Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, July 27, 1877, Image 1
nquivtf. VOL. XIX. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1877. NO. 177 THE REBELLION. MOB CONTINUES RIOTING. No ProgroM Made Against Strikers Except in New York. NEW YORK CENTRAL ALL RIGHT. kAe make* an easy compromise. Perea Olube at Sk Louis and Mobs at Ohleago. 8L Lmh Sokacribes $12,Ml far Anu ui 11,IW Eh to Carl tk Cains, ¥p» SIX HUNDRED U. S. TROOPS THERE. Loaders of Mobs Arrested in Various Places nun HUNDRED X SO SOU SZTOXT nos STTHAMDOATMEK—ROASD OF TRADE SOS rams and mast rushes) houses clou —n. ohioaqo mob bbatbh, a number EILtiRD ASD MAST WOUNDED—BUTCHERS TBBBATBK TO OOMB IK AMD CUSAH OUT FOLIOS—UNITED STATBS TROOP* FIBB OANNON LOADBD WITH POWDER AT BIOT. BBS- MOB THOUGHT TO BB BROKEN— SOABD OF TBADB OBABOBB BULBS—8,000 TIOILAFT1 GUARD SAM FRANCISCO— TIBS, AMD MOB PUT DOWN—BOMB KILLBD—MOB OTBSAWAD AT LOUD.TILLS—ALL QUIET THEBE—MOBB STBIXBS IS FBBRSTLTAHIA —TBS KILLBD ASD FITTT WOUNDED IN A LATBFIOHT AT BE AD IN O—A WATCHMAN MUBDBBXD, AND TWO OTBSBS BADLT WOUBDBD AT MOUHT a'iST OH BALTIMOBB AMD OHIO BOAD—LEADERS OF MOBS IN BALTIMOBB HELD IN $1,000 ABD $6,000 BAIL—GOVERNMENT TROOPS GRANTED ILLINOIS ABD MIAAOUSI TO KEEP DOWN BIOTS—VANDERBILT WOH’T IN OLE APE WAGES—TROOPS ORDERED TO PROTECT UNITED STATES RECEIVES HOADS AND TRAINS ABD TO BB RUN—SEVERAL GOVER NORS ISSUE PBOOLAMATIOXS. PESSiTLVANIA RAILROAD WOM’T BUM TRAINS UNTIL LOTAL MSN ABB PROTROTED. l>wi.An»i.pma, July 26.—The offioersof ths PeDDsjlTsnik Rood reported every thing, quiet on their road, but refuse to nut trains until their loysl men are pro- AT TOLEDO, OHIO. . Toledo, July 26.—Every large shop it olesed. The meloonteute took possession of the etand at the meeting. Iooendiary epeeohes were made, but no deatruotion direotad. VBB MOB OUTS BEADING DEPOT—TEN KILLED ABD FIFTT WOUMDBD IN REGENT FIGHT, Bradiho, Pa., July 26.—The mob gut ted the depot here. The [telegrapher on duty, with several men, escaped through Ub aide door. Four rioters were wounded at Bhemtken by eittaena. They cell for troupe. Ten men were killed and fifty wounded in Beading during tbu recant fight. at enAcOsn. Syracuse, N. Y., July 26.—The etrikers bold Beat Syracuse. The troops ere to move on them this morning. BPBEBLLiYILLB BTBIKBBS aUBBBMDBS. Albast, N. Y., July 26.—Governor Robinson has edvtoea that the Homells- viUe etrikers have suisaoderad. DBTAXBBD PAtHOtBS AT BBIB. Erie, July 26.—Detained peaaengera ohartered a steamer and went to Buffalo. ■Minus of Tan d, l. and w. bailboad TO BTBIBB. Newark, N. J„ July 26.—Engineers of tfaeD., L. end W. road have decided to strike. SBOnoH OF SOUTHEASTERN BULBOAD NORTH OF OHIO RIVER STRUCK. Evauvillb, Ind., July '26.—The Bt. Louis and South Eastern railroad etrnok. Strike does not effect the Southeastern Motion henoe to Nashville. LeunVTLLU BIOTBBS OVBKAWBD, LbuTwizxe, July *6.—Blot ere seem overawed. The railroad men are acting with the citisena. FSSUSBUBO—ABBBSTS—OBLT TBS DATS FOOD Prtiburo; July 26.—Many arrests have been made. All la quiet. Them ere only * ten days food in the city. GXX04Q0—MIGHT OF TUIOI—OK* KILLED. Chicago, July 26.—The night hie been one of excitement end trouble. Many were hurt, ono or two fatally, sod one killed. No deatruotion. IH IBAVGHOO—THRKE THOUIIYD VIOI- Lam OOMTKOL THE CITY—IDUM—MOW ■Mi— OHIMKfiX QCABTIEi—SIVUiL OF m OITIZEMt AID OF TBS MOB KILLED. 8am Fbaxouoo, July 26.—The oitiun •ausmittoee ware engaged ell day in or ganising. They assembled at 7 p. m. in Agricultural Hell. W. P. Coleman celled the oommitteee to Older. Almoet immediately e fire was reported in the Paeiflo Mail Dock, in the the busbar yard. One hundred armed with elnbe, were diapetebed to the aoenc, followed soon by one hnndred more. The remainder were told off in companies by wards, and with the exception of two hundred moved to the City Hall, to await orders from the Chief of Potieo. Maty were sent to diapeeee the erowd la Math and Howard streets, engaged in psubing OUneu hooase. AU the oom- ittoemen are armed with olnbeln addi tion to pocket Arms. Muskets will be M neoeamry. The fire gains in the lumber yard. A man detaoted in outtingthe hue Wee abot deed. The fire ooeurred oomer of Stockton and Broadway. A detachment of vigi lante were aent there. The oentral por tion of the eity was quiet. President Coleman says he hae thru thousand vigi lante on hud. At eleven o’elook the fire at Stockton and Broadway, wu extinguished. Basil crowds of "hoodlums” ere moving about mnsahlag Chinese homee. Vigilante ere following them. The fire in the lumber yard gains strength. The mobs Sire beoomlng more demonstrative, attaoUng the polioe end vigilante with atones. Two vigilante were shot. Another alarm oomes from Mission and Stewart, e few blooks from the lumber yard end factories. By one o’olook the crowds had mostly dispersed from the Paoifio Melt docks. The fire is under oontrol, end the polioe end vigilante are master* of the situation, long ohain etretohed from the mail docks wee oaptured, end the roughs ire meneoled to it. The ships in dock, were towed to a plaoe of safety. The driver of a hoee out wee shot deed, and two other eitiEens were killed; end there are innumerable stone end olub wounds At present the rioters who are roaming about in smell squads ere eloeely wetohsd. San Francisco, July 26, 2 o’olook.—The whole oity is petrolled by the polioe and vigilante. Four thousand arms were reoeived from the arsenal at Beneoia by the late boat; also ammunition end a thousand revolv ers. OOMPBOMleB AT HOBNBLLSVXLLB—TBN PU OUT. REDUCTION WITH FREE EBNTAL OF LARD, HO ABBBSTS AND NO DIBOHABOBS, Hobnellrvillb, July 26.—The compro mise men go to work at 10 per eent. re- dnolion, free rental of land along the traok, no disohergee on aooonnt of the strike, no arrests exoept for dangerous criminal offenses. The Governor has been reqaeated to remove the troops, end general aatiefeotion ie expresaed all ronnd. COMPROMISE AT BAST BXBACUU. Syracuse, July 26.—A compromise ie made at East Syracuse. Trains start as soon as convenient. QUIET AT INDIANAPOLIS. Indianapolis, July 26.—The men Agere of roads having quietly submitted to the stoppage by strikers, matter* ere quiet, No treine ere ran on the Vinoennee end Pan Handle roeda; other roads ran postal* only. It ie thought the etrikers ere yield ing to publio opinion end will allow pas sengers to run to- day. BNGINEEBS AND FIREMEN OF MICHIGAN AND CENTRAL STRIKE AT DETROIT, Detroit, July 26.—Miehigsn Oentral engineers and firemen struck, an effort at oompromise having failed. No disturb' enoe ie oxpeoted. ST. LOUIS SECCBBS ORDER. St. Louis, July 26.—All work is stop ped, but s formidable polioe end oitizens organization eeonrea order. LEHIOH AND SUSQUEHANNA STRIKE LOOKS AS if rr would fail. Mauoh Chunk, July 26.—Appearenoes indicate that the etrikers on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Division will not be able to hold out. One-fonrth of the men re fused to go out, end beside* these there are three fall orews working here, end three orews et White Haven reedy to go to work. Coal trains were ran on the Nesqnasbcning Valley Boad this morning without iuterferenoe. This will keep the miners st Summit Hill and the oanel men et work. VISITING INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS AT ST. LOUIS—INSOLENT EXTORTION OF BB, OBOES. St. Louis, July 26.—A number of tbs striking meohanics and s number of the workingmen's party, and some 800 negro laborers, on the levee, started from Luoas market end visited a large number of mennfaotnring establishment* in the southern pert of the oity, ooinpelling ell employees to stop work, putting out all fires in engine rooms, end olosing build' ings. Several Urge floor mills were among the establishments olosed, No reapeet of persons was shown, the women and girU being treated in the seme manner sa the men. All were forced to stop work, whether they were willing or not. The oolored pert of the orowd marched np the levee, end foroed ell steamboat* end oomptny’e offl oers of the Independent steamers to sign pledgee to inorease the wage* of ell oleaaaa of steam boat and levee laborer*. Their demand* were of the most extortionate oharaoter, the inorease insisted on ranging from ebont 69 to 100 per eent. They were peremptory, and would not allow * boat to leave the wharf until the demands were aooeded to. QUIBT IN THX SOHUTKILL VALLET, Pottsvtllb, July 26. — A general quietness prevsiU throughout the Bohuy kill region to day. CHICAGO—150 BIOTEBS WOUBDBD AND KILLED —TWO BOVS KILLED AND ONB POLICEMAN. Chicago, July 26—11 A. M.—Advioee from West 12th street stele that the mob U bolding a email deUohment of polioe in cheek. One policemen was eerionsly wounded with a stone. The Beoond Beg- iment has been called ont to assist the polioe. It wee reported et 10 o’elook this morn' ing that the polioe had a fight with the mob on Newbury evenne anil fifteen of the rioters were hurt. A squad of mount - ad volunteers, withdrawn sabres, oherged on the Sixteenth street mob. On* hun dred end fifty rioters were wounded end ten killed outright. Six polioemen were wounded. At 11:80 a. m. two boys were killed et Holstead street vieduot. One polioemen reported killed. The mob bee dispersed and all is quiet In that vioinity now. BALTIMOBB—GRAND JURY INDICTING RIOT- BAIL FIXED AT $1,000 TO $6,000. Baltimore, July 26.—Thu grand Jury made 21 praaeotmenta for rioting. In the oaaa of the four parties charged with being the originators of the riot and as sault on the 6th regiment on Friday night last, bail waa fixed et $6,000. Neither party gave bail. Of the 68 parffea held for the notion of the grand Jary, 20 gave bail in $8,000. Of 70 parties held for farther hearing geva bail In $1,000. Court then adjourned. LEADER of ALBANT riot IN JAIL. Poughkeepsie, July 26.—A detective arrested Van Hoeaen, leader of the Albany riot, and hurried him iu ehaklee to Troy jail. QUIBT AT ALBAMI. Albant, July 26.—All U quiet at Want Albany. No farther disturbance is up prebended. The shop* will probably be opened and men at work to-morrow. ALTON AND CHICAGO ROAD BUSPEHDID. Alton, III , July 26.—The Alton and Ohioago Boad have (Depended all train* until protection to property end men are aaenred. FREIGHT TEAlN■ STOPPED AT BT. JOSEPH, musoubl Sr. Joseph, Mo., Jnly 26.—The railroad men bald a mama meeting end resolved to stop the freight treine on all roads until increased wages ere allowed. The roads thus blookeded are the Hannibal and St. Joe, the St. Louis, Ksnsas City and Nor thern, the Ksnsas City, Bt. Joe and Conn- oil Bluff,' and the St. Joseph and Denver. BBIB BOAD RUNRINO TRAINS. New Yore, Jury 26.—Erie Bailway offloials announce the strike at Hornells- viUe ended. The Erie Hallway ie open end treine ere now running regularly be tween New York end Selemenoa and Dunkirk. OUOAQO—REGULARS TURN LOOSE CANBON OB MOB. Ohioaoo, Jnly 26.—At 11:40 o’olook tha artllery left their quarter* for the soene of conflict whioh is now et the corner of Holstead and Sixteenth streets, and a few minutee after the booming of oannon showed that tha regulate had opened on the mob with grape and oan* ister. A correspondent et the soene ooo< firms this. The slaughter will be terrible. [Nora: The fsot that tha seoond rag' iment with two guns bed left for the scene has not been oonflrmed by offloiel dispatches to the Seoretery of War, There ere no offloiel details.] LOUISVILLE—MOB BILEHCBD — OOVEBNOB’s PROCLAMATION. Louisville, Jnly 26.—Bat little fear of further trouble is entertained. The dis play of the oitizens has bed its effeot, end indiostlons point to a resumption of ths usual quietude and business. Gov. HoOreary has leaned a proolama tlon, railing upon ell the Mayors and Sheriffs to be vigilant In the discharge of their duties, and asking all ottlzena to nee every effort to evert violenoe and exoite- ment. TROY, N. T., POLICE DISTRESS A CROWD Trot, N. Y., July 26.—A maas meeting of laborers wee railed for st 12, noon, to day. On assembling the polioe very qnietly dispersed the orowd. BT. LOUIS EXCHANGE AND MANX MERCHANTS HAVE OLOSED. St. Louis, Jnly 26.—The Merchants' Exchange bee closed subjeot to the order of its President, and s great many busi ness houses have shot up. Gov. Phelps has arrived. TOLEDO—TWENTY RINGLEADERS ARRESTED. Toledo, O., July 26.—The organise' tion of oitizens was oomplsted lest night, and to-day twenty ring leaders of the mob were arrested. No farther trouble is an- tioipated. OOVEBNOB OF ILLINOIS APPLIES FOB U. S. TROOPS. Ohicao, July 26.—The Governor of Illinois this morning made a formal ap plication to the President for troops. INDIANAPOLIS—STRIKERS PERMIT A PASSEN GER TRAIN, BUT NO EXPRESS OB FBRIOHT MATTER. Indianapolis, Jnly 26.—Quiet here. The order of the strikers is that the roads shall ran one train a day eaoh way, oarry ing mails end passengers, healing as many coaohes as may be neoeaaary. No express or other freight will be allowed. NRTE STRIKE OVER—DELAWARE, L. AND WESTERN ON LT PARTIALLY STBUOK. Binohampton, N. Y., July 20.—Erie train No. 16 oama through from Hornella- ville at 11:3S A. M. on sohedule time with out interference from the strikers. There is muoh rejoicing here that the Erie strike ie over. The Delaware, Lsokewen* and Western strike will not extend to the divisions of that road north of Bingbampton. NEW XOBK CENTRAL RUNNING AS USUAL. Rochester, July 26.—The New York Central Railroad is entirely open end trains are running rs usual east and watt. OOLUMRUS, OHIO—NO FREIGHT TRAINS AND DREAD RIOT FRABID. Columbus, O., July 26.—The oitisens petrol the streots day end night. No freight trains are moving. Psaaenger trsfflo has been resumed. It is feared that unless the freight traffle is soon al lowed to proceed the situation will be rendered more desperate by bread riots. GOV. WILLIAMS, OF INDIANA, (MUM A PROC LAMATION. Indianapolis,Jnly 26—2:30 p. m.—Gov. Williams issued a proclamation at noon to-day oommandiog the enforcement of the lawn, and calling upon the sheriffs of the various oounties to nee their utmost eudeavor* to prevent violenoe and preeerve the peaoe. Judge Grachs m, of the Doited States Oourt, has leaned aedere to marshal* to proteet property in oharge of the Court. MB, HATM ORDERS UNITED STATES TROOPS TO EE USED AT OHIOAOO. Washington, Jnly 26, 1877. Ool. R. G. Dunn, Assistant Adjutant Gen eral, Ohioago, Illinois: The President directs that yon ns* United States troops in oaae of an emer gency In euppneaing the riot et Ohleago, under order* of the Govern of of the State. E. D. Townsend, Adjutant General. OHIOAOO BOARD OF TRADE mPRMDS RULES. Ohioaoo, July 26.-8 f. m.—For some unknown reason no farther ieUUtgs eon be obtained from ibe scene of eon* fliot, either by telegraph or through mes sengers. The Board of Trade has temporarily suspended their rales, so that business la virtually at a stand still. LATER—OHIOAOO POLIOE AND VIGILANT* CARRYING PRISONERS TO JAIL. Ohioaoo, Jnly 26.—At 8:40 e press re porter on the ground telegraphs s large erowd of polioe end mounted vigilante an eondaotiog prisoners to the station. They era oroeeing Holstrad street viednet. Many ehola era being fired by the rabble, end eerioae trouble is anticipated before they get across the vieduot. The offloe of the Metropolitan Telegraph Company nearest the scene waa taken possession of by the mob this forenoon, whioh aooounta for dilatory and meagre report*. The next nearest offloe wee several block* away, and is managed by * lady operator. NEST ALBANY—VANDERBILT WON'T IN CREASE WAOM—PROBABLE STRIKE. Bpeciol lo Enquirer. Sun.) Albany, Jnly 26.—A masting of the strikers wai held at West Albany, when Mr. Vanderbilt's reply to the oommittee wee presented. He raid it wee not i question of money, bat honor and princi ple, and he oonld not promise to do any thing for them now. A oommittee of six wee then appointed to oonfer with brtkamen and firemen relative to quitting work. Tha offloe rs of the meeting were diieoted to publish s notioe in the newspapers of the oity re questing the Weet Albany workingmen to keep away from the shops until the differ- ecoee between the workingmen end the offloiel* of the road were eettled. After * speech from a workingman named O'Neil, the meeting adjourned. ALL PASSENOEBa SUNNING AT CINCINNATI, epsrtsl to Enquirer-Bun.] Cincinnati, July 20.—Noon.—Every thing is qoiet np to this hour. Ali pas senger trains are running, exoept on the Ohio A Mississippi, end they propose to stert the St. Louis express this evening. TBOUBLE OVER IN NEW YORE AND BROOKLYN. Special to Enquirer-Sun.) Nxw York, July 26.—All trouble or fear of riots from the railroad strikes ap pears to be at an end. Everything so far is quiet in this oity end Brooklyn, though the polioe and military ere both held in readineea. Preparations are being made in Brooklyn to give the 28d Regiment a warm weloome on their retnrn. ONE WATCHMAN KILLED AND TWO OTHERS BADLV WOUNDED AT MT. AIRY. Special to Esyutror-dua.] Baltimore, Jnly 26.—At Mt. Airy, on the mein item of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 42 mile*’ from this oity, this morning, three men employed in guard ing the company's property st that point were fired Into by unknown parties, whether strikers or tramps is not known. One, James Colburn, wee fatally end the two others shot end very seriously In jured. OKiaAOO—CUTTING TELEGRAPH WIRES—THE CANNON FIRED TWO CHARGES OF POWDER CIGAR MAKERS STRUCK—MOB BROKEN UP. MpooUl la the Enquirer-Sun.) Chicago, Jnly 26.—Borne catting of telegraph wires ooeurred this afternoon on the Ohioago and Northwestern Hell' rood, end the mob attempted lo prevent tba telegraph foro* from replacing them The railway offloials ere awaiting devel opments, running very few trains end making no terms with the etrikers. The Audubon Gnn Olub has called a meeting of sportsmen to eld in preaerving order. All the cigar makers in the oity have straok. The polio* have dispersed the crowd on Hoisted street, where the fights ooonred this morning, and everything is qniet there. Moan tad police are petrolling that aeo- tion, end allow no gatherings of any kind. The truth about the oannon firing, seems to be that the artillery did firs two shots, bnt that the gone were loaded with nothing bnt powder. The number of oaaualtiee reported is large. The mob seems pretty well broken up, but probably wUl gather tgaln before mid night. A REPORTER SHOOTS A “MOBBBB"—$125,000 WORTH of MEAT SPOILED. Chicago, July 26.—A Time* reporter wee attacked by the erowd on Hoisted street e few moments ego, end responded by shooting one men. One of tbs police bee jnst been dangerously wounded. The foreman of the Illinois Peeking Company, jnst in from tb* stock yards, says the men attempted to work this morning bnt were driven off by the mob. He says on* hnndred and twanty-five thousand dollar* worth of meat will be spoiled to-day in thin establishment. The entire foroe of United States troops expected ere now her*. They ere six oompeniaa of the 9th, regiment of infantry. Societies for pro tection have been formed at most every ward to-day, end preparations for e lively oampaign to-night are complete. butchers' gang gomino to clean out po uch. It is reported that * gang from the stock yards are Mining, declaring they will dean ont every polioemen on Hoisted street. They are armed with batcher knives, gambrel atioks, end every oon- oeivable weapon. PASSBNOXB COACHES LEFT AT FAIRVISW. Special to Enquirer-Sun.) Bethlahem, Pa., Jnly 26.—It la re ported four passenger ooeobes wen oat from the train on the Lehigh Volley Rood et Feirview. The passengers are now on the mountains, eighteen mile* from Wilkeabarre. LEHIOH VALLHY (PENNSYLVANIA) STRIKE. •jMcietlo £*4*fr«r-a«*.) Allentown, Pa., Jnly 26.—All brake- men end firemen of this division of the Lehigh Valley Road, extending from Beaton to Manueh Chunk, straok at six o’olook this evening. All it quiet end orderly. WON'T BUN MAIL TRAINS. Special to fiacMirsr-Sva.] Easton, Pa., July 26.— The Lehigh Valley Railroad employees straok et nine o'oloek. The Striker* asy the mails can be ran, but it is understood offioera of the company will refuse to oarry them except upon regular passenger treine, QUIBT AT WILEBBABUB. Special lo £n«virvr-Am.] WiLxsBABBB, Pa., Jnly 26.—The Lehigh Volley Railroad have ell straok in thi* vioinity end trains will all be stopped after nine o'elock to-night. Everything is quiet. HOBTHBBN CENTRAL STRIKE. Special lo Enquirer-Suit.] Elmiba, N. Y., July 26.—The strike on the Northern Central et this point con tinue*. 600 U. B. TROOPS AT ST. LOUIS—OITIEeNS SUBSCRIBE $12,000 FOE BATTALION AMD WASHINGTON. THE BELLIGERENTS. ABBIVAL OP FIVE COM PAN! EH. AM. TALK NOT NO PIMBTINM. GEN. SCHOFIELD COMMANDS AT WASHINGTON —OEM. HANCOCK ACCOMPANIES THE TBOOPS—BKOBIVEBS APPOINTED BT THE UNITED ETATBS OOUBT8 TO BE SUSTAINED BY THE WHOLE POWER OF THE GOVERN. MENT—GEN. POPE TELEGRAPHS DINGER IS LESSENED AT ST. LOUIS—CABINET BB- LIBVB* CONDITION OF AFFAIRS IS BETTER — APPOINTMENTS AT CHARLESTON, 8. O., AND FOB THE THIRD TEXAS—EXCITEMENT OVER TROOPE PASSING THROUGH—ANOTH ER WAS VESSEL FOB WASHINGTON, ANNOUNCEMENT PREVIOUSLY OF BATTLES PREMATURE—RUSSIANS PLAY HAVOC WITH TURKISH MONITORS ON THE DANUBE. Spociol lo Enquirtr.Sun] Bt. Louis, July 26.—Gov. Phelps will issue e proclamation to-night. It is understood Gen. Jeff O. Davis baa orders from Washington to answer e oall from the Governor or Mayor to quell riots. Gen. Davis' foroe with late arrivals emounls to ebont six hnndred infantry and a battery of Gatling guns. A large mass meeting of merchants wee held this evening for the purpose of raising one or more bsttalions for the protection of the business interests of the oity. Twelve thousand dollars were sub scribed In a few minntes, to purohas* arms, and e oommittee was appointed to solicit further subscriptions. Another oommittee is to pnrohese the beet im proved rifle end Colt’s army revolver*. Gen. Joo. B. Grey waa appointed tooom mend the battalion, end an advisory Munoil of five prominent oitizens to oo-operate with the oommender. Services of the battalion were offered to Gen. Smith, who promptly aaaepted them, end will assign the oommend to the special duty of guarding the business pert* of the oity. One thousand men have been enrolled this afternoon and arms and emmnnitlon pnrohesed, whioh will be distributed as soon as the men ere organized. LITTLE PROGRESS AGAINST THI STRIKE. Special lo Enquirer-Bun.) Washington, Jnly 26.—No farther de tails from Obioego. Little progress ie making against the strike, except in New York State. GEORGIA CONVENTION. ARRIVAL OF TBOOP8I Washington, Jnly 26.—Five companies of the 18th Infantry have arrived, three of whioh proceeded to Oumberlaod. CABINET THINKS CONDITION IMPROVED. The Cabinet met to beer reports re gerdlng the strike. All are of the opin ion the condition of affaire to-day is muoh improved. OOMMAMDEBS. General Bohofleld will oommend here. General Hanoook will proceed with the troops, the objeot being to proteot the workmen in repairing the road. RECEIVERS APPOINTED BY UNITED STATES COURTS TO BB SUSTAINED. The United States oourts are to sustain the receivers appointed by them. The Judges ere to Issue writs to marshals in' straoting them to see that the roads in tho hand* of reoelvers ere not interfered with by the rioters, end the marshals have power to summon posses to entoroe the writ. This action in the view of the Cabinet brings ths rioters in direct opposition to the power of the Federal Government, end it wu agreed in the Cabinet that the whole power of the Government should be brought to bear to anatain the Marshals if neoessary. DANGER LESSENED AT BT. LOUIS. Gen. Pope telegraphs from Bt. Louis the danger of mob violenoe ie leuening hourly. APPOINTMENTS. Tbe President oommisstonel B. A. Bozeman postmaster at Charleaton. Tbe President appointed Bobert F. Campbell commissioner of 8d Tezu district. EXCITEMENT OVEB TBOOPS. A body of soldiers en route for Balti more were detained an hour and a half at the depot, a great orowd gathered and extra polio* called out. There were many reports end some excitement, but no de monstration. HURON TO WASHINGTON— REVENUE MONET AT WHEELING. Special lo Enquirer-Bun.) Washington, Jnly 26.—Tha lluron is ordered to Wuhington. Tbe OollMtor of Internal .Revenue st Wheeling asks whet to. do with money, end Ream telle him to hold until he oan send it to Cincinnati u asnsl. OHIO. DEBOCBATHJ PLATFORM. OPPOSE SUBSIDIES—FAVOR QBEINBAOKS— THE BBMOMITIZATIOH OF SILVEB—BE' PEAL OF RESUMPTION ACT, AND APPROVES hates’ dmoosatio southern folioi— DIIOBDBRBD LABOR RESULT OF VICIOUS REPUBLICAN POLICY. REPORTS OF THOSE BIO BATTLES UNTRUE. London, July 26.—It is probable tint the Russians will be oompelled to abandon Ardahan. Suleiman and Ranff Paahu have effect ed e junction of their force* end are now at the head of an army of 60,000 man on the Southern aide of the Balkans. Yes terday they were said to have taken the offensive end moved on Zenl Boghre, end aa the Russians on their pert have ceased advancing, it la expected that a great bat tle will soon be fought in that neighbor hood. The Timot' Bucharest correspondent Bays the report which he transmitted yes terday that tbe Grand Duke Nioholas had routed tbe Turks e Plevlna wu prema ture, bnt a general engagement la ex- peoted there immediately. The report of the greet defeat of Reonff wu also un founded. RUSSIANS DESTROY OB CRIPPLE TURKISH • MONITORS ON THE DANUBE. An offlolsl dispatch from Biala, an nounces that the Russian steamer Nioho lu and two sloops armed with oannon* end mitrailleuses, engaged the Turkish monitor nur Sillstria. She wu Mt on fire end considerably damaged, and sever al of her orew were killed end wounded. The Ruasitn vessels sustained insignifi cant damage. No loss. Five Turkish steamers, sndtwo monitors going from Hustohuk to Siiistria on tbe 28d inat, were attaoked by the Sloboeio batteriu. Three stoamers were burned and on* sunk. A special dispatoh from Berlin to tha Pall Mall (Jcuette uya the Russian gov ernment bu oalled ont the reMtve of Landwelhr. The Btandard’t Feetb dispatoh rays : Prinoe Gorstohakoff hu notified the Pow ers that Russia will not treat direotly with tbe Porte. The questions to be solved will be submitted to the great Powers. Tbe Paris Figaro hu the tame state ment. THE TWO ARMIES. Special lo Enquirer* Sun.) London, July 26.—A special dispatch from Bucharest to the Time* uys: A oere- fnl study of the present military situa tion does not justify the aoousations of rashness made so truly against the Rus sian Generals. Bulgaria ie not provided with a system of cross roods, permitting troops to move euily in ell dlreatlona. When the Russian! had protected their flanks by throwing out detachments to wards Biela and Plavina, the road to Tir- nova lay open before them, and from that time to tbe present, tbe Russian oolamns have effectually guarded the few routes, whereby tbe Turks oould approach their lines of oommnnloetion from Buetohnk, llaisgrade and Shnmla on the left, or Ple- vina on tbe right. Morever the Turkish forces ere divided, while the Russians oo- onpy a oentral position, where on eny of their thru grand divisions they can fall back if attaoked. THIBTEBMTH OAT - UUBERHA. TQBIAL SALARY AMD TEHM. Special lo Enquirer-Sun.) Atlanta, Ga., July 26.—The Governor's salary wu made $8,000 end the term two year*. He is eligible for two terms. The Oonvention is still on tbe Executive Department. . F. H. B., MOUTHEBE FOSTAlTCOEVEETION key's letter. Fort Monroe, Jnly 26.—Extrsot from Key’s letter to tbe Postal Oonvention : After regretting that the turbulenoe North kept him sway, he uys: Yon may uy to the Convention for me that I am profoundly gratified at the orderly and amioable condition of affaire in the South under the exoitemeut so general over many of the States of the Union. I am not utonished et the peeoefal oondi - tion of tbe South, and should be surprised if it were otherwise. The proceedings ere harmonious, Dixie following Yankee Doodle. PROCEEDING). Special lo the Enquirer-Sun.) Fortress Monroe, Jnly 26.—Proceed ings of the Postal Oonvention to-dey ere interacting end important, bnt too elabo rate for a telegraphic sketoh. Isrelssa Races. Special lo Enquirer-Bun.) Saratoga, Jnly 26.—Mile heat—Vir- ginna won, Higgins 2d, Wolsey 3d, in 1:45. Two end e quarter miles—Parole wen, Oobiltru 2d, Atblene 3d, in 4:04 j. Oohiltree wu the favorite. Thru quarters of s mile—itodamsn- thna won, Meohanio 2d, Diamond 3d, in 1:16. One quarter of s mile—George Fourth won, Ambush 2d, Usppsbsnnook 3d. Fugitive wu favorite. Weedier. Washington, July 26.— Indications— For South Atlantic Statu, Southerly winds, slight obenges in preaanre and temperatnre, oleer or pertly cloudy weath er and ooouionsl light local rains. ■■debtedweea Paid. Memphis, Jnly 26.—The Memphis A Charleston Railroad have paid their entire indebtedness to Tenneuee—$1,671,916. Columbus, O., July 26.—The platform oppose* subsidies, favors the preservation of publio lends for aotual settlers end school purposes, deoluee a disordered,do st motion of industry end labor ie tbe runlt of tbe rale of fraudulent and vio- ion* legislation by the Bepubliosn party, demand* immediate repeal of the re- amnption eot, end the remonetization of silver, assert* greenbacks tbe best paper onrrenoy we ever bad,and declares against farther oontraotion. Sixth—We congratulate tbe oountry upon the aooeptauoe by the present Ad ministration of the ooustitutional and paoifio policy of local self-government in the State* of the South, bo long edvooatod by tbe Democratic party, whioh has brought peace end harmony to that see- tion of tbe Union. Vtisrlsr Oak Insurance Cumpuny Hartford, July 26.—A oommittee of lnauranoe experts have been examining the affairs of the Ohtrter Oak Life Iusur- anoe Company, end will report that the neoauity of appointing a reoeiver oan be avoided under oomplete reorganization. the Lobor Advice From Lsafue. In view of tbe great railroad strike now S rogressing on the lines running between lalttmore and Philadelphia and the West, tbe Central Couneil of the Labor Leagno of tbe United States,at their headquarters in tbe oity of Washington,D.G.,on Thurs day last, took action in regard to tbe mat ter, and passed a series of resolutions whioh are full of good advioe, and whioh them strikers, and ail other persons con templating like movement* either now or in fntnre, will do well to give heed to. Them ruclulions were on tbe depress, ed state of labor throughout tbe country, and tbe autioipated evil results to flow therefrom; enjoined coolness and modera tion npon tbe members of the order, aud specially warned them, uwell as working men in general, to beware of emissaries— some of whom have endeavored to operate there—who go around inciting the oooi mission of strikes end violence, measures whioh injure labor in general, disturb order end end in tbe conviction aud pun ishment of the participants therein. They resolved also that “moral agitation is the strength and power by which labor oan acquire tangible reformation, and that mob violenoe and riot lead only lo anarchy and final deetrnotion to human liberty; and it it better to submit to any sort of das pot ism for tbe time being than to have no government at all." IDAHO IEDIAES. TORY MAKE A SUOOESS1UL RAID. Washington, July 26.—The latest from Idaho reports that Joseph made a raid, and got away with four hundred ponies end other plunder. This raid was in ohastiaement of the Indians that wee friendly to Howard. THEY HAVE BROKEN LOOSE FROM THE AORN- OIES — TWENTY MURDERS REPORTED AROUND DEADWOOD. Special lo Enquirer-Sun.) Deauwuud, Jnly 26.—Intense excite ment prevails throughout the oity. At Bbort intervals horsemen, arriving from different towns and field* in this vioinity, bring details of fresh murders and out rages by the savages, who seem to have broken away from the ageuoiee iu large numbers, and ere infesting the oountry in all directions. Up to this hoar, seven o'oloek this evening, at least twenty murders have beoo reported. Some of tbe killed are well known oitizens of Deadwood, who went to the relief of Lieutenant Lemly's surveying party. Nearly every rauoh along the Red Water, and on Spear and Fish Valley bts been devastated. INTELLIGENCE CONFIRMED. Special to Enquirer-Sun.) Washington, July 20.—Tbe War De partment has a dispatoh fully confirming the Indian outrages reported from Dead- wood. Advantages of CrjrlMR. A French physician is ont in a long dissertation on the advantages of groan ing and orying in general, and especially daring Burgioal operations. He con tends that groaning and crying are two grand operationa by which nature alleys anguish; that those patients who give way to their natural feelings more speedily recover from aocidenta end ope rations than those wbo suppose it un worthy a man to betray such symptoms of oownrdioe as either to groan or cry. He tellH of a man who reduoed bis pulse from one hundred and twenty-six to sixty iu Ibe course of a few boon by giving full vent to bis emotions. If people ere st all unhappy about anything let them go into their rooms end comfort themselves with a loud boo-boo, and they will feel a hundred per eent. better afterward. In aoooraenoe with the above, the cry ing of ohildren should not be too greatly discouraged. If it ie systematically re pressed the result may be8t. Vitus’ dance, epileptio fits, or some other disease of the nervous system. Wbat is natural is near ly always useful, and nothing oan ba more natural tbsu the orying of ohildren when anything ocours to give them ait bar physical or mental pain.