Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, July 24, 1877, Image 1
tumircf. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1877. NO. 174 BLOODSHED AND INCENDIARISM. t Aiito apparently unheeded, m th* mn unM on without hatting. It ia nil tha assailant wm promptly Misted by the polio*. r ■ AT CUMBERLAND, WIILUD. Cumbeland, July 12.—Tha strikers supported by boatman at* bold and de fiant and threaten eerioea ^om, ahohld atWaahiagion £ n £J p “ T ,o r?* ^ *" portion * :LS HURRIEDTHERE TBpgf ASS MILLIONS108TBAL Cabinet Undecided (Ntcuts Whether to Take Ekpifieee OOmpany Deettnea to Take .Money from Woehiagtea to* New fork. i SoorotOnr Wtiarmnn Advisee Im- mooUoto Sail of Congreaa. 1TT8BURG STRIKERS BECOME A MOB. fMWfpwwaa- M • aCAHS’-BMAMACMUl regiment nabbowlt xs- amb nt| amt several nua-rtoiiia) nou**, win 175 bh- amo, abd wbjuoniof own bailboad moraaTT bubmbd abd oabo saoxbd bt e* a SOLID MAM or oninn, anb ax nvnu, WfMfe, $180,000 Bridge Burned at Reading. #10,000 BBWABD-OfMlBD IW IMErAIRA- TOna — PZHBYLYANIA MILITIA LEAVING RVBBTWEBBB BUT NEVBB ABBXTB ABX- wnaaa—tbbx man oa a teasing dp MOB AX BBADIMO ABD KILL POOR—REGI MENT POBCID BACK AT ALTOB. At Buffalo, N. Y., Strikers Stone, Club and Drive Back the Militia. [ TBS mix* BECOMING OBBBBAL THBOUOB- OUT TBB MIDDLB ABO WESTERN iTATBfl BAM OP THB MUaUAIPPI — STRIKERS POBOB OTBBM TO . IOIB THEM—2,000 AT COLUMBUS, Ohio—BBW XOBK OtNTBAL MIB DEMAND 25 PBB OBBT. IBOBBASB IB PAT OB THBCATIB A ATHIXB—MSBMOBI OT VARIOUS POINTS. EXCITEMENT EVERYWHERE. BALTIMORE OUTWABDLY QUIET—400 FEDES- AL TBOOPfl TBBBB—rOBTX OIL OAB8 BURNED—SEVSNTX- PIVB ROUGHS STEAL A OAR ABD OO TO PtTTRBURQ. GENERAL HANCOCK IN COMMAND. MILITIA, POLIO! ABD DBTEOTIVM OP NIW TORE Cm BBADT TO MOTE IB BOUR. No Probability of a Strike on Southern Roada. Baltimore, ft Genera! Hancock 1 * to OomberUnd. MOB ABD PIBB HAVE pmSBqaQ—TWBBTX REPORTED SILLED ABD MABI WOUNDED. Fittsbueg, July 22, 11 a. M.—The outer depot yards of the Pennsylvania Railroad bar* been abandoned by all the troop*. The PhUadelphie men .went down PeuosytvanU sTenua, and the aswiNifflwSMe mob hav* thing* all their own way. The ronnd house together with- ensines and oars were entirely destroyed by fir*.' •• It is repotted about 20 killed end s number wounded. CABINET—Til OOPS TO DMAf (TRIERS!. Special to Enquirer-Sun.} Washington, July 22.—The' Oeblnet was in (nil session at the State Depart ment this evening. Two eompanies of artillery, equipped i infantry, arrivad her* from Fort Mon ’S. ,, The Powhattsn and Bwartara are in Hampton road*. EvrouT. or Dieppe ag eertaatuo. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] v f ' ' Pittsburg, July 21.—All the oar* be tween Twenty-eight end Thirtieth • treats were bnrnedf Pqfly 250 oat* wapo homed. At daylight tfieSiotera got ehneaptared guns in podtion and fired on* shot, when the soldiers in - thy roupd bouse opened fire, answering the gone with Immkcto, and drove the gunners from the oannon. Before tha oannon wee abandoned, the machine shope betweep Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets were burned. The soldiers sallied from the round hone* and wsr* driven btok. The soldiers than formed columns, and oeme oat through the lumber yard Bed want down Twenty- fifth to Liberty, tha atrikem getting in front for the Alleghany arsenal. Arrived at the arsenal, the D. S. troops on guard refused them admittance, ana they were left exposed. 75 ENGINES AND SOUND BOUSE BUEXXD— LOSS TO OOMPAHX $2,000,000. Speeiel to Enquirtr-Suu.} Philadelphia, July 22.—The troops turned their Gstlln gaa on the crowd, killing thirty, mostly strikers end eilisens The ronnd honse, containing seventy-five freight engines, and tbs maehine shop were destroyed by fire. The estimated damage to the railroad property > $2, 000,000. QUESTION OP CABINET OONTBOL. Speeiel to Uu Enqvirer-Sun.] Washington, July 22.—The Osbinet eUk* PtNNSTLVANIA MATH TROOPS IN THB BOUND HOUSE—THR MOB BOAR THEM OUT WITH BURNING CARS—MOB BOUSED TO PBENZX KILLING BT TROOPS— AND SRVRRAL ARR KILLED AND LETT ON SIDEWALkS—U. S. COMMAND ANT BEPUSES TO BBOBtVB THEM—SOATTEE- BD—125 ENGIBBS BURNED—EXIGN OP tbbbob. Speeiel to E*|»lisr Bsw.] Pittsburg, July 22.—The orisia Of the railway strike la thla eity a* Indio*ted in these dispatohee of Saturday night waa reshed yesterday afternoon about 2 o'olook, when the Phlladelphie troops who had been sent here to suppress the stri kers fired upon the orowd. The terribly fetal effects of tho shots fired by tbs rOope exasperated the citizens ei welt as he striker*, tad in lam than an hoar th* lands ■ ef wwtartag—dtara the eeiihag Dills and various manufacturing estab lishments gathered at tha scene of oon- fllet, determined to have revenge On the troops and reilfotd offloiala. It was stated bet Ge*. Pearson, oommandor of the 6th dlvisiotvof the State Guard*, had diraot- ed th* troops to fire before any resistance bed keen made, end the faot that many of those killed end wonnded had been on the hillside merely ae spectators, served to increase the bitterness of th* crowd. By eight o'clock in the evening the ■Mbs were moving about th* olty M Veri tas directions, ssaking stores to Ssoure arms, breaking into the armories of the military companies, and preparing them. All i [ OBBBBAL SITUATION—GEN. PBABSOB 1 BBaniPP PIPE KILLED AT PITTSBURG. Washington, July 22.—Nothing now in [ Now York State, Everything, Inoiuding > mails, are detained at HomeUavllte. Small ; tumults have occurred, end Meat anxiety : exists throughout tbs State.. The marines, [ hehos for Baltimore last night, arrived ! aafely. The mob did not nmfast them In oy Way. Th* polio* found little difficulty I dubbing the crowds to Mr homes. About 100 srrtsts*hsve bean made. Thirty-five or forty oil oars and some other property were burned by the rioters at the Viadnot Station, a abort diatanoe from th* oily. Gan. Hanoook is at Baltimore. Troops en-ronte from Philadelphia for L Pittabnrg, were hooted at Harrisburg, and aa the train started ahowera of stones ■ struck it. The polios, who arrested • [ man, wm stoned on tho way to the eta- f tion house. i- Great indteision characterized Gov. Young’s actions. Newark ia still rampant. The western part of Pittsburg is in the hands of the riot era. Control of affairs tuts passed from the strikers into the' hands of th* diaooatenled laborers of all olamrn, and moat terrible disorganisation exists among them. Oil oan are set on fir* and pushed from point. to point for Inesndlaiyuurpoaae. A portion of Knapp’s battery, whieh the rioter* oeptured, is atragetioelly plaoed to provont soldiers approaching the eity. Sheriff Fife to certainly killed. General Pearson I* said to be dying in the round bona* where the soldier* ere besieged. They owe their present safety from massacre to the Gatling gnn in the ronnd house, whieh the troops seem to handle with dtoeretion end effect. Th* dead ere lying in th* vielnlty whieh the rioters are afraid to move. rmrasiLVARiA tboofs defeated on wax TO PtTTSBUBO. Alton, Pa., July 22. A train of sol diers reached here this morning en route fat Plttshnig. They wore stopped by the striker* end the engines taken from the train. One company stacked arm* end refused to do anythiog. Another oompa- ny tried to eooneat the engine to the train, but wm attaoked end driven off by tho strikers. Th* whole train of soldiers to laying here, and under oomplete con trol of th* striker*. XXOIIEMBBT a BALTIMOBB — SOLDIER STRUCK *T A ROOK—OBB. HANCOCK IB Department to-day. oept Sohnrz. Adjutant General Townsend in. The sfibjeot under dlscnati feasibility of the Government taking the entire charge of tho present reUrosi' tronbles, as interrupting to tho mails and interrupting tremo. The dominant idee in the Executive nee me to be that the control 6f the strikers hM passed into the hands ef thieves and incendiaries. all playing for thieves. The Government has ordered troops from Oplnmboa to Pittsburg, from St. Lonis to Indianapolis for (he protection of th* arsenals. An extraordinary eon- fusion exists. Thieves, atrikem, State militia and Government troops ere playing st cross purposes, ell, however, playing into th* band# of th* thieves. PITT8DUBG UNION DEPOT IN FLAMES. Speeiel to Enquirer-Sun] Pittsburg, July 22—Three o’olook.— The Union Depot ia in flsmss.*'' QUIET IN MARYLAND. Speeiel to Enquirer-Sun.} Baltimore, July 22. — Quiet prevails here sod at Cumberland. PENNSYLVANIA OENTBAL. speeiel to Enquirer-Sun.} Columbia, Fa., July 22.—Th* Pennsyl vania Central Railroad men struok. rosd was quietly olosed. No engines ere allowed to lesva. 8TRIER AT HABRISRUBO, PA. Speeiel lo the Enquirer-Sun.] Harrisburg, Pa., July 22.—Th* rail roadmen have struck. Passenger trains, not containing troops, are allowed to peas. U. S. TROOPS OBDEBBD TO BALTIMOBB AND PITTSBURG. Special to Ike Enquirer-Sun.] Boston, July 22.—Two companies of United States troops, stationed here, ere ordered to stert to-night for tha eoena of the disturbance at Fittebnrg and Balth more. CINCINNATI AND PITTSBURG DEPOT BURRED. Speeiel to Enquirer-Sun.] Pittsburg, July 22.—The freight depot of the Pittebnrg & Cincinnati Railroad and the general office of the Mms oom- iwnywere fired at 4:20 p.m. They are ; n oloae proximity to tha Union depot. LARI SHORE STRIKE AT CLEVELAND. Speeiel lo Enquirer-Sun.] Cleveland, July 22 —The firemen and brakemen of the Lek* Shorn Railroad struok et 2 p. M. TERRIBLE BUBNISO AT PITTSBURG. Special te Enquirer-Sun.J Pittsburg, July 22.—The railroad bnildinge destroyed ere as follow!: Two ronnd hones*, one machine shop, Snperln- block- Baliimobe, July 22, 12:10 p. M.—Not withstanding the apparent quiet prevail ing at thin boor, the meet exolted fooling prwvafla. Four hundred regular troop*, Inotodtng tboM from Fort Colombo*, Mew York, and Fort Monroe, arrived this morning, and are under the Immediate eoasmend of Gen. Hancock. As th* troop* from Fart Colombo* marched from Presi dent street depot of the Philadelphia end Baltimore Railroad np Pratt street to Ourndsu depot, »f*w atooM war* thrown from tho orowd on tho sidewalk, and on* ft th* Estdiera wm streak. This ssmoU tendent’s office, over repair shop, ips, 8 or 4 oil boniM, Union depot, and thsoffioM of the smith sbo| Transfer Pullman Oar Company, laundry and offl oes, dispatcher's office, powder honse, Union depot, hotel, Pan engine honse, general offloea and freight depot, and freight depot of Adam’s Ex press Company. , The freight depot of the Pittebnrg, Cincinnati A Bt. Lonis end the general offloea of the same oompsny were fired st 4:80 o’elook this afternoon. These are in elose proximity to the Union 'depot. OitiEeni are organizing and marohing to tha scene of oonfiiot to prevent further damage. All are armed with concealed weapons, and heavy beae bell beta. •HERMAN WANTS OONGBEM CALLED. Speeiel lo Enquirer-Sun.) Washington, July 22.—It to stated that Secretary Sherman favor* an immediate sail for Congress. THB STUXF or BADIOAL POLITICIAN*. Tbs Cabinet to-day wm understood as utterly unable to make any suggestion by which tha disorder might bo compromis ed. The strong oontral govern whieh the Republicans have bean I ing tines 1861, tarns s feeble affair. They have squandered the sovereignty whieh they look from the State*. & Union Transfer Co., blacksmith aho; tlotehonsM afid numerous other bni lags, making np the terminal taoilitiM of this msmmnth corporation. ONI BUBDBED AND TWBBTX-FIVB BNGINM • BUBBBD. In the rownd hoessa were ode. hundred end twenty-five Ant olam engines, whioh had been housed in Museqaeno* of the strike. These were totally destroyed, bnt even th* immense Iom whioh will be sustained ia this Item to but a trifle in the aggregate damage done. execute the threats freely 'Ft of ausaaoreing the entire Phils- lelphia oommand. By this time the military bed withdrawn from the railroad oroeslng at Twenty- eighth street, where the Inst oonfiiot took plaoe. end were ordered’ to one of tho ronnd houaes, whore they otwld find bet ter protection. 1 About ten o'olook in’the evening n mob, numbering several thousand, bed congre gated about the ronnd house. They bed lrevloaaly captured the gone belonging to latohinsOnV battery, a loosl organisa tion, and planted them so as to eommend the ronnd house. Several solid shots were fired at the building end s braeoh made in the wells; bnt when the Infuri ated mob attempted to rash on tho build ing the military were ordered to fire. The volley of musketry whieh followed, nod the rumor that the Gstlln gone of tho company won being brought ioto requisition, oauaed a panio in the mob, whioh fled preoipltately for several squares. The military, mMnwhll*, kept bp firing. The rioters, however, were soon reassured, end m thousands wan Hooking to tboir assistance, they returned to the attaok. . Finding it diffioult to dis lodge th* military from the building, they olved to burn them ont. An order to effeet was isgned, end it wm earned into effeot with a fiendish alacrity by tho rioters. In onEMqnsBB* of tha blockade, whioh had existed for two days, th* siding in tbs outer depot yard, m well as those ex- resol this «fjSrS38dfa«?T!bf,!B filled with grain and produce of ell kinds. A number of ledenad oil, ooke and oosi rs were piled np in e mass. While a irtlon of the mob earroanded the bulld og in whieh the military bad taken ref- age, large bodiM proceeded to set fire to the oil oars, and in a moment tbs •bog* volumes of black smoke, whioh rolled up wards out in ever; direotlon, told the work of destruction had eommenoad. The sight of the flames seamed to liter' Elly oraze the rioters, soma of whom rush ed wildly about with flaming torches in their hands, applying them to oars. They kept their word, too, and whan s lumber pile belonging to a oitiEon took fire, the rioters themselves turned in and helped p extinguish the flames and remove tbs lumber to a safe place. Train after train wm fired by the iafa listed orowd, bnt the ears wars so far dto tent from tho ronnd booses that tha heat didn't seriously effeot the military, al though their position wm one of ponl. Finally* large part; of strikers cap tured- a ear filled with coke, whieh they ran from the Alleghany Valley Railroad track to a aidiog connecting with the Pennsylvania Railroad. They then pro cured large quantities of petroleum oils, pouring it over the ooke, snd ignited the materials. In a very few momenta the ear was s mass of firs, and it wm than pushed along the tracks and' forced against the ronnd houM. The bnildlog wm soon ignited and the soldiers wars now eompelled to prepare to fight thair way ont through the frenzied nw of hu manity, clamoring for their blood. The building did not bora ss rapidly M wm desired, and the mob, bent on revenge, rushed out to fhe road and sent burning trains towards the doomed ballding. From midnight until 5 o'olook this morning the main efforts of tha orowd were directed to firing buildings and ears, bnt about half an our later tbe mob whiob bed been beseiging the military left for some unexplained reason. This afforded the troops, who were in eotnal danger of being roosted alive, an opportunity to emerge from the building, snd they sue oeeded in reaching Liberty street. In ■ very few moments they quickly formed In line and marched op to 88rd street, snd thenoe to Pednsylvsnl* avenue end But ler street. Tbelr objective point wm tha U. 8. arsenal «n BoUar street, where they expected lo gain shelter. While turning into Butler street, however, th* leaden had discovered their retreat, snd fully one thousand, wall armed snd supplied with ammunition, followed in pnrsnit Borne of tbe troops fired st the eitizens, either aeoidentally or intentionally, m they were moving along, and this added fury to the ory for reveoge. When they reached the arsenal, tbe oommender refused to admit them. He said he bad bnt ten men, and would be powerless to hold tha plaoe, if the mob should attaok it. He oonsented, however, to take oara of the wonnded, and they were accordingly ear ned'in the hospitals. The main body ot troops oontinued tboir maroh ont Butler street, e fusilada being kept up on them by the mob as they moved forward. The ■hols fired killed oue of tha soldiers be fore they reached the araenel snd nearly opposite the oemetery gate. Fully e mile above the arsenal, two others were killed and were left lying on the aide walk. They oontinued their flight, and crossed over to tbe north side ot tbe AUe- ibany river on the Sharpeburg bridge, be mob following them as rapiiy as pos sible. After reaching the north side tha troops Mattered and in this way tbe mob wee divided into very email bod Us. In the meantime the city wm in s state of anarchy, thousands who bad not join' ed in tbe paisuit of the fleeing troops gathered about tbe burning bnildinge, and trains, and assisted in spreading {he flames wherever they had not been ap. pliod. By Mven o'olook tb* fir* had ex tended from Metlville station to Twen tieth street, snd enveloped hnndnde of sen. The extensive machine shops, two found boosM, th* depots and offiee of tho Tho saanM transpiring on Liberty street, along tha line ot whioh tha treota of tha railroad ran, simply beggars tor soripton. While hundred* wsr* engaged In firing oan, and making certain ef the destruction of valuable buildings at th* oototdego^ thoneanfleaf men, woman Would break open the oera, snd then the contents would bo thrown ont -and car ried off by those bent on pioflUag by tho srion oy rarafon existing on the street whieh wm almost completely blockaded by persons laboring to oarry off plunder .whieh they had geth - end together. Ia hnadreds of taetansM wagons were pressed Into servioe to ena ble thai thieves to gat away with I hair goods. Mayer McCarthy, early in the day, *n- deavoted to atop the pillage, bnt a hand ful of seen at hia oommand were unable to oontfpl tha orowd who were desperate in their anxiety to seenra the good*. TEE PILLAGE wm cheeked, bnt the mob fired oers and then proceeded with th* work of deatrao- tion. It U impossible to form any idea of the amount of goods stolen, hnt hun dred* of thousands will not oovm th* Iom. LUDIOSOUS BOBNM. Some of the Mens*, notwithstanding tb* terror whieh seemed to par*lies peeflMbl* end orderly oitixena, were ludi- orouain the highest degree, and no one seemed to enjoy them with greeter seat itragod in the wholesale plun der. Here a brawny women oauld be seen harrying sway with s-pair of white kid slippers under her arms; another car rying aa Infant wonld be rolling s barrel of flour along the side walk, using her fast m tbs propelling power; here a man S ' lug a wheelbarrow loaded with white boys hurried through orowds with steed family Blbtas aa their share of rtnndsr, while soorss of femates utilized iprone and dresses to dsrry floor, eggs, dry godds, eto. Bundles of nmbreTtee, fsnoy parasols, oalioo, blankets, bams, baoon, leaf lard, taoe* sad floor ware mix ed together in the arms of robust men or oarried on hastily constructed hand bar- rows. TO PREVENT rUETHaa BOBBERY. At II o’olook in the asorning it bsoame apparent that something most be done to oneok the mob, end a number of hurriedly preparedpotiass, calling a mam meeting of oltiaepaet Old City Hell to lllkl BIIIHITM A** arammaemsrafc Iffirthap jl—tW"- tion orproparfy. ’'’Kiareeattag wShaid at noon, end committees appointed. Tbe Committee to wait on th* Rioters failed to lnduo* them to refrain from farther dMtruotion of property, end the railroad sutborities oonld not be found. From the time the military fled up to three o’oiook in the afternoon no effort bad been made to obMk tbs riot other than tho mooting of the oitizens referred to. anNIUALLY THIEVES. . The mob- worked very quietly, snd it wss e nutiombla faot that few of the rail road employees were engaged in tbe work of destruction. Here end there e men who bid been discharged might have been seen leading a crowd, bnt generally tho ring loaders were men who bed never been employed on any railroad. Many half-grown boys wore foremost in tbs work of dsvMtation. MORE DUBBING' AND PILLAGING, At 8:80 a burning oar wm ran down grad* under tb* shads surrounding tbs Union depot. Up to this time it wm hoped that the bnilding would ssoape, but the mass of pine lumber used in shedding over traoks were soon a ms of fire. While the fire wm raging here, the mob pillaged the freight depot of the Pittsburg, Oin- oinnati and St. Lonis Railroad, whioh te in olose vioinity. Boxes of freight re ceived for shipment wsr* broken open and voluble contents oarried off. After plandering the depot for an hour, and when flonr, hams, and all kind- Of pro visions had been oarried swey, the torch wm applied and soon tha vMt depot and tha oompany’s general offices adjoining, were s mass of flames. Th* Union depot wm a large four-story building. ILhsd a frontage on Liberty ■tract about 70 fMt snd extended bMk about 200. Tha lower floor wss used aa waiting rooms, tlokst offloe, snd the com pany's office*. Tbs upper floor wm occu pied by the Key Stone Hotel Compauy, snd wm one of the flnMt houses in this oity. The whole building wm in modern stylo of arohiteotnre and wm oonsidersd one of the best arranged depots in the oonntry, snd wm finished about seven years sines. In rear of tbe depot snd extending back 600 feet were lines of neat pine sheds oovering the different tracks to proteot passengers from the weather. It wm under tbeee tbe burning ear wm ran. The Freight Depot of tbe Pittebnrg, 1 A Bt. * - ~ " ‘ Oineinnsti l , Louis Railroad wm large shod, built fronting on Grant strMt, ana extending from Washington atraet to Seventh avenns. Tbe Company's gen eral offloea wars a four-story brisk bnild ing fronting on Seventh avenue. These were totally destroyed, ss wm also the depot of Adams Express Oompsny, to asted on Grant street. The books snd valuable papers I been removed from tho Union depot offloea as wall M from the other buildioga before the fire reached them. THB FIRE DEPARTMENT of the oity oontinued on duty from the time of the first alarm, but wsr* not al lowed to throw say water on, or make efforts to mvo, (he property of the rail road oompsDy. They consequently di rected their effort* to saving the private property on the north side of Liberty ■treat in the eity. OTHER BURNINGS. In this they were mainly snoosssfni, Although six dwellings snd • sssh factory, loos ted nesr the ronnd booses, wars de stroyed. CITIZENS PANIO. Etrly in tbe day, whan tb* Union de pot bnilding wss fired, followed by the Pan Handle offloea, s panto selxsd tho OitiEeni, who had np to thie time calmly folded their arms snd looked on. It wm feared that th* oonflagrstion would swoop the satire portion of this eity south of tb* Pen Handle Railroad'* tracks, ss many of tbs buildings were small frames, as dry M I'mber. At this junotnrs tbs firs department of Alleghany, whieh bad bean bsld in r sad in see in osm of *n outbreak on that aids or tho river, wm summoned to aeeiet in staying tbe program of the flames. THREE HILRS OX FLAME. The Pen Handle Railroad bnlldiog wm th* test one in tha line, and ths Allegheny department wm plscsd on Seventh svs- nns to shack the progress of th* flsniM in that direotiou. Whan this teal build ing wm flrfid, tbe whole territory between Seventh avenue and Millville station, a distanos of. three miles, WM R mass of flams*. TROOP* FOR PITTSBURG. fpeeiel lo the Enquirer-Sun.] i Tonawanda, Pa., July 22.—Company K, 12th Regiment National Pennsylvania Guard, left for Pittsburg. Gnat exstte- msnt exists - over their departure. No adiostions ot s strike along tha Labigh IB NBW YORK. Special te Enquirer Sun ] Albany, July 22.—The Adjutant Gsn- etal hM imnad orders to ths 28d snd 24th National Guards to prooossd to Homslls- vitls to quell the rioters on th* line of Railroad. It is feared Railroad msn will Inaugurate * strike here st midnight. IN PHILADELPHIA, le the Enquirer-Sun.} Phildblphia, July 22.—In Pennsyl vania Railroad yard at West Philadelphia this afternoon, white one of th* shifting snginM wss preparing to move sn oil cm, the engineer wm oompeltod by a crowd of unknwn men to detaah his engine snd allow tbs osr to remain. This is the first lndioation of intsrfsrsno* with tha Rail road Oompsny here. STRIEES IN PENNSYLVANIA—BHBOTTLED IN BALTIMOBB. Speeiel lo Enqutror-Sun ] Washington, July 22. — Additional StrikM throughout the Pennsylvania Rail road territory are imminent. The' disor derly otemsnt in Baltimore seems throt tled. XHLINa AT LOUISVILLE—HO REDUCTION OH L. AND N. B. B. Speeiel lo the Enquirer-Sun. ] Louisville, July 22.— Intense exaite- ment is felt hers in the railroad strike. Receiver MoLeod, of tbs Short Line, Is sued so order for tbe reduotion of tan per oent. of wages, to take effect August 1st. At n meeting of (he workingmen to-night s committee was appointed to wait on the railroad offlotsls, sod ascertain what is going to be dona. , President Standford, of tha Lonieviite and Nashville, My* no reduotion will be made on that line. TROOPS FOB HUMELLBVILLE, Special lo Enquirer-Sun. ] New Yobe, July 22.—The 28d end 18th ;imenta st* under orders for Homolls- regia vine. Washington, July 28.—Th* militia or dered from various points' in Pennsslvs- nis were slopped by the strikers. Loaded oosi oars were ran from I ho sidings and wraoksd on the main traok. a onto. Freight bwbMM is ■kooMil cm tkm Sontbsrn Ohio roads. TheOhio snd Ills- siaaippl sent no freight west from Olnotn- nsti. Trains were stopped. Dunkirk mail and passengers were sll allowed to proceed. IN INDIANA. A compromise is progressing st Indian apolis. Meantime trade over the line te anobetraeled. The regulsr night mail train wm abandoned on tbe Vsndslis rood. NBW YORE. Fifteen hundred strikers last night bsd possession of Buffalo depots. All switoh's lights wore extioguiahed. No trains de parted last night. Approsobing train* oonld not oome further then East Buffalo. MARYLAND AND WEST VIRGINIA seem quiet throughout this morning. AT ST. LOUIS. A meeting of railroad men st St. Lonis test night resolved that no freight trslne leave east Ht Lonis after midnight. Mail snd passengers will not be molested. Th* roads effected by this prohibition sro Ohio and Mississippi, Toledo and Wa bash, Indianapolis, St. Lonis, Vsndslis and Southern, Cairo Short Lins snd tb* narrow gtuge roods. IN PENNSYLVANIA — $150,000 BRIDGE BUBNED. Trains were stopped in Reading, Pa., and two asbooees were fired. About steven o'clock the $150,000 bridge over the Hobuykill wm fired snd totally de stroyed. The objeot of burning tbo bridge seems to have been to prevent the pesMgo of troops toward Harrisburg. MORE BURNING AT PITTSBURG. The immense grain elevator, oornsr of Grant and WMbington streets, Pittsburg, was burnt. The citizens have organized vigilance committees. The soldiers who osoaped from the ronnd honse are en trenched ten miles np tbe river. 2,000 HANDS DISCHARGED IN OHIO. The Standard 01 Company, Columbus, Ohio, discharged 2,000 hands, beosuse of inability to ship oil. HARTS AN PT CALLS FOB U. S. TROOPS. Governor Hsrtrsnft, this morning con fessing his inability to m*fntsin order, mskes t formal call on the United States for protootion. KANSAS OITT. The fooling at lUnsM Oity, where many rosd* osntrs, is feverish. A strike on tbe Eastern roeds went into effeot at midnight st St. Lonis. It is reported affairs look serious st ths Gbloigo & Buffalo, end Central Psoifio Railroad Company. SAN FBANCISCO BESCINDS WAGES RESOLU TION. A dispatch from Ban Franoteoo rays they have rssoindod th* rssolntion reduc ing WSgM. SCHEME TO FEIGBTEN WOMEN—RALLYING CRIES AT PITTA BURG. Phidadelphia, July 28.—The Board of Broken deolded to meke no quotations publio. Tbs Board hM adjourned. There is s sobeme to bny stock ohetp from the frightened widows. The strongest rallying ory of tbe rioters at Pittsburg, were “Let her bnrn, boy* ! It will give o* work to do 1" OIL TRAIN FIRED NEAR PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Jaly 28—11 a. m.—The strikers hove just set fire to an oil train on the Pennsylvania Railroad traok near SonthStrsst Bridge, west Philadelphia. ACTION or MB. HAIM—THE USELNM BOTHER OF WASHINOTON. Washington, July 28.—Tbe Federal Government in s feeble kind of wey te moving troops hither and thither, mainly with a view of bringing them within pro tecting diatanoe of the Capital. It ia in no present danger, bnt there te no donbt it is hideously exposed, and there sre many millions in it. Tbe following onrionely invalned sen tence, whio hie official, gives the ides: It is not tbo purpose of th* Govern ment to tua United Htstes troops to merely proteot Railroad property, or insnrs the safe transportation of the mails, exoept inoldentallv, while protootiog its own property, it is under stood General Sherman and Lt. General Sheridan will be celled st ones from the West. The Cabinet agreed to issue a ilsmsllon to the Pennsylvania rioters, icooh Is ordered to Msnme personal oommand in Pennsylvania. General Sohofleld from West Point is ordered to report to Hanoook. PRTSBCBO OITIZENS RESTORE ORDEB AND ABE HELPED BY THE BEAL 8TRIKEBS. Pitxsbuho, July 28.—The oitizens early In th* day effected sn organization whioh hM subdued tbe rioters, snd restored the oobtrol of tha town to its mnaioipal au thorities. They have invited the fugitive Philadelphia soldiers to return, assuring them of protection. Headed by the May or, the oitiaens marohed to the wharf end prevented aooeaaione to Mm thieves from {ho river. The disorderly element shonld not now be oslled strikers, beosuse tho rest strikers are now rendering pffeotive aid to the mnnloipsJ authorities in main taining order. The Mayor has possession of tho osnnon and most of the arms used by tb* mob snd ths reign of terror may be rogarded m over. NEW YORE MARKET REDUCED IN PRICE. New Yobe, July 23. — Tbe exalting adviOM in regard to the strikers, snd the already large destruetion of stook has dis turbed the market. Thie morning prloes opened at a decline of 1 to 2 j aa oompared with Saturday's figures, snd subsequently made a still farther break of 1 to 4. Great sxoitomant prevailed end transactions wore on a largo aeale, every atook on tbe Hat coffering wore or leas dealine. At one o’olook, prloM showed a reoovery of j to 1 j, but the market is feverish iu tone. NIAOABA DIVISION OX TBB XBIB RAILROAD AND LAKE SHORE EAST OP TOLEDO STRUCK. Washington, July 23.—The Niagara Division ot the Erie struok. No trains ■re running on tbe Lake Shore east of Toledo, Ohio. PHILADELPHIA. The strikers in Philadelphia are kept under oontrol by tbs polios. Fonr hun dred regulars under oommand of General Hanoook sre there. $10,000 B1WABD FOB BRIDGE RUUNRRS. Ten tbouMnd dollars reward era offer ed for the inoondisries of tbe Lebanon Valley bridge st Reading last night. INDIANAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD have struok. , This strike inoludes fire men and brakemen, seotion men and ma chinists. No stook is shipped east from Buffalo to-day. The striker* took the bends from tbe New York Central train snd unloaded the atook. Tbe Lake Shore and Erie yards and shops sre closed. XSARSFOB BUFFALO. The New York Central msn sre not on nstrike nt Buffalo, but qsn do nothing. There is much drunkenness. It is feared Buffalo will sher* Pittsburg's fste. NEW JERSEY EXCITED. Excitement In Now Jersey is increasing. Tha State suthoritiM ordered tbe troops to bo in rMdinses. Affaire st Horuells Tills, N. Y., is unchanged. AT BT. LOUIS. The employees of tbo Transit Company st Bt. Louis have struok. PITTSBURO UNDER MARTIAL. LAW. The proclamation of ths Mayor of Pltts- irg ritt Malta' freight burg virtually plaoaa that oity under mar- OOMMAND IN MABXLAND. General Getty hM been ordered from Fortress Monroe to take command of the troops In Maryland. IRON MOUNTAIN MEN NOT STnuoK. The Bt. Louis, Iron Mountain Sl South ern Railroad does not yet oonneot with the Union depot st St. Louis, hut baa ita depot in ths southern part of the oity. Everything is quiet on that road and business is progasslug in its regular way. CLOSE AT TEBRB HAUTE. The msohine shops st Terre ilsate are olosed. AT CINCINNATI. The passenger trains from the Cinoin- nst depart! in all directions, tint freight trains move only oa tho Kentuoky Cen tral and Lonisvilte Short Line. 2,000 BTBIKEBa AT uOLUMBUS, OHIO. At Oolambns, Ohio, about noon, tbe railroad strikers to the number of 300 went to th* rolling mill and compelled tbe employees to suspend work. They also went to tha pipe works, Adams’ planing mill, Franklin maobine works, Peters’ scab works, and other factories, the employers of which joined tbe strikers M they went along. Tbe entire mob also had dinner* with them, and to the nuin bar of 2,000 merohed to tbe Union depot, where they dined. REDUCTION WITHDRAWN ON L. &■ C. S. LINE. Ohanoeilor Brnoe ordered the with drawal of tbe drooler from the receiver ordering tbe redaction of wages on the Lonisvilte and Oinoinnati short line. All workmen in Zanesville, Ohio, quit work and joined the strikers. Street oars were stopped by the strikers. THS STRIKERS BECOME A MOB AT BUFFALO— KRXI.IAH WHIPPED WITH STONES AND THE COLONEL CLUBBED. Buffalo, Jaly 28.—At 7 p. m. the mob, reinforced by targe numbers, oslled at tbe oer shop of the Lake Shore snd Erie (lorn- psniee, and ordered *11 the workmen there to quit, whioh they did forthwith. No serious demonstrations sre, ss yet, being mode. About fonr o'olook this afternoon Bnffalo As Jamestown train, which leaves tbe Erie depot, on arriving st Compro mise Grossing, two miles from the depot, had ■ passenger oosoh detaohed, and shoved on the Central trsok, snd the fire man was forcibly taken from the engine. Snpt. Doyle, who wm on the train, re monstrated with the strikers, stating that there hod not been no reduotion of wages on their road, nor had there been any sinoe ita inauguration. The effeot of tbie statement wm tho bringing back of th* ooaoh by tbe strikers who coupled it on, end assured the Superintendent that nothing shonld be done in any way to in terfere with workings of hia road. Early in the afternoon an oseanlt was made by nearly 2,000 rioters on sboat 200 soldiers, who were guarding st the Lake Shore round house. Tbe military were obliged to tasva the bnildlog, whioh is now barri caded by the mob who have plaoed oars in [KMition as defenoe against an attack. Oof. Floaoh, ot the Sixtieth ltegimout, with kbont thirty men and three officers foolishly prooeeded to the round bouse, to retake it from the mob. They wore met with yelte of derision from the orowd ■nd under * shower of stones were oblig ed to retreat at tb* double-quick, and fero* thair wey through the yelling orowd it tho point of the bayonet, iom* of th* soldiers being badly ent on the hands with knives, snd also olubbed. Font of tbe soldiers lost their mqekata, whieh, however, were afterwards recovered, Ool. Fiosch wm b*div eMM twloe, koooked down, foro*d across th* 0*0*1 •nd obliged to taka refuge in th* Lok* Shora paint shop. ENQINSXRS AGBRB EOT TO EMPLOY GREEK HAND*. The engineers of the Erls and. Labs t Shor* Roads hay* signed an *gr**m*nt with the fireman not to nu> with green hends. It is expected that ths New York. Central engineers will follow salt to night. WAIL FROM WASHINGTON—ALL DEFENDING ON FORBEARANCE OP STBIEBRI. 1 Washinoton, July 23.—The day oIosm with travel and transportation utterly de moralized, except in th*8ottlh, New Eng land, and west ot th* Hiaataslppi. Else where than in Ohio other than railroad industry is not yet affsoted. The militi* in New York, Pennsylvania and dhio ar* starting from nearly everywhere, bat they never arrive anywhere. The h*lpl*sen*s* of tbs Fodarel and State authorities is litifnl. Theta is no safety oataids of th* nr bears noe of the strikers and th* firm* ness of munieipal anthoritlaa. CHICAGO. Special lo Enquirer-Sun.) Chicago, July 23. —Hardly traiu was sent East to-day. CINCINNATI. 4 , Special lo Enquirer-BUn.] ‘ Cincinnati, July 28 — Only mail and passengers pass over the Ohio end Missis sippi Railroad. NO PROBABILITY OP TROUBLE IN TEE SOUTH. Richmond, Jnly 24.—Th* general pas senger agent of the Blohmond and Dan ville roads says all are qaiet with their men, and there ia no probability of trouble tn the Honth. PREPARATIONS IN NEW YORK OITY—POLICE AND MILITARY IN READIER*]. Special to Enquirer-Bun.] New Yore, July 28.—Polios Commit* sionera have mad* arrangement* to sup press any disturbance as far M (Ore* un der their oontrol oan be uaed t Tb* mi litia of the oitv is in readinta* And osn b* oslled in an hoar's notioe. All the d*- teotivaa in the oity are oa doty watching movement* of turbulent oiaaoee. AT aUMDERLAHD, MD.— 78 BOUGH* SBIEE A OAR. Speeiel lo Enquirer-Sun. ] Cumberland, Jaly 28.—Nothing will b* done in the wey of starting train* until Gen. Gentry arrive! to-morrow. Geo. Frenah left In aitlzen’i olothM for Wkeh- ingtou, where he will report to the War Department. F-enoh and 8h*rp, Master of Transportation, disagreed. . About seventy-five roOghf took poxoes- sion of tbe Pittsburg express from Balti more, at 2i80 this afternoon, and teft tor Pittebnrg. TEASING TRACK NBA* BEADING—MILITIA - Finn am rmum »4 OEM, Special lo Enquirer-Sun.] Heading, Jnly 28.—Th* mob whioh had been tearing np the traok hers to day asms in oonfiiot with • portion of th* Fourth Regiment shortly after 7 p. m. The soldiers fired into tbe crowd, killing four and wounding aeversi others. LAKE SHORE ROAD AT CLEVELAND. Special to I'.n quirer- Sun A Cleveland, July 28.—For tbo present no trains, passenger or freight, will leave Cleveland east or west on tho Lake Shore Railway. ABTILLBBI POB BALTIMOBB. Special lo Enquirer-Bun.1 Poughkeepsie, Jnly 28.—Badey, ot Sd artillery from Fort Ontario,passed through here to-night on route to Baltimore. STEAMER HURON FOB WASHINGTON. Special to Enquirer-Bun.] Fort Monroe, Jaly 23.—Tbo United Htstes steamer Hnron, Captain B*o*n, from Key West, hM arrivad in the rondo, and is waiting orders. She hM a supply of coal, and will probably go to WMhing- ton to-morrow. OABINO FOB THB CAPITAL—6TBIK1 GAINING. Special to Enquirer-Sun.} Washington, Jnly 28.—Tha move ments of tbe Federal troops and voomIs show some uneasiness, or at IsMt neces sity for preosntionary msMures looking to tbe safety of the Capital. The strike is evidently gaining strength, and thar* are threatening indications in nearly every town where railroad employSM rendezvous. TUB new YORK OENTBAL—HIGHER WARM DEMANDED. Albany, July 23.—A meeting of em ployees of the Central end Hudson River Hailroads waa held at Central Park to night. A resolution wea adopted de manding a general inoreMe of 25 per eent. ou wages of the employees. A committee was appointed to oommo- uicate with Vanderbilt, and in oaea the demand is not oompliod with, they will strike to-morrow morning at S o’olook. They will Ihau meet again at 10 o'olook and proceed to the West Albany shops and demand that the men shall atrike. GEORGIA^} (INVENTION. eleventh day, RILL OF BIOnTS—fbaudulent bond* Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Atlanta, Jnly 28. Tbe Bill ot Rights wm disonssed and partially passed, snd adjourned on the cluuso prohibiting imprisonment for debt. A memorial was read from New York holders of $50,000 of Ballook bonds, ask ing proteotion. Referred. F. H. B. PRESS DISPATCH. Atlanta, Jnly 23.—Tbe Constitutional Convention to-day adopted the Bill of Rights. The bill reoognizea all cImsm ot oitizens and pledges all proteotion in their rights ot oitizenship. Imprisonment lor debt and whipping for crime are prohibited. Tbe bill deolares that tbe right of ohanging the constitution or the form of government is the solo right of tha peo ple of the State. UEOKUIA. FEDERAL TROOPS AT ATLANTA TO LEAVE— ALL QUIET. Special to EnquirerSun.] Atlanta, July 23.—The troops here have been ordered to be ready to move. The employees along linea of railroad in Georgia are qniet. Dead. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] New York, Jnly 22.—Rev. John Tur ner, Vioar General of Brooklyn, te dead-