Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, August 02, 1877, Image 1

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NO. 182
Hartranft’s Realm Still Holds Out,
but Comini to Terms.
•r Sortnton Oct* Hh Jaw
■rokan, and Ya Hartraaft
Maallth Oadad.
All Qulat In tha Wait and Train Runaing.
tuned to their quartan unmolested. All
piece* of boeineee ere oloead by order of
the Mayor, end oitieena ere joining the
volunteer* in Urge number*. Troop*
here been lent for, end ere expeoUd to
night when freeh trouble 1* feared. Mean
while the atreet* are being cleared by the
police and volunteer*.
Specie! to Anpunr-SM.]
Nabhvillb, Angnat 1.—The etrlka on
the St. Loui* and South ora tom Bailroad
haa oollapeed, and train* will run a* uiual
to-morrow. The engineer* expreea a wll-
lingneaa to reanme work, though no oon-
oeaaiona have been made them.
Amman* at ai. Loom.
8*. Louis, August L.—Two of tha Ex
eentive Committee of Bt. Lonia ha* been
nrraated. The capture of other* 1* ex
MumMoxa or ohioaoo aronma.
OrnoAoo,'Angnat 1.—United State* Dta-
triot fudge Drummond aentenoed eight
riotar*, brought from Peoria, to four
month* lmpriaonment and flf-y dollar*
fine for oontempt
Columbus, Onto, August l.—Sevan
freight train* want eaat on the Pittsburg,
CladnnaU & St Lonia Bailroad, and one
waetward this morning. Bix westward
bound freight trains arrived her* at noon.
The polios took control of the yards, as-
listed by two eompaote* of military.
Thar* was not a ahadow of oppoaition,
bnt on the contrary every one present
eeemed pleased at the condition of af
The Baltimore end Ohio Company'*
local offlomCliava been officially notified
to receive freight
wiLXMBAaan still obitrefbroub.
Wilkubarbe, Angnat 1.—Trains left
both ways on the Valley , road this morn
log without disturbance. At noon e local
train for Pittston was boarded by strikers,
the engine was ont loose and run into tho
round house.
S-rmixxma at wilkh8Bahi» troublesome.
Wilkesb abbs, August 1.—A mail trein
bound north on the Valley Beilroed, end
dn* here at 2 p. k., was detained three-
quarters of an hour by a orowd of 7,000
paraona at tha depot The striker# un
coupled the paaaenger coaches end engine
and threw the ooupling bolts in the oenal.
The bolts were replsoed end Doited State*
detective offioera were stationed on the
platform to watoh them. Tha train was
backed below the depot and under a foil
head of steam, shot past tha strikers.
Borne of them attempted to board the
tratabut failed. Trouble la anticipated
when tha next train rsaohas hare.
nmnxLTAHiA bailsoad PAstna tbs usual
Philadelphia, August 1.—Tha Board
of Diraotors of the Pennayivanie Bailroad
Mty, deoided to pass the oenal qnar-
tarly dividend on the stock of that com
pany. The Board oonaidera it advisable
to me ita available oaah in repairing the
meant damage* to it* property.
Wq-ksbabbb, Pa., August 1.—A orowd
of six or seven thousand people assembled
at tha Lehigh Valley depot to aee the mail
train from the South oome in at 8:45
o'olook this afternoon. The strikers were
ont in foroe. A oonatable and U. 8. de-
teotive standing on tho platform next to
the engine were stoned. Master Meehan
to Drnmpaller wee running the engine.
The strikers stoned him until he had to
gat off. As ha did so he wee struck in the
fee* with a atone. The strikers eheered,
mounted the engine, ont it loose end ran
it to Sugar Notch. John Battler, the
constable, was seiaed by the mob and
roughly handled. They were going to
dock him in tho oenal, and would have
killed him but for the Interference of
friends. He is now in the station house
for proteotion. The mob followed him
ttuongh the street* hooting end yelling.
A large number of passengers were com
pelled to ley over here. The strikers
have the engine taken from tho train, end
are running it np and down the road,
blowing the whistle and ohearing. Miners
and railroadmen are eoaleaoing, and trou
ble ie feared.
Soearton, Pa., Angnat 1.—Abont 11:80
this morning about 5,000 men, armed
with olnb* and revolvers, foroed ell the
employee of the L , L A O. Co,,, who had
returned to work after a brief strike, to
desist; then proceeded to the ear shops
of the D., L. A W. B. B. Co., drove the
men from tbeir poets, end threatened to
destroy tbs oat shop’s offioe. Not satiefied
with this, they violently sea suited several
employee, both in the shop end offioe,
end many of them unstained painful,
though not serious wounds. Mayor Me
Kane hastened to the eoene, and at the
■am* time sent word to a volunteer or
ganization of yonng men, whioh had been
guarding the extensive stores of the L.,
LAO. Co. for abont a week paat. The
Mayor'a arrival at the eoene of the melee
was tha signal for a general attack upon
him, and bnt for the interposition
of Father Denn, a Catholic priest,
ha would probably have bean killed.
He eeoaped, however, with a double frac
tal* of ib* jaw. Meanwhile soma forty
or fifty of the volunteer* ms robed down
LaekawnA avenue to Washington, where
they were nut by the rioters, and after a
brief assault with olubs and atones, Arad
into tha orowd, UlUag four man. Tha
Hoodlums, and la fast everybody waa
ffiepsTsiii, and as they ran several fall
fttiomly wounded. Tha company re-
W. H. West it Nominated for Governor.
Cold and Sllvar Raoommondod •»
Monty Standard*.
Special to Enquirar-Sun.]
Columbus, O., August 1. — Freight
trains were moved ont In all directions
under guard of military to-day, withont
the slightest interruption from strikers.
Special to tho Enquirer-Sun.]
Hazelton, Pa., Angnat 1.—Tha first
paaaenger train from the east, arrived
here this morning from Manoh Chunk,
thereby breaking the blockade and re
turned on schedule time with mail and
passengers for New York and Philadel
phia. Another trein arrived later in the
day with twelve mail pouohes and a full
oomplatement of passengers. Both of
these trains were run by orewa belonging
to the mein line aa the men of the Hazel-
ton branoh ere still ont. The pay oar ar
rived here about noon. The men
were paid off np to fonr
o'olook this afternoon, nine of tb* stri
kers hod asked to be retnstated. A* the
morning trein was on its way baok to
Manoh Chunk it was stopped about five
miles below here by e tie that bad bean
laid aoroas the raila. The obstruction
was placed at a curve of the road, bnt the
engineer was able to stop the train in
lime to avoid disaster, although tha en»
gins arrnok the tie before the train oould
ba brought to a halt.
The miner* of Eokley, Upper Lehigh
and Jeddo held a mass meeting this
morning at the latter plaoe whioh was
very largely attended. The men seem
desirous of reorganizing the Minera’
Union and are reported to have reoom-
monded it at their meeting this morning.
Tbe question of a strike was disonased
but tbe speeches and entire prooteding*
were in opposition to that oonme, so long
as tbe Beading Company continues to
Later—8 p. m.—Information kas jnit
been received that tha railroad man of
this division have signified their desire
to retnrn to work, and that all local a*
well as through trains will ran to-morrow
b. A o. WOBKINO.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun.]
Baltimobz, August 1.—B. A O. offloisls
at Camden station report to-night as fol
low ■: We moved abont 180 trains on tbe
various divisions to-day, and ell worked
Olbvblabd, Ohio, August 1.—The Be-
pnbUaan State Convention nominated
William H. West, of Bellefontaine, for
RuMiant Defeated Twloa at Plevn*.
AurraiA asmino bbavilt on tbb frontier
—Russia's bkpusbntations to iso-
thrxi abut
Washington, August 1.—Hayes, Key
end Boburz were at the Sohuetzenfest left
night. Seoretary Sohurz spoke, end in
oonolnding aantioned his own oountrymen
against drinking too mnoh. Postmaster
General Key also spoke, in tbe oouree of
bis remarks saying of Mr. Hsyee, “He
weeesiDgular President."
Deoresse for tbe month eight hundred
and eighteen thousand dollars; ooin in
Treasury nearly ninety-eight millions;
onrrenoy nearly ten millions. Beoeipts
from Internal Revenue were rednoed
least one millions by tbe strike. Be
oeipt* from oustoms for the month, ten
millions; from Internal Bevenoe, eight
end tbree-querter millions.
Tbe President haa countermanded his
order for Gen. Sherman's Immediate re-
tarn to headquarters.
teleobaph companies.
New York, Angnat 1.—Within abont a
month tbe prioe of Western Union Tele
graph stock baa sdvanoed from 56f to
71}. Beports of a oonsolidetion of the
Atlentio end Faoiflo end tbe Western
Union oompanies, or an agreement by
Whioh tbe rates were to be advenoed upon
a basis deoided by the two companies, baa
been repeatedly oirouleted on Wall street.
These reports were renewed yesterday.
Inquiry at tbe offioee of both oompanies
elicited the statements were not based
upon any offioiel notion of tbe oompanies,
end the offioera were not acquainted with
any ontaide movement looking to any
agreement or union between tbe compa
Memphis, August 1.—Tbe briok moul
ders are on a strike for 25 oente edvanoe
on the prioe paid daring the peet five
years. The street foroe of tbe Gas Com
pany demanded an advance. All ere dis
Tbe army worm is in tbe ootton fields
of North Mississippi.
000 BAIL.
Columbia, 8. 0., Angnat 1.—Ex-Gov.
F. J. Moses, who baa been imprisoned
here tor a week peat, has been released
on $10,000 bail, while testifying before
the investigating committee relative to
the reoent political history of State,
Special lo Enquirer-Sun.]
Olxvxlahd, August 1.—The following
platform was adopted by the Ohio State
Bepublioan Convention:
Beeolved, That w* reaffirm and adopt
tho platform end resolutions of the Na
tional Convention of the Bepublioan
party, adopted in the Convention in Cin
cinnati in Jane, 1878.
Beeolved, That the Bepublioana of
Ohio reaffirm their unfaltering oonfldeno*
in Bntberford B. Hsyee aa a statesman,
patriot and Bepublioan, and oordially
approve and rapport bis efforts for tha
paolflcation af tbe oonntry end the estab
lishment of its oivll servlo* upon e basis
of parity and effloienoy.
Beaolved, That wa reaffirm it aa the
unalterable purpose of the Bepablloan
party to maintain and enforoe tha provis
ions of the reoent amendments to the
Federal Constitution—guaranteeing the
oivil rights of oitiaene before the lew,
irrespective of raoe or oolor, end to assist
upon the foil end effeotnal performance
by tbe Federal Government In the execu
tion of ell its powers of ita constitutional
obligations in that behalf.
Beaolved, That we are in favor of both
silver and gold as money; that both shall
be a legal tender for tbe payment of *11
debts exoept where otherwise apeolally
provided by lew with ooinlng and valua
tion so regulated; that our people shall
not be placed st a disadvantage in our
trade with foreign nations, end that both
metals shell be kept in oironlation as the
money of the nation aa contemplated by
the Oonetitntion, and we therefore de
mand the remonetization of silver.
Beeolved, That we are opposed to any
farther grants of pnblio lends or money
subsidies, or the extension of the pnblio
credit of the General Government to aid
in the oonatrootlon of railroad*.
Beeolved, That wa era opposed to tha
renewal of patents by aot of Congress,
whioh ere burdensome and oppressive to
tbe messes of tbe people, especially to
the laboring oleases.
Beeolved, That we view with alarm the
present disturbed condition of the ooan-
try as evidenced by the extensive strikes
of workingmen and followed by deatrao
tion of life and property, in different
parte of tbe oonntry, end while we dep-
reoste each end every resort to violenoe
end disorder and oordially approve tbe
aotion of National and State authorities in
tbeir efforts to enforoe tbe supremacy of
the lew, yet we do most heartily eymps
this* with the oondition of the honest and
industrious laborers who are willing to
work, bnt remein nnemployed, or ere em
ployed at wages inadequate to oomfort
end independence, end *■ an earnest of
onr desire to find a remedy for
tbeir oondition. We reoommend,
1st. That Congress establish e National
Baraan of Industry.
2d. That Congress exert its authority
over ell national highways of trade by
prescribing and enforoing snob reasona
ble regnletions as will tend to promote
the safety of travel, seonre fair retnrn for
ospitsl invested and fair wages to em.
ployes, preventing mismanagement, im
proper discriminations and tbe egrandize-
ment of offioiele at tbe expense of stock
holders, shippers and employes.
3d. That provision be made for statu
tory arbitrations between employers end
employes, to adjust controversies, reoonoile
interests end establish jnstioe and equity
between them.
Pobtlamd, August 1.—Gen. Howard
telegraphs from his beadqnarten on tbe
Clearwater, near Kanriah, under data
July 27th, as follows : “I have asked to
have tbe troops at Miesanls detain Joseph
until I oan strike bis rear.” Howard says
in another dispetoh that everything is in
tha best possible oondition for tbe present
and the oaptnre of the enemy is oertsin,
providing tbe Montana troops can oheok
hie edvanoe.
The Pope suit His Nweceeeor.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun. |
London, Augast 1.—A Borne diapatoh
to tbe Daily Neve says the uneasiness in
regard to the Pope's health ia renewed.
He has seen only Cardinal Bimevi end bis
owndomeetios for five days. Cardinal
Biararoeforzas obenoes of anooeeding
Pope Pins improve daily.
Failure in Chicago.
Chicago, Augast 1.—The feiiar* of J.
8. A W. G. Meed A Co., wholesale groeen
of South Water street, ie ennounoed. Tbe
liabilities ere unknown.
Frssk Walworth PardoaoM.
Albany, N. Y., Angnat 1.—Got. Bob-
inson, to-day, pardoned Frank Walworth,
aentenoed to State prison for Uf* for tbe
I murder of bis father.
AurraiA will mobiueb
Perth, Angnat 1.—The Peath Loyds
publishes a Vianna special stating the
mlniaten have deoided to mobelizs three
army oorpa, whioh will be eoheloned on
the frontiers of Dalmatia, Croatia and
London, Angnat 1.—The TYmst’corres
pondent st Vienna utterly discredits the
defeat of Abemed Eyona Pasha, end says
After the concentration of the Turk*
around Shumla, a considerable portion of
their foroes waa ordered to advance by
way of Eshi Djnma end Osman Bexar
upon Timor* to unite with Osman Paahe
there, and then fall on the rear of the
Bnaeian deteohments, whioh have passed
the Balkans. The Turks therefore have
only been able to leave a faebla oorpa of
observation, whioh will taka good oare
not to enoonntar an enemy superior in
numbers. The position of tbs Russians
the Shifka and Slivno passes end
the southern elope of the
Balkans is beooming hourly more
grave. Their effeotiv* foroes which
eoheloned in this line don't exoeed 50,000,
whioh are threeiened from fonr sides—
from Adrianople end Jsmboli by Suleiman
Praha, from Osman Basra by Mehsmet
AH, while Osman Pasha ia advanoing in
the direction of Selvi, and a resarye oorpa
from Bofia oonid' approaoh by
way of Phillppopolts. It seems,
also, that the Bouians ere
not making muoh progress before Sllistrla
end Bostohnk, where they ere meeting
with e desperate resistance. Gen. Zim
merman's oorpa is advanoing through Da-
brudeohs, greatly menaoed by the right
wing of the Turkish army from Varn* and
Paravadi. The ninth Banian army oorpa
bee beoome almost inoapabia of fighting in
oonseqnenoe of tbe lose it suffered at
Nikopolie and Pieona.
Several telegrams mention the feot that
the Boumanians ooonpied Nikopolie et
the request of.the Russians as e proof
that the Bnesien osuse ia not prospering.
The Timet' Bucharest correspondent eeys
it is reported that the Bonmenian division
oommanded by Gen. Mann*, after leaving
e email garrison et Nikopolie, merohed In
tbe direction of Plevna.
The Manobeeter Guardian s Vienne
correspondent reports that the Czarowitz
end hit army is retiring towards the river
Buohereat reports ourrent that Mebemet
Ali with sixty thousand men has arrived
at Osman Bazar. A smaller Bnaeian de
tachment is retreating before him. Me-
hemet Ali is trying to effeot s junotion
with Osman Paahe, bnt to aooomplish this
withont giving battle in the open field.
The Bnesiana ere waiting for anoh an op
portunity moat impatiently.
London, Aagnst 1.—AastriE bra aban
doned her passive position for one of
armed neutrality. Twenty-four million
floiins mast be rtised for the proposed
Tbe Italian fleet is et Taranto.
Speoials to the Daily Telegraph saeert
that the Turks were viotorione in the bat
tles et Yeni Saghra end Plevna and the
Uussiens are retreating to the Balkans
panned by 8aleim*n Pubs.
Raouade, July 29.—The CoMBoke on
the epproeoh of Bnleimen Pasha’s soouts
fell beok towards the river Tiete, whioh
shows that the Bnuian oorpa whioh, on
the 27tb, held Tietesonm, hod fallen beok
on tbe Yentre. Communication has been
re-established with Rnatobnk.
oeeat tubxish victory.
London, Aqgost 1.—A dispetoh lo the
Telegraph dated Para, July 81, midnight
Bays tbe intelligence just reoelved here
from Osman Praha annonnoe a great
Turkish victory. The enemy was com
pletely routed after two days severe fight
ing with a loss of 8,000 killed end 16,000
wounded. Tbe Tnrka captured a greet
quantity of arms end ammunition. The
Turkish casualties ere comparatively smell
owing to the faot that they fought upon
the defensive.
the Dennbe end employment of Egyptian
troop i in the Berrios of Turkey eeys:
As soon as the war is ended the Rus
sians will remove the impediments and
eleu the bed of the river. With regard
to the other point the note states that to
calm the anxiety of the British Cabinet
hie Imperial Majesty bra instructed tbe
Bassien Ambassador in London to deolare
to Etrl Derby that we harbored no projeot
of aggression against Egypt.
Might we not have expeoted,
therefore, that in striot fairness the Brit
ish Government would nse its inflnenoe
with the Khedive to prevent him from
engaging in direot hostilities against ns.
In our last fights in tbe Balkans onr sol
diers found themselves opposed to Egyp
tian troops, and it will perhaps suffice to
point out this faot to Justify the hope that
if the British Government desires that ita
interests ahall not be compromised by ag
gression on onr part against Egypt, it will
also nee ila inflnenoe there to prevent ns
from being foroed, by the open hostili
ties of the Vioe Regal Government, to
take iteps to prevent * renewal of them.
austbia'h conclusion.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun.]
Vienna, Angnat 1.—The papers here
unanimously annonnoe that yesterday's
ooanail did not deoide in favor of either
general or partial mobiliaetion. Count
Andrany, whose polioy wm entirely ap
proved, wu empowered lo take measures
for the eventnsl strengthening of the
troops already eoheloned along the aonth-
era frontier. Tbe oebinet also dlsonsaed
the ooet, estimated at ebont twenty-five
million florins,of mobilizing four divisions
for increasing the troops on the frontier,
should that measure be determined npon.
Special lo Enquirer-Bun.]
Constantinople, Tuesday evening, July
81.—The Russians ere bombarding Yeni
bussian defeat at Flevna confirmed.
Special lo Enquirer-Sun. 1
London, Augnst 1.—In regard to rn-
mored operations st Plevna, it Ib certain
ly established that the Bussians were de
feated in tbe first day’s fighting, on July
80th, aa *n offioiel dispatch from Tirnova
published in Bt. Petersburg says, on July
80tb, General Krndener again attaoked
Plevna, but withont suooess. AH ad-
vioss u yet reoelved go to Bhow that the
second day’s fighting wu equally dieu.
irons to the Bussians.
A Beater dispetoh, dated Buohsrest to
day, says General Krndener yesterday at
taoked Plevna, but after a desperate
straggle was repnlsed by the Turks, who
were greatly superior in nnmbera.
An offioiel telegram from Osmen Praha,
giving an account of Tuesday's fighting,
reoeived et Constantinople is almost lden
tioel with the Daily Telegraph's aooount,
bnt estimates the Russians wounded at
24,000 oat of e foroe of ten divisions. An
aids says the Bnssiane retreated to their
Beater’s Baohereet dispetoh states that
the Bnuian army continues to receive re
inforcements. Passenger trefHo on the
Jossa Railway was suspended yesterday
to facilitate their passage.
To show tha true tendenoy of the strike
in this country we olip the following from
the Republican, a report of the pnblio
meeting held in 8t. Louis, and leave the
question to our reedetB s
P. A. Lofgrun, a German of middle
“The railroad corporations had at
tempted to visit the evil results of dia-
iraoefnl mismanagement and bad specu
lations upon the shonldors of the poor
hardworking man. Their system of re
form and retrenchment should have com
menced in tbe high plnoes, at tho manag
erial obair and chief offices, hut that, of
ooarae, would not work palatably. It waa
the old, old ntory; labor must pay for tbe
miatakea of capital. Well, labor bad
arisen et lest end labor would be heard
this time sure enough. [Loud oheers.)
The Government [hisses) yes, the gov
ernment deserved to be hissed, for it was
■boating down innocent women and
abildreu, auder the pretence of quelling
a distnrbanoe. [Shame IJ Tbe Govern
ment had grasped tbe situation, it was
true, bat where was it displaying its judg
ment '! How was it following the diotates
of the Constitution ? Could it be said that
the Government troops had any right to
intimidate tbe people in the enforcement
‘ The workingmen were
Meet the want* of those who need a safe and
reliable medicine. The immense demand which
has so rapidly followed their introduction is
evidence that they do supply this want, and
proves them to be
est medical authorities concede their superiorly
over all others, because they possess alterative,
tonic, and healing properties contained in no
other medicine. Being strongly Anti-Bilious,
they expel all humors, correct a vitiated state of
the system, and, bring purely vegetable, they
do not, like other pills, leave the stomach and
bowels in a worse condition than they found
them, hut. on the contrary, impart a “healthy
tone and vigor before unknown.
Dr. C. L. MITCHELL, Ft. Mead*. Fla., says.
. ... "I know iht superiority of your pills,
and want to itee them used instead of the worth-
test compounds sold in this country.'* . . .
Rev. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville. Ky..eaye>
. . . “ Tnti's pil/s are worth their weight
in gold." a .
Had Sick Headaohe & Pile* 3C Years.
. . . "I am well. Gaining strength and
flesh every day." . . . It. S. Austin,
SpringfielcT, Mass.
He Defies Chills end Fever.
..." With Tnti's pills, we defy chills.
Illinois owes you a debt of gratitude." . .
F. R. Ripley, Chicago, 111.
London, August 1.—Mr. Orswford’s
oolt, Prinoe George, won the Goodwood
Special to Enquirer-Sun.]
London, August 1. — The House of
Commons remained in session from fonr
o'olook yesterday afternoon until half-
past six to-night. The contest finally re
sulted in tbe defeat of tbe obstructionists.
The judicature of the Ireland bill we* the
oeuse of filibustering. Tbe Ministry was
about reaohing e vote when the minority
yielded to edjonrnment. During the oon-
teat the ohsirmen of the committee was
relieved font times, also several reliefs on
treasury bench, end there were twenty,
two divisions.
ratal Explosion at Pittsburg.
Pittsbubo, Pa., August 1.—By the ex
plosion in tbe mein hot metal et the
foundry of B. 0. Totten, Liberty atreet,
yesterday, two men were fatally and eight
seriously burned. The noise of tbe ex
plosion wra heard several squares.
Cremation el Salt Lake.
Salt Lake Onr, August 1.—Tbe body
of Dr. C. F. Winslow was oremated. Tbe
heart wu taken to Nantuokel, bis native
place; the aehes to tbe grave of bis wife
near Boston.
of their rights?
not violating the law, bnt it sppoared that
tha paid defenders and upholders of the
law were violating it in tbe grossoat man
ner I
J. B. Cope said: Oh no, my frienda will
not destroy the building, for we'd have to
pat it np again. They say we are goiug
to destroy the railroads. Oh, no; they are
to be national property and wa are to get
onr chare. [Cheers. ] We will not de
stroy our own properly. They say we
will blow up the bridge, but we will not,
for that is oar property too. Did work
ingmen over steal nations ? No; bnt the
arlstooraoy have. They have robbed you
of $11,800,000 a year and Btarved ns, and
yet they say we must be quiet. If they
starve us they murder us. A man that
steals a railroad is only a thief, bnt they
steal my child's life by starving it.
“Why are we iu this position? Because
'on've never attended to your business,
there's an old saying, if you want a thing
well done do it yourself. We have hired
others to do what we ought to have done
“Who have we sent to our Legislatures
and Congress? Why, we’ve sent lawyers,
and God knows lawyera are tbe greatest
botohos ia the world. We ought to Bend
none but workingmen to Congress and
the Legislatures, and, yes, to our oily
government, loo. Look at kiug Over
state, with his house of lords at his baok.
He never givoa a dollar lo the board of
publo improvements so the laboring man
oan gat work, and he's responsible if
there’s any breach of the peaoe.”
Joseph B. Otenn said :
“Look at the way you have used it.
Only a few days ago, in Pennsylvania,
eleven poor miners were hurled into
eternity for daring to proteot their wives
and families. [The eleven are the Mollie
Maguire murderers. ] Oould that diHgraoe
have taken plaoe it their brethren bad
stood by them? No. They were too
oowardly to defend them, and cow the
telegraph wires are full of aooouuls of
honest mao being massaored in Pittsburg
for daring to protect their families from
want and themselves from a pauper's
grave, and the General Government is
oalllng ont troops to butoher the masses
for what they oall individual liberty. It
ia this thing of individual liberty whlob
bos kept the masses in bondage for oen-
turies, and wo are now endoavoring to
bring this individnal liberty ander oon-
Men of 8t. Louis, the war olond has
burst npon us. Capital has overridden
tbe Constitution ; capital has changed
liberty into serfdom, aud we must light or
die. Whioh will we do? [The orowd—
we'll fight, we’ll fight IJ Well, do it then.
Tho blood of tbe murdered minors in
Pennsylvania and of tbe honest working
men of Pittsburg and Baltimore crios
alond for individual liberty, and we must
be free.”
Jos. N. MoOartby : “It has been and
will be said that if you don't like the'
wages paid you by Ibe railroads, you
Bhould give way lo some one else who
would be better satisfied. Bat tbero is
another side to this question. Does the
man who gives this advice realize that
there are thousands of men in a starving
condition whose necessities have driven
them to beggary or oritne, and that in
asking you to abandon your position they
simply advise that you obauge places with
some of these poor oreatures ? Is it rea
sonable that you should be asked to ao-
oept this alternative, in order that rail
roads may deolare ten por oent. dividends
on their stook ? It means ignorance aud
orime for his soub and prostitution for bis
Grey hair it chsneed to a floaty black by a
single application oi this dye. It is easily ap
plied, nets like magic, and is as harmless an spring
water. Never disappoints. Sold by druffiriita.
Price $t .oo. Office, 35 Murray Street, New York.
New Advertisements.
Taught by the Profi. or Latin, Greek and
MathematloB. Session begins Sept. 27, 1877.
Send lor catalogue to J. K. BLAKE, Chair
man of Faculty.
N. F. BURNHAM'S “1874”
,I£J W k-
by over 090 persona who use it.
Prices reduced. New pamphlet, free.
N. I\ BURNHAM, York, Pa.
Tbe Cracftnl Teal of the value of a medi
cine is time. Does exper.enoe oonttrm the
claims put forth In Its fayor at tbe outset T if
the grand question, Apply this criterion, so
simple, yet so searching, to Tab baht's Erran-
VK80MIT Bbltsbu Apmbibnt. How has it
worn ? What hoe been Its history ‘l How does
It stand to-day 1
Inrrum’ffi leltser Aperient
Is a household name throughout the United
States. It Is administered as a speolflo, and
with tuooeiR, In dyspepsia, Blok headaohe,
nervous debility, liver oomplalnt, bilious re
mittents, bowel oomplalnts (especially consti
pation), rheumatism, gout, gravel, nausea, the
complaints peculiar to the maternal sex. and
all types of Inflammation. So.mlld Is It in Its
operation that It oan be given with perieot
safety to the feeblest oblld ; and so agreeable
is it to the taste, so refreshing to the palate,
that children never refuse to take it. For sale
by all drugglata.
6) ft Kxtra Fine Mixed Cards, with name,
soO IO cents, post-paid. L. JONES A 00.,
Nassau, N. Y.
$12 lit aniTtarmi fr...
la, Maine.
Agent* V
the pros and cons on either side.
London, August 1.—Out of numerous
conflicting reports from Bulgaria ths put
vrssk, one substantial and vary important
faot ia gleaned, that tbe Turks have aban
doned their Fabiau polioy and are making
a serious attack on both flanks of the
Bouians. The latter have been foroed to
suspend aggressive movement* and con
centrate on their oentral line from Biel* to
Tiroovs,as pointed out by the Timet' Vien.
ns sorrsspondeDt to- day. If Osmsn Pssbs
and Lieutenant General Mehamst AH suo-
oesd in joining hauda between Tirnova
and ths Balkan passes, it will ba fatal lo
tbe Buasitna south of the mountains.
Thus far only Tarkiah report* have been
reoeived sinoe tbe 1st battle st Plevn*,
bnt it is surmised with strong appearance
of probability that, if the Russians were
fighting prosperously, w* would have of
ficial bulletins from St. Petersburg.
Loedon, August 1.—A note reoeived by
the Russian Seoretary of State from the
headquarters of tbe Grand Duke Niohotss,
where ths User is sojourning, as to Ihs
sinking of vessels iu the Bulins mouth of
Washington, August 1.—Indications—
For tbs South Atlentio States, falling ba
rometer, inoreuing winds, olondy end
rainy weather, with atstionsry or lower
temperature, higher, followed by lower
pressare, and rainy, followed by partly
olondy weather.
A Brooklyn and s New York house,
five miles apart, are connected by a tele
phone. The telephone is made of ma
hogany, and ia held in tbe hand. It ia
abant ten inobea in length. One is used
for rsoeivtog s message, and the other to
transmit messages. The handle in eaoh
instrament is a hollow tube, affixed to
whioh is a diso in horizontal parts, be
tween whioh ia a piece of glass. There
is an aperture in the top of tbe diao, at
whioh either the ear or the month is
plaoed daring the transmission or reoap-
tion of messages. At the base of each
handle the telegraph wire ia affixed.
350 Silk Parasols at oost to oloas oat an
oTeratook. These Goods were all bought
this season, and srs guaranteed to be the
best in tbs market.
I sodtf Gordon A Caoill.
SUPERIOR accommodations for all olasios
Separate departments for oplleptloi and
hub invalids, For terms of admission and
olroular address W. 8. UHIPLEY, M. D.,
East of and oppoiite Disbrow'i Livery Stable,
Carriage Work
Unity WUo are Nufferlnir
From the effaots of tha warm wonther anil
are debilitated, are advised by physicians
to take moderate amounts of whiskey two
or three times daring the day. In u little
while those who adopt this advioo frequent
ly inorease the number of “drinks," and
in time become oonfirmed inebriates. A
beverage which will not oreate thirst for
intoxloating liqnors, and whioh is intend
ed especially for the benefit of debilitated
persona, whether at home or abroad, is
Dr. Sabenok's Sea Weed Tonio. Contain
ing tbe jaioea of many medicinal herbs,
this preparation does not oreate an appe
tite for the intoxicating oup. Tho nour
ishing and life supporting properties of
many valuable natural prodaotiouB con
tained in it and well known to medioal
men have a most strengthening influence.
A single bottle of the Tonio will demon -
strate its valuable qualities. For debility
arising from aiokness, over exertion or
from any aause whatever, a wineglassfal
of Sea Weed Tonio taken after meals will
atrengbtben tbe stomaoh and create an ap
petite for wholesome food. To all who
are about leaving tbeir homes, we desire
to say that tbe excellent effeots of Dr.
Bohenok'a reasonable remedies, Bea Weed
Tonic and Mandrake Piila.are particularly
evident when taken by those who are in
juriously affected by a ohange of water
and diet. No person should leave borne
without takiog a supply of these safo-
gnarda along. For sale by all Druggists.
sug2 oodliu
Remember that we will offer for a short
while onr entire Btook of Spring and
Sommer Dress Goods at oost and below
oost. Wa mean business.
t( Blanchard 3c Hill.
NEW WORK of Various Styles.
mylS eoitly
$ 2 oo
10 00
30 OO
Por day
11 month
Children under 12 years and colored servants
HACKS to meet morning and evening;
Trains on North A South Railroad.
Close connection Is made at Geneva,
S. W. K. K., with tbe 11:10 ▲. M. Train by W.
11. Martin’s Hacks, which arrive at tho Springs
to early tea.
my» tf Proprlelor.
< $
1- I
MKH Irom llio eltootlaf fcrrora -*
to Marrlago Removed. New
method ol treatment. New
and remarkable romodies
Rooks and circular sent Ire*
In pealed onvel«»pop. Address
N. Ninth bt., Philadelphia,
fa. An Instltntion having a
high reputation for honorable
miuut anti professional skill
d pro!
Victim* of youthful Imprudi
for the speedy cure of nervous dehillt:
premature decay, lost manhood, und a«
'disorders brought on by excesses. Any
_ _ druggist has tifti Ingredleuta. Address
DAVIDSON 4c CO* % 86 Nassau Street, N.I*