Newspaper Page Text
9*ilg %nqn\Ktx.
munro. w
Down in Um ilMtta of Baltimore and Ion c# tha Cabinet is that tty i
, Fht.burg, radtty nilM Mm of tty brirftyng W th. front nil Oik
A Caravan JM belong* to
church* of dllfsrtot «mdi. He
Hnti Imi m (TSm Is on Um right
— rattan bothlnEgypt
ft fining off you by. yenr. It
to— lew In lMl than
u me.
.- .!'T t! ». 1
On. Buuuoud, in n long letter to
the New Orieeae Ttmtt, pi— Ue faith to
Oept Eede'e jetUne at Ibn Booth Feae of
the Mtastytypi
Tan Chicago hanha are to—ring the
ndtae of John Sherman and hie polloyof
ooottaotloe and reramptiou. It giro*
them thirty daye eoapeneion In the hot
Aral—hlonable wedding la KogUnd
Um ether deg n beanUfnl ohild of Ava
ye—noted—chief bridea—id, and wore
— n iiM
onlard freak, trimmed with fofdh.
and ohtp hat with long while
Tnn New York Sun eareaetloally obeer-
WO that Mr. Tilden'e departure for Europe
leaven the tlnited Biatea wtthont a man
who wan ever elected to the Preeid—oy.
Thie la the JStin't way of making fa— at
Mr. Hayee.
Karon Bono, who waa lately aentonoed
by court-martial to two peer'a a—peneion
fi— thenrmy fat Improper oondnot to
ward the wife of a brother officer, le in
Waahington trying to obtain a mitigation
Tuan — twelve thooaand bow— to
let In Philadelphia, and a real Mtate deal,
er prediota that before ocld weather ante in
theinumber will be inoroaeed to fifteen
t him toad In oo—uqimxo* of the doubling
up of families.
Hoo peeking in oomtoafcd maoh more
niOMivoly in the Weetthee year than leal.
Fie—'March lit to date 1,885,000 boga
have been paoked in Ule W—tern olUee
and tow—, agai—11,110,000 for the name
period iaat year.
Gan. Howabd hie made a aura— of it
th— far. He haa killed two India— dor
the I—of every ten aoldien,—d tt to onto
a genet too of time when the Iaat red man
wU try to trump the ace with a tan-epot
and go to the wall.
A Brvmm “Bird of
IhaCaepnUve often in todlaitaeeie, ai
na^t from Judge J.m-&U, formerly
ModUoeUo and m it min down lmto
Amtrloa" graoea
• pra-
formerly of
t gaaee down into the
faannf the Bn——ton it tonga, “Boy, a—y
*ba eagle’e Bight avar betolne." 7
J*M yocng Frlnoc Imperial, Napoleon
IV., ia about to appear at Bnoharaet,
wh— It ie anppoaad he will join the Bua-
at—nrmy; The Bocmaniana hall hie
MftMff dn eooonnt of the friendahip of
hie father, and hie eervi— in establish
tog Hon manias autonomy ia 1855.
, T*—
TBana ware reported to Mew York Iaat
weak tha death of sec children under Are
yarn of age, all of wh— died of “earn
■ear oom plaint. H In the tw4nty'-four honra
awftag Monday noon, 118 ohUdrra under
fotrend one-half yean died, moat of
them In deneely popnlated tenement
Tnn Ban Erenoiaoo CKronUU —ye that
the ooeunlUee appointed to Investigate
the am—getoent of the tatai to that eity
tod—poeedof regularBepublieana, there
being neither a Democrat nor an
Mi and it intimat— that it will
not dlaeover any more croohadn— than it
a—net help Aiding.
Th— have added the
to to* nth—stefulaae—entente of Bern-
tojM; Md>i tthrimpeoting Boetonian wm
awfndled ont of nearly |8,000 by a guile-
I—ywnng man who himw aU about Um
Bomoataa'a brother, and an elderty gen
Ilea— of be—volant eppeiratloe with
geMmimmad epeo tool—
Gw. Folds, of Virginia, who haa bean
In the Egyptian military earvl- —vara
yaara, an noun— in a totter reoeived at
fMdertokabnrg, Virginia, on Monday,
that the Khedive haa dieoharged all the
Amerto— officen in hie aervioe. Tha
—one of the Cheftve’a aot waa a disagree-
■ent which grew ont of complications
tricing from Um Fact am war.
Tin Mew Hampehlre Legislature haa
adopted e Neoldtlon declaring that Nayaa
w- “eleotad Praeldent by the people,"
mA deprecating any movement to reopen
the qnaetion of the validity ot hie title.
Another reeolnttoo, reciting the with-
dmwel of troope from Booth Caroline and
Loatoia—and approving
cennoniM or th rail.
no bloody eoaoea of the Faria Com-
enacted in Amerioa
w—vojectod. The ufpTbh—
— oounty
eeMMtea at Dayton, Ohio, however,
yatoorAaygeve Um Prerident and hie pol-
i«y M unqualified endoroamrat.
Tnnaa are strange thing* drawn np
hum the depths by the reoeot oivil aervioe
mtm, The President and Cabinet were
thrown Into Inextricable oonftndou the
ntMw MpAy n taMer from a Mamaeh—tta
pedft—tone, Rating, that in aooordanoe
with tlm —nt order he had J—t resigned
hie p—uion — chairman of a Democratic
Executive Committee. It ia — ppoeed that
he waa toft over from the day* of Jaokaon.
Ha will be furnished to Balaam end
everybody will get e eh—— to — him.
Th new Methodist Hymn Book, pro-
peeed by e committee of Um General Oou-
fertnoe, is oompleted, and h— be— ao-
aeptod by the Board of Biahopa. It eon.
tai—1,150 hymna, ot which two-thh—
we— tak— from Um old maa—1. For
the —toeUonof the 400 new hymna, some
1,800 hymn hooka were “-H and
aarefally anaotod. Every hymn in the
letter eity on Saturday night waa gtvfjh^np
to the thief, robber —d incendiary. Nil-
Ilona of doltora war# oocverted into
■moke. Lew wae powerless, end the mob
ruled rampant. It to eteted that fewetrJk-
eia were eeen in thie riotoua awexnblage;
yet ttarir nation began the motion end eo>
•enraged Um applicetloo of the torch.
Their example hae be— to Ulnetrato the
needof tty common* that no-
are —ttttod to luxurtoa antll ell ere rap.
plied with nraaeritiee—edortrin* that re
ceive# tha nnanimo— rapport of the low
—d abendened orealniwe Um world over,
toil end envy the
of property.
The railroad oom pan toe resolved to re-
dooewagee tan per cent. Tha firemen
and brakemen reeolved to resist. It la now
a o—bination exiata from Maine
to California. The Amt experiment waa
m—e an the Baltimore end Ohio Bailroed,
end here the first fetal mistake wae made.
The men had the undoubted right to quit
the road an memo. Thie to the privilege
of every free men. They, however, over
stepped the bounds of tow when they ob-
atroeted all the freight trains end by tbe
force of Tiolehoe prevented olheia who
willing to take tbe vacant ptoaee
from doing —. They eoold have no war.
rent for the employment of brute foroe to
reatottha inelieneble righto*of others. True,
the MHk'ers maintained they could not ex-
tot on the propoeed redaction, that thay
barely reoeived more than three or four
dollars per w—k, and ton per cent, from
that would oanae beggary, after under
going the eevercet labor. Thie la herd,
all most admit, bat ie it net .worse
the starving men who ie willing
to take tbe pitta—of Mast be
be foreed to death end not be Hlowed
the opportunity ‘for work. By thie fnter-
ferenoe with property the strikers have
alienated the sympathies of the oonntry
end the strong arm of power to invoked
in aU quartan to pot down an insurreo-
Uon whieh h— been oonvartad from
rikera to bands of pillagers.
Tbe dietnrbaaoe began at Mertlnsborg.
No freight trains were allbwad to pose.
Tha Coventor of West Virginia ordered
tha rioters to diaper— end eaa— interfer
ence with property. They ref—ed and
Continued to stop trains. Tha Governor
df West Virginia had no militia for—,
and the companies sent there fraternised
with the disorderly. He wae compelled
to aak' for United States troOpa, Wh!ob
were granted, and nnBer ’the power of the
General Government trains were allowed
to mote —dman to be employed.
Trouble wae eabeeqaently Inaugurated
■t Cumberland, Mary)—d, on the seme
road. A regiment <i militia under orders
of the Governor, marching through the
at rests of Baltimore, was atoned by the
crowd, and the offioer rightly command
ed hie troops to fire. They did so end
many of the etonere wen killed and
wounded. Sinoe this lee—n, the police
of Baltimore have been able to restrain
the rabble. In order, however, to proteot
the running of trains, Gov. Carroll haa
round that he aennot trust hie militia
end celled on the General Government for
The terrible eoense at Pittsburg era
told in onr telegraphio —lomna. There, a
Militia regiment from Philadelphia, bent
ta restore order, area stocedon the streets.
A fire w— returned. This regiment wad
afterwards beaeigsd la tha round house
and aaade.a narrow ssoepe from ths oily,
li evlng behind tony deed. At night the
filsnda df perdition wen tamed loose, rad
toUllone of railroad property were burred,
end cere robbed. The high earulvel of
demons wee held. Few of the etrikers
were aeon —ong tha rlotera, but their
aptioo caused it ell. They Inaugurated
the forolble Interference with the righto
of the labdT end. property of others, sad
they must stand the blame. They oannot
plead subsequent action — an —owe.
Thie notion at Plttobusg to bet the re
sult ot Northern teachings and prseti—
during the war. Bnmmers wero tangbt
that It wss their privilege to steel end
plunder, end thay did it. They have not
forgotten the lesson, — the seeking of
oars at Plttsbirg demonstrates. Aenraal,
common women were worse then men.
Then comae Gov. Hartranft, of tbe
great State of Pennsylvania, who one*
throetoned to bring th* whole of bis
Ueh" to Washington if the Democrats end
netlonel* tried to inaugurate tbe legally
•lootedPresident, oonfeeaee beta power
leee, leaves Pittsburg people lo restore or
der, end appeals to the Government for
troop*. Med he not bettor be eertaen of
hie own Btafef He has thooeanda of mill
tta,but either they won’t obey bis orders,or
hs Is too week end vooillating to oommand
The strike is widening and the —me
disorders are everywhere apparent.
Freight trains ere not allowed to run, and
■sen ere brutally treated who offer —r>
vice*. Power mast stop In to defend lew
end right Tbe strikers ere feet becom
ing rioters in every sen— of the word,
end their notion trade to incite aggrava
tion of the profeeeionals in crime.
We are glad this affair is In the North
tether than tha Booth. For yaara tha
Government has been pretending lo pro-
toot the negro. Now let it give security
to white holders of railroad property in Um
North, and laborers desirous of work.
Let not the el—■ of so oh ottiee as Pitta-
burg wiaid tbe torch *t pleasure.
Th tong agony to over, and the e—•
mandft of the United States at earner
“Yantic,” who loft his guns at Capa
Town, heron as ha an—tdasod hie ship not
•tanneh enough to oerty th— act—the
Atlantic, breaths* freely on— morn Hie
ooune haa been approved by the 8 sew
taryof the Navy. The —xt stop should
be to give that
bravery ta Um aervioe. It
ded that the “Yantic" waa to—eh an an
VACUunei or th —tibi-
Tbe railroad etaMhit Appear to have
frightened the Gorernmeat jh W«
* * .weed feta Oi
whet to
ie to be infected (he opln-
the Cabinet U that ‘
i Weehing-
of eoeiety, end the tendengy df the move
ment ie to raeonrege tbe mob element to
■teal end plunder. Tbe Cabinet are eon-
•htoring the propriety ef piecing ell the
nUroede under Federal protentlao, — —
to —nro the safe tranemlmlon of mails
—d Government property.
Gan. Hahooek, Um nodmaadar of the
Atlantic Department, ia now la Philadel
phia d^eetlng movements.
T— Govern meat ta so—tried in tbe
. retoelion of property In Waehlngtou,
When the a tea lag* would’ be immense
loafing in the Boi
have —need.
If Mr. Heycel
In danger, ltahii
attamptof than
Tha Aon th will r
{Man— of Cm ac
mrat of the mob
WiU hardly bo aU
a portion of bar
to tha daf*nee of
Th'U Express C
oarry Governmen
ion to New York.
It to stated t
favors on tmmed
ling of Oongiaro.
i of
ap, Mr. Waltaee said that the peo
ple who .ect tLs delegates here era! to—
with the belief that they vrorift do what
a— right. Tha peoflaof hta'dtotattt did
aot wirik to have the Co—rituMoa sub-'
mined to them. He sstie—:1a ap
pealing to pop—— feeling audio popular
projodU: I—e-gen—and not ig—r-
in— nho-dento |ho hurt. How—wiB-
ng to appeal to O—Ur, h— not lo Faatoa
—to the peJbe* M priaaha, but not to the
I tat—or a Bolton.
Tbs suotion to roniunritar w— lalt on
tbs table.
CouvasnoH Won. —Already (he olausee
of the Militia rad Elective Frsnohiae have
been adopted. Yesterday the Bill of
It nelly
talk in the body,
that the Atlanta
that ridirale
which the elsiees of MUledgeviUe to bo
M the Btete Capitol are to be met.
Many nro beginning to'believe this ques
tion will be left to tbe oonntry — e eeps-
and dlstinof ieeaa, and will not be
in tbe tiohatitatlon. It ie to be
hoped thie aont— will be panned.
A prosediepetoh received later than onr
special soys the Bill of Bights has been
Tbe hold— of Georgia bonds are again
nuking attempts to have them pud, end
have brought #50,000 worth to the ettea-
Uon of the Oraventiou. This will not
The people have already derided
by u overwhelming vote that none of
Hu— Ban
■triken aided tl
Pittsburg 16 net
le now very quie
— end bant
ed millions of ds
ef Gov, Hartrenl
i of
•d lest year—hae been fully demonstrated
to be worse then expected. The Fenn-
■ylvrale Hailroad sad others have
loet enough in property to have paid em
ployes* a long time, the proposed redno
Hon ooet th— fearfully. The Be«
publlora journals of that State have for
y—m been rampant on the General Gov
ernment’s giving protoothm to the negro
to the Booth. Do aot now they i
assistance to savs th—selves from their
own rober gangs—miners, oil —d other
tabor— rad infuriated women of t
own Btete ? Will they bowl se lustily for
it — they have over the tasaginery wrooge
of the black man!
TuNew York BtrtUd devotee a column
and a quarter to a description of the Na
riowU Oraventton of Minlatnre Jonrnal-
tato, Whihh took pie— at tha Ocean Hotel,
Long Bran oh, on Monday last. One hun
dred end twenty-five of th— little men,
ropr—ntlng e oonetlt nenoy of from 40,000
to 56,000 readers, sst down in solemn
eonnoil, end prooeeded to eleot offioers
end drew up a aonetltntlon with ae much
dignity and ahtowdn—as If they were —
many legietat— brat on e—ying their
platform. There are ft—1,500 lo 2,000
df th— youthful amateurs —tiered
through the eonntry.
In thill
[ safety early her battery.
wee a gallant thing of tbe oeptalu to i
in b« at *llj and hia devotion should
go nnnwaided.
Dawoexi, known ee B—tan AI
who tori to lofig been to New Orleans
whet Com Pearl wee to Peris, ta now an
inmate of — toewe asylum. Bhe
one of the moot beautiful women In New
Orleans, end the heroine of innumerable
conquests. Physician* deulere that her
insanity was censed by the — of ramel
on her face. Her pioturoe wero quite the
rage at one time among men of nil
Tun idea of State rapervislea of roil
roads ta in favor in n quarter from whioh
commendation .would hardly have b—a
expected. .Tha New York Journal of
Commeree, tha oMWt and out of tha most
iafluenfial ooriimerotal pap—to the ooun-
try, re——ode the adoption of the pi
ty aU the 8tetee in the Union.
Tn rity tax collectors of Memphis ae-
e*rt that during the peat two weeks not a
■aftataata—l of ■—j h—been col
lected for tax— wh—with to pay tor re
moving the dead doge whieh line the
streets and alleys; The tax payers axe
peyfcgg to terip sad Other oily indebted-
ness, which they oea paMha— at a die-
craftiA^t ci
UTOaKAt-niTH ftAV.
ft—p—enas-xiA 1 omrr—fteta 4
it eomsgrtte—uxtOOt or tuu
—i ou 60WHW>B amxaitmtT <
tux HMmt _ maun—
ohaho— Manx nt xn xxtoxt—worroun
axn utrw A past op trih bd—ftMitow-k
OCrnspoxde— Okrsaieie and OOOSUUUSI.
ATLAuta, Jnly SI.—T—
lueuifnxo ns txm* mu now
— txx
The jeriranl of yeetosdaj’o prams Me—
se reed. Pendtag the mdty lfc
siiso* (w. r ■
Dietrtet, gave
Well—• (W. Yahof the Tw—ty-
lepeet Teed, as
Mr. Wofford (W. T.,)o< the Forty-
—ond District, moVM to tilitiifltlel —
much ef the riMMt of the Convention
yesterday 6n elsettvc fronriite* —rotated
lo tbe time of r set flames'— vot— and,
•tao, to the pwviriem imoktog'fiheip*y<
me—of taxes e pr—qeietlMto —ring.
After eoaM decoteAue esottan to tod
rid— w— Anally laid on the table.
iii d am i i fa •
cmnmm um ewin wfum,
Mr. Toomboj (Bobeft;) Of 'Uto Twenty-
ninth Dtotrtot, Chair—of theGomtaW-
tee of Final Bevtatan, mwved a mspea.
alon of the rales for tbe porA—ef rote
mittiog • report on eau—tae eart-eomrtj
offioers. The m—ton —•vaMed. fee rnlee
isA Um icpM
Section 1. Xeeb
be a body
id limltatlons' u may to
.w not inoomneKble with
lion. AU enttf'ty or am
shall be in the aagu
mete* end bound* df t
shelf remain — now
tnl— changed, se
8*o. 2. No new o
Bee. 8. County lin
ed, nnleta'fender thri
rel taw for ttott porto...
Bra 4 . No oouaty ane eiien be oh—gad
voting at u etoeflon held for that pur
and a two-thirds Vote W the Grid—i Ate
Bee. 5. Old oettty «tu—tarifans may
be diesolved sfid merged lith ecr “
counties by e two4kinfc Vota ef 1
fled eleot— of s—h eonntd, voti
eleetion held Mr that pulp—.
Bee. 6. Tho' eonq& otteeke ehtll be
flljll_"lUllMi llhlll ■In
^tyOravroBratfen .
j»i i
your kind and friendly feeling—
rariptomrtteg, yet I ttfl—fttukyei
deepened na Idldx-*rae '
e*ge ttyt it would create on—*,
•tOielam. H er—not e
I w— 6— rinsed th—
WrameA ramnft. oojkmm toftaJl —
pe—e, end l determined to nm fi toc the:
ItttlfftQtiOO ol tkg DBAftl NN fl/ Itg
t J—tat Femanegy I have nop—-
IMllnf m Am nmSUm|, ——nl.
hoy like a- or not If they don— irleh
a trade with par bon—, I wig b* —-
feetiy wttaied, nay,gmtiAed, — I—Here
we I— much mora then wngnla ty theta
custom. Should the Jews, undax th—
eiroumatanoee, w—t to draw a etataDUi^t
I might determine not to deej with —
puroh— from them, and then they might,
•oeeibly And greater reariNui than even,
or feeling bad. Every dollar wo —U thane,
e eat off by at toast gdPQ pnip—id Irene
them. No, my daar friend, do not feel'
eon earned about me in this matter. I
know what haa been done, and, — fully
wedtoeM—ty ta. It Im* net hereto.
_. been my netom to “heril ont" or
■hedge” when I ha— dallberatoly
•ken a stand, and I — now too well on,
uye— to begin. Nothing hot my par
ous! regard tor yenraelf would lead —
q write thus at length .upon a topic whieh
hold to oontempt I have yet to learn
het amen cannot date—toe that he will
tot keep • Jew or negro boarding ho—e
without drawing open him th# wrath of
•itherr—e. But never —tod. This,—
rom will see, ta all o— tog ent right on •
■sober eeeend thought,*’ end pwribly the
lew* may-yet regret having made rag>
i f— about n matter to wfieh they had
Mtoee— of eomplrint. The town yetiper.
nit ■ —an to urn hie property — he
•lee—, rad I prop— s—retring that
•leased privilege, uotwii—tandtagMo—
nd all hie d—enflente may object.
Binoerely yonre,
Hxxmr Hiurox.
their re-
bythe Lagtaie-
i of eeuntyj—
|i gjjiQgfi
•tooted by tbe ouritfirid votrife of
■peotive couutfee or dletrifeix, ■
hold theta office* for two yeti*. They
shall be removed on oonvietlon of m«|--
praetioe in often end ho person thrift*
eligible to any of the olfi— Aero keNfrM
to nnl— he shall have been e i—Utrit of
that oounty for one year, end shell be
qualified to discharge the duties
Bee. 7. Whatever tribe—I — oft—
may henaf tar be oreetad
tore, for the transaction
tom, shall be uniform
State, sod of the eeme
end remedies, except tbat the _
may provide forth* sppui——tef —m
miarioners of roede and raven— tat —y
woman's sight*.
Mr. Goererd (J. M0, of the FtaADie-
triot, offered the following — '■an
tiouri —lira to the BleeHve Frarit
Section 10. Aty
!X’5Sr5f a ^±
publie school law In thll I
The seeilon w— laid on tlis fable.
bumnvn reaou—.
As u—M the following to the Ml
text of the bill which the Omrtfeofeoh
Section 1. In ell etaotioaa, ty toe peo-
e, the el—tore ehrilvotaty bgllph
Bra 2. Every male person be— to the
United States, and every euaie eitiara
thta State six month* next pro—disc the
eleetion, and shall have serided Bu—
months in the oounty ia which he off—
to vote, end shall have p«M all tag— re-
quirod of him, (escape-— hereinafter
provided,) who amy be * weldent
of the State at the tie— of tty
adoption of this Constitution shell ty
deemed an eleetori andatyli tyro all the
righto of an elector — afeose*l< t iVeef-
tud, That *o eototer, sail— — ta—tas in
IZSWZXgg _ “
the following onth-eft-mltag i
dp ewe— or efttae- that \ am
TuNew York Demoerata have never
— more ooaAdeaL They not only
manitoat Um moot poriUve faith that they
will elect theta go—sal Ucket this fall ty
a large majority, bet they expert to get a
good working majority in both branch—
or the Legtalstora.
Tn receiver ef the Bepabita Lite Iaxu-
rraoe Comp—y efChtaSge roperts that ito
as—to art #1,885,788; MibiUltae #4,888,-
586. This company did* large bwtntae
to Tenn—si, when Arotorgaxlssd
Mho. Oat*? ariary*tty peat eeaaon wm
#S50e week.
Tnx call By Be—ft * watering plara
Box Inou—u, tty profaiM, ta draw
ing immn— crowds to the West.
twraiyaons years old, hero. —ridoi to
the Bute six mg——.to .thie—
months next an—HMT thlta olerii— i I
have paid ell tax— whieh rinse toe a#ap*
Goo of the —t go—ti—ttau thta State
required of — whioh I tyro tad an op.
portanity of paying pngrlo— talkr
Wt year.”
8eotlon 8. Na pnpon wh# toftw hoUro
the— meta eeennntid ton and -grid Into
Bra 4. Nop——A,
tioo of thta Orartil "
of thta State, Shall
fighting a duel in 1
of sanding, — —
oonvtoted of sidle,
shall vote or hold 1
1— he shell haVe
•very auoh penon
to rack punishment —
Bra 5. Th* O—l
provid* from U— to MtaS, tor
Miration of ell eleoton, bat the foitetri— -
nls—s of perac— ridfarita pexasitta.
to ragtatar, vote — taaM eft—tar agpriaD
nust ol kows — ta—t to tfeta State t
The— who ehall hnva b—T—note—■ to
any of the court* *« thta Atata—
•geinet tty Btata of C
be—leoerot of pahHeRL
•a— to oftra bo—ry— to— ■—r
eonrtof ocmpitaoi jwrtrita*tan, — apy
crime, involving a—I tanitafla
pnatriubte ty tty tone of thta Atata
with impri—me— to the panttanthey,
nnl— »i*k per—ehril —wo haen p—»
ft. BUHII jffllMH.
RtyflftMlIag tWWafl-toown, Ratpouibl* and Jririft Paftlar Ci-Mrirt,
Gcrttuaa&rctml Untott ftjggurance Company,
i ,v LONDON—Am ate $19,SSI,671 by, field. ■ - ***** *
W estoheater InraraHce Compitny, N. Y.,
A#MtS #1,000,000, Cold,
Firemans Fund Innnranoe OompAAy,
•Aft FRANOitOO—The Most Popular bin. O*. In tkd IlnUfed AtftftB ;
Tn New York Herald publish— the
'ollowing emeng its
■The friends of Booty— ntyjAg an
ioneiderebly annoyed at tty psbUoiiy
[ivarion Idle p—ginph fro— a We—in|-
•n paper eonneottog bU fesmewHh ttyt
if an eccentric patent lswyta{ wh6 w—
•Id to have bo—ed that ty tad Tetton
rom the Benstor deflolng his views on the
President's pohoy. ThetaWysrw— prob-
Ably never sera by Braftty
—a latter’s knowledge, end eertataly
ho letter from 1 him,
I levs been written ty the'!
I wry, to answer to a roqhaft foT abmA
i Jongreseionsl document or pubUopepee.
< ecisring ttyt tty
th* determined ojd fermerdhi|
flottoit oonMoroi
Ifou— over the euffi ....
ghettos arm wee ,-ved.i
■ rate weeksi of' oarotol naming,
i el galloped off to join
c ampuutively i
< neatly became
■ ow fills tbe Fi
r *rk SyUmtu.
■11 who ere nfikrtsx flroai tty ecTors sad
Indta—Uoss of jowlh, Barro—Vty
ly Iteeuy.L— eflfstyora
Iroetpe that will—ro yen, Proq—Ctani _
■ xt— remedy we* 3——1| *1 s mts-
■ " Msi.*
For Sale at IvKitfoii,
City Warehonae,
ty*» MAW
*-* tijWr'.’-tyaal
Allot th— Oompustae e—ettelto depestt jtes
OED AN, Bs(to * Phautx Msnud
■ islrlv sdjsttsd a— promptly paid,
rORos,sexttoTsI— to O.
X Oosto—y'* OR—, ski tuilMjggj. t
Semper Idem ! Semper idem!!
Th# 8gfii# Tlm#-Tried, Fire-Tested Exp#ri#nc#I
Th# Siam Old, Strong, Rloh List I
Til# Saba# MaiilVe Arfiv of'Gold Atteft I
Th# Sain# Pr#Mpt, SkUiful, LlberAl Dealing!
' ■■ ■ tot
Aetna Itwhihmoe Compawy.
iivnva imiiinuv vviipwi) a—piei
North Brltlah and MaroxntllOlne—wno* Oam’Y. As—a.
KertforriFIre I—araaoo Gempany.. A—ta
Keyal Inaeronoa Company Asset*
Oontlnontal Inauranoa Oompany.. Assets (Grid;
Inanrano* Oompeny of Iterth Aw—loa..
Not* York Underwriter*’ Aflaacy
Phoxlx I—er— Oewpmy....
Ilnlen Marin* end F(m Incur mo* Company.
VirflelaHem* InaumnoaOewpany *.
# 7,278,127.44
(Gold), 2, T98,«0*.'*2
(Grid), 765,781,97
.'Asesto (Gold), , 288,198,99
Total Aatafel (Grid) #62,888,984 1’4
sains Grand C<npsaf*i^psM_toilr 81XTEKM ItXIOMS
“The Best is the Cheapest!”
This Mftktm applies with peculiar foroe to your
—i * * ■ — :oi < ■
mam pbompt, reliable
compAnie s
Nm repreeent, and when Looses occur, you will surely by
Indemnified ;
Dotlon Factory.
KennedMe Cotton Mill*,
thsrMflth; Also, lorgs lot of floo Wool.
i men iua muu ri# muna. iron raw ml
t mmU FaotocY«mM» ibott 4.D0R jams
4 r £Ste5®^ Oolors4 Goods par dsj. Torms
fpTofflPRi ^
. .. . 8400, 8200, 8A00. 8L000.
tK/j alix. rtandiNOBAx n
, Brontes, No. If Wall strait, Ri« Ytrfc,
ttahna—-ah—ata ft sisrai, —*
stly pay from Sr* to twratr Maw* t—
iktayssta* Bta*k* toftyt sad setrted
i. 1—* — deals—ra depeslt of throe psr —L
story rtreul— end weekly nports —t
. —.tai.eediy
The Georgia Iron Works,
(Nurur j. c. roMTBtt,
Uli, Smp Erapcralsn
M rAnm AimiirtTic ivat-
kRATOB, IRON RAlMMe, uH kiwis —
We—roe— ra *—
8 00 A He. I
SfteSrotpro^Ajtatyja — g
FtaeUrf Wareho—,
Redaction in Rates;
iron wtune—r r -— r
(low, per barrel,
mm WHIT, f. i. fry, CafteiB.
Ims—Bstordsysst Sam for Apala—iSte
Ths MW rad Stegadt
Steamer G. Genby Jordea,
’ 8;
bts la proportlra
with Aft
York. ' *°»’ »
OrJ.r.Msncxnu.r«i—. j7*Tra
uStrE? *****" y * t# ****"*****&
Tt Tte Vhftf to Iwl!
ox* wtahluc to bleed will
sail •■< — hfru. )ylT