Fire in Union, S. V.
Charleston, Jnnc 3.—A fire broke out
in tbe town of Union at noon to-day, in
tho store of W. R. Briggs. Under a high
wind half of tho boNt business portion of
the town was swept away, including the
stores of J. T. Hill & Co., J. M. Gibbs A
Co., Dunn A Co., J. P. Jaoobi, R. F.
Briggs, W. E. Menace, \V. R. Davis, and
other buildings, besides tbe depot, the
railway shops and several cars. The hotol
was saved, and no dwellings wore injured.
Loss about $100,000. Insurance about
A Minister Murdered.
Frederick, Md., June 6.—Investiga
tion by physicians develops the real fad
that the Rev. J. W. Friday, of - Harper's
Ferry, was murdered and thrown into tho
water, it is supposed, by a band of
roughs from Virginia. It was at first
thought that he was accidentally drown
Washinoton, June 6.—Indications—
For tho South Atlantia and East Gulf
States, stationary or rising haromoter,
nearly stationary temperature, northwest
to southwest winds, clear or partly cloudy
weather and possibly light showers.
The Grand Central Hotel, New York,
maintains its famous reputation as a mod
el first-class honse. Its rednotion from
$4.00 to $2 50 and $3.00 per day makes
it inoro popular than ever.
jul eodlw
sions from Kelly and Gnnnion.
portaut Federal appointments in that | pl e( ' w ' l h them. Gunnion strnok him on
State to-morrow. Ex-Gov. W. H. Smith, tbe boad with the dog, and, as Mr. Nath-
the first Republican Governor of the an staggered out of the room, Gunnion
Stftte after the military proviaional gov- struck him again, killing him.
eminent, is to replaoe DiRtriot Attorney Deteotive Porter said that he can pro-
Morgan, and Samnel G. Reed is to sue- care affidavits corroborating this story,
ceed United States MarshalTurnar. Both and that Oslo Gnnmon had repeatedly
changes are in the interest of tho new expressed regrets at tho killing. Gnnnion
party. A carpet-bagger from Maine, * s H1 tbe Albany Penitentiary, having
named Myers, bolds the Consulate at twenty years to serve; Irving and For-
Humilton, Canada, to the credit of Ala- raster are in bmg Sing, and Kelly ia in
bama, and he is to he followed by Knox, Auburn. The deteotive last evening re-
a native, who is here pressing for the of- iterated his assertion that he oonid pro-
I duce the watob, box, and pipe and, if fur
ther evidence was needed, obtain oonfea-
debt due by commission MEBOHANTS HA'lt
The Chief Justice on Saturday rendered
the decision of the United States Court at
Charleston, in the case of Owsley & Co.
vs. Ilenry Cobia A Co. Aa the question
is one of general interest, it may De well
to rostato the facts of tho case. Owsley the wreck of the lost steamer GeorgeS.
A Co., tho plaintiffs, consigned to Henry Wright has at last been discovered. He
Cobia A Co., defendants, certain goods is an Iodisn named Coma, and was a ooal
to be sold by them as commission mer- boaver on board. Ho was recognized
chants and proceeds remitted. After the on tho streets at Nanonimo, Friday,
goods were sold, but before remittance, arrested, and brought to Viotoria
defendants went into bsnkruptoy. The yestorduy. The Colonist to-day says:
plaintiffs brought their aotion, alleging Since tho disaster, Coma has constantly
that the debt was fiduciary in its oharao- evaded the police, and until quite recent-
tor, and under tho provisions of the bank ly it was not known that there existed a
rapt act was expressly excepted from thr single survivor of the wreok. Coma oon-
operations of tho discharge in bankrupt- fessed to the Superintendent of Police,
cy. Tbe defendants maintained that after being duly cautioned, tbat at night
the debt was not thus fiduciary. the boilers of the steamship exploded.
Upon tho trial of tho cause Judges Bond and she began to sink at onoe. Captain
and Bryan deoided in favor of tho poai- Ainsley, with four United States officers
tion taken by tho defendants, and the and tho passengers, got into a boat, and
jury, under their direction, found a ver- told Coma, who was ou the deok, to get
diot for defendants. in too. The rest of the people were
A motion for a new trial was made and in bod, or tried to escape by
argued before Chief Justice Waite, means of another boat. The Captain’s
Messrs. Buist A Bnist represented the party, seven in all pulled ashore near
plaintiffs, and AugnBtine T. Smythe, Eaq., | Cape Coeroion. They were nearly naked,
repreheuted tbe defendants.
San Francisco, June 4.—A survivor of
Jaconet.Embroideries—a full and coni'*
plete assortment, from 4 cents and np-
ards—at M. Joseph’s.
House Furnishing Linens at
eodtf M. Joseph’s.
The Indians gave them blankets to keep
The deoree of the court, pronounced warm. A day or two afterwards three
by Chief Justice Waite, in favor of the canoe loads of Indians came to the spot,
defendants, is as follows : and Oapt. Ainsley offered the loader $500
“This oauso was heard on a motion for to convey the shipwrecked men to Fort
new trial. The cause for the aotion was Rupert. Four of the Iudians were armed
for the valuo of goods consigned by the with muskets, with whioh they killed all
plaintiffs to tho defendants, who were the whites, tied stones to
commission merchants, to be sold on the bodies and sank them
plaintiff’s account and remittance made at in deep water. They robbed the bodies
thirty duvs after tho sale. The ground of all valuables, including the Cap-
of the defense considered by the oourt tain’s gold watch and ohain. They spared
was that the defendants have taken ad- Coma, but told him if ho ever dared to
vantage of the povisions of the bankrupt narrate the oiroumstauces they would kill
act, the debt due to tbe plaintiff’ was his father. Coma thinks all the people
barred thereby and no recovery could be on board who were in bed at the time of
had. the explosion were drowned, as the boat
“The oourt concurs in the reasoning of 1 went down rapidly. The prisoner was
the decision submitted on behalf of the I to»*day confronted by four prisoners ^*ho
1 defendants, and is of the opinion tbat the were brought by the Rocket, and have
debt due by these defendants as faotors I sinoe been in jail here, and identified, two
or oommiasion merchants, it not anoh a | as belonging to the murderers.