Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, August 07, 1877, Image 1
fMiitute lumifief* VOL. XTX. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1877. NO. 186 th* bklliqxkknts. ttMMral PmIIIom la Earapa and Asia and Prapaaad Plana, A WAR OF BXTBRM1NA TION. minoyr'a noom> xmtaiiom or — mvmamwtn zjckkd—muaaiAva idiot i i<om or nva tkouiaxd at rumia amd THAT OVf. QOIJHKO It VQBOSD TO BB« rotmoaa amd mm both n bubora ahd AHA—THB OHBOKBD BUtlAWt IB BUBOFB BBOirOBOBD AMD DCTBBMIBBB TO OBUSH TO*OT UP THBT OAR—A WAB OF *XTKk- , MUIATSOM—UBLULOrr't tXOOMD IBYABIOM or ASIA, att London, Angnst 5.—Tb* Slat non- maol of the Bouden* toward* carrying oat that plan of tka ounpaign, haratofora foraahaAowad aa tka ona likely to be ae looted, kaa revolted in tka diaaatar at Piawaa. ' Tha parpoaa of tha Baailan Ganaral obwioaaiy waa to wheal around their right and left winga to a line paral lel with the Balkan*, taking Timor* a* a pirot, and thru force Oaman Pasha, and Mohamet All book aoroaa the moon tain* ia their raapaotira Unaa of retreat. Thia aeeampliahad, and Oaman Paaha and Mahamet AU prarantad from affecting a Janetta*, by the foroaa under General Goarko, which were meanwhile to eatab- llah tbamaelrea aonth of tha Balkana, the Boaaian campaign wonld hara been be yond danger of failure or nertaogfaterrap- tion. The promenade aoroaa the Danube, and to and orar the Balkan*, while the Turka ramaninad idle in their eamps and fortraeaea waa, parhapa, aoffloient to jno tify the idea of the Bnmiana that they they had only to adranee to aneoaad. That the Turk* ahonld retreat into the fatal ambuah of Plerna a fortnight ago, and whioh on Tnaaday aant an inferior foroa to arenga that diaaatar on a rietori- ona army in fortified poeitiona waa not entertained. Tha re* alt i* that all la ehaoa again a* far a* oar knowledge of th* aitnation ia oonaemad, and that new* diapatohaa from tha front are fall of panioky or exaggerated romora, dicta ted by th* hope* or fear* of either aide. Bat tha aalient faot ia nnqnaationed that the Boaaian* barn been checked and thalr campaign cannot mak* any program until they haw* ahakan off Mahamet Alt and Oaman Paaha from thair flank*; and meanwhile Gonrko’e tack aonth of the Balkana ia rendered more aeriona dally by the concentration and organiaation of Bnleiman Paaha'* force*. Th* Roumanian railway ia monopoliaad by diapatoh of reinforcement* from tha camp of rcaerwoa at Kiaohaneff. It ia al leged that the Dobrudaoha will b* almoet wholly awacnatad, and Slmmeraon'a oorpa will ratnrn, via Butovs, to tha oantral army. The Gear haa daoraad freah levees at home, all of whioh mean* that the mili tary promenade haa bean turned into an affair of Ilf* or death for the Russians, and that the Turka will be oroahed if thare ia power in Hanoi* to craab them. The Tarkiah plan ia believed to be for Oaman Paaha to light hia'way eaatward, and Mahamet All to advano* waatward upon Timor*, while Snlaiman Paaha en deavor* to foroa tha Buaaian poaiUon at Kaaanlik, bat in doing thta Oaman Paaha anal axpoae hia left flank to th* riak of being turned from th* diraotion of Nikop ol!*, that facilitating the Boaaian plan of pivoting on Timor* and forcing him to retire behind tha Balkan*. Mahamet Alt wonld inoar the mm* danger from the Boaaian* between Boatchuk and Btagrad, while Soliaman Paaha moat attack the Buaaian* in a poeition of thair own ehoioe. The aoppoeed Tarkiah plan do** not look vary promising, unless the Bnmiana aid it by mistake* Uk* those at Plerna, but it may with skillful handling aarre to keep the Russians in ehaok until th* cam paigning mason ia orak, which would be for tb* Turks the next thing to absolute viotory. Both Buaeia and Turkey are submitting to a terrible strain on their ra- aonroea to win a decisive advantage in thia campaign. In the meantime it wonld seem from apparently well authenticated re ports of outrage, mordar and rapine by the Baahi Bax oaks on Bulgarian* and Uoaaaoks that tb* war is fast assuming a oharaoter of ssraga cruelly, which threatens to make it a war of extermination for all the Inhab itant* of the territory involved, whether Christian or Mahommadan. IH1UTDATIM III ASIA. bussians advancing. In Asia the intention of the Bnmiana to advance from Ardahan, as reported last weak, ia oonfirmed by the news that theft ootpoeta have already pushed on as far aa Peanik. At th* aame time, another di vision ia marching to Ardanuaob, whioh opaaaands tha road from Batonm to OUI. A third column, apparently freah foroaa, ia oeenpying the line of the Adjara river, aonth of Batonm. This point* to an evi dent intention to advance foroibly on Brsaronm, or to carry ont a wide sweep ing flank and rear movement on Mukb* tar's army baton Kan whioh will be cov ered by attacks in front, oondncted by Mailkoff'a fonts at Kurukdara, supported by Gan. Tergukaasoff, who ia believed to be somswhen on the river Arexes, aonth of Kan The latter plan is more prob able than an advance on Erie roam, if in deed the whole movement in Olti is not a faint to distract Mukbtar'a attention from Whet is goiqgon in front; but aa th* feint might Nudonverted into a real attack, Makbm cannot afford to ignore it. He therefore be furoed to detach a oon bta number of mao from th* main army to guard the ban of the triangle formed by Ardaltan, Kars and OIU, whilst the Bnmiana are able to direct thair oper ation* from th* apex Ardahan against any portion of th* base, and arrested by Gen. Tergukaasoff ont Mukhtar's eommuntaa- tion* with Eraetonm, and fore* him to fall back upon or into Karo. Telegrams from Constantinople report that a portion of Tarkiah Batonm ia em barking for Yarns to re-lnfores Mahemet Alt, so that port must feel sufficient eon- fldence in the strength of Mukh tar's posi tion of the oantral oolntan and to throw upon it tb* entire burden of restating HelikofT* aeoond invasion. OBXCIUH DEOLABATIONS US rmePAEATlONS. Sfciml to Enquirer-Sun.] CoueTsimuoPLa, August 5.—Th* Greek Minister here ha* declared Greece intends to observe the stipulations of existing treaties. Nevertheless th* diplomatic body her* is greatly oonoerned about Greek araiamehta, and considers Ih* Minister's declaration aa insufficient in the face of auoh preparations. TUBXISH DENIAL. Speclot to Enquirer-Sun.] The following has been raealved from the Turkish embassy: The legation of Tarkey is authorised and declare that the report that th* Buaaian wounded were killed in the battle Held of Plevna ia wholly false. aubtbia to mobilize 90,000 rat. London, August 6.—The Standard'! Pesth correspondent telegraphs thatflnan oial arrangements are being completed for the mobilization of 90,000 men to take plaoe in a few days. - TUSKS OOCOPT URLVI. The Standard's Bucharest dispatch re porta a Turkish division from Loratz oc cupied Selvi unopposed. tusks BK-ntroBoiD st plevna. The Tarks at Plevna received re in- foroements of four thousand Albanian oavalry. ENGLISH SHELLS VOS HALTS. The Pott's special from Woolwich says an order was received at the fioyal Arse nal Saturday for five hundred tons of shell to be sent to Malta by private ships. The whole will be embarked daring Mon day and Tuesday. 8XLVI OCCUPATION NOT FAVORABLE TO BUS- BXANS. The limes’ Bucharest correspondent re ports of the occupation of Selvi by the Turks, and adds the Russian forces are between Selvi and Tirnova, holding strong defensive positions. OOUBBXO LACKS PBOVXSIONa AND AMMUNI TION. General Gourako ia oharged with the duty of protecting southern outlet* of tb* Balkan passes. The Daily Notes' Vienna correspondent sends the following: Strategetioally, tb* most important news from the seat of war, ia the oooupation of Belvi. This expoem Tirnova and the passes. General Gourako’s oorps is said to be short of pro • visions and ammunition. BUSTCBUK is no longer invested from the land side, and communication with Bhumla waa .opened yesterday. Gen. Gonsko has sent word to Tirnova that his forom are too scattered to proteot the Christiana in various plaoes against the oertainty of THE RAGGED EDGE. Mrlkera Still Troublesome in Penn sylvania and New Jeraey. Philadelphia Inquiring Who it to Pay Lottes. WASHINGTON. BUS8IANS HAD ENOUGH OF PLEVNA. London, August 6.—The Time!' corres pondent before Plevna, writing August 2d, says, it ta hardly probable that any renewal of the attaok will be made for the next ten days, aa the Russians need time to bring up reinforcements. BUBSIA’s BEQUEST OF AUSTBIA. London, August 6.—The Times' Berlin correspondent telegraphs: Consequent upon the defeat at Plevna, the Czar has asked the Emperor of Austria to with draw his former protest against Russians entering Servia, and conjointly with the Servians, operating on the left flank of the Turka. WE don't KNOW WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Vienna, August 6.—The Political Cor respondence’! Searo special says after a seven-hour's eugsgement on August 4tb, the insurgents under Gen. Deepotonioh were defeated, with great loss. Deepoto nioh, with 800 followers, was compelled to oroaa the frontier into Austrian terri tory, where he was arrested and disarmed. OFFICIAL DISPATCHES ADMIT BUSBIAN DE FEATS. Speeiel to Enquirer-Bun ) • London, August 6.—An offioial diapatoh published in St. Petersburg admits a lorn of upwards of 5,000 men at Plevna, in cluding one Colonel killed, and a Major- General aod two Colonels wounded. Th* dispatch also admits that Gen. Gourko haa been obliged to retreat. MUUND, THE HOME BULEBS. Speeiel to Enquirtr-9u».] London, August 6.—A meeting of the Home Rule members waa bald to-day to consider the recent oeourrenoes in Parlia ment. The proceedings were private but it ia understood a resolution was proposed censuring the Obstructives. After a three- hours' strong debate the meeting broke up in disorder, without passing any reso- tions. PHILADELPHIA ASKS WHO FOB LOSSES. Philadelphia, August 8.—At a meeting of the Mari tine Exchange held to-day, the following resolution relative to losses and damages resulting from the late riots, was adopted: Resolved, That a oommittee of seven members be appointed to urge suited ao- tlon among the members of thia and other exchanges in th* proseoution of their claims, to oonsult with legal authorities for th* purpose of ascertaining on whom the onus of th* said losses and damages properly falls, and to deoide as to the best method of preparing, presenting and collecting claims when the responsibility shall have been determined. LBHIOH VALLET. Mauoh Chunk, Pa., August 6.—All trains began running regularly on the Lehigh and Busquehanna Road at twelve o'olock laat night. Every train is on time. Not the slightest trouble on tbe Lehigh Valley Bailroad. The night trains will begin running to -night. Bpeciel to Enquirer-Bun] Pittsbubo, August 6.—The strike among workmen at National Tube Works, Mokeeaport, has ended, the men agreeing to resume work without advanoe in wage*. THE NEW JEBBET COAL BTBIKEBS. Speeiel io Enquirer-Sun.] New Yobk, August 6.—This morning fifty Italian laborers were taken to the coal dock at Port Johnson, N. J., in a oo*l barge of the Lehigh and Wilkeaham Company to take the place of tbe men who are striking for an advanoe to the old rate of wagea paid last spring. After tbe Italians arrived the demonstration* by the rioters beosme violent, and help was tel egraphed for to Jersey oity. The reoeiver of tbe oompany oalled upon the oourt for protection, and Judge MoKeena issued a notioe that the proper ty is under the oontrol of the oourt, and that any interferenee with it is a violation of the law, which will be speedily punish ed. A special oar was dispatched from Jer sey Oity for Port Johnson this afternoon with Mr. Tillinghaat, the receiver, Sheriff iMverty, of Hudson, and twenty polioe- en. On* hundred special officers are on duty at Port Johnson. The Mayor of Boyonul has dosed all the drinking plaoes and the Fourth Begi- ment is under arms. Special to the Enquirer-Sun.] W ilk ebb abbe, Aug. 6.—Four more companies of United States troops arrived here to-day. Trains on tbe Lshlgh A Susquehana were started to-day. The first one from Soranton here was stopped below Pleasant Valley by atones wedged between the traok. OOAL HEAVBBs' COMPLAINT. Special to Enquirer-Sun. | Bayonne, N. J., August 5.—The ooal heavers here are dissatisfied with the re duction of wagea to 80 oents a day, or leas than 10 oents a ton. They say thia amounts to 1 cent a barrow, and that it takes ten minutes at least to roll such. Serious trouble growing out of the ooa|- mlnera' strike is apprehended. ABBE8TED BIOTEBS—SECRET MEETINGS. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] New Yobk, August 5.—A Wilkesbarre dispatch says of tbe seventy-three rioters arrested, evidence is secure against only three. The others were discharged. Fve hundred masked men are holding seoret meetings nightly aoross the Sue quehanna. GEORGIA CONVENTION EAIK 1* MATT. FOOTER OF TEMFMBANCP MEN—PHILADEL PHIA A BONDED POET FOB SNIPPINa CANADA —TEXAS OOLLBOTOE DBFIRBS RESTORATION —APPBAMEB At NEW OBLEAKS BEHOVED— SPAIN PAXS §80,000—BA1K at DISTBBSS. NAVAL BANK. Washington, August 6.—Secretary Thompson has issued an order remitting th* questions of rank of officers to Con gress. Tbe department will assign senior grades to the higher and more important poeitiona. Medical and pay inspectors, and chief engineers having relative rank of oommander, will be appointed to fleet positions. Officers of lower ranks hold ing fleet positions will be relieved early as practicable. TEMPEBANOE MEN. A delegation of temperano* men oalled on the President to protest against the proposed appointment a* Polios Commis sioner of a gentleman engaged in business which inoludes the sale of liquor*. POST FOB CANADA. Philadelphia has been designated a* a port through which imported merchandise may be shipped in bond to Canada. DEBIBBS TO BE BESTOBBD. Internal Revenue Collector Brewster, of Austin, Texas, who had been requested to resign, is here for the purpose of hav ing himself retained. The alleged ground for asking Brewster’s resignation is that he is not a resident of the district in whioh hi* offloa ia looated. SUSPENDED. 0. W. Ringgold, appraiser at New Or leans has been suspended with a view, it said, of a reduction of the force in that oity. SPANISH PAYMENT. The Spanish Government has paid thir ty tbonsand dollars into the United State* Treasury, being interest on invested claims of American oitizens against Spain. The Seoretary of State will make tbe dis tribution. IN DISTBBSS. Tbe State Department baa advioea that the bark Counter, of Brooklyn, arrived at Valparaiso in distress, having lost five overboard in a gale. ■ ALAII II FIKIII tpeeial It Enquirer-Sun. ] Atlanta, Ga., August 0.—Salaries of State House offloers were fixed to-day as follows: Comptroller,six thousand dollars; Treas urer, three thousand; Secretary of State, three thousand. Out of these salaries offloers must pay all olerks and assistants. F. H. It. ALABAMA. at* Carry Hsalgsiaarj ceaaty—Rejolelwu. •TABLE AND HEW JERIEY. MILITIA AHD STUBBS—BILK WSAVEBS AT PATTEBSON— FIBS INSURANCE OOMPANY DOES UP. Elizabeth, N. J., August 6.—Oompany C, the last of the militia from this plaoe, cam* homo from New Brnnswiek at noon to-day. They are not dismissed but await orders at the armory. An attempt waa made Saturday to bum the bridge they were guarding, but tbe fuse went out. If not dismissed tbe oompany expeots to be ordered to Fort Johnson to proteot the docks. Fattedson, N. J., August 6.—The strik ing ribbon weavers resumed woik in Solelisos’ Mill, and Pelgram’s Mill on a new soale of prioes, whioh is nearly the same as last year. Other mills, with the exoeption of Strangers', is expeoted to agree to the new soale. Solellao' broad-silk weavers have struok, and oom- plaints of intimidation by them towards non-strikers have been made. CITIZEN ran INSURANCE COMPANY. Newabk, N. J., August 6.—The Secre tary of State made application to the Vioe Chancellor for an injunotfon to prevent the Citizen Fire Insurance Company of this oity from doing fntlher business. Tbe Vioe Chancellor granted the applioation, and ordered the oompany to show cause on tbe 10th instant, why an injnnotion should not be made permanent. The ap plioation is baaed on insuffloienoy of as sets. Tbe oompany haa recently suffered heavy losses by fire, having, it is alleged taken impudent risks. THIBTY-SIX FINE HOBBES BUBNED. Greenwich, Vt., August 6.—The Martin House stables were burned. The men narrowly esoaped. Thirty-six horses were burned. Th* following is a list of property destroyed and tbe owners: Charles J. Osborn, one span and oar riage, §5,000; Mr. Trowbridge, one borse and bnggy, §7,800; J. N. Pinkney, one span and three oarriages, §5,000; J. S. Evens, ona span and carriage, §3,000; Mr*. Jama* Harper,one span and oarriage, §1,500; Wm. Bird one span and carriage; §8,000; Mathew Leary ona span and two carriages, §4,000; Wm. Lattimer one span and carriage, §1,000; J. 8. Bowvill one borse and buggy, §500; 0. F. Tomp son ana hors* and pbaston, §800; Jno. Abenderoth one hors* and buggy, §400; J. K. Bangs one saddle Horse, §800; G, Whttbouse one horse and pbastop, §500. No insurance axoept on Mr. Wbithonss' horse. Mr. Geo. W. Hoffmann, proprietor, lost about §10,000. Inoendiary. MEXICO. BaralSB of a at. liOUls Hospital. Special to the Enquirer-Sun. ] Bt. Louis,August 6.— 8t. Bouifaoe hos pital, under tbe management of tbe Sis ters of the Franoisoan order, situated in south Bt. Louis, was destroyed by fire. The patients were safely removed from the building, and furniture. The ooet was forty tbonsnnd dollars three years ago. Insured for §17,000 in bom* oom- FEHHHYLVANIA MELISH. THEY BXTUBN TO,PHILADELPHIA—A LITTLE CHILD KILLED. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Philadelphia, Angnst 5.—The First Division of Pennsylvania N. G. struok tents near Boranton on Haturday night and were brought to this oity, rssoblng here shortly after eight o'oloek thia morn ing, and were greeted by immense end enthusisstio orowds. After being re- freebed they marohed in n body to Broad and Walnut streets, where they were re viewed by Major-General Hanoook and afterwards dismissed. Tbe Grand Army delegation es corted tbe various command* and Ac companied them to tbsir armories, where receptions were aooorded them in tbe shape of bonntifnl repasts. At the Fenoible headquarters Onpt.Bysn and Major-General Land made nhort speeches. While tbe militia ware passing the Oolonade Hotel, Mamie Cramp, aged 11 years, a daughter of the proprietor of the hotel, was viewing the soldier* from s fifth story window, end in leaning ont of the window she lost her bnlanoe, fell to tbe pavement end was instantly killed, Ceutenulal Celebration In Hew York. Utica, N. Y., August 6.—The centen nial battle of Oriskany ia being celebra- ted to-day at Oriskany. A vast mnltitnde is present. Ex Governor Horatio Bey moor and many prominent oitizens deliv ered addresses. flsveramenl Hues McKee for Two •nd a Half Millions. Bt. Louis, August 6.—A oivil suit fir damages was filed in the United State* Circuit Oourt by the Government against W. M. McKee. Tbe notion embraces 1,658 oonnts for §1,400 eaob, aggregating §21,814,200. These oonnts era all alike in form ezoept that the name of a differ ent distiller is inserted in eaob, obsrging with unlawful removal of distilled spirits, and also obarging defendant with aiding and abetting tbe removal of aaid spirits, whioh aot rendered him liable to the above penalty of §1,400. IMS ter. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Bt. Louis, Angnst 6.—The distillers msnlioned in these oonrts are Wm. JoVette, John Busby, Jos. G. Obanteen Maolot Thompsoh, Alfred Bevia, W, Edward, B. Frazer, Peter Cnnan, Ru dolph W. Dlrioi and Louis Tensoher. Assistant Distriot Attorney Denison says it is not expeoted judgments will be ob tained in all tbe oonrts, bat it is expected that abont half a million dollars will be recovered. Arrested for Smnsillaf, Special to the Enquirer-Sun.] Nzw Youk, Angnst 5.—Thomas Owen formerly parser of the steamer England was arrested Saturday on tbit steamer obsrged with siding in smuggling two tbonsand pieoes of silk and two hundred pieces of Isos. Weatker. Washington, August 6.—Indications— South AUantio and Gulf States, warmer, southerly winds, stationary or lower pres sure and nnmerons local rains will prevail, Speeiel to Enquirer-Sun ] Montgomery, Ala., Augnst 6. The Demount* have oarried this eoun- ty, routing tfls Radical negroes snd ear pet-beggars,'the white soslswsg, native and foreign, by a handsome majority. Great rejoioing. J. A. O. ■vie lallraa* aa* Telegraph Caai- panlea. Special la Enquirer-Sun.] New Youk, Angnst 6.—Judge West brook haa denied the motion on behalf of the Western Union Telegraph Company vaeat* tha order of Judge Lawrence appointing a referee, on petition of the reoeiver of th* Erie railway, to report on th* advisability of his continuing the oon- traot with th* Western Union Company, giving tbe exclusive right to ns* the wires over tbe railway. Another motion, namely, for leave to sue the reoeiver to prevent an extension of the privilege to the A. A P. Telegraph Oompany, and thus violate the oontraat, is granted, tbe oourt remaiking that tbe rights of all parties will be preserved un der suoh eotion. INCENDIARY. IDAHO INDIANS. Joseph Is Preparing to Place Mis Women and Stores In a Safe Place, Thea Return and Fight the Whites. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Ban Fbanoisoo, Angnst 5.—A Press dispatch from Lewiston, Angnst 1st, ssys yesterday, Indian Joe and his family, who have been with tbe people at Btate Creek all tbrongh tbe Indian troubles, snd proved trne snd faithful to the whites returned from Ksmish where they had been sent to ssoertaln the movements of the hostiles. Hia squaw says the Indians at Ksmlah told bet that they were going aoross the mountains by the Laois trail with their stock and families, and when they got them in a seonre plaoe, they would return and fight tbe soldiers. She also states that before leaving Kent ish, they went to tbe friendly Indians’ osmp and drove off all the young sqnaws, best them with clubs snd furoed them along liko so many cattle; slso oatue book and robbed them of everything they oonld find, and of all their horses of any value. She further stated that tha hostile! are to be reinforced by other Indians from the other side of the mountains when they return. Her statements are considered reliable by those who have known her. Tbis morning Lientenant Wilmot, with thirty men, started to go aoroaa Salmon River to ascertain if any hostiles remain there. It has been reported for several days that few have boen seen in that di rection, and tbe object is to hunt them ont snd destroy all supplies. Angust 2d. It is now believed by old acquaintances of Joseph, tbst be will pot away in safety bis stores and extra horses, and return to Camas prsirie, retnrning by Elk Oily or Piette trails, whioh ere much more easily travelled than the Leolo. This trip can, with a foroed marob, be made in sbont seven days. He asserted his determination to bnrn grain on the Camas prsrie snd then ar range his plans to go to Willows, and the opinion is prevalent that he will attempt it. Baltimore Water Works Rook, Baltimore, Md., Angust 6.—Bids were opened to-day for tbe five millions of tbe 5 par eent. oity water loan. There were 63 bids amounting to §4,200,000, from per I followed in the southwest by cooler, to 103. I northerly winds. DIAZ ENDXAVOBINO TO GAIN THB GOOD WILL OF THH UNITED STATES. Havana, Ang. 6.—City of Mexico ar rived from Vera Graz. City or Mexico, July 81.—President Disz is making strenons efforts to estab lish himself in th* good opinion of foreign powers, especially tha United States. His attitude regarding .tha border question waa taken with the view of sustaining bia personal dignity before tbe Mixiosn peo ple. He courts tbe good disposition of tbs United States toward himself person ally, and wonld apparently agree with pleasure to everything proposed by the Amerioan Government. Tbe terror of eertain newspapers whioh formerly oppos ed President Disz has moderated, snd the same journals now mildly approve good intentions snd point ont the advantage* of hia administration. LATEB. Ob the 22d of July the premium* awarded to Mexioan oitizena at tbe Cen tennial Ezhibition were distributed at the Theatre Naoional. President Diaz pre sided at tha oeremony. There was mnoh enthusiasm, and many allusions made to tbe good relations existing between Mex- ioo and tbe United States. The excite ment on the border question bus subsid ed. It is rsported arrangements bsve been made for the payment to tbe United States of the next installment of the amount •warded by tbs mixed commission. President Dias intends to reoommend tbst the next Congress adopt measures acknowledging tbe English debt, and pro viding for its payment with interest: Four of Lerdo's generals, named Loya, Altaniviano, Loses snd Vilez, bsve of fered their servioe* to tbe Diaz adminis tration. Tbe offers were acoepted and the generals have been assigned to high commands. Pease reigns throughout tbe Repnblio. laralefa Races. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Uabatoga, August 6.—Three-quarters mile for two year old maidens—l’egon won, Clifton aeoond, Telephone third, in 1:18}. Mile for three year olds—Bill Bass won, Prinoeas Thole aeoond. Vermont third, in 1:45}. Mile and an eighth, selling raoe— Fugi tive won, Freah Chances aeoond, Partner ship third, in 1:59. One and five-eighth* mile heats—First waa dead between Ambntb and Henry Owena, St. James aeoond, in 2:56; aeo ond heat, George Fourth won, Bt. James aeoond, Ambuah third, In 2:57; after aeoond heat St. James was sent to stables; third beet, George Fourth won, Henry Owena diatanoed, in 2:58. CUBA- Fraud Approved—General Campos Wants 50,000 Men, or Caban Inde pendence must be Acknowledged. Special to Enquirer-Bun.] Key West, August 5.—The following news has been received from Havana: Tift last Bpaniah mail brought an order for the release of tbe persona imprisoned for franda in tbe Intendenoin MiHtlar. Thia waa a blow in tba faoe of Captain General Jovellar, and aanotiflos the frauds oommitted under tbe Valmaaeda and Oon- oba administrations. Bnmors are ourrent that Jovellar will resign and be Buooeeded by General Blanoo. General Martinez Oampoe has sent dis patches to tbe King explaining the situa tion of the oampafgn, and alating that the Insurgents are so well supplied with in formation by spies and I heir faoilitiea for disbanding when pursued are each that it will take five hundred soldiers to look after ten Insurgents. General Campos, therefore, requires fifty thousand more troops to crush tbe insurrection. Campos further saye the Insurgents will only sur render on receiving their ind«pendenoe | and reoommends the Spanish Government to adopt one proposition or the other. A great many sick soldiers have arrived at Havana from tbe interior. THE TEXAN HORDEH. PABTY SUPPOSED LOST— UNSUCCESSFUL EX PEDITION AFTEB IUIDEBH. Special to Enqulrer-8un.] New Yunx, August 5.—A Ban Antonio dispatch aaya it is reported Capi. Nolan, Lt. Cooper and 26 men were probably lost on Staked Plains. A party under Oapt. Bmithers started from Supply Camp to aearob for them. Oaptain Hall and bia Btate troops have surrounded Piodraa Negraa with the in tention of arresting several of the Valdez filibnatera who are expeoted to resist. The search of Lieot. Bullis for tbe lost party of Mexican raiders on the other aide of the Rio Grande was unancoeasfnl and the party has returned. AN AFFAIR OF HONOR. The Russian defeat io Bulgaria, Chief Joseph’s esoape from (jlen. Howard, and the railroad rebellion were all loat sight of yesterday, when it nae noised abroad that “Jay Gonld had got lioked." That a man who represents at Mtat one hundred mil lion dollar! and a leading American news paper ahonld have been eonndly walloped seemed too good to be trne. As the news spread, there was a general feeling of re gret—that tbe walloping had been so private. Everybody who ever loat money in Wall-street wished that be had seen the fight. It ia not every day that ona oan gaze on n hnndred million dollars being held up by tha nape of its neck while its head ia be ing pnnohed. To see so mnoh money dropped like a wet hen into a barbers window would afford a new joy to the Mate youth who frequent the Stock Ex change. And it ia oradibly reported tbat when tbe representative of one hun dred millions and a leading Amerioen newspaper went over the railinga, with its head pnnohed, only a few favored persons were on the spot to enjoy the spectacle. Several athletio young brokers, who thus loat an opportunity to save the great finan cier and get a good onatomer, bewail their hard look. Exactly how personal castigation oan compensate one's loasee in the stook mar ket ia not olaar. In this case, it appears tbat Jay Gonld agreed, or ia alleged to have agreed, to carry ont a oertain pro- g rammein baying and selling stocks. That e did not do aa he agreed, I* also al leged. There aeema to have been in the breasts of the gnlleleas Oaliforniane to whom the alleged promise waa made, an infatuated belief in the good faith of Gould. This may aaem inoredible, but unless this affair baa been mia-reported, the Califor nians who, of course, know everything, or think they know everything, aotu- ally expeoted Jay Gonld to do what he agreed to do. We need not aay to the intelligent reader that the onao- phlatioated strangers from the Paeifio were nndeoeired, and that their experi ence with Gould waa oostly and instruc tive. But the punishment infllotrd upon the person of Gould, we submit, in the interest of our oommon humanity, ia en tirely disproportionate to the alleged of fense. If Mr. Daniel Drew, of Mr. rage, or Mr. D. D. Field, or any other gentle man of oonBpiouons probity of oharaoter had “gone baok on his word” with Meaara, Belover and Keene, the provocation wonld have been great. But that the Californians should object to Jay Gould's breaking faith, and make (hat a oause of war, ie surprising. If re- E riaala like this are to be oonntenanoed, Ir. Jay Gonld will be hnng np by the nape of the neok and pommeled by indig nant stook operators from January to December. As Gonld la popularly known as a bear, wo Irnat tbat the Booiaty for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal! will interfere to atop anoh a ornel and onuaual punishment. Let the intelligent readaf oonoeive, If he can, of all the victims of Jay Gunid'a economy of tioth treating him after tbe Belover manner. Fancy the wreokof manhood whioh would Bnrvive when the indignation of mankind had expended itself by bolding Gonld in tbe air with one hand while be was duly ponnded by the other hand. Borne four years ago a Mr. Marrin had a grievance with Gould, which waa precise ly like that whioh awoke the wrath of Belover. On that oooaaion Marrin flat tened tbe nose of Gonld to an extant whioh was jadioislly determined to dam age him in tbe amount of §200, Marrin, strange as it may seem, alleged aa an ex cuse for hia aaaanlt on Gould's nose tbat that eminent financier bad “refneed to fulfill hia honorble pledges." These two attaoks on an operator who has gained oonaidereble celebrity for not keep bis word, will, of oonrse oon- Btltnte legal precedents in Wall- street. In the first plaoe, ooBtom, whioh ia more influential than written atatntea, will prescribe tbat tbe man who haa tbe worn of a stock operation shall maul bia successful antagonist. It will be Block Exobange etiquette for tbe loser to lift the winner by the nape of hia neok, and having abraded hie nose and ears, to drop him into an area, where he oan be picked np and repaired by a friendly barber. Next, it mnat be insisted upon that the value of Jay Gould's nose having been legally fixed at §200, the damages on this oooaaion mnat be assessed accordingly. A surgical anrvey will de termine bow far tha abrasions, contu sions, and extravasations inflioted by Bel over exoeed in extent those wbiob result ed from the aaaanlt of Marrin. The pre vious oase evidently constitutes a legal, aa well aa moral, precedent for the present one. And in determining the question of damages, the oonrts, happily, have a basis of valuation as definite aa if the books recorded it thns: “One Gonld nose mashed, §200.” Hereafter, we shall get cn without needless confusion. An operator who ia "too smart” may be soundly walloped. Damages are assessa ble on tbe basis of Jav Gould's nose aa flattened in 1873.—N. Y. Timet. IHINIIAPN AND IMF*. TOWNS IN UBUMANX AND SWEDEN 1IUBNKD-- DANK HOLIDAYS IN EG LAND— INDIA UAB HAD GOOD UAINB. London, Angnst 6.—Tbe first Mon day in Angnst being one of tbe days ap pointed by anaot of Parliament aa a bank holiday, it is observed aa a general holi day thronghont the United Kingdom. Special dispatohea to tbe Timer report tbat tbe village of Gaenzer, near Marien- werden, Prussia, has been destroyed by fire and 800 persons rendered homeless, and tbat the town of Homdaoall, Sweden, has been almost totally burned. Calcutta, Augnst 6.—The lateat offioial reports state that Nepanl, Rannah and Ousam have had sufficient rainfall and are now safe. Attempt la Wreck a Train. Special to the Enquirer-Sun.] Dovib, N. H., August 6.—An attempt waa made to-day to throw from the track the boot train, from Alton bay, near Poor Fann crossing, by placing two large stones on the rails. The oow catcher of the engine Btrnok aud toppled them aside fortunately avoiding serions accident. ■ lave Trade. Special to Enquirer-Sun ] Alexanduia, .Angnst 5.—A oonvontion between England and Egypt tor tho sup pression of tbe slave trade has been signed. New York Grand Jury. New Yobk, Augnst 6.—Jndge Bather- land, addresaing the grand jnry at tbe General Sessions to day, said while blood waa abed in other parts of the country, owing to laborer's strikes, New York was to be oongratniated iu having given an example of pesos and reason. He aaid the principal duty of the grand jnry wonld be in enforcing exeroise of tbe law wbiob haa now beoome of paramount interest. Among the names oalled on the grand jnry to-day waa that of Jay Gonld. Female College Building Burned. Nobfolk, Va., Angnst 6.—A fire at Murfreesboro, N. 0., last night, destroyed the main building of the Wesleyan Fe male College. Loaa, §75,000; insuraDco, §30,000. No Uvea lost. AT CONTI AT CONTI! Remember that we will offer for a short while onr entire stock of Spring and Bummer Dress Goods at cost and below oost. We mean business. tf Rlakcuaud A Hill. Ill TFPTEHHTloHfTOHf <£ H l co 00 O HK.N from tho effeote or Error* o anti Abuse* Id early lire. Haa* hood lientored- Impediment* ^ to Marriage Removed. New — method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. K Book* and circulars sent Iree M In sealed envelopes. Address! ^ E HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 419 ^ < IN. Ninth bt., Philadelphia, an | Pa. An Institution having a S I high reputation for honorable Q lconduct and provisional skill'. .Cblcagp 9If For term* add; ud* O imys ij MicajH'M lii tho ku< COl'LTfcUjfcCO