Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, July 26, 1877, Image 1
ntmmf. VOL. XIX. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1877. NO. 176 RULE OF ANARCHY. IT RECEIVES ACCESSIONS. Tiny and Thttir Cohorts Carry Mat ters with a High Hand. TEXAS PACIFIC STRUCK. Mtirtt ulAinp SnrA if Trade Appeal it It. fiajw At tnieciiH, .ir It Has It Iamaat Ike Aray. Hob Run Riot in LooUvillo, Chicago and St. Loul*. and Stone Realdanooa. PEOPLE ARMING FOR PROTECTION. A Comniuniat Presides Over a New York Meeting. RIOTERS fORCE MEN TO QUIT WORK. ha»tbawtt or Pennsylvania aoain pro OLAnta—oovaanoa bobunoh offers REWARDS FOR RAILROAD DISTURBERS— STRIKERS AT BABT 8 YBAOU8B—STBIKBRS TELEGRAPH TO HA VS MAIL TRAINS FORCED TO HUH—GRAND ABUT OF THE REPUBLIC OFFBBS TWO THOUSAND I(n TO GOVERNOR ROBINSON—NEW YORK'* SUPPLY OF MEAT OETTINO SCARCE—THE CITY READY FOB TBB DISTURBERS —POLICE SCATTER A DIB OBDBBLY OBOWD AFTER TOMPEINB SQUARE MEETING—LABOR BBBOLUTIOXB AT BT. LOCH—FIVE HUNDRED NEOROEB WITH THE BUTEES IN ST. LOUIS—BAN FRANCISCO RAISES FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO PUT DOWN NEB MOB—GREAT TROUBLE DREAD ED IN LOUISYILLB—BUSINESS OP THE NORTH AND WEST STAONANT. DIFFICULT TO BEPOBT IT. ' Washington, July 25.—The telegraph has oapaolty for a sure outline of the news, which Is leas definite thaa awar map. ROUGHS AT SAN FBANOISOO. Boughs continue thsir demunstrailone Chinese In San FnbetseO. Half a doasn booses are homed in differ ent part* of the oity. Crowds are dub bed from one point only to gather at an other. ORDERLY CONDUCT OF STRIKERS AT HUT SYRACUSE. Wubington, July 25.—Freight eon. dnotore, firemen end brakemen of the New York Central, at Eut Syraonae, have struck. The atrikers detailed men from their own body to protect property. Mail and passenger trains may pan. The strikers warn off outsiders, tramps add communists. A stranger, supposed to come from New York, tppeared among tbs strikers at But Syracuse end adviaed them to bum the buildings of tho company. The strik ers drove him from the yard at tba point of pistols.' He fled to tha woods toeeoapo with hia life. HO OBBEN CBEWa ON THE HEW JERSEY CEN TRAL. The eoginears of the New Jersey Cen tral have decided not to ran with green HEOULAM AT BEADING—HABTBANFT AT PITTBBUBO AND PROCLAIMS. , Gen. Hamilton, with 600 regulars, ar rived at Beading, Pa. The oity was quiet at midnight, but the rioters had virtual possession of tba road. Gov. Hartranft has retched Pittsburg, and has tuned a proclamation. Tha general oeasation of travel on the Montis A Essex and New Jersey Oentnl roads is expected. JOINED AT BT. LOUIS. The pork paekata and coopers at St. Louis have joined the atrikers. LOUISVILLE CONTROLLED BY A HOB—MAY OB’S AND PRINCIPAL RESIDENCES STONED —THIEVES AND SCOUNDRELS BULB— POLICE SCATTER THE MOB. Louisville, July 24.—Tha attempt to hold a muting to-night to paoify the workingmen wu a failure. Two thous and assembled, but nothing formal what aver was aoted upon. Many boys and negroes threw stonu Into the windows and broke tha strut lamps as they pro ceeded. Beeching Ninth and Broedway tba mob attaoked the freight depot of the laOUterille A Nashville Grut Southern Bailtoad, smashing its windows and doors ; than marched to Tenth strut aod wrecked the windows of the Pullman Bontbern Oar Company. Proceeding up Broadway with loud yells, they atoned all the fine bouse* on this strut until Third wu rsuhed. Coming in this avenue, Mayor Jaoob's house wu attaoked, and that of Dr. Ed. Blandaford, President of L. A N. G. 8. B. B., was attacked in tha same manner. Along Walnut strut boaau and stores wen treated la the acmsfmanner. AtFioidand Grun, fifty polleeoeea ptaad tbemealvu in line and whan urns one in the er„wd yelled to atUek them, the officer* opened fire, shooting over the beads of the mob. Men aadboyala the mob ■eaitered in alt di- moUom, The damage dams can’t be eati- nuted. Excitement is grant and tba •nival of arms and ammantUon from Frankfort is waited with anxiety. ■man at iahu city—in Indiana. WAamuroM, July 25.—They have fteuok at Kansas Oity. Tba strikan com pelled a anapenaion of labor of all kioda. The ■trikers are in undiapuled control of all toada at Terre Haute, lad. NEW YOKE MEETING—A COMMUNIST FBE SIDES—POLICE AND MILITABT THREAT ENED. New York, July 25.—At the muting held lut night to make final arrange ments for tba man meeting to night in Tomkine equate, Juatne H. Schwab, a communist, presided. Several addreases were made to the effut that if any policeman or military appurad at the meeting, there would be tronble; but if theyaUid away, everything would pans off quietly. - Finally SOhwab was orders ed to notify the Mayor and polloe Oom- miss loiters to refrain from sending a polloe force or military to the ground. One hundred special polioemaa were then aworn in. All members of tha muting, will wear red badges and kup order. Mnch trouble la feared. ST. LOUIS PROCLAMATION — COMMITTEE OP SAFETY. St. Louis, July ,25.—The Mayor pub. liabu a proclamation this morning warn ing alt persona against the oommisaion of aota of violenu, declaring non-interfer- ferenoe between the itrikera and railroad companies, and anaounolng a oommittee of ufety under direction of Gen. A. J. Smith, Judge Thomu T. Garret, Gen. John S. Marmaduke and others. LoooMonva engineers not with the strike. Washington, July 25.—President Arthur of the Locomotive Brotherhood, said yes terday at Cleveland :—The Brotherhood .is not eonneeted with this strike, and his advioe hu bun not to jeopardise their lives, nor compromise their manhood They sympathize with the strikers, bnt not with communism. BAILS ON CHEMUNG BRIDGE TAKEN UP. Bails have bun removed from the Erie traok at Chemung bridge. WORKMEN AT KANSAS CITY COMPELLED TO QUIT. The strike hu been consummated at Kansu Oity. Workman in chops were compelled to quit. WOBK OF COMMUNISTS—THEY ABB COHINO SOUTH. Washington, July 25.—There are em issaries of the Commune here, and they are reported u having gone farther South. The deteQ tiros here sttiibate the foolish demonstration at LoniaviUe to their mach iustiona. BT. LOUIS MEETINQ—PRESIDBirr KEBPONSI- DLB POE BLOODSHED AT BALTIMORE AMD rmuno—woekinomen's motto death TO ALL THIEVES, MURDERERS AND DtOBH' DIARIES—EIGHT HOUR LAW. St. Louis, July 25.—At the labor meet ing last night one speaker said they bad 7,000 stand of arms in their possession, at whioh there were cries of “Let ua have them and we will nse them t” and another speaker charged the bloodshedding at Baltimore and Pittsburg upon tho Frost dent of the United Statu. He sent the atmy into their midst to pnt down men straggling for their rights. A series of resolutions framed by the executive oommittee of the Workingmen's Party of the United Statu were adopted, declaring that they will not hold them selves responsible for any sot of violenu that may be oommittsd, bnt will do all in their power to assist in kuping order end preventing violence. Their motto Is: ‘Death to all thieves, inoendiariu and murderers." They reoommend a general strike of all branches of industry for eight hours for a day’s work, snd call upon leg' ialatora for the enaetment of an eight- hour lew. After the muting had adjourned a pro. oesaion was formed, whioh, after march ing through a number of struts, crossed the river to Eut St. Louis, where a num her of speeches were made. It is under stood they visited ail place* where me chanic* snd laborers are employed and endeavored to foroe them to join the anion. STRIKERS AT SCRANTON ALLOW ONLT MAIL OARS TO PASS. Scranton, July 25.—The excitement here is intense. All trains on the Dele- ware, Laokawana A Western Bond have been stopped. When the mail train from Bioghsmpton for New York arrived at 9:50 this morning, two pasunger oars were detaohsd by the strikers who raid nothing bat the mail should run, Su perintendent Holstead raid the mail would not run unless passenger can also were permitted. This made the strikers very indignant. The superintendent wu flrin, however. The mails were taken from the oar whioh wu promptly switched on a aiding. The strikers telegraphed at once to the State autboritiu that the company refused to ran, snd that they would run it if necessary and fnrniah fireman an engi- neers. A dispatch to the same effeot wu sent to the Post Offloe at Washington. The streets are thronged with men from the mines, railroads and iron mills. QUIET AT BALTIMORE—PASSENOER TRAINS RUNNING. Baltimore, July 25.,11 A. M—All is quiet in the oity this morning. Paeunger traine over the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore, the Northern Central, and Baltimore and Patomao are moving with regularity. On the Baltimore snd Ohio passenger trains are rnnning to Wuhing ton and the west. The regular pasunger train whioh left Camden station yesterday morning for CiQQinnaU has arived. PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING—TRAINS RUN NING. Philadelphia, July 25.—All qniet at West Philadelphia .depot this morning, and no trouble is anticipated. Pasunger traine are moving prompt, and ume freight is being sent to New York, but none weat. At the Philadelphia and the vieinity of Beading have been nlaid, and trains are moving this morning on the (ohedule time, only a little behind time, and the regular trains left that oity for Baltimore this morning. GOAL BALM POSTPONED. ' New Yoke, July 25.— Preaidant Sloan, of tha Delaware, Leckiwana and WaaUrn Bond, hu issued the following: Owing to the unsettled oondition of transporta tion, tha coal call of 110,000 tana adver* tiaed for this dky, ia indefinitely post poned. President Hoyt, of the Penestyl- venia Coal Company, notifiu tha pnblio that the ooal sale advertised to-day will not taka place for the same reason as given by President Sloan. AT ELIZABETH, N. J. — MAILS DELAYED FOB FIB6T TIME. Elizabeth, July 25.—No through trains hate passed here from Easton, and the mails hare bun delayed for the first time sinu the tronble began. QUIET AT ALBANY — TROOPS HATE BOUND HOUSES—GOV. ROBINSON BAYS STRIVE IS UNDER CONTROL. Albany, July 25.—Gen. Carr telegraphs that all is quiet in Wut Albany. The troops are in possession of the round and freight houses. Freight oan be unt without sny trouble. Everything in the city ia quiet and no further dtaorder is apprehended here. The Governor srys that his dispatches from ail parts of the State are satiafaetoty, and he expreaus the opinion that lha ■trike is now entirely nnder control. ATTEMPT TO BUBN AT LOUISVILLE FAILED. Louisville, July 25.—The exeitement is great. Business seems sntpended, end oitizens ere organizing. Laborers ere gathering to the number of several thous and. . At one o’olook this morning an attempt wu made , to burn the Louisville, Nash ville and Great Southern Bailroad offloe, bnt it failed. ERIE TRAIN OVERTURNED AT 0SW1O9, NEW YORK. Osweoo, July 25.—The Erie train whieh wu thrown from the traok near Oswego this morning, consisted of a baggage oar, two pausnger ooaohes and one steeper. It wu detsohed and partly overturned. CONFERENCES AT HOBNELLSTILLB. Hobnellsville, July 25.—At eight o’elook this morning, train No. 8 wu started eut with a guard on board, ahd an engine ahead and behind. Two foil trains have moved wut sinoe the strike commenced. At 11:80 o’qlook a private ooafarenas wER held between Superintendent Bowen and Assistant Becelvar Sherman on the part of the Line and Hon. Honoe Bemiu and Hites Whowley, oounsel for the dis- affeoted men. No definite result wu reeohed, though the counsel olaim to have hopes of a peaoefnl and honorable aattlement. A meeting of strikers is to be held this afternoon to take some aotion in the Mat ter. Otherwise nothing hu bun doing and everything is qniet. NO MAILS FROM PITTSBURG—GREEN POINT LINE IN BB00KLYN FAILS TO MAKE A New Yobk, July 25.—There were no mails from Pittsburg to-day. AU the troops an in their armories in New York, Brooklyn end Jersey City. Employees of the Brooklyn City Bail- road Company on the Grun Point Line made an nnanooeuful attempt to strike to-day. Tha polios uy the affair fell through. DFLAWASH, LACKAWANNA AMD ROAD. President Sloan, of the Delaware, Lsokawanna and Western Bailroad, said to-day traine along that road were all stopped by the strikers. No violent de monstrations had, however, yet bun made nor sny expected. PASSENGER TRAIN STOPPED AT SCRANTON. The pasunger train from Soranton this morning for New Yotk was stopped by the strikers. Measures are now being taken by the oompany to proonre sary aid to move their traine. Through engineers on (he road have not yetstrnok, and Mr. Sloan thinks matters may be fixed np amioably yet. TBAIN AT EAST SYRACUSE STOPPED, BUT AL LOWED TO PASS ON ACCOUNT OP MAILS. Syracuse, July 25.—At Eut Syneuss this forenoon, passenger trains were stopped by the strikers, but afterwards were allowed to start. The mail cars had been placed at the rear of trains, and the other oars could not be detained with out interfering with mail trains, were a! lowed to pass on. Efforts to cause a gen- era! strike at Syrsonse this morning were not snooesafnl. The local authorities have perfected a strong organization to repnu any outbreak. CANADA PASSENOER TBAIN FORCED BACK. St. Thomas, Ont., July 25.—A direst Western Bailroad train, ordered to Cana da with Southern passengers wu taken possession of by the atrikers at 10 o'olook this morning, snd had to go baok to the Air Line depot. The strikers positively refused to let the express train, whioh hu many passengers, move east. ■ILK WEAVERS AT PATERSON, N. J., TEOUB LESOME. Paterson, N. J., July 25.—The strik ing silk weavers here sre becoming dem onatrative. A non-striker wu badly hart this morning by one men and two women. Warrants have been issued for their ar rests. The strikers are mostly French and Germane, pervaded by oommunism. An nneuy feeling prevails here but the authorities ere firm and determined. STEIKE ON TEXAS PACIFIC. Galveston, July 25.—Special diepatoh- u to the News from Marshall and Dallu report a strike on the Texas Paoiflo Bail- road. OOTERNOB BORIN ROM, OF NEW YOBK, PRO CLAIMS BUSINESS. Beading Bailroad the same quietness pre vails. The rails whioh wore torn np in i Albany, July 2G. Governor tiobtneon issued a proclamation reciting the law whioh punishes, with ten years’ imprison ment and a thonund dollars flne,any kind of tampering with railroad trains or tracks. Ha offara a reward of 9500 for the arrut and oonviotlon of every suoh offender. U. S. TBOOPA OUABDIMO READING. Beading, Pa., July 25.—The United Statu troops with four pieces of artillery are guarding the depot end other railroad property. The road has bun repaired. MINKU AT BRAVER EBOOK CABBY THEIB POINT. iasanani Pa., •dwiy *5.—The Beaver Brook mlnu have conformed to the de mands of the miners who strnok yester day. Tha man resumed work. It ia be lieved their snoeeae will enoounge other minere in the vieinity to follow them. SCHUYKILL AMD SUSQUEHANNA BAILROAD TRAINS STOPPED. Habei'Eubo, July 25.—Freight traine on the Sehuytill end Susquehanna Bail road war# stopped this morning. Pasun ger travel ia uninterrupted. Raw YOBK OOHF1DKNT IN HER POLICE- MEAT SCARCE AHD ENTAILERS EBPEOTRD TO ADVANCE—TBIAMS OAN BEING IN A SUPPLY IN 24 HOUBS WHEN ORDER IS BSS- TOBBD—BUSINESS SUFFERING. Mew Yobk, July 25.—Tba extension of the strike to the New Jersey Central, and tha Delaware Lackawanna and Western Bailroad causes great ineonTsniehoe to many persons who do business here aud reside along tha line of these roads. In terest in the glut striku appears on the inoreau rather than the decrease throngh- ont the oity. Tho matter hu now u- ■umed proportions whioh wen likely to effeot every man in a greater or leu de gree, and has become the one quution of the hoar whioh is disaussed in all plsoes of pnblio resort. There is a very general oonviotion in New York that the polloe and military antboritiu are qute strong enough to quell any attempt to repeat the dieorden whioh have been attended with *uoh diautroua oonsequenou else where. Especial relianoe is plaoed upon the polioe foroe, whioh hu on several pre vious occasions proved lta temper and its courage. Tha interruption of Railroad communication hu seriously affected the provision market. In a few days, if the oondition of affairk does not improve, New York will be without mut, and our oiti- zone will be compelled involuntarily to adopt a vegetarian diet. There is as yet no advance in retail atone of meat, bat retell dealers are fileetdy beginning to ■offer, u wholesale dealers have advanoed their prioea. An sbnndsnt snpply of meat oan be shipped to this oity within 24 boars of the resumption of trsffio upon the the railroads. There is a very large supply of butter in the market, although there is a scarcity of the very flout grades. There ia an abnndanoe of dried meats for future consumption Other branohes of business are, of course, affected by the failure of transportation. The grooery, metal, hide, leather and wool trades, snd all produce markets are suffering. The general stagnation of basinets is plainly proved by the appear tnoe of Broadway,- whioh, to-day, is com paratively qniet end empty. LouisvrLLn and Nashville boad. Louisville, Jnly 25.—The laboring men of the Louisville and Nashville Rail road are not. inolnded in the number whoso wages were raised yesterday. They have quit Work, snd so have the moulders and workingmen generally. THE “DEMNITION” TOTAL. Washington, Jnly 25.—The day olosee with little or no progress in subduing the strike, but without lurbulenoe, exoepl at Louisville, St. Louis and Chicago. LOUISVILLE GUARDED BY 700 MILITIA AND 175 POLICEMEN. EjKcisi to Enquirer-Sun.] Louisville, Jnly 25, 12:30 p. M.—Sevan hundred militia, many of them influen tial and worthy citizens sie on duty, armed with guts and pistols. The polioe number 175. Business houses are olosing end storekeepers are preparing to join the militia. The very worst elements era mixed in with the idlers who began the trouble. Mayor Jacobs has issued orders to triflo with none, to use prompt and sf feotive measures to suppress the least in dloaiiona of violence or talk thereof. Tha exeitement continues great snd it is thought no trouble will oooar during the day, but to-night may bring about serious oousequenoes. The Mayor hu ordered all liquor saloons to olose. THE MOB IN OHIOAOO. Special to Enquirar-Sun.] Chicago, Jnly 25.—The mob came in contact with the police on Twenty-aeoond street. The latter belpg assailed with ■tones and sticks fired tbeir revolvers over the beads of the orowd and for a time quelled the disturbance. The polioe have been reinforoed and will dean ont the ri. oters. A portion of the mob went this morning to E. W. Bletchford’s white lead and oil works on Fulton and Green streets, where 200 men were employed, snd orders dlhe plaoe dosed. This being refused the mob begun stoning the build ings, breaking windows and oommitting other depredations. TURBULENCE RULES AT ST. LOUIS—NO PRO TECTION AFFORDED. Special to Enquirer-Sun] St. Louis, Jnly 25, 1:10 p. m—The gravity of the sitoation is not lessened here to-day. At 9 o’olook this morning 1,600 men assembled in Luces Market Plaoe aronnd e stand erected by tho Work ingmen’s Party, while two or three thou sand spectators gathered in the vieinity. The crowd wu made up mostly of wire workers, who have struck, end the strik ers from other manufacturing establish meats. At 10 o’clock they formed in oolumn end marched put tba Oity Hall to Tamer Hell, where the Exeeutive Com mlttee of the Workingmen’s Party wu in session. Half an hour later a body of 500, made np chiefly of negrou, wu sent to the levee and marohed its length fgr the pnrpou of indnoiog the ronetabonte to join Ihem. The strikers say they are to reoeive explioit orders from hoar to hoar, and expeot to atop all manufactur ing establishments before night. The only passenger train whioh passed over the bridge this morning wu the Toledo, Wabash and Euton, the itrikera making an exoeption in favor of that road beoauae of its position towards employees in the put. On the other roads only pos tal oan were allowed to leave. The Miuonri Paoiflo machine shops end freight depots and yards are closed, and none of the men are at work. They told the offloera of the road this morning that they were satisfied to work, but it would only precipitate an atteok and general trouble with the itrikera. The position of the men wu approved by the oompany and tha shops and depots were oloaed. By mutual consent, the oompany unt out three or four freight trains between l and 5 o'olook this morning, but it is not likely they will start any more for the present. A delegation of the strikers from the oity visited Cheltenham, four miles west of the oity, snd ordered the men out of the smelting end flue olay works. They offered their employers to oontlnue work, if proteoted. A request was sent to po lioe headquarters for a detail of police, but it wu refused. Tbs polioe foroe is on duty at station places and the oity ia almost entirely unprotected. A foroe is kept in reserve to be used only when the ■trikers resort to violenoe or a mob is formed. Another argent reqneet for a detail wu reoeived from the offloen of the Union Street Railway, an important line which runs from Fourth street to the Fair Grounds. The employees have notified that aompeny that unless the reoent out of ten per oent. is restored, they will strike st 12 o’olook to-day, and stop tho oars. Fears are entertained of the ufety of property. The polioe were instructed to be in readineu to maroh to the stations upon the oommisaion of any overt aot,but not before. A large body of men and boys, employed at the bsef oanning works, paraded this morning, bearing a banner with the in- oription, “Beefoannera! Solid strike I Fair dealing is our motto I” PREPARATIONS FOB SAFETY. Qeu. A. J. Smith, at the hud of the oitizens’ organization for the protection of property, hu his headquarters and large staff at the Fonr Courts. Meetings were held this a. m. in nearly all the wards snd companies of citizen of from 50 to 75 members were organized and officered. General Smith states that about 1,500 have been enrolled for ser vice on obenge. A company is being raised on the authority of the Mayor to consist of fifty men for the gunboat po lioe service on the river. The oompsny will be plsoed on the steamer Eton G. Smith, the oity harbor boat. The list of volnnteen is beaded by F. O. Morehead, ■n ex-Confederate naval offloar, OOAL FAMINE. The prospeot of a ooal famine is be- ootuing very serious. CINCINNATI IN FINE OBDEB. Special to the l£nqvirer-8un. J Cincinnati, Ohio, Jnly 25.—The oity is qniet. There sie favorable signs of order being restored permanently. The aotion of the railroad employees in ten dering their services to protect railroad property, end aeou re the moving of p*a- aenger traine, had a fine effeot. LATER FROM THE CHICAGO MOB—THEY DE FEAT THE POLIOE. Special to tho Enquirer-Sun.] Chicago, July 25.—The mob wu ma king, at teat reports, for MoOormiok’s Great Reaper Works, snd will there meet opposition. A gang of rioters is engaged in rnnning street oars into the stables on the south side as fut u they oome in. The railroads are in statu quo with pauenger trains, and mails are rnnning except in few euu. Many who were compelled to qnit work yesterday hate gone baok to-day. Tba north side mob is the most disorderly and is busy breaking windows, wherever re sisted. Tbe Pbconix distillery hu been seized by them, end tbe proprietors oalled for United States troops. The strikers drove the polioe biok from the north side end the rolling mills, end they were oompelled to return to the station. Borne tailors struok lut night, but this move ment met with little euooue. BAN FRAN0I800 SUnSORIBU $500 AMD HAS 10,0000 MEM SO PUT DOWN BIOTZM, Ban Francisco, Jnly 25.—All quiet sinoe lut night. Five thousand dollars have been sobsoribed snd ten tbouund men are ready to pot down disorder, oommittee of ufety hu been orgsnixed et Oakland. BALTIMORE EXOHANGU ASK MB. HAYES TO INOBRASX AYMY. Special to Enquirer-Bun.] Baltimore, Jnly 25.—Tbe Bosid of D1 rectors of tbe Corn and Floor Exohange to-day passed resolutions that— Wbereu, a state of rioting and anarchy interfering with every form of honest la bor, exists in many of tbe chief oities of tbe Union, and ail tbeir prinoipal linu of railroads, and is rapidly spreading and the imminent danger of peaoeable oiti zens and tbe oomplete disorganization of bnsinesa; and wbereu, the various Htate snd municipal foroec are unqnutionsbiy inadequate to oope with this emergency, to afford protection to the willing work ers, be it Resolved, that an urgent appeal be made to tbe President of the United Statu for the utmost military protection, entborized by the Constitution, even to an inoreau of the present military foros*. GRAND ABMY REPUBLIC OFFERS 2,090 MEN TO GOV. ROBINSON. Special to Enquirer-Bun.] Mew York, July 25.—The post oom- mander of the Grand Army of the Repnb- lio hu tendered to Gov. Robinson 2,000 The tender ssye: They are ell familiar with the power and proper uses of ball oartridgu, but will require arum and equipments. Pleue answer. [Signed] Jas. Tanner, Commanding Department of New York Grand Army of tbe Repnblio. BUSINESS SUSPENDED IN LOUISVILLE. Special to the Enquirer-Sun.] Louisville, July 25.— Business is gen erally suspended on aooonnt of the striku. There sre no shipping facilities. NO TRAINS AT DETROIT. Special to Enquirer-Bun.] Detroit, July 25.—No trains sre Tun ing on the Canadian Southern, and only an ooouionl pasunger train on the De troit division of the Lake Shore. AT bedalia Missouri. Special to Enquirer-Sun.) Bedalia, July 25.—All work in the. Miuouri, Kansas snd Texas shops were ■topped this a. m. The men are quiet but determined. No drffnkenness or vio- lenoe observable. OHIOAOO APPEALS TO MB. HA1ES FOB AID. Ohioaoo, Jnly 25.—The polios best off a branch of the mob that was moving on the gu works. The Board of Trade passed resolutions calling on tha President end Governor to ■uppreu the prevailing insurrection. A THOUSAND OITIZENS UNDEB ARMS AT LOUIS VILLE. Special to Enquirer-Sun.) Louisnille, Jnly 25—7 p. m.—The sit uation remains comparatively nnobanged. Tha soenu at Pittabnrg are remembered with horror here, and all care will be taken to auppreu any outbreak in its io- oiplency. Now a tbouund oitizens are in arma anxiously awaiting to-night's devel opments. The present ezoeedingly formi dable appearance has no doubt intimi dated the rabble very mnob. CHICAGO APPROPRIATES MONEY—0,000 CITI ZENS ENROLLED. Special la Enquirer-Sun.] Chicago, Jnly 25.—The Connoil voted what money the Mayor might see fit to nu. Six thousand have volnnteered. The mob marohed to-day from one in dustry to another, and were generally ■uooeMful in getting the men to atop work. No fatalities to-day, bnt many broken beads. AFTER TOMPKINS’ SQUARE MEETING IN NEW YOBK POLICE ROUTE A DISDEBLY OROWD. Special to Enquirer-Sun. t ] New Yobk, July 25.—After tfie Tomp kins' Sqnsre muting was over, a orowd gathered on tbe streets. The police or dered them to disperse, snd were greeted with a shower of briokbsts end stones. The polios oherged, end after ■ sharp, decisive struggle, tha orowd were routed. All quiel now. THE BELLIGERENTS. RUSSIANS RETREAT WHOM AHA TUSKS REPORTED DEFEATED, WITH A LOU OF 15,000 KILLED, WOUNDED AND OAF- TUBED — RUSSIANS ADMIT A DEFEAT AT PLEVEN A, AND LOU OF 1,800 MEN— SIEGE OF BUSTOHUK PBOOSESSINO—ABMY MOVEMENTS. WASHINGTON. CABINET MEETING, GEM. HANCOCK BEPOBTS THE STRIKE BREAK- IMO — WASHINGTON GUABDED — MORE QUIET IN TBE OOUNTBY—OOL. PERCY ROL LINS—TENDERED OOMMISSIONF.RSHIP OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. CABINET MEETING. Washington, Jnly 25.— A speoial meet ing of the Cabinet wu bold to-day at noon, and iMted until after 2 o'olook. It wu oalled for the purpose of keeping tbe Administration offloially advised of the ■triksra’ operations in the different parts of the oonntry, so that the President could take some immediate aotion, if deemed neoeaury. A nnmber of dis- pstebes were read and thoroughly die enssed by the Cabinet. oen. hancook's report. ■ One dispatch from Gen. Hancock re ported everything in Philadelphia qniet and nnder control. He uid that in bis opinion it wu not tho lull before the storm, bnt tho breaking np. MORE QUIET. The dispatches generally report affairs TUBES DEFEATED WITH A LOSS OF 15,000 KILLED, WOUNDED AND PRISONERS. London, July 25.—Tbe Vimea' Bucha rest correspondent sends the following : Report* current here assert that Haouf Pasha had auttendeied to the Ruuian - foroe at Ezki Saghra, bat he hu bun de feated with the loss of 15,000 killed, wounded and prisoners. From the aonroe of the report, whioh is through a high personage, I am inclined to believe that ■ great Russian sueoem hu been achieved, althongh the above figures may be exag- gersted. An engagement hu bun fought at Kslafer, but no partionlars are given. The Russian reoonnolnnoe npon Plavena discovered between 80,000 and 40,000 'Parks, who evidently intended to threaten Russian communications. It is stated hero that Grand Dnke Nicholas butily conoentrsted a superior foroe and routed them, but I have uo further detsHe-ofthe affair at present. nUSSIANS REPULSED AT PLEVENA. London, July 25.—The Daily News’ Biels dispatch of the the 23d, saya on tbe 19th Inst., the llauiana sustained severe check,!, if not an sotusl defeat st Plsvena. Gen. Sobildnr, with a portion of the 9th corps, consisting of an infantry brigade with cavalry and artillery,wu sent against the place and seems to have approached it in a slovenly manner. The Turks took tbe offensive sud repulsed the Russians with heavy loss. BUSTOHUK BOMBARDMENT—RUSSIAN BABE SIMNITZA. The bombardment of Rustohuk from Guirghvo hu reoommenoed. When the bombardment from tbe Bulgarian aide will begin it is diffloult to say. A serge train is on it way, but it orocua at Simnitza, a fearful way round. Bup- plies are difficult to obtain u the bau of tbe whole foroe now in Bulgaria ia atill Hitnuitzne. RUSSIAN HEADQUARTERS. The headquarters of tbe Grand Duke Nioholas ramatn in Tirnova. Tha Czsr- owioh beodquarten are Abertni, and tha Czar with hia suite is in Biela. Tha health of tbe army is good. ' RUSSIANS ADjfIT DEFEAT AT PLBT1HA. London, July 25.—A Russian official dispatoh from Tiinova, conceding the de feat at Plevena^givea the Ruuian loss at two Colonels and fourteen inferior offloera killed, one General and thirty-Bix inferior officers wounded, and 1874 men plaoed hurt de combat. Gen. Sohillder hu re tired to tbe Biela road. GEN. OOURKO WAITING. Special to Enquirer-sun.] London, July 25.—The Daily News' Biela dispatoh, dated tbe 23d, inst., says : Gen. Goutko remains in Kasanlik until the 8th., the corps now ooonpying the de files of the Balkans, hu pasted through, and is massed with supplies for further progress. The road at present ia only praoiioable for vehicles drawn by bol locks, but large numbers of men are en gaged in improving it. Several days most elapse before an onward move oan be made. Even oavalry expeditions are snspended for tbe moment. ARMY MOVEMENTS. It is understood that Lieutenant- General Brndeoar, commanding the 9th corps, will be superseded, and it is be lieved that tbe 9th and 11th oorps, will be formed into a uparate army nnder Lieutenant-General Priuoe Sohaokorosky, to operate in the wut against Widdin. Orders have bun sent to tbe ninth corps to take Plevona, and tidings of tbe result of the new operations ere now awsited. The fourth oorps will follow the eighth aoross tbe Balkans. The Russian army of Rustohuk has ad vanced to tbe line of the Lorn River, more qniet and peaceable, and it was de. oided that no further aotion should be I touching tbe Danube at Fyrgos, and ie taken by tbe Government for tho present. It ie noticed, bowever, that the emana tions from the Cabinet give the situation an over oburfnl look. WASHINOTOM GUARDED. Admiral Tranobard hu taken oommand of the fleet at tbe navy yard, with his flag on the Swartara. Col. Plney Rollins, of North Carolina, and late Golleotor of Internal llevone of that Stato has been tendered tbe Commis- ■ionerahip of Indian Affairs, to take effect .OotoLer 1st. Col. RollinB wu consolida ted out of offloe u Collector. GEORGIA CONVENTION. THIRTEENTH OAT—PROPOSED MEDUCTION or GOVERNOR'S SALARY. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Atlanta, Jnly 25.—Tbe report of the Committee on the Exeentive was taken np and a paragraph adopted. Adjourned, pending amendment to re- duoa tbe Governor's salary to $2,500. Another uye 3,000. Convention of the Weat Point road held to-day. F. H. It. Weather. Washington, Jnly 25.—Indications— For Bonth Atlantic States, falling fol lowed by rising barometer, aouthout to southwest winds, stationary or higher temperature, partly cloudy weather and light looal rains will prevail. slowly wheeling on that point to invest the fortress. Nearly 40,000 men are now jammed into the angle betwun the Dan ube and the Lorn. The Turks have abandoned the line of Lorn without fight ing. One part is believed to have retired on Kustohnk, and another on Shumla. USUAL FLUMMERY ABOUT A BATTLE, Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Constantinople, July 25.—Buleiman Pasha is at Kars-Bunor, near whioh a Russian foroe is also assembled. A great battle is expected. A dispatoh from Shumla states that tbe Russians were defeated in an assault ou Milistra on Monday. A dispatoh from tbe Governor of Itanin, Asia Minor, dated Jnly 22d, says (be Rus sians have completely evacuated the dis- trietjof Bayazid. CONCERT OP THE FLEETS OP THE POW1B8. Rome, July 25. — Tbe Uberta uya: Since yesterday au exohange of views has been proceeding between the powers, the objects of which is believed to be oon- certod aotion of fleets in order to prevent (be isolated aotion of any power and pro tect foreigners in Constantinople. INDIANS. PECKSNIFF HOWARD OUTWITTED—HE WANTS 1,000 MORE MEN TO WHIP JOSEPH AND A FEW INDIANS. Washington, July 25.—Offioial reporta of Howard's oampaign represent Joseph u a superior war obief, and it will reqiure a thousand more meu to whip him.