Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, July 28, 1877, Image 1
- nqumf. VOL. XIX. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1877. NO. 178 COMMUNISM. THE MOB SQUELCHED STRIKE ENDED IN NEW YORK. Umrtat, Inept ii (U lies. CltliMe' Organization* ttiggreeaing Oemimmlats. SAN FRANCISCO FIRES COST $80,000. CROWD STILL PLAQUE OHlNESE. Citizens of St. Louis Drive the Mob from the llajon Depot. Ton Rioter* ere Killed In Ohioego. MANY ROADS START TRAINS. rtuxino miners in rminuau-Hiiiu FILLING WITH WATER MO NON* ALLOWED TO WORK—XBOOF* PUfiMI* TO FOBOB nmo«—police clean oot the hob in HDUDUU— BOT IIUBD—CHICAGO . RAILROAD EMPLOYEES DENOUNCE 0011- Kumne and fobk a oobpe to zuppbess TUB BAN FBAMCISOO FIBER LOSX 580,000—POLICE TO FIBE WHEN MOBS ATTACK. Ban FeaeCmoo, July 27.—The loss by Wednesday night’s fins to $80,000. The polio, (ores *r* Instrnoted it is thsir doty to fire Into eny crowd attaokiDg them with stones or weapons of eny kind. CBNTBAL MD BBSS BOAD1 ALL BIGHT— BBBAD WIEMBBt MEET ON THE 15TH. New Yobk, July 27.—Both the Erie end Oentrel have all the office* open for iggniar business. The Bread Winners ere arranging for s meeting the 16th of AngnaL OOMMXTW OF BAFBTT AT IVDIAKAP01J8. Indianapolis, Jnly 27.—The oitizens have appointed oommittees of safety, the commander of which to ex-Uayor Dan llaOaniay, who to commissioned Briga dier General by the Governor. THE GrNOlHEATI MOB TBITLINO. OmoiHHATi, Jnly 27.—The efforto of ’ the nfob yeeterdey were confined to petty ■ annoyanoes at tha depots, nneoupling oar*, etc. The mob endeavoring to in timidate laborers have dispersed. ’ CHICAGO—FIFTEEN OF THE MOB KILLED. Chicago, Jnly 27,—It to known the killed are fifteen. No polleemen fatally hurt. PINO, PA.—BUMNBESBESOMED— ARRESTS OP BINGLEADEBS OONTINOB. Beading, Fa., Jnly 27.— Btuinsi resumed its wonted aspeet. All trains are vi mnning. The srrests of ringleedera con :4 - S tinne. LAKE SHOBB BONNINO AT CLEVELAND— THESE- QUABTEES OP MAMOFAOTUBIHQ BS- TABLISHHBHTE STOPPED. Cleveland, Jnly 27.—AU quiet her*, nger trains are running on the Lake slhor* Boad. Folly three-quarters of ^the mannfaotnring aatabliahmenta have Mopped. LOUISVILLE QUIET. Louisville, Jnly 27.—The oity was qnistst midnight. Tha oilizena militia > oontiuoe in perfeot organisation. LEHIGH TALLET STRIKE OENBBAL. Beteaet, Pa., Jnly 27.—The engine of . the through train wag nnoonpied at Eas ton. The strike on the Lehigh. Valley I to noV general. GHT SBTWNBN PHILADELPHIA MOB AND POLICE—POLICE WIN—BOT sil.l.m AND MMT BUST. Philadelphia, Jnly 27.—The polios, in king up the meeting, wee stoned by i orowd of 2,600. Several shots were A desperate fight ensued. A boy i killed and many hurt. babtbanft with mkiulabs. Habusbubo, Pa., Jnly 27.—Governor It with a body of regulars and > proeaedsd West. They earns from delphta. . ;*• BOADS IN HEALTEY CONDITION. Washington, Jnly 27.—Managsrs of 1 Boatharn Bailroada report them rnn- t regularly with no possible danger of Tbs roads whioh have spaotolly ortsd themselves in this healthy oon- lition are the AtlsnUo, lliaetoaippi end the E. T., V. ft G., the Hem- end Cherleeton, the Memphis and Bosk, the Kenneaew Boats, the ( Virginia and Tennessee, the Air Line. s.The almost simultaneous outbreak in | Kentucky and Texas os used theappre- in Administration oircles that nbi* might extend throughout the These fears have been dissipated, aval Eastward from St. Louis to oomiog t Memphis. XNOBEDIAET BUARING AT TITUSTILLX. Titus tills, Pa., Jnly 27.—The barrel k " " i of the Standard Oil Works wore I by an inoendtory. FEANOIEOO—MBAEUMB OP DEFENSE— MOB BULL ATTACK Has Fbaecieoo, Jnly 27.—The wet of ‘ i vatorana of both tides organixed font i of 80 seek, aval astv* of oflloera Worthington to commander. The > of Safety told off in eomunnle* 160 snob. Three hundred are i the erawa of the ship* in the harbor. 1 Chinee* boom was find at midnight amal* was burned to dai i arrested with a bottle of in the ebsenoe of patrolers. Some Chines* cigar makers were discharged. Nnmeroa* threatening let ten were reoelved by men prominent in the committee: The night, however, passed without serious disaster. ALL BOADS BUNNIHO TO MILWAUKEE. Milwaukeb, Jnly 27.—AU roeda nr* running on schedule time. FBEIOHTING DEMOBALIZED IN NEW JBBSBY. New Vobk, Jnly 27.—Soldiers and eiti- sene are well armed, and plaoed through out New-Jersey to protect property, bat travel to muoh interrupted, and freighting oontinnee entirely demoraliaed. VICE P BET ID SET KINO, OP THE B. ft a, SO THE STBIKKBS. Baltimobe, Jnly 27.—Vio* Praaident King, of the Baltimore ft Ohio Railroad, wrote a long letter to the oommittee of strikers, dsolining thsir proposition, bnt explaining tally the reasons. The letter ooaeludes: “Yon wiU thus see the resumption of the running of freight trains on the B. ft O. Btiiroad to ■ matter in whioh ail our citizens of every calling ere vitally interested." CHICAGO—NO BIOT. Chicago, Jnly 27.—There were no riot ous demonstrations hers this morning np to 11 o’elook. AGREEMENT ON THB D., L. ft-W. B. B. New Yobk, Jnly 27.—The Superintend ent of the Delaware, Laekawsna and Western Bailtoed telegraphed from Ho boken to President Sloan that s oommit tee of engineers had waited on him to ssy they would go to work at onoe at the Company’s terms, providing the firemen be allowed to do the same, as eoon aa they oonfer with the General Oommittee, with the promise that the Company give their old wages as soon as times get batter, to wbiob President Sloan agreed. NEW TOBK 0BMTB1L BUN NINO ALL TBAINB, AND CANADA SOUTHBBH TO COMMENCE New Yobk, Jnly 27.—Superintendent Tanoey said to-day that all traios on tbs New York Central and Hudson River Railroad wars tanning on time, end there wee no trouble st any points. Trains on the Canada Southern Railroad were to have oommenoed running this morning. Freight is taken to all points, and passen ger tiokets are likewise issued. MOBE LBBIOH VALLEY TBAINB STOPPED. Hazleton, Fa., Jnly 27.—The strike on the main Une of the Lehigh VaUey road yesterday baa resnlted in the stoppage of nearly sU trains on the Hazleton branoh. HABTBANFT WITH TBOOF8 PASSING WEST. Altoona, Pa., Jnly 27.—Hartmnft, with two large soldier trains, passed west. LIVE STOCK DYING AT BUFFALO. East Buffalo, July 27.—Nothing defi nite as to shipments of freight vis the Lake Shore railroad can be gleaned. The live atoek are reported to be suffering at Cetlingwood, many of them dying from exposure to * hot ann. No atook has been received since Monday over the Grand Trunk, Great Western end Canada South ern railroad; nothing is reported as com ing forward. All the live atook was shipped sway from here to-day. AU is qniei in this section. TBAIN STOPPING ON MOBBIS AND BS8SX BOAD. Washington, Warren County, July 27.—Tha morning mail train on the Mor ris and Essex Road was boarded by tbs strikers hare. The passenger oars were oat loose end the engine end mail oar or dered on. The BeUroed Company tele graphed to take all or none. THE STB IKE ON TOM SOOTTS’ TEXAS BOAD. Galvb8Ton, Texas, Jnly 27.—The em ployees of the Texas Central at Corsicana struck at noon yesterday, and no freight trains are allowed to peas that point. The strikers are orderly bnt determined. Many of them have gone on the speoisl police foroe, and express a determination to pro test life and property. At a conference of the train hands st Hstrn lost night, an agreement was made to prevent the passage of freight trains, and that none ■hould be permitted to interfere with railroad property. BUFFALO—PAS8XNOEB TRAINS OOINQ, BUT NO FREIGHT EXCEPT ON NEW XOBK OEN TBAL AND EBXX. Buffalo, Jnly 27.-2 p. m.—Passenger traffic on sit roads, exoept on the Canada Southern, has been resumed. Freight trains on the New York Central, Erie and on some minor lines ere rnnning on time. There to a oomplete blockade of freight traffic on the Lake Shore. En gineers refuse to run with green hands. HABBIABUBO—FREIGHT TBAINB AND SHOP HANDS BBKUKINO. Harrisburg, July 27.—Freight trains ere moving east and waet. A number of bends retained work in railroad shops. ST. LOUIS—OITIZENS HAVE OONTBOL AMD DRIVE MOB FROM UNION DEPOT—BOMB TRAINS LEAVING—STRIKERS OONSULTIHO —BAINS BAMPEHS MOB. 8t. Louis, July 27.—The oitisens, be ing finally armed, equipped end organ ised, have oommenoed work. Twelve companies, with breaoh-losding gnns, took various positions. Gen. Noble with 100 men, nnder Copt. Silas Bent, marohed to the Union depot, which the rioters had virtually held sines Tuesday. The bat- taUion was formed in companies with loaded gnns end charged the erowd with fixed bayonets, driving them out of the depot and yards. The apparent leaders were arrested. The authorities annonnoe the depot will be held, and interferenoe with trains there prevented. Guards will ba furnished for ail .‘aetories, the proprie tors of whioh wish to resume work. The executive oommittee of the Work ingmen’s party to in session at Fifth and Biddle streets, end a large orowd snr- ronnda the hall, bnt no orders have been tomiad. The oommittee have been tele graphing to the leaders of the organisation in other cities, asking for advioe. Many of the large business houses remain oloaed to-day, bat wUlopen to morrow. The President of the Merchants’ Ex change has issued a notie* that the ex change will retame business to-morrow. The streets ere lee* crowded and there to a general impression that the worst to over. The Missouri Paoifio Boad oommenoed rnnning freight trains both ways, end an- nonnee.lhat road to open for business. The Si. Lonis, Kansas City and North ern Roed has not yet deOided whether it will follow suit. A heavy rain daring the early part of the day haa had eoaaiderabl* to do in dis poning the crowds and dampening the ardor of the mob element. OHIOAGO—BOUGHS SUBDUED—TRAINS BE GINNING—MEN OOMPBOMISB OB LBAVE MATTER TO ARBITRATION. Chicago, July 27.—The aaet of hW war haa been moved even farther away from the news centre than yssterday, and to now in the vioinity of Areher nvenne and Holeteed street, some four miles away. The mob was gathering there at an early hour this morning, but not in great foroe, and no oontest haa taken plane as yet. At noon it was reported that erowds were gathering far out in the prarie and were contemplating a descent, with the stock yards gang as allies. No oars nr* allowed to ran on Holeteed street, north of the viadnot. None ere running on Clinton and Jefferson streets, and the rioters tried to atop some other Unas without mooses. Bom* laborers at tbs Western avenne stables struck this morn ing, and formed in line, intending to force other stables into the strike, bnt they were dispersed by the poUoe. A meeting of sailors and stevedore* on the oorner of Lake and Water streets was broken np prematurely by the polios. The gnerdiane of the Booth Bide Gas Works beoame alarmed *t the flying ru- mora prevalent a short time previous, and oalled for reinforoemento, whioh were sent. The railroads ere resuming business, both freight and passenger. They have had no trouble with their men at eny time, exoept in relation to wages. It to believed they have generally either oom promised that qneation, or left it to arbi tration. Officials and men nr6 equally re- lioent on the mbjeot. The Illinois Central took thirty-one oars of grain this morning, and art run ning all{trains as usual. Their men, with few exceptions, appeared at the ear shops this morning ready for doty. Thalr be havior to highly oommended by the offi cials. The Miobigan Central to running all passenger trains on time seat and west on all their branches. ALEXANDRIA, VA.— TRAINS ALL RIOHT. Alexandria, July 27.—There to no in terrnption to travel on the Virginia Mid land line sonth, and no prospect of any. OHIOAGO—CITIZEN PATROL MURDKBED— CONDITION OP THB BOADS XNOOUBAOIMG. Special to Enquirer-Sun.'] Chicago, Jnly 27.—Jss. 8. White, a re spected member of the Merchants’ Ex. ohange, was killed by a person he had arrested while on patrol. The murderer esoaped. The freight department will be ready to go to work with the old foroe as soon as it is certain that the company's prop erty will be proteoted from the mob. The Ohioago, Burlington and Qoinoy passenger trains ere rnnning along the Qninoy Une without trouble. Freight train* are not yet rnnning, and nothing definite regarding the time of rnnning them is known, bat the offlotata expeot no farther tsoable. The Lake Shore end Michigan South em is sending passengers through as nsnsl, bat freights are small on that line. On the Chicago, Rook Island and Pas oiflo, business is resumed on every branoh and in every department. AU trains are on time. The Ohioago and Northwestern, al- though all distnrbanoes have subsided, is only rnnning on soma branobes. The Ohioago, Alton and St. Lonie still remains quiet, and will not give any rolling stock nntU absolutely safe to do so. The Fort Wayne Road will start out passenger train some time to-day, bnt freighting is stagnant with them. The Baltimore and Ohio Road to send ing oat no freight yet. Mails have gone out on all roads exoept on the Ohioago end Alton and Fort Wayne. The totter refuse to carry the mails without troops BiaiEERS AT COLUMBUS OOMPBOMISB ON BUNG PAID POB LOST TIME. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Columbus, Jnly 27.—General Hanagar Caldwell, of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Lonis Railway, issued an order to the employees here promising to pay for the time lost on aooonnt of the strike, to all who would report for dnty, and ell the employees on the Little Miami, end 26 brakemen and firemen on the Columbus Ohioago and Indians 0. division respond ed this morning, and announced them selves ready to go to work. Manager Caldwell says be will not attempt to re same freight traffic until the eitizena show a disposition to take hold of the matter in their own interest. TRADE UNICES IN CONVENTION AT 01 NOIN NAT1. Special to enfWrsr-Sun.] Oinoinnati, Jnly 27—A delegation of various Trades Unions to in session in Schenyier Hall, the headquarters of the workingmen’s party. The objeot of the meeting to unknown. Some apprehen aiona to felt that the men present mean misohief. RESUMING WORK BT TOLEDO. Special to the Enquirer-Sum.] Toledo, O., July 27.—The establish mania oloaed by the mob on Wednesday are quietly resuming operations. AU to quiet to-day- NSW nun BOAD WAITING ON BTBIKEBA. Special la Enquirer-Sun] Washington, Jnly 27.—The New Jer sey situation to anohanged. The mail train to etiU standing, awaiting advioe* ftom the strikers' oommittee at Soranton, whether it wiU be allowed to proceed. DELAWARE AND LAOKAWANA BREAK OUT AGAIN—TUT waaa TRICKED. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Washington, Jnly 27.—The fresh out break to-day among the employees of the Delaware and La oka wans Railroad, the strikers say was earned by a trick whioh waa played upon them yesterday by the oompany. Bogus messages were sent to the engine dispatcher at Hoboken that all waa settled, and the men should resume work, and others ordering that trains should be allowed to proeeed. The sig natures of the oommittoemen to these dispatches were forged. ORDERS OP U. a. MARSHAL FOB SEOBIVEUS OF ROAD. Special la tha EnquBrarSun.] Springfield, III., July 27.—Fears of an outbreak, general yesterday, has sub sided. U. S. Marshal Roe notified the public that the Ohio and Mtoaissippi and the Bt. Lonis and Southeastern railroads are in the hands of receivers of the U. S. Court, and he will exert all his power to protoot them aooording to Cabinet in- atrnotioos and ordera of the U. B. Court. The Marshal has appointed three special deputies for Southern Illinois, with fall power to prevent unlawful interferenoe with the St. Lonis and Southeastern Rail road. MIOHIOAN CENTRAL ENDED—GOVERNOR OB DBBS SHERIFF TO P80TB0T ILLINOIS OEN - TBAL. Special to JCpvahvr-ysn.] Joliet, Ills., July 26.—The strike of the Mtohigitn Central to ended. Mr. Aokerman, Vioe President of the Illinois Central, has telegraphed the Governor that the strikers are holding the road at Mattoon, Decanter, Effingham and Oar- bondale, The Governor, in reply, issued an order that the sheriffs along that road most protect them in rnnning its trains at all hazards. GOVXBHMENT answbbto NSW JESSEX strik ers. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Nashua, N. J., July 27.—The strikers reoelved a dtopatah from tha Postmaster General that the Government eontraot with the railroad oompany to to carry tha maila on passenger trains only. This man who interferes with them in the dis charge of their duty, or who la belligerent as a mob. LIVES OF WORKEBS THREATENED — MINES FILLING WITH WATSB. Special la Enquirer Sun ] Soranton, Pa., Jnly 27.—Idleness now reigns supreme along the Delaware, Lookawsna ft Western Une, and at all oompaniea mines. The Utter are flooding rapidly. An effort to made by the oompaniea of ficials to have pnmpa worked, bnt those whom they waited upon for that purpose were immediately oalled upon by delega tions of strikers, and informed that if they attempted to tonoh e pump it would be at the peril of their lives. PROCLAMATION OP CHICAGO'S MATOR. Chicago, July 27.—The leal proclama tion of the Mayor says : Citizens’ orgsn- izaUons most oontlnue in foroe, end on no aoooont relax their vigilanoe, as the oauee of the trouble is not looal and not yet removed. AU auoh organisations should form themselves In to permanent bodies, oontinue on duty and report reg ularly aa heretofore. ST. LOUIS COMMUNISTS BROKEN UP. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] St. Louis, July 27.—The polios, btoked by the military, broke np the Commu nists' meeting, oaptnring 70. STSIKB OVER IN NEW XOBK—BLSBWHBB1 WEAKENING. Special to Ike Enquirer-Sun.] Washington, Jnly 27.—The strike aeenw to be over in New York. Else where, exoept in the eoal regions of Penn sylvania, it shows signs of weakness. WASHINGTON. cabinet discuss the strike. Washington, Jnly 27.—An hour and a half Cabinet session waa held with no no tion. The advisability of organising Government olerks into oompaniea or bat- tslion, for the protection of pnblio property wee disonsaed. Advioea from the strike in varions seo tions eontinnea enoouraging aa read in the Cabinet. POITMASTBB AT ATHENS, GEORGIA. Inaa O. Fox waa commissioned Post Master at Athena, Georgia. TROOPS AT BALTIMOBE — COMMUNISTS THREATEN TO BURN CHICAGO—GEN. POPS ORDERED THEBE. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Washington, Jnly 27.—Batteries D, E and L of the 6th Artillery have arrived at takes away the strikers' exooae that they I Baltimore from various points of the ere not interfering with the maila. They are disturbed thereat. Mails htve gone west from this town in n wagon train, and the mall agents are still here. ARRESTS AT PEORIA, ILLINOIS. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Pbobia, III., Jnly 27.—Numbers of the leaders of the mob were arrested by the polios lest night, and lodged in jail. Fol lowers were deterred from attempting to reaoue by a few blank shots this moruing. The leaden of the mob are demoralized. Every passenger train went oat on time, eaoorted by a squad of troops. It is be lieved the trouble here to over, though troop* wiU remain for the present. Ad ditional arrests were made to-dey. BOOK ISLAND BUNNINO FREIGHT TBAINS. Special to the Enquirer-Sun.] Das Moinbs, Jnly 27.—Freight trains resumed running on the Rook Isltnd roed to-day, end there to no trouble here or on any road. BAILBOAD MEN DENOUNCE COMMUNISTS IB OHIOAGO—BOABD OF TBADB RESUMES. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Chicago, July 27.—Railroad employee* propose to organize a grand army to pnt down the oommnnists, whose riotous con duct they disavow anddenounoe. Board of Trade resumed business this afternoon. * VIOLENT STRIKERS AT OD1MVELDEBS, PA., MAKE A SUPERINTENDENT LEAVE. Special to Enqulrer-tht*.] Bethlehem, Jnly 27.—Superintendent Polehalmns, with bis gang of repair men and their asoort of ooal end iron police arrived at Odemveldera, whither they had gone to repair n turn-table. They were met by large exoited orowds, who drove off the repair men. Polehelmna addressed a conciliatory speech to the mob. They replied by informing him he was et lib erty to walk bsok to Mauoh Chunk with his foroe, efter whioh they run his engine on the side track end drew the fire. Mr. Felehemni end his escort arrived back et Bethlehem by stage hie evening. He says be baa no hope of rnnning a train to-morrow. A recruit ing offloe for the fonrtb regiment bee been established in Betblebem. A dram oorps to parading tbe streets for recruiting purposes, and special polios ere being sworn in. AT MAUOH CHUNK. Special to Enquirer-Bun.] Mauoh Chunk, July 27.—Tbe men of the Lehigh VaUey end Lehigh ft Bosque banns Roads are all ont, and ail trains have stopped rnnning. The Lehigh Valley offioiala have discharged all their men who are oonneoted with the present strike, and will pay them off at once. The miners at Mnmford Hill atruok, demanding an advance of 20 per cent., and merobed from mine to mine with loaves of breed on polls. SOLDIERS AT ALTOONA, PA. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Altoona, Pa., July 27.—A train carry ipg military passed here without tronble. The soldiers ere driving sway every striker who opposed. The railroad oompany has now oommaneed moving freight eastward from here. OHIOAGO POLIOS. Special lo Enquirer-Sun.] Chicago, Jnly 27.—Ordera to polioe- men have been modified so, that to-day they have authority to short down any Sonth. Other oompaniea are en root* to this elty and Baltimore. Ons’diapetoh from Ohioago announced the eommnniats threaten to barn that oity. Tbe Government haa a large body of troopa there and in vioinity, and others oaa be sent if neoesaaary. The Treasury issued a oall for another ten miUion oonsols of 1866. Interest oeases on the 7th of Ootober. Gen. Pope to ordered to Ohioago. GEORGIA CONVENTION. FOURTEENTH DAT. REFUSED TO OBDEB ELECTION NIXT XBAB. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Atlanta, Ga., Jnly 27.—The effort made to-day to order an eleotjon for Governor next year failed by 85 to 100. Convention refuaed to reconsider hi* salery, end to still on the Executive. F. H. R. OF WHAT BENEFIT IS THE STRIKE T The following artiole is taken from tho N. Y. Herald, and we advise all to read it. If the Herald bed inoluded in its estimate of the causes whioh produced the hard times and aoaroity of money, and the vioiooa and worse thsn foolish oontrao- tion of the Republican party that for years had controlled the Government, the editorial would have been bettered : Every man, even the moat ignorant, knows that the more oapital there is and the aafer its employment is the more there to for workingmen to be paid with. It is beoausa the times are hard, beoanse the oapital of the eonntry waa largely de stroyed by tha war, by the Ohioago and Boston fires, by waste in oity and State Governments, by the stealing of rings— it ia because these losses have impover ished the oouutry that so many thousands seek in vain for employment. And here to a strike whioh wantonly and law lessly stops the whole transportation of the greater part of the Union, and by doing to causes enormous losses, nut merely to the railroads, but far more to the farmers sending products to market, to the merohsnts who would buy them, to the msnnfaoturera who would givo in exohange their products. All this loss still further impoverishes the oouutry— already too poor to give employment to all its hands. If the times were bard be fore, this week's wild snd foolish work can only make them harder to everybody, and partionlarly to workingmen and their families ; to men who live from wages, and who oan receive wages only from other men who ere able not merely to employ bnt to pay them. Nor does the loss stop with the strike. It wiU take the oonntry a good while to make it np. Not only will the farmer, the manufacturer, the merohant, who has lost by the strike, be less able for some time to pay wages to men anxious to work, but an aot of destrnotiou like that at Pittabnrg will, by making that oity poorer and burdening it moBt sevetely with tsxsa, make the oondition of its workingmen harder for years to oome. How 7 By raising, neosssarily, the prioe of house rent, of provisions, of olothiog, of everything that the workingman and his family mast UBe. Is this destrnotiou, then, an advantage to workingmen any where 7 But, it may be said, the strikers had S rievanoea. They reoelved too little pay; ley bed familiea to support. Well, they reoeive no pay at all now ; their families have nothing at ail. Surely that does not improve their unhappy oo: dition. But this ia not all. A strike is a business transaction. Before a man stops work, as be to a reasoning being, he ahonld be sat isfied either that ho oan get other and more profitable employment, or that bis employ er osn get no one to fill his plsae st the prioe. In tbe last asse, of course, be com mend* the sltnation, and is able, lawfully, to ooerae his employer. But nothing is clearer than that the atrikera have made a mlsoatonlation. There are, in faot, plenty of men ready and willing to take their places at the prioe; end this the strikers rsoognioe, for they have in the most shameless and lawless manner prevented snoh men everywhere from acoepting work snd wages. Nothing, as wo have repeatedly said, ean justify workmen in than attacking in others the very right they assume to themselves. The truth is, the train men, overconfi dent in the power of their organization, deoeived and muddled as to their rights and their power by the demagogues who oontrol that organization, urged probably by designing and vindiotive men like their leader, Arthur, who is still smarting under his detests in Boston snd Pennsylvania, have pieeed themselves in e fatally false position. Their leaders have misled them into a hopeless mire. While they kept within the lsw they had our sympathy and that of the publio; but when they break tha lew they deserve no honeHt man's sympathy. They cannot hope for it in this eonntry. the meobanioal department in the ahopa will remain at the same fignres as in Jane, 1877. F. Da Fusiae, Chief Engineer and Snp’t Machinery. Jab. Montgomery, Sop’t. The Superintendent's remarks were re ceived with applense, and tbe moat ami cable feeling prevailed at the breaking np of the oonferenoe, the men saying they felt like working harder than ever and would increase their efforts in behalf of the oompany, which should lose nothing by its prompt oonoession. THE BELLIGERENTS. ■ ULEIMAN PAIHA WHIPPED AND FORCED BACK OR ADRIANOFE.E. MATTERS look dark—KUSSIANS TELL a YARN ABOUT AN OLD SHIP DEVIATING A TURKISH M0NIT0B—RUMORS OF P1AOE FROM VIENNA. THE NOOSE IN LOUISIANA* A MURDERER DROPPED INTO ETERNITY—HE MEETS DEATH WITH JEERS ON HIS LIPS. New Orleans, Jnly 25.—J ales Gaidry, oondemned for tho murder of John Beale, waa executed to-day at Lake Charles, on tbe square adjoining the jail. He was handcuffed and monnted the soaffold at 20 minntes to 2 p. m., assisted by the sheriff and a friend of Gaidry, and a ? roung Priest. Gnidry, daring his prison ifs, gave himself np apparently to relig ious instructions. Guidry was sent to New Orleans parish prison for safe keep ing, beoause a revoue was dreaded. He arrived here on the 15th. Sinoe he faaB been here he has borne himself bravely. He was very firm, oool end determined, bnt constantly deolared that be ought not to die for tha killing of Beale, beoenae Beale had se duced his wife, and ruined his home and bis children's future. Guidry behaved on the gallows in a desperate and daring manner. He addressed the erowd, and said he killed John Beale, and he would do it again to-day; that be ought not to die for it, tod that be would die like e man. He did not oaro to die. Father Charles said a few words of prayer. He nodded hia head aa if aasenting, tnrned to bia friend on the soaffold and said: “I am firm; I em not afraid to die.” He laid what 0. C. Dnson testified to in oonrt is not ao. He oontinned talking loud to tbe erowd, declaring his indifference to death and that he would commit tbe same orime again and again, and that he was justified. Before be was pin ioned be took np a rope in his hands. It waa dangling from s beam above him to his feet. He handled tbe rope and examined the noose, and said : “That fall ia not enough ; I want a neok- broak fell of 10 feet." Tbe sheriff lengthened the rope to a fall of 8 feet, bnt this did not satisfy him. He tried the slip-knot to Bee if it worked easily. When the block asp was put over his head he oried : “Why, I oan gee everything.” The rope was adjusted and slip-knot tightened. He said : “Not so tight, bnt put the knot more on the side of my neek.” As tbe sheriff took np the az to out the lope he cried out jeeringly: “I can see you ere going to ont the rope.” In a few seconds more, while he was say ing he did not esre, tbe ax fell, tbe rope parted sod Gaidry died almost instantly. The fail was folly 8 feet, if not more. Photograph Portraits for framing in Oil Ohromo, Pastel, Crayon and Ink, in the best manner at half anybody’s prioes, at Williams' Gallery, eodftwtf Here is a speoimon ooinmuaistiosl ut terance from one of the St. Louis bum mers Monday night: “ ‘Amsrioan liberty' is a flagrant lie! Never was there snob serfdom sines tbe oreatipn of msn, snd American workmen are deapioably mean and debased for not rising in their might, for they have it in their power—but they have not the intel ligence or oonrage to emancipate them selves by the ballot. ‘Amsrioan liberty’ is a misnomer, when eleven miners were burled into eternity for attempting to proteot themselves and their families from starvation. [Load cheers. ] Even st this moment tbe telegraph wires are heralding the news of maaaaare of workmen who are trying to protect themselves against cap ital. The whole secret lies in wbat is oalled the rights of ‘individual liberty’and ‘indi vidual property,' a fallaoy that baa kept men down for oenturios. Oapital baa overridden and violated the constitution, and is bringing down labor into serfdom. Workingmen mast either light or die. [Load obeers snd cries of ‘Give 'em bell I 'J The blood of the unfortunate miners of Pennsylvania,and of tbe workmen of I’lttH- bnrg and Baltimore, ories aloud for in dustrial liberty, and we must have it. Labor must be free, even thongh every town and oity in tbe eonntry perish." This is simply the spirit of anaroby— contempt for authority and love of revo lution, the oonaeoration of insubordina tion and labeling it * virtue. Tbe lan guage of the American anarchist is but an echo from the old world. THE RAILROAD HEN. SUPERINTENDENT OKDDES, OF TBE L. AND N., RHINOS ABOUT AN AMICABLE ADJUST- MENT. From the Nashville American.] The railroad troubles, so far as they may have affeoted Nashville, assumed a very quiet aspeot yesterday. At 5 o’elock in the afternoon, R dispatch was received here from Louisville by Superintendent Geddes stating that the reduction made in tbe mechanical department of tbe road Juno 1, had been reaeinded, and that tbe wages would be what they were before that pr- der waa issued. Soon after this Super- lntendent Geddes telegraphed to the De> oatur shops to have the men out by the time he got around on the switch engine. Moat of them were ont and awaiting bis coming when he arrived there. Ho made e short apeeoh to them during whioh be read the following: NOTICE. Louisville ft' Nashville Railroad Co. Glaksville Division. Offioe Bup’t, Rowling Green, Ky., Jnne 24, 1877. HUNGABY MOVING FOB MAINTENANCE OF OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Pesth, July 27.—A meeting of 10,000 deolared for tbe intervention for the maintenance of the Ottoman integrity. Similar meetings are oalled throughout Hungary. RUSSIANS BTOP TO FORTIFY. London, Jnly 28.—Tbe Manchester Guardian's Vienne correspondent state* that in eonseqaenoe of tbe defeat at Pie- vena, the Russian haadquar ten have been removed to Biela. The 8th army oorps haa stopped its ad vance through the Balkans, and it ia for tifying itself in the Temdja Valley. BUMOB* OF PEACE FROM VIENNA. London, July 27.—A speoial dispatoh from Vienna to the Times, says pesos rumors still oiroulate. Everybody to oonvinoed of the resolute maintenenee of he understanding between the Great Powers. It is felt that the moment for aotion ia approaohing. - The barbarities ooinmitted by the Mohammedans at all points, as well as by the Russians, and by tbe Algerians is no longer an unoonoern- od view of the position of the unfortu nate Christian popniations. Austria- Hungary in partionlar is strongly in terested. The sohemes is attributed to . England of oocnpyiog first Gallipolto, and next perhaps, Constantinople do not pre clude tbe belief in en early peaoe. A RUSSIAN NAVAL XABH. St. Petersburg, July 27.—The Official Messenger publishes the following dto patah -. An old merohant ship, the Vesta* has had an engagement off Knstenji, last ing over five hours with a Turkish moni tor, whioh fled mnoh damaged by the Ruaaian shells, one of whioh burst in bet turret. The Vests had her rudder in jured and went to Sebsstspol for repairs. Two offloers and nine aailora were killed, and six offloers, among them the oom- insndor, and seventeen aailora were wounded. One offioer has sinoe died. CONSTANTINOPLE RECRUITING. London, July 27.—A Renter telegram from Constantinople says: “The Sbiek Ul'Islam has been dismissed. Greet mil itary aotivity prevails. Volunteers ere everywhere enrolling. Reoraiting booths have been established in varlona quartan of Constantinople. Parties of volunteers with bands and flags are parading the streets.” SULEIMAN PASHA DEFEATED AND BETBEAT ING ON ADRIANOPLE. Adiiianople, July 27—Thursday even ing, Jnly 2fith.—Suleiman Pasha haa bean defeated at Karabnnar. He lost 10 gnns. Ilia army is retreating on Adrisnople. Note.—The Karabnntr referred to is in the immediate neighborhood of Yoni Baghria. SILESTRIA INVESTED. Shumla, July 27.—The second Russian army oorps has invested Silestris. MEN-OF-WAR WANTED AT BURGAS. Special to Enqutrer-Sun.J Constantinople, Jnly 27.—The Greek Consul at Burgas and the Frenoh and Italian Conanla at Gallipolia have tele graphed their respective embassies here for men-of-wsr, owing to the exoited state of the Moslem population. IDAHO INDIANS. JOSEPH SAYS HE MEANS TO WHIP BUBEAU HOWARD. DEFENSE AT DEADWOOD—$25 BEWABD FOR EVERY INDIAN KILLED. Dbadwood, Jnly 27.—A mas* meeting was held to organize a foroe for aelf de fense. The County Commissioners offer $25 reward for every Indian killed in the oonnty. Special lo the Enquirer-Sun.] San Francisco, July 27.—Tbe latest advioes from Chief Joeeph is that he is entrenohed in Lolo,the trail above Orafind and Camas prairie orossing; that he was not going to leave the oonntry; and that he was increasing his forces every day; that he had between 400 and 500 warriors, and said he would soon have aa many aa Gen. Howard; that he intended to whip Howard and then go to Lewiston and back to Walla Walla. Moathepn Postal t'oiiveullou. Special to Enqutrer-Sun.] Fortress Monroe, Va., July 20.—The Fostal Convention before adjourning yes terday, adopted s memorial to Congrese asking for more extended, oomplete end effectual mail service throughout the “immense ares covered by the Southern States; also for the establishment, on some substantial basis, of ‘mail oontraots by steam lines between Southern seaports sud the ports of Booth and Central Amer ica snd the West Indies. Went her* Washington, Jnly 27.—Indications— For the 8outh Atlantio snd Gulf States, rising barometer, southeast to southwest winds, stationary temperature and nnmer- By order of the President, the wages I oaa local rains, possibly followed by oool* of engineers, firemen, snd all employes of I *r northwest winds in Northern Texas. T T*