Newspaper Page Text
fgailg %nquivtv.
• tiiiMnun. u*. ■
FRIDAY JULY 87, 1*77.
Tax EtUUMud Ohnroh In England
fata an annual revenue of $86,000,000.
A Cuban heiress is airing $46,000 worth
diamonds in her ears at Niagara thla
Thi six per oent. bonds of the dtp of
Albany, New York, sell at auction from
117 to 110.
Tm fashionable Episcopal Church of
the Holy Saviour, in New York, wsa sold
at antion the other day.
Gnuim has a four per oent. loan and
a syndicate of bankets. It is taken by
the syndlosfe at 94 and plaoed in the mai*>
ket at 94 6-10.
Thomas W. Const, ones a wealthy pol
itician, has applied for admiesfon to an
almshonse in New York. Beware of be
ing a wealthy politician.
Jmmt Linn at fifty-six ia hale and
merry. She is singing lullabies at Drea*
den to her font-months-old daughter. No
extra charge for reserved seats
Gov. UoObbabi, of Kentnoky, deolinee
the Invitation to the gathering of Gov
ernors at While Sulphur, on aoconnt of
ofiloial duties and personal engagements.
Bon say the fast freight tinea censed
the present workingmen’s strike; others'
blame the trades-unions; and others
again curse Sherman and bis oontraotlon
Tm trotting stables of T. J. HoGibbon,
at New Oynthiane, Kentucky, burned
Monday. Five very prominent young
trotters were lost in the flames. Loss
about $7,000.
Tm two foremost actors in the Cincin
nati crowd that sought to firs the Ohio
A Mississippi depot were notorious pro
fessional thieves, and not railroad or
working men at all.
Tm New York Herald is authority for
the statement that "The Republican lead
ers in Booth Caroline have followed the
exoellent example of their Mississippi
brethren, and have ‘disbanded the par
Tm city editor of the New York Herald
the other day, says the Chicago Tribune,
put his head Into the local room and
exclaimed i “Ho, Patwhereupon thirty-
aix of the reporters stopped writing the
word "holocaust’’ and said, “Yis, sor!”
Juno* Kiu,», of Philadelphia, saw Mr.
Heyes, Tuesday, but there was nothing
developed. Judge Kelly says that he
predicted the present state of things in
Congress and that the lesson taught by
events will be the repeal of the resump
tion aot.
— — = - ■•■yl-Vv •; —^— ' '! ' ■ a as >r
Tig VOICE or the tOliaTBV.
The press of lbs oountry, with eearoe
an exception, from every section ooodemu
the notion of the railroad employees in
oeeking to redress their grievances by un
lawful means. The law must and should
be matntaiaed, and obedience la ths Am*
mag to bs secured, no matter whet it
Beeauee the hsnkambn and fire
man do not receive ewMcteat wages is no
Jnstifloatlon for the outlawry end oom
monism developed by the eotion of the
strikers. The railroad* may poesibly
have to oompromiee with the refractory
laborers, but this will bs vary eaey, if
that of the Erie ia taken* as e beats. There
the mao submitted to the tan per cent,
reduction, and merely obtained the free
Banting of lend along the line. Aside
the riots, which the better
of Urn strikers disown, but
whish their own lewises action atim-
ulatad, all oonaommated thus far is to well-
nigh destroy the' entire business of the
oountry and make the poor antler. The
effluent oan wait; bow oen the poor
do It and on what will they exist if they
wait 7 It la aoaraely conceivable that the
oom panics have the disposition or the
financial ability to buy the privilige of
serving the publie by making every oon-
eeaeion that violent men may choose to
extort. We know it i* bard for e herd
working laborer to have bis wages cut
down to pay a tan per oent. dividend for
tbs B. As O. and one of six per cant, for
the Pennsylvania road—two of the most
notorious freight wreoksrs—corporations
wbiob have lost millions by ruinous rival
ry and competitions and then exact the
deficit from the tollers in their employ.
This may be tens, but whet right in
morals or lew have the oppressed laborers
to atop trains, prevent men from taking
the pleoes veested, and to fores contented
employees from their pay, an which their
■obeiatenoe depends? If the oivil author
ities era powerless to protaot the move
ment of looomotivss and oars at high
rates of speed, end while there remaine
in any oommunity e dominant party of
men’wbo era determined to realfit such
movement, railways might as well be
abandoned. We must go beak to old
turnpike stages end oanals if the author
ities cannot protoot tbo publio end pre
vent depots from being burned, hnn-
drede of looomotivea from being de
stroyed end thousands of oars from
being plnndered in a single night,
lies not the robber an equal right to plun
der e bouse as the strikers to stop the
freight trains of the oountry, end by
force take away a man’s employment end
consequently bis breed? The question
of the American people is not what tbe
wages of soy oloaa should bs, but whether
they intend to seoure for themselves tb-
bleasings of railway communication end
to uphold the lews on which every honest
eitixen must rely for protection.
In the variou* ntterauoes of the press
is annonnoed the will of tbo greet mass of
tbe people, end tbe sooner the strikers
and rioters reoognise the feot that the
lews ere to bo uphold the sooner they will
return to their homes.
Tun herd times hive been severely felt
by the liquor dealers of Philadelphia. A
oareful survey of the field by tbe licens
ing authorities bee made known the (shear
ing feot that in some wards nearly one-
third of lest year’s retell dealers have
quit the business because it failed to pay.
Tan New York Sun has from time to
time discussed tbe oensea which have led
to this strike, bnt it tells us that the
decisive cause, “worse then others to
gether, ie the electoral conspiracy of last
fell, by which the man elected President
of tbe people wet deprived of that elec
tion, end another mao, who wee not eleot*
ed, wee installed as President.”
Tax horrible discovery was made Tues
day that fifteen Philadelphia soldiers were
burned up in the round house Sunday
morning. This number bed been either
■hot deed or wounded by the mob, hud
when the round house was fired end the
troops were oompelled to evacuate it, they
eontd not take the deed end wounded
a!ong„so they were left to perish in tbe
Tkk Philadelphia Telegraph, It is hard
ly neoeaisry to say, wrote this before the
militia fight, eto., at Pittsburg: “Tbe
Pennsylvania Railroad will make short
work of the rebels. This ie not Weet Vir
ginia, and Pittsburg ie a somewhat dif
ferent place from Martinsburg. Webeve
here sofflolent well trained end trust
worthy militia, and if it should be nsoss-
aary to oell upon them they will di. their
work promptly end well.”
A Chicago employee of one of tbe rail**
roads is reported to have said: “Inoaaeof
a strike, our oeusa would be injured by
tbe gauge of idlers, bummers end roughs,
who, having nothing else to do, would,
as they have done elsewhere, fraternise
and take sides with ns for tbe time being.
Honest men, when fighting for e princi
ple, end not aiuiply from a vicious hank
ering after sensation end blood, oan't af
ford to form an elllanoe with disreputa
ble desses." Thetis putting the ques
tion es it is. Whatever else the railroad
men may d<\ they cannot afford to be
responsible for the sots of idlers and bom-
The Ohio Denooeact.—The platform
breathes tbe true and oorreot prinoiples.
Tbe present diaorden ere attributed to
the unwise and vioious legislation of the
Republicans. They demand the remone-
‘ tiaetiou of silver, a repeal of the reaomp-
tien aot, end declare that greenbacks
eoutitute the beat currenoy. They ap
prove Mr. Hayes' Southern-policy, for the
adoption of wbiob tbe Democracy has
long contended.
The Convention nominated able end
popular men, and every indloetiou ia the
party will sweep the State.
Tbs Govansoa.—The Convention yee-
terday fixed tbe Halary of the Governor of
Georgia at per annum, and re
duced the term of ofhoe for two years.
Ha oan be re oleoled, but after the
tana ia forever debarred. The
salary is $4,000. The diepeteh dm not
state whether the term of the present
Chief Magistrate ie to be shortened, but
The Hostii.ii Yotibpay.—The strikers
seem to have osused moat trouble in St.
Louis end the mob in Ohiosgo. Id both
pieces business is comparatively sus
pended. Tbs strikers in St. Louis ere
forolog all laboring men to suspend work,
sod tbs three hundred negroes on tbe
levee ere making moat extortionate de
mands on steam boatmen. Tbe mob Is
hard to suppress in Ohiosgo, and quite u
number have been killed and wonndod.
U. 8. troops are there, and among other
acts fired a cannon loaded with powder
twioelnthe street. A pork peoker re
ports be will lose $126,000 of tneat by
his employees being foroed to abandon
Roads generally are running passenger
trains, though on several no kind of
freight or express matter ere allowed.
The New York Central is ronning all
its trains as nsuel.
The Erie Company has compromised on
very easy terms with the Hornellsville
strikers, end trains ere going through.
The matter will be brought to e test to.
day. There ere several roads id tbe
West for wbiob reoelvers have been ap
pointed by the United States Judges.
Writs are to be plaoed in the hands of the
U. 8. Marshals directing that tbe trains
proceed. Those interfering with them
will be opposed by the whole foroe of the
Government. This may bring matters to
e crisis.
The Governors of Indiana, Illinois and
Missouri have issued proclamations. Tbe
two last have applied for United States
troops, which have been granted to be
need under the orders of the Governors
end Mayors, to quell riots.
The strike shows no signs of abatement,
end the"riotere are taking advantage of
every lioenae.
ray, *
oom ten feet high.
—Young Schofield, of Crawford killed e
floe book last week.
—Houston county sleets e Tex Collec
tor next Wednesday.
—Mr. John Soudan, an old oitiaaa of
Twiggs oonnty, is deed.
—Only three soldiers era left to guard
tbe barracks in Savannah.
—The State Agricultural Convention
meets at Newnen on tbe 14th.
—Kev. Mr. Forks has ‘retired from the
editorial charge of tbe Newnen Herald.
—Tbe taxable paopevty of Twiggs bee
depreciated forty thousand dollars einoe
last year.
—A lodge of the Anolent Order of
United Workingmen baa been established
In Auguste.
—Frank Barney, aged 14 yean, was
drowned Monday in Duvall’s mill pond
near Augusta.
—Edward H. Murpb, a negro, tbe
slayer of Jupiter Grant, wee caught in
Putnam eounty and oarried to Aug not*.'
—Maj. Wm. A. Cobb, of Thdibartonf
Is dead. He wee one of tbe most popular
and prominent eitixac* of Upson oowuty.
—Mr. Lee, u farmer of Walker ronaty,
ie building e stone fenoa around ids
plantation. He has four miles alre^ly
—Hon. Alexander H. Stephens Ap
peared in e justice's ooart In Orewford-
ville the other day as the attorney of e
blind colored man.
—Col. Harris, Chairmen of tbe Com
mittee on Institutions, before whioh the
deportments were on trial, says the com
mittee voted 8 to 1 in favor of abolishing
ell the bureaux.
—Atlanta is trembling for fear tbe
espitel will be removed, end the Consii-
tution'e fanny men is becoming less bold
in hie assertions. He has sobsided into
mare flatolenoy.
—Men Reese, a grown eon of Mr. J
Reese of Linooln oounty, went in bathing
with several other young men lost Son-
day, in the miU pond of Mr. Seaborn
Mosely, and was drowned.
—Dr. George D. Gonoh, of B-ker ooun
ty, who went to Washington oily some
time ago, far the purpose of being exam-
iced by the United States Commissioner
of Surgery, psmed the Board all O. K.
end secured e position in the Navy De
—Wednesday afternoon, about two
o'olock, Mr. Warren Stonioe, a member
of the August* polioe foroe, suddenly fell
dead in the yard in tbe rear of Mr. Patriok
Doris’ store, in that oity. He was appa
rently in perfect health duriDg the morn
ing. Heart disease. He was one of tbe
—Tbe third district of tbe Columbus
Baptist Association oonvened in Bnlah,
in Btswsrt oounty. Revs. G. W. Weekly,
W. Lively aid J. H. Corley were in at
tendance. The next general mealing will
be held at Jamestown, and Rev. 0. 0.
Willis will preach the introductory ser
—There are five Baptist preachers in
the Convention: Rev. B. F. Tbarpe,
D.D., of Perry; Rev. G. F. Cooper, M.D.,
of Americas; Rsv. P. W. Edge, Rev. J.
R. Respese, cud Rev. A. U. Wright, of
Rome. The list two era Primitives.
There is one Presbyterian presoher, Rev.
D. G. Phillips, D.D.
—In Morgen oonnty a negro entered
the room of e daughter of Mr. Paine, and
her soresma frightened him off. He at
tempted the experiment the fourth time
end a load of bnakshot from Mr. Paine’s
gun into the negro's head es it was com
ing thtongh e window osased the Coroner
to hold en inquest.
—The body of engineer Armistead was
acamaMa nkwb.
—Married, on tbe *olh last, near El
ba, Coffee county, Dr. W. P. Boyd end
Mias Bailie Simmons.
—Tbe Caterpillars have appeared in
considerable cumbers on tbe feme in the
neighborhood of Braudid*e, Plke eounty.
—Mr. Henry Berner, who for more than
thirty yeere had been nmidMt of Pike
eoanty. died on Sunday of consumption,
aged 69 years.
-Mrs. Dr. F. M. BusMag d’sd at her
hnsband's residence, ia Elba, like, Mon
day night lest. She leaves a family of
seven ohildren.
—Mrs. Stsgner, who has lived near Lit
tle Oak, in Pike oonnty, lot neatly _a half
a eentury, ~ ”
last. She
apparently es
upon the doorsteps, find in h moment fell
bask deed.
—Tbe Chattanooga Timet of tbs 7th
states that fireman Thome Henderson
wee killed by the run off an tbe A. A 0.
train near Eotaw, Alabama, but that en
gineer Joseph Osborn, reported killed,
was severely woonded, but is now regard
ed se out of danger.
—Delegator from severs! beets met in
Troy on Saturday lest, in response to tbe
call made by tbe reaolntiona adopted by
tbe oitizens of Dixon’e Beet. Upon Con
sultation it wee decided that it we* bet
ter not to go inter e convention, as only e
few of the beet* would bn represented.
—Csshin’s crowd (Btdloela) broke up a
Robinson meeting of tbe asm* stripe at
tbe Loftio bend, Montgomery county, on
in tbe
in Pike oounty, tor nearly n nan
y, died van suddenly on Friday
he was walking about the yard
tires well si usual and Mit down
litea bad
wbsu tbs
Tuesday night,
Pittsburg style. Tbe
assembled to bold e
Oesbioites in the neighborhood mode a
rush on tbs ranks, seised the “stand,"
and converted it into their own meeting.
Such as this is certainly s oaee of domes
tic violence, selling loudly for interfer
ence of tbs powers that be.
—Tuskegee New : W* understand Mr.
Jeokson is going around among tbe peo
ple endeavoring to make the impression
that he was defrauded in the ooont for
tbe vote for Treasurer on tha 1st ballot,
in the late convention, by the t-eorstories.
This is simply ridiouloua, and we are sur
prised at him. flow could s fraud have
been committed? The vote of etoh beet
wsb sonooneed, by the ohsirmsn of tbe
best delegation, and was take down by a
great many gentlemen, outside of tbe
secretaries, end their count corresponded
exactly with that of the secretaries as
announced by-the President of the Con
vection. V. any mistake had oooarred it
would sorely have been discovered.
—Tuskegee New: A negro named
Billy Wells was shot lest Saturday near
Hooey Out, in this oounty, by Mr. A. J.
-Chessou, Jr. The negro was an eaoaped
conviot from Georgia, and a i reward of
$160 had been offered for his arrest. He
hes been about Honey Out s Week or so,
and had become very defiant to the
whites, sod s terror to the negroes, oar
ing a shot gun *11 the time avowing
at be would not be arrested. Lest Bat-
Southern Female^ollege,
At LfflCruiaw. dAorMii
a new Obapah^H
led this falL The hUhaitWB
llterarr, masle sad art dinortwats tarnished
at lowest charge*. Onr ymvBr beer off the
premiums for sxoaUsnee la masle sad art—
SR&tSg {ffijy-ggS8T wm?
jyio tKXifcwlm
Yanderbilt University.
Biblical Department, firtef
The Me
1. Fee for attend
For eetoloxuss, >i>s
tety of the Faculty, I
jiU deawfcwtwl
Not .1ST end IN North OhtrieSi
New Advertisements,
Taught by the Profs, of Latin, Greek end
* *rs Sept. XT, 18TT.
BLAKE, Chair-
.VecftrS S^SEiBS,S.k
by over SSO persons who use it.
— 1st, free.
York, Pa.
Prices reduced. New pamphlet, free.
urday he laid down hit gun to get some
water, end wes surprised by *
whereupon he took to hie hi
by Mr. Obeeson,
_ _ .eels, with the
above result,
oounty started Sunday
to jail, bnt we learn he died
Sheriff arrived.
ay c
taken from the wreok pf tbe Georgia Rail-
road Tuesday afternoon. The head and
the legs from tbe knee down oould not be
fonnd. When the crash was heard Col
8. K. Johnson, Superintendent of the
road, seized Judge King, tbe Preeident,
in hie arms end rushed out of tho oar
with him.
—Col. Harris, Chairman of the appro
priate omcmittee, will report to tbe Con
vention tbe proposition of Judge Reese
to establish, under rales to be framed by
the Legislators, a house of oorreotioo, in
whioh all ohildren between 10 and 1C
yean, convicted of orimee should be con
fined; and in whioh en intelligent attempt
at their reformation and enlightenment
might be mode.
—Judge Loobrena says he predicted
the contest between labor end capital six
month! ago. The two great partieB will
awing around to this laane before the
next campaign. This outbreak is hot the
ontoome of forces whioh have been in
operation twelve months ago. It has dis
closed the impotenoe of this Government.
Great, he esia, would quiokly have ended
the dtfflonlty.
—Collector of Internal Revenue of this
IUilboads Going iuto Bankbuptot.—
Ever shoe 1878, asya the New York Her
ald, railroads have been goiug into bank
ruptcy, and this is even now la goiug on at
a rate which few people exoept those in
terested in this kind of property auspeot.
Daring the six months ending the 1st of
this month foreclosure sales have been
o rdered of fifteen roads,with ecapitalatock
of over forty-seven millions and e debt
of over eighty-five millions. Daring tbe
same time thirty-two roods, representing
nearly fifty millions of etook end over
■eventy-five millions of debt, have been
sold; end reoeiven hove been appointed
for sixteen roads, with etook end debt
amounting to over one hundred and fifty
million*. This unpleasant bnt neverthe
less healthful and necessary process of
“coming down to hard pen” mast con
tinue, end the lest year has seen e very
.serious general ahrinkoge in the value of
railroad stocks.
Under these oirenmatanees the railroad
manageri naturally deiir* to economise;
bat their workmen reply, “Improve end
purify your management.'' If they had
made this appeal without violence or laws
Isaacses we oannot help bnt feel that they
would have the pablio sympehy on their
aM*. As It is, they have blundered end
have shown I hen selves ineepebl* of men-
atfimg their ootase, and they will be Inoky
if they escape a general bunt of indigna-
Di at riot, Andrew Clerk, hoa just filed for
approval by the Solicitor of the Treasury,
e bond for $100,000, with tbe following
sureties, with the amounts to which they
swear they ere worth over and above
exemptions allowed by law, end ell just
James Loogstreet, Gainesville $16,000
Biobard L. Johnson, Gainesville... 6,000
Benj. Dnnagan, Gainesville 6,000
Tho*. Wilson, Gainesville 6,000
Richard Castleberry, Gainesville.. 16,000
W. P. Smith, Gainesville. 6,000
J. A. G. Anderson, Marietta 17,000
8. D. Smith, Newnen 7,500
Herriaon Sargent,Newnen 20,000
T. W. Thurman. Griffin is 000
J. W. Burke, Mtoon 5 000
W. A. Huff, Maoon 6 000
W. H. Rrimberry, Camilla. 6 000
■H. C. Dasher, Camilla 9 000
M. F. Brimberry, Camille 11 000
F. F, Pntney, Albany 10 000
C. Maatenon, Maoon 6 000
F. Rlob, Golnmbns 10 000
T. M. Hagan, Colombo* g 000
G. W. Mnllina, Ontbbert 10 000
G. W. Dosier, Ontbbert 6 000
E O. Corbet, Cochran 5 000
H. P. Smith, Rome 10 000
3. 3. Sexy, Rome 10 000
G. A. Fox, Marietta 0 000
Thome* M. Jane*, Newnen 80 000
A. G. Marry, Griffin C 000
niMtif ioi(g Hit UaiUd HUtM
, $soo per cornua.
Gen. Ounohzn ha* published e book of
reminisoetueE. He seye Andrew Johnson
was tbe evil genius of the oountry who
prevented compromise end pesos in I860.
He piotnre* Johnson aa a man, “the driv.
log foroe* of whoa* mind were lelflehnese,
canning end meiioe.’’ The opinion of
him once expressed by Wm. T. Haskell
e brilliant member of Congress from
Tennessee, is given, in whioh Mr. Has
kell esya: “He ia a men that if yon and
he happened, while traveling on opposite
going railroad trains, to meet at e wayside
hotel to eat a hasty meal, end if he should
look aoroee the table and see that tbe
pieoa of breed by yonr plate was longer
than bis, ha would bate yon aa long as he
lived.” Gov. Hammond, of Booth Caro
line, used to say he was “* eons eulolle in
look, who hated every gentleman who
wore e clean shirt.”
Edwin Bonn's is owe of the half-dozen
names whioh appear on the list of non
tribaton to the Shakespeare Memorial
Theatre at Stratford. His aabaoription ia
five hundred dollars.
Tbe Deputy Sheriff of this
iday to bring tbe negro
for* tbe
, . , maternal sex, end
*11 types or Inflammation. Rofmlld la It ta its
operation that It osn bo siren with portent
safety to tbe feeblest ohlld; and to agreeable
is It to the taste, so refreshing to tbe potato,
that children never refuse to take It. For sale
by all drugging.
A PsBioNon oolUaiou oconrred in Bioh-
mond Tuesday evening between Mr.
Chemberleyne of the State add Mr. Fra
sier, bniinesa manager of the Whig, in
wbiob neither party wee seriously hurt.
It is reported thet the reneontre grew oat
of the State's otiUeism of a canard in the
Whig thet the Railroad men in Riohmond
were on tbe eve of striking. Both were
balled in the earn of $600.
Tax New York Tribune is in distress
because there ia not a negro ih the Geor
gia Oonstitntional Convention; end seems
to oobaider that tbe omission is nnoonsti-
tutional. These Georgians are very way
ward fellows. They don’t appreciate tbe
Afrioan aa *' law-giver. We ootafeas, how-
ever, onr great aarprise that in New York
—where we would infer from the Tri
bune's ideas that there is saoh an apprecia
tion— negroes are neither sent to Legisla
tures or Constitutional Conventions. How
ia that ? Oan auoh injustioe be ?—Rich
mond. Dispatch.
Two Wins.—The Icdiena have heard
of the War of the strikers, and while the
United StateB army is ooonpied; they have
oommenoed murdering settlers around
Deadwood, end fooling, and whipping
Freedman Bureau Howard.
A Aolaee fwv the Aged.
Ia the deollne or life, as the vigor of the sys
tem wanes, and Infirmities ettaek It to whioh
in early Ufa It was a stranger, tha ns* of n safe
inediolnsl stimulant ia highly advisable
Nothing, os expeileno* shows, ia ah admirably
adapted to the wonts of old people as Hostel
tor's Stomooh Bitters. It is n reel solace to
the ngod, end the best safeguard they con pos
sibly use against tha complaints t* whioh they
ere peculiarly liable. It lnri(on|t*e the body
and cheers the mind, is. pure, agreeable end
effeotlve. Rheumatism, lumbago pad gout are
more frequently developed In age than In
youth or middle life. Hoatstter's Bitters are
an exoellen t remedy for those painful disorders,
end also fortify the system against them.
They never oreate and** exoUement, are gen
tle In their notion, and nr* Infinitely |
then the sumsdloated stimulants of oemm
$52 $20 wo"
] *ortl&nd, Maine.
riil o it day at home. AgenU wanted. Out*
1^1 fit and term* free. TRUE It UO, Augae-
tn, Maine.
-jot- 1
Apply to •■'•SMKBfik
(2d door above J. 8. Joneft’.)
Administrator's Sale
By O. 3. HARRISON, Auctioneer.
A UKERAHLE to an order of the Honora
ble Coart or Ordinary of Muscogee Ooun
ty,twill sell, on «h* FIRST TUESDAY IN
AUGUST NEXT, *t the Storehouse, No. 140
Brood Street, Columbus, Go., lately oeenpled
by .T. J. whittle A Oo., a large end trash (lock
of Urooeriee end General Manhandle*, eon-
elating Of Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Whiskey, Salt.
Molasses end Shelf Goods, being Ih* etook of
the lets firm of J. J. Whittle A Oo Sold for
acoount or oitate of John T. McLeod, deoenae ‘
Temporary Administrator.
Julytt, lSTT-td
For Sale at Anction
A on tho first Tuesday In August Dtxt (7th),
tne property known at Hi*
City W arelioxuse,
now occupied by A. Gnmmel aa a Stable, on
Oglethorpe street. Said property cover* half
sere of ground, and Is In fl svolass order, and
Is protected from fin by high parapet walls In
tho roar, with e brick end cement roof under
neath the outer roof, said to be file-proof.
Tortus: One third each, balance’la one and
two jeers at seven per seat. Interest.
Possession given 1st j - -
Hot •prin«$. Ark
This House has Nath Booeu under
some roof, anppMnd fleam the Bat Springe.
“The.Best is the Cheapest!”
This Maxim applies with peculiar foroo to vour
Wo represent, and when Looms occur, you will surely b,
Semper Idem ! Semper Idem!!
1849. WIIXCOX’S '1877,
• Insurance Agency!
The 8ame Time-Tried, Fire-Tested Experience!
The 8$me Old, Strong, Rich List!
The Same Massive Array of Gold'Assets I
The 8ame Prompt; Skillful, Liberal Dealing!
uranoe Company Asset* (Gold;,
tal ln*urano* Company Aetata (Gold),
t Company of North America Asset* (Gold),
t Underwriter*’ Agenoy Assets (Gold),
lauranae Cnmnenv Asset* (Gold).
o Tam iizmti
Aetna Insurance Company. .......ArneU (Gold), * 7,278,127.44
North firllleh and Maroantlle Ineuranoa Com’y Asset* (Gold), 16,887,822 2e
Hartford Fir* Ineuranoa Oompany Aaaeta (Gold), 8,273,869.24
' Insurance Oompany Asset* (Gold), 19,569,429.05
'*• * 1 8,040,085.22
ontinental Ineuranoa Oomp
Ineuranoa! ....
New York Underwriter** Agenoy..
Phenix Ineuranoa Oompany Asset* (Gold),
Union Merino and Flra Insurance. Company Asset* (Gold),
Virginia Home Inturaao*Company .‘...Aaaeta (Gold),
TRe Cranial Test of the vein* of * medi
cine la time. Doea expenene* 1 confirm the
claims put forth latta favor nt the outset 7 ia
the grand question. Apply thla orttarlon, so
simple, yot so searching, to TaaaaaT'* Errnn-
vnBunwT SnLTtnn Atikiiwt. How ho* ft
worn 7 W hat hu been Its history 7 How dooa
“ stand to-day 7
lairant’s Uellner AMrleat
e household name throughout the United
States. It la administered *■ nlspeolfio, end
with euooeas. In dyapepatn, sick headache,
debility, liver oompleint, bilious re-
Totel Assets (Gold) $62,888,904.14
These seme Grand Companies bald their SIXTEEN MILLIONS for losses In Ohiosgo sol
Boston In 1071 and U71 without hsatt ation or delay. For Policies In sneh Companies apply to
Blake taken any where In the State. Losses paid here. . , faWeodtf
> cents, poat-puid.
Augusta, Mo.
S UPERIOR aooommodRtiona for Rll oltBie*.
department* for oflUptlo* and
nervous invalids, For turn* of admlnioa and
circular Address W. S. OHIPLEY, M. Ii.,
Sup’t, College H1U, O. . j
Representing the Well-known, Retponsible and Justly Popular Companies,
Commercial Union Assurance Company,
LONDON—Assets $19,351,671 02, Cold.
"Wemteliester Insurance Company, IV. Y.,
Asset* SI,000,000, Cold.
Fireman’s Fund. Insurance Company,
SAN FftANCISOO—Tha Most Popular Ins. Oo. In tha United State*.
All or thsas Compnnlss ohssrtally dspoalt Bonds (U. S.) with ths Sint* Trsaanrsr, to somply
Ith th* Georgia laws for protection of Polioy Holders.
Risks reasonably rated, Poliolos written, Losses latrlvadjustsd and promptly paid.
W Applications for Insurance mode at either oar Umoe, next to Telegraph Omos,
tUNBY JORDAN, Engl* A Phenix Manufacturing Company’s O Iff os, will rsoslvi
Plain and wRh Buckles
Sandals I
In Naw and Taaty fitylat.
Fine Button Boots.
G? m sr t
f Brc
SPRING WORK In all tha
Popular Styles, ALL AT
A Heavy Stook of Brogans,
Plow Shoes, end 8t$
pie Goods,
49" For anything you w*Bt In UM Shot sad
Leather Line, cull At
No. 73 Broad ItfMt,
(Sign of the Btg Boot.)
the Publie for th* ■
Por day
” weak.
“ month
.. 1000
.. so00
Children under IX yanra and oolond servants
half prto*.
4M- HACKS to moat morning and avaatag
Trains on North fc South R
OR- Oloaa connection Is
8 w. B. R., with tho U:l* A. a. Train by W.
H. Martin’s Hacks, whioh arriva *1 the Springs
to early tea.
mymtr —
w. F.
UVSB ii&f&tjissisr'-i
Randolph Straat,
.or to a.
live prompt
— to: —
We will sell our entire stook of
Now is the lime to Buy,
▲e we are determined to diepoee of them.
<*" Prices on all other Cooda guaranteed.
■nridewtf BLANCHARD As HILL.
Printed Lawns, I2ic; Victoria Lawns, 14c; -
Ores* Cooda, B, 8 and lOo; Summer Silk*, SO to 80c;
Good Kid Clove*, 88b to 60c; Good Hose, 80;
Good Hem’ed Handk’fs, Bo; Beautiful 811k Soarfa, 20@25o
•Ilk Handkerchiefs, RBc; Parasols, iBc to B8;
10*4 Sheetlna, SOo; Good Linen Napkins, Be;
Great barsalns In ToWels-A Good Damask Towel, ROc.
Lara© etook of Zephyr Wools, Perforated Card Board,
PerfO ated Mottoes, Ac., for Fanoy Work.
In ahoii, If you want anything usually kaptln a
at tha Lowaat Figures, call and gat my Prloaa baforo you buy.
*VNo trouble to show Goods.
N. B.— Ladies’ and Children 1 * Shoes a Specialty.
aoti aoditwlv j,::-. .. i ■ r- •
■ ■ > r.t
No. 158---under Rankin House,
Until my Stores are completed. Seine; desirous of re*
duolna th* Stook, I shall offer
apMaaOtat JAS. An LEWIS.