Newspaper Page Text
iasug 'r
JPnilg guqttirer.
raivnin, u>i
On. Loin* retains bit po«itlon under
Hi IMln In Egypt
. If kg mImM that the nln ot the
pcogmrly flartroyfi at Pittebnrg, exola-
siva of the eonteata of the oare burned,
win aggregate eboot tea million dollar*.
Hiuu tetptie hundred doge hare
bam oaptared daring the peat three weeks
in (few York, and now boatnee* l* getting
doll and the dog oeteheri are reeigniog.
Ham, not to be behind St Domingo,
ia getting ap a revolution at her own.
Two exiled patriot* are firing proclama
tion* and prooueoiamentoa at tbepreeent
President* of tbeee two happy Bepnbllea.
A noao named Wm. Waahington, liv
ing In Mew Orleane, laat week fatally
poieoned hie lady love, also colored, by
interning powder of areenio into two
, wbiob he gave her and whioh ebe
Gov. Hanraanri ia returning to Peon-
eylvania from Belt Lake Oily on e apeeial
train. Hartmnft wanted to anpprem an
imaginary “Southern rebellion” laat win
ter with OS,000 men. He baa a real re
bellion on bit handa at home now upon
whioh he oan exeroiae hie grain*.
It ia elated that Dr. 'Warren Bey, of
Paria, haa reoeived an author*action from
the Tnrktah War Department, through
the Ottoman legation in Paria, to aeleot
properly qualified Ameriean aurgeona for
the Tnrktah army. Their pay will be glOO
gold per month, and their expeneea will
W paid to Oonatantinople.
Pauxcbd, of Donieiana, who haa been
interviewed in New York, takea a doleful
view of the Uepublioan proepeota. He
thinka they will be defeated in all the
eioaeStatea next fall. Tbo Republicans,
he aaya, will loaa Wiaoonain, Ohio, Penn
sylvania, and the Demoorate will oany
hew York by 7fi,000 majority. He feara
the Uepublioan party baa been ru’ued ir»
It ia reported that an attempt waa made
on Thuradey morning, the 19th inat., to
aaaaaainate the Oaar, while he waa on hia
Way to inapeot an outpoet near one of the
lately oaptared poeittona. When the
Our waa diamonnting a shot waa heard,
and immediately an offloer of hia staff
wm deogerooaly wounded. The Oaar
narrowly eaoaped, through the ahelter of
a neighboring embankment.
Mb. Jumna Miller and Matt Oarpen
ter were alwaya at loggerhaada In the
United Statea Supreme Courts in Wiaeon-
ain, end on one ooeaaion Mr. Carpenter
playfully observed of the Judge'* ruling
that he had aean auoh a ruling in a Penn-
aylvania oourt where the other aide
bought up the Judge with half a buahel of
bean*. The court gave Matt one minute
within to apologia*, rid he apologised in
n neat little apeeoh, oonoluding with the
statement that if ha had Mid a buahel of
beana Instead of half a buahel he would
have been drmned before he would have
A raoer remarkable oaae of vltr'lty and
imperative power ia furnished by a men
named Sohmidt, under medical treatment
far horrible inJurlM at the Olnoinnati
Nearly two weeks ago Sohmidt
I attaoked by a man whoee wife he had
d, and hia akoll fractured in three
i by a hatchet. When he wm trten
to the hospital, brain matter wee escap
ing at two different wounds. He never
loot eonseiouanea* a moment, a few days
ago wm rapidly recovering, ahowing no
traces of mental disturbance, save a loaa
•f aaamory of altgbt oiroumatanoes. Pby-
atctana prooouuoe hia rooovaiy tha most
temarkabla on record.
Tna naw Alabama Oonatitntiofi made
by the Democracy of that State turn re-
dneed the Degieletore to 83 Senators end
100 UepreeentetivM; ehaaged sessions to
biennial, limiting tham to fifty days with
oat power to extend the time; reduced
pay of membere from gG to gt a day, and
mileage from 40 to 10 oenta a mile; re
aired all billa to be paaeed by yeaa end
neye; made lobbying e mime; repealed
tha power to pam local or apeeial law*
for the benefit of individual* or oorpora
tkme; prohibit* forever any indebtedness
for improvomenie; limited the power of
the State to tax three-fourths of on* per
aenk; natrioted towns, oitios and oountie*
to one-half of ona par neat, for oounty
purposes, and ono-fonrth to pay debts;
rednoed the judleial olrouite front 18 la 8,
and abolished a large number of offiooa,
aawtag an annual expense amounting to
hundred* of thonaanda of dollar*.
tatuua isTtmaiau irint
Sympathy ag eao entertain, and Wa
doubt not Urn fooling of General Toombs
iaMawi by Urn great mbm of Uw Mgple.
They eympatbiae with tha itrlkat* but
oondeeon moat strongly and oneqalvooeBy
lb* lawlaaaneM and deatraetlon to wbkh
theiraota ha** lad.- Dlaragard of legal
obligatione haa nevaryat affaotaf good
for any aaet or olaaa. Thoe* who adopt
it moot go down. Thai wa nave seen
that thoM who onoe war* lnaHted to
favor tbo lint in the fight of labor versus
oapltel, are now the foremoot to oondemn
tbo sot* of bloodibed aad Incendiarism,
for whioh the strikers are directly blamee-
blc. Their oann* in violently stopping
train*, preventing others from filling
the piece*, and their diotatorial policy baa
caused to spring up every mean tramp
aod vagrant in the country—*11 those who
praetioe ia theft, robbery and oany tha
torch at midnight, raftua to labor honestly
end flippantly quote the world owes them
a living. Thousands of these poor etrikers
ere honMt, herd-working men, end the
companies are oppressing them terribly by
the redootion of their peltry wages. Tom
Soott, of the Pennsylvania roads, spend*
thousands for lobbying purposes yearly
and extraota the oost from bia workmen.
Every controlling railroad offloer in tb*
North, with a few exceptions, have bee*
large speculators, and have been caught
by the shrinkage in value*. Wage* are
lowered to supply * portion of the deficit.
The railroad kings, through ri valry, bad
been running their lines at ruinous com
petition, and loai heavily. The managers
held oon saltations, arranged a com
mon tariff end agreed to dock the
meagre pay of all, from the iowMt to
the higbMt. It mattered little to the
lofty, but it wm almost ruin to the infe
rior. The Baltimore A Ohio UallroaA
Company lute been among the most per-
■latent of rate wrecker*. It wanted *11,and
it also desired to continue the payment
of e ten per cent, per annum dividend.
Twioe Id twelve mouths have the mana
gers lowered the hire of men, end by
squeezing the dally laborer made money
for the stockholders, end in the late affair
commenced on the loweet grade* instead
of the highest. The firemen rid brakes-
men oommenoed the contest with the
sympathies of eveiy lover of fair play and
those who ere opposed to the exactions of
the monopol'rie.
The strikers' first move was to violet*
tew. The rights of the publio end of free
labor were disregarded'. They made their
will their tew. They stopped (rein* end
refused to allow those willing to labor an
opportunity to work. They eubatttuted
brute foroe for statutes, interfered with
every right of the public, and produoed ■
reign of ansrohy over wide seetione. Thu*
they turned sympathy to the very oppo
All are the effaot* of the peiaiotous
teachings of Abolitloniete before the war
oonoerning the divine right of labor end
the euoouregement of trammer* during it,
They have do Booth to rob, and the
myrmidons of crime, taking advantage of
the disorder, prey on the people. They
ravelin the tyranny of mob.rr'e end
many of the strikers help them.
The better oIbm of the etrikara who in
tended good now see this, and thef hkve
proffered eervioM to eld in preserving
order in cltiM and their anlstanoe
been aooepted. A* long, however, u they
are controlled by lawlessness along the
line of railroad*, how oan they expect
order from the unruly element, whom
their restsUuoe to lew has emboldened
Let the loosen of millions at Pittebnrg
answer 1
The Constitution take* our oorreapoud
ent to ti sk because be intimated that At
lanta wm not abla to build a eapitol, auoh
aa tba State requires, m tb* City Oouooit
bM promised to do. Tb* Constitution
ohargea iguoranoe on tb* part of our cor
respondent. He can taka oare of bimMlf,
m ho is amply aompetant, bnt wa must
be allowed to doubt whether any city in
Georgia is able to build a atiiiotor* equal
to the eapitol in Miliedgoviile, Atlanta
wm bitterly lamenting taxation and
heavy expenses last year, and de
manding aoonomy rid reform.
A number of appropriations were rednoed.
Let her issue more bonds, m eh* will be
compelled to do if a new Capitol ia
erected, end phe will find that they ere not
so saleable as now. Atlanta bre good
credit, but ou some of her indabtednaM
■he pay* hMvy interest. We find her
bonds thus quoted in the lest Financial
Chronicle: Atlanta T’s, 90 bid, 98 asked;
8’e, 95 bid, 97 Mked; water works, 91 bid,
93 asked. Eight per oent is higher than
any city in tha BUte pays. Put several
hundred thousand dollars more on tbeee
bonds and quotations will hardly stand
the pressure.
vs**** »tooiXWtou» IWtp*«D-THX BOA
or aaoHTa Discusses anc aicxudxd.
gpeelal' tote* cmsatcle and Con.tltotloneUst
Atlavta, July 88—ThaOoneti tutionsl
Convention met this morning ia tha oepi-
tol, at half-past sight o'otook, the Presi
dent, Hon. Charles J. Jenkins, in the
dutir. t k < ■ ...i,/ r
After prayor the journal of Saturday’*
session-wt* read.
There were three notieee to reeonsidar
the Fran obis* report, but when the time
they were ell loet
tub vauutita o*»AWnrtorr.
Mr. Toombs submitted the Final Oom-
mlttee'e eetion upon the'report of the Ex
ecutive Department Ooasasitto*.
judicial ciaourrs.
Mr. Glgnllliet submitted a resolution
making twenty Judicial circuit*, and pre-
■eriblng the time for holding oourt.
Mr. Sellar ycwr > ad a minority report
upon publio loatijtuth is.
Mr. Patsy submittw 1 a resolution to
validate Issuable pleas •» i*re awards in
stead of verdiote were tin in.
thk bill or 'Atari
waO taken up.
In the pMeesbie Mi. Met Hammond
moved to substitute “relying upon" in
stead of “through the protection end
guidenoe of' Almighty God: transposing
the olaus* so m to reed, “we, the people
of Georgia, relying upon, ete.” Adopted.
Mr. Wright offered a resolution striking
out tk* word “that" in the first line of
the first seotion. Mr. Lewis proposed
that the same word be strioken <ml in tb*
•eeond line of the same seotion. Adopted.
Tba resolution of Mr. Abde Johnson to
strike out the word “magistrate” and tha
word* “all publio offloera'' substituted by
Uamta. Harvlll and Hill were adopted,
also the words “of the people" inserted
aftet the word “servants.’’
Seotion 8 wm adopted unamended.
In seotion 8, all words from “all" to
resident” were rejected end the words
“Citizens of tha United States” substi
tuted 1n a resolution of Mr. Mathews.
Mr. Base substituted tho word “them”
for “legietethm” in line 8. Carried.
Mr. Tuggle eubeituted the word “Gen
eral Assembly” for “Legislature." Car
Mr. Wright moved to add a oleuae de
claring lobbyism a oiim*. This wm with,
drawn to bo Introduced to-morrow.
Beetion* three and four were agreed to;
Messrs. Matthews and Hill introduced
amendments to section five to prevent the
I iroeoriptlon of atheist* and infldele. Tha
orwer gentleman Mid that u the para
graph now stood this class would be ex
cluded for non-belief under the tews o|
Georgia. Any on* hs» the right to nay
“I will not worship.” The fool bM said ii
his heart: “Thaaw to no God;” but the fool
ador toeteialtod daring ttarpHkrtl lor
which be shall have been, rietoal, sec
•bail ha raeeive wiUue t^Attea* any
other emolnment from tha OpiM But**,
other of them, or froM any foreign
lit Tb* fit* *•'
amor under Mis Oonstit
the first Wednesday to
year 1880 end UennteUy,
the persona qualified to —*
beta of the General
tton efaali be held at tb* plates of hoidtog enforce this pruitelon by
Gaowiuo tv Si abkotb . —Tbs etrikers
1 to be increasing in strength rid
sey. In Pennsylvania they have
been joined by the m'nem and other an-
ions. In some places they aie dieooun-
tenancing disorder*, and beooming tpe-
ctol poUoemen to maintain the petoe.
They continue to atop all freight trains,
.and ou several road* only postal oan era
M. Tha etrikers at all points ere forc
ing wen who era oontent to labor and
oennot afford to be idle to quit employ,
moat and join tham. In St. Louie
they My they mean vioiory or
defeat, end will not surrender un
til they obtain * fair remuneration for
tb* eervio* performed. If they oennot
get this they threaten to suppress the
railroad business in the country. Borne
®f the etrikers have put on a aiding oare
containing 250 United States troop*.
Gov. Williams, of Indiana, deol nee to
tetorfere unless to preserve pesos. Them
mm hove ■ grievance, but U it impossi
ble for society to entertain it; when they
■trike at the very vitals of eooiety, enoh
to overthrow publio order end inaugu
rated* bloody mm
Tsa OoHvmrnon YuamnaT.—The Bill
of Bighta wm perfected end adopted joes
tetdey. A Btetae’ UlghU seotion wm
Gen. Toombs, Chairmen of the Com
mittee on Final Bevision, on Monday
reported tb* Exsontiva Department arti
cle. Tbs important fsatuiwe are the re
daction of the Governor’s term to two
years, end the abolition of the offioe of
Attorney General.
The Convention made lobbying ■ crime.
Good. There bM been too much of this
business. Borne will hereafter want a
A Problem.-—A liquor agent of a Mew
England town held tbe office for one
veer, at the atom of which ho geve the
following statement of hie aooonnt:
Amount of oaah received on aa-
enming the offioe f 38 17
Velas of liquor received at same
time. 57 54
Cash reoeived for mle of tiqnor
during tb* year 10897
Amount paid for liquor bought.
during tbo year. 59 91
Aaeount of agent** salary 85 00
Value of liquor on head M the
end of tbo year 31 37
Did tb* agent owe the town, or did the
town owe tho agent, end how much? Did
tb* town gain or loose, and how much?
Promt*** kept Inspire confidence; end
Dr. Boll's Baby Byrap never (spates res
. I lief ia tha die***** of childhood without
of tbe Paris I »t oooa effeotieg it. Hanes the papular
^reliance upon it. Pxte* 86 cent* a holUe.
religious thought end sentiment. Where
beats the heart of men, thought reigns
end freedom is tbe qn'nteaaenoe of
Mr. HU) IntroduMd nearly tbe earns
oleum m to the Oeeslteution of 1865.
Mr. Net. Hammond thought neither
wm full raongb, as it imposed no reser
vation against lioentioasness. He intro
duced the twofollowtogparagraphs, non
bare 6 end- 7, which srere-adopted:
Beo. 6. No inhabitant of this State shall
be molested in person end property, or
prohibited from holding pabHe office, on
aooonnt of tffilgtoQ* belief; bnt liberty of
oonscieno* will not be so oonetrned ea tb
excuse acta of Hoentloaeneae or Justify
pseetloea ineonhietent with the pesos and
Mfeiy of tba Htato.
Beo. 7. No money shell ever be tekeii
from tiie publio treasury, directly or indi
reotly, ip aid of any obnroh, sect, denom
ination 6f religionists, or any aeoterlru
A letter to Preeideat Jeoklnofrom John
G. Crane, President of - Up New York
Security Company, wm read. It was a
wail from the banker* and bofidholdera
North, burnt by repudiated Georgia
bonds. As the Ftoanoe Committee had
already submitted a report to the Final
Committee the letter wm ooneigned to
the same committee.
Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1}, 18, 18 Dum
ber* in the printed oopy were adopted
Ml Key proposed an additional see-
tion bore that olvil antbority be higher
than military, and that even in war no
eo'dier-ihall be quartered in any house
without the consent of * ototl magistrate
Beotidna 14 and 18 agrMd td unamend
Mr. Winn, of DeKalb, amended notion
If, by addiqg “bnt the Legislature may
f iroride for imprisonment of persons fati
ng to dlsoever or surrender property not
exempt from levy Or teU* in bis oontrol
or posseseion."
He said that a men after aoormuteting
money end taking advantage of exemp
tions pockets muob money, aqd it is im
possible to recover. Ha proposed now to
proteof the interest of leaders after the
issue bM joined in oourt and the jury
passed upon it. He must be made to de
liver np property in hie possession.
Guereid Mid that the Constitution of
1868 altogether favored the debtor, al
lowed him a liberal homestead, bnt did
not proteat tbe creditor. It had been
■aid that tba borrower wm a slave to the
lender. It wm now reversed. Tbe bor-
rower may now sooomolate money while
leaders starve. People dost reflect that
creditors. too * have wive* and children.
This olios* propooM no great hardship in
imprisoning debtors, end bodes no bar
barous relapse. But It ■ men to saoh
cates bM property he should be made to
surrender it.
The amendment, on motion bf Mr. Nis
bet, wm tabled.
Mr. Augustus Bees* emended by add
ing to seotion sixteen, “Except in fraud
ulent ooaeeel—nt of property over and
above legal exemptions’’
Mr. Hout Mid tb* tew now secures the
eredltor. If Item* be joined end judg
ment obtained, end if property is not
surrendered the owner is jailed tor oon-
tempt in opposing the process of the
Court. Hens* additional legislation was
enneo emery. Bnt ail this does tbe credi
tor no good,, for if the debtor don't choose
to take the homestead he pockets tbe
money and there it no way to get it out.
Mr. Toombs said: TMa ia entirely on
neoemary. All the Convention is sup
posed to do is *to lay down tbe organio
tew, leaving technicalities and particular
oases to the Lapistetar*. He moved to
table til* amendment, which wm serried.
P. A. 8.
Mr. Toombs, oh airman of Committee
on Final Be vision, makes the following
Article IV. —Sceentice. —Section l,
Faeaobapm I. The Executive Depart
■Mot shall oouetet of a Governor, Secre
tary of Btatet OompfMlter General and
Pan. IL Tb* Exeoothr* power shall be
vested in a‘ Governor, who shall hold
hi* office daring the tone of tiro years,
and until hia auaeamor ahall bo ohoeen
and qualified He Mall not b* eligible to
**■ election aftm thmoxteiatton of a aeo-
ond term for the period of fow yean.
H* ahall have a competent eatery, eatab-
»ny fee,
person, I .
posit, or nee, in ally ■manat, of tho pub
lic fends, m tha'General teambly ahall
Pan. IV. No
tb* offioe of L
troller Oeneral,
ahall have boon
Btetoe at
prseeding his *MU<te, ated
at least twenty-five yean of
Fa*. 11. That* ueeesuf ateaftM Matt b*!
>* General Aeeembto, I
for the election of member* of the Gen-
Mil Anembly.
PAA, IV. The returoatot evary eteetion
of Governor ebeU b* escled Up by tb*
ipsratsly from othac rstorna,
to tbo PreeMeht at wo Bgn-
at* and Speaker of tbe House of Beprs-
ssntstivee, aod transmitted to Ite* Basrs-
tsry of State, who shell, without epaatog
the two boiueeMtelheva been orgtnlMd;
snd they shell be transmitted by th*;
Senate to the Hops* of P ip|Mtelftelv*i
P*pV. The members of eegh brenob
of tbe Ognerel Aeeembly ahall ooovene in
dent of tho Benete aedSOtitiMkaf th*
Home of BipensnUtivM shall open and
publiah tbs returns in th* pretaneeof tea
general Aatembly; ana th* parson having
tha mejbrlty of the whole number of
vote* given sbsll be deolered duly oteothd
Governor of this State; but if no parson
have auoh a majority, than from the two
parson* having tba highest number of
votaa, who shall ho in Ufa. and ahal) not
deoline an election at tbs time appointed
for the Legislature to oloet, th* General
Assembly ahall immediately sleet a Gov
ernor tica tocc; end to all susm of elec
tion of a Governor by tbeGtearal Asosm-
bly, a majority of the votaa of the mem
bers prawn! ahall be neoemary for a
Par. VI. Contested elections shall be
determined by both House* of tbe Gen
eral Assembly, in auoh manner m shall
be preaoribed by tew.
Pab. VII. No person Mall be eligible
to the offioe of Governor Who shall not
have been ■ eitteen of th* United Btetoe
flf tmn yeare and a oitiaen of tbi* State elx
years, end who ahall qof have attained
the tge of thirty year*.
Pab. VIII. In oase of the death, resig
nation or disability of the Governor, the
President of the Seaato ahall asrste* th*
executive power* of tg* .government
until auoh dteability be removed, or ■
successor is else ted and qualified. And
in earn of tb* death, resignation or dies
bility of the President of the Senate tha
Speaker of tb* Hodm ol Bepreaentatives
shall exercise the executive powers of tb*
government until the reteoval of tbe dis
ability, or the election and qualification
of a Governor.
Par. IX Tbe General Assembly shall
have power to prpvide by law for filling
nnexpired terms by a special election.
Pab. X. The Governor shall, before he
enters on tha dtttiea Of hh offioe take the
following oath, or affirmation: “I do
solemnly swear (or affirm, as the erne
may be) that I will faithfully exeoute tbe
offioe of Governor of the State of Geor
gia, and will, to the best of my ability,
I »e*erve, protect and defend tb* Oonsti-
ution thereof, and the Oonatitution of
the United Statea of America.”
Pa*. XI. Tbe Governor shall be oom-
menderMu-ohief of the army and uavy of
this State, and of tbe militia thereof.
.Par. jXH. He •hall have power to grant
reprieves and pardons, to ooprmute pen
alties, Ye move disabilities, imposed bare,
in, or otherwiie,by tew, and NU|‘to any
nrt ol a sentoia* for offense* against tbe
Iteto, after oonviotion, except in oases of
tremon snd impeachment, anbjeot to such
regulations as may be provided by tew
relative to tbo manner of applying for
pardons. Upon oonviotion for treason,
b* may suspend the exeention of the ten,
tenoe, end report tb* oaae to (be Qonerel
Assembly, at tbe next meeting thereof
when the General Assembly sbsll either
pardon, oommUte the sentence, direct ite
execution or grant a farther reprieve. He
shall, at eaoh session of the General As
sembly, oommunioate to that body eaoh
omo of reprieve, pardon or oommutation
granted, stating the name of the oOnviot,
the offense of whioh be wm oonvioted,
tbe sentenoe and ile date, tbe date of Use
reprieve, pardon, or oommntation, and
tbe reasons for granting the same. He
shall take oare that the tews are faithfully
executed, and shall be a ootmervator of
the peso* throughout th* State.
Pab. XIII. He shall issue writ* of
election to fill all vacancies that happen id
the Benste, or Honae of Bepreaentativee,
snd shall have power to oonvoka the Gen j
eral Assembly on extraordinaiy oooMionr;
snd shall give them, from time to time,
iuformation of the stats of tb* common
wealth,and reoommend to their oonaideri-
tion suoh measnres m he may deem ne~!
oemry and expedient; but no tew shall bei
enaoted at oalled sessions of the Legisla
ture, exoept each M shall relate to the*
object stated in bia proclamation conven
ing them.
Pab. XIV. When any offioe ihali be-
oome vacant by death, resignation, or
otherwise, the Governor shell have power
to fill suoh. veoanoy, ante* otherwise
provided by tew, end persons to appoint
ed shall oqhtinqe in offioe until a eueoee-’
aor is ap^ataM agreeable to tb* mode
pointed ontJqa this Oonetllntion, or by
eoedtoghte *toetton, Md Mdtb*
i twenty-five yean at age whan
And tha Pen are!
» ri ay* waee
ffiggMgAgmm SAmAM
trqilir GflMut, Mii. lit
not be allowed any fee, perquisite or
oompaoMttop, other than their eateries
M prescribed fay lew, eitesft theft neoes-
eery otpenaM when absent froia the seat
of government on tb* btateam at the
Beetion III.
Pas. L Tba greai seeiof the State ahaH
be deposited in the offioe of thO Secretary
of State, end ahall not be affi led to My
instrument of writing but by order of tea
Governor or General Assembly, and that
now in um ahall bo tho great Mai of tho
State, until othorwteo provided by law,
which ahall be impressed directly upon
the instrument to which It ta affixed, and
not upon wax, m heretofore.
Section IV.
Pab. I. Tbe Governor Mall have potior
to appoint his own secretaries, not ex
ceeding two iti number.
Purifies th* Blood, Reaovato* and In*
vigorato* th* Whoi* tystam.
Alterative, Tonle, Solvent
and Diuretic.
ViOBTia* la made sxctasively. Item the
Joioes ol aarerully-aeleetefi terka, .roots and
hard, snd so strongly oonoantratad that It
will effectually eradlesU from tba lyitetn ava.
ry taint of Scrofula, Herofuloua Humor,
Tumors, Cancer, Cancerous Humur, liy.
alpolua, Salt Bhoum, Syphilitic DUouMi,
Canker, Faintness ut tea Btangwh, aad *U
dtieaias that arils from Impure blood. Sci
atica, Inflammatory snd Chronic Bhan-
mntlsm, Neuralgia, Gout and Spinal Com
plaints, can only b* effectually cured through
the blood.
For Ween and Eruptive WUeoaee of tha
Skin, Pustule*, Flmples, Blotchee, Holla,
Tetter, SqUdhead and Blngworm, Vsa*.
tinb hu n*v*r failed to effect a permanent
For Paine In the Back, Kldaoy Com-
plaints, Dropaey, Female Waskneaa,
Leuoorrhuoa, arietng tram Intarasl nloara
tion, and uterlua dlieaaes and General Debili
ty, VxaRTiRB acts directly upon the eanses of
these complaint*. It Invigorates and strength
ens the whole system, MU upon the .secretive
organs, allays Inflammation, euros ulceration,
and regulates the bowels.
For Catarrh, Dyepapafa, Habitual Cos-
tlvenes.. Palpitation of tbo Heart, Head
ache, Piles, Nervonsneesand Genes! Proo-
t rati on at the Nervous System, no medl,
cine hu ever glren such perfect satisfaction as
the Vnauriirn. I, purines the blood, cleensee
all of tbo organa, and possesses * controlling
power over the nervous system.
Th* remarkable onres effected by Vmbtibi
have Induced many physicians and apotheca
ries whom we know to praaerlbe aad nos U Id
their own famlllee.
In faot, VnoKTiNH la tha but remedy yel
dleoovered for tbe nbova dlteosu, and Is t!
only reliable BLOOD PUBIFIKB
placed before the pabllo.
The following letter from Rev. B..R. Best
Pastor of M. E. Church, Nnttok, Hus., wll
be rend with interest bv many pkyalaUns; slit
those suffering from the snare steals* u af
flicted the ion of tha Rev. E. S. But. No par-
son o*n doubt thli teitlmony, m thorn li at
doubt about tho ourotivo poworo of Vmstirr
Natick, Maos., Jon.X, ira.
KsHRSmm: ■ ■
Dear Sir—We have good raaeca tee regard tug
your Vkobtinb a medlolce of th* greatest vat
ns. Wa feel eesured that It hu heed th<
"saving our son’s lira. Ha Is not
S o. For the lost two years ha
am neorotii of his ttg, -oaui*d
s affection, end wm so far rads
law, in pqaraano* tbareof.
Pab. XV. A parson onoa rejected by,
tbe Senate shall not be re-appointed by
the Governor to the same offioe' daring
the same session, or tha reoam thereafter.
Pab. XYI. Tbe Governor Mail have
the revision of all bille passed by both,
houses, baton tba aam* ahall bsaome
laws; bnt two-thirds of eaoh house fosy-
pass a law, notwithstanding hia dissent,
and if any bill should not b* returned by
tb* Governor within five day* (Sundays i
excepted) after it bM been promoted to
bim, tbe same ahall he * tew. unlaw th*
General AsMmbly, by tkair adjournment,
shall prevent its return. He may ap
prove any appropriation and dteapprove
of any apptoprlwao, fat th* same bill,
and the latter shell not ho effectual unless
passed by two-third* of eaoh boas*.
Pab. XVn Every vole, rasolution, or
order, to whioh the eooeurteao* of both
houses may b* ninsmiry, axaspt am a
r ation of atactica, or adiooromeat,
II be presented to the (tovqrnor. aad,
before it ahall taka effaot, be approved by
bim, or, being disapproved, Mall b*
passed by twostblm at each boom,
cording to the roles aad limitations paw-
scribed in e«M of a bill
Pab. XYIIL H* may require Informa
tion, in writing, from the offloera in tha
Executive Depart went,' on any snbjaot
rotating to th* dntiM at their respsotive
offices, it shall b* tha date of ttw Gover
nor, eeml-tnnaally, ana oftsnar if ha
daerna it expedient, to examine, under
oath, the Tnaanter and jPomptroller
General of tbe State on all mat tars per
taining to their respective office*, and to
inspect and review their books and *o-
eonnts. The GeMiafi AsMmbly shall baab
antbority to provide by tew, if
provisions ere not sufficient, for tb* ana-
pension of either of said offloea from tb*
discharge of the anttee of fate offioe, end,
also, forth* appointment at a writable
person to disoharg* lb* dnttea of tb*
oaonoM xx
Pab. L Th* BeOntary of 8UU,*Oow p-
troller General awl Troaaarer ahall be
elected by tb* petooM qualified to volt
for member* of the Qenstef AitetWy, at
tb* earn* time and hr th*
Governor; they
tba Governor, i
, the aam* tfanoM th* Oonvacr.
in Dm!
in Full Blast.
liklUUXAAU^C , ,
wtua bitQlUuU *) i i. ./v;rv; 1
■ ■ :ot —
RapreMatmc tho Wall-kaawn, Retponsible and Justly Popular Compantei,
Commercial TJnion. Assurance Company,
LONDON-AM*t* $19,381,671 02, Gold.
"WeMtcheffiter Insurance Company| jN. Y.,
Afififitfi 91,000,000, COM, q
Fireman’s Fund Insurance ^ Company,
SAN FRANOISOO—Tht Moat Popular In*. Oo. in UK United State*.
Rlske reneenahly rated, Folicle* written, Loeeea mlrlv ndjuited end proiwptly paid,
aw- Application! for Ininranoa mad* at either our Offloe, next to Ti ■
GDNBX JORDAN, Engle fc Phaslx Manufncturlng Oompany’a Off
Semper Idem ! Semper Idem!!
• —— iot —
1849. wnxcors m
Insuranoe -A^gencv!
The Same Time-Trie,d, Fire-Tested Experience!
The Same Old, Strong, Rloh List I
The Same Maeelve Array of Gold Aseete I
The Same Prompt, Skillful, Liberal Dealing I
Asaate (Gold), * 7,278,127.44
AssetsYGold), 18,387,892.26
Virginia Hon* Inaurano* Company
Total A*Mta (Gold)..
. I
mesne of iavln
veers or
suffered .
that noerly ell who lew him
cover j Impossible. A ccnnollcfnblapkyil-
raldglv.e at but tha faintest hopaofhli
rallying. two of tha nnmbo?
. tknt ha
the reach of hnnutn
even amputation oeuld bat inve
THB XaXffiTl
Aetna Insurance Company ....
North British and Mercantile Insuranoe Com’y
Hartford Fire Inaurano* Company Assets (Gold),
Royal InittiraiMe Company X
Continental Inaurano* Company
Inaurniuo* Company,Pf North Amarion
Naw York Underwriters' Agency
Phenlx Inaurano* Company...,
Union Marin* and Fir* Inaurano* Company..
Assets (Gold),
This* asms Grand Companies paid their SIXTEEN MILLIONS for losses In Chicago nod
Boston In Utl and vtn without hull stton or delay. For PoUelek In such Oompanles apply to
“The Best is the Cheapest!”
, :o: ——■■■■ i
THis Maxim applies with peculiar foroe to ; vour
■ ' ■■ — HU ■ — — '
We represent, and when Ldsses occur, you will eurelv by
indemnified ;
WM beyond!
been continuously Improving. Ho has lately!
resumed his studies, thrown nway his eratehe*
and ease, and walks about anoarfUlly and!
h - there li atUl some discharge tromi
the opening where th* limb was laneed, w*
hare the fullest oonfldanea that la a Uttl* time!
he will pe perfectly cured.
He has taken about three don
VnonTinu. but lately uees hat ltttla, os he de
clare, that he le too well to be taking medl-!
olae, Respectfully lours,
E. 8. BEST, .
Haa. L. O. F. BEST, j
Vegetine is Sold by 4lt Druggists.'
Southern Female College,
At LaCrart«e, Ccoreiia,
nnnu*“. 1 .sffen l SeSthof feroremt
l>tr, »nd cIosm Joae ism, wftkoat
YACAttoD. In Addition to thf
eommodtone baUdtng*,
hsp*l. Matjo tett, will be ontt- 1
• full. Th* highest advantogoe In
.-imnoteand nrtdepailminu terkltead
at lowest chargee. Oar papils boar off th*
premiums for excellence in mule end «
twelve In reoent yearn. Drawing, eenethi
and roeal masto, Hr**, Board, with washing,
lights and Ihel, gilt par saaam. Tnltloi,
4*0; Music, 4*0; Art, gt* to 4M. Writ* tor
Catalogue. Oorreepondene* solicited,
ijio codawlm I. F. COX, rrcc’t.
Vanderbilt University.
X begin September I, ion. Tag.
tion for tho aholo teuton—In
Biblical Department, free; ta Lta-
erory Department, t&o; ta Ia
Department, MO; other feu, *1*.
The Medical Department will epee October
1. Fee for *tt*nd*Boe, gt*.
For entaloguu, apply to J. H. Leech, Swr*.
Ury of the Faculty, NMbvtll*, Tew*.
fall dtewfcwiw)
RotabUshod ta M4L
Principals—Mat. Wilsob H.
Our, Mb*. Gun. Johm Pbgear.
No* aw and IB* Berth CBurtaaetreU. Fnaeh
the Language ,pokro. J.ig.*Pd»M,
Cotton Factory.!
W E VlLL SELL, on tha ltth of August,
lttT, In Taaealoooa, A1A, th*
Kennedale Cotton Mills,
Eight mllu D-om this city, on A. A U. R. R.;
also, all Maehlnary ana *pp*rtan*noas con.
nacted tharewlthi also, targe lot of fine Wool,
on Machinery; also, a boat aw* neru VAL
which sold Mills *r* situated. From raw cot
ton aald Factory oan make about AWO yards
of Plain and Uolond Goods pat day. Terms
4V- Send for Olrcular.
biuhabd o. molester,
Itetateata, JMa, iT.teTT. Juki daw
Reduction in Rates*
oo the Qhattahooobe antT Flint*
rivara wlll be as follows;
Flout, par barrel ....IQ acuta
Mast, per loo Ibe ”
Cotton, per bate u ••
nMIM WYLW, W. a. Pry, Ciyfah,
. L « v « Satuntaya at » a m for Apalaeklco-
io, na . -i., ■ -
. *»- For further
hertetarmotion cation
$100, $200, $500, $1,000.
OO., Broken, No. It Wall strut, Now York,
mak* dutiable lnvutmenti ta etoeka, whlob
ttequmtiy pay from flv* to twenty time* tho
amount lnvutod. Stooke bought and curried
m long u dulrud on deposit of three per cent.
Expl atory circulars and weehly reports seat
J. H. 8AESES8,
The Georgia Iron Works,
Cam Hill, Sjnp Siapalm
ATUR, IRON KAILIMQ, Oil kinds of
CASTINGS—Bresa aad Iran.
RW Misw Jtepain CM Msecs.
my* dhwlm
Wotanjon reedved ea eoaalgumeat
eoo A Mo.. I.
GfffiffuMtj^Mjt^^ portar-
jyl* tuaaatxm*] ^'Ptastan^WaiMouoe,
Office at o. R., Hgc^straueris.^^jt^lai
The new end elegant
Steamer CL Ganby Jordan.
ITT ILL sail ovary Tin*-
hWge d aV^hSoU.
Cotton per
,Gf J. F.MaaonpK, Pqreu. JPAIta .
p*» day...... .—i g
Children under lx yean a*d colored attrauta
RW HACKS to mart rnsmtag aod ovOOlug
Train! on North A Sooth Railroad,
rtr Clou aonnaetton la mafia at Genova,
to aarly tea.
■Jtetf Preprteler.
Tt Ttee Wtttoj to Brtti!
iy ona wtahtag U hraed will I