Newspaper Page Text
2P«itg guqtrirer.
roLltlim, 04.1
Eiorahom are writing column* on
'71m T Mica of Um Strike," bnt It don't
Sot Domoo U on * strike. They call
II • “political resolution,' bnt it i* really
• strike among two iota of negroes.
About 2,000 bag* of ooffee, sained at
more than §1,000,000, paaaed through Um
M#W Yokk Onstom Hons* daring, tbs past
Twn New York Bun publish** a list of
all the hanging* la the United State* for
Um year 1877, *o far. The total number
of person* hung is 48, of whom 26 war*
Northern, and 22 in Southern Slate*. Of
those in the Sooth, 1C oolored and 7 white
Lomaw is, on the whole, tbs healthiest
capital tn the world, its average annual
Mortality not eioeeding twenty-four per
1,000, bat in soum district* tbs mortality
variea from forty to risty per 1,000, the
inetanas being the result of fllfe, foul air,
and crowding. The population increese*
at the rate of 40,000 a year.
Twb*tt-s*s*» boles of Confederate
arohissa, left at Union, S. a, by Jefferson
Dari*, were recently destroyed by Are
The Federal troops were pressing Mr.
Deris so hard during hi* retreat Soath- — T —
ward that he waa compelled to leer* the the Capitol; and to be relieved
srobieve* with Col. Young at Union, ttj' 'entirely from the first obligation to fur-
The Georgia Convention referred this
question to k apecial committee, which
ha* reported. The majority, oomposed
of Messrs. John Collier, Fraanls Fon
taine, M. 8. Wallace, Samuel Ilewkins mid
Fop* Borrow, report bn ok to the Conven
tion the proposition of the city of Atlanta
to donate ten acres of lefid and ovects
capitol building in the rity of
Atlanta a* good a* the on* in
MUledgerille, together with a statement
in detail of the money expended by the
city of Atlanta in payment for the Opax*
House, now need as a Slat* Capitol; and
that the question whether Atlanta shall be
the permanent Capitol be submitted to
the Convention, to be, by that body, de
cided, or submitted to fhe people, as if
may deem most expedient.
It seems from their statement that in
1868 the Legislature aooepted a proposi
tion of Atlanta to furnish free of cost to
the State, for and daring the term of ten
years, a Capitol. At sotne Um* in the
year 1868, tha olty leased for a Capitol a
portion of what was known as the Opera
House, which Was then in process of
eroeUon, from H. L Kimball, for the
space of five years, at the price of six
thousand dollars per annum. On Decem
ber 4 th, 1868, Atlanta Issued to H. I.
Kimball sixty bonds of $500 each, which
were to become due at the rate of 86,000
per annum. These notes were turned
over to Kimball, the Oper* House was
completed, the State took poeaeeeion, and
has retained it since. In the year
1870 the State agreed to purchase tbe
building that lad been thus leased by the
olty of Atlants, and to pay for the same
the sum of $380,000; tbe oity of At] git (o'
agreeing, in the tneejilUM^to f^'* sum
In ibe aggreget#-et' $180,000 for and on
latter bad oarefully preserved , n j
waa atom! to send ^fiBrUrtETltentharn
v^auteBarmr^Rtehmcnd *h. D *4
wan destroyed.
Jar Gould told a reporter of the Bo.
chaster Democrat that he was mnoh taken
by surprise at the movement of tbe
strikers as any one oould have been. Tbe
dtffioDlty be thought would be a general
one, prevailing on all tbs great railway
thoroughfare* West. The Erie men on
the western division and as far east as
. Port Jerri* bad always bean pretty bead-
strong, and he thought they would not
give in till compelled to do so this time.
Tn Southern gold mines are rising
again to prominence, the produot of
North Carolina for the fiscal year 1876-6
amounting to $10,886,000; that of Geor
gia to $7,870,000, end that of Booth Caro
lina to $1,881,000-a total of $19,096,-
000. Tbe produot of the year just dosed
la supposed to be muoh greater. Eleven
stamping mills are now running near
Dahlonega, G*., and Boston oapital is tbe
dominant interest. Labor is seventy-five
cents a day, and wood on* dollar a cord.
I* a late London letter, M. D. Conway
Mps if Dr. Fairfax, of Virginia, eleventh
baron of an aoolent house, were to go to
England “and take tbe seat In tbe House
of Lords, which is his due, I believe the
fuse made over him would become a chap
ter in the history of England. It is un
derstood that he dedines to oome on re
publican grounds, in ewhlch case Presi
dent Hayes should look out for him when
nest in want of a foreign minister; bnt
nil American* are not so stern in their
political virtue.”
Tn* Washington National Republican
thinks that the thing for the pdioy hold
ers in the solvent life insurances of the
oountry to do is to insist that those com
panies shall as speedily as possible invest
Um bulk of their aetata in United Btates
bends, to be deposited with the State
Treasurer* of tbe Slate* in whloh the oom-
penis* are loeated, to be by them held in
trust for the benefit of polioy holdere.
A good idea and on* whloh all parties
With policies would like to see carried
Into execution. And that speedily, too.
Wa of the Sontb, who for ten years
have submitted to insult, and have suf
fered the North to threaten and bully ue
into submitting to thousands of carpet
haggars, oannot but look on with amaaa-
**ant at tbe mass of trampa, thieves end
loafers who at* even now deetroylng,
with impunity, the property of tbe peo
ple of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and other
cities, and defying Ibe aklm-milk military
of that redoubtable commonwealth. Tbe
qaeelion naturally arises, Where is tbe
Grand Army of tha Bapublie I those
braves who have so often threatened ua
here with their vaugaanoe,
A Washington speoial saya there is e
general feeling there that “the present
strike will oonvlnoe Secretary Sherman
that his ruinous polioy of oontnotion and
toned resumption whloh has been sown
to tha wind is reaping a whirlwind. II
tbe trouble now upon great railway cor
porations, and whloh threatens all diver
sified channels of skill and labor, is not
sufficient to oonviuoe Mr. Hayes that
Sherman'a polioy la a ruinous one, noth'
log certainly can. The impression is that
the only good thing which tbe strike be*
brought ebont is tbe demand of tbe peo
ple for tbe repeal of the resumption act
in Ootober. It is regarded as a wise les
son, bnt bongbt with end and bloody ex
Tbs Cxab baa informed the Governor
General of Moaoow that- tha entire Une
aten lorn in mooring the Dannbe near
8ianitaa waa 160 killed and 700 wounds \
By the fid of July nearly tha whole of the
Dane be had go* into Bulgaria. Nina
oorpa d'anaee, or 270,000 Roast an com
batants, had bean seat to tha Danubiaa
*n route. Tha Bosnian trouble in Bulge
ria in the first instance waa a deMoieooy
of food-supplies. The Osar, who' has
contracted for the immediate oonstruo-
lion of railroads in tbe sest of war, has
established municipal governments in ail
the villages paaaed through by tha Bo
ston* on (hair Una of march. At a gene-
ml role, tha Bulgarian*, ainoe the arrival
of tha Banian army, have abandoned the
fas and now wear a white band with a
etoaa round their hands to distinguish
thsmsolvs* from Um Turks,
nisb t Ospllol, free of cost, to th« State
for the term of ten years. The oity of
Atlanta did, eooordlngly, on the 23d day
of August, 1870, make and deliver to tbe
State a certificate that Atlanta was in
debted to tbs State $130,000 of 7 per
oent. bond* of tbs oity. Tba certificate
was deposited by H. I. Kimball with tbe
Governor (Bnllook) to indemnify the
Btate against s certain mortgage for $60,-
000 that was outstanding against said
property, tbns purchased. In 'August
1870, H. I. Kimball gave tbs oity a re
ceipt for $80,000 in bonds ooutraoted for
the part paymsnt for the Capitol building.
In Ootober of 1870 E. V. Kimball (brother
of H. L) presented tbe certificate man-
Honed to tha anthorlties of Atlanta, and
they gave him $76,000 of tbe bond* of
tbe city therefor. Afterwards a question
of interest waa settled with Kimball by
tbe oity, and in Deoember, 1870, tbe bri-
snos of tbe $100,000 of oity bonds were
delivered Kimball. How the certificate
passed from the bends of the executive to
Kimball tbe committee does not
know. A legal - investigation is
now pending. The majority is
satisfied Atlanta bas fulfilled every agree
ment. At the time of tbo State's pur
chase there waa a mortgage on the build
ing of $60,000, whloh bas since been
foreclosed. On tbe 10th of July, 1876, the
oity of Atlanta paid off and had trans
ferred* to them the judgment and fl fa,
that had been obtained on tbs foreclosure
of arid mortgage for wbioh they paid the
anm of $79,283.80. This fi fa. and Judg
ment ia still beld by the oity of Atlanta
with an agreement entered into between
Governor James M. Smith and the olty of
Atlanta. Tbe said fl fa. should not be
enforced against said ptopetiy so long a*
the oapitol shall remain in UM oity of At
The minority, oomposed of Messrs. M.
W. Lewis, S. Hall, B. L. Stephens and F.
0. Forman, recommend that tbe question
of tbe looation of tbe oapital b* left out
of tbe constitution, and that the first goner
tl eleotion hereafter held for members of
the General Assembly every voter may
endorse on his ballot “Atlanta" or “Mil-
ledgeville," and tha one of these pltoea
reoeiving tbs lsrgest number of votes
shell be the oapital of the State nntll
changed by the same authority, and in
the lame way that may be provided for
the alteration of the constltntton that
may be adopted by tbe Convention—
whether eeld constitution be ratified or
It will be noted the committee ia divid
ed five to four. We mnst admit a prefer
ence for the minority report,and unless wa
era mistaken it expresses the will of tbe
people. No aotion hea been taken by tbe
The etrike ie becoming wider and
■tronger. It baa reached beyond the
Mississippi. On Tom Soott'a Texaa-Paci-
fto Railroad the men have etrnok. The
whole North and West ia experiencing
Intense exoitement, and a reign of terror
exists and woeful oonseqnencea arc
fearad. Mobs arc rioting in Louisville,
Chicago end St. Lonie, -Oitiaena are
everywhere arming themselves for
protection. The endeavor of the lawieea
agitators ia to have oommnniam and blood
rale over the land, while tba robber
plunders at will and the inoendiary plies
the toioh. Every oriminal element
in the oonntry has been roused and the
■trike baa developed into a aoeno of an
areby. It ia reported from Washington
that oommuniat agents have departed
southward. These active agents of orime
end dieurder should be weloomed to hos
pitable graves. Business ell over the
North and West ia paralysed. Even
the negroes In St. Lottie, the
wards and pets of the nation, are
uniting with tbs rest to spread terror
and desolation over that oity. The poor
are suffering worse then all. The only
partis* benefltted are the outlaws of so
ciety. No matter whet started the move
ment, it mrvt be pnt down by tbe strong
arm of power. The sooner It Is done, the
easier will tbe oonntry breath*. Active,
prompt and decisive measures an de
mended to suppress the rale of the mob.
They most feel the strong arm of tha law
exerted with all its force.
As Governor Robinson of New York
rightly says in his proolameUoo: “tba
law raoognlsa* and protects Um right of
all man to refuse to work, except upon
terms satisfactory to themselves; bnt it
1 doss not permit I ham to prevent other
from working who desire to
do so. Unites the Btate is to ha given
np to anarchy and its courts and laws are
to be defied with impunity its wbol*
power mnst b* exerted to suppress vio
lence, maintain order and protect i’e
eitir.en* in their right to work, and tM
business of the county from lawless !n-
This famous oity ia again attracting tba
attention of the world because oscs mars
threatened by the Russians, both by di
rect attack end by breaking communica
tion with Constantinople. It is a oity of
European Turkey, oapital of tha vilayet
of Edirnab, situated on tha river Mariisa
(tha anrient Bebrna), in aneisnt Thrace,
about 180 miles northwest of Constant!-
oopls, with whloh it is connected by rail.
Tbe population Is agimated variously
from 100,080 to 160,000, at least one-
third of whom are Greeks and the rest
Turk*, Arminiane, Franks and Jaws. T1m
scenery is vary beautiful. Tba wealthy
live in magnifiaent residences snrronnded
by beautiful gardens, bnt tha interior of
tbs rity, like moat Turkish towns, ie
straggling, dirty and desolate. It has
40 mosques, among wbioh ia the famous
one of Selim II, bnilt of material fur
nished by the rains of Famagusta in Cy--
Wools, silks, cotton, dyestnffs, carpets
and attar of roses an Um prinripal objects
of oommeroe. Qoinoe preserve is on* of
tbs speoial prodnote.
Tbe town wee founded by tbe Emperor
Hadrian, and soon attained greet oommer-
rial and miUtery importance. It wee the
•0*M of famous enaonnters in tba times
of tha Romans, tbe Byssntine empire and
the crusades. Frederick Berbetosia oon-
eluded a treaty there in 1190 with tbe
Greeks, and Baldwin I. wa* defected end
oaptnrad in the rity in 1206 by tbe Bulga
rians. Taken by th* Saltan Mnrad in
1861, it remained the Turkish oapital
nntil the taking of Constantinople in
1468. Oberis* XII,, of Sweden; spent
some time in a neighboring oastte in 1718.
In 1829 Adrianopl* waa captured by the
Turkish General Diebitaeh, and a treaty
of peaoe was signed there in 1820 between
Russia end Turkey, by virtue of which
tbe Dsnnbian principalities were restored
to the Porte. Then Russia secured vast
privileges end fnll indemnity for war ex
pense*. Will she be willing to stop there
on tbe present marob, or press on to Con
stantinople ?
Capital and Capitol.—These words
are oonfonnded very freqnenUy and were
so yesterday in oor oolnmns. It was done
ossnrily, we hr<ow, end the “mixing’
rests on th* writer, sruu did not re.vd tbe
proof. 0-pital ia a plaoe; Capitol a
building. Atlsnta ie the Capital of Geor
gia ; tha structure in which the Legisla
ture meets is the Oapitol. Congress
meets In tbe Oapitol at Washington,which
ia the Capital of the United States.
Not power enough to preserve the peaoe
end protect life and property! And we
need to have so many soldiers to carry a
Southern Btate for a Republican candi
WISSUSIT - twelfth bat.
■cantor Wmllace on lbs atrlhe-Hls
Senator Wallace, of Pennsylvania, as
cribes tha present trouble in that State to
the depression of bdainee* in all tbe
mining, manufacturing and lumber Indus
tries ; and this depression, be saya, is the
praotioal reanlt of th* polioy of eontrao-
tlon and foroible resumption of apeoie
payment. He favors an early repeal of
the resumption acts as the moat direct
mode of giving relief end reviving bosi-
neea. Business men are nnable to employ
labor. . Bew materials and manufactured
products not bring in demand, little trans
portation ia needed. No new enterprises
are undertaken, and business long es
tablished languishes. Mousy is aheap St
the centers, bnt only on flret-oless collat
erals, whloh not one in ten of thoae who
have oepitel and labor ia able to fnraiab,
and thus we see the anomaly of cheap
money tide by ride with thousand* of un
employed end starving artisans Incor
porated companies, whether railway, min
ing or mannraota log, finding their shares
go downward under smell or passed divi
dends, seek to inoreaee them by rednolng
the number and oompeaeation of em
ploye*. This policy of oontraotion has
brought ns to whet are, in feet, only
breed riots. We are bnt repeat
ing tbe history of Great Britain in her
return to a peri# payments. Mr. Wal
lses my* that tba straggle in Pennsylva
nia will soon reanlt ia a restoration of
law and order; for no man oan be per
mitted to diotate by fores to another
Whom he shall employ, and what wanes
he ahall pay. Bnt tbe present conflict
prooceds from some deep-seated cense,
for which a remedy mnst be found. Mr.
Wallaoe docs not believe In inflaHon on
the one bandjpt oontraotion oi the other.
Ha holds that a government wbioh bank
rupt* its people and starves its' artisans
and their families in order to oarry ont ■
resumption theory i* unworthy of oon-
Tew NoMler* Die «f Disease for Every
•a* EIIM.
Daring the Crimean campaign of one
;rear and a helf, 841,000 aaen were buried
i n tha dlatriot of Tanrida, which inntudea
the Crimea. The Rnsaiana lost 170 000
eolldiera; tbe English Freneh and 'Turks,
166,000; and Urate were 16.000 Tartar
viotims. Of this total, 824,000 w»re inter
red in the Crimea, including 210,000 In
the neighborhood of Sepaetopol Those
killed in battle were bnt 80,000, end allow
ing an equal numb r for the loesaa from
wounds, 281,000 mud have auooumbed
from disease. The death of aiok persona
sent away from th* seat of war wereabont
60,000 more, whioh makes the number of
dead, from the Crimesu campaign alone,
over 410,000. It will be seen from the
above calculation, that ont of some 410,
000 soldiers who aoooumbed during the
Crimean campaign, 30,000 only were actn-
aliy killed in battle, some 800,000 dying
from die sees. Hew many of these deaths
i preventable, bad a more judicious
and liberal use bean nude of medical as-
aiataooe, it ware vain to speonlate; but of
this there ean be no doubt, an able medl-
oal staff, although apparently a eoetly
item, lv ia tha long raw, try fas tha moat
eoonomieal investment a nation nadartek-
ing a oampeign oan make. The loss of
one or two hondnd thousand trained sol-
disrs from sieknsea is a very serious con
sideration, and oa* a nation proud of its
reputation far science might wall be
ashamed of.—Lancet.
Tbe lata Praaidaotial contest engen
dered mnoh “bad Mood," which coolness
and judgment will oorreet Th* ‘i)al
blood” indooad by a neaiatent violation
of Nature’s great bnt simple laws requires
not only ooolneM and Judgment, bnt obe
dience to hygienic raeaeoree and tha
proper am of Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture to
insara its purification.
room on ths oatital Qunmon-
bill or moms waoumms inn
Bps Mat to the OhroaM* sad OmrtriartmeHit.]
Atlaxta, July 24.—Tba OonatitnUon-
at Convention met in the
morning, at half peat eight o’<
President, Hon. Ohtf. J.
Morions to reconsider sections agreed
to yesterday were tabled.
ths capital.
Mr. Lewis submitted the majority and
minority reports of the Capital Commit
tee. The majority make no recommenda
tion as to the location, bnt after setting
forth tbo amount Atlanta has dona far Ibe
oapital. favors a rianaa embodied in tha
Constitution fixing a location. Tbs mi
nority favor* submitting to ttra people as
* separate mss wore. Both reports writ bs
was resumed. Section 16 waa agreed to.
Mr. Wright submitted a clausa bn lob-
Mr, Hsnsril agreed aa to the impor
tance of declaring it crime, bat thought
definition of the term should bo left to
the Legislators. Thus amended it pre
vailed and follow* section two.
Mr. Gertrell farther emended the new
section, adding: “And tbo Assembly en
forces this provision with suitable penal-
tie*." Carried.
Mr. Lawton amended section seven
teen, adding: “And shall provide by
lew for reaohinn property oonoealed
from the creditor. Something similar
was introdnoed yesterday, bnt be wee
glsd it did not pees. Tbe section pro
hibiting imprisonment for dabtaboold
stand unamended, bot It is evident' that
farmers end mechanise, whose property
is easily soiled and levied on; would not
bo on an equal footing with bondholders,
who looked ap property Is vaults. Home
men evon boast that they have money bnt
don’t intend to pay tbelr debts. He wished
to provide means'to affect 1Ut class by
process of law. Adopted) nad tbe seotion
thus amended read. „
Bection eighteen via amended by Mr.
Wilson. The word “neither" before
tbe word “banishment" 1 and after tha
word “State” the words “or whipping,”
end the word “not” were erased.
The motion to forbid oapital punish
ment ea one of the usage* of barbarism
wee overwhelmingly lost; amid laugh
Section eighteen waa agreed to a:
Beetion nineteen was amended by Mr.
Ellington,' striking out in Um one all ibe
words revs the last four.
Gen. Toombs moved to strike ont Ml
from the word “bnt,” line 2, this beib(
calculated to Shoourege carrying oonoealei I
Mr. Warren, of Chatham, opposed it,
and tbe amendment wa* lost
Section 19, as amended, waa agreed to.
Mr. Mynett moved to amend' seotion
20, striking ont “entirely” after the work
“eridenoe.” This Judging of th* law arid
faots, he eMd, oreated mnoh oonfoeibn.
The judge was required to know the iffw,
J ret how inoonsisthnt to make juries
gnorant of lew judge* thereof. So great
will be the oonfnelon that tba guilty Will
escape and tbe.lnnocent be punished. No
such a law should prevMl. Tbs lory is
the great palladium, bat the finding of
faots ia ell that U neceaaaty. If
judges of law tbag ahoald study and learn
law. Tbe oonrt should perform its func
tions aud tbe jnry theirs. In oases of
appeal to the Supreme Oonrt he didn’t
know whether the jnry acted oh lew or
Mr. Little said if tbe Jury were right
fully Judaea of the law so that a man oould
be entirely tried by his peers; ofeetwlw
judges so interpret law that the peers
oannot gainsay tt. But now a criminal's
ahaskl* any a*ohre«**nrra which favored ,
corporation*. An Jen Black said, these
corporations were “sticking long bony |
fingers ia the pockets of child ran whnss
fathers see yet unborn.” Capital mk't
why w d°o'| it q^Jt Ww
Mr. Toombs: Yon me
Mi have it.
ronatitntiolrt, bnt
revised oode*. In NeW York it stand*
-there. Look at bar canal* and manufac
tories. in P*nn*ylv<nu Wdcnnfe*
strongest of Ml, founded after
experience. Society cant exist Wife
vocable privilege*.
Mr. Matthews: This is ■ great qi
tton; affecting futara interests and tha
of posterity.
Manse, if it signifies
never grant ehsrtsrS to .
irrevocable t It is not forth* fifed 'off
tbe Btate. UnqurottonaMy few Mato has
th* power to revoke inromltio*; but it
is not wise to do so. There ia n» ques
tion of vested right The Legislator*
may subject the property of corporation*
to taxation, the earn* as tbs individual.
Let thorn do U. Bat is it wtaautoroy feat
in future no enterprise shall b* aneour-
aged by Irrevocable grants 7
Mr. Warren:' It touches th*popular
Mr. Toombs: Bat I am impressed with
tbe idea that I am. legislating fundamen
tally for no men or against any particular
interest. Let’s make th* laws such that
tbe ship of Btate shall calmly aMt for
ages hoists It t* again Msseaary to Kit
her from the water for inspection or re
wire. Who would invest money under
Revocable charters f lam not afreidl to
trust th* Legislature with my asoney, bnt
would Dost no man with th* propwty of
Mr. Matthews' motion wee finally ta
Section 21 was flnMiy agreed to anm-
Mr. Wofford introduced a Manse forbid
ding leasing oonviots to bidden end pro
viding for their confinement in' peniten
tiaries. Be mode a long speech teeming
with blood, thunder and baaoombe and
finally withdrew th* section.
Mr. JCey amended section 22, Inserting
tbe word “first” between the words “be
ing end paid,” line 1. Adopted ne emend'
Ail tbo following aaotions to Um last
were adopted unamended.
Mr. 'Featherstone amended section 80
by inserting tbe words “after thereof,”
line 2, “whan it may be neeeaeify to tbelr
safety and happiness, bnt'every such
right be exeroised in pursnsno* of tbe
law sod Oonstitotion of th* United
On a motion to table, Mr. Hill ealled
the yeas and neye. The oMl wet sustained
—yea*, 184; nays, 48.
Mr. Beene moved to strike ont the
words “and form of government,” linen 2
and 8. He was opposed to infusing po-
liticel principles in the Coastiintten. At*
involved the question of dividing fea-
Government from its foundation to the
iresent time. He believed the Slaton to
lave the right to control the Government,
but waa opposed to putting this In the
This change waa reoeived, and aaotlon
80 agreed to.
. Matthews introdnoed tbe following
as an additional lection, whioh wke adop
ted : “The enumeration of the righto
herein contained ia part of the Ocnatitu-
tion, bnt shell not be oonstrued to deny
to the people any inherent rights whioh
may hs7e hitherto inured.” ’
Tbe Bill of Bights was adopted' aa
emended unanimously.
fellow-oitieena may judge whether or not
tbe law is right and Tally expounded
ThiB is a great right from oaf father*. If
we preserve it onr liberties remain ibtaa;
It stricken ont trial is by the soar! end
not by the jnry.
Mr. Mynett’e amendment was finally
Mr. Gertrell added after the word
“facta” the words “the power of judge*
to grant new trials in oesee at oonriettoc
ia reserved.” Aooepted.
Mr. Angnstns Basse, after tbe word
'oesee," substitute, “have fight to find
a general verdiot of gulltyor not gnitty.”
Mr. Toombs said : “The gentlemen is
trying to make tbe Convention do whet
it just now refused to do. Tbe opposi
tion seems willing for the jqry'to judge
of the law in oases of eiaoder, but not To
protect the life end libertie* of tha peo
ple. All jnrors know th* erimiuM lew.
At the expenses of their lives yon poniib
them, nuder supposition that knowing
few* they violate them.”
Mr. Heese did not agree with General
Toombs aa to the precedent. Juries do
find special vardiota end jndgee determine
offenoes under them. H4 knew that since
the penal oode of 1883 raoh had prevailed,
aud many times ia OomulgohOtreuU there
would be no use of having judges if joriCs
have the exoluaive privilege to determine
The motion to table Btaro’s resolution
was carried.
Mr. Hammond moved to strike ont tbe
whipping olanae. Canted.
Beetion 20 wet adopted.
Mr. Gnerard proposed e seotion to fdl
low this numbering in the printed report
twenty-one, bot in tha revised sad
amended report twenty-six ; “No per
son shall be compelled to give testimony
tending in any manner to oriminaia him
self.” Reoeived.' .
Mr. Tift offered Um following, to fol
low seotion four and numbered as seotion
five: “Any person may proaaonte or da
fend a cause with or without an attorney.
Mr. Matlhawa moved to etrike ont
seotion twenty-one, Una two, all words
between'“ooDtreot*’’ and “shall.”
Mr. Soreven'rapportod this. If Irrevo
cable grants ware entirely prohibited end
oliarten of oorpoiattuos rovooabie, oapital
would be intimidated and enterprise baf-
Mr. Warren opposed these gentlemen.
There are oases where tbe Btate granted
privileges and when found
revoke oould not da it. On* enter prise
particularly being protected thns oonld
not be disturbed when it ought to be, be
cause it bore none of tbe crpastern of the
Government When privileges are-gran t-
ej, the State ahoald retain aathoxity over
them aud reserve fee right to repeal
Corporatioha are growing too immense in
power. Tbe people dhiaM retain this
power for their own preservation. W*
must stand np to privileges already gram
ed, but hereafter grant non* Mt what w
oan revoke when fee pnbHe demands it.
If corporation* feared to trust th* legis
lature we had batter. net tenet’ oospore-
Mr. Toombs acid: Ia 1888 fee Georgia
and Central Roads wers granted perpetual
exemption from taxation, save one-half
per sent on property. What they have
gotten, let them snap, bene nee we saa’t
help ourselves; but grant no more. Mas
sachusetts Ant cried halt in irrevocable
grants. Nearly every State ia fee Union
followed. New York end Pennsylvania
notably eo. Shall enipaealiro or the
people govern 1 With tbe people revenues
are the Ufa of fee Btate. KiU ravenoea
end it paralyse* the Btate. Q* wanted to
IE ar* pleased to notify oer easterners and th* publto that ea aesonat of oar ******* la
liiiHr, and warreatlaa as food work sa token by say one. W* ksepweU posted4# all
i. Our SI* sttlmi now being Introduced cannot b* sxosllsd, sad Af* owl/ takes
mmElv, and at prim lower than caa be hail at say pise* North or gottll. -
Oopria*andmaUnatoisaPtatarooIromoldPtstasoe,llnlsrteg, Bstoesktonoa*Improving
otdor a«w Pictures. Wohovo a apodal artist for swsh work only, making tt s mot* VUCeoOS
- 1 :o: -
Rapretantbiff the Well-known, Reipomible and Justly Popular Companiei,
Commercial Union Assurance Company,
LONDON—Aetett $19,381,671 02, Gold.
Westchester Insurance Company, N. Y.*
Assets Si,000,000, Cold,
Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company,
RAN FRANOItCO—The Mott Popular tn*. Oo. in the United State*.
All of those OotnponlM ohoorfolly di
wllh tha G oorgla * *■ -
Apply to «STi&Sfti
N ear AavertiRemonti.
Taught by tho Profr. of Latin, Greek and
[■thematic. Soialon bogtn* Sfopt. XT, 1877.
•nd lor catalogue to J. &. BLAKE, Uhalr-
lan of Faculty. i
St. F. BUBNBAM’8 “1S74”
BINE,” by over OSO peraona who cm It.
gate,, roaueed.
Tbe I’rnrlul Ttil of th* Vale* of a
able; la tlta*. Do** *ay*r.*nw wooln
claim* put forth In It* favor at tbaoutootf I*
the grand question. Apply this criterion, »o
■Impto, yot »o lurching, to TanaajrW* S»*fe-
vasuEMT Silts an Afbuiumt. How ha* ; It
Worn 7 Whut liu. boon It* history T Howddo*
It atand to day 7
rurmui’s Oeltser Aperient
I* a household nemo throughout tho Veil
_____ JMdroti*,
nervous debility, liver oomplaiat, tattlraa re
mittents, bowel oomplalot* (OipOeiauy oooatl-
putlon), rheumatism, gout, giuvvt,naire*;th.
oomulolnti neoullar to the maternal sex, pad
all types of ^Inflammation. Scfnlld ts It in tt*
operation that It oaa bo gives with' peridot
safety to tho foobloit ohlld t and so agreeable
I* It to tbo taste, *o refiwahlng to the-potato,
that children never For Ml*
by all druggtit*.
tfifi a week lh yonr own tone. Tern* rod
ADO rt outfit ft**. U. HALLETT A OO.,
Portland, Maine.
: Bntra Fine Mined Card*, with name,
. L. JONES It OO.,
IRR O (77 A WHk to Affonta. tlOOatflt
#t)t) h fl( FK£E. P. O. VlOJt/KliY
August*, Me.
FOB THE nitgL ]
S UPERIOR icoommodatloa* he alt Uanrt
Separate department* for opUoptlea and
nervous Invalids, For term* of admtmioa rod
circular address W. 8. UHIPLEX, M. T>-
The Georgia Iron Works,
Cue nils, S;nj
*9“ Alto Jtepairt GW bt+m.
myt dfcwtg
iWtjta iiM per Dm!
KMaine* Photograph Gallery in Fall Blast.
npanlM shrerfully daposlt Bond, (U. 8.) with th* Btate Treasurer, to comply
_ low* for protection of Policy Holder*.
Risks reasonably rated, Policies written, Losses lotrlv adjusted and promptly paid.
Application, tor Iosuraae* mad* at eltlior our Odes, next to ToTogroph OMre, or to G.
1U cf BY JORDAN, Eagle It Phonlx Manufacturing Company's Olttoo, will rooolt* prompt
ttanUon. iyl am
Semper Idem! Semper
1849. WIIXCOX’S 1877.
Insurance JVgencv!
The 8ame Time-Tried, Fire-Tested Experience!
The 8»me Old, 8trong, Rich List!
The 8ame Maislve Array of Gold Asoete 1
The Seme Prompt, Skillful, Liberal Dealing!
Aetna Inturano* Oompfiny Assets (Gold), $ 7,978,127.44
North Britleh and Mercantile Inturano* Oom’y Aacata (Gold), 16,887,892.26
Hartford Firo laturanoo Company... Assets (Gold), 8,278,869.24
tl Insuranoo Company Assets (Gold), 19,869,429.06
tlnental Inturano* Oompany Assets (Gold), 8,64V,686.29
Inturano* Ocmpany of North Amario* Assets (Gold), 6,«m,884.61
Now York Underwriter*’ Agonoy Aaroie (Gold), 8,860,781.47
Phonlx Inturano* Oompany Suau (Gold), 2,782,902.92
Union Marin* and Fir* loturonoa Oompany Aaroie (Gold), 766,781.07
Virginia Homo Inturano* Oompony... Assets (Gold), 288,199.09
Total Aaroie (Gold) $62,888,904.14
ss« same Grand Companies paid tbelr SIXTEEN MILI.IONS for tome* In Ghleamrod
Bolton In 1871 end 1872 without htrtt atlon or delay. For Pollolea In raoh Compute* apply to
* BUks taken anywhere In th* Btate. Losses paHd here. tube oodtf
“The Beet is the Cheapest!”
This Maxim applies with peculiar force to vour
We represent, and when Losses occur, you will surely, py
Indemnified ;
Cotton Factory.
E WILL SELL, on th* lath c
1877; in Tuscaloosa, Ala., th*
Kennedale Cotton Mills,
Eight mile* from this olty, on A. A O. B. R.;
“ 'laehtnory and apptrteaaaoc* con.
itod therewith; alao, largo lot of One Wool.
Machinery; also, about 1,000 aeru VAL-
leh said Mill* ar* altuated. From r*w c
ten UM Factory oan make abort 4,000 vai
^ Qo#)J< foe.
Reduction in Rates.
* July, th* Bata* via C*n-
iral Lino Boat* to all point!
on th* Ghattaheoeb* and rimt 1
rlvor* will b* aa follogs:
Flour, per barrel
_ J», Till
RsteS will not bs ebsagsd wltbovt M tori i
STEAN8K WILLY, W. A. fry, CsfUifi,
Leave* Saturday* at X A n for Apalaohioo-
la, Flu.
’ For further latormatlon rail on
Oflte* at 0. E. Hoohttraaaor’*,
sh«tta*mr’«.. jafcia
richabd o. Molester,
rtutoloosa, June, 27, 1*77. A jaj?*d«w
Administrator’s Sale.
By O. 8. HARRISON, Anetlonoar.
1 will fell, on < ho FIRST TUESDAY IN
JOUST NEXT, at tha Btoro-houre, No. 140
Brood Street, Colunshu, Go., lately ooouplod
by J. J. Whitt)* A Oo., a largo and frash stoek
ofGrororto* and Ooooral Morahandteo, oon-
tbo late arm of J. J. WklUte A Oo. Sold for
•eoount of ottate of John T. MoLeod, '
ha portehablo pr. party. Tertaaooah.
July M, 1*77—1(1
For Sale at Anction,
A on th* flrit Tooiday In Aagaatn*xt<(7th),
th* property known aetaa
City Warehouse,
now ooouplod by A. Gamma! a* a Stabte, oa
Oglethorpe street. Said property cover* half
aero of ground, and I* In fl stela** order, rod
la protected fiom hr* by high parapet wal
th* rear, with a brick and eoawt roof oa
north th* onur roof, •old’to b# flrs-proof.
Term*: One third cult, balane* In oa* and
two 7oar, at raven nor out. Interact.
Pomraton give* tet of oototmr next.
Jyietd LOU 18 F. GARRARD.
W* hare just ngoirod oa acarignaraat
f dllfMont^rartbottem^rkw. For fer-
PEOPLE’S limb:.
Th* MW and elegant
Steamer 0. Gnnby Jordan,
\lf ILL SAIL «v*ry Ture-
yy day, at a. w. lor Bain-
. 7.7 d ‘ » A.-IK. for ]
bridge and apalaohlooln.
Flour par barrel..
Colton per bate.
Other Freight* la proportion.
Through oonoeetlon made with J. P. A M.
.. B. at Ohaitabooshro ter all point* tn Flori
da, and Fernandtu* Lin* of Steaman to Now
York. Through rat** or freight* to and Rom
a Now York lower thaa by any other reate.
cw York Agenta, U. H. Mallory A Oo., 163
rtdnn Lana, New Turk.
„ *f For Freight or Pi nag* apply oa heard
Steamer to T, H. MOoKE, (laptelo,
Or J. F. Mtaoaua, Puraor. : . jyilm
th* Publto for th* i
"vow.. 1IIOO
« month.. *oou
Children nndor lxyoare and oolored rarvaoti
hair prioa.
rt- HACKS to moot mom tag ana ovonlcg
Train* on North A South Railroad,
Otoro oonnoetlen 1* mad* at Saaova,
to roily tea.
myrttf Proyrtewr.
To Ttoa WiiUsi tr
Rob Tloy
ty oo* wlthlog to brood wUI ptaawrofoQ
o*U and mo him. iylTaoSd*