Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, January 14, 1886, Image 5
W I’MUfflllW 1 P'TWP l"W | i l 111 mi — in. i, . i ' —« DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, 188ft. MssUh* si th# Asoaslt- . Hi* BcM Lut St|ht ■dffwrl* 1 tit. AffiMK- Tha Ttaae at mwn*» MM IMIIII vkaMHmaiw M«t « • Bamra ar DlH.ign Iht wnil masting or the Oolamboa pa bile library aaaoolatlon wm bald lost night. O wing to the Inolamanoy ot tba wwlbn tha attendanos waa small, tfaoogb a quorum waa found to bo proa* out or rapn aantad by proxy. In the •basnoa of President Oociohlua, D - 0 X Balks proa Id ad. Tba drat bualoaaa waa tba hearing ol the annual reporta «f that fliosra and oommittcea. Taa^oaii’a bxvoxt. Mayor OUlf B Grimes, the irMaurar. submitted tba foUowlng report t • €UC B Grime*, traaenrar, in account with (Jplnmnna PnbUe Library: <* tv ,, Jani-To balanea laat re- .1^ 1 I 68 07 t qO ■vfirtt To amonni raoctv. ‘ ill!ai Ion Vo amoant r*c«iy- ad for Ufa main. ad •SIS:' T» anwMwntT« ad far annual dtaa—..... t;.*..T. l oao M To aaaoani rwan- ad tar Odm is a It aaaaant rrativ- * 4—By paid talw ad from aosoerta, Bund To® Vo aaaoani raaaiv- ad tor rant from FMU Harmonic do d*ij „... libra-lan paid ''librarian oommiaaion..™.,, By paid Jinlior sal- By ^iTd USoiUZZ. By paid lnaaranoa... By paid tar bn k * PaPalT H..NM.HMNH4 By paid luoiuanlala Inelndtng ball rant Blind Tom oocsari, annlTai* aary, stc.......—. aatw th pot<a 8C0C0 46 W 90 DO S7l ao 41 80 114 57 am 87-81 tt4 61 • By balance on hand ...I 4198 Baapae tally anbmlttad Chirr B gbikks, Tiaunrar. PBJUIDkbT'a BBPOBT. Mr X L Walla than read the follow tog annual report of the prealdant t Gentlemen or the Biard of Direc tors— Ladles apd Gentlemen t Aa re quired under the rulea of tha Library ▲aaoolatlon, It beeomea my duty to •abmitlhe annual report of tba pre- aldlag i Altar. I regret that my dtulaa to mattaraor pnbUo Interest. or great iaaportaoea to our olty j aat at thla time, praront mo lrom being praaant and In parson anbmlttlng tbia report. I am elN oompaUad, beoauao or tbeae du tlaa, to refer yon to the apeolal reporla of the aevoral oo mm it teat for a detailed etatement of the affaire of the library Beoanae of my abaanoe I have not been •bis to examine tbaaa reporta, and therefore what la here submitted oan only refer ln general terma to the in tdretta 'of the aaaoolatlou. The past year oannot be said to bare been one ot progress for the library, though It may be taken as n subject of ou lgratulatlon that wa havenot lost cround. Tbaln otttuiloa la not In debt, ai d whan we oooalder that onr re^snnee de pend solely upon he good will of tba people, it should be •ouroe of muob gratification tq tha members to »fleet that the library, olnee tie organisation, baa coyer began « aew year In debt. Llbrarioe arc .tap ported In ona or two ways, sober by •udowment or by tba tree oontribu Ilona of tba people. This library baa always depended upon the latter math od for Its reaouroM, and until naa publioaplrlted oitlaan will ba mewed to or sot a lasting monament for himself, and do a great good for hla people by plaolrg an endowment upon this In •ti* 'lion, wa r can look to no other method of railing funds then by the plan now obtaining. Daring tba past year eery Utt.e baa some Into tba treas ury other than through tha regular •haonel of duaa and fines. The amoant thus raised hap, with economy, barely been auffloient to pay the running ex. penaes of the library. Snob extra some aa hays been rears d by antor- tatnmenta and by donatlona have been deyoted to repairs and expenses neoasiiarliy arising from a ohanga building. Nothing baa therefore been left, either for tbe repair or purchase of books. If our people would raise ope thousand dollars, to be devoted the benefits which eoerUb from It, hod tbe people wbo love culture end re fined entertainment, aid wBfo have the good of the olty at heart,' Should Uks steps to lift our public library, wblob haa for ao lbug time sustained Hull, above the need of money and leavu It free to do that work whtok auoh an lnatli utlon la ospr- blaof doin *. Tnsra are few more im portant questions than that which re lates to tha austatnlrg of our publ o library. Tha rules under whloh tha library has bean oonduoud sum for thsae uvaral years put to have served to piesarve It Lae from debt and hup it In a fairly prosperous condition. Its three greatest need* J net at thla lime arei Flrat, art eomrlbutlona for l'a parlor and suitable deooratlone for tbe windows and walls or all thfe room j second, repairs upoa the vary larga number of valuable‘books now retired from eervioe, and Ohljd, a, purchase of new hooka. To devise methods lor attaining any and all of these dualrable objects will be work for the lnoomlna board ot judlreatore, and I oommapd to them early consideration or thqae matters. Iu making thla, my annual report, I perform tha last tfflolalaotai tha presiding effloar of the praam* board of dlreotora. I trust I will ba pardoned In this connection in Ra id g to them my ainena tbankafor o inferring upon me the honor of pros Idant of thfir body. I am lnftebtad to ciaoh sed all ol them lor a moat oops- tooua treatment tbrongbout tbe oourae of our mutual service To the mam bars of the association who plaoed upoc me the dignities of a director I sap also indebted, and while I will be un able to aerve ibe publlo interests longer, I shall always endeavor u a private to promote the welfare ofthta useful Institution. Beapfotfolly subml ted, Hxnry B Gostohios. BEPJBTBOF O. MMITTBB8. Dr Stutea, from tbe library oommlt* tee, made a verbal report of what had been done, Including the change of ibe quarters and tha mprovementa made In the new rootrs. Mr Gostchine, oh airman of the enter- talnment oommitlee, waa not present, and Mr Blacker ar, acting ohalrman, said that ha, b*d not bean familiar enoogb with tbe detalla ot tbe commit, tee's work to prepaire a report. ADDxxaa post pom an. ▲t tba ooneinslon of tha reading o the report*, Dr Balm elated that tba annual addreu hu bun postponed on aooount of the weather, and that It will probably bedallveredone night next week. XX.EQTIOH (V OIBXOTOXI. ▲u eltoiion of a new boa rd of dlreo tora wu than bald and resulted In tba acanlmcua elution of the following gentlemen! 0 8 Hoohatraiser, J H Gabriel, W B Blade, B B Jenklna, A M Brannon, O B Kite#, John B!acx- mar, O Sohomberg and B L Welle The dlreotora will meet twnlght for tha pnrpBae of eluting a presided, secretary and treasurer. am oHAFosa Oa motion of Dr McEthnney tbe time ol bolding tba annnal muting wu changed to tha seoond Wednesday in April. On motion of Mr Wei a the dues ward inortsud 26 cents a queraer, tba iooreau to be devoted wholly to a book fund. There being no other bnameia the me eting at journed. THE BASE BALL SITUATION mens* Ail vast is ■••eau—Atlanta Sav atiMS at Cataatai. "You oan aey to thooe who are olam- orona for a profsulonal bau ball turn," Mid Oapt Q M Williams yutei- day, "that all they have got to do la to raise tba money to aopport It* and 1 will guarantu that they oau gat one. Chattanooga's franchise un bo bought, and If thou who don’t want Columbus to go out of tha league will come up with tha money, wa will have a olnb yah Wa sold beoauae wa mold gat no ono to taka tha lead In tha entarprlae and do the work that muat ba done to make It e auccesx It would not be wise for as to begin tbeeeaaon with leas than four thousand dollar*, a- d only half of that amoant bad bun subsortbsd Some who gave liberally laat year would not give n oant and many otbars reduoad their enbaorlptlona. It wet on account of thla state of thlnge that the franohlae was sold." While nearly everybody regrets that tbe franohlae has bun aold It wu no doubt the but thing that eould have been done under the circumstances 'There are several heavy e'alms against tba aaaoclatloh whloh scorned lut season, and it now looks Uke the bath's Ings at the park will have to be Bold to satisfy them, aa some of the creditors are getting anxlona.for their moneyaod are taking steps to obtain it. H W ATLARTA TAXIS IT. The Oonatltmlon haa the following to Bay about the aite of tba traooblari A diapatob reoelv d by tbe seoretary ol the league stating mat Columns usd wld her franohlae to Memphis, amazed the entire Atlanta pnblio. To say that Atlanta wu startled would be putting it very mildly. Atlanta ha* alwaya bun the ardent friend of Co- lunnb' a. and ehe deeply regrets tha’ Columbus hu seen proper to go oat of the S intbern league. "Oapt 8 T Carnes teleeraphed Wa 1 - er R Brown, uklrg whether,or not Atlanta would approve tbe agio I la understood that the Atlanta dlreotory will vote for Memphis. "Pluoky Obattan oops deolir u to ult her franohlae and will remain a bar of the Southern league. It la > aid that Knoxville la t»ylng to bay her out, bat that Chat's ooga Intends to fight for the pennau; this year." MAKUC1 KKPOUTH, PIXAIOLsSh jrs&K&is? ■aw toux BOHR kaakus. Raw Tonx, Jab It—Moon—at oak* are hooda qalat. Mov«> meant iHwda are h Rnw Tonx, Jan 18-Bxahatga It 88)4 Uaaay IJ+81 pareant Oovari meat non ..a ion- par euu 1»M int* MiM biA State aonoa are aon-TUBAjtnBT aAAAXOm. Sold in Bub-Traaaary naorm.tii, ant .-•noy |14 1 8.008. ■aw vonx aroox nabkwt. Janaary taVfgMM’. Fabrn^ry Oat* easier—a^en W)jo. Jsoaery fgSSSaLBM»w^ rasry 10 17MG10 87K, ilHtaSa early, rallied and oloaed ataanlar— oJh January and Fabrnary It 0BB8 01M. Boxed mast* alasdy—dry tailed shoulders I 8 V* *5 abort riw aide* k 07MG6 10, abor< «**t aids* 8 4880 46 Whlaky atUdr-ll 1« Sugar—gruutalsd 1H> atandard A 4J*'<, 14 Ml l« Wktal saliva nut axtrumaiy weak—Na t rad aaak MglS)M. February 8V4S89KO. Corn dull but uushunsed- Mo 8 Mixed eaab SSpge. January -c, February 84084M9. Oats, notaina dome—Ho I mIxmi a*M m4e. May —e, Provision* quiet: Pork 810 M January . Lard 15 80M H. Balkm au—lo > a ota—long alsar tide* 610, abort rib aldea 5 11, loag clear — j boxad lo a. Iona eisar —, abort rib etdse —, eh >, t dear —. Btoon-lona olaar aids.- (S (4, abort rib aides 6 70, short olaar - —, Wntaky <110, lowina stock •axw Tonx. January 18 —The tailowtm ' tatlona ol f AI* ol*M A a M *.... M Mobil* A Ohli am . wars the oloalng %uotatloM of axobaosa: Maw OXUAxa, January 11 — Ooff.a i lull — Rio In oargosa, oomraon to prims Jjkail: 41)4 fspSEi: ‘.HI - Y & 'SS l»? , ‘ na ma-kat ai*ady—Lonlalana, nary to prime »M««8Mo. ,, Sugar market steady — Louisiana kattia- obolea — a, atMotly prime 4,16 eorataon to good common 4W81 0 lSv, aan> trttagali, oboloa while 8tfto£[e. prime yal> low atarlflad 6o. Moleaioe- Lotllalana. open kattia, atrloil prime 64g*7o, good prime 388*40 — gala, good prims to ohotaa U| mon to go#4 acmmon ——o. FIRE IN MACON- Tba BUItlea Mall Bleek a*ra*4 i* ibe 41 rawed. Maoom, Ga, January IS —Firs broke out In the Balaton Hall b'oek early thla morning, destroying tbe old thea tre and stores coonpled by Rigors. Worsham A Oo, wboleaala gkooar*; Home A Phillips, hardware; J J Ttaon ton, dr* goods and liquor*; F-llx Gir pat, toe, fi*h and frnl ; W B Chapman, bar aud reataurant, and Sam Bter, ra tall grooer The aeo id atiry waa oo oupled aa offl tea. Tbe total loas Is (73 • 000 and insuranoe (37,000. Tbe fir. originated In the r’ataarant kltcher The extreme cold weather aerioaaly . retarded the work of the flrem>n Th* this purpose, the library would avelo h#aW „ t loaer ,, r , 090 u Turpin, ow - be upon asnro basis. Aa It la we are 0 f t n e building^ (40.000, Insured ('8 sadly In need of new booxa, and a vary ooo, Rogers, Worsham A Oo, (12 000 lurge number mow on the ehSlveeere ^ for WB00 go thoroughly out of repair they have to be retired tUl they oau be putln DR ARMSTRONG’S TRIAL. ■lev Utawtad rsesMeta. wf order. The ohange of the rooms to the proa- out quaaters haa met with general favor, ard tha reoent lmprovamanta, .it Is hoped, will ba the meant of attm- ulattagonr people to greater Interest In -'spatial to Uaeairar-ena. the library. I t . Atlarta, Ga, Jenaary 18 -Tha trial Thla aaaoolatioa la a fixed tact, It la I ol Rev J G Armstrong, rector of Saint an ornament to tho ally end la doing Phillips church, thla olty, began this muob good as an eduoator. Were it j morning. Rev William Hun'er was to cease to exist it would be | elected prealdant of tbe court. Tbe ■adly missed, and lie deollne trial was ordered to be a aeoret one and mark e lotep backward for thla olty. J reporters were excluded. Armstrong We have labored earnestly to Inoreaae hue the moot fashionable oburoh In the Its membership. Columbus should oily, end la one of tha moat popular anataln a library of throe times the and learned ministers In tbe membership ot this Institution, end if state. He la accused of tm we Would not be behind our stater moral conduot during hie vacation elites in the matter,every olt'sen should laat Bummer, when he visited Cluotn- look to It that be become a member, natl, tbougb he olalme to have visited Thla library oan be made a power for the honeee oiled In cearoh of tbe ™ ' 7 ™ 1 daughter of a dear friend In Canada Balfl Arrival*. Ran KIR Hods a.— D J Clarke, Maoot; R B Nathan, New York; P M S aogt ar Ga; J B Quigley, N«w Y rk; T M Perry men. /• a> t»; J A Gabonry, Mon’aomary; 8 R laembal, Balttmorr j J H 8 tenoar, Yuglnia; a T Obapma Maooi ; L*roy Upshaw, N B Cole*, 0 -ridge, Ala; FOS ellmnn, 8 T W on, New Y-rk; 8 -renaon White, Bal timore; O L Williams, Baalr; E P R berts, Opelika; M 8 Crane, Selma; R P Dexter, Dexter, A a; A J Hair-i, ra hot county. CXBTVAL HOTXL-W H Chapman Alexandria, V ; H M Herndon, J T Waters, Balllmn .j W B Walker, Wa- ▼erly Hell; J B P*j aer, 8 vannal; J M Mathews, Telbottor; 8 T E ilsou, R T Carter, Ellerelle; 8 8 Monk, Oareyn- Vllh; J M G aw, Aoalachioola. ■arrlrtf la aiawart. Mr J R Dsn , ot taoMtli coua y. ud Mia* Uthal Ward wars oa*rr ad at tbe roddsoco Of tba Srlde’t oaraat* at Aottneb. St.wsrt oonnty, yaatsr -ay morning* 9 o’olnrk. To* csMmoay was parjorm d bf H.v J W J .loar. MrOi»t iaouaoi Hawaii » i».y ■ noa'auao-aam. yoaog tar mars, aud 1* > arory w»y wor by of tba obarmlna at d sstlaubls yoaug ledr whom ba ba* won tar a brlda Tbair many friends wish tfcem a b*pry and pro*p*roa* fa ur*. LrvnxrooL. January is Moon — onttea naaikat • a*dy and wl<b a fair demand; middling npland* 61- 1M, orlesng 8 8 1(4; ■ilea 18,100 balsa- tpaeataUon and export 1000 bilM cteoalpf 10091 bale*-8 4« America* Future* opeued quiet, at tba tot'owlog aoUUopg; .. Dll) sod F b nary »4 <3 Old Feb'dary acd Me ob .... 4 tie 64 taftreb »nd April— ..6 1-64S6 3-04d April and M «y—........... 6 4.64d Way and Jan*.....-. -..-....5 7 041 Jans ana July...—...—....6 10 Old July and Augas’.-.—.....—. — • Auguat and September 6 10 641 Tender* of deliveries tortowlsv’H clearing 4300 bairn of new docket, and 800 bales of old. feOO p m—Bala* of tb* day lnoinde 7000 betas ol Amerlosn. Upland- 61-101, OrUrn* iqi * slurs*—Janaary 4 88 H i mllers; Jan aary and Fabrnary 4 M 84d Mils.a; Frbraa- ry and Karov 4 6S-64d buyers; taarob and April 6 1 Sid value; April and May 6 8 844 bn;era; May and Jn"* 6 0d4d • uyrn; Juno and Imy 6 lit did teller*' Jaiy and August • 1I-44U aeller*; anenit and September 6 14-(4d gallcra; fu eras q-ilat 5:00 p m- Futures — January d. I;very, 4 08 #4d boyara January and February 4 68 64d b- yen ; Fcbroar* and Marsh 4 61 Old sellar* Marob and April 6 1 64d aailair, Anrll «nd May 6 0(41 buyer* Way and June 6 1444 buyer* Jana and July 5 0 44d bnyarg July and An a**- i I3ta4d koy*r*t Aagaat end Rapier bar 6 16-446 buyer*. Fatar** closed ata*dV Haw Tonx. January lS-Uvaning—tott mvka aieadu . aalm 1087 bales; uplands • 6-ldo, orlaaaeOMa. OmsoUdated net ramlpt* 16 337 bale* -x parts Gr-*> Britain 8 931. ooBllnaat 9418 Frarea 7*16 etannal 01) ■aw roax ARB Raw OM.BARS RPToans Raw oblxaRI, Jatu*ry 18 8 ID r u — Pa ar*> *lo*<« a a. dy ; salt* 11,500 bale* aa January —. 8 62 1008 * 84 rabra.ry — 8 Oil 100,® 8 9 -100 Marab..— 9 ro I>68 0 01 100 April.... —.0 16 100-a t 16 V Way T* rant, with board, at tbeCppiag Manas •oathaaat aornar, Ural toor, with Balk room, Ik* most desirable la ■•*■. ^ aodt' ■old awrilary O i Monday right last a man wta ta d ;bat he wm e pitnier Id search of w >rk applied at tba O-n belt House for a night's lodging. He gave hie name aaTromparn, end did not beve the aopnarmnoe of a regular tramp or a thief, but subsequently proved to be b .in He was aaoigned to a rorm with <wo beds, one of ihaur belog occupied by Mr Li on, ad. ummer from Colnm- bu* When Mr Lyon retired be piaoed hie vest upon a trunk not far from the bed oooupied by Mr Thompson. In 'ba v#*i pocket wee e valuable gold w at oh, to whloh a glittering ebaln waa atuohad. Wha > L^on awoke t o Tuesday morning Thompson bad vacated the room and tha vs, wateh and oheln ware miming. It la h ugbl that tba tramp go. a glimpse of the obain and eonoluded that It waa a good time to maka a rise, and naoordlngly made • It with H daring tha night while tha drummer wm asleep. Hla departure waa evi dently harried m he did not taka time to go through Mr L ron’s cost and pants, where ha oonid also have ob tained a snug sum of money to aid in 'straying nta expenam to tha land of A 3 wen. Offloera went In several dlreetlons on Tuesday in pmsnlt of tba thief, but no iraoe of him whetever oonid be ob tained. Ho evidently took to the woods, m no tracks oonid bo found ou any of the roads, nor oonid any ona be found who bad seen him pawing. Th impson came from toward Colum bus, and la supposed to be making hla way to Florida. A good description of the thief wm obtained, and he may yet ba oaught,—Lumpkin Independent. grant good in. our midst. It hM already dona muob towards educating our ard at hta firquaut rf quasi. The proa- young people and tarnishing a channel eoution asked to-nlgh» fof an for lpteUltentand thought:ul readlqg lalon for megy'of tha older.' Tha Inatltott o {trial wflfti rualmad oh tfib 2B.bat Mttnga to tba people. They fteftve all ‘this month. Mrs Lacgtry la aaia to j. It Is ha have once bean ehy. It le herd to oonosive that a great soirees could have ever been that way. <>♦.» — T e new governor of Virginia de cliui a presents I t* bard to aty, but if lboka m if^Governor Lea la a * llttia eootntrlo. Jan* .... Jaly..—.— A««s*t...._.. gsytrtabar- Oltob*r_.__ Nevambrr... OM*mbar.... Raw Toax 0 -.9 1008 a 61 I 0 46 l'08 * 44-100 ■ 0 f 8 lOOg I '8 ICO ............. * 8 inn« « »i mo 9 84 18*8 • « 100 9 4 100 o 6 07 0 9S 1’ 0« 8 8 " 8 07 1018 8 «• I0U JannaTT <8 -£«•> iu*- Hat Tonx. Jan 18-C srndffSIo tar dttinge^'aB'zrzsi: yellow —- a, oik# and uneal — a, ■Mnwl ■train** mat ax wagga,'gta. I'ihi8r'%%SEr*.&V it pool vhaai Maw Toxx, Jar aary IS—HUMS rtf ady- ..#1 aaltad Haw Ortaana sal setae a and 40 pounds, 8}(o; Trxai ealaciad. gland oo pound*, 10)40. Maw Tonx, Jannarv is-Wool Urn— Aom**U' Saaoa '77 88s, 7 *xa* palled 14833'. aw Toax, Jaa 18-FrataH* »•> Liveri ar n—Ontton par ataam Ha9 641; — Ohablxator, Jan 13-Tnrpantlr* arm— Sts R'Min atralnrd 86), good rtralntd 90896 Savarrax Jaa 18 —Tnrnantln# arm— 36)40: taietlOO Muali qulat—(1 908106; sale* — barrel*. iuurotor. Jan ll-Tnrpantlfie qs 86o Rosin Arm; ■ trained 75s; aooa Ter arm at |1 00 Orud* tnipantlna alaady bar-' * 00 yellow din tod vtrrtn 01 80. THC RIVER ITEAMERI receipt' TObale*. «ro*s 43?. bale* Future . •lbsad dn 1, ata-dy—aalr 51490 bala*. a* lot- ow* January Fabrnary...—. Marab.—. April, .... I 94 10T8 • 76 <00 9 97 1008 9 39 -110 9 88 IOC# 9 99 190 M*V Jaa# July Auauai ...... —40 itold’ 9 60 ICO —... 9 6C 1008 9 01 1W ..... 9 71-100 9 73 HO » 00 Iff 46 8 110 — 9 88 1008 9 84 110 , 9 8> 10041 9 87 100 bar — 0 49 190S DM 100 Tb* Bvanlng Post »'J»i Tb* m nr* oon M of prlee* would seam to depend mainly npjn *h* ablll'y of bolder* ot tb* pre-ant aomawbat larga aiock to await r*. Ilaf from tb* good export d*mand. whloh mu'taat In *oor*r or la'*r. Onr ml I* "ra wall mrp'.tad Fi'n-* dellrail** opened on* to two potn'a b'gaar, lo*t tba advano- and abowad at third mil ao obaag* from yaltarday'acloaluv* Fatnre*olo**d*l**dT SAAVnaroR J maary 18—Oono* arm— mlddllnga I 1819a; nr reaalpta Ml, r>vi Ml; aat** 77% ateak 85 381; exporw mb. leant 87M, Great Brlutlx 7M. ■* Praxes «•»» AX, Jaaaxty 16 Ootio" marksi qol#i|**l*'"1»g*9*. *•• rnoalpta 1306, art *a iff*; aala* 847 Block M 0.0 export* Great Brl ala 00 Franca 00 Baatikobb. Janaary 18- '»• ten dn'^. salddilur* »H': net raoalp • l»-7 *r-. * 1443; •alas MO, a* '*a lo aplnr er* 8K; *taek!8 4l9; export* to Gres' Britain M. to aontl'.ent M, io Fraae* 00 B STOR, Jan 11-Oot'ou market q-l'", middling* n*tr*onpt- 141. grn* 106; *-l*e M, *tc** 6810; exp >rt* to Greai Brl aia (0 WtAUixaroR. Jen nary IS—Cotton mrk-t Brm; "-iddilna- 85<i • *• rroeip 1 * 8 8 gr •> 318 **;*• 60: *uk>« 110*8; expo> I* Great ftyl'an. 06 eaatlnexl M PHiAADBj.r.ii*. Pa, January 18-ooiton u mi. a,lug 9^4 I I'M eortpu 118. «rm* Ilf I axle* Off, slu*£ 33 778: export* conUnaat M; Gr*at Br|t*l>< 00 BaVARRAH. J-anary 18—Ootlon arm— mitdliBg*0 il 18). net rearin'* 1176 gran* 1178 Mir* 08; (task 96 941; export* to G-~-t grlUia It eeatlneut M. Frans* 3168 Maw Oxabars,January 18 Oattau qulat! 014911'-. 6 U 19) Ml rrealU'9 IS AO, gras* 14 0U *u» *.99; stock 393687; expert; Brest Britain M, FranM 6381 asutinsat M1I Jaa 16—Oottox aaarkrt qalat; ■aiAAUwga g 11-lle; art raeMffU 04; arses M. aatas 64% *to*V 46,339; axporu Graal ■rtlalu M, aantlxaat M Maura ia, January IS-Cotton steady— middling*3 U 16* aat reaalpta Sit; sup. man > 001 antae 33M. itosk 161943, *plxuan N AM99U. January 18-Ootton qalat— aalddlings 8 • 14a; recalpi* 18% iHlp«a*ate —i Mice 1I9i stoak — UXAUAMTOR, January n-ditto arm end holder* are Mklng higher price*; mlddllnga Ufa: net H94, grow 10«4l Ml** ou *'ock 871.M; *x,,jrU lo Brant Britain 44M, Franc* M, aonllnant SO PMnooa iii'raenaioii, WaHaaall. OtarraxAn, January 18-Whlaky steady at Ml*. iMlntll*. Liooinvxaax, January 18-Graln acilra : Wbml, No 9 red 93s Corn, new mlxtd Mtaawe OiK new No a mixed 3lo. Pro- VISIOL* *:«,dv -Park, me** 110 75; b toon— dear rib 6 09, e>aar aid** 6 13)4, an .aider* 4 50 Bu'k me* « olaar rtn -ia«i 5 86 o est *ia,«6 50. *b»uld*rii 4 00 dug-'-ou'-a barn* 0 6C46 0 00. Lard,obmM laai 7 75*8 09 . umoAoo. - January- »■- Flour Wkm l)4i lower — lanu-ry OorUM« tower, eiortug it**dy -*.*o • Cfiilral Lilt OF BOATS. THS OLD RELIABLl Ooaokuou, GA, Dae t, 1M5. O H and enai Dec 3 b tb* local rates c irelgbt on lb* UbaUabooobM and Apa aebtools river* will b* a* follow*; Fleur, par barrel - 6 FardiiMra, per lo> 40 Oottonaaad awl—.. ...40e*nt» Oot'on, per bale —.86 eanu Other freight In proportion. ^bov* ratal gnarauteed nmll January 1 P5^HA n x, Colombo* to Apalaeblool 7« 00. U bar point* In pruportlon. dteatnar Natad will leave Colombo* to Apalaobtoola via Holeblnson’* Landlnt every Tueaday moraing I o’clock, rive permit'tag. Will wan oi bar down 'rip on Wadnmd". at Cbattabocobce lor avanl'.g train. Bblppcrs will plsasa bava thslr Iralght a bnu ay • a m on day «i laavlog, a* non' will b* rccalved aflar that boar. Bast merves tbe rival of not landtag * any point, wnun ounaldareo duogaron* b; lb* C'-mmyn-tcr Boat win not at p at any point not urn* It list ot lending* tarmahsd shipper* to) 1886. Our reaponaibilliy tar freight ****** aftr It ba* bean dtoobargod at u landing who no parson la there to raealya It. BamubaJ Wxirauinu, I Lina Bout* NOTlL’k 10 hUlPFEBS. a*a*«*l* and Rare* ar tka Pataplsta Ua* ar waaaar*. (tarry laa ska V. m. taatt. OoAouatia, Ga, Dssambar S3, ism. On and al at Daormber 33d, 1386, tbs loos) rain nt frelgbi aud p wags to ail point* oo tb* Ob*' tabooebea and Apalaehlaola river* will b* h* folio WK F.oot per birrs) ......10 caul* Cation par * le...... -.38 caul* FartlllMia per ton <1 36 Ootlon Be*d Maul par lon..^—-.31 36 Bait per lod |1 86 O her freight* lu p po. ilon. Fauage rrtm Oommun* to Apalaeblool* (6 00. Other p int* in proportion. Miramar Tbronataeaka will leave Oolnm* bn * vary gatnrdayatH a m lor Apalacbl cj Tbla boat will wall tec evening trains nt Obaitehooshse on Sunday going down mr-d-yi coming up, Bbippara will plwat bava ibalr freight at boat by 6 a m on day of leaving, a* non* will ba received attar tbst hoar. Bo*t rase: vas th* right of not landtag at any point whan eocaldared dangerous by (b* pilot. Bxt will not a'opatmy point not aamad la tba published Hat of landings tarnished •hip peri tor 1806, Oar responsibility tar frelgbi ****** oft* It bse Men dlacau.gcd et a landing when no paraon la thsr* la raealv* Ik Raisa anb)«et to char ga wltbaal noils*. Tb* above lebadoi* will ba ran, rlv*r permitting. T H Hoou, der37 tf A rant STATE OP GEORGIA, Muaoofreg County- To tbe Superior Court of Baid comity; Tbe petition of W H Bailey, N T Everett, A Bonnei, James Williams, John McDuffie, R Lowe, EHlIayer, David Duke, W M Oanedy, Y James, Tbad Sima, Reuben By ids, H J JobnBon, G W Rogers, M Adama, A H Harper, Green Aleatnder.Johl Richardson,Philip Flewellen.Tonel JenkinB, Major Henry, and sue! other persons an they may tuteociaK with them, respectfully show that they desire to be incorporated a nd made a body comorate and politic, in n.cordance with the laws of Georgia, under the name and style of “The Colored Men's Bumnesa Aseociation ’’ The objects of said associn' on, and the particular business to ba carried op,, will be to engage in and carry onto mercantile business m tha purchase and sale of merchandise of any description, of goods, ware* and merchandize, and in any bosi- ness incident or pertaining thereto- The principal place of bnsmesa to be in'the city of Columbus, IfuBco- gee county, Georgia. The capital stock of the company shall be five thousand dollars, with privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding twenty thousand dol lars, said stock to be divided into shares of one dollar each. Ten per cent of said first mentioned stnfi shall be actually paid in before any of the powers conferred by the char ter herein prayed for shall be exer cised. Petitioners desire to be in corporated for the term of twenty years With the privilege of renews! at the expiration of said term ac« cording to the provision of law. Petitioners desire said corpora, tion to have the power of suing anft being sued, of contracting andbein^ contracted with, to have and use a common sea}, to make bydaws,rulefi and regulations binding on itg members not inconsistent with law, to alter, amend and annul the sama at pleasure; to receive, hold, rent, lease, purchase, mortgage, sell, dis. pose of and oonvey both real and personal property r.ecessary for tha purposes of said corporation and securing debts to it; to elect, ap point and temove such officers^ managers, directors and agents as it desires and to do all and singular such acts and exercise such powers, rights and privileges as may ba necessary or to the interest or for the legitimate execution of the ob jects and purposes of said associa tion. The stockholders of said corpor ation, in the event of the failure of the same, shall not be boimd per- scnally in their private capacity to tbe creditors of the same except for the amount, of unpaid stock sub scribed or held by such stockholder, or after he bus paid out of his pri vate property deots of the said cor poration to an amount equal to bis unpaid subscription. Wherefore, petitioners pray that an order nosy be pass ed by the court incorpora • ting them, their associates and ono- cessors. under the name ana for tha time aforesaid, and with all tha rights, powers and privileges prayed for, and aa may be authorized by law in such oases made and provi' ded. And petitioners will ever pray, Ac. B H CRAWFORD, Petitioners’ Att'y Filed in the clerk’s office of tha Superior Court of Muscogee conn ty, Georgia, and recorded this 23Id- day of December, 1885, in record of writs 1884 and 18^5, folios 352 and 353. GEO Y POND, Oleik S C M C, Go. d«r2lt>"v 4 i 1MMMM NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Voti are allowed a free tri/i l of thirty day* of tbe tine of Dr. Dye’* Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nem'ove Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. AIho for many other diseases. Complete i estora- tlon to Healtn, Vigor and Manhood imarunteed. No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet in ualcd envelope malletl free, by audrefctiinjV VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Kioh. S.S.S Scrofula of lungs Be lieved. I nb atv 4* ,wi *M. *ad km **ff***4 fa* the tart 18m »»*•• with a laa* umM*. Sm*ei ■.■tMiartU* It mill m btm IhM* *M* ef 1k koaa* ba* 4M with *naia*irti«a. aa* th* tl*lk 4*1 1km to *rrwt tb. aarch •< thk 4k*»l t have ,a»»li>;*4 all ol th* anal rtrthM*, Mt «aty ta ■» ova oa*», hat In th* tnataMt ol other ■■)«( ■v bat temporary rellel woo all taal I **• i*{*AH J ty unfit for ftif manual labor lor rp Svelioen. By c ha ooo I oaaao is * taa^lot oa “Bloo* and Bhla DU ofBoo of Built BaoclSo «~ A lrlond reoomkoaded tb« *» olaJali* tba* ho blmoolf had 1 by IU aoo In oomo Ion* 'ronbli 4 *n“Bloo* and SklaWooooujrffoag# of B.lft Bpoclflc Oo, Atlanta. 9* rooomk.ndod lb" n»oof Bwia» Jl'rtS I tha* ho blmooll ha* boon partJtaaoSta* u — In some Inn* 'ronbloo. I r**wv** tplta Ik About four yoojr* a*o 1 oonunenood tobtoMI nocoruin* to direction*. I found It ulnvtMnHaa tonic, nr d linvo niod^abonl tar |«Bft,1 .ta.ra BMta -A’ oourh hoo loft mm my ttrangthhafi_return«d,^an«J^I W ■ults art moot roniRrkabl U otroagth haa roturnod, ora thon I evar did iu oi/ Ufa more than 1 evar aia iu uiy iiia *» “"..T" uZl w roar* .liioc I atoppwi the no* ol tho M'dlotin ^nl l bava bad no ■ -tan of thedl*oa»o. and IMf* nro qa aain* or w«iiuH* iclt in my larga I do tho hhrv* e*t bind of m.chunU , *l work, and fool *• v*ll *• over «lnc» I »•» * boy. The*. I tMJMJf .nndtrinl •UtomonU to make, bnt I »m honert aben I *ay ib»t I owe my and h-oJlh ■*- d.) to Swift’. spocIBo. It I- in. uni niadictn* thrt Lronnht m. »ny p nuouent r.l*)(. 1 oo *ot o*y th.t Swift's 1 0'.'Clhc will do tbiii ln «'-r) «>^5ol most u that It hu don. ths* sort for ms. au<l I woutd ba rt»creuat to jha duty Iftfft ro puffarlog » uuiaii’ty If I fal’ad to bear thin chaar- ful ta'.Umouv io the murlis of thl« mediclii* 1 am web kuown in tha cilr of j Mooftj «oma y, and can rafar lo »o re of tha baat ettu u* of iharftf. TJBlUT. W*.n.gcmarv. Ala. June 2», mb. 8wllt’. Spuc.&c I* tatiroly v*c*t*bi*. Tr**li** M Blood •»* ok In d*ln DI*mm« mallod fro*. T«» -wirr s'tcmo Co, Bi.y« i AIl**Aa. Oa, •i ia; W J»i 81. * T. ■ itawll axt M «• Ml . -S. .1