Newspaper Page Text
ENQUIRER-SUN: CQLUMB U B, (iEUlVvx^ •, w*** w x. -
gaitg JEnquirtr.
namvi. u4. t
'■■■ In
la Raw Ymk AntMi mtka an inn,
in the opinion of excisemen who tall li-
oanaaa to retail liquor.
“Ha* day 'taokad da grooary atoraa ?
aatnataly inquired an old negro on Tnee-
day night.—Courier-Journal.
A local paper ate tea the aitnaton in
Boothern Kentucky in tbia tana way
“Trad* batter; money plenty, merchant*
happier; bnaineaa reriring.”
A Nbb*a*ia farmer hitohaa a pair of
ooire to a wagon whan be joorneya, and
aailka them whenever he oomee to a toll
gate, paying the toll with the milk.
Taa Sonthern Foetal Convention meet*
at Fort Monroe to oonaider the beat way
of aaoding mail jail at a time when we
are Incky to got Northern mail* by any
Vr’nra the Pennsylvania militia are re
viewed at tho next Centennial, Gen.
Bherman will say to the Governor, “Which
are the fellows who run at Pittsburg
nine-nine years ego?”
Tan will have their little aparrlng
matches. St. Louis says Obioago i*
poverty alrioken. Then Chicago hope*
St. Louis will not attempt to give relief by
offering cheeks on Ht. Lonis banks.
Jodoes, of Pennsylvania, and
Loehrane, of Goorgis, olaim to have pra-
dioted the strike. So do othel gentlemen,
now that it has happened. Judge Kelly
says it means a repeal of the resumption
William M. Eyabts tha other day be
gan to tell a man that his eoat tail waa on
fire. Before he got through the first half
of the sentence three bams, twenty tons
of hay and nine billy goats ware burned
up, not oounting the coat till.
Giobox Fiuncis Train says no one
need be “surprised that a nation besotted
in ignoranoe, stupefied with superstition,
soaked in alobobol, steeped in tobacoo
and gorged in meat, abould oome to a dis
graceful end in delirium tremens of Pres
idential frand.
Gxniiiar Uambaldi has Just been ex-
tremely ill. He lay for some time, one
day, unoonsolons, stiff and oold; but
wheo restored he gaily remarked; “O,
that's nothing, you may be sure I shall
aurvive Pio Nono, and attend his fu
Chronicle and Conetitutionaliet: Gen
eral Toombs ssya, in reference to the
strike, “Whan capital presumes on the
power of money and labor presumes on
the power of musole, then you aee soar-
oby, and it oan’t be put down without a
compromise on both aides."
Thb whaleboat, New Bedford, which
sailed from the port of that name forty-
seven days ago for a trip across the Allan.
Uo, arrived on the other aide last Satur
day night. Captain Crspo and his wife
oompoaod the crew. They encountered
three galea, lost some of their olotbing,
and were obliged to lie to for fifteen
days. Captain Orapo’a left hand I* nearly
useless through constant steering.
Th* report so generally credited that,
while a guest at Windsor Palace, General
Grant woke up Queen Victoria and asked
her to prepare him a toddy, and that the
obliging Queen want down herself to the
kilohen and warmed up a glaaa of grog
for him, is now very aeriously doubted,
and it turns out that it is not the Queen,
but hei first maid of honor that the *x-
Preaident woke up at night to do him that
little favor.
Ran Stokbs did a brute thing the other
night at the Grand Optra House. He ac
tually oconpicd Jim Fiak'a private box,
sitting in the same spot from which the
vulgar but good-natured faoo of hia vio-
Um, with Us waxed moustaches, had
looked hundreds of times on tha apaata-
olea on whioh he lavished so muoh time
and money. Some of the people in the
gallery oaugbt eight of Stokee behind the
blue satin curtains of the box, and biased
him ronndly.
Samuil D. Lib, colored, Solioitor of
the Second Circuit of South Carolina, and
ex-Bpcaker of the House of Itspreaanta-
Uvas of that State, waa arreated in Aiken
last Tuesday,upon tha affidavit of Senator
Cochran, the chairman of the investigat
ing committee, charging tha fraudulent
iasnanoa by Lac, while Speaker of the
House, in March, 1873, of pay oertifioatua
to tha amount of eight thonaand dollars.
Lee asserts his entire tnnoeenoe, and says
be ie prepared to vindloste himself wholly
from the obarge.
Or all the men made prominent bydh*
late riots, the one who appears to leaat
advantage ie General French, of the
United States Army, who, though sent to
Cumberland to quiet an enraged mob,
tried to add fire to the flame by re-exolt-
ing sectional animosity by Bailing Colonel
Sharpe a “d—d old rebel." To the honor
of the Government he wee relieved of hia
command as soon aa information of hit
behavior was received. The Alexandria
Ornette thinks the honor would be greeter
ware be to be relieved of hie commission.
Sam the Philadelphia Public Ledger x
“All destruction of property brings lorn
to some one, end if the destruction be
groat it bringa heavy lorn to large num
bers. The qnsetiou then arises, is this
likely to aid tkoee who have tha prodnota
of labor to sell? Will tha people who
loaa money have more money to expend
for the products of labor, or will they
have least Of necessity they will be
oompolled to bny less, and thereiif Urn tha
loaa to the producer. The most insane of
all ways of helping tbe sale of tha pn>-
doata of labor is to redone the power of
Rm parohaaor to bny.”
This haa bean amply proven la tha last
faw days. New York la fnll of tha ele
ment that find Pittsburg, hot in the me
tropolis each an attempt was hardly
hinted. .The polios readily dispersed the
mob, for the disorderly knew well If that
fores oottld . not, well disciplined militia
would be upon them io a moment’s no-
tioe. The experiment of plunder end ar
son WM attempted in no place where tbe
volunteers coaid be relied upon as New
York does on her Seventh, Beventy-flrat
and other oraek regiments. The egenae
for the terrible riot at Pittsburg by whioh
tea millions of property was destroyed is
that a badly drilled regiment from
Philadelphia waa ordered to tbe place
and fired too early on eitizena.
All moats** that in times of emergency
other assistance than the regular oivio
foroe is requisite for tbe proteetioo of lew
end order, end this ie fonnd only in the
volunteer soldiery of the land. Tbe bet
ter trained they are, the more acquainted
with evolutions and the greater familiar
ity with weapons and ball cartridges, and
the mors accustomed to obedieqoe when
in ranks, tbe more eSoient they are in
times of emerganoy. In every city there
ie an element of inflammable material
whioh, under tbe pressure of violent pas
sion, can be fanned into fury. There are
also leaden of oommunietio tendencies
who believe that no one has the right to be
wealthy, that property should be divided
ratably end the rieh have no rights whioh
the laborer is bound to respsot. Aa we
have, previously stated the very baste of
tbe oommnme doctrine ie that no one is
entitled to luxuries until all ere provided
with necessities, end enthnaisstio as well
as vleions propagandists by their exoited
advocaoy have frequently deluged the
■treete of Pails in blood. Their entire
idea it that of tbe outlaw, Bob Boy.
“They muit taka who hav* tbs power,
And they must kaap who oan.’’
There are not many of this olaaa in the
South, wa era glad to aay, and they have
eome among ns with the importations
since the revolution. They have mnoh
material to work upon, and tha dootrines
oan be presented in a vary alluring form
to tha ignorant and even the move intelli
gent abuses by persuasive end designing
intriguers who have all to gain and nothing
to lose, should an smuts be the result of
■neb teachings. That theas principles
have not spread to a greater extent in the
Booth is due to the faot that the white
working olaaeee are far more intelligent
than those of the North, are better edn-
oatod and mors aoouatomad to thought
ful reflection, are more conservative in
their tendanoiea, have a greater love for
home, and imhnad with • batter under
standing of tbe Constitution of the ooun-
try and an enhanoed love for ito princi
ples. Than, too, there ia something in
number and tha fewer birds of passage.
Nearly every negro ia a oommnnist,
though ha may not understand tha word.
From tbeae hints end bare suggestions
we think ail moat appreciate the great
need of a strong and disciplined militia.
Tha beat means for its promotion is to
enoonrage the organisation and perfec
tion of the volunteer companies. We have
three in Oolumbna. Often they torn out
on parade and with thin ranks. Many
of the members are olerki In stores, shops
and employees in industrial establish
ments, bat employers are unwilling for
them to leave bnaineaa for tha faw bonra
that are required for tha drill. They
moat not be with the companies, bnt
rather dose awey over oonntora and dwell
in the land of nod. The proprietors need
not fear the loss of money, for they do not
have a customer in honni during the
summer afternoona. Why not ohange
this f We may yet need trained aolfiiery
to guard those atoraa. It wu found nqe-
eaaary in Louisville, Bt. Louis, Chisago,
New York, Brooklyn, Albany nnd numer
one other oitlaa. Bball Columbus
think she will ever be exempt
from looh • trial? Thau, instead
of hindering, nrge young men to
unite with the volunteer military and
■timnlate their ardor in suoh a oanae
Aronae a spirit of cmnlation among the
oompantea that eaoh may become better
and more efficient. By every means ad-
vanoe tha interests of the organiaatiors,
and always avoid depression. Give the
men time to drill, and adviae them to at
tend. The tiros may eome when ell will
be glad If they adopt the course. Let the
entire eity feel a pride in fostering and
promoting the seel and effeotivenem of
our voinntaer soldiery. Let ue be pre
pared for sueh motley crowds as have
appeared in LonlavUla and Chicago, who
endeavored to pass themselves off for
workingmen. Let tbs man be trained to
fire low, end when they shoot to do exe
cution, and by prompt aotion atop scenes
of wanton tnrbulenoe.
Tha majority of the Oommlttee oaJa» ■ vj _ !giJ ■
eial Circuit*, oompoeed of Meesra. D. ‘
—Tallulah won the ptiae la the aagiae
rasa at Atlanta.
—Atlanta water warts am working and
the city ia happy.
—The Oeaveuflow hen made tha salary
of the Governor *3,000 aad toe term two
fears after 1880.
did el Circuits,
B. Harrell, chairmen, W. L Hndaoo,
Twenty-fifth Diatriet, N. J. Tomlin, B.
0. Grier and H. N. HoUiflald, hav# re
ported!* favor of reducing jodloialeir-
euite. They report there ere now twenty
d resits ia the Wet*, end the time of hold-
tag tbe seasons in the various oonaUee
Is from sixteen to thirty-four weeks per
aauum, the average time allotted being
twenty-four week*. Previous to 1860,
when tbe taxable property of the State
was *672,000,000, there were only
sixteen circuit*. Now wa have
only *270,000,000 of property and
twenty dreuita. Urn eommittoe re
commended a reduction of the number
of eiraaita to taxtaon, and that eaeb ooou.
py thirty-one and one-half weeks per
year. This will leave tbe judges about
four aad ooe-haM months for study, re
creation end attention to private affairs,
and rednoe yearly expenses *11,000. Ac
cording to thic report the aixth eireuit
will be oompoaod of tha oountiaa of Har
ris, Meriwether, Moaoogee, Talbot and
Troop; the fifth of tho oountiaa of Chat
tahoochee, Dooly, Houston, Macon, Mari
on, Bohley, Sumter, Taylor, Webster end
Wileox; the fourth of the Bounties of Cal
houn, Olay, Dougherty, Early, Lee, Qait-
man, Randolph, Stewart and Terrell; tbe
seventh eireuit will be eompoeed of the
oountiaa of Bibb, Crawford, Jonea, Mon
roe, Pika, Twiggs, and Upson.
The report requires that “at tbe ex'
piration of the terms of tbe several judges
and solicitors general of tbs oiroulta as at
present organised, under the Constitu
tion prescribed by thia Convention, there
shall be a judge and £ solioitor general
appointed in each of said districts in the
mode prescribed in the Constitution.
The Legislature may, at any time here
after, increase the number of olrouita aa
often aa the business of the courts oolleo-
tively increase, so as to require thirty-two
weeks motive labor of the judges,in holding
the regular oourta In eaoh year over the
time new neoeeaary, keeping in view an
equitable distribution of the labors of tbe
■ever*) judges upon a basis of thirty-two
weeks annually.
The minority of the oommlttee, J.
Hunt, M. L. Mention, B. D. Wynn and
J. B. Twltty, recommend tbe matter be
left aa it now to in tha band* of the Gen
eral Assembly end e decrease of pay in
stead of tbe number of judges.
Chioaoo Inter- Ocean: Tbe tax payers
of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, will
have to pay the loess* ($5,000,000) oeused
by tbe rioters in Pittsburg. This ia Penn
sylvania law, and the same law exists in
New York. In 1863, at the time of the
draft riot, New York City bad to pay mils
lions of dolton for damages to property.
In 1844 the oity of Philadelphia bad to
pay all the losses, amounting to millions,
oaueed by what to called the Native Ameri-
oan riot. The New York Tribune offioe
was gutted in 1868. The oity paid Hor
see Greeley several thousand dollars dam
ages. In 1841 the Philanthropist, e Cim
oinnati Abolition paper, was mobbed. Tbe
city footed the WU. Will the tax payers
remember that all property destroyed by
rioters most be paid for by tha tax pay
ers. And will they, remembering Ihle,
frown down the efforts of noisy and irre
sponsible agitetiontota to create a disturb
—The Oommeaeemewt at Athens will
begin next Sunday the 29th inei. BUbop
Pieros will preach the sermon. Him. A.
O. Beoon, wUl deliver the entfUB literary
Tueedaar, and reported ptonty off cater-
piUantn hto cotton flmfi.
—How to Atlanta going to build a new
Capitol without innraaeiMg bar debt. That
rattletrap of an Opera Homo* will not sell
for enough to bbf mbre tnen U deoent
Bag it, it pieked one of hie eywa nearly if
not quite out.
—The fair at Clayton earns off lata
Tuesday,and waa largely attended. Every
thing passed off plsaaeatly, and all pres
ent had a meet enjoyable than. Hon.
EUB. Shorter, in the
an address
toed taking Jaffnot < in toe
’ frotaViMt roon died,
iw Whig mi* nearly 2,000
I Lises on the growing crop
”Thx~ Status or tmu Kxvoution.—Tbe
strikers appear to be yielding. Pa,sen
ger and freight trains have oommeneed
running on other roads besides the New
York Central and Erie whioh are open
their entire length. The eltixens by arm
ing themaelvea and petroling tha atreele
have raoeeeded in suppressing the mob*.
This has been a difflonlt matter in Chicago
and Ban Franoisoo. It really eppaara that
the baokbone of tha strike to broken end
tiafflo will soon resume ito wonted oourse.
It means too that the funds of the Union
are not very flush and the members are un
willing to withstand the pressure of pub
lic opinion which to so strongly against
their lawless aotion.
Tbe Herald, of the 22d, from the most
reliable edvioee, sums np tbe list of cas
ualties is follows:
Estimated dead
Estimated wounded loo
Killed tn Baltimore
Killed In Plttsbarg Saturday
Killed in Pittsburg Sunday
Ittsburg Saturday..
Wounded In Pittsburg Sunday....
Total killed and wounded silo
Chicago, Behding, Ban Franoisoo and
other pleoes are still to be added.
Tux Pittsburg Dispatch rAaliEea that
the riot at that place “began in stupen
dous blunder end ended in ontregeons
orime. ” All tbe Pittsburg pspers gay
that under the law Allegheny oonnty will
have to foot the bill.
Bailbqap Mattxus. —Ex-Goy. J. E.
Brown has made an argument before the
Revision Committee of the Convention
on the question of establishing uniform
rates on all freight over the railroad liuea
in Georgia. It to published in pamphlet
form. We have reoeived a oopy.
Bxsults of the Pittaburg tint: Two
thonaand freight ears, with the merchan
dise on them, destroyed; one hundred
and fifty loeomotivea burned; a doxen
important bnlldinge reduced to ashes;
fifty lives last. And this lossof $5,000,-
000 end fifty lives does not benefit a sin
gle on* of the many itriker*
Tin Cincinnati Outette aay* this it a
war of “tramps, roughs. Idlers and vaga
bond! on laboring man.” Very well—
grant it—thee whoao nefarious policy
made so Urge aotoee of tnunpa, roogha
and idtater
It to the old story of looking the stable
door after the horn has been etolen over
again. After $5,000,000 worth of proper
ty had been destroyed in Pittsburg and
fifty lives lost, the basin see men of that
oity suddenly realized there wu danger,
and organized vigilance oommitteea to
Buppreis the riot. The time for vigiianoe
oommitteea wu when tbe riot oemmec
Tux Sugar Hotel, published in the most
productive eene district of Loniaiana,
states that lands in that aeotion, fronting
on navigable strums, and eapable of
yielding 2,000 and 2,600 pounds of sugar,
and J 2 to 820 gallons of molaasu per aore
—crops worth $200 to $500,oan be bought
for $15 to $20 per sere, end that equally
productive lands In the interior, within
few mltoe of navigable at reams, may be
had for $5 to $15 per acre.
Tima are irregular tides in the great
laku. On tbe 10th instant, there wu
sudden fall of one foot ia the level of
Lake Ontario, tke oanse of whioh to
known. Thau tides ooenr at all bonra of
the day, and have been known to ocoasion
aooidenta to boat* in shallow water, the
•ndden receding of the water leaving the
boat on rooks, where a few moments
before them had been an abandon oe of
water. _
Bom a Oaeouma to vlsoroualy pursuing
tbe tote Bing scoundrels who have plan
dared her. The notorious rasoal Moses
haa been arms tad, and, them oan be Uttle
doubt of hto guilt; he will probably
soon in the Penitentiary, whioh to the
proper plaoe for him.
FLaamA.—Tha sale of uttle on the
Gnlf ooaat from Tamp* to Pont* Bam
amonata to about $40,000 par month.
There am thru thousand ks*d of oattl*
them awaltlag shipment to Cuba.
Miss Eats Knur of Doootnr, Illinois,
wu along in tha aaowta by Abes, and died
i* eight mlaataa.
—An attempt to oommlt auieid* with
laudanum, whioh oome very boot proving
fetal, wu made by a negro woman nomad
Bailie Thompson at the M*ooonh*iu gang
- —Mr. 8. H. Jamison's Oouneotion with
Uta Meson Telegraph u Ideal editor hu
been uvered, end Mr. Joseph H. Jones,
a young lawyer of Atlanta, noRooouptes
that position.
—Mr. i. H. Harris while engaged in
painting the roof of Mr. Petvy’s residenoe
at Greenville, fell forty feet la the ground.
Tbe fell wu shortened by two ladders.
Hewu not urionaly injured.
—The Savannah Hettte ia respectfully
informed it wu a eotton boll, not a bale
received by Flournoy k Epping in Oolum-
tme. Cotton bale* never oome to Georgia
that early, u the Jfetee well knows.
—The State. Sunday School Convention
mute in Athens Aognst 24th to 26th.
The Convention sermon will be pretched
by Bev. W. P. Harrison, D. D., and the
musio led by J. W. Wallace, of Auguste.
—Sixteen oonvlota, consisting of twelve
men and four women, passed through
Msoon Thursday ** route to Stevens’
pottery, whom their attention will be de
voted to the mannteotare of various
styles of earthwork for speoifled lengths
‘ time. 1
—Aaron Bavill, who killed John Seay
near Grunville last week, wu arrested
tbe lower portion of- the oonnty lut
Saturday, lodged, Jo jail and had a com
mittal trial before Justice Partridge last
Tuesday. He W*a‘ required to give e
bond of Iwtr hundred dolton. HO ie in
jail. .
—Ax* Atlanta woman, whom much pon
dering and lobbying on the removal of
the Capitol question had made mad,
walked into a eharoh lut Sunday u the
organist Wu waltzing through' a prelude,
end made things lively by yelling out, “I
adjure you in tne name of the Almighty,
to trot that hymn alow.” .
—The Georgia Bailroad machine shops
at Augusta are bully engaged in repair
ing their engines in anticipation of an
active business season Ibis fall. The en-
iinea are being ohanged from “wood
jurners” to “coal bnrnere" as fut u the
smoke staoka and other wood-burning
appurtenancesue' worn out.
—Judge Hiram Warner dou not favor
the idea of lnoreulng the nnmber of
Supreme Court Judgaa to five. Suoh ad
dition will increase the number of officers
and divide responsibility, bnt will not add
anything to the effieleney of the Court,
while the inoreued expenu will be from
five to uven thousand dolton.
—The Butler Herald say* an pffioer and
two other gentlemen pUeed tbrongb
Butler on Saturday morning lut with two
negro boys, about 15 or 16 years old, who
bad committed the hellish orims of tape
on a little white girl, about 14 years of
sge, in Bohley county. Thera were three
negrou implicated, but one made hia es-
oape. Tbe officer from Bohley made tbe
arrest in this oonnty Saturday night tost,
at Mr. Tom Gray’s plantation.
—Borne Courier: Some days ago we
ailnded to the arrest of David Grodket
Snow for larceny from the house, io
steeling Mrs. Judge Jos. E. Veal's wateh
ohain, bracelets, eto., and of hto trial be
fore Thos. J. Perry, J. P., and hie com
mitting him to jail. Judge Elam, his
oonnsel, objeoted to thia commitment! on
the gronnd that he wu under ten years of
age, and BO*d ont a writ of habsu oorpns
before Jndge Underwood, to have him
released. Tbe Jndge held that tha Mag
istrate did right in committing him, not
withstanding he wu tinder ten year* of
Chronicle and Conetitutionaliet: We
learn from an undoubted aouroe that a
stubborn fight hu been had before the
Committee on Bevision on the question
of electiug the Judges of the Superior
Courts by tbe people. Upon the final vote
the eommittee stood only twelve for ap
pointing the Judges to eleven for eluting
them. Among those who voted for mak-
king the offioe of Judge elective wire
Messrs. J. B. Brown, A. B. Wright, A 1
Johnson, T. J. Simmons' and J. 'L.
Seward. The Cherokee delegates seam
Io be solid on this point, Ool. L. N.
Trammell was in the ohair when the vote
was taken.
—Two weeks ago, we turn, from toe,
LaGrange Reporter, a Uttle white
girl abont thirteen year* old, wu out
raged, near Wedowee, Ala., t
returning from school. The parpetral
of tho outrage was a negro about sights
years old, very .Stoat and strong. 1
little girl was horribly mangled and v<
badly choked. She died soon after
fiendish deed wu done, and the
trator esoaped. Friday night an < .
tleman near there, oaught the negro,
the latter threw him down, injniiqg hi|
severely, and eaoaped. Saturday he Wl
agsin captured and again managed io g
away. A party started inpnrenit of hiih,
and traoed him throngh Heard oonnty
into Troup. Hewu finally naught near
Long Cane by a colored men, Jim BobiS"
eon. who wu one of the pursuers, and
when one br the other, gathered a shot
gun, and a eeuffls ernii mar It, whan IK
boy’s stomach, from
* —The Hotair
mortgage* and lien*
of Greene hav* been ruordad ia that
oonnty; whioh It an to probably 600
more then In any other year sine* the
war. There are * great many for th#
present year' on the iwaevffr et Hayn*
oonnty, but the earns for wMeh tbey era
given are generally mnoh rnwllei, while
their increase may portly be laid at the
door of that west of ooefidsoeewfaiob bu
■prang'np to ooneequewoe^ef the frequent
orop failures of tote yearn, M few men
now think of loaning money without
strong ueurity. We think w# are grad
ually getting better m Lowndee elno#
planters are giving a little more attention
to eorn end hoge. 1
—The Tuakegee Mail atysi “Cotton
oaterpillers have mad* their appeeranoe
in several localities In thia Monty. They
have been fonnd In small numbers on the
plantation of Major Cerate Leslie and
Mr. Clark Thompson in the prairies, aad
on that of Ospt. H. C. Armstrong, on
the line at tbe Mobile and Girard Beil-
road In the sonthern port of the oonnty.
The weather has been very favorable to
their development fox tb* pert few days,
and fun are everywhere fait that the
erop will again be destroyed by them.
The eotton orop is at leut two weeks late
in growth end fruitage, and should the
worms make their appearance in deetruo-
tive numbers et the anatom
place your risk* with thr
- ■ O M P A If IE S
We represent, and whenL9ff9e* occur, you will surely
Indemnified :
>tpi8 tf Office In the OtORQIA
they will be able to infltot mnal
damage then nsnsl.
ary period
nob greater
Representing the Well-known, Responsible and Justly Popular Companion
Commercial Union Assurance Company,
LONDON-Aotot* $12,951,671 02, fiolil.
Westchester Insurance Company, N. Y,,
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SAN FRANCISOO«»THo Most Popular Ins. Oo. in tho United States.
The following is a list, of lattars rtmatnlng
In the Post Offles at Columbus, Ga., July
Jackson T M, Jr
Boas* H (soli
nrs El
Allen J
Darns, J K
Bennetts (ool)
Btlbro mlea Lottie
Blunt mr, Katie
Bottley 1) D
Hoasman mr, Ellaa
Boober mr, Uary A
Burgatt F
Cherry mrs L Powell O
Ohariord mist Martha Rsggs M
Ann Beesi
Oalleemr, Elisabeth
Cook mrs Hagsr
Bar J A, 2
Denae ml,, S J
Doraey ml,, Carrie
: Juke mr. Motile
Silt,on mr, Lucinda Temples M O
Erl oh a Finoh msssr, Tompkins miss Hatti*
Flowers Maine (ool) Thomason J A
Oaffoad J T Watson H
Greer Matilda Walker lias, (ool)
Hurdy mr, Emily Wataon W J
HadlxJT White mrs Malinda
Uawkln, mr, N S Wright O
Hawklnt mn Nancy Jones * Anderson
Purifies the Blood, Rsnovate* and In
vlgorato* the Whole Byatam.
Alterative, Tonle, Solvent
and Diuretlq.
—Savannah jVsus, 26th: Daring Hi*
past several days theta haa boon oonaider-
able feeling among the mechanic! and la
borer* at th* Oantrai Bailroad upon the
subject of * reported r*du*lioniii'th*ir
pay, and various rumor* have b*en cur
rent relativa to th*ir action in the prom
ises. It wu stated that th* redaction
would be abont five per cent on tli* pap
of tha mechanic and laborer*, and wonli
go into effect on the first of Beplembei.
Tha feeling oooaaioued by the reported
aotion of the road anthorittos, recalled in
a determination of toe amptoyaaa to hold
a public masting to-night and appoint
a committee to wait upon 'th* officer* of
the oompany, with the vtaw off having th*
order rescinded. At a lots hov last avail
ing, however, it waa daamad advisable
not to have anoh a public gathering, bnt
to meet in tha shops, end there aeeld*
upon tbe bast ccmra* to be pursued.
—Mrs. Sarah Jon**, aged about sixty-
five years, died at bar home in Entente
Tuesday evening teat.
—News baa bean iwo*iv*4e4th* Execu
tive offioe of the daatnetion by fir* of th*
court house of WolkSr oonnty, on Satur
day tost. It thought to to hav* boon th*
work of of an ins—dtodf.
. —A little boy
of Tuakegee, went ont
Logan «G fiU "
MsOlutsr miss Ells*
Jfllls Marta*
Pittman miss D
mr* Taunt*
so* miss Tunis
Koblnson S B
ByauProf J W
Smith mr, Annie
Snslt P
Stewart JF
Vxoxtinx la mads exclusively from th*
juices ot carefully-selected barks, roots and
herbs, and so strongly ooncsntratsd that it
will effectually eradicate from th* eystem eve.
ry taint of Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor,
Tumors, Cancer, Cancerous Humor, Ery
sipelas, Salt Rheum, Syphilitic Diseases,
Canker, Faintness at tha stomach, aad all
diseases that arise from Impure blood, Sci
atica, Inflammatory and Chronic Bhau-
matlem. Neuralgia, Gout and Spinal Com
plaint., can only be effectually MNd through
tbe blood.
For Ulcer* and Eruptive Disaaaaf of th*
Skin, Pustule*, Pimples, Blotch**, Botl*i
Tetter, Scald head and Ringworm, Taaa-
tinb hae nerer tolled to effect a. parmanent
For Fains In tlm Back, Kldaay Com
plaint., Dropsey, Female Weaknoss
Leucorrhcoa, arlting from latarnal uloera
lion, and utarln* diseases and Uansral liabili
ty, Vxaunaa acts directly upoa.thsaausadi
these eompfalnta. It Invigorate, aad strength
ene the whole system, aots upon the seeretlre
organt, allays Inflammation, euros nttaratlon,
and regulates the bowels.
For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Cas-
tlveness. Palpitation of tha Heart, Head
ache, piles, Nervousness and Genaal Pros
tration of the Nervous System, no ms It.
olne has ever given sueh perfect n til faction
the Vkoxtinb. It purifies tha blood, claahtas
all of tbe organs, and poissues a seatrolling
power over the nervous syttsm.
Th* remarkable cares sflkotsd by Vsorrirs
hav* Induced many phyetelane and apotheCa-
rles whom w* know to presertb* and waa It
their own families.
In toot, VuoaTiR* la the bast remedy yst
discovered for the above dlieasu, and 1* th*
only reliable BLOOD PUBIFIKB yst
placed before the pnblio.
Tbe iollowlug letter from Her. E. 8. Bast,
Pastor or M. E. Ohuroh, Natick, Mas*, w U
be read with Interest bv many physMias; olio
ig from tb* earn* dfaaaaa os a r-
a ortbaBev. E. B, Best. No per
eon oan doubt this testimony, aa then IS I
doubt about the ouratlve power* ofVnawrtui
s Natick, MAse,, Jen, 1, U T 4.
Dear sir— We have good reason for regarding
your VtosTiNB a msaloin* or tha greatest va •
ue. We tool aaeured that It he* been tbe
means of eavlng our eon’s Ufa. He Is new IT
Tear, of ag*. For the last two years h* ha i
suffered from necroeis of Ms: leg, sawed
■orofUlous affection, and was so tar rodui
that nearly all who saw him thoo|ht els
ImpoHlble. A connell of ahl* phys -
elans eonld give ns bnt th* lain test hop* ofup
daelarlng thi
aslble. A comaetl
• but th* tot-
two. of
- - - 855 --.hi
ranking and innurancc.
“The Best is the Cheapestl’
k* ; "*"**
This Maxim appllw with peculiar foroe to your
All of these Oompanlsi cbesrtully deposit Bonds (I). S.) with th* Slat* Treasurer, to comply
with th* Georgia laws Ibr protection of Policy Holders.
Klaks reasonably rated, Foltele* written, Lotte, tatrly adjusted and promptly mid.
Kb- Application, for Imurano* mad* at either our Udles, auxt to Telegraph on**, or to G.
GUNBY JORDAN, Eaglsfc Phsntx Manufsofurlug Company’s Offles, wUl resslva prompt
— lOS —
We will sell our entire etookof
Now is the Time to Buy,
▲e we. are determined to dispose of them.
«■ Prices on all other Coeda guaranteed.
myt dAwtf
New AavertlsementB.
Taught by tha Proffe. of Ioatln, Greek and
Send lor catalogue I
man of Faoulty.
BINE,” by over 000 parsons who u,e It,
Pxlces reduced. Now Damp hist, free.
N. F. BURNHAM, York, Pa.
Tire Crucial TcWSofthe vain* of a msdl-
slns Is tlm*. Ucss--sKpsrisno* confirm the
olalms put forth In lu favor at th* outsat 7 Is
the grand question. Apply this oritsrlon, so
•tmpls, yst 3o searching, to tareawt'* Erran-
vmoauT SaLTraa AraaixWT. How ha, 11
worn? What ha, bean It, history 7 How does
ad to-day 7
Tarrant'* Zeltur Apai
Is a household name throughout th* United
States. It Is administered as a speolflo, and
with ltt< *- J — *- J
mlttants, ..
"" -
maternal mx, and
8o|mlld li It m tta
operation that It oan b* given with psrlset
- ‘ "d i and so agreeable
aw MB DuiAiiuiawibu sew as ajiruiuu, nuu
OOSM, In dyspepsia, sick headache,
debility, liver oomplalnt, bilious rs-
), bowel complaints (especially sonttl-
patton), rheumatism, gent, gravel, nausea,"
oomplalnt, peculiar to the maternal Hr, i
all types of Inflammation. Sotmtld Ilf it in
safety to the feeblest ehlb
Plain and with Buckles.
Sandals § Slippers,
In N*t» and Taatf 8tylw.
Fine Button Boots.
G H N T »’
Portland, Maine.
t) t? Extra Flna Mixed Cards, with name,
(20 10 osnts, post-paid. L. JONES k ool,
Nassau, N. Y.
Also ■ full Lina of
SPRING WORK in all the
Popular Stylaa, ALL AT
A Heavy Stock of BrogsAs,
Plow Shoes, and Sta- .
pie Gooda,
per day at ham*. Sample,
♦KK O *77 a weak to Agents. *10 Outfit
Augusta, M*.
fftnada _
to l<& fit and*terms be*,
ta. Main*.
J b ■
had not vigor enough to endure _ ^
Just then we oommeneed giving him VWas-
TiHx, and from that tlm* to th* nrsasnt be has
besn continuously Improving. H* has lately
ilss, throw* awv bis sswMhsi
UPEBIOB aeosmmodatloBS for all olasasa
~ Baparat* departmsnU tor epileptic* aa<
asrvoa* Invalids, For terms of admission end
_ uBipfcgY, M. D,
resumed hts
Studios, throw* away his: sew
onus, and walks about ohssrfully and
Though there 1, still some discharge from
tbs opening where th* limb was leased, we
bave the fUUeet confidence that ta a HUM tlm*
he will be perfectly cored.
He has taken about thro* dossa bottles ot
Veobtiub. but lately sees but little, as be de
clare, that be li too well to be taking madl-
etae, Reepsotniliy youre,
E. 8. BEST.
Man. u O. F. BEST.
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.
[jygj wsJAsEilw]
]|bsrt JobnaoB,
ot Tuekegee, went ool with a tutieg
party, a few days atoca, when one of the I
party ahot and Wounded* oxona an that it I
was captured, and vfall* S|Ua(* woe band-1 jym
OrroaiT* Oitt Hall Pabk, Oocar Nona*,
All Modern Imcrovemente, taeladtac Eleva
tor, Gee, and Banning Water
In every Boom.
HIS ESTABLISHMENT to now open to
th* Pnblio for th* season.
Per day
" week
.. 10 00
.. MOO
Children under 1* years aad colored servants
half prise.
OW HACKS to meat morning aad avowing.
Trains on North k South Bailroad.
OW Clos* connection Is mad* at Geneva,
8. W. H. B., with th* nut A. m. Train by W.
H. Martin’s Hack,, whioh arrive st th* Spring*
to early tea.
rnytatf Proprietor.
Hot Springs, Ark.
nut-cuu in mu bhpici
Thia Hwwa* haa Bath-Hoorn, ui
■am roof, lupplUd from tha Hot Springs.
mhnddm fife
For anything yon want In th* Sh6a and
Leather Lins, sail at
No. 73 Broad Straat, ,
(Sign of tke Jhg Boot.)
ssptOtf -■;»* • • • il •• " r
Administrator’s Sale.
Bra S. HARRISON, Anetlonesr.
A GBEBABLK ts an order of th* Honofs-
rw waBif 5 "-
AUGUST NEXT, at Us Storsehoub. Ns
DmA Htoo.t ’ IIaIo. ' “ 1 7 *
sitting of Bscon, Sugar, Colts'
Moles**, and Shelf Good., b.
th* lata firm ot J. J. Whlttla h " Co.
aooount of sstats ot John T. MeLsod, d
as perishable property. Term, cash.
Temporary Administrator.
July 22,1877-td
For Sale at Auction,
T\. on th* first Tuesday In Augnstwattflth),
the property known aa th*
City Warehouse,
now oocwpled by A. Gammtl as a Stabto, on
Oglethorpe strata. Bald property ccvsm ball
aero of gronnd, and Is In fl svclam order, aad
naath tha oattr root, said ta ba firo-proof.
Term.: One third oath, balaaos tot oas aad
two jtarsat seven percent. Interest.
Posssatlsn glvta 1st of Oetobor asst.
W F. TICWKH. Dantlat..
.. OvaaMroou’sDaua sveaa, I
Baadolph Straat, OotambaaTtH.