Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, July 25, 1877, Image 1
tumifef. YOL. XDL OOLTJMBUS, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 25, 1877. NO. 175 THEY GAIN IN STRENGTH. mown! Th. Wsetfleld oompany of aokUan, after killing —vsral rioters, won driven from their quartan. 8omo of tho ooojujr i shot by tho rioters, who got pomm of tbo Wtstflald oompany’* rifle*. ACCESSIONS FROM ALL POINTS. Am liyuJ I# Tkoo 11 hk ^pu>wN|v Jwwy nllf If ipl^H Rd« a# Iko Agulgw Only pontnl eon won ell# wad to loan Indianapolis aftor midnight mono itum moon ion aaumconn. Washington, doty 84.—Two oampanln United Btatoa troops paasad Poogh- kaspaia an rooks for Baltimora from tbo lakaa. by Loom FMag at Raiding KM Fin and Wound Twen ty-Fin CRinm, including Fin Policemen and Two Woman. Uko Mara ratal Map at nafhla ■afiaoO—Ttaa ' dtoaua* Roaae . ktok e* for Oklnns in Son Francisco > SWATH* marshal to roan hum nt muu-wf. Williams Duum to amkamaa nom to maaaaTa pnaom— mmairutat m to quit won at Albany, soon—tbb, itnnu, obioaoo, at. noma and othnb rontra—obbat ittoraia, or tioi, ximLDM—u. a. moi* mwt awiTOMD orr but naim oohnio. tiom—nyniTH nsonaorr hi—p nr mew TOUHRUXUa TBLBOBAFK OOTKBNMKNT TO raoi LAIIIIOII SOAD TO BUM PAS BUKHtt TBAINS—U. B. TB00P8 HUBKIKI FOBWABO—OBABD ABMT OV TSB BBPDB 110 OV PHUtADBLVBZA TO AID ■ABTBAMTT —TDMIIBIA BAITiBOAP HDI PBOTB8T AOAIVaT THB VTBIKK—OBBAT TBOUBLB AVPBBnVDBD AT TABIOUB PLAOBB—COMB OITZBB BATB VOBMBD TIOILAMOB 00MMIT- VO TBOUBLB ZM EBMTUOKT. Wabuotom, Jalj 24.—Gov. MoOrory, of Kontooky, ha* bo approheoflion of teOBblolo Kantucky. ono. Only ono train running from OUvaland. Short of aooommodAtiona. BOUTBBBV CANADA BTBIKB. Tho flfBBun, BwitohaMB and hrakomon at Bloonm on tho Bontham Canada Bail* iqm itruflk. oolukbus nrnaaua raomotmo ti A masting of tba oitiaana of Columbus, Ohio, took a asrions Ti.w of tbs aitnation, and 500 of thorn wors snroUad aa apaoial polios. Tba mnnioipal anlborittea have garriaonad points Ukaly to bo motoatod, missousi paoipio amroaa waobb. Tba Ml—oori Paciflo Road baa raatond Mo strika on that road is prob- BK)T AT OMASA. A Tory turbulent masting ooourred at Omaha, Nebraska. After tba masting tba roughs paradad tba town hooting, bntdo- Tiolanoa. arnmana aiding to kup oasis ai soma. Tbs Mayor of St. Lonia baa ordered the saloons closed. The strikers enforoed tka order. Food for stock is allowed to panC Many indnatrias are paralysed for want of fuel. Overtures for aa omnibus Sompromise of ail tba roads oantering at Bait St. Lonia failed. Tba strikers are orderly, bat express a determination fight it out. A number of strikers are 1 special polioe by the Mayor i railroad property. Tba strikers' meeting nominated this apaoial The night swttokmsa on tho Miohigaa Oaotrat bora atrnek. Than is no undue excitement in Obi- nap. AnAn> jaasar imeoro bywpatmiex wim Janan Onr, Jaly 84.—Tba city is dts orderly bat'under control. Ooraroor lag la ban toped a proclamation request- weli dhpoaad people to repair to their Troopo-will bo mored from Faroey City and Trenton and other places to prevent .UMtoftHtonJaetion with the mob. ■mnnwnii stonkd sm> maun nx ■ aooone us tbakp*. Tba Rayantb Regiment, after a Mtog nt tba armety in Mew Yack, was atoned and btorod by a large arowd of trampn and roughs. Tba street was aleared by the polios. Tba troops be haved wall. J—M—XLVAMIA MILITIA AT BnADlXO KILL mm ann wound TwxxTT-nva omsane, ncuuptao so mb rouomm. The aoidiere at Beading, Pa., fired on riila—I indl.misiianiely, killing five and I twenty-five, Including five po- t and two women, mrux'i squab*. John Swiatoa has bean eel cat «d to pre- Ida at Tompkin'e Square to-morrow Tba Maw York Central baa stopped lag UBkAii UyoBd Roobwltr. MBOBOBB IN BABBMBUBO, FA., BUPFBBBBIP. The sight in Barttobnig war vary dia- orderly, UbM1 tba RHppii look tba mat- tor in thatr own bands and dispersed the rioters, who war* parading tba streets. Mo Aooting was xoqoind. Far ■ fi bmna the telegmphan were oampaUad to Tba mob at Baffalo fired the Rhone paint abop and n nnntbar of cam. Lonia that a large body of strikers have left there for the Missouri Paaifio shops, eitnated in the western part of tho ally. It to thought they Intend to foroa the man than to leave work. nrmcao nmunt. Pmsaumo, Inly 84.—The ally to entire ly tranquil. Railroad affaire unchanged. HoaaaLLSviLLa, Inly 84.—Donaboe, leader of tho striker*, to arrested and bald wobkmsx oo kb tu omnasa. A masting of workman at San Francis- 10,000 strong, adjourned after wreek- a Chinese wash house, makiag their way homowasda in aqnada. They piped hind, of projects on Uto Chinese. Three hundred policemen prevented them from reaching the Ohthaee quarter. Stones and oluba were need, bat no firearms. The demonstration seem, to have been a frol- and by 2 o'clock all was quiet. BTBIXXai STBOHO AMD BBTTBB OSOAMIXID AND WILL BDPPOST MUNIOIPAL AUTHOBX- Ttm IP MILITIA WILL STOP WILD SHOOT- iao. W a. him o to if, Inly 24.—There are few details from the North regarding tba railroad troablaa. There have been no overt aota thir morning. The atrihera arc beooming organized, and indloationa are that they will aid the mnnioipal au thorities in roving property, if the awk. ward militiasquad* will flop their wild ■hooting. Trade and travel in the die- torbed dlstriota, which extend from tha Mississippi to tha Atlantio and from Ma son end Dixon'a line to tha lakaa, oon tinna paralyzed. XXW mXOLAND aoAoe Washington, inly 24. — Maaaangara from the Baaarr (?) are reported on the New England roads, persuading them to atriko. They are dissatisfied with their pay, bnt do not deem a strike advisable. The streets of Wo rooster, Male., however, are full of rumors of an engineers' strike on the Boston and Albany Road. Tha managers of that road apprehend trouble nnleu tha New York Central ■trike. 1,000 araixn at wan Albany. One thousand man of the Wait Albany ■hops have joined the strike, and are coming to Albany late this afternoon. Moan Aoutaaioirs to tu ktkixb. Tba strike baa become general all along tha Cbioego and Canada Bontham main line, and the Toledo and Detroit division. A meattag of railroad and peaking at Kansas City a truck. The coopers are about joining them. The miners of Beaver Brook mines at Undried, Pa. atrnek. Mo violenoe. Shop .hands and me* obiniets at Seranton, Pa., were compelled to quit work. TBB GRAND ABMT OP TU BZPUBIgO at Philadelphia has taken measures tie or ganize for the eupprezeion of the strike. There are 17 poets in that oity. Their aervioee have been accepted by Mayor Stokeiy, who has also increased tha polioe foroe to 1,S00. MAIL AXD PAamXQIX TBADM BUNKING OX BALTIMORE AMD BBII BO ADS Baltimore, July 24,—Trains from Bal' timore are running to Weahington and tha West on tha Baltimore and Ohio Bail, road, and nil trains on tha Baltimora and Potomao and Northern Central roads. The Northern Central road receives no freight Mail and passenger trains over the Erie passed Homallaville, Mew York, safely to-dey. NEW JBBSZX AND NSW TONE, The strike made oo progress in Mew Jersey to-day, and New York State to tranquil aa oould be expected. Energetio preparations have been adopted in both States, whioh seem heartily supported by tha people. IN INDIANA. The strikers took possession of the Union depot, at Indianapolis. Only pos tal oars dapsrt. Tha Indianapolis, Chi' oinnsti snd Lafayette, ths Indianapolis, Bloomingtoa snd Western, and the Indi anapolis, Peru and Chicago roads are not in tbe strike, hot are prevented from working. Governor Williame and Mayor Cavan both deoline to interfere, except to suppress or prevent violenoe. AT ST. LOUIS—VIOTOBT OB BUIN. Only postal oars leave St. Lonia eaat ward. The strikers there say there to no middle ground in this oaaa. It to either absolute viotory or defeat with them, and they propose lo make the issue square and elaSriy defined from now on, and to affect this they will put a total embargo on freight and passenger traffic. Their or ganisation increases in strength and per- feotaeas every hour, bnt so long aa they era not interfered with in their purpose to obtain what they oonsider fair and just remuneration for their labor, there will be no'violefaoe or disorder, but if they are foroibly opposed there will be trouble, and plenty of it Tha oitiaens have obtained oontrol of OOLUMBUS, OHIO, snd general Industry ia resumed. STRIKERS AS POLICXMI* AT INDIANAPOLIS. At Indisnspolis over two hundred spe cial polios have bsen sworn in, many of whom ire strikers themselves, who thus deolsre their intention to proteot proper ly- ozn. Jinr davib’ beoiment sided orr WOBKMBN TO BE TOBCZD INTO SUBMIS SION AT ST. LOUIS. Bt. Louie, Jaly 84.—The report last night that two companies of United States troops passed through here to a mistake. Two hundred and fifty man, Gw. Jeff 0. Davis’ regiment, have bean switched off on a aide traek at Sedalia; bnt wbather by tbe Missouri Pacific, or by tha Mtosonri, Kansas A Texas Railroad man, or by outside parties is not reported. Advioca have just ooasa from Eaat St. YIUILAHOa OOMMRTU AT KAVarVILLB, ono. Zausvillb, July 24.—A vigilance com mittee, composed of a thousand of tha boat eittaena, have orgaalaed. BOW MAHA AH SBNT ISO* BZW Toax— OBHTBAL BA1LBOAD BUNNINO—TOMPKINS ■qUABB MBBTINO. Nxw Yobx, Jaly 24.—Foot master James ■aid to-day that there was no interference with the mails for Mew England nnd tha Southern Slates. All through mails for tha West, Southwest and Middle States are despatched by way of Canada, on tha Mew York Central and Great Western Railroad. Mayor Ely to-day visited tha Grand Central Depot and had a oonsultation with Superintendent Touoey, of the Maw York Central. Reports from the interior line of that road ware favorable. Tha Mayor and polioe authorities do not anticipate any tranb.le in this oity ia regard to tha meeting in Tompkina' Square to-morrow evening. It to suggested that ail good citizens keep away, and not oounteoanoe or entourage, Icy their preaenoe, aay dis turbance. A large foroa of polios will be present to preserve order. PBOtPaOT OP A COLLISION AT INDIANAPOLIS. Special lo tnquiremSun.] Indianapolis, July 24.—It to probable Judge Gresham, of tha U. 8. Circuit Court, will this evening or to-morrow as sert his authority over the L, 0. A L., and I., B. A W. railroads, whose rooelv era were appointed by him, nnd will di rect tha U. S. Marshal to aid the receivers in moving trains. This may bring nbonl n toliiaion with the strikers. Bo far the strikers have not bean opposed and noth ing attempted to test ths eztent of thsir determination ; therefore all to qnlst. sraixaas PETITION MB. KAXBS TO POBOB LAKE SHOBB BO AD TO SEND OUT MAIL MOEB AT SCBAWTOK, PA, ON IAMB LINE. Specie! Is Bmefrsr-Am.J Sobanton, Jaly 84.—The firemen on the D., L. A W., Delaware nnd Hudson, nnd Lehigh end Snaqnahanna railroads, strnok work at Rx o’olookthla evening, their demand for a restoration of tha ten par sent in their wages having been re- Special lo the Enquirer-Sm.] Ebix, July 24.—Tha following explains itself: Rub, Pan., July 84, 1877. To Preoidant if. B. Bapee, Washington, Ditt: ' Tha Lake Shore Company has refused to let United States mails go east of hero. Wa would be pleased if yon would, ia eoma way, direct them to prooeed with the mall and also pessengors. [Signed by a committee of firemen and brakemen.J The general feeling in tbe rommnnity ia that the railroad company ianot justifl able in stopping passenger trains. MOB AT OOOBINO, ON «»ru BO AD, Special lo Eiuinr-Sm.'i New Yobx, ’July 24.—Tba Erie Rail road officials received dispatches that tha strikers have oongregated at Ooonlng, and stopped trains there. The Twenty- third Regiment of Brooklyn, baa bean ordered from HorneUaviile to Ooonlng to disperse the mob. QBXAT WaSTKBN TISLDS. Special to Enfuirsr-Aui.] Dztboit, Jaly 24.—The Groat Western has aooeded to the demands of the man OBHTBAL NEW JBaaST TO aTBIXa. Special lo the Enquirer-Sun.] Eastern, July 24.—Train hands on tha Central Railroad of Maw Jersey and its branches have been notified by tbe Signal Committee to do no service for the Com pany after four o’oiook to-morrow morn ing. Special to Enquirer-Sun] Mauncb Chun ox, Pa., July 24.—The brakemen of the Lehigh and Susquehanna Division of the Central Railroad of New Jersey will strike at four o'oloek Wednes day morning. MORS ADDITIONS. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Eastehn, July 24.—The firemen on the Morris end Essex Railroad atrnek at six o'clock this evening, thus virtually oloaing that road to ail except mail trains, snd is reported thet this sotion to also general on the Delaware, Lookawana and Weal Tba employe— in tba Lnekawanna Iron and Coal Oonpaay to tba number of lfioo atrnek work for ea Inetaaro of wag— at noon to-day. Tba mis— are thrown idle considerable nniaaine— to felt throughout ths valley. Mayor MoKnne has leaned an appeal to tha oitizena to uphold tow and order. ■a stbixb in viaaatu, nor vnoraar. Rioomoxd, July 84.—Tbo employe— of tba Ohaaapadka and Ohio, Piedmont Air Lina, and Biohmond, Fredericksburg and Potomao railroad signed a pap— in depre- oelion of the condition of affairs in the North and West, and asserting their in tention not to itiiks. , VAiLuaa to mm at boundqut. Special la Enquirer-Sun.] Boundout, Jaly 24.—Serious apprehen sions are entertained of an outbreak hers to-day, and an undoubted effort was mads to inaugurate a strike by riotous and un employed men, bnt tha railroad employees and n majority of tha laborers on tha ooal dock failed to oo-operate. DECISION or U. A MARSHAL AJ 1NDIANATO- LIS. RmsIs! Is Enquirer-Sun.1 Indianapuus, July 24.—U. S. Marshal Spooner has deoided to attempt sanding train oat on the Indlanoplto, Blooming ton and W—tern Railroad, and has asked the authoriti— at W—hlngton for per mission to n— U. S. troops if neossaary. Ha baa joat gone to interview tha strikers, hoping they may be indnoed not to op, A' THS OLOalNO AT OHICAOO. Special la Enquirer-Sun.] OaioAoo, Jaly 34.—The mob whioh otooed tha workahepa of tha railroad* this morning oontinned its labors daring ths afternoon, buying itself with oloaing np maunfaatori— and all shops whioh lsy ia their way. Tha proprietora generally no offered objaotiona, it being pretty generally understood that the man would return and go to work whenever deemed advisable. Albany, M. Y., July 24.—At 4 o’oiook, tha workman having returned from W—t Albany, again mat in Capitol Park, where inoandtory speeoh— ware made by a faw. White and other speakers counseled for 1 MISBOUBI, X AMS AS AMD TXX UNITED STATU TBOOPS. Special lo Enquirer-Sun.] Sedalia, Mo., July 24.—Tba employ: of the Missouri, Kansu and Texu Bail- road atrnek this morning at 10 o'clock, Tha stock trein oime in from the eontb, and arriving here tbe men ran the engine into the round bouse and then took the stock oars down to tbs stock yards, un loading the stook, returned tbe ears to the depot and delivered them to tha di vision superintendent, saying that they would work no longer till throe month* baok pay wu paid and tha wag— returned to what they were before the 1—t two re ductions. There have been no freight trains moved to-dey. The paa—nger train* are run — usual. Tbe men are quiet bnt ap parently determined. Poor oompani— of the twenty-third in, fan try, under commend of Jeff O. Davis, passed *—t st 9 o’lock with a section of artillery, inolcding a Gatlin gun. Tba troops were swttebed off at Wyandotte, rna, bnt earn* through in Ha—. There bu been no distnrbano* of any kind here. QUIT IN CANADA. Special lo Enqulrar-S«m.l Sr. Thomas, Omtabio, Jaly M.—The employe— of tbs Canada SoaUiam work shops quit work. Tha last train hu bean allowed to pass. GEORGIA. Caavaataa—lath Day-Mill *f Rights Adopted — Aeeldeat aa * Saorglm Road—Engine Explodes and Mills engineer and Hnrte Several Oth ers—rive Cara Darned. b—ranee. A oommlttee w— finally ap pointed to prooeed to tba freight bona— of the Central depot, on Water street, and taka possession of it. When they arrived there tha man at work ware told to d—tot, and some refusing they ware taken by th* shoulders and put out into th* streets. On their way down State street, tha oiti- aeon’ corps of Troy ware met and greeted with hies— and dartoiva shoots, bnt no Alt w— made on them. This oorpa want dirsotly to tha armory of th* 10th regiment, whan they are now awaiting fmthar order* L—ving tha freight hou— tbe strikers next visited in regnjar-order the round hou* and alavator and foroed the men to desist from work. At the Uttar plaoe grain was being transferred from th* oars to th* boats. TBOUBLB APPREHENDED. Special la Enquirer-Sun, ] Tbehton, July 24.—Trouble to appre hended et PhiUipabnrg. hot womb looked ron AT BUTTALO. Special lo Enquirer-Sun.] Butvalo, July 24.—Hot, work iz looked tor to-night. Th* sir it fall of rumors of the Intention of the mob to barn the roaod house of th* Lake Shore Railroad, where they are now rendezvoused. TBAOX TAXBM UP. Special lo Enquirer-Sun.] Hommbllsvillm, July 24.—Th* track hu bean taken np between ban and Barns, obetraoting the movement of troop*. OBBAT PBOOBEW. Special lo Enquirer-Sun.] Washihqtom, Jaly 24.—The etrik* hss made groat progre— to-day. There a—ma no immediate danger of destruction ex eept at Booheeter, Buffalo and Ohioago, REPLY TO NON-STRIKERS. Special lo Enquirer-Sun.] Balixmobb, July 24.—A reply was given this afternoon to the application of tbe employe— of the Northern Central and Baltimore A Potomao Railroad! for th* restoration of the wag— paid previous to the raoent reduction by Mr. Wilkin*, th* Superintendent of the two roads. Mr. Wilkin* informed tbe committee that their application bad bean forwarded to Oo). Boot! at Philadelphia, and hii re sponse w— that it wonld be laid before tbe Board of Direotora, that thsir attention w— at present oocnptod in such important matters that it oon Id not re ceive immediate attention, bnt it wonld be considered. Col. Stott thanked tha employe— for their fidelity to th* inter- —U of tha Oompani**. Subsequently the shopmen held a meeting and r—olvad to oontinna at work. The trainman will bold a moating to-morrow. BsrtlHS Races. Special lo Uu Enquirer-Sun.] Sabatooa, Jnly 24.—Filli— of the fell of 1874 for reoe of a mil* and an eighth—Susquehanna won, Sootoo 2d, in l:S7f. Two-year olds, half mile—Duke of Magenta won, Perfection 2d, ia l:49j. Head leap, mile and a quarter—Joe woa, Vtoeroy 2d. Welter 3d, 2:12. Trouble won in the eteepto ahaae. Pear Ress Lest. London, July 24.—The bark 4 Mi he a— dor, York for Milboorne, pot to Cap* Town. She had passed through a horrl- •ana and lost tba captain and thro* men. THE BELUGEBENTS. SITUATION IN EUROPE AED APIA. ■HOLISM OPINION—AUSTBO-HUNOARY TALKS ACTION—ADBIAHOPLB THREATENED. Special la Enquirer-Sun.) Atlanta, Ga., July 24, 1877. Th* State rights' aeotlon w— appended to the hill of right! and the Convention to through with the bill. This morning the passenger train from Anguta to Atlanta, 3 mil— from Union Point ran into n hard of oowe. Th* an gina w— thrown off the traok and explo ded, kilting engineer As—stead, and bad ly hurting tha flraman, a newsboy and several others. Ths train w— burned, five ears being destroyed. The pa—an ger* will b* brought her* by down train whioh w— eompallad to tarn baok. F. H. R. paa— aapoBT. Atlanta, Jnly 24.—An up train on th* Georgia railroad ran into some oowa. Tbe angina w—overturned. Tbe axpraae, baggage ur and two ootohee war* born- ad. Tha engineer w— burned to daelb. Several ware wounded. LOBBYING A OBIMS—DECLARATION OP BIOHT Speelnl la Enquirer-Sun.] Atlanta, Ga., July 24.—The Convene lion to-day made lobbying a crime. Tba Committee on the Bill of Righto reported that tha 'people of Georgia had aa Inherent right to altar or abolish their eonatitntion or form of government. After a lengthy debate the word* “or form of government” were left ont. COMPANY FOR BALTIMORE. Savannah, July 24.—Company I, fifth artillary, Major Rawls, 1—ve in tha morn ing for Baltimora. They have bean sta tion ad at Oglethorpe barracks to this oity. WASHINGTON. IO WILL DO TO POSTAL OON- VENTION. PRESIDENT CANNOT—KMT WILL—t. L. WIL DER, POSTMASgaa AT CHATTANOOGA— CABINET OOMOLUDU TO DRAW A BBOIMSNT PNOM TEXAS PON aTBIKNM. POSTAL MNNTIMO AT OLD POINT COMPOST— WHO WILL ATTBND. Washinoton, July 24.—Tha President and full Oebtoet eennot possibly attend th* Putal Convention at Old Point Com fort. Post mister General Kay, under what he oonalders offioial oompol ■ion, will put in hie appearance with tha understanding that ha return in 24 hoars, should he be needed in Osbinet oouneil, Mr. Hssen, Third Assistant Postmaster General, Mr. Frenoh, Chief Clerk to the Second A—latent Postmaster General, Mr. Mstskill, Superintendent of Railroad Mail Servian for Southern States, Mr. MoDonald, bead of Poatoffioa Money Order, and Mr. Terrill, Assistant Super intendent Mail Berrios, with the Special Railroad Postal Commission, Me—ra Hnbbsrd, Bassett snd Fox will be pres ent. Tbe Pr—Ident hss commissioned Jno. L. Wilder poatmaster at Chattanooga. The Osbinet oocupied its ss—ion in disoo—ing tba strike, and oonoloded no farther notion was neoeesary at praeant beyond tha tolling of another regiment from th* Booth, probably from Texu. RAILROAD UOLLMIOna. SMARM mXOINES AT BOYIKN's STATION BE TWBNN VIRGINIA PAY AND CONSTRUCTION TRAINS—SOUTHERN POSTAL DELEGATES DE LATED THBEM House—PODS PERSONS KILLED NEAR CINCINNATI. Boykin's, Va., Jnly 24.—A construction train oollidad with the pay train, at Boy kina this morning,at eleven o'clock,on the Seaboard A Roanoke Railroad. Both anginas were badly smashed. A regular passenger train with a dele gation from Montgomery, Maoon, Augus ts, Columbia and Wilmington, to tba Postal Convention, was delayed three boars. Cincinnati, Jnly 24.—The evening train on the narrow gauge road running ont to the eastern suburbs of this oity met with an aooident by whioh four persona were killed, and a number wounded. COLLISION NBAS PITTSBURG—SEVEN KILLED AND MANY WOUNDED. Short lip— have been Pitts burg by made np line*. This resulted in a oolliaion two milaa above Sharpeburg. Tba engines elo—d in on eaoh other like a tel—oop*. Both engineers, the expre— messenger, mail agent and three passen gers were instantly killed, and a number dangerously wounded. PtvSsr Rill Explosion. Washington, July 24.—Mill's Amerloan Powder Mill Company, located in Aoton and Maynard, Ma—., exploded In rapid anooeeston, involving great lo— of prop erty and some lifa. Weather. Washington, July 24.—Indications— For South Atlantio States, stationery or slightly lower barometer, norths—t to southeast winds and warmer, partly oloody u—th— will prevail. WanleS. Wa hav* loaned oar Daily file for year 1872 to some parson who b— failed to re turn. Any information leading to re oovery of same will be thankfully ra- oeived. Enquibbs-Bun. W. A. LITTLMe ATTOBNBT SND OOUEBILLOa-AT.LAW, Offioa ov— J. A. Fras—'a h—dware store. f*b4 6m SXBVIA. London, July 24.—Th* Servian Skapt- lina has voted money to enable the Minister of War tomaintain a corps of ob servation on the frontier. RUSSIAN RETREAT IN ASIA. The Russians in Asia have retreated on Alexandropol. The Turks captured four teen wagone and ammunition trains. BTwroTnm i'ns:unn,.T) In Europe the Shipka Pa— Is entirely in the po——sion of the Rn—ians. The bombardment of Ruatohnk commenced Sunday, tha Turks replying. BRITAIN AND ITALY. Th* Bn—tan newspapers say, if the British fleet enters (he Bosphorus, it will enoounter the squadron. Orave appre hensions —s felt regarding the attitude of Italy and her alllanoa with Run is. UNFURL THB FLAG. The ministerial oonnoil at Constanti nople, Anally Rika the Sultan to unluri th* standard. NAVY. Hobsrt Pasha started for Sinope with flv* iron olsds. DNAD. The Bishop of Nevers died of paralysis at tba altar. OPBBATIONa IN HUBOPZAN TURKEY. There are indications of sharp fights before Rustobnk, and near Silistris. No details. Lieutenant Oeneral Mehemet Alt tele graphs from Sbnmls aooonnts of several minor affairs, all tending to show that the Tasks we beginning to oppose tbe Rus sian sdvsno—. An Adrianopl* telegram stst— that tbe railway to Pholoppopolia is interrupted, and that n Rn—lan oorpa from Islaimiyeb 811 vno b— reached Kirkkilissa, where a battle ia axpaotad. [Norm —Kirkkilissa ia thirty miles out of Adrisnople, and a suaoesfessful move ment in that direction aonld place the Russians between Adrisnople snd Con stantinople. J OPINION OP THB ENGLISH PRESS. London, July 24.—Ths gensrsl expres sion of the pro— is that preparations are greater than to neoeaa—y, if the Govern ment hu no furth— objeot than plsotng this* thousand on the garrison st Malta. Th* lienee' Vienna oorr—pondent, who to not only exceptionally wall informed, bnt careful and not liable to exaggeration, telegraphs ths following i AUSTRIA D—IB— THB MIHIRTRX TO ACT. Th* rapidity with whioh affairs in the E—t are developing osnnot bnt produoe a vivid impra—ion upon publio opinion in Austro-Hnngary, and this impression is refleoted in thepre— of the two countries. Thus, for some days book ths Austrian papers demand with ever increasing vehe- menoe that Anstri* should take motive steps. Meantime there hu been an en tire ohenge of thought in Hnngsry. Publio opinion, whioh st first loudly oalled for Intervention in favor of Turkey, now demands that steps be taken to pro teot tha intar—ts of Anstro-Hungary, without, however, Indicating these inter ests. Count Andrassy, who, up to the pres ent, h— preserved a reserved and expeet ant attitnds, will have mnah to do to hold np against the— manifestations of pnblio opinion, until the moment when events will allow tba Vienna Cabinet to employ a mors decided policy. ASMS ABRIVED AT CONSTANTINOPLE. Constantinople, Jnly 24.—Tbe steam er J. B. Walker, from New Haven, — rived with mnnitiona of war. A WOOD STORY or OLD BUt!E. HOW THB “squibs” GOT EVBN WITH HOW ELL COBB AND JERRY BLACK. Brooklyn Eagle. 1 Judge Jerre S. Blaok tells a oapltal story of an inoident to President Bnohan- sn’s Administration, to whioh ha w— th* Attorney Gen—al at tha time to which th* narrative relates. The event hu an ap plication whioh will be qniokly psresived by readers of intelligence. Tbe spaoious snd elegant rsvenne cut ter, tbe Harriet Lane, named in honor of the President's stately neioe, who did th* honors of tbe White House, snd who is now an honored matron of Baltimore, bad just been finished. Being a rev enue steamer the vessel wu of oourae under the oontrol of ths Secretary of the Treasury, Hou. Howell Cobb, of Georgia. Very qaietty among themselves tbe offloers of tbe Cabinet arranged for an exouraion down tbe Po tomao in the vessel,and to make tbe oooa- slon more pleusnt, they invited tha ■ckeMek'a Men Weed Toeic. In tba atmoeph—e oxperieuoed here daring the anmmar months, the lethargy produoed by the heat takes sway tbe de sire for wholesome food, and frequently perspirations reduoe bodily energy, par tionlsrly thou suffering from the effeots of debilitating dis—a—. In order to koep a natural healthful aotivity of tha system we must reaort to artifloial mesne. For this purpose Boheuok'e Bee Weed Tonio is very effeotual. A few doses will create an appetite and give fresh vigor to tbe ener vated body. For dyspepsia it is invalua ble. Many eminent pbyaioiana have doubted whether dyspepsia oan be perma nently oured by tbe drugs whioh —e gen erally employed for that purpose. Tbe 8— Weed Tonio in Its nature ia totally different from such drags. It contains no corrosive minerals or aoids; in faot, it am lets tba regular operations of nature, snd suppliu her defloienoiee. The tonio in its nature so much resembles the gas- trie juioe that it to almoat identioal with that fluid. Tha gutrio juioe is tbe natu ral aoivant whioh, in a healthy condition of tbe body oauaea tbe food to be digest ed; and when this juioe is not exoreted in sufficient quantities, indigestion, with all its distressing symptoms follow. The Sea Weed Tonio performs the duty of the gutrio juice when the latter is dsfioient. Sohenok's He* Weed Tonio sqld by sll Druggists. jyl eodlm It it long sgo settled that Williams mtku the but Pictures of children. eoddwtf Photograph Portraits for framing in Oil Ohromo, Putel, Crayon snd Ink, in the beet manner at half anybody's prices, at Williams' Gallery. eod&wtf Procure a bottle of Th rub's Consnmp tive Cure snd Lung Restorer, snd stop that dreadful oough. Trial 50, large 1. AO Sold by all Druggiata. mh24 eoddwly Every sixe and style of Photographs a half the pile* of any place in this oity at Williams’ Uallkby. eoddwtf niuu UiUAD |fI«HDRU». tUCJ IUTUDU SIAM diplomatic oorpa to be their gueets. It wsb of course designed to take the Pr—is dent along, but u his old-f—hioned no tions against “using pnblio property for private use” were known all too well by the Cabinet,the members r—olvad to keep tha trip a secret from “the ’Squire,” u they oalled Mr. Buobanan among them selves, for u long a time — po—ible, and then Insist upon his ranntananoe and attendance, when it wu too late to pre vent the “frolio" on whioh the Cabinet wu bent, u mischievously as “boys” who are bent on keeping “the old man in th* dark.” The Preedent, however, who observed matters very olosely, though very quietly, became awtre of the design, but said nothing to “tba boys” for aome time about it. At length, however, be sent for Jndge Blaok and quite abruptly —id to him: “Blaok, wbat is this I bear about Cobb’s getting np an exouraion on the Harriet Lane ?" The Judge started a little, and whan b* saw the look on the President's face h* perceived he was in no trifling mood. Hs answered evasively, however: “I hava't heard anything particnl— shout it. Gua— there’s notbiDg in it.” Mr. Buohansn wu not to be deceived by sny snoh statement. Taking for granted that Judge Blsek wu indisposed to tell as ninoh u he might, the Prui- dent added, “I have unt for you to tell you that I won't hsvo this thing. Cobb must stop it. Tbe Government v—Is are not to be naed in that or in sny other way for private purposes. I want tbs —- rsngement countermanded at onoe." Judge Black directly peroeived there wu “a case.” Tbe diplomotio oorpa had been invited and here “the Bquire” bsd forbidden tbe whole thing. So hs added, remonatratively, “I hope you won't insist on what you My. Ths diplo matic corps have been asked, snd szpsot to go. It will bs vary awkward to atop it now.” Realizing the situation, Mr. Bnoheuau rejoined,bnt very relnotantly,“I am utter ly opposed to taklng;Government l property for private use. If* a very bad thing to take this vessel ont of the yard for Oobb's party; bat if Us to be done, I went you to tell him expressly tbst he's got to pay all tbe bills himself, for the nse of vessel, snd sll the expensu. Tbe Government sbsll not be made to lose a oent by this thing.” This time there wu no donbt at all that the "Old Publio Funottonary’a" determination wu fixed. Mr. Blaok departed, sought Oobb snd said to him with a faoe decided long, “Oobb,tho 'Bqnire’sgot wind of yonr trip, and he sent for me. I had a d d hard time to get him to let yon take the Lane ont at all. He wu for stopping tha whole thing, snd told me to tell you it eouldn’t be done. However, when I showed bow far things bad gone, be agreed to let tbe affair ooma off, provided you paid for the whole shot out of year pocket, snd on no otbar oondittaa. There's no doing it on sny other tan—.” For response, Oobb's only sot w— a long low, pecnliar whistle, s bsbit of Us when he wu very mnoh surprised. Nev ertheless, tbo arrangements had gone too far too recede. Tbe excursion mme off, snd after a day or two bad elapsed, the 'Squire wu on tbe lookout to see if the conditions had bsen oomplied with. At the next Osbinet meeting, in a lull toward the close, he said : “Oobb, bow about tbe bills of the Harriet Lane exouraion ? Have they bean paid ?” Ths Secretary of the Treasury, who knew only too well that they “had bun paid,” responded: “Yea, Mr. President, snd I happen to bsve tbe aooounts snd re ceipts with me,” and with that hs took from bis vest pooket snd laid on the ta ble “tbe aooonnts and rsoeipta.” •'th On examining them “the ’Sqnire” found that Ibis little trip wbioh Oobb’ had arranged with “the boys” bsd oost tbe Secretary of the Treuury quite l|2,000 out of bis own money. The Mar that la to Kelipee Paul. From Ur. Jennlng’i London Letter In the world J Aa I wrote to yon lately abont tbe appa rent decline of opera in England it ia only right that I should record tbe sudden end unexpected revival it baa undergone et Her Majesty’s Theatre, owing to the ap- pearauoe of a new prima donna, a Hun garian named Etelka Gerater. She only sang lut Tuesday night for tbe first time, snd already her fortune is made—lucky women! She bu jumped from obsrartty to popularity snd great wealth in leu than s week. Soarely sny body, exoept a few musicians who know everything, had heard a word about her, and when she oarne on tbe stage as Anima in “Som- nambula" she met with no “reception" whatever. It wu a very different story before she got half through her evening's work. Tbe audienoe st onoe reoognized tbe faot that a great star bail appeared, and twice more this week hss she bad to repeat her performance, and it may safely be said that her voioe is worth at least 41250,000 a year to her while it lasts. Wbo wouldn't be a prima donna? Mme. Gerater is lnokier than any heiress of tbe day. The moment it was telegraphed over Europe that she bad made a great success, engsgements poured in upon hsr from Paris, 8t. Petersburg and Vienna, in which oity she is to take np the repertories hitherto filled by Patti. All thus arrange ments have been made in leu than three days. The romanoe writer* never imag ined a greater ebange in the affair* of a comparatively unknown young woman. A CARD! T U all who art rafftrlBg from the errors and Inillsorationi of youth, Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Lose of Manhood, sur—I will send a recipe that will oure you, Free ofCbane. This groat remedy was discovered by a mis sionary In South Amerloa. Send a self- addressed envelope to the Rev. JOSEPH T. INMAN. Station D, Bible House, Now York Qltfi febls-oodAwOiu