Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, January 14, 1886, Image 4
tail;, Wwklj aid Snday. mounti* ic a u >n*a mu iw Main- Ih< T«kl> b km! «■ tnHUi Th* Mir <I«4*>4Ib< 8«»d»r> to *•»» w* Hr Mttonlato*attrorw*IM, l>mn IN*.tank- «h>l tor fM H> month. M.M tar th(M ■Ik*, 4 S* tor Mx woa'h*. «r * a far, .k*fuda, la dtoi-andtr s»irl*r Mr* I* thoeltr •■ilM m ombacrlboro, ,o«t*l. lr*». »t W.44 • & W**kll blauod oa TnawUf ■»* It »*U*4 to kMtokao, rMUMNtrM, o r**r. MmM *dT*rtlr*«*»t» wtn bo tokra tor th* BaH?*111 **M«o*nof 10 lima orIom tor to* Ant llimni *Bd M to* for **efc Mtawill lao*r dtoiad for th* W**tljf ** W * 'f •* rtl t*i*rtlm». IS1 ooaaaamloaUoDi iaUndad to uonoti to* Ml* mm aktr latortoto of MrasraU*** wotoll** or ■UrUuU will. bo okortto u *drortto*a**»o. Iwtooi«n*wn>« —to *tttil—t-r tb*?aor> OMtoarito will bo oaorno tor of oaMMorr ntoo, lokotoUoolid aotafcou owd. 40 MW—iHtlQM oboold bo odd mold to to* rt**tfo**r or to* III WM» Sb«. OUR ^temporary that seye “the land of orangi a and roeea la hit hud whoo the mercury drops below,” le right. Growing frails cad tender pleats horn reoelved ■ terrible back- Mtby the oontlnaoae oold weather. A western paper says the oold wave appears to have struok Utah flrat, as Information le reoelved to the eflfcot that Snow le oonfloedln )eU, and the Mormons throughout the territory are In a lever of excitement. “From Mame to Trxro” la the measurement of the extent of terrl- tory oovered by the reoent oold wave and Btorm Thle le not merely a fig ure of speech, The inland part of -Galeaeton bay was fr zan over with lea in eome places said to be eight lnehca thick, and on the ooait of Maine great It Jury was done to the •hipping. OoMORHsa will probably get to work now; at 'east, tuoh should be Its -oonne. A full month bsa elapsed alned It oonvened, and up to this time llttl* or nothing has txen done. Dla* oukelobs In regard to places on the vartona committees have had the call. Now that the assignments have bean made practical work should be began. An eastern statistician who has been out west publishes aims prom ising figures relative to tie matri monial market. Ha deolarea that a woman’* chances for marriage in- oreaaes 10 per oent when she passes the Alleghenies, and 60 per oent when she oross s the Miesl eippi The line of minimum per cent ap pears to be the western meridian of Maeeaohnaetls. Thi Ledger is eminently correct when it esys that folks who went to Florida to escape “weather” find that It is an easier thing to attempt than to accomplish. This Is a free country and the “weathei” is as “free” to rove where It will as other unoccupied characters are; and on this oooaelon It has taken a notion to rove among the orange grow s It has been oolder in the region of the cotton and aogfcrf,field* of Loulalaha and Tex a tbaa^ ln Philadelphia. ThU la a eonthkrn winter with north ern principles. ' Wbbst kr’s Uru bridged la under going a careful revision by Profei a >r Porter, of Yale college, and others. Until recently it was assumed that that great work was about as reirly perfect as any work of th* kind could be, but words multiply and Inoreaee so rapidly that almost every decade a new and revised edition Is required in order to ktep paoe. Suob revision does not merely comprise the addi tion of new words and dtfluitions, but the complete resetting of the great book, and the eleeuotyptng of the same. The ooat is very heavy, but It must be incurred la order to keep the great unabridged complete ly abreast ‘.he rapidly advarUng In looking around the city hunt* lng out the destitute and distressed the conclusion will be reached that one of the most dlscoursgiug things to a alek person is to bave a formida ble array of mcdlotne bottles and pill boxes, spoons, glasses, ate, arrayed in full sight. Everything of that kind should be kept in an adjoining room, or at least where the patient -a a not see It. Let everything be kept neat and trim; and, whenever It le possi ble, let the eye rest upon something pleasant to look at, such as fruit or flowers. Good nursing la generally one-half of the battle with dlaeaae, and the nurse who understands her business, and is a good taotiolan, le always easeful to keep from her charge everything that can possibly offend. 1 Poverty does not .prevent, this, however little in the humor one (h* laSan* Wane. The psat few weeks have devel* oped fsw striking features relating to business in teles ts of the oountry- Advices to Bradsifeet’e show that the steadiness of values after the remark able activity of general trade pro ceding the holidays and the gradual advancement of prices from the mid dle of last summer is strong evidence of the .oindneea of the principles upon whioh the revival of prosperity bus been founded. Together with the usual relatively qulesoeut ooudi tlon of business the first week of the year, came th* widespread storm of the past four days to obitru t the movements of products throughout he northwest, West, south, ad and particularly the south. Level-headed toM. fldenoe in the future with oon« servailve estimates as to its promts s of prosperity have marked the prec tical operations of ttadro-p*dple r manufacturers and fluencie s for the Week. The heaty iilul moderation in the attitude of the business public at a, season when a. general reaction m|gbt occur without proving any real or permanent set-back to the common prosperity Is peculiarly gjtatlfylng at the opening of 1886. Block speculators and exaggeraton in all linea of industries, together with many trade Journals, have been Indulging in much unwise enthusiasm aa to greet expansion and wonderful ac tivity which were to be euddenly de veloped everywhere with the termi nation of the holidays. The result of the business of the first week of tbe year, though stock speculation and tbe movements of general merchan dise were 'lighter than for many months past, has been no diminution o'the universal faith in better things for the future, and olearly shows how little the “talk” of interested people afleots either values or tl e ruling sen timent of tbe real business public. Manufactures at the east and south are talking of the advisability of reg ulating the production of pig iron, refined Iron and steel, ateel rails, and other goods to the country's con sumptive requirements, an 1 are pur chasing raw materials with an un usual disregard of speculative oper-. ations. The steady advanoe In prloe of steel rails since the mid-summer minimum has not been fully sus tained. Borne transactions were reported at the aaeteru mills at a reduction of |l to $2 fr m '.ha nominal quotations of |S6 per ton. This has been expected and tdoea not seriously disturb the market or change the calculations of the steel rail manufacturers. Blocks of cotton and wool good* are muoh lighter at the mills in tue east than last year at thta tim?, and Jobbers and commission men point to higher and firmer prioca, speaking hopefully of tbe preeent out look. That they have bought more freely of late at the appreciation Is the best commentary upon their present position. Grooery staples and dairy products followed tbe oourse of tbe preo ding two weeks, moving In smaller quantities. Toe early break iu wheat was followed by somewhat freer exporta and a moder ate raaotion upon steadier markets abroad and limited reoaipta as tbe re* suit of the stormy weather. Prloes ruled steadier but lower the laet of the week, and railing waa numeri cally light. Th* ?*•?!•' ••*■*■*. Thera Is probably not a better In stitution In the state of Georgia than the Eigle and Phenix savings bank of this city. Bo far aa our informs* tlon goes it is the only one of the kind in tbe slate, nor Is there, or oan there bi>, a stronger or safer one. It Is strange that more such banks have not been established, not only in th s state but all over tbe aiutb, wheu such precedents as charactertae aiml lar institutions In Massachusetts are presented. The Massachusetts s ate oommiaaionen of sa rings hanks have Just concluded their report. We have not seen tt, but thr s'atement is made by those who have examined tbe ad- vanoa sheets that the gain that le represented In the deposits appears f iom other eonroee as being quite gen eral through the New England states, which must be looked upon as favoreble to the oiroumstanoes of the oommon olasa of people; end when It is understood that the increase in Connecticut is mostly in tbe man a- featuring towns, It speaks well 'or the state In the thrifty condition of Its industrial population. For Maasa* ohnsetta the number of open aooounts is given as 848 787, and the amount of deposits aa 6274.998,412 93, an In* arena* of 4 per oent in the latter over that of tbe preceding year. In addi tion to tbe deposits, there should be added 812,061,263 46 as sur plus, .guaranty fund, etc Tbe assets are reckoned at $287,069,678 89, whioh are Invested proportionately aa follows: In United States bonds, 6 per oeut; bonds, 6} per oen'; rirortgcgi-a of reel ee'ete, 36 per oen<: personal seourkt y, 28 per oent, sod lajr pet pentlasuu- drles. It will be observed that the favorite securities are tboee of mort gages on real rotate, which, with tboee on personal security, amount to 68 per cent of the total, Th* earn Inge for 1886 amounted to 4 88-100 p r oent of the eaea'e, of whioh 4 14100 per oent wee declared as a dividend, theesme, within 1 1<0 per oent, aa was <*eolared the year t * fore. The annual expenses of the corporations were 6 ptr oent of the aggr-ga'e amount of earnings, c a ir fL over one-fifth of one per cent or the total ae«et«, whioh will be, a an It vaty email, The rates.M Inttrrot at which the loans were placed ranged; from 1J lo p per o*m; very lew loans b-ing made at either of tbe extremis rates. The prlr olpsl loans wen mad# at 4, 44 5| .and 6 psl 1 bent^snd no' considerable amount of loans was plaoed at above 7 percent.* W ” If the-Washington correspondent or tbe Onsrteeton New* and Courier is to ha taken ss authority, there la likely to be k small sis*d war on the. silver question. From the special to his paper we aria to infer that the sil ver tabu intend to fight ths adminis tration. He atatsetbar Representative Hemphill, who has bsSn mads a member of the boose committee on coinage, weights sod measures, pro poses to make a speech on the silver question at the earliest opportunity As to the c imposition of the commit tee Mr Hemphill, who lavora the repeal or modification of the Bland bill, says that the silver matter will be Uken up without pr* jndine aud thoroughly dlaoussed before a bill Is framed. An «ffort will be made to harmonist preeentoon* flio lng interests, but the work will up hill all tbe way H) rou gh* On the other hand, Chairman Bland, of tbe ooinage committee, is outspoken in the declaration that the commit tee was made up In the interest of a suspension of silvsr coinage, and he further says that matters have reach*' ed a oriels aDd he will at once Inau gurate a war on the administration for the policy enunciated by Presi dent Cleveland in the last annual me«*»ge to congress; that a bitter fight has been agreed upon by the all* ver men, and they will not be die* Buaded from tbelr purpose, a* a settle ment le desired of this vexed ques tion New Clothing sum I have this day purchased tbs entire Btock of Clothing, Hats, Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Piece Goods Merchant Tailoring Goods, Ac, of H J Thornton, and will open at once a first olass Clothing Store at numbers 83 and 85 Broad street, and will keep everything necessary to suit the moBt fastidious. This January 7th, 1886. A C CHANCELLOR. Having this day ceased business and sold my stock of Clothing, Hats, Fnrnishings, Piece Goods and Merchant Tailoring basinets to A C Chancellor, I desire to thank my friends and the public for their kind patronage, and to recommend my successor for a continuance of tbe same. This January 7th 1886. H J THORNTON. _ J»9 1-n ASK FOR THE W. L. DOUGLAS Bent material, perfect fit, eqnale any 19 or f6sHo« •very.pair warranted< M Tak« none nnleas ttaiwiei ... _jranted. Douglas' |8.( itert." Coi Shoe, warranted." Con gress, Button and Lace. If you cannot get these shoes from dealers, send address on postal card to W. L. Douglas, Brock ton. Mass. For sals only by C. J. EDGE, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, 112 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Sign of the Big Black Bear. 1*11 lolm PRINTING, BOOK-BI P&ner WtfBVEBY BOOK-BINDING ANB Boxer unoumos. AT LO WIIT ta It IC K* UBSl anti comforts. IcenljUhk stock, 9 fit oent; railroad : turns. Also Envelop* ss s»ui*k u> o»»o*it* Poston IT RANKIN HOUSE. FIFTEEN DATS* liCm, h Fit! Knowing that lbs unfortunate have been Imposed upon by unprincipled pretenders, who oherge heavily In ad vance Cures Rheumatism, NEURALOIA. BMkMto, UtiidiMiht, To«i>fc*,ia NprMoi, Bruise*, ete.,ete. Price, Fifty Ccnti At Druggist* and Dealer*. THE CHARLES A. V0QELER CO., Sol* Prop’*. BAi/rt*o»»,M .iinjMsU.B. A.'' '•“»•'. i^SSsfo ' BOSTON AND SAVANNAH *T>AM*HI* CO. FOR BOSTON DIRBC1 M Men fiGidt t PASSENGER ROUTE B >tw**n New Kncland and Georgia, Flor da, Alltom, tbe Sontb and Sontbwesl riret-el— Peseeuger EcceroroeSbUes mU lnWm Iron Btonaublpe or tbii JL Oompony oro apyotatod to call even IN - , • t&'ondnrd time) OATJI_qnY, Tbpredey. Jaa 14. et 1:00* m if, Xbr ■eredar* Jen U, cirY or maoox, TiOSnro ®—SSTSSii** “ OITY or MAOOV, TbnrMto}, r«b 4, *r( 00 ga?rP CITY, Tbarsday, Feb U, it 10.M Tbsredey, Feb it, ot orrr or macoh SiOO p m OATS CITY, Tbnnday, Feb fe, ot UiW OirVoF MAOON, Thnredey, Mareta 4, *« 4.00 p m CITY, Tbnredey, Mueb 11, *1 9.S0 Ol'Xpr MACON. Thunder, Marsh 11, at am CITY OF MAOON, Thnradaj, April », *1 Ww d m r QATB CITY, Thunder, April 8, et 8 SO p m ton pm 1 CITY, Tbnradar, Mareh 38, et KM0 ■rMdl. end to Id?. ThaOpmpanr’i wbarvee In both Burma oeh end Bo*ton era oonnnclod with roll* —- — me IbroMi' DR. WILBUR V he* adopted thl* plan—That he will chara* nothing for advloo, oonenltetlun or treatment nntil the patient pro- nounoee hliheelf well. The only oherge being made le for mediolnro need during the treatment. DO. NILBUR, Speeialiat, Treats eucoeeefally ehronio end long B<eedlng dleeeero, ■■ th'ee nf tbe Heed. Throat a* d Loop; Liver,' Kidner and Hear' riotaplelui..; tnvetera til th* S omeeb, mat have defied all other methods, those fearful disease* of the Nervona System, arlelng from whatever oensea; Sorofma, Oropey, Paralysis, Fito, Fever a wee, Oontraet- ed Cord*, Enlarged and S Iff Jnlnta, BheomatUw, Neuralgia, Soletloa, Bore Defermitiee, 8e>t Rbenm, Soald Heno. I -eohdi 1 mad Ul Syph lle. Neeal Polvpua, Aetbwe, nplee, Uleora, Hyph lie. Neeal Polvpua, Aetbwa, Stay Fever, B-ie Co d. W1 ter O ughs, Chronic Diarrhea* and Diabetes. All may be oared by this wonderful sys tem, if obi too far advanced. Bone die - etoee oared when nil method* have ■lied Ladles who are Buffering with com plaints peculiar to tbelr aex, oan ood- anlt the D toter. with every aaanranoe ofape*dy re>l«f and permanent car* without aatjeoting them to theembar- ree-lng procedure nf ezamlnatiou, wLleh In nine oa es out of t**n la an neoeeaary. The Dootor pertioularly in vite* all oaaro that have been given np by o'ber t hyatolens. fiFTh. D >otor will remove one Taipe Worm Fraa of Obarg'; alao atralghton the flrat ease cf Crew Byro that pre- aonta iiaelf at the hotel fro* CflMultatlon end ixmiuilta FEB . OFFICE BOURH FROM 10 A. M. TILL 9 P. M. Tumor* and Osnoera removed with out pain or the oa* of the knife. TEST1EU1I LS. Mr Henry Singleton, ot Macon, was “S 1 perai) sed In both limbajor six month* Ha waa oarrled to Dr Wdbnr'a oflloa In a hack. He took Dr Wllbur’a tree - meat, end is now an well end works on one of hi* drays every day, Mrs Mery Bmiih, of Yerona, Ml**, waa pronon tad incurable and her disease we* ceded ooneumptlon. She beard of D.- Wllbur’a skill, end went alter to Nashville, Tenn, to have him •roet her In fear months abo waa a well woman. Berthe A, daogbter of Valentine K ht.,ollll Cottuu avenue. Mnoon, waa alok eight year*, waa treated by emtneut '‘o.-tora <f Macon, A'lauia and New York without deriving any bone tit Aa a last resort ahe applied to Dr Wilbur, and to-day la a wed girl. Mr Hunt, manager ol Clarendon Hotel, Memphis, has a girl now in hia employ named Ward, who hart uo. seen nut of her right eye since 1878 and the left one waa nearly gone, ur tail- bur restored her eight, so now ahe work* every day at the hotel. Mr Thoma< Long, Ha l’* oto*s told*. Koox county, Tenn, w»< as deaf as * goat for seven years Dr Wltbur eared Mr C L Beneon, of Lexington, Kv, Hia father wm deaf for fourteen year*. waa e physician and rook him to see •on * very omtneiri M D’a, but did him no go d. Dr Wllharmadohim all right In a abort rim*. Mrs F A Nlehol, 888 South Summer her arm six inbhro long, over three •rears. She wont to eminent M D’a n Cincinnati, Lynobburg, Atlanta, Rome and Chattanooga, and none of them oould cure it, bat advised her to have the arm ent eff aa the only remedy to •eve her life. She alao had a terrible oaae of eatarrh, whioh rendered her breath » ffeoalve. S no heard of Dr WU- bur’a greet euoceaa, end tried him oa a last rsaort before havlag her arm am putated. The doctor oared her oatarrh and healed ber arm entirely in two month*. i. ■ The doctor Invitee correspondence Irom people at « d, a tones, hat never ■rawer* any letteia unieaa they con tain two 2 caot etampo. Thoaq taUevo ■?*■ ewfyvtofew-of the or Iik) uaiidius. * ■ 4 in h i . • 11 o *,> t j .qiifs ed- ... ■ ■ i <;*ibul Uul ... f in t>w.)b i »•/•*.» *i i ..veil ». , “8*'n' I 4 HI .• .idi I ! ue * .i'ii .j; + 1 UV * u , i , I at i if Ms, Inn Mills, Lice FiQoy NEW KID GLOVES. Foster's celebrated 5 Hook Me, new shades, every pair warranted. Elegant 3 Button 75e, First olass 4 Button $106, The Royal 5 Button 1 2i, The Dirby 4 Button Embroider ed Baok 1 50, 50 Dozen Kid Gloves, 3 ^But tons. slightly rpottedj at 25e B LACK ANB •tract, Nashville, had baekeobe, bear ing down, ell gone, tired feelings, d! say head end other female oomp alnta . T >P for aevnrel year* and was enred In fear months by Dr Wilbur, without being aabjeoted to the embarrassing proce dure of an examination. Miss Laura Henderson, 106 Leonard ■treat, Ouatianooge, had an nicer on Inonee ' We are offering unusual a#- uci mente in this department. BLACK CASHMERES, HUT- RIETTAS, QUEEN'S CLOTHS, B1NGALINES ANB BRAP B’ALMAS- The prioe, qualify and assortment is far beyond th* reach of local competition. ; Mr J A MORGAN is in our employ and will be glad id see big friends. Wn bdr*alrtve?5 entuS^J^Ttoonj,. CP GRDSCO i-i'-'l n-j-f