Newspaper Page Text
by Yotn
MBr «v*Bl»« «-*» Mnllrtt,
hw lo *ku*«f to Um Hlta,
' Ink hhu la Ha««r rtwoA Imt—
X*r, faa 'awth Iha window cyan
Dow a Ml
UK hi* fail I* iMmm auk.
Da iMrilM.
Cllwiiw *( I ha PalM Baalau.
The theory baa long been advan
that the polta 01 greatest oold are
ooiaddent with the terrestrial poles,
and that the lowest mean tempera-'
tare Is to be found in the region of
lane rhrer in Siberia. Thla Idea was
oaeotu'ged by the fhot, among
oMmsb, that the Polaris party reported
a mUder ellmate at Thank Ood Her-
her than Kaoe experienced about
two.hundred miles farther sooth,
wpsitofibs armament, howsvor,
wkleb setatee to the Lena near valley
Is' directly eontradtotad by Lieut
Grady's obsarvatloBa for two yean
yet Uhaeretd, about-4° FAhrenbelk.
Grin till Land, therefore, as for ae we
yet,know, |s the ooldeat part of tke
aomern hemisphere , . „
Danish Greenland, whose mean
tem(>erature borers around the frees
tag point, le burled under hundreds
af feat of foe.simply baoaose about
two Inohas of loo forms In wlntar
mors than Is thawed ont in anmmer.
The authorities In terrestrial pbyalae
a rse that it Wodld require only a
ght change in elimetto conditions
to remove Greenland's lee blanket
and oover the land with verdure.
Were it not for the pne roe of these
immense loe masses constantly re*
frigerating the air, the summers of
Dantah Greenland woold be ae warm
ae those of England. Mr Wallace Is
af the opinion that If the two arctic
©orrents that flow aontb along both
aldea of Greenland were diverted
from that country, the great Ice man*
fie would rapidly disappear, and the
country might eve 3 become foreet*
clad and habitable. Mr CroU agrees
with him In this opinion, and noth
Mr CroU and Bir William Thomson
believe that It would not take a very
large Increase In the temperature and
volume of the Atotlo branch of the
gnlfstream to pioduoe the eame re
’ Thu powerful modifying influence
that the great odean currents from
the south exert upon olimatee la no
where so strikingly manifested ae
along the north coaet of Norway,
which baas milder temperature than
hny other part of the world in the
name latitude. At this moment the
little town of Boeeekop, lying at the
foot of a fiord woiob opens Into the
lay watera of the Arotio ocean, wrap
ped la the twilight of the wlhter
night, la subsisting largely on the
grain that was rais >d last summer on
the valley forms in a latitude about
ulx hundred miles north of the south
end of Greenland TIiIb ferule spot
lathe most northern place In the
World where wheat and rye rlpea
It la the opinion of 8ir William
Thomson and other physicians that
the proliflo.anlmal and vegetable life
which covered Greenland and the
neighboring lands In a former geo-,
logical age, whose fo a'l remains
have been found in abuudanoe, was
due to warm ocean currenla flowing
north at a time when our continent
had not yet ripen stove the surface to
impede or divert the coarse. There
aeence, after all, to be no Inherent
ImpicbnbMtty in the theory, to elnoi-
date whtnh two b >oka have reoently
k 1xen written, that human life ex a •
ed, and perhaps originated, in these
polar lauds before the present pop
ulous parts of the earth were habi
table.—New Yirk Bun.
Won**. as |, nsltn.
, Joseph Hatton, In a letter written
from Euglaud, says:
A list of American women pat
entees has oalled the atteution of
aooial reformers to this interesting
subject, and while the number on thla
aide of the Atlantic of women who
have taken out paten's for new in
ventlons is very small Indeed, when
compared with ihose of the United
fitatea, the oumbjr of paten's grant
ed to women from July, 1P84, to the
end of Msroh In the current year of
3886, shows a great luorease on pre
vious years, and is not without spe
cial Inrereet at the present moment
It is, however, noticeable that
While t- American women soar
right into the masculine
atmosphere of tneehaqioal and solen-
tifio research and invention, English
Women are mostly content with what
is generally regarded by men as their
own partu war sphere: White tan
Atheil an woman invents the Buf-
jop.norseebce machine, an EMklfeh
.wcr^u takes out a patent for anion-
•toyed pea soup; while Mre Mary E
Waltren perfects a system fqr dead-
eoing the sound o! elevated railroads,
Oft , Etglkh a'4e*. a govyrneSB,
patauta a regis'.erlng label andimeaDs
bf attvebment to boots and shots at
hotels and other establishments;
while.Mts A H Manning invents a
new mowing aud reaping machine
Cn your aide of the water, the English
widow of a bookseller register*
improvements for the man
pfaenre of bread; Mrs
Mather, In the United mates, Im
proves the deep *ea telescope, and
Mrs Jones, oi E igl-iud, makes a com
pound sardine paste, and so on. Not
that I would infer there is no evi
dence of higher mechanical genlne
than la represented by these English
£ stents, for, among others, women
ave taken ont papers for improve-
S enta in piano forte key-board*, In
• manufacture of non-alcoholic
bevengte, fruits, and Improv.menta
n connte'k.'o with circular frame
knitters. The comparison 1 hats
given abova Is, nevertheless, a Just
one, altboagh it foay folrly be e rid
for English women that Joel sa they
are only new entering upon a oou’se
lUaaT freedom, they
ofeoatol and.pollt
are only beginning to
role of Inventors."
taka up tha
rsisE an si a few
If so they wity find in our office
many such letter* as the following,
but n6ne that are entitled to moat
! consideration;
With my dxperienee l prohotmee
IS* «rewia el aheaeaiB.
Ttta Indnstrtal growth of tin south
during the last few years has been
mawslouttafid there fa every Indtoa-
aud pemurnent gSw^f Sfoth'SS | BREWERS tUNG RESTORER
lina atone baa Inofsaacd bar manu- . the best Jong remedy made. Four
faotured products in the last five Q f my brothers and sisters had
117,000,000 to over 6*8,- with consmuijfbn, and about
000,000: her agricultural machinery 4-
from 68,000 000 to 64,600 000; her sg- I |‘ hree i 7®“*. “^° 1 7^“® BO
rlculturai productions from 642,000 - . hausted by Ion- oontmued cough,
000 to660 600,000, and her live stock accompanied with low fever and
from 612,000.000 to 621 000,000 | night sweats, that I could barely
It must be remembered that Sou.h ^ ^bont, and my friends gave np
Carolina is not the toremoet oi the . -r r. •_ _?
eonthern states in multiplying her »11 hope. I ooughetF so moessaatly
Industrial products. Georgia, Ala
bama and probably North Carolina
surpass bar In Industrial growth; but
South Carolina has had graver raoe
problems to solve than any of tha
other southern states exospttng only
The industrial growth in iha south
la no sudden or accidental affair. It
la only the baglnnlng of the wonder-
fol advaneemeat the aoath is about
to make In adding po her own and
fit bar for more than doubling that
surplus, next year, and tha next de»
oadewlll witnisi the south closely
pressing the north in every channel
available for her Industry.
The south will largely multiply her
demand for iron and ooal within the
next fow yean and furntah the iron
and ooal from her own mllla and fur
naces, and the day Is dose at band
when the cotton of the sooth will be
all spun and mainly woven by her
own msgnlfloent water power and
her own tabor that la materially
obaapaned by tha gentler olimate.
And when furnaces and oottoL mills
dot tha south whenver needed, every
form df diversified Industry will fol
We basard little in saying that the
next decade will present a more pros
perons industry in the aoath than in
the north. There are many natural
causes to contribute to that result,
and the southern people are now,
for the first time, prepared to utilia .*
their great advantages. Thlaeonthern
growth does not mean paralysis or
leoay |u northern industry, but tt
means' that what the south can do
betMk for heraaif than the north can
do for her will be done by her own
enterprise, and the progressive people
of the north will readily adapt them
selves to the new order of things.
The new wealth of the eontb will be
largely diffused throughout the
north, go# southern prosperity will
mean the common prosperity or the
whole country.—Philadelphia Times
Ton are allowed a fires trial of thirty
days of the use of Dr Dye’s Celebrated
Voltaic Belt with Bleetrio Suspensory
Appliances, for tha apaady rebel and
permanent ears of Nervous Debility,
lose of Vitality and Manhood, and all
kindred troublse. Also for many oth
er d Issues. Complete restoration to
health, vigor and manhood guaranteed.
No risk la Incurred. Illustrated pam
phlet, with full information, terms,
, daotT
The irtnola militia la being consoli
dated. There will be six regiments of
Infantry, one balls ion of oavairy and
two bauarlaa
There's one tooth-wash, tha ladles'
Beloved by bailee o'er every "wash"
Oue dentiirioe there la supremely bleat,
A sweeter, faet'er one than a'l the res’i
And yon will find, In every land the
That fOZODONT la Its old. familiar
name. sataetu thetw
A German farm laborer, in his own
oouutrs, can support hts family on
1«as than 61 10 a week. Be prooabiy
bakes hie own pies and lakes his oys
ters raw.
Don’t hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and
dlsguat everybody with your, flauslve
h re» h, but use Dr Sage’s Ualarrh
R nieily aud end It.
"Nothing 1* secret," said Thackeray.
P.wnibly this may bare been original
with Mr Thackeray, but. 'hero are
oil ius who believe he got 1 from a
married man.
Ska Sreataat Madiael Triumph of tha Age!
RfNlPTOMff tip a
Aeeawfinpsetlsa, Vowels ooatl v* Pale la
th« hmdi with m doll MMUlon ta tlifl
taellnaaloam mertlea of hair ermine,
Irrltabiltir of temper, Law aplrlta, with
afeeliaB of having naglectad aomedatp,
Weanness, Dlzzinosa, Fluttering at the
Heart. Dots before the eyes, Headache
ever the right eye. Reotleaaoem. with
Utfkl dren no. Highly colored Urine, and
TUTT’S FEU.Buro especially adapted
to such cases, one doso eltucls suoli a
change of feeling as to astou loll tlie sufferer.
^TbejXiimpoacethe Appctite,and caiue tha
suovnte* the body, makes healthy Oeeh,
atrangthena the weak, repair* the wastes of
tee system with pure blood and hard muscle;
that I could not deep »t all. After
tzving several lung medicines I be
gan the use of BREWER'S LUNG
RESTORER and waa greatly ben
efited by the first bottle, gaining
flash and strength and renaming
work. I continued to take it and
•m as stoat now m I ever waa, rare
ly ever cough, nor do I suffer with
my lungs any more than if th«y had
never been effected.
' I am never without a bottle, of it
in my house. Daring the winter I
S ave it to my little children, even a
ttle fellow three years old, for any
thing like oorrmoit’ colds, or when
they show any evidence of croup,
and. always with tbe most satisfac
tory results. Very truly,
Barnesville, Ga.
Brewer’s Lung Restorer contains
no opiates in any form.
The Or!final and Only CenniM.
*»*«■* *1™. •/ W-Hhl-M InitMtaw
lu liflfoifotafo . »YI
TV. nh know* C
R»wojj%I{»wr5^oW»r»*|!iwdud wuwd.
, Sr8S!i wm ‘
^ . . , .^I*wd *nd
a««l»Bbr non* la Mlrtaw of i«y*r.
MWrlM*g*r*M of dlawM* ol atokn***,
Onro-MbMjMnu 1 atnbborn Mood*on
mwniMSMd onAkw* • n«gl*h dfonlaUai
niMlnstw Boll*. Oubanolw and Scold*
P-rn.n-ntlr and woBptly cat** ParalyaW.
Vw. It i* • ekoraUng on* kmlthAU. AaW ■
Km* Borofml* and King** Brfl, twin bn
Ob*u«-g bod bmth to food, r.mort** OI
Bonn Bllloun*** and etaora oowalaaloi
O analag raaolrtat and matohlow lazat
ItMwaSHaodiahaIlka tha wind.
itolia •
MS whoa oil'opTitii faii,
blMa th* mind and lzilgocat’* tho bodp.
Oar— Drampaiai or woaay rafnndad.
[■5i* ,D «. b V 0 5 e ’ 4lt/ toonaand
paoAlog phyalctoaa In V S and Bnropo
bo ding alwgraaan In U 8 and Karoo*.
Mmmm o' Iha Mood own tt t eon«n*rw.
Vataol*by nilloadtasDrag!lata. SIM,
ft* lr. Kk. lickani Itnti«€§., Pna'rt
Oaaiaapandanea ftaol- anawrr-d by Vhyaldan,
. ‘rot laatuar nail ood etranlar* dead it*Br-
For aol* by Bram-ou dt vwnua.
Lt»V» Mu hgoinb 1
99 Hoteeiilfte U....a L... ...
M ' »J l|0>ChRp n ht .*».»* aaeeaaeae poo— . -naooasaa
A O r '* ,, ^*.00
2 25a a
8 25 a u
4iJft a ir
7|55 a ill
fti6* a m
Bill a m
9:27 a m
5t*7 a m
9:60 a »
10l05 <t 0
*85 p u
6:15 p a
8 40 p a
7:15 p l
7:10 pa
825 r »
.06 ^ ai
m P m
f*tSl p m
10:10 p 0
iu:4n p m
iiitki p m
Arn?e (J 'lumuu* —-
8:55 pm
.iMYt F lbt#»S*4M*«OM»MS«f M MS. M ..M
** At?RfktR.ooooooo#00*000 00 a. eoaaeea oo—eo -eaeeo
4:58 a on
7iSS • w
10:49 . a
1:51 p v
2 40. m
10:06 a 0
Vie Ovnlrei B 1 rofod—
ClMfi AiieaU.h «• I4MIMM INtmN 4MWMM
Arrive Meeotto—eeeeeeWe—*** assseeoeiws
19 SHMHoanMd.
2)45 pm
9iS7 p m
0)55 • m
10:40 p m
5:55 o m
VlD MNOfgM HiUluM-
IlMTe Alleeta MHawn sooesoooeonao—ooeea seeoaooM
Arrive Aoilll^i yo*oo*#oe wma ******
w Obn efc#Nk
8.-00 a m
i 8:16 p m
' 5:40 p &
8)40 p B
9:10 p B 1
4 29 , mi
.. - j
■ • o. 1
•! ■ <4. rul
Via FioOm’i Air Lino fcV m * is o Aaa<
Leeee AttlBtl.aiHfJlWloosohaMMiMiS oWPSPottw
Arrive C|bt7|(HtetM4»**st.HIM ••add* Msnutat
’’ „ Rjohmoud 7r - <ww> '"n'-i
' Waobingtoo
" Baurmof#.... — ;................
<* " Fallal«lohlp..iu.iiu.. ~....
” Now T irk
• 45 a tt
•tl#p ao
it40 p o
8|40 p nf)
5110 pm
5:01 ■ CD
•too t 0
9:80 • *p
■ • Ji-'ti
) h, U •:
1 i
i 1 •" : 1
1 , " 1 '
' lo lllrOI.1
: • v-l-i rt
oairnnw, fh. Boy. 10th.I Mft
U man* follow*,
■All Train Ns, 1—Being Weal (flABy)
Inn Union Knot, tu a l
L—t. BroodStnatDoyot,Oolnwbua tdlpt
Anrly. -t TJnlonK.rlnd 1:40 r I
Li »r« Union Spring* ....... 7 4# * a
An-!— nt Tror.„_.„ . t If p n
‘- 1 - -* 7:B p ■
Arrit# ot Knfanla. — th p a
MAIL Tit AIN NO 3 (Dolly).
loot. Montgomaty..— T;W on
Iwnyo Xfiga..|i.wi..iiii...inwinm 7*2*n a
Arrlr-at Union 9ft4n«a.....— 0:10 a *
hnw Union K-rlnga—02*. c
Arrtn nt *u'-"'* !«•«« n n
Arrlr. at Oolnwbna .latapn
(Dolly Kzoopt Sunday).
Lnn Oolnaabna Union l-m, ■ a*S p ■
No 4 (Daily faooat Baxter)
Lwr^Unlon Bprhyw— ^ jjjjr-
Mo 6 (Dolly Kxoopt Madq) .'i •* i
t ORi«> jwilMAm^ +-LI.wfoo- Mill
is mem ■■
NoSfDn lySkosyt Si
„ *i Montgow-n.
Im» Union Snringa. ow . n
Arrtr. M Rrond Stenat Dosot.CotainbTug.1 -WaMVn
Arrtr. at Union Bapot "rlumtmii ■ i mtUTtsa
n a, utlt xawa, a. *r. aT' ^* CT ' Ag *'*4y*
rhe flrs> Class Dtrcst Bouta te al 1 Isslera Cltls. 60S 111 s in
, . i lsw lark tkss vta Lsulavllla
Close esnuoaMon mo-o with Piedmont Ate Ijus, Attaotta OMta Lino, m4
nmelnnatl Bouvh«vu. O ily *7 hours and »1 mtoataa from Montgomaty to New
Y.rk, and only 66 houra amd^lO^mlnutsd jfrtm Wiw Tors tgMontgomay.
i January * 1881
F • Marion;
Arrive Selma,
Leave Belna-
Vo. U.
Vo it
Vo. 6.
enliman Fa-ace tors on Irsh« 61 nnV It, 'ew Oiieans to 11 asking tan,
wick nt* luge T ’ ™
South D mud Tmalua—
Leave AtlsnISm».•
" O.ilumbu*
" Opelika...
” Auburn.
" L"«ehapoka.....M M
" Votaaulgn
" Ohsbaw.
•’ Cow let
Arrive Montsomar, -
Leave Montgomerv..
Arrive Solmr.
Leave 8etms... M .
Arrive Meridlin —....
” Greensboro „
" Akrou
Leave Akron. ......•«............ ...
Arrive Vorldlar ,.„ M .
» Yl ksburg
’ Bhwwn *• ....
No. 60
No. 62.
Vo. 4.
1*10 p D
2 80 p a
9 66 p n
4|25p d
4:68 p d
1:02 a p
2 57 an
6:05 p p
8:21 a n
6:18 p n
8 67 a n
6 28 p n
4:18 a v
6.48 p u
l 46 an
4:51 am
8:00 p n
6:26 am
8:66 p k
2:60 a n>
7:25 a m
8t20a m
'2'iOa m
*00 p m
4 12 p m
6:42 p DO
6:46 p m
7 65 p m
U40 p m
Vo e
lfl:t* a m
10:18 a m
11:22 a m
11:62 a m
12:10 p m
lt!7 p m
S>40 ? m
7 85 p m
10:05 p m
10:50 p m
12;46 a m
1:00 n m
2:6ft am
0:25 a m
12:40 p m
11:10 » w
Through Oonob fiom Mootgomery to Mt ridinu, makiug oaiy one ohangs
to Yiekaburg and Shreveport. Trains 00 end 51 eonnne' st Ohsbaw wlthTus-
OHAS H OROMWVLL, Genl Pass Agent!
. rXOIti GABKSTT. Q -tf- 1 M-nngor , * 1 ■ <Hf
(ABtnU, SMUWeMtftt * AifthgWifti 4 MllMUi A* 4
Antrma.mUU.^Arara.byqra^^Mjr^dg^ .
after SDNDAI, Nov ISIS, MM, jam—• ttataalw gfitio toamt Wt
'f— i «r-t
•—aapaaa 1 • <0»ta*0 1 O.U DJIl
1 15:10 pm
Ly Gi'ffla Ar
4.r.„Nawn-->. ..Ar
Ar. OaiVollton Ly
8:0 am
i It01
- 1 ....
1 AO 61
1 Ace.
No l» it H *■ . 1 M’y, !>o a*"'
F-.a'g 1 -aaii hGa. If **'g’
N.« O*
140 on
8i0 m
4 61 am
4 St mu
die .vm
7 80 Ml
1000 am
114 pm
i 84 pm
4 1« ptt
6 tS pn
6 42 in
7 26 pn.
Ly... H Haoon..M. Ar
Ar ron yallay Ar
Ar Smltbyllla Ly
Ly Smlttoyllla Ar
Lv ...Kuianla-Ar
Lt. Union Sp’gaAr
Ai ...MonU’y,..lA
6 If pm
4 01 pm
144 pm
124 pm
10 60 an-i
818 am
8 la am
7 48 an
10 66 am
8 41 pro
7 67 pm
6 20 pm
W* V9'IM*Y<
t l * - «
,; BT
No 66
No b>
P »*g’
t -tiger,a w ga—Alla-, No. *• i mu 64
No, s- 1 ay Line. IPr'o'b^ IP- ai-’g’r
No Mi
Faas 1
1 48 pm
6 45 pm
7 62 pm
7 62 pm
8 46 pm
846 pn
16 45 pm
Ar Fort Valley
Lv Fort Valley At
Ar Smithviiis L\
Lv Bmithvllla At
Ar....Alb4my». I *
6 66 am
6 68 am
5 (16 am
5 06 am
4 10 am
N V* B. M.-yer-l No. 22t No. 241 |
rj Braath. t Pnaa*.
8 40»m| 8 48 pna
1 46 -ml 846 pm
S00pmili 16 nmiLv PortVailay Ai i' * 46i>mi 646 ami... 1.
845paalino ml Parry,,Lv| aUOpml sus&mj
tagfeiiag rfshaafag £5
a-FMI NO. 28f I
! 8 16pui1I.V4.U*t*bia/t...Ar 1 U28nm| *.
18pm I “
4 SIpmlAr Fnrt.GnlP
agttlu Tin
;v« »i;voT
S' Iesk 1^:::|bsfel jsi'.: - 3g
, No. 6 » I 54o 20» I
.tpuss’g’ji Aon I
':t%z IfeK jS|g f siq 6 .s:»|
| 678am| 2 HirmTAr Oommbqa aj|u <0a fc .l 810 pw|
i'ralD- N<> ii 2j dally
toaary and Waroroaa.
Train* marked thna • rnn dally: tmiaa
Botwnan Barannah and Annual*, train* Bo*. M
■ ‘ aid AUaata, traBM Son
&ca?Maad tabatwaaa Bataanah
id JaokanntUla. aad throngb gttttng oarhatw,
wayercaa. Through Palace Slwplng Oar batwaen Mont-
thaat ran dan? aza-ptSaadayi tralna marked lhaitnu
oaaal*atUatoaBasatMakes OMeeMadnata*etir.
'm*, T S*^uuuri{i. ^ ^ Q.'mT?firaAD? , o5i*?l‘5ii. Argul
Monteytlio Lump the Old Reliable,
i Chipln
t Groan
Leave Ooii
Arrive at
Arrive it|
NoS-rraigm and A
Leave Oolnaabna
I ABltt as Ohias«yCir!1^7i,’TiRVN
coiuaivi t wester t tr
. . v VC-
1'SIISWI^—"■» nil
If In.
-n- i l;.i ’ ’i.. i saw
ttus'--"^ 1 ?‘" 11 '* * ■»
MM ill', ,„:l ssspm
tiataa an dlaaonlinar 1 tarthopcaaM
» fMPmrv
n« mojsTlhanjcy. 1
kX Broad siraat, over VlttlaAdk.Klnaai'
OOI4 ly
D ». O. t. OSBT7BN,
(Sooosssor lo Dr J M Masos.)
Offlw next, door lo Bsollfi HfiRis
RDtrsQOR AS Blddls*s RDlipnr oi
Yy ^ F. TIONkfL 1
A™ 1 *
* A m. •SUGGS. OHoo lad Ta
rpHOHAS * OHANDUUA * •> n I .
Offloo 118 Bfoad^t ,<ai> * y **ctafttfta..(
rilt b b hobt. 1 —
•howoNn Ilf
I ■ ...iVtaSkN-,
LBOKIDAB M'XmfoaA ,« $ SXlfW
iJJ _ Auomaya at Law.
Offloa ov-r o K Pi —rtr*a Oollow
dona promptly attended to sad prnoaod*
forward ad. , . WW^ia,*#
OBea an <T
Broad and lltb atropt* , Handsaaroard
* HrW '-d’. p-p-B a-o , v
S. SMITH. -'M.H. 7
, . . i, %. NEWMAN. T
We, nre now prepared to do Mr
Work and Btacksmitiuimr done in
first-clasa order. In addition' to
our shop • we have a good ho-se-
shoer. Puinting and Trimming
done to order. Give us a trial ana
satisfy yourself. S!h6p pn Ran-
dde77 •6d*wim
Having ordered, in from the. vu-
ons express offices all my suits pf
is past season that were not taken,
beautiful line of CUSTOM-
ADE SUITS will be sold regard
less of cost. Anyone coming • in
with the Cash and making an' offer
win be apt to' get a suit. Come
quickly and secure a bargain.
• Now arriving a large tot of
~-p6K- ^ "■
^ J' 1 Ilf 7 l‘» •
ai 1880 i
S^tJHklps Ba»v» d® Jk«aaurp- siotA tar
im«."'g il n w :hm nail gup in >
- dseiking MuiHlMtCiirer*'' • *•
m A a 1 rcfutt.inib,OM
■ l.av, n,. , .. ; mil y”" -
My Residence, cortier Broad s
Fpw Streets, containiiig ’ spi
rooms, with latest improvemeii
4 room brick kitohen, two lax
cisterns and well of good w&t
half acre lot. Possession git
immediately. Terms easy
decSS dtf
Thaa-aro ui*r*r>r*.to*!•*aPparoaaaoaaowMd.
kladrad andaradllon to ahow copa* Ifoay jhay ban.