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Ortfilmi Hnadrcd Frmlll'6 ?ll)(d
■mi ky
Pl«pk-4ilM Mn|It* W
■MltflM Mjina
raw Iiiiy rm|llw4i«ni|r-n>i M'
lata WaaH< la Bar WiM
K would baa blaming to Uio paoplaof
Oolumbua If they could know bow mnab
'J | Waaa and V fferls|. Ma , woman and
abUdrau who yaaaiday morning could caa
nothing but tha daik aloud* of edvaralty
and daatlluUou hanging Otar them, want
to their Bounty b da laat night with thair
appalltaa appaaaad and a waim flra bar*
B A Canon, will raaah than*. There ara
| mart oral* cabs*
tqaaily aa bad, and wa aonlu oanta adopt*
of than whloh have oonaa andar oar ob-
| sarva'lon la tha laat two daya. Thara ara
poor naan, woman and llttia ahlldron la
thia oliy who aro aold, alafc and hangry
ntnaanv* *W> •< ahlMaorpIrg, Many hove baaa aappiladi
■al%^,1, mta got. It wa* act known antu
yaatarday that thara la aa maab anffitlag
aa raaUy aalata, end It 1* oaaaad by tha aa
trama aold. Many that ara In a balplaaa
aondltlon tbl* mcrn'ng will act rcq ilra
mtituia If. thfy o n p-ly Jsrldga eve*e
|enqbra Ipe aufliflhg
and-chanty Oo Ihens
iUS! grrtuBdafaalm ht >ha he*t« of tblm “r"*' f
now la e’-erlty Inde K
I Tan vunna ana uniustud
that ware eontrlbutad to thla t IB t, but If
i any will tend provisions, aiotbing, 'hoar,
I or any hlrg alaa they may daalra, to thla
aMBMad Malm aaaw tado,ttT*i
a am. rukimaa taOiaat MMn.aa.Mii mm(•
tsartex-—.* a data IMMi
auaaaw la AnaiBrltaU.iLiMt ts —alia—I nm
■cauli tatundy—Ur J W Out*
B. eraser Baut—v. A Kttak
MaMtoariBao Mala of Uothingand Mala
_ a a Ohanaallor
a Feral oily omd Waya~ Tha Baohlta
■Maao CMUMaHaa,
Obtaf Faunae w.a cui ania io laarn y*a>
tarany wnothar tha man arnatad at Tea-
aumbla waa Wintoa or not, aa Ballifl Ha-
Miehaal and Mr Waltar Guru* mtaaad eon
naatian hi Monigoaaary and nau o lay
ewar thara, Tbay taiagirpbad on to tha*bal of Tnienaabia to bold them d,aa
tbay would bn than on tha flint train.
A (mall Mm.
A mnail tanamani nouaa owned by lira
Kata Mitchell, and toeatad on north Jack-
aoo auaat, wan ouud to bo on flra r eater•
day morning about day. The flra wa* ala-
aoaarad by neighboia, and waa axtiu-
gutanao batora aaueh damage waa dona,
Inly a email hole being curat in tbe 11 tor.
Tha bonce la unoeoupud, and it la anppoaad
tout acme one nadapentitte night In U aad
left n flap burning on 'ha hearth.
i • Marriage at aaaaaa.
.At ,4>a home of Uia bride in G note on
Tuaaday at U o’eock, Mr Henry B K m-
brougb, olT ibotton.uad Mica My- p*aen»|
ware on Had to mairiaga. The ceremony
wa* pariormad by B«v Hr Hayaa in the
M* Ofnlnrg* number of raiatiyaa a d
ins upon tee hearth. Thar. war. Ill, W * M * U “‘ M
ilm supplied with wood delivered st thalr tt# * who ara naady and in dla.rm*. It
hoaao* during tha day yaatarday, and la
the mart diatl uta abaca, where hungry
woman and chi Id ran who had nothing la
tb a world to eat, provision* for immediate
n**amll1m ware given them. In addition
t( the aghUIkuUon* flaraiolhra taealvad,
tha Mlowiag *o#e .5
naotivnn tiut*»dat
Mr* J D haaltb
A widow
W H Touog,
A J Young
Mra M A 8irappar u .
Loula Hanna*—„
Mra O Walkal
John W Bandars „„
Total aaab^^.... m -
Blanchard, Booth
-11 01
. 600
.10 00
„ 710
. 16
- 00
i la an* of Talbollon'a moat »rc«
gramiwaned popular yonng bualaam man,
and la a genial and upright young gentle
man. The bride la on* of Geneva's moat
■harming young Indian, and In nar the gal
lant Konm hmiauud a Jewel beyond ptfaa
To# Happy young couple have a beetof
trtaiida la thla elty wbo ex and omgr-lu-
MUona and beat wlebae.
(Mil Cold.
»tbar considerably yea.
, put It wa* atlii aold laat night, Ihe
cater ragleiarlng 33 at 11 o'clock, It
yaatarday about noon to to at tha
tdwara wt a oonaidaiubia avldanea
, tt^vraaiherin ma thawing loo in
•UN# !*(***«' lfore wra u quantity of
*•* .. Mt& 4* ..tpa. rlvar yaatarday
morning, and tha ataa er Naiad’s
dupartuta had tci ha daiatred until to day.
Ida waa O iailof down tha aiream all tha
mornln-. On Tata lay morning a UUu
•heat ol 1m eovarad both tha taaarvoiis at
Uia water worke, and tha iharmomatar waa
down to 14 at 7 o'clock On the prcytbna
day at tha nai hour the thermometer waa
aalow aa 10 above ana.
Mr. Dona's condition.
. Mr John F Oona, wbo waa shot and nub-
bad by Mr W G Sbahaa, nt Boon, Ain, la
dalle oritloal- AU of on* aid* of tala fee* la
tanlbly mangled and on# or hi* eyas waa
shot on'. Mr Cone haa made a statement in
vrblrh ha aayn that ha doea not know why
BhaflM shot him, H* lays that ha
waa la front of tb* fir* with
hi* hook to Sbebe* and the
am thing thtt aitraeiad hi* attcatlon wm
tfieooeklng of a gun. H,looked and saw
Bhabaa about twenty lea. from him with
tha gnn leveled on bi n. B.iura be had
Mm# to lay or do anything snahaa shot
him and than slabbed him wllb iha meat'
knue. Bhabaa la oat under bond,' and wa
andaiaund that hla itaiaineat ool Alois
materially wltb that of Mr oona.
t • < , 1, .
Mia* Ida foaanh bee re arnad to the ally
after spending aevaiai weeks in Atlanta.
Dr churlae 1, WuUama, of Baals, waa In
Mr J A Oaboniy, of Montgomery, la In
tha elty.
Mr Thomas Campbell, of Cleveland, O, la
vlaitlng tha ally, Mr Campbell la a former
'Mr M J Matcher, of Maaoa, waa in tha
alty yaatarday.
Mr M MeGair , f fiatahaehnbbaa, wa* In
thaaMy yaatardey.
Mr J L Debate; editor of tha Hamuton
J*nthal, waa la She city ymtardaj. “v/-
MicaMitthlc Con, haa ra otnad from a
planaant visit to raiaiivaa in Troy, Ala.
Dr O D Ban retnrned from Baon yaster-
« 1 > i ;i» ma .V—- i .
spat cash.
M B’Ourtla will apucar lo bis nawplay, 1
"Spot r «ah," a. Springer opera hones Btw
nrday night. Beearved eeaie oao be b>4 al
dbafUtt's this mrnnin*. The PhlladalpMn
Pubi.e Le'igar mvet
•'M Bosnia, wan and favorab'y known
to Philadelphia playgoer* by hla bamotoat
preeenution o' Bcm'l oi P. een,* opined at
the Arch Btrael Uua re lest night In a now
play of the tame cb»r«cter—‘Hpot caabt or,
Scm'i o'Posen on llio Brad,' Tba play le
Intended ae a s<qu.l o' thet In which be
haa made hlmmif knowt throogbont the
country aod in whioa taa has been so ami*
neatly aaosemful It fairly brlallm all over
with fanny my Inga, fl.ahaa of wit and
•oenei oi tha most ocmioal aad laaghabla
characar. That li will teas great a ana*
dam In thla el'y aa in iha west. Pa recep
tion laat avrotag las lairgnaraaiaa, <(pot
CUah* will, t. la aaeraaced. be presented
«very avtnmg u.we wa*A and at tha ragnlnr
matinee onBatarday."
A HalT- Oua
Mra Panala Tnrnai—Clothing
Mra Mary Hartman—Floor, meat and
Mica Qalile Pond—Clothing
Mr* Thomas Dudley—Clothing
Bmpira Mills—Tan gaeki of Hoar
Oily Mill*— bnehels oi meet
Mrs J Hansard—Two aaoka of tt iur
Kirn A Look—Ton atekcol 11 nr
Mra A O Pina alien—Load of wood
T <at«rday morning tha vary haadeoma
eontrlbailon made by J Kyi* A Or wag
credited la J K.-lc On a Co. Mr Orr made
a oaah aontrlbbtlon ol M'
waa bagua at an airly hoar yaatarday
morning and oontinned until dark. Ol the
81* lamlllu eoppllad with wood, we do not
hallav* that ary imposition waa made upon
tba charily of the people No family wa*
supplied who waa not known to ha in naad,
or who brought recommendation* Bom
parsons who war* known to ha reliable. In
a grant maay oaaas a representative of thla
paper, in connection with the chief ol
pellet wanton* into the various comma- ^
will not ha a dMBaalt matter to Had them,
nor wiu iha arlls’as aa given to any but
deceiving parson* nnd this* whom v*
know to bo so. Another thing wo daalra to
■ay nit bar* to that If
. •• anvnnog nobLAM f v
In each toasAtrlbntad to^rV li wlUabhbla
'Mr Oampball and Mr Klnjt to purchase 1M
oordacl wood which U ay cannot othat wtoe
do. Thla will farntob wood to aopply nU
Immadlatc wants and will enable Dr Camp-
ball to eeriy on Iha good work ol relieving
tb* wnnta of the poor for woed lor some
tlma to coma. It to an opportunity that
ahonld not ba lost. Wa know thai thla to
o' toot and 676 could not pomlbly ba bettor
expanded or mad* to go art her In ihe way
ol charity.
Oao dollar given now will ba worth
many dollar* given later on. Oiv* Util*II
yon aannot give more, Tha all-important
thing to to glv* and glvt quickly,
bcaldee hat whloh cmanatad through the
Bxqirinxn Bun (Am, haa baon extended
to iha poor within iha peat few daya, nnd
it baa bear ol no Util* eonatqucaoa, Tha
county eommtoalooara have donatad wood
and tha pastors of taa various ohurohaa and
•'her*, among them many ladles, have
baon locking altar daiutnt* auaa. I i*
not hallooed that the people «U1 allow any-
•n4 to anffer when they know of each n
ease. While cold, hunger nnd dmtltnUan
have bean in a large maaiura bantohad for
Iha prccant, I her* are soma that have not
yet bean reached. Let the good work go on
I aaUI all (ball nt least ba aad* comfortable
or oomparaUvcly so.
nltlm and aaeartaiaad the want* and
immadlat* naad* of iha app loanta The
same oration waa obaoivad by Bov Dr
Campbell, who ramntnad at hla cilia* all
day aog.gad in Iha work, 1. to aa a to
say Ui«t ni iaty par ooat of Iha diatrl-
bnilona mad* F*stard*F want wkai* It
could do the moat good; and. parhapa,
ovary on* worthily haa to wad. Thla
waa dona In a quiet way and mmy
who went away iniukL g nothing would
b* done for them found that they bad
not bean overlookd after ihey war*
found proper eabj om for aid. And
It #aa ! iwyrned V*at«M# ?
la what the destitute naedad. Yesterday
attarnoon the city physician directed the ***• 1
a tcnllon of an Bmqdibeb Bum rtpreccnt- j
allva to a sick f.mijy ^p ihe *g*l*rn.Bar|ipf l,otgj 0 m fl
ting the place we found ^ncRue'tni
—Hub OoUlna hat signed wl h Savannah
as a fielder. .
-Mr Pulaski Halt, j-, had Mia* Bulk
Baapaaa war* married at Bailor on Mon
-Bav Dr Haatar waa alaalad praaldant ol
tha oonrt which mat in A ante ymtarday
to try Bav Dr Armatrong.
—Little Draglam PhlUlpa, tbrao years
old daughter of Mayor BB Phillips, of Bnu
ler, died of sroup on Monday night thall'h
-Indications for the sooth Atlantia
■talas: Cloudy weather aad looal rains,
praeadad in tba aastarn pardon by uu
weather; wind* generally easterly, warm
•rand higher baromatar.
-Wa laarn that it waa Mra I r Cary wbo
lout tha IIM on Uta train balwaan thla oily
-* BbBrwfagolag to Math M/or*
husband, wha to pracohln*
I aired.
tha elty. On reaching the place
the father upon a aick bed, where be haa
bean tor three wet ke. Tba mother waa al
most in a belpieae aondltlon. Five blight-
eyed little oblldren—ibree girls and two
bays- wire bovariag over iba few sticks of
wood In tba flrapiaoe. Tbeli leal ware bare
aa4 v i fa* blood oou4d be-men in the ahane-
I tle leg*,’ Wbile povef ty was up. j
' drake* aaj lua,
sgot tha orphan asylum ara
it at tha racildauos of Mr
to-morrow afternoon at
, u*t* pi tmpnrtanoa will ooma
aoelaty. A toll aitandanos to da*
on thalr
parent, tbloga were neat and In ordar
W ben provisions wert ea-rled In the house
tha Utile girls’olasoftly <o the bedside of
her slok father, an 1 tbe reporter beard her
■ay: “Papa, we can hSva' someihio* to eat
And this la no beggar. Ha 1a a man who
works hard and ga'<a lair wage* when ha to
In Haalt^, bat alokaiaia hue. overtaken him
and baa made him destitute. Ha le an
-hpagirali* man ai d Aaa never balor* ra
aalval alma.
,lf dnF.ana wlUaand uaaboaa atd atock-
logs lor theisa llttia children wa w 11 In
parson saa that they get them. Bis name
•Is withheld bsaanea it would ba embar
rassing t> hmaffgA bis preaen* aaada Aavw
|baaa anpptlad, W—.B-, a
waa reported to as oi a worthy woman who
; Uyw near Jepson’s brickyard. Two olonr
mbn ladles, wllb thalr Siaarts brimming'
fpltpr pbarlty, hnated her up yaatarday
ti-i raaShlng (he mflnvUlng cabin, they
found a little boy arid a lillle glr! as tha
sola oocopante of tbe boat.*. Th* wind
whistled through Iha htge otuoka and*
lew oasis war* barbing in Hi* 11 e. To*
ehllaren ware wlthon; shoes and almost
wllbont clothes- those they were wearing
belig hardly euffloleut to hide -heirnaked
new. The Utile girl went for her mother
nnd when aba came bar dress was wal with
tb* water from Uta waela tub. wbars tha
waa oadaavo lag to make a llttia a may to
hasp tha children from starving. Thera
waa not provisions enough In iha boas* to
give thum eof par laat night. Their 1mm*. Qam ^
diata wants Lav* bean cuppUcd.bai any ***** toiumbu*. Ga.
arUala motothtag lac tbrns, 11 left wtlkic ' AgaatomaOhowaala Una*. (Ol u
Store naxi door topoai effloe Poaaaseton
given immediately, Ic quire ol
am needing money,
Dn J W OaiiM.
Little leaiple geeai
la beadqu r.era for Uutty’a Malt ganalua
Old Baker rad other Haa Whiskies
Jal8 2w
Arrloaa Coffee. Ida blandadtoa meaty
rfhd la beyond qneailon tha ehcieaat IXSie
paolced. Fries aix pounds for on s' dollar
aagi ly • 0>»A*m
Paflt gall WMata
Gains popalarity dally. Haaammandad M*
madlonl purpnaa. Far quart 6180
jalS Sw
- s- f i ■. J
Pigs' Feat, Bngllah Brawn, Ohlppad Baal,
Lonah Tongas and Oannad Goods In and*
lasa quantity at Or ana’s. augl dly
I’f Grus*pd haa cpraaA Mp. Bntldara 1
B«WW*ltor^hi»o 1W the aland
lately oaonptad bv tba Flonaar Ca I will
ba hia aim to kaap in aicok all that la
nsadad io build a home ol any price. All
order* for malarial oi ray kind will be ra-
eelvad>at tbla»cffloa and promptly %'i*d.
Nona naad go to ire Ysoiory or Lumbar
Yard nnlcaa tbay ehooae to uojWy
Bama day wbenlhrae or (ear pagaaof this
paper ean ha had ha wlU mem ton a law el
the Hama ha Intends keeping In atook.
% ptartk EUBvar * ca,
laaafkeiareN and b-alera la B«wgh
aad nre—ed LaaSsr,
Bash, Doors, Bunds, Mouldings, Sawed
rad Turned Work, Baap oonawntly on
hand n mu supply of Laths, Bhinglaa,
Lima rad Builders' SappUea ganaraUy,
Oidera soil oiled, and wiu ba flUad promptly
at raaaonabl* flgaraa. Do a general *na>
traoUng and building bn sin—,
Finns nnd apaolflanMonn fnrntabad Baa W
hnrgo to tkona who aa trust their work to
gka Wmmrntrtml awaaaaa mf nstoe
'a of groat importune* to tk* panila o
•n'od mad lain*. Its apaeiflo aflhat apon
th* throat rad langa In dtosaaa u worthy
dent nnd tally ntlastad that th* moat an-
wi'llagnraaonvtaaadpfllpYirlnaa. Noth
ing mot* to Mniasgd tar it tfe* H wUl lUoli
anbatasltatah It has almoak aotlraty
ganta4,tfi:grant earn* mreggh Itd afteflto
aod the. reaammaadatkm* of thaao- who
uave qaad it )n Consumption, BronuttM
dathwa, spitting - ol b'aod,-aoao or Ughi
ohaat, weak lungs, hoarsanats, sofa ihroaS
lose of vatae, aatanrbal throat akbeUoaa
enrahle, ha eking, lrrnatlni and irouhlb*
aoma aongba It to aarprlslngly a Ska lva.
Though prompt rad aSUdant it to mild and
barmlaaa t aara and rallahl* far ahUdraa,
Wbaravar known it la iha molhtrs' hv#
itaaoagh madicina lor iha infant children
and tdal’a. Bine* yon h ve to pay your
money In any aan* Biway* gat iha hast
Aak lor Fiats*. T»h* no other aoegn aura
ana yon win novar ba SisapoUniad la th*
ratalt, Bold by alidraggUia ana deal anal
M aanta par botue,
Bat* Maantaatnrar aa* Proprietor,
dll oolnmhna, Go,
„ . , 4 ■*«* m«* 'we
Ihthto tosa* oi ina Aaquiau-Bun, tha
WilaMa Drag Firm of Bvnna A Howard
mak* thalr aaaoanasaaaai io the people
of Ootambaa. -Browi avUta, Otrard and
ovary other alty, town or village within
■arty miles of thalr froat deor. aad «aU *t>
laOUaa, aarionaly- not to hrltat they haV*
dona, hot to that whlah they are now do
ing and hop* to do In tbi ta thr*. Christ-
dm hr com* and gone and tha New Yapr
and* ;aa atm pioparad to wept lie want*
or th* people who do Ira fresh, par*
Drag* al raaaonabl* prloaa.
Wa hava In atock tb* moat aalsat rad
•nparlor Una ol Perfumery aver brought to
Oolnmboa. It ambraoaa Lig^tnar'a, Oak-
lay’a, Lnndborg’a, Lubln's, Biokaeckat'i,
Colgate's, Bca'n A gatgenl's, Strotbar’s,
Taylor’s and Avans a Howard's. With
saeh a variety of Aral class good*, yon aan,.
not fall to Bad what you want
Oat Glass B miss and Btagant Odor anew
will b* aold cheaper for th* oaah than yon
eoald win than a. rafll <s
Ladlaa wlshlnr to maka thalr hBibsadi
•moke, aaa Had at oar atom, twaaty-flva
brands ol algars. from whloh to aalsat a
present, whlah piaaantad wui mak* th*
husband happy
Btpay’s Fragrant Orsam, Lawanbarg’s
Bos* Fowdar, Lorasas'a BUt* and varloaa
o'ben tor nunaaroas to mratidn, will make
th* ngllaat aomplazlou In Amarloa parfeet-
y baautllul. ...
0611 to nw as one* and yoi will pall
aq4a Bvams A Howapa. .
. : I Mo 10 Bread Sitae* ,
off****"! ■■ ^ »ta(nM»%i»
Shield’* Perfection Whisky on* dollar
par quart at Crane’s nagldly
naiaal AA FtlM-s.
Mr Biward Hand, of 81 Lonla, Mo., toon
a 1U* policy for (MW la 1149. Laat weak tba
company paid hla widow IM.tM o« aaeonnv
Among the death claim* paid last weak
was that ol Cardinal Jobn MeOloakay,
whosa original polley for 110 000 has bean
inaraaaad by dividend* to 116.761. Thla waa
all tha parsunal property loll by th* mb
neat prelate.
Mr Okas Brewer, ol Wait B xhury, M am
tnanrad hla Ul* la thla company in 1817 lor
tlOtOW. At that tlma ho was ityaarsoi ag*
aud hla annual premium was *68640 Mr
Browar recently died at th* age oi 8i votra.
Fjr 38 years hla 'Ilfai haa been , lnaorad.for
010,coo and nhW hla Mira rsealva tha hand
some earn o *31601. whloh to WM* In txaaas
ol ihanoioosiof ihepjlloy lo tht inanrad-
Mr JaeobI Bargon, ol Brooklyn, N Y,
took nton payment life policy tar ISCOOln
tbtoao-p*ny In 1884 I aoat him 1:3*1
and hla aeanmnlated dividends alona tx«
oaad thto anm by 11166. so that the elalm
paid to hto widow i-at walk amonnled to
It doaa not need a business training to
paroalva tba advantagaa of aneb an lavaat-
mant aa thto.
To* Ma nal Life lusnranoa Company of
New Yoik, paid last wieek to tha *atald l 'of
Adolpaus Adiar, of
dlad two months ag<
ales of lninrsnoa ofl
uad baan earned thir.y yaara and ilr'Adbi
lar bad paid In a .trifle over S83op, from
which tbe lit,000 waa raaiia id — o erlon,
Haw Hollaud, LanMatar Co., Psac-jrlvanla
lanldti , J1 Agent.
Another fraeb box of LorlUard’a famous
Climax F ug Tobacco epanad. It aeha so
fast Its slasys lieab. Try a plug Bpen-i
etr't Calhoun and BaUlvan’s Bsat Tobaroo
always In atook. A bottle of tshleld’l Per-
feoilon Whliky will tav* doctors' bills anil
will only aoat 64 par gallon
augl ly Hosxm SCbamb.
Tha popular flva cant cigar* of Ool ambus
ala Gansu's Conqueror, Pickwick, ito
Per Copt, Bomber il and Oar Firm, all
oomp<p*d-ipf''“‘ J -'" *““ Jl "—“ “
auesatar CMy, wbo
Twelve poanda Grandlai ad Sugar lor ona
dollar TtffiUen • poanda Y«UeW Clarified
Sugar tar on* dollar. Baa. Obla Orasmary
BgltST tab paa lb. B-kai'’. Prehiitnn Cboa-
olata, Vienna Bwaal Choooiata, Kin
dbin Stareh, Fsrlna. Skgb,
A Oouhaay'a'Malataaa l*K' Per d»a*n„
sulpbnv Matohm 6cpar d< am. '* - :
anxllJ -,, - ^ Bonxnt S CkAkCtk
XHik / XrM / Brimkt ’ ’’’t *
Contractors rad- others wanting Brick
wiu do wall to e*U (nt th* andaraignw* ta
prleaa, Now la ths tlma to ball* While nt
lartal to ohaap. Are prapared to fnrntab
Brldk In any quantity daalred,
W w A Gao O Bmsbt,
Tglaphon*80 , lalOly
Whan yon visit or laav* Now York City
via Grand Central Depot aava baggage ax.
praaaag* and 68 aarrlaga him, rad atop at
th* Grand Union Hotel, opposite aatd do*
six handled elegant rooms, fitted np at a
aoat of oaa million dollars, 11 and npward*
Par day. nmropann plan. Blavatora. Haas
taaraatanywuod with tba boat. Hone aara
atagaa and alavatad railroad to
Famlllaa era livebat tar
Bain Farm.
A vary daalmbi* Haaldaooa la Wynnton
With I sank oi tavsi laid attached, awthhla
far a htarkat gardaar ahd taHk dairy, 'FW-
taan minntaa drive knm market bomb
V 1
i 1
Mt 'K-BAM1> B BlBBt'
- (» «» 8V4MM* a*«tta PgOIM, o;,
Tk* *w at Abbatt A Coop** bovtnt
man dtoMiva* bp watani aonaant, I taka
plaaamm In totanki-o frian* «ad tb*
pnblla (*namUy Mull will eantlaa* la th*
Gmeery haMnom at Mo lts BnM* atraei
(saa doer math, at mnnan 4MMn*I
whtr* I will h»ap acnutenUy on ban da ta-H
llanof FemllyiBiapta'Grcoarlna at, cabat»
aalq and retail, nt tawiatu usa'kat prlaa*.
Thank lag mg Wandaecdlb* pa bile for peat
favor*, I rCapaettnUy ask a aoaiixaaaea of
h( asm* in tamta. My brother, wa
Cooper- wiu ha art h aa. i -
toldwlw f J Txoa Coornn.
Tbe a* woo want oid nawapapara tar put
ting andar aarpota aaa gat than* at ml'
ofltoe M10 esata a haadrad-
Kora Homo No IB on wastflda of Brand
•trvaLnowoeenplodby Jomoo BCirgulaa
a dry good* atom. Fomamion given Oato-
* Apply tq ‘
G-Jid Wstahaa
Gild wu ah as
Gold Watahas
'.‘/•TO F GAonAnn
G*id Watahas
Odd Wotahaa
Gold WatehM
BUVar Won
anvdr War*
dock*' 1 1
Jawal ty
J walry
BUVar War*
Cloaks <
Bpaataeiaa i i ' f '
Jew shy
At OBshom bang’s J*walry Stora, 106 Broad
st *•, Ooiambue, Gt, u
Bakta M Blnbt and gaap Btsht to
Th* old your haa passed and with the
aomlug in oi th* aaw, lb* msnagar of tha
Oily Drug "ofadaeirt* thiongh iba medi
um Of tbe Btrauiann-auM id ratbrn aluaara
thanks Vo tboaa who hava *o liberally pat-
ronlaed tha ea'sbltohmant In tha past and
to stk a oantlnnraea of tba same in tha
latar*. I to n wall-known fast that Gao
Brsdlord ksowa goad drags and madlalaaa
whan ho aaaa thorn, rad aa long es he is
meooger of this first, eiaaa eateMtotament
nothing bnttbo beat rad paraat goods will
be tffared its irlehd* and pilronsi Daring
tb* y aer 1MB the City Drag Btora proposes to
haooma avan more popular than ever. Th*
■<c*k wiu be kept ap to the highest stab«
drat, rad prescriptions will be Ailed with
the,greatest bore end ikUi, end ol the par
cel drag*. In taking msdlelB* muoh de
pend* upon to* eonfidene* of tb* pollent la
the mra wbo fills the pbyeletan’e preaerlp-
tioa.endtbe qaeuty of, the drags he asm
eons pounding them. Th* City Dug
Sior* baa lastly won tha eocfldraaa of tb*
people by having not only pure drug*; Ant
competent prceerlptldnlttn
Tk* City Drag S or* will not lorget either
'o keep tap lu nui qroiled (took of toilet
good! For the pax* law days the OhrtoV
me* goods left aa bend will beeoldate
eoerlfloe io does them ont, bnt thto will in
no win* in'erfam with tho oomplatanaaa ol
tho ragnlar Haa of tanqy goods kapt in
•took. The popalarlly ol the perfumery
•otn-by thedtr Ding Store to proverbial
The ladice have longvlne* learned that tar
fine perfumery, first etaaetollat aoep, pura
rad fragrant turnand laaih powdara. a to
»je<hiFDn«Sto'a*aenot be aqoaUed,
Fleet Five 11 fmwIII
We era fit yon np He <W«tehee, Chains,
Chernae, Sperteelea end lye Glastee when
allothets tall, code end am me. Greht
reduouon in pries* by v '
- f H BlAXHAU,
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician,
dtt 108 Broad St, Oolumbua. Ga,.
exexeix -aitAirres.
naonneon bt ion imouab, ooLut
nun, (A,
eent 8ortp_. 99' #100
AqgaMA and savannah I pc et-uira- ««ra
Central oommon—m 7i # 78
mmttrmmrn n»a«s, ’
Atlnntto a Gnu 7a „,ai9 Blit
(Matreloon mtea7s.,... T ..™—„ua Sut
Oolumbua and Borne let Fa, en
dorsed C H R 100 #u>l
Charlotte, Columbia and Augus
te let m '*—— ---i—mill #113
Charlotte, Columbia and Angus-
ta 3d mtge.-...-. » —>^^...118 #104
Georgia B k 7*—.—m—toe eij
Georgia B B 8s......—......lil 9110
Moblia A Girard 3d mtgeend
C B 108 #103
aContgomaiy A Bulanin 1st mtga
AfrortdaLrt.'ra- 1
dorsad by state of Qeorgta, 7
13d,7 pr 0tll7
1 Ain. let mine an*
Waatara Alabama id mtaa and 8*100
Chattahooehaa National 10 pr ot_m
Manhanta A Maohanlea’10 pr etal86
Georgia 7a. 1888.
pszi3 : ft&‘
Adeeta 'dkiJA Or. - SaU -108
Augaatafls 4 7
Oolumbua 7a JU ..JOB
Oolumbua *■ ■■ 91
LaGrange7s Ida
Msoenfl*.. .— —...109
Savannah Sr *9
nkssllasdsas- ’
Oontada—'-Ooppop sands.. 1
r ..todtahjaii taata Faafs*
I hava an order for 869,0*0 c
1 94
iiiiy part,
^0:0 Georgia Gold "'par oral B01 d> due
10 Shares Merehanta rad MaehMlos 1
Baak B oak
1* Hharea Georgia Issnranoa Co Stock
bJUACOO Georgia naw *% per tan, 10 ytar
(1000 Georgia 7a. 1891
W90 city 1.1 Oolumbua 6 par east bonds
Be* me before yoa bay or telL I can ah
warn do aa wall, and often eovacal potnk
batter, than ray oaa att*
-v "v.AramAB.
OpBiumro Subobor and Phtbioian.
BoeMaBoe, Stanford House; Tdo> «4BB
Xe.»lOffloq, Carter'* Dm# Nooro,
■tm Oc.vh
*™ itrt biti
To demonatrato this feet we wi)}
offer Big Drivna in llid
Winter Articleo.
.1. •- «i inrt.'.-
*1 •:* -.1-'-
»'•. l»i» . I-
Special Inducements
I . I.-i- b
• til All/lll
ui 1.
« ( l :-n!« X‘
! bod ■>a»i
IM!, ■ ■■■[' ■ M'«
And Novelty Dresa Goods, 'Finn-
neh, Ladies 11 Cloths, Oassim^res^
' ! 1 - ‘ I j I. p - lOpT
and *11 Woolen Materials at rn
... 1: . - ■ :■ ; 1
dueed prices; *11 to elose lofe.
Far Balaio «f Tbit Week
« <e ! li - wl ' ill'.: ill
m ,6ffeY AJ1 Wool Phfl-
• i 1 !• 1 v'jI ' ■
dren’i feoarlei
■•mT, va
I* » lifoui ! -Wcli-W utl 1 S-.1I
inblies, st the nnifbrfe"prfM
•; n v V'{c. .i"; Tiy^■.,gttt v®
.*» A«.* < ifd cN Muot1' t-*
cents e**h. '1 an- -)UdY-
s-iitiil 'm-tvti* s*'v UoaiHii-ou ci 1
;ii >t. :*t >v*t Lun.'n/l AisOoa
D-W 1 “1 - A AlOW C * t.ns MAOin t
- ’ >. .('ihair
Low Prices.