Newspaper Page Text
glsiilU gnatm**.
Thomas Raoland, Opelika, AU.
L, s. Sohubsslsb h. Oo M Lafayette. Als
J T Johnson, Hamilton, Ga.
W S Thomas, Alexander Oity, Als.
J W MoUlsndon, W«t Point, Os.
J, I, Dahiml, Glennvllle, Ala
A J Pittman, Union Springs, Als.
L M. Lynch,
if The above Agents of Enquibhb-Suh
sre suthorlied to solicit snd receipt for sub-
•orlptlons snd advertisements.
Cotton Yesterday.
Hale* 713, reaoipts 830, shipments 299
Same day last year Bales were 087, re
ceipts 994, shipments 193.
Week’s operations of Columbus, ports,
interior towns, and Lirerpool may be
found in our oommoroial column.
isaiyiii of C^umbsl Cotton Receipt!.
To dato sinco September 1st, the total
receipts foot up 13,575 balos, 5,209 Iobb,
than last year. The M. & G. K. 11. has
brought 2,817 bales to Columbus—2,549
less than laHt season; the Southwestern
1,128—738 less ; the Western ltailroad
313—98 less; the N. A S. 325—210 less; the
riser 2,900—1,212 more; wagons 0,092—
2,880 less.
Comparative Weather.
For the week ending last night the
average thermometer was 72 dogrooH, the
highest 85 and lowost 58, and the rain fall
,00 inohes. The samo week last year
the average was GO, highest 75, lowost
3G and rain fall 1.78.
Home Consumption.
Ninoe September 1st, onr mills havo
taken 880 bales, against G08 last year—in
crease of 281.
Walter llill, Esq., ol Macon is in tho
The Prettiest
sunset that wo havo witnessed, was that
of yosterday evening. The heavens woro
arrayod in all of their glory.
Jake Ifurriu No.
was driving his fino stock “around” in a
lively stylo yosterday. He is stopping at
Munday's stables.
Ju.ltce Court.
Yesterday befuro Justioe Mitohell, John
Upshaw, oolored, ohargod with eloaling
money from ono of his guosts at tho
“Upshaw House,” was tried and rcijuirod
to give a fifty dollar bond, whioh ho suo*-
seeded in doing.
John’s wife is under bond for the some
charge and she will havo a “preliminary’’
in a few days.
River Reeve.
The steamer Wylly, from Apalnehieoln,
arrived yosterday with 142 bales of ootlou
oonsigued as follows: Alabama, lit); l'lau-
ters’, 21; Fontaine, 20; Lowell, 20; Watt
A Walkor, 14; C. 11. Uoehstrasser, 1.
The balanoe of her freight was light.
The passengers were:
Mrs. D. Hoauobomp, Mr. 1). lloauohamp
and Mrs. llevis, Neal’s; W. H. Bnruott,
Oohosce; A. J. More, Hare’s; 13ol> Ennis,
Chattahoooheo; J. W. Howard, Nuvy
Yard; Mrs. E. It. Johnston and A. J.
Judah, Eufaula; H. Avorett and J. J.
lteose, Floronoc; Mr. McKeonn, Atkins’;
E. B. Btewart, his lauding.
Hke will leave this morning at 10
Large lot of Cigars, whioh must be
closed out at onoo.
oot20 2t M. J. Chawfoui), Jn.
An examination will oonvinoo any one
that Ibe perfoot fittiug Shirts made to
order of No. 1 material by Thorton &
Aooe for #1.25 caoh, cannot bo excelled
in any market. ootl8 eod3t
1'UEsu rnoM Kentucky.
Prioes to suit the times. For ealo at
OOl9 31* Mummy's
“Never better than now,” is the report
of all who have stopped this aoasou at
that excellent Hotel, tho Amerioan IJouso,
situated on a wido street, convenient to
business and plaoea of amusement, fitted
and furnished with ovory modorn im
provement and kept in splendid Btylo by
an experienced landlord, it would be difli
cult to find a better typo of tho American
Hotel.—Button Commercial Bulletin
Baker’s Cod Livkr Oii,, Lime anu
Wilp Cuebby quickly relievos Throat aud
Lung Diseases, and iinpartH vigor and
new life to debilitated constitutions.
Pleasant in taste. J. O. Bakes A Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa. oo20 satAw4t
J. A. Mead, of Atlanta, Ga., says
Thrash’s Consumptive Cure is the only
remedy that will euro consumption aud
all lung affeotious. Trial bottle 50 cents;
large sire #1.50.
mh24 eodJtwly
Elegant Booms, suitable for oiliooR or
sleeping apartments, over oflloe of En
quiuzb-Bun. For forms apply at
sep28 lw* Tuts OFrioE.
Photograph Portraits fur framing iu
Oil Ohromo, Pastel, Crayon aud Ink, iu
the beat manner at half anybody’s prioes,
With this issue of tbo Enquires I am
still tryiug to cbroniolc oity topics. It
will bo my endeavor to furnish tho read
ers of the Enquirer with accounts of the
only things in or about tho city worth
rending. In the effort to do this I will he
greatly assiRtod if everybody will attend
to their business, furnish me with free
tickets, papers, drinks, oigars, and any
thing else to which looal editors are enti
tled. *
The duties of reporter will not inter
fere with my “regular business”
wharfinger or anybody else’s business, if
with the latter I want it understood that I
am not tho fighting man. Of oourse I
am trying to make “the one the auxiliary
of the other,” and would like to take in a
few more “auxiliaries," and I wish the
Amorican people to know that I am still
open for proposals. I oan atteud to all
“legal business" of IhiB oflloe, that is I
have gotten it into “legal business" to
quite a largo amount. “By referenoe to
tho advertising oolumns” it will be seen
that our paper is the best advertising
medium in this sootion, and in faot tbe
best paper in every way.
“In the new rolo which I have as
sumed," (that is of getting another “aux
iliary”) “I mUBt beg” the liberality of
Borne good fellow to give me another
“auxiliary.” “There are oertain trails
requisite to a ‘looal reporter,’” whioh are
to got all of th* “auxiliaries" possible, at
tend to your business, get “free things"
and thou get still more “auxiliaries.”
This can bo “acquired only” by push and
othor “auxiliaries." I trust the readers
of tbo Enquikf.b will excuse me if I should
be short of newB, for I have just gone to
soe if I cau’t got another “auxiliary."
Huccohh to the new “auxiliary” of the
Time. Mr. Goetcbius.
We will continue it at a much larger
sizo than our present issno. Tbe Sunday
edilion is perused by uearly every one in
Columbus who can read, aud has a large
circulation iu tho country—probably dou
ble that of our daily, whioh is vastly
greater than any newspaper over pub
lished iu Columbus. We mention these
facts for tho bonefit of advertisers. Do
not say that yon are sufficiently well
known. Lord A Taylor, of New York,
are far bettor known over the United
States than you are iu this seotion, yet
they advertise and advertise largely.
llartiehip. on Mechanic.
The reduction of ten per eent. on the
employes of the Central ltailroad to take
effoct on the 1st, oomes with a special
hardship on all the meohanioa outside of
Savaunah. In the BhopB at that place
men work on fall time. In Coiambus
and Macon, for three years, the mechan
ics have been nlluwod to work only at
throe-quarters time, and tbo best have
boen making only #2.70 a day, and when
tho roduotiou is made thoy oan get only
#2.15. This is a great hardship and a
cruel exaction on faithful employes,
and merciless grinding to earth. First
class mechanics on other roads
reoeive #3.20 a day. This roduotion
comes at the beginning, too, of whioh
appears to promise a prosperous season.
The Central has lost some valuable men
in the last few years on aoconnt of this
tyrannical polioy, whioh is ondoavoring
to msko up from the wages of the poor,
hard-working men what was lost by the
blnndering management of the direotors.
It is said tho Central Company will try to
doclaro a dividend thiB year. Knooking
dnown pay, to a beggarly point, we aup-
poHo, is one of tho modes by which the
requisite mouey is to he mudo.
She will be hero Wednesday, October
31st, with a line support, to play the
“Two Orphans." This is a very popular
drama aud will draw a full house. Mr.
John E. Warner, tho geuoral agopt, gave
us a oall yosterday, aud ho assures us that
the play will ho presented with new and
elaborate scenic effects and a moat ex
emplar enst by a epeoial aelsoted corps of
artists. Kate Claxton has a national repu
tation of I ho highest order.
The Eeetioal Lott Niyht,
In the Nortborn Liberties for tbe benefit
of tbe Suuday School, was a grand sno-
ooss in evory particular. It will bo con
tinued to-night, and we hope that the
poopto will turn out one and all and help
a good oatiso. There will be a seoond
entortaiamout by the Gymnasium Club;
also a negro minstrel entertainment after
the gyuinaHtioal exorcises,all for one prioe,
10 oeuts. There will be a lunoh at noon
tosday, which will bo worth donhio the
money asked for it as welt as a supper at
night. Leave your Bupper aud dinner at
homo and help this good cause, yon will
never regret it. The festival last night,
oloared twenty-five dollars, and we trust
they may do as well to-night. The at
tendance last night was largo, and all
woro well pleased.
The Financial Flan
Adoptod by Mt. /ion Sunday Sohool, of
Crawford Oirouit Conference, Alabama,
resulted yesterday in the ginning Bnd
weighing of cotton to the amount of 920
pounds. The occasion was a heppy re
union, and old and yonng enjoyed it. A
most enticing dinner was spread, and it
was pronounoed good as well as the work.
Tho plan adopted by the Bohool was that
a small package of ootton seed should be
distributed among teaohors, pnpils and
friends, all of whom should plant a small
pieco of ground, oultivate it and oarry tbe
products to a specified place on a given
day for ginning, and on this occasion to
havo a re-union of tbe “all bands."
Sermon to You My Men.
We will not mar the symmetry of the
splendid discourse, preaohed by Itev. Dr.
Hawthorne last night iu the Baptist
church, by a synopsis. The theme was
well chosen, and the sermon was one of
those rare, beautiful, earuest, convincing
efforts which appeal to the heart, fanoy
and intellect—one that makes a man feel
better for the hearing. Dr. H. is a poi-
Good Clocks from #3 upward, lo the iahed, effective orator, aud his whole soul
finest Parlor Clock—to be bad at i \s eulisted iu the work.
eep3t) UJiu WiTTuui A Kinsel'a. | The congregation crowded the bniidiug.
The following is the newly appointed
Democratic Execntivo Committee of
Harris oounty :
James M. Mobley, Hamilton ; YV. H.
Cullonghs, Waverly Hall ; itobort F. Car
ter, Elleslie ; Dr. T. F. Brewster, Catau-
la ; Jesse Cox. Lower 19tb; William H.
West, Upper 19th ; James I’attillo, Whit
taker's ; G. A. M.vhand, Davidson’s; John
E. Williams, Whitesville; James G.
Smith, Smiths X Roads; Samuel C. Good
man, Goodman’s; and James M. Kim
brough, Blue Springs.
Ham Game), a negro, living near
Shiloh; was out hunting, and while cross
ing a oreek od a foot log, his gun acci
dentally discharged. The duck shot, en
tered about the waist hand, and ranging
upward lodged in his back. It is not
supposed he can live.
Od the 10th, Mr. W. O. Johnson and
Miss Hatchie Cook, daughter of the late
Major Hatoh Cook, were married.
The Grand Jury in the General Pre
sentments find the roads and bridges
generally improved. Attention of tbe
County Commissioners is called to the
bridge at Dowdell^ mill, and tbe necessi
ty of moviog tbe rooks on the Pine Moun
tain road l>y blasting or otherwise. The
Governor is requested to offer a reward
for the bprners of the gin houses of N.
B. Roberts and M. B. Kimbrough. The
hole in the lower floor of the jail should
be stopped. OffioerB' hooks are noat and
oorreot. Treasurer reports cash from
April term, #705 43; from Calendar Clook
Company, oity license #12—#717 45;
oaRh paid on vouohers #080 45; balance
on hand #30 98. Sohool Commissioner
reports there have been 03 publio schools
—43 whites and 18 oolorod—organized in
the county this year, and from an esti
mate made from a few already returned,
tbe sobools will avorago about 25 pnpils.
There bss beon no money received or
paid out since tbe last term of the oonrt,
1877. Itooommoud $2 per day be paid
bailiffs and jurors.
The “solo siDger” of the Enquirer now
sings a duet at the Iron WorkH. John
will soon know tho value of a paragorio
Tho Wise man of tho Enquirer office
is the best whistler in the State. Thoy
wind him up evory morning and he whis
tles until the shades of evening are falling
Tignor requests us to announce that his
Rirl oan just forward that bouquet to Co
lumbus. It can be sent to the oare of
Maj. H. L. Palmer.
Mr. Banie Iteed and Miss Sue Spivey
were married at the residence of Judge
W. H. Spenoe, on the 15th.
Mr. J. T. Johnson contemplates moviug
to Columbus with his family very soon.
The Misses Schley have purchased the
Kimbrough plaoe, and will soon repair it.
Mr. John E. Williams has this year al
ready gathered ono thousand buahols of
oorn and has more in his fields, which he
has made with five plows.
Mr. Henry Emry, of this county, has
made this year with one plow four hun
dred and eighty-five bushels of oorn, one
barrel of syrup, peas, potatoes, eto., and
will make eight bales of cotton.
The above we have oondensed from tbe
Hamilton Journal.
How Captain Chipley hae Increased the
Butineae at Hie Road.
Under the management of Capt. YV. D.
Ohipley, tbe business of tho PeuBsoola
ltailroad, judging from tho statemonls in
tho Pensaoola papers, is in a flourishing
condition. A handsome and well built
hotel, oalled the “Floridn House,” has
been erooted at tho junotion of tbe Mobile
& Montgomery ltailroad, for the con 1
vonionoo of travelers. As an arrange
ment has also been made by whioh tiui
her from the npper waters of the Mobile
river will be loaded on tho oars at Tensas,
on tho Mobile A Montgomery ltnilrosd
and shipped from there by rail to the
railrond docks at Pensacola. Tbe depth
of water at thePensnoola docks is tweuly-
threo feet.—Philadelphia Railway Guide.
The Ponsaoola papers say that the Ten
sas arrangement was made too late to
secure more than four thousand oar loads
of this new business this season. Rail'
roads up this way would oousider four
thousand a pretty good find. Col. Clif
ton, formerly of itussell county, has
ohargoof the now hotel, and its surround
ings and genuine comfort of its tables
and rooms will no doubt mako it head
quarters for hunters and fishermen.
We have just reoeived a l»rg« line of
Gloves for Ladies and Misses, embra
Harrit’ Seamless,
Donna Marla,
Also the following new brands said to
be superior to any Glove in the market:
Josephine Seamiest,
Prinoess of Waloe,
Amerioan Beauty,
in all new colors, from two to six but
ton. Prioes ranging from 75 oents to
$2 25.
Columbus, Ga., Oct, 19,1877.
JUt« for Cotton Bills—Bight
Providence % off ; on Bolton 5
Boatuu %c* off; Savannah, %c oi
Bank# checking on New York % premium; and
other points % premium.
Currency Ioann 12 per cent, porannum.
Silver par. Gold nominal.
Cotton Situation. — Though lower than tho
laat, Liverpool, New Yrrk and Columbus have re
mained unchanged this week. Rrceipta at the
p rtn are very heavy, but they Ere still f.irbehind
lait year. .Prices will he govo~ned to a great ox*
tent by the arrival of the staple and interior towns,
and marked mid sudden changes may be expected.
The temporary scarcity of currency has affected
priees. At this point the arrivals by river
are much larger than last season, while all the
other routes show a large dec’ine. The stream has
boon moro navigable than then. The genera' esti
mate is that our receipts will fall short 10,000 to
12,000 bales this seanon, making the totAl in tho
neighborhood of 60,000. Bales have been very
Urge, The majority of tbo cotton sent to Bavan
Comparison with Labt Yxar.—The United States
ports receipts are 236,168 less bales ; the exports
84.744 lens; Uhe stock *42,908 less; Columbus re-
ceipts 6,200 less; shipments 0,610 bss ; stock 1,647
more; India shipments, since January 1st, 788,000;
against 920,000. Cotton in sight 1,278,300 against
,829,662, showing a decrease of 661,192 bales.
J. Kyle dc Co.
octl4 tf
The beat and largest selection of fine
aDd cheap jewelry in this oity is at
sep30 d3m Wittioh A Kunsel’h.
Watches and Clocks repaired by ex
perienced workmen. Sohool and Sooiety
Badges; aUo Hair Jewelry made to order.
Diamonds re-set, and Engraving of every
kind done, at
sep30 3m Wittiob A Kinsel’h,
Reduction In the Prices
TRIMMING BILKS at 75 ots.;
Black Dress Silks:
#1.224, former price #1.35;
#1.33;], former prioe $1.50;
$1.45, former prioe $1.G0;
$1.02j, former prioe $1.75;
$1.75, former prioe #1.90;
$1.88, former prioe $2.12£.
Those Silks were all bought this season,
and are, at the reduoed prioea, decidedly
the cheapest on the market.
Handsome Line of Colored Dresta
Silks in ohoioe Shades
at 90 oanta,
Sold everywhere at $1.00.
lowest 68,
Bain fall .00 inches.
Same week last year the thermometer averaged
60°. The highest temperature was 76, lowest 30.
Bain fall 1.78 inoheB.
Markets.— Last Saturday, at Liverpool mid
dling uplands were quoted at 0 %d., and Orleans
* %; New York, middling uplands were quoted
117-lOc, Orleans at 119-16c. Gold at 103%.
To-day at Liverpool, middling uplands quoted
at 6 %d, Orleans 0%d.
: New York—middling uplands 116-16C, Or
leans 11 7-10c. Gold 102%.
On the week Liverpool unchanged New
York declined %c. ; and Columbus unchanged.
Pricks Past Year.—Liverpool—Uplands 6 16-10
Orleans 0%; New York—Uplands 10%; Or
leans 11 %. Gold 110%. Columbus—Middlings
Columbus market to-day quiet. Bales,
712 bales. The following are the warehouse
Ordinary and stained..... 90-
Good Ordinary...9%0—
Low Middlings.
Strict Middling!
Week’s sales 1679 bales—1160 Northern spinners
179 home consumption, 0 for New York, 350 for
Savannah, 00 for speculation, 000 for New Orleans,
00 for Charleston, 00 for Tallassee mills, 00 for
Mobile, 0 for Philadelphia, 00 Liverpool, 0 Au
Week’s receipts, 3494 bales, against 3,196 the
previous one, and 3,360 the corresponding week
fast season—816 b> B. W. B. B., 051 by M. k O. R.
R.,U8,by Opelika R.R.,826 by river,1430 by wagons,
147 by N. k 8. H. R. Shipments 1783 bales—1603 by
8. W. R. R., 180 for home consumption, 00 by W. R.
R., 00 by M. k G. R. R. ,
1877 1870
Block August 31st 740 610
Received past week 8,414 3,3*0
TotAl received 18,676 18,811
Total received, including stock...14,326 19,854
Shipped past week 1,783 2,402
Total shipped 8,780 15,366
Total home consumption 889 6()8
Stock Oct' 19 6,586 3,999
Bales 1,079 1,879
Year’s receipts ■ 72,624
Hat—79 cwt. $1.40; Country 40050c.
Iron Tits-12.50 bundle.
Larh—Prime Loaf, tierce, 7ft 12c.; halves and
kegs 13c.
Lbathxr—White Oak Bole 79 lb 37©46e.; Hem
lock Solo 370330.; French Calf Skins $3.500460
American do $2.60013.50; Upper Leather $1500
3.60; Harness do 37042c; Brogan shoes $1.60@$2.
Mial—lit bushel 90c, sacks included; 85c, sacks
Oranges 1% to 2o.
Potash—79 $4 750$6 00.
Ropi—Manilla 79 lb 20c; Ootton 20c; Machine
mwdo 6%c.
Powder— 1 79 keg $6.40; % keg $3.45; % $1.86 in
Pickles—Case 79 dozen pints $1.60; 79 qxmr
Oannip Goods—Sardines case of 100 boxes 1
to $18. Oysters, 1 lb cans 79 dozen, 65c to 75.
Molasses—N. O. 79 gall. 65c; Florida 50c; boil
ed 75; common 35045.
Potatoes—planting—Irish 79 bbl $2.6002.76'
Western $5.
Sugar—Crushed and Powdered 79 lb 13; A
11 c% Extra C N. O. ll%c Yellow Clarified
11—Tl; do snow White 13c.
Oil—Kerosene 79 gallon 26 to 80c; Linseed, raw
$1.15; Lard $1.18; Train 76.
Whiskey—Rectified 79 gallon $1.10@$2; Bourbon
Mackerel, New-No. 1 79 bbl $16; No. 2 $16; No
11.00; No. 1 79 kit $10$2 *0.
Oats—79 bushel 00005c. Rust Proof 76c
Shot—79 sack $2.35.
Boda—Keg 6c 79 D); box, 6%c.
Starch—18 !b 6c.
Rice—79 th 8c.
Balt—Liverpool 79 sack $1.45; Virginia $1.66,
Brooms—79 dozen $2.OO0$4.OO,
Candy—Stick 79 tb 16%c.
LoNDOM,October 19—Noon.—Consols,money,
95 1316; account, 90. Erie 18%.
2:00 p x.—Erie 14.
4;00 p M—Erie 13%.
St eet rate 4 per cent, whioh Is 1 below bank
Parir, October 19—4:00 p. x.—Rentes 106f.
and 37%c
New Orleans, Ootober 19.—Exchange on
New York % per cent discount.
Nkw York, October 19.—Mon
Sterling dull and steady, 481. Gold steady,
102%. Governments steady—new 6’s 107%
State bonds dull.
Special to Enquirer-Sun.] s
New Yohk, Ootober 19.—Stocks lower, as
New York Central 107%, Erie 13%,Lake Shore
69%, Illinois Central 78, Pittsburg 80, Chica
go A Northwestern 39%, preferred 06%, Rock
Island 102%.
Special to Enquirer-Sun.]
Balances—Gold, $102,674,011 67; Currency,
$42,870,616 19; Sub-Treasury paid interest,
49,700, for bonds $232,000.
Customs receipts $274,000.
Liverpool. Ootober 19—Noon.—Ootton quiet:
Uplands, low middling olause, November <Ie-
livery, 0 6-10d; Ootober and November, 0 6-10d;
November and December, 6 9 32d; December
and January ,0%@0 9 32d; February and March,
6 9-32d
Southwestern Railroad 1,128
Mobile and Girard Railroad 2,817
Western Railroad 813
River 2,900
Wagons 6,092
North and South Railroad 325
statement preceding years.
Stock, Aug. 81,
Reo’d to Oct. 19.
StookOct. 19. ...
Year’s receipts..
U.S. Crop
Freights —Per 100 lbs. cotton—to Savannah 66c.
New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore $ .95; Bos
ton, Providence $1.06; Fall River via Now York
$1.17, via Boston $1.19.
The United States Ports.—Recoipts for tho
week 136,904 balos, against 109,264 last weel —
70,040 the week before, and 166,232 same week
fast year. The total movement is as follows:
Stock August 31 127.392
Week’s receipts 136 904
Total 399,279
Week’s exports to G. B... 60,121
•* '• f!nn ... ““
Con 11,909
Total exported to G. B.... 77,802
“ “ Con 26,457
“ “ 103,3 9
Btock 283,632
Year's receipis
for the week coming,
120 380
45 666
Last year the receipts at the ports and Colnm-
1 follows:
octl4 tf
J. Kyle 4t Co.
Russell County Court.
In Russoll county (Ala.) Oirouit Court,
on Wednesday last, application was made
l>y defondants for change of vemio in tbe
onsos of tho State vs. Mrs. Lyon snd her
mother, Mrs. Davis, ohargod with the
murder of Alburtus IV. Lyon. After hear
ing argument on Wednesday evening and
Thursday morning, Judge Henderson
granted leave to change the veuue to Ma
con oounty.
Mrs. Ellington, the lady upon whose
person the brutal outrage wsr committed
by the negro Owen Wright, some two
weeks since, was before, tbe grand jury
ou Thursday.
The traverse jurors wore discharged on
Thutsday evening.
Our regular church reporter is absent
from tbe oity. Our ministers will great
ly oblige Ibe proprietor and editor if they
will duriDg the day bring or send to the
office their texts and thomes for Sunday
servioes. There are very many who would
like to know tbe Bubjeot of tho sormons
before attending Divine worship, and ie
very pleasant reading for ColumbusiteB
abroad, and gives hints to other preach
The Finest Photographs in the oity at
$1.60 per dozen. eodiwtf
1077 aud 1878.
Thomas A Prescott, having received a
Urge variety of Pall aud Winter Samples,
are now prepared to take measures aud
have Special Order Suits mado up at
ahort notice, in the most elegant styles.’
Perfect »atitfaction gauranteal.
W The latest Fashion Plate on exhibi
tion. aulG tf
The largest stock of Gold and Silver
Watohea in this oity, at
BopSO dUm Wittioii A Kinsel’s.
Having received our new stock we
would respectfully invite our customers
and the publio in general to eall and ex
amine the same. Haying only for cash,
we are enabled to sell at the lowest rate
good goods can be bought for, and guar
antee satisfaction lo every buyer.
Wiitiou A Kinski., Jewelors.
sepflO dSm
The largest assortment of Gold and Pla
ted Watch Chains,Necklaoes and Lockets,
yon oan see, at
sepJO dltm Wittich A Kissel's.
The finest artiolee of Solid Silver and
Silver-plabd Ware, for sale at
BeplIO d3m Wittioh A Kissel's.
Life-size Portraits in Oil on Canvass by
an eminent German Artist, at the Unceet
price., at Wii.lixhs' Gallekf.
Astonishing Success.
It is the duty of every person who has
used Bosohke's German Sfbup to let its
wonderful qualities be known to their
friends iu curing Consumption, severe
Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and
in faot all thioat and lung dis-
No person can use it
without immediate relief. Three
doses will relieve any oase, and we oon-
Ride'r it the duty of all Druggists to reoom-
mend it to the poor dying oonenmptive,
at least to try one bottle, as 10,000 dozen
bottles were sold last year, and no one
case where it failed was reported. Such
a medicine as the Gebush Sybdp cannot
be too widely known. Ask your Drug'
gist about it. Sample Bottles to try sold
at 10 cents. IVegular size 76 oents. For
sale by Druggiate. my8 dAwly
Down went the prioe of Oysters 1
Fries 60 cents;
Stews 40 oents;
KawB 26 oents;
Other Meals 60 oents.
A. F. Clements,
Proprietor Iluby Beataurant,
oot3 lm At Rankan House,
Her golden tresaes of luxuriant hair,
Entwined a form bo beautiful aud fair,
That all who gazed by day or night,
Were oharmed with the new angelio sight.
Her hair in graoeful ringlets draped the
And the man who saw her was only to
Tho ladies from afar desired to know,
The wonderful tonio making the hair
She unveiled her fsoe and smilingly said:
“Smith's Hair Restorative beautified my
It contains no poison and it is no dye,
And once a week yon need only apply.
ootll dAw2
Qalveaton 07,719
New York 9,107
Other ports 04,409
To all who are suffering from the errors and
Indiscretions oPyouth. nervoui weakness, early
decay, loss of manhood, &c., 1 will send you a
receipt that will cure you, FREE OF
CHARGE. This great remedy woe discovered
by a missionary fn South America. Send
self-addressed envelope to the Rxv. Joskfh T.
Inman, station D., Bible House, New York City
2 BUTTONS, Block and Colors, 50ot«
2 44 (wsrrsnted) $1.00
2 44 44 $1.25 to $2.00
3 44 $1.00
Job Lot Cloth and Berlin Qlo?ea
15ota to $1.00
oot7 eod&wtf
Sunday and Monday
Principal Ports.—
The following ahow* their to-
tal receipt* to date :
Charleston .
$6 0006 25, XX fall $6 bOQS 60. jvi»u w , 7b
00 00. Wheat generally unsettled—No3 red
fall $1 27%01 28; No 4 red fall $1 16. Uorn—No
2 mixed 12 Oats firmer—No 2 25%@26o, Rye
easlr—64%@56%c. Harley dull, lower grades
negleeted— strictly oholce Minnesota 80o
Whiskey steady, $1 08 Pork dull, jobbing at
$13 76. Lard dull—wIlter 8%o. Bulk menu
only small jobbing trade and Inactive- clear
rib sides 8%o, delivered- Bacon, small jobbing
trade; inactive—shoulders 7%c. clear rib sides
9%e, clonr sides »U09%c. Hogs — packing
$4 600 4 80 Cattle dull, only looal demand-
choice sliiuplng steers $6 oo@6 26, good Texans
$2 2603 69. Sheep dull—$3 7604 36.
Lon I aw I lie.
Louikvillm, Ootober 19.—Flour steady, un.
changed—extra ^4 60 0 4 76, family $6 2606 60.
Wheat quiet—red $1 27%01 80, amber $1 36.
Corn dull—white 63c, mixed 6lo, Oats dull—
whlto 330, mixed 31 o. Rye quiet — 65c.
Pork quiet, $14 60014 76. Bulk moats quiet, un
changed-shoulders nominal, clear rib sides 8%
loose. Bacon steady—shoulders 7%c, clear
, n, 'o. Sugar-cured
Lard quiet—
choloe leaf tierce lie. Whiskey quiet, at $1 07.
BAgglng dull,12%c. Tobacco quiet, steady and
unohanged— navy bright mahogony 640
66o, mahogony 63064c, <fo second oloss 48060c,
fine black 48060, Kentucky smoking 29060c.
Special to the Enquirer-Sun.]
Chicago, Oct. 19.—Flour steady.unchanged—
Western extras $5 ou@6 26, ohoioe to fancy
Minnesota extras $7 60; common to fair extras
$6 2606 76; superfine $8 0004 60; winter extras
$5*6007 oo. Wheat aotlve, firm and higher—
No 2 d Chicago spring $1 09 cash and Ootober,
$l O6%01 06% for November, $1 O6%01 06
for all the year; No 3 do $i 04. Oorn fairly
active and a shade higher— 43@43%o cash, 42%
042%o for November, 4l%@41%c for all the
year. Oats in good demand and a shade higher
—23%o cash, 23%028%o lor November, 28%c
for December. Kye firmer, at 63o, Barley firm,
at 69%o. Pork dull and lower $14 26 oaih,
$14 10014 16 for Ootober, $12 60 for November.
$12 87%@124'» tor all the year. Lard dull and
a shade lower—$8 60 oash, $7 66 for all the
year. Bulk meats steady — shoulders 6%*,
short rib middles 7%o, short clear middles 7%o.
Whiskey $1 C8.
Receipts—Flour 11,000 barrels, wheat 118,000
bushels, corn 136,ooo bushels, oats 42,000 bush
els. rye 1,700 bushels, barley 82,000 bushels.
Mhipmonts-Fiour 11,000 barrels, wheat 134,000,
bushels, corn 184,000 bushels, oats 173,000 bush
els, rye 890 bushels, barley 34,000 bushels.
Afternoon Board—Market at close—Wheat
%c lower. Com steady and unohanged. Oats
%c .higher. Pork 6o lower. Lard 6o lower.
New Orleans.
Special to Enquirer-Sun.]
Nkw Orleans, Ootober 19.—Pork dull and
nominal— $14 60. Lard quiet—refined, tleroo
9%o, keg loo. Bacon soarco and firm—shoul
ders 8%08%o, dear rib sides 9%c, dear sides
9%c.Sugar-curod hams 13014c, as In size and
brand. Whiskey steady—rectified Louisiana
98c0$l 08; Western rectified $1 0U@1 li. Coffee
ui'dianged—Rio, cargoes ordinary to prime
10%02O%o. Sugar, market quiet and weak—
jobbing, common to good common 808%o,
fair to pretty fair 8%@8%o, obolce fair to fully
fair 9%09%, prime to ohoioe 90u%o, oentrlfu-
gal 8%09 , / <fo. Bran quiet but steady. Rice
steadier and firm—ordinary to choloe Louisi
ana 8o, 6%o and 0%o.
Rosin, Ac.
Nbw York, Ootober 19—Spirits of turpentine
steady at 35%o. Rosin quiet—$1 7001 80 fo?
strained. Tallow steady — prime 8%08%o.
Petroleum'dull and nominal—I8@20o.
Nbw York, Ootober 19—Freights to Liver
pool qutet—cotton, per steam 5-16d.
Interior Towns.—They have received this week
38897 bales,against 44 113 last year, and have stocks
of 33,686 against 49,497. The following shows their
total receipts to date:
1877 1876
Augusts. ••••••• 25,417 48,330
Macon 12,481 25,972
8,665 18,884
Oolumbus 18,575 16,464
Montgomery 19 891 22 014
Selma 17,651 22,400
Nashville 1,271 6,038
Memphis 23,936 69,291
Total 122,287 272,388
Feom Liverpool.—The following is telegraphed
for tho week :
1877 1870
8teck 448.000 610,000
American 210,000 232,000
Afloat 111,000 172,000
“ American 49,000 72,000
Week's receipts 16,000 26,000
“ “ American ..... 7,000 14,000
Balos 50,000 $8,000
Exporters 4,000 6,000
Speculation 2,000 4,000
General Remarks.—We have no changes to
report in prices. Trade is moderate in groceries
and provisions to the country and stocks are not
very large. In dry goods marked briskness is
evidont. Tbe Ea^le and Phenix Mills this week
have declared a semi annual dividend of 4 per cent
which on November 1st distributes $60,000 among
the stockholders,
Colnmbns Masiiifcttired Goods,
Kaolr and Phknix Mills.—Sheeting 4-4 7%c.
% shirting 6 %c. ; Osnaburgs, 9c., 8 os.
% drilling 8%c. Colored Ooods — Stripes
~%01Oc; dress goods ll%c.015c.; Dixie plaids for
iulawork 13%c.; cotton binnketB $1.7008.50 per
pair; bleached huckaback towels $1 80 per dozen ;
yarns 5s. to 10s. per bunch of 6 pounds $.95c; rope
17c. to 17%c.; sewing thread,16 balls to the pound,
36c05Oc knitting thread, 12 bails to tbe pound,
bleached 40c; unbleached, -36c. * cotton batting 18c;
wrapping twine, in balls, 25c. Cottonades 14c0
31c tickings 10c@22c.;
Woolen Ooods.—Doeskins, 36c@50c; Jeans
81c.; colored twills 3Oc04Oc.
Country Produce*
Wholesale. ReU
Goshen Butter 35 4<
Country “ 25 31
■gg* 20 21
Grown Chickens 25 84
Spring Chickens 16018 2(
Irish potatoes bbl 8.00. 40
anuary and February, 0 6-16d.
Sales for the week 60,000—speculation 12.000,
export 4,000 ; stook 448,000, Amerioan 210,000
receipts 16,000, American 7,000; aotual exports
6,000; stock afloat 111,000,American 49,000; sales
of Amerioan 31,000.
1:3) pm — Uplands* low middling elause b
November and Deoember delivery, 6%d; De
cember and January, 0%d; January and Feb
ruary, 0%d; February and Maroh, 0%d.
Uplands, low middling clause, new crop,
shipped September and Ootober, per sail, 6
6-16(1: December and January, 6%d; February
and March. 6 &-16d.
4:00 p m.—Of sales to-day 6,100 were Ameri
Orleans, low middling clause, new orop. ship
ped September and Ootober, per sail, 6%d.
Markets for yarns and fabrlos at Manchester
dull and tending down.
6 p m—Futuros closed quiet:
Uplands, low middling clause, Ootober de
livery, 0 11-8'Jd; October and November, 0
ll-32d; Deoember and January, 0 9-82U.
New York, Ootober 19.—Ootton quiet;
middling uplands 11 5-160, middling Orleans
11 7-16o; sales 3 3.
Net receipts of the week 1,236; exports to
Great Britain 462. to France 368, to the conti
nent 309; sales 6,071; Stook 300,730,
New York, Ootober 19—Evening.—Net re
ceipts 201.
Futures closed firm, sales 30,000 bales, as
follows : October, 11 30*100; November, 11 07-100
@11 08-100; December. 11 01-000011 02 100; Jan
uary, 11 10-10001117*100; February, 1119-100©
11 20*100; March, 11 82-100011 34*100; April, 11
46-100011 47-100; May, 11 68-100011 60*100; June,
11 71-100011 78-100.
Galveston, October 19.—Ootton firm; mid
dlings 10V40.
Weekly net receipts 20,082; sales 10,668; stook
44,813; exports to oontlnent 488.
Boston, October 19. — Ootton steady; mid
dlings U%o.
Weekly net receipts 1,803; sales 0; exports
to Great Britain 3,837; stook 6,692.
New Orleans, October 19.—Ootton In good
demand; middlings 10%c, low middlings 10%c,
good ordinary 9%o.
Weekly net receipts 29,792; sales 21,060; stock
68,644; exports to Great Britain 10,266, to the
oontlnent 3,764.
Savannah, October 19.—Cotton dull; mid
dlings 10%o.
Weekly net reoolpts 25,011; sales 11,640; stock
40,682; exports to Great Britain 4,293.
Mobilk, October 19—Ootton quiet and steady;
iiddllng8 10%c.
Weekly net receipts 18,989; sales 8,000; stock
16,463; exports to the ohannel 966.
Charleston, October 19.—Ootton qnlet; mid
dlings 10%0.
Weekly net receipts 20,536; sales 16,100; stock
37,625; exports to Great Britain 8,484, France
1,960, spinners 125.
New York, October 19, 1877.
1877-’78 1876—*77
Net receipts at all U S ports
for the week 186,904 166,235
Total reoeipts to date... 397,961 611,616
Exports for the week 39,600 80,288
Total exports to date 103,471 177,608
Stook at all the United States
ports 283,632 420,990
Stock at all intorlor towns.... 83,685 49.497
Stock at Liverpool 448,000 610,000
Stock of American afloat for
Great Britain 49,000 72,000
Liverpool Cotton Circular.
Liverpool, October 19.—The circular of the
Liverpool Cotton Brokers’ Association, In Its
review or the week’s trade, ending laBt night,
says : Ootton has been In moderate demand
throughout tho week ^notations of most de
scriptions have slightly declined. American
Is In less demand and prices are partially %d
easier. In Sea Islam! a small business has
been done, and prices are steady. In futures,
business has been very limited, and the mar
ket closes dull at about 3 32d deolino from last
Thursday’s prioes.
Baltimore, Ootober 19. — Oats steady
—Southern 810390. Rye steady—prime 08@7Oo.
Provisions dull but steady. Pork $16 00,
Baaon—shoulders 8%o, dear rib sides 9%o
Hams—suirar-oured 12%@13%o. Lard—refined
10%c. Coffee quiet—job lots 16%@21o. Whis
key dull, at $111%. Sugar steady, at I0%o
New York.
Nbw York. October 19 —Flour steady and
strongly In buyer’s favor—superfine Western
and State $4 05©6 40; Southern heavy— com
mon to fair extra $5 760 0 26, good to ohoioe
extra $6 3008 6o Wheat lo better and more
doing —$1 31 %@140 for white Western. Corn
%0%o better and active business—01c for high
mixed. Oats %@<o higher and in fair demand.
Nbw York, Ootober 19.—Arrived: Glen-
New York, Ootober 19.—Arrived out: Chin
New York, October 19.—Homeward: On*,
tella, for Hampton Roads; Suadllafore, for Dg-
boy; Tlnoll, for Hampton Roads; The Oanar,
for New Orleans; Gyler, for New Orleans.
Special to Enquirer-Sun.]
Savannah, October 19.—Arrived ; Schooner
Mary Slusman, from Baltimore.
Olearod : Bark Fritz, for Liverpool; schooner
N Gamewell, for New York.
Sailer : Steamer Nlo Reval, bark San Sebas
tian, for New York.
Plain lied 20, 25, 30, 33, 37£, 40 and 50o.
Medicated 30, 35, 37£, 45, 50 and 60o.
Plain White 18, 22£, 25, 30, 37£ to 75o.
Shaker 25, 37j, 40, 50 and GOo.
PLAID do. 50 and 65o.
CANTON 9 to 25 cents. oc7 eod&wtf
Wholesale Price curernt.
Apples bbl $8.60.
Baoon—Clear 8ide»W tt> 10%; Clear Rib Sides 10%;
Shoulders 8%; Sugar-cured Liams 16; Plain Hams
Bulk Mkats—Clear Rib Sides 9%c.; Shoulders
Baooino—13%@1 4c.
BUTYia—Qosbeu 0) 40c ; Country 30c.
Obbsi—English lb 15c; Western 14c; N. Y.
State 14c.
Candlbs—Adeamantine !b 16c; Paraphine 25c
Oorrn—Rio choice ft tb 22c; Prime 21c; Fair 19;
Java 33c to 37c.
Corn—Yellow Mixed ft bushel 86; White,
90 oar load rates in depot sacked; bulk 4c. leu.
Oiqaxs—Domestic 1,000 $20@$65; Havana
Flour—Superfine ft bbl, $6.00 to $7.00; Family
kiiXDWAai—8wood's Iron ft lb 8c; Refined 4c;8ad
Irons 4%06c;Bar Lead 9c;Oastlngs 5%c;Plow Steel
6c; Spring do. 10c; Cast Steel 22%; Baggy Springs
18c; Horse aud Mule Shoes tb. 7c; Horse 8hoe
but in modernto demand—9%o for standard A.
Molasses scarcely so firm—New Orleans 38CL
60c. Rice steady and in fair demand—6%@
7%o for Louisiana and Carolina. Pork opened
easier but close ! quiet and firm—mess full lots
$16 00, job lots $14 15014 20. Lard opened
lower, afterward firm and dosed barely steady
—prime steam $8 75 ©8 93, dosing at $8 82%0
8 86. Whiskey nominal, at $1 18%.
Cincinnati, Ootober 19. — Flour quiet and
steady—family $0 0006 16. Wheat firmer—red
Western $1 20@l 23. Corn firmer—white 46c,
mixed 45c. Oats quiet but firm—whtte 31c,
mixed 27c. Rye auiet, at 680590. Barley In
fair demand—good to prime Western spring
64060c. Pork quiet—$13 60. Lard quiet—cur
rent mako $8 60, kettle $9 0009 26. Bulk meats
S iiet and firm—short ribs 8%o bid 8%c asked,
ort clear nominal. Baoon fn good demand—
shoulders 7%c, clear rib sides 9c, dear sides
Whiskey steady, at $1 07. Butter
easier but quotably lower—fancy creamery 83o.
prime to choice Western reserve 260260, Central
Ohio 21023c. Sugar steady—refined granulate ‘
U0U%c; powdered and crushed ll%@U%i
white lO%0iO%e; yellow refined 9%0loc; Nei.
Orleans 9@9%o. Hogs dull and lower—pocking
$4 860 6 00; receipts 1,491; shipments 1,726.
St. Lon I a.
St. Louis, October 19.—Flour, an advance
ia freights and the decline Jr Eastern markets
500 COR ns OF
Oak and Hickory Wood!
For Sale by
R08ETTE & LAWHON, Agents.
October 6tb, 1877. eodlm;
Mo. 4
All Bilk, GroBS Grain
‘ 16 “ “
7 inch sash
Job Lot 1
oct7 eod&wtf
Dress Goods
.A-t Kirven’s.
Croat Variety Styles and
Colors In better grades.
'oc7 eodAwtf
East of and opposite Disbrow's Livery Stable,
Carriage Work
NEW WORK of Various Styles.
myl8 eodly
The Langley Manuf g Co.
Offer for Sale Fifty-two Four-quarter
B UILT by the Lowell Machine Shop,
now running lu good repair. Also
with twontv thousand Quills, one hundred
pairs DRAPER TEMPLES, one Forty Hone
Power ENGINE, and ono Twelve Horia
For further particulars inquire of