Newspaper Page Text
gailB gttSaw**-
amicurnM utm.
From this date tha nbMrlpttoa to tha Oo-
•■has E.qmaaa will ba aa follow*, altbar
aarrad by carrion id tha city aad suburbs, or
aaat by aall, (<aa p epopiag tea pssta*»> t
Strictly la Adyaaaa
DAILY. On. Tear «-00
Ttiraa Month*..... *-00
•• Oaa Month »
WEEKLY, Ona Taar 1.10
•• 81a Moatha 78
SUNDAY. 1.80
Six Moatha 1.00
WEEKLY aad SUNDAY, On* Yaor.. 8.80
Tha Law of UongreM now require. nswspa-
par poataga to ba prapald by tha publlabara,
and from thU date wa will prapay It wltUomt
additional aoat to aabaorlbara. Snbaoribara
Will aaa tha taportaaaa of paying np promptly,
aa In addition to aaratng thorn tha papar, wa
baaa an additional eaah axpanaa In tha matter
of postaga.
■V°/A Z
S(»»A 8
q$uoj( x
zqxuojf Z
mnaoH e
sqtaoH *
eqtuojf a
■qtuoj, 9
sqiuon i
■qinoH g
atnooH g
! i\
zqxuon II
| X
nay par oant. additional In Local Column,
Amusmsiht ADyxxTiaxxaxT*. $1 a square
for aaoh Inaartlon.
Marrlagaa and Fnnaral Notlo.s, 81.
Daily ovary othar day, two-thtrda ol tha
abora rataa.
Sunday and Wxsklt, each, ona-thlid of the
bora rataa.
Tnomao Badland, Opelika, Ala.
L. S. SoBunaaLnn It Oo„ Lafayatta, Ala
J T JonaaoN, Hamilton,Qa.
W 8 Tnowaa, Alaiandar Oity, Ala.
J W MoOlnhdon, Waal Point, Oa.
J. L. Daniil, Ql.nnvllls, Ala.
A J Pittman, Union Springe, Ala.
L M. Ltnom,
SWThs abora Agon to of EwQninan-8ux
are anthorlaad to aollalt and raaalpt for tub-
aerlptlona and adrartlaamanta.
InAem la Nate Adoarllaanaaiala.
Frail Jare—W. R. Kant.
Freah Meati-W. A. Watara.
To the Pnblio—F. G. Wilkins.
Freah Maata—MoKenale & Maddox.
JordanV Joyona Julep—W. R. Kent,
Hay, Sand Bye, Barley, Ao.—D. Aver*
Northern Cabbage and Applea—W. T.
Llat of Adrartiaed Lettera—W. H
Johnson, P. M.
Exonraion to Chattanooga—Offntt A
Leake, Managers.
» A. M 77" I 8 p. m 85°
12 u 82" | 0 P. M 8G“
0 A. M 84» I 8 P. M Silo
2 M 87» I fi P. M 810
Mr. J. P. Manley and family have re'
turned from Tate 8pnnga, Tenn. The
gentleman ia verily delighted with hie so
journ, and eaya that ha and hia family
were greatly benefltted.
At Stall No. 2, bare this day the moat
ohoioe Beef, Mutton, Veal, Kid and Pork.
Call early and aeoure ohoioe Meats.
At Btall No. 1,-to-day will hare Beef,
Mutton, Veal, Kid and Pork. Come and
gat the ohoioe of Maata.
180 bales Hay, Georgia Heed ltye and
Barley, Rost-proof Oats, Western Bran,
Corn, Onions and Potatoes, oheap for
flash. D. Avcbitt.
au26 eodfit
Having announced my self a candidate
lor Tax Receiver, I now take this oooa-
sion to withdraw from the oouteat, and
return my thanks to many friends who
gave expression of their wishes for my
F. G. Wilkins.
Marriage of sa ir-Oalaailai My.
Thursday at 1 p. m , at the reaidenoe of
the bride's mother, in Atlanta, in the pre
sence of a few invited friends, Rev. Dr.
J. E. Evans, officiating, were married
Mias Bailie Lockhart, late of Oolombus,
and Mr. John Barr, of Atlanta. The bride
is one of tba sweetest and loveliest of
young ladies. They started on a brief
tonr to Lookout Mountain and will return
and loeate in Atlanta. Speaking of tha
happy pair,the ContUtuUm says: “Miss
Bailie Lockhart, ainoe abe became a resi
dent of our oity about ayear ago, has been
one of the most popular members of At
lanta society. She has made here many
true friends, who congratulate her upon
her new found happiness and bestow their
ainoereat wiabee for its continuance. Mr.
Barr has long been connected with the
wholesale dry goods bouse of Moore A
Marsh, and is well known in our oity aa a
young man of fine business qualities and
Stirling, manly virtues. He riebly de
serves the prize he baa won, and hia
friends ean well offer him their warmest
oongratulationa. ”
Mrs. Baracball, who resides in the sixth
ward, bad a valuable milch oow to come
home Thursday afternoon horribly wound
ed in the aide with bird-shot. It
has not been ascertained whether
this was malioioualy done or not. It was
nevertheless a criminal act aa it is in di
root violation of the law to shoot on the
We ate informed that a party of youths
and young men make a praotioe of shoot
ing bull-bats on the south commons every
afternoon, whioh ia evidently the oause of
Mrs. B , loosing a fine oow.
We call the attention of our oity author
ities to the matter and trust they will see
that the law is enforced.
Tha Camp Meeting Is Prctpttl.
It will begin September 1st, about four
miles from the Warm Springs, Meriwether
oounty. Groat preparations are being
made, and multitudes will attend. The
orops in that county, we are told, are un
usually fine, and this, oonneoted with the
proverbial hospitality of that community,
insures a most enjoyable time for all who
may attend. This will be a good ocoasion
for people to visit the springs, for during
the camp meeting a great many people
will be there, especially at night, and thus
the most desirable opportunities for social
enjoyment will be offered. Quite a
number are going from this place.
Kitty " Dud.
Gol. Thompson of this oity lost his lit
tle mare Kitty last night. Bhe bad moat
excellent qualities and waa a great favorite
with him. Bhe left a very fine oolt. It
has not been a year since he lost hia noble
blaok stallion, whioh be rode through the
“late struggle," and ainoe 1872 he baa
had fourteen flne horses to die. To say
nothing of his attachment for bis animals,
it has been a great lost to him moneta
Fineet Crop of the Bteeon.
We were told yesterday by one of the
beat farmers in the country, a gentleman
of integrity and flne judgment, that he
viaited, not long sinoe, Messrs. John and
Bobt. Baaa’ plantation, down the river,
and that it Is his opinion that they
(Basaes) have about one hundred acres
that will make between fifty and sixty
bushels of corn per acre, and fifty that
will prodnoe all of seventy-five bushels
per sore. They will also gather fifteen
bales of cotton “to the mule,” if the sea 1
sons remain favorable, whioh, up tp this
time, have been very flne. Who oan
beat this 7
If you have Neuralgia, Rheumatism dr
Headaohe, take Jobdan's Joyous Julip.
It gives instant relief.
rum mar or thk~iskabox.
Northern White-head Cabbage and
Northern Apples just received.
W. T. Robinson.
“Spare my child! spare my child!"
cries the mother, when too late. One box
of Tbxtbina (Teething Powders) would
have saved her darling.
An Exonraion will leave this oity on
tha morning of the 28th inat. at 7:18 for
Chattanooga, via Atlanta. The fare for
the round trip is only $8.60, and $12.00
ooveia all the expenses, including trip to
Lookout Mountain. Here is an opportu
nity to enjoy four days' recreation at a
small oast, and every one who deairee to
see the beauties of Lookout and the
grand scenery along the railroad from
Chattanooga to Atlanta should not fail to
go. Tickets for aale at office of Western
Railroad of Alabama.
Orrun A IiBtxa,
au25 2t Managers.
A large lot Fruit Jara now in store at
W. U. Kent's, 107 Broad street. The
bast and cheapest
Dr. Moffett ia daily receiving the thanks
of parents whose ohildren have been
saved by Tbxtbina (Teething Powders).
The Wallaek Tripologue.
This troupe, whioh played here about
three months ago, baa come again to
give tho pnblio a series of their enjoyable
entertainments. They will appear Mon'
day evening, Heptomber 3d, and therafter
bi-weekly for perhaps three weeks. They
will giro an entire and unique change
of programme with new wardrobes. They
have oertainly come at the aooepted time
and will be well patronized, for, to say
uolhing of their merit, the monotonies of
summer will make everyone relish suoh
treat the more.
Ho if Mr Warehoueee Bland.
Wo have of late been frequently asked
bow the receipts of cotton at the ware
houses stand on our book. We give the
amounts to yesterday without names.
Each can aeleot his own, and surmise at
his neighbor’s: 18 785 bales; 17,012;
15,834; 17,186; 628; 2. Besides the
Eagle and Phenix have reoeived direot
1,435 bales and merohants 1,502, making
a total of 72,325 bales. Next Friday
closes the cotton season of 1878-7.
Dried Feaehee.
There has been and is still a great da
mand for them in this market by persons
who are shipping them. They are not
sailing in Northern markets, we uuder-
ataod, at as high prioes aa they did two
or three weeks ago. They are likely to
sell still lower, as the. crop ia very large
this year.
1877 And 1878.
We find that including the season of
1842 *3, to date, Columbus has received
in thirty-five yaars 2,272,885 bales of cot
ton. At $60 a bale this represents $113,-
619,260, or about three millions a year.
There somehow seems to be an impres
sion, derived from the old-timed mer
ohants that Columbus was most prosper
ous before the days of railroads and tele
graphs. This is a terrible mistake. .The
statistics show differently. Before the
era of railroads tha highest number ever
reoeived was 82,499 tales, and the price
bo low that a man now-a-days
wouldn't care to buy it. Of the eleven
largest receipt years of Columbus four
have been during the eleven years subse
quent to the revolution, against seven of
the 28 before. We honestly believe if a
farmer would attend to bis business aa
oloaely now as previous to the revolution
he will produoe more, beoause of im
proved cultivation and oheaper labor: He
must remember that the increase of slaves
not now to be counted.
Watermelons are soaroo at Hamilton.
Five ah oats have lately been stolen
from Mr. John Johnson. Campmeeting.
Mr. B. G. Hood has hogs enough, if he
succeeds with them, to do hia family for
meat, for two yaars.
The Columbus Baptist Association
raeeta at the Bethany church near Good
man's X -Roads, in this oounty, on Sat
urday, before the fourth Sunday in Sep
Van Hood, while driving a mule from a
pasture, was kicked in tbe eye and came
narrowly loosing its sight.
Oounty Commissioners have let out tbe
bridge on the Columbus road for $121—
to be built new, Commissioners to furnish
flooring; bridge near Ben Low's, to Tom
Beats, for $3.50—to put on 12 plank and
one aide railing; tbe one near Henry
Low's, to Yanoey Cardwell, for $118—to
put on 84 plank, 12 new sleepers, bent,
Last week several men were at work
near Bethany churob, when they saw two
large mooasins near a branch. They made
an attempt to kill them when thirty-two
little snakes ran in the mouth of the large
ones and thirty-four into the mouth of
the other. Thus sixty-eight snakes were
killed in a few mibutes. Last Sunday
one was found near Hamilton and killed
and thirty-three little ones were killed
with that one—making one hundred kill
ed in a week.
Tbe pleasant gentlemen of the Hamil
ton Journal I rom whioh we condense are
unmarrid. One says.
Dream and peaches once a week,
Kiss your ttlrl on the right band cheek |
Auples gren and apples dried,
Kiss her on the other side,
Tbe other answers;
That evlnoes wretched taste—
Take your girl about the waist,
Lift her to her pink toe-tlps,
And plant It squarely on her lips,
and I hen both have fun in tbe oountry.
The Constitution must really pardon us.
We thought its editors considered Atlanta
owned the State of Georgia, until her ad
vocates were defeated on t£e capital ques
tion tbe other day. The State Agricultu
ral Society is to do tbe Fair and Atlanta
the raoes, or at least Atlanta is going to
try to raise $2,000 to get some bones to
ran around that third or quarter mile dr-
cnlar track, where steed aad rider risk
breaking their necks. The State Agricul
tural Society is to furnish the show busi
ness. Well, we’ll leave it to tbe Constitu
tion editors, if, oonaiderfog tha size and
productions of Georgia, that Society docs
not get up the poorest exhibitions in the
United States. Take out a few county
displays, and it is all advertiasucats of
the goods of the merohants of the place
wherb its expositions are given. We
have attended some, and in Atlanta too,
and know whereof we apeak.
Thomas A Presoott, having reoeived a
large variety of Fall and Winter Samples,
are now prepared to take measures and
have Speoial Order Suits made up at
short notice, in the most elegant styles.
Perfect eatiefaction gauranteed.
«T The latest Fashion Plate on exhibi
tion. aulC tf
Blaok Lace Scarfs $1.60 to $3.
White “ “ $1, $2 and $3.
Embroidered Swiss Muslins;
Ladies' and Gents’ Colored Bordered
Ladies’ Bilk Ties;
Laoe Bibs;
An elegant line of Marseilles Suits;
A large variety of Japanese Fans from
10c. to $1;
Draaa Buttons in new shades.
tf Blahoabd A Hill.
The steamer Wylly, from Apalaohioola,
arrived yesterday with 11 bales of cotton,
consigned as follows; Alston, .4 ; Fon
taine, 0; Watt A Walker, 1.
Bhe brought about 12 barrels of freight
Tha passengers were:
Mrs. T. Newman and son, Miss Robin-
son, Miss T. Brown and Mrs. 8. J. White-
sides, Apalaohioola; Mr. Wallaek and
Jady, Miss Jonnie Coleman, Miss Willie
Coleman and Mr. Rider, Fort Gains; J.
P. Moberg, Haywoods; L. E. Chambliss,
Neals; J. W. Billings and Mrs. Lookhart,
Eufaula; M. W. Kelly and Joeen J. Jones,
Columbia; S. A. Carter, Florence;
T. 8. Fontaine, Fontaine's upper; C.
Moporief, Chattahoochee; Uen. L J. Gu-
singer, steamer Clara Dunning; fifteen on
Bhe will leave this morning at 9 o'olook
Bhe was compelled to refuse without dis
crimination twice as moob freight as Bhe
oan oarry, on aooount of the river being
so low. The river at Woolfolk's bar is
about sixteen inohes and the steamers run
aground there nearly every time they
pass. The Clara Dunning is aground
there. Tbe merohants and steamboat
men are very anxious to see a rise in the
river to be commensurate with the chan
nel of trade, whioh is now beginning to
assume large proportions, and which will
continue to increase for a number of
Untie John King.
He is beloved by all at tbe Warm
Springs, Meriwether county, at which
plaoe he is now sojourning—by even the
single ladies—beoause he is a young m»n
(“you know"), and moat especially by the
ohildren, all of whom oall him “Uncle
John.” He plays with the little folks,
oarriea them to ride, and does everything
in his power to entertain them, and he
always succeeds admirably. For this he
is noted, however, as nearly every child
in Columbus knows and loves him. There
are quite a large number of ohildren at
tbe Springs at this time, and he is in his
glory. They won't go to their meals with
out him, and when he starts they all fol
low with a lively racket.
Thief Caught.
A oolored waiterman, name unknown
to this writer, waa arrested on Broad
street. It seems he bad stolen a box of
books and a olook Irom the Pnblio
BohAols, a olook from some down town
residence, a buoket from tbe oolored Bap
tist churob, and other property. The
ohuroh buoket he sold for five oents. He
also diapoeed of the books, but the way ia
prepared for the leoovery of all the prop
erly. He broke into one of the Public
Bohool buildings.
I mures, Nlivn UUlUlDg DJI l*oau mvi
Uplands, low middling eUnso, Ani
Uvcr jr, 5 29-32*1; September and Oetol
ltd; October and November, • 16-16(1;
Oomtmbos, Oa., Angus184, 1877.
bile end New Orleans £{41soonat
Banks checking oa New York % premium;
New Orleans other points % premium.
Currency loans 10012 per cent, per annum,
flilrer 1 per cent, premium. Gold nominal.
Fatnres, sellers holding for l-3*d more:
......— clause, August do-
id October, ft 16-
• 16-16(1; Novem
i her and December, ft 16-10d
Uplands, low middling claure, new crop,
hipped in October and November, per sail,
ft lft-iftd.
, Sales for the week 4’,000—speculation 2,000,
export 4,000; stock ft47,000, American 641,000;
reoeipts 11,000, American 8.000; aetual ex-
coo, sales of American 26,000.
Uplands, low middling clause, new orop, ship
pad in Norember And December, per sail, ft
3 JO r. m.—Of sales to-day ft,660 were Amerl-
Sales 8,000 bales, not 7,000 as reported,
Uplands, low middling clause, August and
September delivery, 6 lft-lOd; October and No
vember, 6 81-32d.
Tnt WaATHia.— 1 Thermometer for the week ever- I a 30 r m—Uplands, low mlddUngs clause, new
aged 81°. The highest temperature was 90, ths I orop,shlpped Norember and December,per sail,
t «« I § ll-M d.
*Yarnsand fabrics at Manchester dull and
game week last year the thermometer areragsd I doWn * . . .
84°. The highest temperature was N, lowest 73.1 *• m.«—Futures steady:
Rein fall 60 inches I § 0 ° p - N.—Uplands, low middling clause,
uam tail .eu incues. | Deoembtr January delivery, 6 31 82d.
New York, August 24.—evening — Cotton
Comparison wire Last Yean.—The United States
ports receipts are 171,6 2 less hales: the exports
902,086 less; the stock 700 less; Col am bus re
ceipts 90677 mce; shipments 26396 more; stock 660
more; Indie shipments, sinoe Janaary lot, 776,000;
against 872,000. Cotton la sight 1,873,687 against
1,972,668. showing an decrease of 00,601 bales.
Mabkits.— At Liverpool last Saturday, mid
dling uplands were quoted at61-16<£, and Orleans
... *... . . i
X Gold
• !4; New York.m'ddlta, upland, itfcjt, Orleans I —iTf “P‘“ dl >*>. Orleans "■Until
ll%t. Gold 108'^. Ywt.rd.jr, Liverpool, mid- I . „ .
—A good shower fell lsst night about
10 o'olook.
—Doctors frequently ran their bnsim
into the ground.
—Sunburn msy be easily removed
with lemon juice.
—Whenever we sac a lady reach down
and grab the side of her dress we dodge.
. —New version: Dare to do right; dare
to be true—kiok at your mother -in-law if
she kieke you.
—The name of the new warehouse
tbe “Grangers snd Farmers Union Ware
house.” Too muoh name.
—A parrot is said to live to ba two
hundred years old. A barber does not
live so long, but he talks more. ^
—A mo quito oannot fly as high as one
eagle but he|oan bully all (be Christian
graces out of a man a great deal quicker.
—Lydia Thompson eaya that her
blondes will oover themselves with glory.
Well, that’s thin, but it’s better than
An exohange says: “Don’t tell a mar
ried man any joke on tha boys, for he’ll
tell hia wife, bis wife will tell her sister,
and the sister will tell all the rest of the
—Atlanta UonttituUon: Mias Craw
ford, of Columbus, and Miss Johnson, of
Mobile, are spending a few weeks in the
oity, guests of Mr. A. B. Bostlok, on
Mitohell street.
—The lovers of good beef, mutton,
eto., are invited to call on Waters at
stall No 1 and UoKinzia A Mattox at
Btsll No. 2, to-day, who advertise the
finest in the market.
—A young mother explaining ohrieten-
iug to her five year old boy, told him that
when be wea obirstened he “would be
one oi God's little lambs.” “And will I
have hind legs snd go bat?' eagerly asked
the boy.
—It is onuently reported the present
members of the Legislature will run in
the Ooiober eieotion. No more nomina
tions, gentlemen, and no more claims oan
be made tor endorsement. Prepare for a
hot time.
A Cinoinnati liqnor dealer applied to
a customer for aletter of reoommendation
of a oertain brand of whiskey he bad re
cently sold him. The onstomer wrote: “I
have tried all aorta of inseot poison, snd
find none equal to your old oabinet
A boy five years of age having stolen
a oan of milk, bis mother took hig$to task
with moral suasion and wound np her
dieoonrae by exolaiming, “What in tbe
world were yon going to do with the
milk?" I waa going to steal a dog to
to drink it.
—A St. Louis paper tells a story of a
disconsolate widower, who, on seeing the
remains of hia late wife loweibd in the
grave, exolaimed, with tears in hia eyes
“Well, I've lost gloves, I’ve lost umbrellas,
—yes, even oows and horses; bnt I never
—no never—had anthing to out me like
Britain 8 217. Frsnoe 0, continent U; aale, 15,-
807; .toek 70 <12.
.. . .. ... . ,_ ■ Nsw Yobk, August 24.— Evening. — Net re-
_ _ the week Liverpool declined Now | estate 6
York Ifc, and Colombo* * I Future* closed bare!'
lean, U# Go.d ttO*.
ruBpy, 10 83-100010 84400; April, 11 14 1000
Columbus market to-dmj dull. Belee .
bales. The following ere the warehouse quota
Ordinary and stained..... 9
Good Ordinary..... 10Vi
Low Middlings 10It
Middlings 10$
Strict Middlings 11
Week’s sales 187 belee—70 Northern spinners
11 18400.
Oalvbbtov, August 24 — Cotton easy; mid
dllngs 10%o.
weekly net reoeipts 402; sales 206; stock 2772
i Boston, August 24. — Cotton dull; mid
dlings li^O.
Weekly net receipts 44; sales none; stock
114,622; exports to Greet Britain 166.
Savannah, August 24.—Gotten dull; mid-
117 home consumption, 0 tor New York, 00 for I dllngs *0Vftc.
Savannah, 00 for speculation, 000 for Nsw Orleans, Weekly net receipts 200; skies 41; stook 1,609,
00 for Charleston, 00 for Tallessee mills, 00 for Nsw Orleans, August 24.—Cotton, market
Mobile. 0 for Philadelphia, 00 Liverpool, 0 An- I dull: middlings 1( %c, low middlings 9%o,
Columbus, Ga., August 12, IS77.
Trains Leave Columbus
Southern Mail.
mis* p.iu.,arrive, at Montgomery. 434 T w
Mobile ft aft A M
New^4 A ■
Selma ?:M r *
Atlaata »i40am
Atlanta. & Northern
7S19«x.m.,arrive!at AtUnte^.... turn
W Aihlngten. TAB r ■
Baltimore.... U:S» » ■
Hew York... tom a a
Arrive at Montgomery.... MB r a
From Montgomery and Boathwe(t..lOMaa
“ . ■ 4:04 r a
From Atlanta and Northweat 4:04 r a
49- Tht* Train, arriving at ColuMbR. at
9:05 P. M., leave. Atlanta at UiSO a. in.
declS tf
•rev ions
good ordinary 9%o.
. Weekly net roceipts 760; sales 1,876; stock
i, and * 84 the corresponding week I exports to Great Britain 866.
’ l " ” " ” “ — * - - Mobile, Aug. at 24.—Cotton market quiet;
middlings loo.
Weekly net receipts 166: sales 76; stook 3,423.
Ohablbbton, August 24.—Cotton doll;
middlings l lo.
Weekly net receipts 111; sales 800; stook 2200.
Liverpool Cotton Circular.
receipts, 80 bales, against 76 the
previous ono, and 84 (he corresponding week
lost s aeon—1 by 8. W. B. R., 9 by M. A G. B.
R., 0 by Opelika R. R., 69 by river, 20 by wagons,
N. 4 8 R. R. Shipments 142 bales—96 by
0 by N. A 8 R. R. Shipments 142 bales—96 by
8. W. R. It., 85 for home consumption, 32 by W. R.
R., 0 by M. A G. R. R. r *
Stook August 31st 610
Received past week 80
Total received 71.324
Total received, including stock.. .72,886
Shipped post week 142
Totel shipped 71,082
Total home consumption 0,735
Stock Aug, 24 1,168
Year’s receipts
M0DKS or Blooms.
Southwestern Railroad
Mobile and Girard Railroad
Western Railroad.......
Sjwr r. 14,945
Wagons 27,648
.... 2,668
.. 8,913
.. 1,862
North and South Railroad..
72.396 51,048
Stock, Aug. 81,
Boo’d to Aug 21.
Stook Aug. 24....
Year’s reoeipts.
U.S. Crop
Livxrpool, August 24.—The olroular of the
Liverpool Cotton Brokers’ Association, in Its
52*183 I review of the week’s trade, ending last night,
3 s I says : The market was du’l throughout the
61 357 I The limited demand is very freely sup-
10 492 pH* 1 * and quotations are generally reduced
’769 I Amerloan Is In limited request, and prices are
503 I somewhat irregular, at deel'ne. In Sea
61 873 I Island, the sales ooniinuo small, without mate-
’ 1 rial change. In Futures, the sales are small
«<»M ■ and market drooping. The latest transactions
*3 609 I >how * declln * °Ois®6-82d sinee last Thursday.
10*816 I NEW Yobk » August 24, 1877.
191612 1870-’77 1876-’76
1673 I Net receipts at all U S ports
’ ■ for the week 2,646 7/72
Total receipts to date 3,942,107 4,113,729
Exports for the week 4,326 18.441
, T >tal oxpots to date >..8,020,226 8,222,010
1874-6 Stook at all tho U S ports 180,848 129,648
1036 i Stock at all interior towns.... 9 703 11,297
67987 | Stook at Liverpool 847,000 8 4,000
8took of American afloat for
Great Britain 26,000 81,000
Baltimore, August 24 —Oats firm— South*
Wholesale Price current. |
Apples $ bbl 14.60.
BAOON-Clear Sides filb 10; Clear Rib Sides 9; I
““ ™ *“ ‘ clear rib sides 8%o. Hams—sugar-cured M0
—__ . I 18o. Lard—refined 9^o. coffee quiet—job lots
Rule Meats—Clear Bib Sides 8o.; BhouUeri 117022c. Whiskey at ftl 14. Sugar quiet, 10^0
0/4 c - I iouo.
BAGGING—18^40100. I
Buttsx—Goshen fi lb 40c ; Oountry 20c. I Haw York.
i «^/ ng “ ,h * 1(0 ‘ WMt * rn »*>s »■ *• I N.wjfonx. AukuaLXt.—Flour .bout Heady
Oanolbs _ _ _ ** “““
33c«o"r Bl0 0hOlM * * > '“ 0! pVlm ' ■BoiJw. I io good extra Wo.toru and State .toady, M »
Coax—Yellow Mixed m hn.h.i as. me. 76 ' Southern heavy bnt In moderate de-
81 tor load rate. IndBpot’iaokedl’balk^c *' I .»? ££ «?•'■*«*
OlGAES— ** ‘
MABD' _ _ W|
Irons 6c; Bar Lead 19o; Castings SUo; Plow Steel
10c; Sitring do. 10c; Cost Steel 22U; Buggy Springs
20c; Horse and Mule Shoes fi B? 7c: lfor "*
Nails 22y~■ -
Ison Tibs— 6c.
Central and Southwestern
Savahxah, Oa,, Maroh 8, ItTT.
11, Paaaenger Train! on tU* Central ana
Southwestern Kalltoadi and Braxohsa will
run as tollows:
Leaves Savannah •*•**
Leaves Augusta *:ta A ■
Arrives at Augusta wl v K
Arrives at Macon d:4& v K
Leaves Maoon lor Atlanta *:1S r K
arrives at Atlanta SKM A ■
Making olose connections at Atlanta with
Western and Atlantlo Railroad (or all points
North and West.
Loaves Atlanta 10:10!■
Arrives at Maoon MA a m
Leaves Macon a M
Arrives at MUledgeville 0:44 A M
Arrives at Eatonton U JH) a k
Arrives at Augusta 4:45 r M
Arrives at Savannah 4:00 r M
Leaves Augusta A w
Making connections at Augusta lor tho
North and East, and at Savannah with tha
Atlantic and Gulf Railroad tor all points In
The American People.
No people io the world suffer as mooli
with Dyspepsia as Amerioans. Although
years of experience in medicine had fail
ed to accomplish a oertain and sura rem
edy for this disease and its effeote, snob
as Hour Stomach, Heart-burn, Water
Brash, Sick Headache, Gostiveness, Pal
pitation of tbe Heart, Liver Complaint,
coming op of the food, low spirits, gen
eral-debility, eto., yet sinee the intro
duction of Gbzkn’s August Flowkb we
believe there ia no oase of Dyspepsia that
oannot be immediately relieved. 80,000
dozen sold last year without one ease of
failure reported. Go to your Druggist
and get a Sample Bottle for 10 oents and
try it.* Two doses will relieve yon. Reg
ular Size 76 oents. my8 dJfcwly
The Finest Photographs in the oity a)
$1.60 per dozen. eod&wtf
Desiring to rednoe my large stock of
Dry Goods before replenishing for the
fail trade, I have struck former prioes and
knocked them down so low that all oan
secure great bargains. Will sell greet
many Goods at New York cost, and others
as low as any “oost” store. I mean what
I say, and will oonvinoe yon that yonr
money will bay more here than elsawhere,
if yon will take tbe trouble to oall and
examine. My stock is fresh—no old
shelf-worn Goods.
tf J. Albxbt Kiktxn.
It it long ago settled that Williams
makes the bast Pietorae of ohildren.
The Brlipee.
The moon arose behind olonds at Go
lumbna, ao there waa no opportunity of
observing the eclipse on Thursday even
ing. In fact tbe people forgot it when
they saw the taoe of heaven obscured. At
most points in Georgia, from whioh ao-
oonnta have reaohed us, the sky was oiear,
and the obaonration of the moon watched
with interest About one-third of the
orb’s sorfaoe wsa shadowed.
Remember that we will offer for a short
while our entire stock of Spring and
Summer Drees Goods at oost and below
oost a moan boainaaa.
tf Bt.amwazn A Hot
Worked to Baulk.
We pity that mneh abused organ, the
liver it ie held responsible for every
little ache and pain. It ia oenanred on
every hand. It ia mode to daddy nearly
all diseases,-and is worked to death. This
is detrimental, unwise and unsafe. Let
tbe liver rest Use no strong medioines.
Keep yonr bowels open now and then by
the use of mild end simple remedies,
those whioh are pleasant and reoeived
kindly by the stomaoh. Such a remedy
is Bailey’s Saline Aperient, whioh
pleasant, refreshing and efferveaoent It
is sold at one-half tha usual prioe, and is
all yon need. 4Dli 2w
A lot of Toilet Soaps, Gelatine and
Flavoring Extracts, for aale cheep, at
tf Mabom’s Dbuo Stoss.
Suitable for offloes, sleeping apart
ments, Ac., recently fitted np over Enqui-
nxn-SuM offioe. Apply at
fob 2 7 tf Tina Oiyiok
Photograph Portraits for framing in
Oil Chromo, Pastel, Crayon and Ink, in
the best manner at half anybody’s prioes,
at Wrauam’ Galaxst
One Firxt-claaa Now Piano; ono Seo-
ond-hand Piano.
ao23 tf J. Mabiok Eotxs,
Many novelties and bargains this weak
to be displayed at J. 8. Jonas',
iowor, but closed firm with part of*the 'dfiRi:
ri :overed — Western mixed 63}4@66o for un-
railed. Oats unsettled, la lostanoes lower.
forse and MnHhnM « -rIT 7 - ou®* I graded. unsettled, la lostanoes lower.
22Uc- Nails IkAff'iaMh I Coffee, Rio steady, lu better demand—cargoes
-#cwt. bmSmS d0Mn ** WHO* Bold; job lot. 16*02**, gold. sSgar
f Tien—60 * U0 ” 7 «W0c. I more active but steady—808>£e for fBlr to good
Me *»««*»., Hj»- I tSSuSSTSS^^SSSrS
dSkififUtoSf^nSSLw 8 f kl "aV $8,i SS^ foriOarollna. Porkopenod heavy t
I -new mess 01310. Lard opened los
powdered l(%o, granulated llo, erushed u w
ll^o. Molasses <lull. Rlee steady,fair demand—
prime; 607o
bat olosed firm
mess $1810. Lard opened lower but olosed
i turned"” b “ ,hel Inoladte; wE| nolu I forWoiwrariaSaSte^or’Matef^Whiik^
to 2c. _ | higher—*1 16.
mode «Uo ’’ ’ — 1 —— | Oizoixhati, August 24.—Floor
k,g ,8Mi h ke ** s - ooi «”- 67 ,d fimfi . -
* „ „ . I'OaIn now whit* 91a. GAn
%n . 12^c Yellow Clarified
12; do Snow White 18c. fl gallon 26 to Mo; Linseed, raw
ft,16; Lard $1.18; Train 76.
$2^f 4*’”—Rectified fi gallon $1.1O0$2; Bourbon I
Maoxnii, Nxw-No. 1 p bbl $16; No. 2 *12; No
$8.60; No. 1 r ' I
Oats—ft bus]
Shot—ft sock $2.60,
” L—Ki _ “ ’
Riot—fi n>
. prime to choice Central Ohio 140l6o.
Sugar steady — refined granulated ll^i
’ * * B 114
S6. Iroala.
Sr. Louis, August 24 — Flour quiet—XX
extra Tall $6 2606 40 ; XXX $6 6006 66; good
I to fancy family brands $6 7607 26. Wheat dull—
Bait—Liverpool ft saok $1.56; Virginia $2.2$.
Bboomb—ft dosen $2.50043.50.
Candy—Stick ft lb 17c.
Columbus Hanufelured Geedi.
Inactive—No 2 mixed 39039%o for Sei ...
Oats steady—No 2 27o. Kye quiet— 61c. Bar
ley nominal—85o lor No. 2 spring and 66@ouc
tor No. 8 spring. Whiskey steady, $l 09.
Pork dull—jobbing at $12 60,round lots 12 40 bid.
Lard dull and nominal — winter 8Uc Bulk
«,» x, a a i meats nominally unchanged—shoulders 4%c,
I ^ B *“M ,L “-r^ boet !?g 4 - 4 8 /^c.; I dear rib sides 0%o, clear sides 6%o. Bacon
« shirUng 7c.; osnaburgs, 7 °**» fl ® °*'» I firmer, small lots—shoulders $6 6‘iU, clear rib
% Arming 9Ue. Goods — Stripes I sides $7 6007 62clear sides $7 8607
XbratSA Hogiandoaltle O’®* and »"« h “K« d '
bleached huckaback towels $1 40 per dosen; yarns I Louisville.
5s. to Is. per bunch of 6 pounds $1 10; rope 17c. to |
I *460Q6 60, family $6 000676. Whrat aotlv,-
knitting thread, 12 balls to the pound, bleached I red Ai tfi amber B1 20 vrhtteBl 221^ Horn dull—
wu8oSlrarSa-w 0 ^. L,
25c. Oottonades 14c033c | mixed 270. Rye steady—63o. Pork dull—
ring thread,10 balls to the pound,3Oc04Oc,
ping twine, in balls,
tlC WbS*I»^dJ C; Do*M.kinR irae.MA I $1275013 00 Bulk meats quiet—shoulders 6J^o,
! ^ 0> I ole * T »11> aWe * 0%o, dear sides 7^o Bacon
LS co,OPftd 1 firmer—shoulders6%o, clearrlbsides7Wo,dear
colored twills 31c04Oc.
Country Produce*
Wholesale. Retail.
.... 86
... 12*015
Goshen Batter
Oountry “
Grown Chickens.......•••••< >15
Bpring Chickens 12U010
Irish potatoes bbl 6.00.
nidea 10011c.; green 6; beeswax 26c.; rags 2c j
ter lb; wool—washed 40c, with burs IA096o.,
loney 28030c.
1877 1,682,320
1876 1,869,270
| sides 8a. Sugar-cured hams steady ana In fair
demand—10^0120. Lard quiet, unchanged
■ —choice leaf tieroe 10010*^0, Whiskey firm, at
I $1 09. Bogging quiet, at 18}4o. Tobaooo active
| but prioes are unchanged.
| SpecuU to Enquirer-Sun.]
Chicago, August 24.-
fancy Western extras $5 6007 fto.
tlve and firm but unsettled— No 2 Chicago
pring 61 07 cash and August, *6*^096^0 ter
eptember, 94%o for tbe year. Corn unsettled
_nd dull, generally lower—No 2 41^4041%c
oash, 423 f »r September, tor October. Oat*
easier—28*^o oash, 28^0 for September, 23^o
for October. Rye firmer, A2U°* Barley firmer—
7>*>407lo oash, 7r
I No 2 spring 7>1^0710 oash,' ?3o for September.
* * I Pork unsettled and generally lower, olosed
mu and F
Inoreose.... ^313,066 72,086,000
12.260 200 I firm—$1212V401215 oash and September,1217 %
**$ ■ juj for October. Lard fairly active-08 10
i . «-,ptember, 08 i7J4for October.
-boxed,shoulders 5o,short rib
Afternoon Board—Wheat 741 09 for August,
ENOUIRER. I 97o for September. Corn firmer—41V$04i%c
tnVUincn, 1 fojp Au _ ugt ^ 41%0 for 8ep t«mber. Oats un-
I changed. Pork easier but unchanged. Lard—
London, August 24— Noon- Consols 9616-10. I
2:00 p m—Erie 10^4-
8 00 p m—Consols 96^.
4:00 p m—Erie 10%.
Paris. August 24—1:00 r m—Rentes 106f]
and 37 %c.
New Orlsans.
Speeiol to Enquirer-Sun.]
New Orleans, August 24 — Pork dull and
Bacon quiet—shoulders 6%0«c, elear rib sides
7%08c, clear sides 803%o. Sugar-oared hams
scarce and firm — U%012o, according to
$1 050111c. Coffee,
cargoes, ordinary to
r unchanged—common
-ohoioe fair to fully
^09% Tor pr me to ohoioe. Rice—ordi
Special to ike Enquirer-Sm.] I V406O.
Nvw York, August 24.—Stooks irregular, as I NATAL 6TOREI, Kin.
f0l New *York Central 101W; Erie, 10V; Lake I *«■•■»
Shore, 64W; Illinois CentrarraU; Pittsbunr OO; I ff BW York, August 23.—Spirits tumentlne
Chicago * Northwestern 32^, preferred 63^; flrm-36c. Rosin unchanged-$l 8601 92K for
Rook Island, 108 | (trained. Tallow firm—prime 8^08^0.
Procure a bottle of Thrash’s Oonsnmp-
Livsbpool, An7.‘‘4-N««.-Ototo. d.U I ’ “ d Ln »8 ■j***' B,0 P
aad nnohanxed; mliklllnx aplaadi 6 16-ted, I that dreadful oongb. Trial 60, large 1.60
SKSSfeiISP ,p ~' U * I Sold b, Ml Draggiata.
Reoeipts to-day none—9 Amertess A mh24 eodAwly
Leaves Savannah
Arrives at Augusta...,
eaves Augusta..
a 7 J0 PM
. 0:UU A M
. 9:44 AM
.1100 AM
,. 8:00 a m
. 8:40AM
2:16 PM
Arrives at Entont
Arrives at Maoon
Leaves Maoon for Atlanta....
Arrives at Atlanta
Leaves Maoon for Albany and Eu~
faula 8:20 a M
Arrives at Eufaula 8:49 p M
Arrives at Albany 2:10 r m
Leaves Maoon for Columbus • J3 ▲ M
Arrives at Columbus 1:18 p m
Trains on this sohedule for Maoon, Atlanta,
Columbus, 1* ufaula and Albany dally, making «
olose connection at Atlanta with Western A
Atlantlo and Atlanta A Richmond Air Lino.
At Eutaula with Montgomery and Eulaula
Railroad; at Columbus with Western Rail-
road of Alabama, and Mobile and Girard
Train on Blakely Extension Leaves Albany
Mondays,Tuesday*, Thursdays and Fridays.
Leaves Atlanta 1:40 pm
Arrives at Maoon from Atlanta........ 6:6ft p m
Leaves Albany 10:00 am
Leaves Eafaula 8:06 p m
Arrives at Maoon from Eufaula and
Albany 4:10 p m
Leaves Columbus 11:10 a m
Arrives at Macon from Columbus.... 8:11 p m
Leaves Macon 7:86 pm
Arrives at Augusta 6:00 a m
Leaves Augusta 8:06 pm
Arrives at Savannah 7:16 ▲ m
alth At-
antio ana Gulf Railroad for all points In Flor*
Passengers for MUledgeville and Eatonton
will take train No. 2 from Savannah and train
No. 1 from Macon, which trains oonneot dally
“—•*— «■— “ oints.
General Supt. Central Railroad, Savannah.
Supt. southwestern Railroad, Maoon.
Mobile & Girard R. R.
O N and after SUNDAY, MAY 6tm. tha
Mall Train on tne Mobile A Girard Rail
road will run as follows:
Leave Columbus General Passenger
Depot daily, at L40 p ■
Leave Columbus Broad Street Depot
dally, at
Arrive at Union Springs
“ Troy
New Orleans
St. Lonls
New York
. 2:20 p m
.... 6:66 p m
.... 8:00 PM
....1010 p m
.... 7:66 PM
.... 6:25 AM
11:26 A M
.... 7:66 a M
.... 8:40pm
.... 8:16 pm
8:10 A M
.... 7:86 AM
....10:26 a M
.12:60 AM
.. 2:40 a M
.. 7:10 AM
.. 9:20 AM
.. 806 P M
.. 8:26 p M
7:16 A M
Close connection made at Union Springs
daily for Montgomery and points beyond.
For Eufaula Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
Through ooach with sleeping accommoda
tions be tween Columbus and Montgomery.
Passengers for the Northwest will save
ten hours’ time by this route.
Through tickets to all frlnelpal points oa
ff 1 ® fi Uener ? 1 Passenger Depot, and at
Broad Street Shed.
D.E. WILLIAMS, ******
Ocnaral Tlok.t Agrat. my» tf
Warm and White Sulphur
P ASSENGERS going to the Warm and
White Sulphur Springs will find it mora
convenient and pleasant
Via tke North & M Bailrcai,
WM. REDD, Jr.,
w , F. TICNEH, Dentist
Ovxa Misoa’t Dsns Stobb,
Randolph Street, Oolumbiu, Qa.
1100, (200, (500, (1,000.
DO., Broken, No. 12 Wall itreet. New York,
make desirable Investment! In stock!, which
frequently pay from five to twenty times tba
amount Invested. Stock, bought and onrrlcd
as long as desired on deposit or thro, par oant.
Expl story eircolan and weekly reports Mat
• octal aodly
tv For terms address COULTER A CO.Chfcag •