Newspaper Page Text
A* Ac 1m ited Diacualn of Ike Silver
*■■11 ulTmm luiki (m Hint- n«
:«wntoci*iBM ruM
■mm ol l>» Imni CmBliim.
iMtku announced the eppoiatmeot
of Singleton of Missleelppl, Wileon
of Week Virginia ui Pbei; ■ of New
Jersey Mr nfembere of the hoard < f
regents of the Bmitbeonlen iietttu-
lot wee given.
iten e memorlel from
Brown present
the legislature of Q orgla relating
whet 1* known as the T ezevan*
claim. It reeMee- tkot e^agtOM bed
epproprtsted $36,655 to pay the claim
but the money bed not been paid,
end the amount had been debited
agatnkt the credit of the atete on a
demand not reoognleed by the state
jof Georgia, ant) orglng oongreaeto
fJSSSt-Mkib a-Tb. ss:iS rjs rar tM frto
Logan naked what was i
the words, "a elalm not r
i the direct
issolntion authorising the appoint- Bek submitted for reference In the
it of thirty-one aeaalon commit* committee on floanoe, a 'ubitltute bletoty In wbloh our offioi
Burrows, of Mlohltran, from the
the postmaster-general for informlN
tlon as to the ohangea made In the
malls, and also as to wbat molflties
are t eoeasary to enable him to make
a thorough and satisfactory examina
tion of ibis aubUct Adopted.
Morrison, of Illinois, from the
committee on ways and mesne, re*
ported the customary resolution for
the distribution of the president's
message Referred to the committee
of the whole.
Randall, of Pennsylvania, from the
committee on appropriat ons, report
ed a resolution authorising that com*
mtttee to have printed; such docn -
ments bearing on the subject of ap
propriations as it may deem proper.
Committee of the whole. ,
Caldwell, of Tennessee, from the,
committee an lakes regulating the
deoUoB^if a president end vice pres I-
dent, reported baok Without amend
ment the Hoar presidential succession
Ml) and it Wss placed on the house
Cooper, of Ohio, gave notloe that
he would file a minority report.
Geddee, of Ohio, from the oommit*
jMjiiLgtf claims, reported a bill for
thepaymentof TWTBUM VI JCftp
psa-vw u .
MW rale to call the oommtt'.c** fpr
fof the committee
sing te
On behalf of the same committee
Hammond, of Georgia, called up aud
"Provided, that when any criminal
. prosecution shall be removed from
' areSatahmart tek.tbe United State;
* eoWf betere'presentment by tbe
grand Jury or 1 indictment or infor
nation snail have ' esn made and
filed against the defendants in the
^itamdourt, H shall be lawful fer the
state court to proceed in such case
so far as to have such presentment or
indtatewntor information made and
flltf In threat ate court* add after tbe
same is so made aod filed the clerk
of the United States court shall issue
i of certiorari to the state oourt
Thevpetitlon, on
Logan's sugges
tion, providss as follows t
directed In all payments hereafter
made . of. IntereM—.on. bonds
add Dotes or» the Udlted States
end Tu the purcbehe or payment
of one percent of the entire debtor
the United States for a sinking fond
as now required by law, to pay out
gold and silver coin as nearly as poe-
sible In tbe same procortion in wbloh
gold oolmand certificates and silver
Ooin end certificate* were reoelved
during tbe preceding fisoal year for
duties on imported goods.
Beck said tbe finance oommlttce
had bad Eustis’ resolution up this
morning, but had -not fiuished its
consideration. In order that the
committee may have thn subject ful
ly before It, he asked reference of his
substitute to that Committee, and It
<was so referred. ■ iji
Pugh resumed hie renarka an
Beck’s slider resolution. The Lon
don press, be (aid; had Joined the
money kings of our eastern states In
demanding of congress a suspension
of a’lver ooinege. They wanted to
■weep away every kind of money
but gold. Then, Indeed, wa should
have no god but gold, and no king
but national banka Silver, Pugn
Instated, heff tftft bretrtreated fairly,
ir by otut- public i (Boers or the
;< but It ||aut ,hild hpraa well lie
Id ip spite,of them. Wbenevi
jp - JtSartj^sxs
lawsofsnpply and demMotf, if then
it should not hold i|A own, Pugt
be controversy sett s I,
doubt thi* Silver wou d
t right In any oaee. Pugh
expressed bis willingness to support
any change In,the IxiejUigtbufJba.
would withdraw any paper currency
under en dollars, or even twenty
dollars, so as to give the entire field
for Ibe use of small bllla or small
change to tllver and si ver certlfi
ca'/s He advocated the pssS'ge of
by asiuMaitt® Isn> olffLffue. Bo,
tbe tAt <UM# e >ijkldL t>a VvP told ne
that thsy wanted sliver ooinage
stopped not for their own advantage;
O, t o I but for the sake of the poor
workingman, whom they preferred
to their own chlefest J"y.
V >t o > ridiculed tit a pretension
md ssld the war on silver was in the
Interest not of those who l»b«r, but of
those who speculate iu money. Io
reply to the statement that the peo
ple would : o take tbi elver dollar,
a 4 vhat when Isseed I* had always
Q9U»e^ifck : to thh Unasu»y, Vanoe
oon tended that tbe law r quired our
> ffloers to pay It out, and if it on me
baok. to pay It out- again If tbi 111*
"A. d r.
laws, (her-, w uld have been no dif
ficulty with the sliver dollar. They
The money lotds of tbe time were
tbe reaLtttntrollenmf our monetary
tfflR«3lo e rds W ^kB^X“*Mes!
but they did not have tbe earns cuss
of persons to .deal with.. ‘ Of one
tbinkjrore them,!!, Vanoe
tsid,a£waViV&et InXhl<.country
where the people rule e-ii ver is not
going to be demontleed.”
Brown refcitrtked' that OksocourU
of i a\, savtre . > hoataadjMs he
would prefer ' to postpone
till Thursday next the delivery of bis
remarks on tbe silver• question, end
Maxeyt stated that be mo ^fould ad
dress tbe senate on that -day on tbe
same subject.
The senate, at 2:46,
ecutive session. A’,
doors were reopened
went into ex-
5 o'clock tbe
and the senate
raw? ,M,I »
SvsSm hsa Mer TruM.
Spsetsl *r> ■-ealrer-Raa.
Columbus, Neb, January 12
News am> Just rescued bare from a
farm bouse several miles north that
MiunIs Dishner^tbeN^rsskaslcap-
BaMdsy.Jfsuuux 8 the seventieth
day or her bysKrc-orieUptie trance
deep TitafMms have Men' iUupafc--
able until Dteriresenl ligte, MU 'ibe
news of bifrnoveiy
oeived before. Tbe girl fell Into the
irsnoe from which she has now re-,
vised October 26 last. During the
[Bog interval she has lain to.
all appcaianeea a lifeless being,
with the exception of respiration
aid-Wllsdteu^hto Miss Dishner
awoke her mind was apparently dear
and unimpaired, her appetite ai d
general feelings good, but her arms
aud legs were paralysed She esys
she was conscious during the whole
time of her protracted trauoe, but
b she exerted.hsr u’nqpet pq:
a writ of certiorari tc
mswxftfft-* -
after snob presentment or lndioiment
waa made and filed in such state
•ourt ”
erl; Tbe.bnuae ltjea. at 1 o'clock, Ph
motion of Reagan of Texas, went
S to a coaqmittee of the wholt (Blount
Georgia, in the chair) for the Con
sideration of thepresideui’s message.
Reagan took the floor with a long
and carefully prepared epeech upon
:tbe fluBPOial qu:s Ion, advocating a
double standard of value, condemn
ing the national banking tyatem aud
arguing in favor of applyibg a por
tion of the surplus in the treasury to
the gradual payment of the public
He earnea'iy combatted tbe
Itibri to suspend the cofnttge of
ver, dollar, maintaining that
bourse wduld bave tbe efleet of
making a few more millionaires and
adding)* rgsly to tha army of Ira tape
and paupers. At tbe oonoluslcn of
iMgao’s speech the, houae, at 2:15
pm, adjourned.
• B< I M lutw ■! > ->4
Cockrell, from tbe committee on
military allairs, npmrfedlfatafab*y
tbe bill providing that copies of
Carolina, now In the war depart-,
ment, be furnished by ’tbb^seciwkry
of war to suid state.
HA Logan, feem thh oommittee on
military aflairs, reported lavorably
- .thebill providing for the purobasc of
tbe old prodace exchange biitldtng
■ad sit* in New York olsy for army
purposes. The bill appropriate^ $450,-
000, or so much as may be neoe-sury
for the purobare yf the site and tbe
neotssary alterat'ous and remod
eling ol the, building. L->gaD
asked that the bill be considered
at once. The location, be said, was
muoh more convenient than tbe
bntlding now used for military pur-
poses of tbe government, being muoh
nearer Governor's Island. The bill,
on Logan’s motion, was read the
third time and passed.
Tbe president pro t m! naked tbe
perm'silon of tbe senate to be absent
after to-morrow for tbe remainder of
tbs week aud that Senator Hawley
i him tnat na n snail oe g v-u
tobltfi that jpCMTIot stu»b -
au awl'v even tfiWllttle tbat-tet
h.” Kfttt ooDsldeftfig tW^bes-
Vance followed. He said tbe pres
ent attempt of tbe moueyed men of
the world to depredate silver was
one of the greatest conspiracies ever,
seen. It wue a tyrannical aud orbel
blow, directed at tbe ommon people
of all lauds. The banner of the at
tacking party should bear lu plain
leuere the words of ihe holy writ,
"To him that ha h_shall be g;v-u
hath, _
tion of the whole amnuut of mouey
in use in the world, Vance went on
to show that tbe growing com
meroe and increasing population
required increased money facilities
Tbe increase of our populatiou, he
said, wsc 8 per cm per annum, aud
our manutautureat24 per cent. Tne
mines of ihe wprtd were yielding
only fX Der cent incre .se of the prea
ent uio. ey supply, v yei we vvere twiw
that we musr obliterate 54 per uentof
tbe mot ey supply, that being tbe
ratio of silver iu tbe world’s at ek ol
coin. Tbe suocena of the til rts
agate st silver would re
suit in the greatest indus
trial calamities. -Every T .species
of property would ehrtnk, the only
exceptions to that result being gold
and debts which would be increased
to the extent to wbtoh property
would have shrank. Every public
oreditor, Vanoe eaid, took our silver
in writing to take I ; but we were
told that silver had gone down. This
was not so muoh true as that gold
p Vanoy read from lb
lets to show that American's!
dollars were at a premium over
tbe silver colas of Eng
land and France. Iu the curse
of hie economic reading—he said
from Moses to Bunset Cox [laugher]
be had never met a ca*e so weak as
that mflfid'tow by the enemies of sti
ver. He hnd heard many oases ar
gued in school boy olubs aud in cross
roads debdlug Boolutle-; be had
heard pleas made from tbe tpll end
or ginger- bread carte, and f ad read
endless platitudes in tbe C mgret-
sionai Record, but he bad nevt r met
or seen worse abuse of lcglo or a
feebler attempt to outrage common
cense than tbe argumeols used by
our backers, bondnolders and gold
men generally lit the discussion
of this silver question. The rapacity
of avarice, he said, waa so repugnant
to tbe moral sens* of mankind that it
a!way; sought to dlsgulK Its U£i!n::a
until the foufh
other sleep, when the electric bai
ter? was applied. Since then ah*
bee suffered a thousand agonies oi
body, aud at times it seemed se il
"her mind would give way under thf
strain, and she now c.^mplaine ol
terrible physical Bufferings iu cot se
quence of the ebcck to ner system;
The doctor iu attendance eaye, how
ever, that she will recover in a short
timfi and will atep">*f*iir full use of
, vv
Ware -at IftjUMfc
•Ivsr SiiHa Ont st tiiaM—
■kalian IS< Uka laffT
wa 1
Us— vmmt
-w r r
_ . Vla, Janaary 12
higbt was tbe ooldeat ever
her lltti
Dtannlls Bi ■!(» MltkaS oat sftbt
Skis > talarr la SbI skims Isle
Me eaaale.
i-wM '• Mr«sr«r-t»a.
CoLJHBt)^,'O, January 12 —;The
oommiLtee ou privileges and elections
in tbe house of repiesentativee this
morning reported a resolution lo un-
eeat nine democratic members from
Hamilton county The resolution
was am.:t ded so a to provide that a
hearing be acoorded tbe ur Bated
inf dkbefl’J/The reeolution was adopt
ed under the previous question, and
the seats were then declared vacant
amid the greatest ernfusion. Nine
republican members came forward
aod were sworn in by the speaker.
democratic members to turn over tire
keys of their desks. The action to ,
day is an ample assurance ofiheelre-
veo tlon ol tbe two branchts to-mor-
... ana were sworn in vy lue »(
Columbus, O, January 12 —Eiob
brsnen ol me legislature voted sepa
rately lo-dsy ou the candidate fo«
U .lied fitates senaior. In tbe senate
Tburtnan .received 20 votes and Biter-
man 17, a d«m< oratio majority ol 3
Iu the house Thurman received 41
voice and Bite.-man 67, a republican.
majority of 26 At noon to-morrow
the legislature will vote In Joint con
Tha Cklshi Mast e*.
Snout to aMalier-aas.
Saor&mbnto, Cala, Jan 12 —All
Chinese workmen la ’the Pioneer,
Bscrameuto end P! oeiix flour mills,
the Capitol wooleu mills aod the
American laundry were discharged
yesterday. Three hundred white
xta slU ha employ ed in their
thermometer at the
office recorded fifteen and
the above aero. Private
latera recorded twelve. This
te three degreM lower than ever be
fore recorded ' at tbe signal offioe
her« Young orange trees Are prob
ably killed to the aurfom of the
ground It ie not thought that'he
older trees are much hurt, The
weather is now cloudy end tbe tern
perature Is slowly rising.
CMAtTAMoouA, Tnnif, January
l&$The lowest temperature at the
tflloe thte morning waa dero
autf in thV foWer portions ofthe ql y
two wuwir smw. The weather is
u o-le rat ing tbie morning-
Chattanooga, January 12 —The
coltj or >he paat tw*c .days /a tbe
it extraotdluaiy Spell of winter
er ever experienced In thle aeo-
YeMerday morning it wss 7
Atlte s'gual,office and'9 below
gr points ifi; the cite. Last
t a! 10 o’rlock'll roomay ■ ;ro
Previous t' M spell
0 ddest temperetuiwhddwiaoorited
1 was 1 degree bCNW isro. The
erlog ihroughoupAWt'e section is
lutauee Railroad trsfflo Is virtually
suspended No freight trains have
..tanning on the Virginia and
’la and tbe Cincinnati Southern
tee days end.passenger trains
itlrely out cJ tegulatlon. N
1 has arrived (ranmutt lu this
•Wpton of ooaqtnrtor.te'bour. until
ypsterday, whetftojfofigAI'd paaeen
gar ttatne aftiri% lima Cincinnati,
iwo&avlng been ou: 41 hohrs. Tbe
>e of freight is causing a coal
aud the prospiot Te very
_ Three ef thelargeet-todoa
are already ohsed for went of
coal, arid tralest a supply,arrives to
day the situation will be alarming
Tbe suffering among the poor
lieved u>. the aasooiated oharilies yes
terday Fully 8000 halt's are out of
employment ou aooount of tbe oold
"er. vr ■■
OSTA, Ga, January 12—The
ai Ire sen over at 10 o'dbck
ruing in front, of the olty
e morutng, whdtt it waa six de
'gives above taro. Tbe weather la
nsoderaiiug, bqt s still dear and,
:fr<isittg. •
■Washington, January .12 —The
ttjiniuriiqf temperature ofthe preeent
bold a ave was reaobed this mdVnthj
whep the thermometer at tbe signs
. ffice reeistere,; 26 degrees above Wfo.
At S o'olock this evening M ratood at
10 above zero.
, Staunton, Va., January 12— Last
bigpt. Wee tbe coldest ia tbie section
for years. Mercury was 10 below
gno title motuing and Jt has been in
tenaely cold alt day. The malls on
aome of the a ar routes are abaD
Plattsbubg N Y, January 12 —
The thermometer pi 9 o’clock this
morning rfegtstefmi 27 'degrees below
ferp, tfblott is obout toe average temt
psTa'iirrltf Clinton county, except at
Biackbrnok,. where mercury is aaid to
nrftfifc. N Y, January 11 -
A: WtiilehaU this Uiorning tbe mer
cury ie 28 .below, at Port ,§enry 24,
Warren-burg 32 Lake
Olen f t-‘Fslls 26,
Ann 26 below Tbe weather in the
piaoe- oauoed is clear,
Host n January 12 - From north
ern New Hampshire and Vermoni
and ihe country d a riots of th,estate
come reports of very oold weaiber;33
degreea. b U W at L> 'caster, N H', 40
below at Moretown, V, 14 below at
F rxbarough, Mass O her parts of
Now Eoglsud report oorrespondii.g
effects of ihe oold wave. ,
Galveston, January 12—At about
1 (I’olbck Ibis m >rning a ifgbt snow
began falling. By daylight a regular
northern snow storm was ou tbe ci f,
and by 10 o’olook sixinohesof ent>1
bad fallen. , Then the weather began
moderating and the snow began to
mqlt . and thousands of clerks and
others (n the buslhees part of town
enfoyed the novelty of snowballing.
Even the . oldest inhabitants admit
it iswasthe heaviest snowfall ever
snow storms 61 oonsitierabw H»Wgpl
qde, but pope of tpem. tfiualafi the
oue of to-day. - i
RtUHMONb, ‘ VA-i Jan 12 -t-ti' a
night w»e the Qphjw't yfjLfie present
spell,, the ibermoouter at 6 o’clock 1
inis morning marking in sheltered
loosliiies from six to eight degrees
above zero aod in exposed placet
s’an ding from zaro id two above.
This, however, was mqre endurable,
owing to tbe absence Of wind, tbun
tbe weather of the has) three days,
when high winds prevailed. A
dispatch from Froderiokaburg says
this morning was the coldest ex
perienced slues 1868,tbe thermometer
registering 10 degrees below s?ro.
Two negroes were found, one in a
bay loft and the other In a smoke
house, badly froaan. One will lose
both legs and is likely to die. Ad-
vioea from other points of the state
lndloa s a similar condition of
Khokvxuua Town, January 12.-
^.baa 1 ,
8Q.d«wSa Vbnv,
moroTTglt, «j2ta $ *L
low aero, the coldest avar fipown
hats or in east Tenneasaa. Tan-
naaaaa rlvar la f.pasn pv*r Mlow jhe
otty for iba first time In fifttep years
Tha oold weather baa . bad no
foot on business and the
dulls and teotoriaa have been
running all tbe tithe. Tha relief as
sociation raised sufficient money in
two boars lo supply the needs of the
floor for food ana foal. There baa
>a«n but little delay In tha malls
from tha east, bnt western mails have
not bean regular.
Jacksonville, January 12 —Tha
temperature baa kept below freealng
md there Is iromiee of
night. Tha highest
point recorded at tbe signal < ffioe to
day was 27 tlewreee Dispatch a from
all parts of Florida show that tha
ojld wave enveloped almost thewhole
penlcralar. At Bt Augu.Una mercu
ry waa di wo to 15 tbia morning.. At
Fernandlna It waa also 15 aud there
was good skating. At Tampa’there
Waa a feligbr flurry of snow yesterday
itetnpqn At ^Pnnfo Rosea tha
1 * * degrees
-burg 32
5, leconderago 24, F rt
org- 30
probably over.
IHIiMU Malrm a Uil- UU sllkt
rraliMil appa auasato.
Washington,January 12—Among
the bills ini roduoed In tha aauata to •
day was one by M igsn to increase
the sahool fund in oer.aln townships
In Alabama It provides that the
f trooeeda of the sales of cent and iron
ands In the state of Alabama wbloh
are required to be sold under the act
excluding public lands lo 1 Alabama
from tba operations of tha laws re
lating to mineral lam’c shall be paid
to .(he state for tha benefit, of tb
townships in which suok landa are
aliu-'ed. »
Tha senate iu • x-outtvs aeaelon to
day son firmed the following uoaoias
tlons : Postmasters — Eugene L
Brown, Eufauls, Ala; May M F.>ro«,
H-lma; Wm H WUdS, Tnse»| o<-;
Riuben A Mttch’dl, Opfl^a; Job.
W McA 'Islsr. Florenc.; Dtnlei Lid-
dell, GadMii; J B Cook, Marlon; Gao
O Clisby. Montgomery; B-i Jatniu
Harrison, Pslatfca, Fla: H W Whit
field, Hawklnsville. Gt; Y G Rust.
Albany; B -njamtn O Bussell,
Balnbrldge; Win Milner, Oartcrs-
vllle;Tboa Har<1*m»n, Macon; Mrs
GA Hastings, ; PitK 'Glb»on, Ml-k;
JaaC Read, Corinth: G W Thomas,
Canton; T JBiokes, Msooh; J W Mo
Master, H z ; Bamuel A Ashe
Raietgn, N C; Wat U L®wls, States-
villi ; Ban F Huger, Cbarlaston, 8
C; Daniel C Kitkley, Camden;
Samuel W Silelds, Moor.sto wit
Tent«fFrank -White, Murfrttsbor-
oitghj Wm L Norton,- Tuilahsma:
Henry O McLurin, "Palaski; Tttoa J
Lane, Greenville; Jtmes M King,
Knoxville; B F Cheatham, Nsab-
Vllle; >fjary H Edward.-, Cleveland,
Jonu Stuck, Biistol; G orgl- A J uk-*,
assistant secretary ol the .lttMrior;
Henry L Muidrow, flr-t assintant
secielary of the iuterloi; Wm E Me
Leau, first deputy ooium! 8 oner uf
penaious; James J Bat tletie, seoond
deputy niMiimisBioner of peustoD-
Riberi V Vance, asalatatit commie
Bloner'of pate»*s; James W whelp'
ley, of New York, assistant treasurer
'of the United eJtpte-; Wm “
of New York, assistant
tn» ^r* a.u ty; Cuured
New Je»ej, treasurer
Tkaw luil.l ttnM, DuNiruellaa
Bnu.Ila- r*IUI« la InliiaS-S.i
U»«r«l PrlimuiBti It. Ete.
b nine had not yet arrived fonr
i rule. * u ' ic o •■•('; f
Paris, January 12.-A dispatch!
from Rtom, a town In tbe depart
ment of Puyde Dome, elates that 0Offl
oonvfotf in prison there revolted and
seonred possession of tbe prison.
They have erected barricades and
otherwise prepared tbamsilvaa for
defensive operations. Troops havw
bean ordered to Riotn to quail tho
disturbance. The yffiolala are par
laying with the rebel* in order tm
gain time for the military to arrive.
M Plouquet baa been reeleoted
president of the chamber of
a vote (f 248 to 66 >. The ,t
he right abstained from voting-.
Paul B-rti has accepted tba peat off
minister resident of France at Hve*
the ospltal of Annam, i. .. . wn
Pswaw lla. |
London, January 12 — Advices raw
oeived hare say a thaw, accompanied
by heavy rains, has set In Balkan*
and caused muoh destruction. Thw
Marltlz, the principal river in Ron-
mella, baa ove flawed the baukd^
fltodibg the surrounding couutfy.
Bridges have been swept away and a
number of villages have bean totally
destroyed. The dispatehea say many
Uvea must have been lost, but tbatnl
definite statements oouoetolhg the
loss ot life have yet been received.
him If ha wou d acoept the > (Bee or
sub in sur*i.a- New York and eay>*
ing that lie was, doetrous b( fiituiK
the ((Boeat once, aud that be waw
oeriatu tha: RSoeevi l”s anpifitfc'mknfo
would satisfy all who. desirs jo rtri-
ognlas In tka Incumbent of spon/to
responsible position a geoMemao off
Mr Roosevelt's eminent ability and
high ohsraotsr. Tbe letter oopolpded
with- the assurance tbot it wonid bo*
very gratifying to the preeidant per
sonally for R >osevelt to accept trim
office. Mr. Rore>velt called at ttoo*
sub treasury and convened at lengtta
with Treasurer Jordan. Later he»
telegraphed (he - president expressing;
appreciation of the motives #blota.
* * 1 "h*poet-.
. Mr
ffioe beoauea*
free ip future*
lit lee ut
ti is hie desire to. be as
from oarer aid reeponsibl)
is* BsikM. -
Itootal to Inaalnf-es*-
Nbw York January 12. — Thw
stock market has been very dull, wilts
limited fluctuatfoi p in prates, and
without »he devplopmaut of tu]
turn of strik’ng interest,
opened irregular with a oonepiououw
strength In Western Union apd
Jersey Central, esoti cf wuiob wee Bp
J, end daring thr-first half hourther®
was some show or sc tvl>y iu d'Sl
ings, but thereafter the movement,
was alternately up and down*
wi ; h gains or losses of only frapw
tloual amounts and with a manifest
dir position to await furher develop®
The tesult of the day's qp-
matioua t u mopt ot tbeaoU,ye
ahaeot k to i. hut Dataware aeci
Huu-on i* do* 1 .. 1) and Missouri Ra-
oitief, while Louisville and Neab—
vlllt-, New Y irk Central and Uolsn.
Pacific each shows a gain of i. Th®
market dosed heavy, exbtnitiMg eou-
.... . .. . Eg - ■ a
slderable veikce s In coal s'oclt
8 Paulduriog >be last fli'tefefi
utes. Bales 222,000 shares.
ml m-
London, January 12 —Parliament
opened to-day. Large crowds hud
congregated in the vicinity of the
parliament house long before tne
hour lor tbe beginning of the e« edou
and vmen Mr Bradlangh auu Mr
Glat'etoue arrived they were loudly
Qbrered. The vaults of tbe houses of
parliament were thoroughly searohed
this morning, but no indications of
GuyiFawlkeet fdbt weM dhomired.
Right Hou Arthur Wellsby Pselwas
re-elected speaker of the house of
commons wltfluot opposition,
The Pall Men Gazette warns (Jham-
beriatu that be ia deluded,ifhe .fiihks
he ctin oyerthfowf tGhtdalOLC ‘ aud
form a radical parly from ihe ruins of
the Ifirittl party, • "'f'' •; 1
■ ' ■ Irt.l»A.
Cork, J-u 12 —William Haa w, ex-
memher of pariiameu^ who was
obsirmau of the, Munster bauk pre.
vi iu* toils susnensioh and reorgani
zation, and Nicholas D Murpney,
who was a direolor of that lustiiu-
tion, have been declared bankrupt.
The liabilities of Shaw are £129 887,
and Murpbey £24.692.
London. Jan 12 —Tbe Telegraph
say* : The conference of the Par-
neilltes members of parliament at
Dublin yesterday was a fiasco. There
was no popular demonstration in
honor of the event. The absence of
Parnell from the meeting waa a lucky
aoeident, as be waa thus saved the
neoaeslty ol being compelled to iudi-
oate tbe parliamentary programme.
IV* luemiMMu wno s«w present
nifm.troD- Plr—.
3p-ol«l (o Rt qalrer-Unn.
Boston, January 11 - What will
undoubtedly prove » disasttouafire i»
now rsglog lot a five story granit®
front building—N,<s 71, 78, 75 aud 7T
Clinton stroet—< ccupied on tbe ioufer
floor by W O Rogers, agricultural
implements aud fertn Z4re, and «a
'hesecond floor by C H Thompson Se.
On, seeds The three upper eterieeri
‘were filled tvltb stored ffoflr, JflhtIxr M
etc, and will probably be a total lo4v*
Three of tbe fl mb have already
fallen bird the buidllng wilt frft thor
oughly autted. The firemen’ardoefn-
HidereWy Impeded In tneir work wUin
li e tilrereury at 4 degrees ‘below zftro»
and a quamity of snow iff the street®.
At tbe present writing' tbe' fire he
burning fl"'oaly, but it is thought ik
will becouflued to the qumbers glveta
The fire was confioed to (he Rog
ers building. The load ia about $4fo-
Chicago, Jan 12.—The fl our ware
house o> Frederick C Vehmeyer, at
No 182 Kouzte aireet. took fire this
morning an J was almost entirely dew
atroyed, together with i a contents*
The loss will reach $260,000.
. V»IMI Daw*.
San Fbanoiso j, January 12 -Th®
order Intrrduoed in tbe city council
Monday last by Supervisor Far well
prohibiting sand lot meetings oam®
up foi final action last night. It we®
defeated by a vote of 8 to 4, on tb®
ground that It wee in ooDtraveutio®
of the constitution of the Unite**
States to entrench cn ihe rights 'off
free speech.