Newspaper Page Text
rtUL* BWjtJIBfcMlrtr,
i\to GjfiOB*U, TH’Ufl&DJtff
janUxNi h£ •i*##.'
<4 ["/,:•) »
. •;
r» r kotow, of — I—loo, M dtvfl.
r V pa bile ub. »ry will elo s
t V| , i
’ at Ike sapor of the ally
r annum ia fiaco
gre’k ell illli in ranking
,, Jft
i Amp it a prisoner la Jail at
is la rained tta iiqaor
•vlUa-Mendby, tha BB«roo*j
below mto, and did aa>
c 10 durltg tfeday. .
t>U»m» Qbr^fiela haa hee^ apld
awn J H atone and Walter
SB. fa ventea at TaUppoosa. for peeelng
I forged note for f!2fi
T, 1 hfty Vnfrtee&t adWAMe’ rtf *«ri
a poand of meat tot tf pound ot ootton,
the cotton tone delivered next Ooto-
tiar. •* -*••*«* >ii4w
J lamambA Of ekperlasoed AaherMeo
«M preparing a oitet chad from Oe
mUnee It&tboagkt that the* fiver
*ttl! to plentifully aoppUad with the is
The* qwanerly neeipta far Ahalaat
q water of 1886 at the Atlanta, poet
AftNihritto nd-elaae a a fer •oaeodt-
edite I10.0M fit. ,i .
I Aired'i) 960,060 haa been anbeorlbed
«M the he in at St Slmoa’a. The ecm-
paai luw been organlaed i
>rs alerted.
la thoaght he will die.
A»egro men living near Dellas
Ion and « “ '
organised and the di
rectors elaoted.
i A eeml-eannal dividend of IS per
phare bee been dtclred by the An-
gnats real eetaip end bnl.dlag aeiools-
Boa, peya! e on January 8.
Or M R Bell haa aold hie eteeni fiiur
and grlat mllla In Werrebton to J O
'Gellaher who prooeedid atcnoe to pnt
OB n foil bead of auem.
A black dig fljjrg at hell-meat on e
naan pola la ibe naeraat approach to •
irtgral alation AdetnvlUo haa rwrbad
A'. M|hl*«ncnal dividend of |S per
eberehu be; a declared by the Anguete
riel aetn'e and bnlidlng neeoolatlon,
•payable oe January SO.
John S Oapera, now living tn New
Orleans, haa written to n relative lb
Adhlret Hie three portal eerde, the 0t«>
eoitalnltig 680 words, tho eeoond 1660,
aad the third iOOO.
the plantation of J A Moseley, in
Putaam eonnty, wee aold Tnaedey to
Sptver A Stahiw for |4160 Tho pleoa
In wait worth #T par erne. IioodU.iu
■ 1180 aores.
' The nltendeaoe at the Situ Uulver
ally at Aite a la, very good now.
About 900 atncenta are now at the 4m
emotion. About fifteen nawonee have
•attend elnot Jenaorjl ,
(John Drake, oolortd, wno la in Upton
•oonntv Jell tor murdering hi* , wife,
autd whose o*ae tna been heart by tbe
■an per lor o'urt, will be ra eantev.eed by
Judge Bojn on dir i g oourt, sod will
be hnogaotse Ume la Much,
Fieek Beagb and sister,' tfoth of
enton. were thrown from n wagon
lag the holidays Big hors* ran
b the wagon erd oomplately tiemoi-
:81t Ml«s Ba gh wraeonaldernoly
lead and Fienk’a collar bone wee
1 ' Bdfwe Maney Bleak, of OsrroU'oa, bee
Sh ber poaneaelon n black qnerv bottlO
•Of tbe • Id style, which wae biorgbt
eeroce tbe briny daap from old Ire'nod
about tbe yarn 1066, and bee Men in
wee on tbia ooauusnt about too yea n
The bottle la very mnqb warn.,, , ,
Atlanta la mevtng toeeonre tbe hold*
login future of tbt atate tain Jo the.
oily. It ie not yet known whet Msoon
will do. 8 me ere in favor of orgsaia
log e etoik company to hold annum
frits, The merohenta of Maoon ate
eertamly empty tb e to oarry aucb •
plea Into anootaafal execution.
While tha men were talking about
‘ l propriety ol purchasing new ptaqn-
llere for tbe Metbodlet ohnroh a.
ton ton, nod raising objeo lone to
tea* for getting tbe nooeesary funds,
be ladles took tbe matter in hand and
refred tbs money at oaoe. Obaodelier>
of a beautllQl atyle have been ordered,
otnd will eoon be |n plaoe.
The other night Robert Miller, of
Baldwin eonnty, beard hie dogs bowl
ing end hie goats end abeep came ran*
nine to tbe hones from the posture
gtlnly alarmed. He couldn't tali
•what was tba matter thea, bat the
nixt morning ba fomd e balloon in
nia sheep peat are, near bis bouse. Th.
balloon had teeu sent upon new yeai’a
Oovington Rnterprlaai The most he
reto deed wo have witnessed for many
yean wee that of Qeorge A.rmeteea,
colored, who threw bimse f In front of
• runaway b rue, and at the risk or hla
own life Perhaps saved the Ilfs < f •
Whits lady and bar baby. The rune
way too l plaoe on the public equate
«nd many were tbe congratulation*
S dared Qeorgo lor hla b.nve act. A
ill poise wee made up for aim bj
When who wltnewMd tbe i xatticg
i i i . out- i
Voting tbe peat year 1963 prisons a
e»W wareaommrttedhy magia>
iW bj tba mayor,, id by the oily
tjndge, U by tba ar parlor aornrt
•era, M front other eountlaa, 16 by
Mtnaty atert6r,4by tbaatty abarUf.
•cwonaca. 1 by road aomaalasloi-
hyi MOibar state and 3 on the re-
dhBBOf the governor of Georgia
78d ocUnradmalas, 197 co
le, 618 white atalee and 86
_—— lea. For disorderly oondnot
988 were aim ml tied, the greetse* mom
her on eay single oharge. For aaaauli
aad battery 110 were committed, for
murder IS, vagrancy 88, Simula larea
ny 81, brenob of tbe peace 76. larceny
■7L Uroeny from the bo use 46, naaenU
with intent to murder 44, bnrglary 68,
of good behavior 81 mude-
brenob _—
mennor 37, Uroeny after trust 36, ear
ryUg oenoaalad weapons SS, assault 21
B Laalla, at Union Springs, haa at*
algnad. Ha wu a small grocer,
Hon Jera Williams, of OUytooi baa
gana to Gadadsn to praotloc.
- Mr Loafs Krotal died of pnoumonU
at bis boms In Salma Uat Saturday
avacing. .
FrlUik Smith, of OlatuvtHe; etoppad
on anletMostad pavement, at Hom
villa daring tbe blissud season not
broka two riba.
A rider of a boras mall, who asms
one in Selma ware anforta
rate tn ibe reekleea handling of fire
Tuesday. One wee burned to. « crisp
with bones and furniture, and tba oth-
3SSS ; Ama
which was taught by tba boya to drink
ho eomaa baelb to tdw» nod hang*
abont tho oalooaa walling far soma ooo
to "act 'am up.”
Mae tar Charley Bodes, of Rafkats,
woe not ahoMing, and had hlopowder
ly and It exploded in bid hedge, badly
tleg out hla left ays. Tba oalamity I
much dspiored. Tbe < Xploalon am t ia
eloibaa On fire and It wan with dlUKu -
ly be esoeped a eeitone burning.
At Blrtblpgbam tbe O'Brien opera
bcuea narrowly aacapad burning Tuda
day night. Thera U a alga* • store «o
tba ground fijor, an da Ora broke ovt
in i beta about mtdatgoi.. i Mr u'Sr let.
neppaood to m aumAlug ooruea the
ma», sod, analog the Hynes, he aoo»
Andkloale Tlmea t Dpnty Merehai
Graves carried up to' Montgomery
Thursday •morning last, iwo dr 1 ' three
perSMt obernd with dapfodaUowoa
p«bile undaTTbcrehae bean a marked
dhaihaao Intha number of artuats af
partUa living In thU oounty on tbU
obarga within tba Uat monit or so.
Wa botieva tba explanation of the mu
ter liaa m the fou that the people ere
Aiding out that the best plnu U to let
timber on publle Unde severely alone
ATtuoamble speolel tells tbe Ad
vertiser that William Co< per, B q,
otlebreled the eighty-fourth anniver
sary of hie birthday yesterday. He la
ope of tbe moat remarkable men in the
world. Although algbty-four years
old. he Is as qu'ck acd vigorous, seem
Ugly, as a boy. Ha mounted hU “gray
pony" one morning, not longelnoe
and rods to Belgraen, n dUtanoe of
twenty five miles, over a very bad
road, and attended to n law suit, anu
.ainrnad to Tnacumbja the same day)
rose early the next morning eUd went
to Moulton He U said to be tbe old •
eat practicing UWycr in the rate.
Tuesday afternoon about One hun
dred ol.Frattvtile’e young people en
joyed the rue eport of skating On
">y#d the rue sport of skating on the
mmeoae pond on Autauga oreek, tbe
water of which le used as the power, to
rnn tbe large manufro cries there. Tbe
ska.ere cor. fined themasivea to a been
tifnl oten etre'-eh of shorn 800 yards
long by one hundred, garde wide., Up-
lad entbnaieam teisea the or a w d ,
neb e Ume of euort web never heu
b -fore. The Tae .wee nboht four
tnohes thick. ThU U tbe fitret time the
pond bos ever bedu fn e.n oVbrf ebd
the oldcet iubebiUnt eennot recall anob
a soap ol odd weather.' AU work ia
sue pended untU tbe weather moder
ates. ,r> .i ...
Chattahoochee U said to ba bafHhg a
two®- ,
Tho Bays houaa at St Auguatlnn7hui
bloead Its doora. , .,. ”
The hotel at ChaUsbocehfe earns
near bains burned a few days agn.
;i Hardy Tod, one of G t ney'e oldest
°l« nlnaty yaaw of age, la
orUloaUy ill.
At present tbara are only six prison
ers in tba Alaobna oounty Jail, All are
Tbara U living in S twannee oounty
a huaeaad aged 17 years, pad bU wife
■eedl4 jeers.
Tba a'gar faetory of tba Brnea Brea,
a Qoinoy. Is in fail bloat, maxing an
exca-teat brand of, elgera.
Press ore was put upon tba pipes and
mains of tba cow gaa oompanyats
Aug atln Saturday, and not n loekai
couTd ba found. The company U pr
pared to pul In fixiarao.
Tbe Kentuoky Hones, at Stark-,
eongbt lira about 8 o’e'oek Saturday
morning and was antlraly destroyed.
Tho oaana wae a dafeotlve flue. The
ioea le |8600 Tho property waa in
The aereeoh-owl that, has for some
Ume peat ao dismally sung in the oourt
bouse square e Gainey at. nigh', wee
Thursday morning stark end stiff on
the ground, probably deed of old age.
Anthony Oerntban end bU son Sher
matt, both oolored, have been arrested
end lodged In Jell at Ltv. Oth, charged
With tbe murder of NeUon Oetboan,
whose body wee found some days .go
near R'xford.
Tbe reoord shows that Ordinary
Bryan, of Leon oonuty, leaned twenty
> wo marriage licensee tor Deoembe ;
live to white aud seventeen to oo.oroo
persons. Daring the yeer 1886 there
were 1' 7 licensee grantee; 40 to white
a 0 147 to ooiorod couples.
One of Oeplaln Lam herd’s Bistor
yaebte oap I aad outside St Augnetlne
bar, and tbe noenponln bad n aar ow
eeoape from drowplnt . i Another bad
the goU,ond au
'Id# 1 *', W
bar mast, broken by ■
were token In ood iwmi lot byWl
outlying aobooner Sarah Q Smith.
At Oasis Seiurdsy. while tfra wind
was blowing at lu beat a tree neat
Bill's mast marfcat fail, eruahlag tha
market mand eaoUter building, which
molUbed. Fortunately no one wee
Tbe Florida Metbodlet Bpieoopnl I
oonferenoa, invited JO, Hi AnguaUne at
the loot eeeefon In JnokaonvU-e, will ba
held et JeokeoovlUe on MooaaM|M
Inability of the obarob at St .
Una to entertain the preachers. It will
bo held January 91 mBisbop Andrews,
of Washington, D O, will preside.
1 HAVB boon
sola of tba now
of Oeorata bears. Application* __ ,
or by letter will reee've eonrlaoak and
prompt attention Will aell the new bonds
Stele ot Georgia Now 4 1-8 Pet
Cent Bonds.
appointed amt for
r 4K par aeatlOyear ■
l. Appliaatione la peraon
„ rlKundB
or exahanga them for (<, Ta or 8<
mats ring In WM, nr will bay tba boor-
^ maturing lu
Had to tdapaai eflif.Dilaaa as, Ga
w*i w war.M,. > ... . .■
anything alia in this world, fort ansa
aara't tba workara abaalntelv rare Term>
mailed free, Tana « Oo, Augusta. Maine,
nn ot. ”
QrnwfHdvuta. tf>, Demoarat.
B B B in without doubt one of
tho most valuable and popular
medicines known to ibe medical
science, and relieved more suf-
faring humanity than any other
medkaao cinoe it eame into nee.
It 1 has never failed in' a tingle in*
stance to produce, the most favora
ble reeultg where it W h«en,prop
erly need. Puysiciaua everywhere
recommend it aa doing 'all it is
CWm)Bd< tp;*do. 1 fWfoWh^
pJiygunauAawrhe.naqe ttkae a large
mid sueetaaful .pzoottce tor many
years, and upon whoM^tidgrttait
Lrnwfomvfllfij 'em ’ JufyT&, 1BB5.
Editor Democrat: For the paat
1 fid yM#g- rhfljd gfjj|erihf With
rheumatism ia.. the muvolee of my
right ahoulder and nock.*. During
this time 1 hove tried varioua rom-
edies, both patent umdioinM and
thogo preHcnbed by phyBicitoa.
Last Slimmer I commenced uamg
BB B, and could, see an improve
ment’ by the time I had taken one
bottle. 1 have been taking it at
intervals since last summer, , and
can iay it ie the best medicine for
rheumatism I have ever tried. I
take pleasure in recommending it
to the public. N 11 '<
Orawfordville, Go, July 15‘, 1886
Editor Democrat: About No
vember of last year I had what I
suppose 1, to be a oauliflowr ex
crescence on right side of neek. I
Uf.ed local applications, which
ected np perceptible .good. J
commenced the use of B BB and
took it regularly twelve bottles, and
in due time the sore healed over,
and I noW consider it Well. I
cheerfully recommend it as a fine
tonio and alterative medicine. .
I , ■ i. i ' •
—if #j 11 i V-. ■ ' i !
Elberton, Oa, June i,.i88&.
I waa troubled with bleeding
piles tinee 1868. I used one bottle
of B .B B and have felt nothing of
the kind since taking the medicine.
The clothing that I was wearing
when I left Atlanta fitted mo about
the sfeme as a meal sack would a
beanj p6Io. I have on the same
doming now, and they area tight
fit. You can do as you like with
this; as for me Shd my household,
we think three B's is fully orthodox,
and will do lo swear by,
Respectfully yours,
dill aw ■* Aw !• p ooi hi. rd ml
Star Brand Sugar-Cured Caa.
raised and Uncanvassed
,aoa i/
We own pur Qpods as ohe»p as it is
i •>• tft.ii jjt.| it ip v hi ,-j , i j #*ll uh t> H .i'«l«l i..»)s 'd'fl j itfliiite-i’alitiitM.M.j *tu> vI^huh
possible to obtain tbena. Some we
mn v ■ +ti.< iijui ctia i-. lo ewel e«0 t.»*.ti.-«*» ** ad Via ’» • ii , o-vi t f! i . j.
niWg • ' i‘iw .. .! esuMivl iqiMUl DtjvW J* M ■* • IJ MfjUrtHrtJJe, • Let.ti- it •
4’ p 'the moat tender,! delicious, apd
appetizing. 'Warranted sweet,
iuxny and not saltv For
leading Grocers in all parts of tbe
Unitea States, China, Japan, Aus
tralia and the principal countries of
Europe. , ,,
If you cannot obtain our Hama
from the wholesale dealers, order
direct and we will be plowed to
fill your order*
All our Hams are branded on the
skin eide with a W in * fire point
ed star, which is our trade mirk,
Beware of imitations.
SONS, St Louie, Mo.
For sale by C E Hochstoasaer,
J F Marcrum A Co, I H Joseph.
Agent Columbus, Ga.
|n0 dim
by odv who waa draf
TrM'»d by mart
of tbe ootafl rarat*ii*H mt tbu day with
ro bi'Dtfit Ourvd bimralf la thn*
MULY'VNM *? ^Svrft
iByspromptljr restored by a new aad easy
*A ') 10t Ufl l>Hii 1)1*tUiP'~ [ j Ol
4 Y.tltut*'''** fwU" s n‘i9if b.«ri nitcn" O tai^n.i nl ,i*fiii'i
ban; it oan be done m
I has Jilt *>111 tti •'.)< i.eis qdhd* >•<* ,, t-.v.i * it •jh
] .amillittn • id hi.* itig tit-J qapiu'il in ,- m • - tt
Buy one in this plaoe show
OVERCOAT, strictly all wool,
for $350 ? Weoan. Gome and get one
, '*> I- <• '/• 'ffn • <t ■ •' , i i;-i •, ■ • . ^
quick or they Will be all gone. e
SI /.nil . • I : . , ; ,., ,.
To meet them hospitably me must convert much ofiour^JJJJJ
stock into cash.
Dm Goods, taels, Blankets,
1 ’ - “ : ■ •> 1 j ' * ’ j .i ,
Are on the list, and we have a few Short Wraps, Newmarkets, etc, for
Ladies and Children that we are determined to sell at some price; if
not ours we will take yours. Those owing us will please caU and
settle. We need the money sorely
I . ;i
i wxqT.nObT.n 4X0 Reran, num ix
Water Pipe and Fitting*.
Stas Fixtures, Goe Rnglnee end Wetra Motor*.
Caa Flttinc «nd Flumblnc Promptly Attended: to.
Tan! Fountolne end Sprlmkler*. Hone of all kinds.
Torro Oott* Drain. *tnd Rowov rino
Agents tor Letups Range* and Fnrnam.
« RASTtOTiPF aTUxvrr.
Blflj Hatatss al .50, Bi&tMte
•! ”• *11x11' • 1, .. <.h 1 , <.!*inod in i*t 1 ;t ii Sh/i
Billing Bridl«»ttCc. TnuJu* N|d3.ti>h«lil'aioost
I'ltii.i in
» «i" v..* tm
id 1 « In*.
•U* filial
eel* ee wedowlm
8-4 Brood m
No Onre!
No Pay !
. ; ' uh:-. ,
I bm v-i ; 1 ■ . • 4 H
Is hereby autl orized to rofund the
money if it dees not ear# the* dis
eases for which it is recommended,
and when taken according to di
rections. Cures Rheumatism, Mer
curial Poison, Scrofulous Afte-
tiqna, Glandular Swellings, Skte
DisSesee, Sores of nil kinds, Blood
Peieen, Female Compladute, eta.
II * ■ Mil ■ . ! fl iltl ,
This great Blood BeuewSr is the
greatest tonie known aad if she#*
lutoly harmless.
Essay on Blood tad Skin Dim
sooea mailed free.
Sold by BRANNON k CAR*
Moeon, Georgia.
- One 40-horse power Steam Boiler
and pnls 20horsepower Engine,
both nearly now and jn perfect or-
Ml Applyfb •' lth !l ■* » 1 1
Marvyn, Russell,Co, Ala.
■tab au