Newspaper Page Text
•0L. XXVm - *Q 42
— -isr- - ■ s=
Ihe F I* Jotau P iter Bill IVt cussed
In tli• Ag in.
cal OalM *»k<« m Hp,.Hb la in Sn»»
!$«»•—Tto« Bdntf*'.lou KtilC itheutaiid in
ttfttr ieMif-'A Bill for tue Kt« «tion uf»
Hrimt ffloanncai
gpao&Hl to jTCtqnlr«r-a«n.
Washington, F.bruary 17 -Id
tbe nrorniug hour the committee on
(logu ffioes and post roads called up
god tbe bouse passed tbe bill to m ,ke
tbe allowances for clerk hire to poai-
n asters at first and second class post
i fflcee cover tbe cost of the clerical
labor In the money order bust ness
Also, tbe bill reduolng from 8 to &
eents the charge for money orders
not exceeding flvedoiiars.
At the expiration of the (nprnirig
hour tne house went Into a commit
tee of the whole on the Fhz John
Porter bill.
Jjaird, of Nebrrska, delivered a
oarefuily prepared argument la sup-
port of the bill, maintaining that
P rter wiminnocent cfnny disloyally
either to Pope or to hie country, and
declaring ihru Porler’s enemies had
created mountains of dicobedleuce
out of mole hills of d'seretion, and
that the trial ai d convic’lon o( Por
ter had bean a farce. Thecppouente
of the bill made tbe cun'ornary appeal
to the dead Had the house abdica
ted lu favor of the gravi? Why prat-
about the deeds of the dead who
bad sustained countenance? Why
this strut and fret about the
almighty dead? Was not their mem
cry the common heritage of all?
Away with this untimely raising ot
tbe dead, lees defensible In debate
than body-snatching was in practice
An argument which depended on a
gha t for its validity w; 8 already un
done. If 'he gentlemen would not
perm! God's peaceful rest to the
dead, then there was oue from all that
host whose name he wou.d honor.
He need not name him,for on the rolls
of. American immortality there Was
but on*- Grant. When the roll should
be called be trusted he would be
found still follow!'g the e.-.d of his
old commander and seeking to do
what, if living, Grant would do. by
voting for the restoration of F. *
John Porter. [Applaus- J
Kelly, of Penn ylvanta, opposed
the hill, characterizing Porter as a
great soldier, who, forgetting oountry
ard patriotism, had sunk htmseif lu
infamy by regarding c fflee and mili
tary duty sb a mere persmal trusi for
himself and his clique or coterie
Kelly asked leave to have printed
with his speech a review of the evi
dence given before the court martial
prepared by Judge Advocate Holt,
bn* Bragg, o' Wisconsin, ohJ-cDd.
Oates, of Alabama, made a api ece
in support of tho bill and he was lis
tened to wi'h great attention, as be
based bis argument on his personal
knowledge of the incidents of the
29 n of At gust. Iu f quiet, deliberate
manner be deserib.d the Assaults
made upon '.hi t day. There had
been a good dial of fighting, but
there had bi en to gc-n-ral e gage-
men t in the eei se in which that term
wus usually employed It was in
sisted tha Porter hud been in fault
for not making an attack on (hat day
The oppcrtuui y of vlc.’i ry hud lost when etrly on tbe morning
of the 20.h Gen M Dowell am! Por
ter with their united forces did not
interpose iu front of L>ng?treet at
Gainesville They bau together a
greater number or men than Long-
street, and by interposing they
would have delayed his union with
Jscksor.; but he did Dot think that
even that interposition wculdhave
given victory to Pope, for Jackson
had a strong position from which
be cculd not have been
driven. Porter was not to blame for
fulling to interpose, for M D >well
prevented him, and if anyone was to
blame it was M D.iwell Headmtt-
t d, in a strict s me of mili'aiy dis
cipline, Porter had disobeyed ordeis,
but the punishment had been too
Curtin, of Pennsylvania, took the
floor, but merely declaring that he
did not fgtee wi'h the admission
made by the last speaker. He post
poned further remarks until to-mor
Weber, of New York, earnestly
supported the bill and regretted that
Qpon this question he parted compa
ny with many politioal friends,whose
motives he did not impugn, but
Whcea conclusions he could only ex
plain as being based on tbe theory
that favorable consideration ot tbe
bill would v fleet on some whose
names were the heritage of the ooan-
Theoommltfee then rose and the
muse, at 6:10, adjourned.
Hoar Introduced a bill providing
for the erfotion of a suitable monu
ment 8,1, Washington, D C, to Geu-
®nd Ulysses S Giant, Toe bill up-
preprint*s $150,000 f u the pu prse in
dicated, and provides for a commis
sion ol three senators und three mem
hers of the home to collect fur the
Logan sugpts ed 'oHoar 'hat the
kmouut be lucres ;.d t $250,000 He
did not think an npprnprh e monu
ment could be secured f r $150,000.
By unanimous consent Hoar In
crease ihe amount accord!; gly, and
the bill wa» re'erred (o the committee
on library.
The senate then proceeded to ti e
•pnsideratkra of bills ou the oalciA
The cnnaldsrailon of the education
bill wsi resumed. Without further
debate the senate agreed 'o en
amendment proposed by Ihe educm
11 ti core tnittei, stuki g out tbs i.i e-
otai appror-rianon for -chool build-
it g- An ameiidurenl proposal by
Teller v.aa also agrfiid lo without de
bate, pr /vldirg iliat none of ibe
money appropriated by ih» bill
“hould b 1 * oa’d lo a state un'll Its tetr-
iel*<ur- should i-ccopt the pr.tvisiou-
of the bill
Plumb moved to amend so h* lo
ninkc tl e'eglelalure of the s ale the
determining authority as to the ap
plication of that portion of each
slum's quote, which the bill requires
to be applied to the eduoauon of
tea-hers. After a slight imgpfl ja ion
th'-’ wfts agreed to,
Butler inquired o' Bl dr as to a cer
ium clause of tbe bni, whether It
meant thai. the states were com
manded tty its provisions to keep
their common schools up to the uiark
at which 'hey shall have arrived a 1
on tbe exnirarlon of the eight years
contemplated by the bill. ' \
B sir did not so understand.
Butler moved to strike out the
phrase which he maintained admit
ted of the construction Indicated aun
it was struck out
M ihone expressed him-tell as lc !■«,
vcj ot ihe bill, but thougiu tho ar ore-
t»ry 'J the interior would not be able
to decide whetbtr any dteoflminalio
h--d been *hown In the Application of
the money 'unless he bad Utflnl'e In
formation. He herefore moved m.
amiudment in requiring the govet-
nor of a state lo furnish the fworemry
ol the interior each ysar par Joulats
a» to the popula i-n, wbi'e and col
ored, of each soli ol district, the
number of white and c dored Children
ol school age in each such district,
ui ruber atteudihg sohool, e,o.
Pending action on ibis t.rneudmen:,
EkouoiIs moved that'he senate go
into execu 1 ive session. The bill was
ordered eprinltd as ihue i»v amend
ed, and the senate a 4:30 went into
executive session. A 5 'cli ck the
doors were reeqened and the senate
«dj timed.
Mule ibildrtB Kill* 4 by » C*m Fxplo>
spsolsltn E‘Qalr-r.Snn.
Wilmington, Del, February 17 —
A special r in Tangier, V’*. says on
Sunday afternoon tisptain VV L Ttu-
iu’s wife went lo Sunday sohocil,
leaving four little children in ti e
house Three little girls named
Cooper Iri m a neighboring house
came in, and while ti ey were playing
the fire iu the sieve went cut. Cap
tain Truitt’s eldest daughter, sg<d
seven years, put s me kindling in in*'
stove and poured oil upon ir,
while another child el i uo.k a
uia'cb Its flame came iu
contact wi'h the ril can
and an explosion followed. Tbe
child who had the can wus instantly
killed, and & two year old boy was
so badly injured that be died in three
hours. O her Truitt children and
three visitors were terribly burned,
but may recover Tin. xp ,s.on was
beard half a mile :.way The house
was badly damaged, but neighbors
saved it from bang burned. Cspi
Truitt, who is away on tits vtetel.
has not heard of the accident.
Tta«: Tl: tl»ln .U« b qu0ii l«f>»
3)perl»! in E*iQF.i).T«r*8nr
Richmond, Va February 17 - In
the senate to-day the bill prepared by
L.eutenantigovernor Massey was iu
trodc.eJ by Sei «!or Wlcgfl ld to
facilitate the settlement of the public
debt of the state. A lengrby pream
ble gives a history of Ihe debt apper
tionoient of one-'.bird to West V'/
ginia, the rca> ons which impelled tire
general trembly to pass the Riddle
bergtr bill, «.,d V e quitins ol the
whole cm se. The bill «urh r z~s ttn
governor to r-ppoint three c! z?ns of
V reiniu ss a board ' 1 commissioners
toconff t with the b ndholdera, a'd
tc acqualur themsflvee with the ma
ter!?.'. and financial condition o! Vir
ginia and 10 explain the facts which
make :he setli cuett under tt Rid-
dii-bergcr ac. jus: »,nd ' quitabie and
ita ecceptarce by them necessary ft r
the protection of their interest
Tne comuaiseiom-rs are empowered
to lake steps to a just with West. Vir
ginia a just proportion of ihe s a’e
debt as it existed prior to the first of
January, 1861, 'o be borne by West
Virginia, and not by Virginia
The Dill further provldrs that the
amount secured to be paid by West
Vlrgi nia shall be divided nro rata
among ihe holders of We^ Virginia
certificate* wblch have been issued
under different, acts of the general
as-embly of Virginia or which m»y
be Issued before the first of January.
Louit striker*
St Louis, February 17—The
casts against the strikers charged
with riot during the street car trou
hies last fair week have dragged alor. g
in the c* urt now for four months
YeaWrdv; Judgt Noonan took up the
case against Thomas Abusoheon,
which, it war th'Ugh’, was th"
strongest of tl-nu. He was ailegid
to have parlicipvfd In an alisck o.
a Union line o ; to have broken in
a window aid broken open the
money b x, The c s: was fought
very hard on b .in =ide.-i before the
Jury wb >.lx brought in a veniiot ot
not guil'y. There have been hut
few con vie: inns • ut of tbe 'a rgi? num
ber of casts brought bef. e tue court.
WftKcriun’a Condlilcn,
Louisville, Ky, February 17 -
Mr Wtt'.teisim’s condition is much
Improved. He rested well during the
night, and a'ked cheerfully whh bis
family !hi« morning.
He ublita 8e»> t
Ca cut*
s Hold a
v r ibt
; WfMiiil InirinM
1w0i*uJ to
Washington P«bru^iyl7 Anou'
tweiny leuubiicai. senators me' tn
caucus this inojiiHg. Satiatcr El
tuun .s submitted a re . lu;iou from
'.he j dicia y oommit'An etmhfdyi' g
the view- of the republican, member-
respecting tho rights <>t thesnria'o a-
luiormadoti from tire beaus of the
ixecu ive ■ epar’meuls. The resoiu-
;ion was approved and it was decided
: bn It sh >il be offered in open aeaak n
of tbe senate. r‘*
The resolutions are ttine In num
ber The first decisres that the a i-
tiou of the attorney-general 'in re-
fusing to furnish inf: i nation wUen
cal ed for by the: senate, no rnat'or
what his motive, m .y have been, was
rri/reixT'eibie The second declares
•,n..L when the se: a e has bailed, or
may call, upon ihe beads ot depart
in'.-at e for information erardlng a
removal from < fflee, and trie iufo:«.
mation is not turntsl ed as'ii quested
'.ire senate will not oo firm toe r-p
porntee The ihird condemns the
dlsregaid ot the’h: w w'-'clr oquire-
ha' iu selections for llloe prefer.'ne'
“trail bo giv‘-n to hooorab'y dis-
harge i union soldiers and ailor
I understood that the resolutions
will be formally laid btf ve ihe
judiciary curumi'.tee at its nex meet
iog with a view to having Uurtn rn
purred to the sena'e immediately
The presidcul lo <iay i.ominattd
Pe. dle op King, of North Carolina,
to be secretary of legation of the
U : eJ 8 a'ee at Cons'aR'inople.
A* a meeting of the house coinage
committee to-day all the member-
were present. Felton, of California,
moved that Ihe cimmil'pe report, ad
v> rsetj Repiieseutauve W lit’s bill ro
suspeDil the coinsge of silver dol'ar-
t111 further legis a ive action by ooo
gress. A similar motion by- Bynum
had heen lost at the lest mee ieg, 6 o
6 Felirtn said he was necessarily
a! sent from that meeting and as his
vo<e would have changed the result
ha desired to vote on it now, that
every member was present After
tbe discussion H'-mpblll movea ro
lay Ibe motion ot Felton on the table.
This motion was carried by a vote of
7 0 Felton voted with tbe silver
mcmaerrnen, bu: Norwood, of Geor
gia, who ut a previous meeting bad
voted in favor of the morion to report
l:e bill udversf iy, now vo'ed to lay
F?lion's moticD on the table. Nor
wood emphatically denied that bis
views on tbe silver question had not
changed. He voted on ihe opposite
eide to-day to as lo retain tbe ques-
lien in committee for further or>por-
tuniiy to see if some compromise
measure can’t he agreed iinrn,
The treasury d>osriuieut has re
deemed «bcu $8 600,000 of hondR em
braced in the 132d e il f r tec million
three per cents, which noa'urei or.
th;- first instant Abou $1,000 000 "!
bonds embraced i.1381 call tor ten
million, which muiures in March,
have already ben r ceiv u for re •
drmptlon. It is expect'd another
call f r ten million threes will be is
sin d ;bout the end ot ihe monih to
rna ure April 1st.
n«i Ucti m Bi
okfit Noi« attf m Worn
Opioial to Ebquirm-Eu*.
8alt LaKs: City, F b 17 — A train
wi.L G orgi Q, Cannon ou board led
Promoltory n. 4 ’clock thl- morning
slid reached nere a 8 Cannon "»i
promptly lukeu be'-.r Judg< Zn .
and gave bond in $45 000 An e*toor
ol two military r-ffl ere and twenty-
seven erlisted men accompanied the
sp- oial train. The oouri room was
densely packed.but no demonstration
was made. Marshal Ireland exs
presses no doubt ot Cannon’s at
tempt to escape. He probably hud
c r *nfederates but missed them by
not jumping from tbe train at the
right place. When Cannon was
recaptured he w as some distance from
the track, and had two loaves of
bread and a bottle of water in bis
pocket. He fell on his face und shoul
der. His nose was broken and he wis
couelikrbbly bruised, but was ‘ o
seriously hurt. Ma ht*i Ireland con
firms ’he renort Uia' Cannon offered
$1000 to tb- Nevada shir ff to let him
go, and Arnold, who was wi'h Cu.,''
nor, urged he sheriff to accept the
offer, ami promised him a posilio i for
life at u good salary if he would do
PronprdU M* Ik (oDlflfi
aptoln! II Eoqulra.'-Snr.
Augusta, Ga, F bruaiy 17—The
cotiou go ids (rude is looking up.
S ocks are exhausted and mills iu
a d near Ai g are ruuul g to
tb-'ir full oapuci y. Mills are work
ing at small mngln of profit for tue
first '.itno la three years.
On ’Chums*.
New York Fsbruary 17.—Trading
on ihe stock . xoharigs, as measured
by the number "f iruosaciiops, oor:s
tinues comparatively dull, but not
without feature. There was a ataady
opening this morning and In aHy
dialinga moderate adva. ee-; but
from 'bat 'Ime till 3 o’clock the
ruovtmeut was alternately up and
down, although quite inegular. Th-
msrkei closed near tue lowest figures
.-f tbe day for ma: y of the usually
olive sleeks The special fea*ure of
business in-day wsg ihe distrlhu'ion
"I orders for small amounts. While
uoueof ihesu cks werecoimplcu usly
active, the street was mure prolific of
bear points than it has been for some
tiq»h past, and it was alleged that
leading bull manipulators were
no]t only willing but anxious A
moderate demand but great weakness
was developed in Reading arid Jersey
Central laic in tbe day, the former
de-klining iu ihe last hour from abou*
26*. 23 mid Jersey Oeutral from 54$
t! 03 Lackawanna also yielded from
183$ i 182$ anfi Dslaws,re and Hud
sou from 107$ to 106$ A partial
recovery took place, however, In the
final transactions in the stocks
metuioned not withstanding contin
ued rumors sod advese reports l"
circulation ltfiardiog W U «u ok, e
maintd comparatively siendy umil
late in 'heday, when Ft sold off over
one half the general Hat while heavy
suffered only rmsli fraciioDs ou the
at,er break. The result of the day’s
opera.ions is a Joss,a* c. mpared with
last eveuiug, .1 J t. $ per cent, wi: ti
»u exc pilous' eiiio.- of 1J iu N J
Central and Manitoba anO 1$ In Pa-
c.flo Mtdl. 8*l»e, 337 700. Market
closeit gsueraliy firm, although some
what irregular
Yt’c Jury Gives • Ver«ivt for
9t«tilftl to SUiiairnr-SaU'
Princeton, Ind, February 17.—
In the case of Wm Guytou’vs - he
Evansville aLd Tern Haute railroad,
brought here from Evausville on a
change of veue, the Jury hue render -
ed a verdict for the pialni'fi a: d
awarded a ■ damage of $51.83 The
case baa been in thp courts four
years, aud has utiractid u u.:U luer-
ect. The facta are there : Gnylo'i
Was u brakeuiau ou ' a
special train coming souio
which collided wi h the freight
Guyton was wedged be:ween the
teuder aud caboose, but succeeded in
prying himself out Ho was badly
i< Jured aud bleehiLp profusely, bill
rtuiern: eted that uic south bound
passeuaer train was due in five min
uUs He gathered blnic-elf up, lied
his baudkerobit f around bis mangled
hand and with a red fl 'g staggered
up t. e truck to warn
the approaching train, Twice
he fell exhausted and weak
bu: with indomitable pluck be rote-
tacb time and reached a tresile five
hundred yards from ihe collision jus
as ibe passenger train came up, thus
preventing a serious lo <s ot life His
signal was seen and then the brave
fellow fainted and remained uncon
scious for two days. He fiuaJJy re
covered, bui was a cripple for life.
He presented the physicia t’s bill to
the railroad C'mpuoy, bu> payment
wan refund Suit was ins'iiuii-d for
$10,000 damages, and after several
cUatiges < f venue and oiher delay*
the trial came off wnh the result ua
Bojftlljr Fnf*rr»fn«d Uy (tie Hkllur;
off Clatfti hiton,
lPNifti U Hiwlw-Bft'
Charleston Feb 17 —Th* Na«
tloriul Lancers <d B.isioti arrived h- le
ul 2 o’clock lo day. Tiie train wa«
I oi.rdtd at a station fifteen miles' u
side i f Ihe city by a delegation tr..rn
Charleston, who ix.fcLuiii ibem a
wairn welcome The visl'ors we e
receivrd oy an immense crowd "I
ep ctalors, who tmonged the side
walks along Ibe r" ute of m-rolr.
After parading through <tie city, ts-
c rtfd by I Ire Waehlrgtnu
Light Infantry and G'lnivm
Artillery, they were teoeive.i
at their quartern by the mayor of il.e
ol ! y aud field and steff of ihe F 'Urih
br'gade. To-r tght ih. y were enters
Ulue'l «* a b rquet at the armory of
the Waablbgion Light Infantry,
where speeches were made by the
governor of ihe stale, tbe mayor of
ibe oily and a number of visitors
To morrow ibsy will visit Fort
Bumpier and to-morrow night attend
a grand military bail tendered them
by the German Artillery.
TkeRenitl* ffV*.
Special t.) Euqalrer-SDu.
Olympia, W T, February 17.—
He zeli, Bales Grading arm Frazier,
leaders in ins ami Cniutse r.ot h< re
last week, were taken to ibe peni-
eoiiary on McNeill’s Island yester
day mornlt g. wtiere they will re
nuln until the dial/ict o mrls rneei in
June A laige >.umber of China
men ieli for P r’lanvi, Or-grju, yes-
ferc.'av. Enrytl: un is quiet, here
Tl:e kuiahts ot labor puoi ciy deny
tlieir pai ticipa.i m in the ii >t
und volunteer help to enf,.rce the
rolnlls Kh «.
if Ji*9nirer-r,t,m.
Memphis Tenn, Feb 17 -la a
row to niutit at ibe P.voifio houre
saloon, 8 A Walsh, a carriage trim
mer, was family shot by au unknown
party. The bullet waa Intended for
Hergram Ketiih !*, of Ibe polios
force, whom trying to make au arrest
WH3 roughly bandied
4'll niberiaiii and MsC'toae liar - a
Lomioft Riolkr* on Trinl-Hv GI«J»ton«
Yi'fca* Khw DrpAMnrf-Truubls
$t*OU» ffomiHt IVIIO0I.
By AnKto-Ami*r(OMo i>bua.
London, February 17—Joseph
Chamberlain, president of the local
government board, has quarrel*d
with his radical colleague Si. Charles
Dilke and abandoned him utterly
The reasons given by Chamberlain's
friends is tha. D. ke refused lo ao-
cep: Chamberlain's advice and tee
illy under oath that he was not
guilty of ihe offense charged against
him as correspondent in the Craw
ford divorce suit-
A hearing iu the case of the social
ist. leaders Hyndmau, Barues, Cham
pton and William:., who are charged
with inching to rim, contempt, eio,
in connection with the recent dtmotis
ut rations in Lmdon, was begun iu
Bow streev o .urt ibis morning. The
c.urt room was well filled with spec
tators, bul no* orowded, Poland,
solicitor f.r tbe treasury, in present
ing the case for the government,
quoted from speeches made by tin
defendants at the time of the rio's.
S. veral u wspsper reporters wer
called us witnesses and gave testi
monv regarding tire actions of the
prisoner- previous to .he dicorder*
Polttud usbed that all the prisoners
he committed for trial. He said Uie
pros cutton had nothing of a political
nature in it, and urged that the men
be pr seouted for mlsdemeauor. This,
he continued, consisted of the utter-
arices by different defendants of ex
pressions and semi menu, with intent
io provoke a breaoh of the peace
Th-se utterances were made a' meet
ing» held a'. Trafalgar square a.i'i
Hyde park on Monday of last, week
Burns, at the Trafalgar square meet-
log, said to the assemblage:
“Uuksi we get bre^d ihej will
get lead,” and "vex' time
we will sack be bakem’ shops.” I'
'vae Burns wi,o snpg s - d ’o 'h' uinb
lo march through Wes. Eou. When
the mob arrived a. Hj .le park Burns
nealn addressed ibe riot, is aud said,
‘‘We have shown what stoneB can
dr ; we will try powder and shot If
they don’t accede and there will be
revolutions 11
Champion in tils speteber lo the
rioters Sunday urged his hearers
to influence the police and army to
join me people Williams, in his ad
dress, urg.d the people to organize,
saying he wasu willing to have star
ving men confront soldiers uoI'-bs the
termer were r-rgiu lz’d Hyndman
-a <1: “Let us st ow a flrm front. II
peaccuhlo means fail I will be the
first to summon you.”
Tbe case wus adjourned for one
week Ail the pr.sjuers were allow
ed to gi;o ball.
Gladsome nas .i.keu therfflseof
privy s o,l in addition to Hurt of pre
mier. This is unusual, and Ih re
garded as en indication that he I*
Experiencing dffljulty in recurh g
suitable colleagues.
Chamber!am, president ofi e local
government board, lias quarreled
with Gladstone ou th:- Greek policy
of the government. If the British
fl eteocr.e-i (lie Greek fl ei Cham
herlaiu wilt resign his seat in tee
cabinet. Tw. G rrnan, one French,
one Dalian, and ode Austrian mao
oNwar fav: Joined the British <qutd-
rf'Q Th Duke of E linburg o >m
nt-tuda LLt fleet The Greek comman
der will i ot fight if threatened, but
will merely exchang shots, arid
then haul down hie fl »g. The com-
minders f.iic Frnch Italian aud
AUsirlan men of war t.ave receiv .
orders "i limit their action to a for
mal demonstration.
Dublin, Fe! ruary 17 —The Free
mau’s J urual declares that letter 1 -
t e:we- n Gladstone and Lord D v- s
sic on the Ii!sh question roust, be re
marked with suspicion. While tbe
correspondence was ostensibly in
augurated hy tbe premier for the
purpose of obtaining further light on
tbe modes of Ireland, tbe answers of
Dsvessie look as if justification was
bciDg sought for In tue evasion of the
home rule ksue. The Journal warns
tbe government to refrain from at
tempting to shelve the home rule
Rome, February 17 —
Jacohmi, papal eeoretary of stale, has
serif a note lo Baron Von Bohlocger,
P. ueaiarj lo the vatioan, ac
cepting the pilnoiple of the new
Pru-sian religious bill, but demand
log I fiat the tulor respiting sen ima
ms be modified.
Killed ou tit/- Kkllrti’i'l,
J£ r iqnlro -vun.
Cincinnati, Feb 17. —Di: patohen
r'Oetve-i l eie i-uhente ihal Ihe Ohio
O utral r.iilro'i-! accident near P i it
Pleasant, W V:t, y-s erdiy, resulted
in ibe -I a h of tw., men, residents of
W v V rglnla, and slight ii jurie. 'o
sevvral pussei-gora. A pa-eeoger c .r
fell iruo a stream and all were thor
oughly drenched.
of au amicable settlement of the late
» tike English workmen want un
advance in wagf-s, but have few other
lij o'k wu'ibb they wish to press.
The Hungarlaua and Germans, how
ever, dimand that hob: dy shall bu
prnstcuied during tho e rike ; that
tne men at jrs.nt under arrest
and against whom Indictments
have been found and are
to be made, shall go free;
'bat an advance In wages be give j
'he total abolition ol tne company’s
store*; the appointment of a clerk,
who shall k> p a tally on the present
time keepers and make all wages of
uniform Z>, and that each miner
shall have me right io he hoisted out
ol the miiiusat any time and us many
times a day as he may desire. The
syndicate is willing to graut the ad
vance o'10 per cent, drmuuded afier
March 16, provided tbe men w 11 re-*
turn to work at once at the old rate*,
but positively refuse to make any
further ooLcseeious. Nearly ldOO
strikers gathered at the Bi-irn works
aud the Permtsk works aud tried to
persuade the employes to quit work.
Many strikers were abroad ami
trouble ie feared.
fhft irnafor Mi|* Hitt Attack OB Ih*
rmldoni, •Xoc*n*e Slot sarr of (ttft
FikViy Aftuool
Whkl rhtff IVNftft,
8p<mm*i to ■riooJrer-Rmn.
Pittsburg, February 17.— Not-
wi ha'.audiug the amioa lakeu at yes
terday's meeting at Scot Male ih°-o
.vjip a--> t'j h-> i-rmj d a •• pr—^ oi
Washington, February 15—At
tbo me ting of ihe scna'i- Ju-lic'ery
committee lo day, It was sxpnoted
toat Judge E Imo'-ds would present
ihe leport in t' -. Dustin suspension,
case on which Le Las been laboring;
for iw > or three w cks past, as it haiR
been u-derst-o I among republican*
senators sine . Friday that tne report!
whs about completed. Tli. Vermont!
senator' did not mention tbe subject,!
however, ut today's meet! g. A weir
informed dem-'ctiiilo senator, a mem*
ber of :he Jedio ary committee, raid
to-mght that itiere is considerable
doubt about Edmunds receiving
tbe support oi ull (.he republican
nuembus of the committee. H.-felt
q-nte certain, for in-tnnce, tha' Mr
Evar's would not vole for the Ed*
rounds plan to attempt to compel ihe
production of ihe pr BiJe-n’o private
documentary inf'rimfion which may
have iLflre c d hi" action in sus*
pending republican officials Another
republican member ol,ho committee,
Mr legal s, has vi-iy decided vlcwa
upon the f -ily of a policy which oan
uot fail lo result in a humiliation to
the parly, if carried to ita logical c in
clusion Ha is undoubtedly tha o htg
republican senator wh m the (Ipiuj-
omtio senator before mentioned had
In mind when he spoke of the proba-
lllty tha' Judge Edoiu.-ds woul i fail
to get his boom era i g out of oommi'.E
tee into open sens a I' io not unlike
ly that a knowledge of the apathy ut
(hose two senators h"s added to tha
deliberation of thi Vermont Bsnaloc
in brbipirg up ihe nii jeot for action.
On F Idty las Bcnator Harrison, of
Indiana, wishing to go to Iudlanap>r«
Jistolo-.k after s-uic law business,
worn i: J nig: EJiDuuds and asked
him when the resolution lu the Dus
tin case would probably coma btfora
the senate. Gen Hurrison said he
wanted lo gptak upon it, aid, of
course, d-d not v-ish to lose his oppor
tunity. Judg Edmunds retdied sig
nificantly 'iim he would h-ivo time to
do his law bmi. ei-a at.ri gt: bulk be*
fora‘her-solution tins up. On be
ing pushed for a m -ro specific an-
-wsr, dc said uoibmg would be dons
certainty before Wednesday in open
-enatc, even if (hen.
Mtjlitftl n ai.cb«i*t«P*
3 Wnffr4rflr-ff«*».:
Manchester, N H February 17.
- L-.rg- crowds of olrikws gathered
at ihe mill gates this morning and at
noon. Worn the machine shop
hands en'.eied the Aaioskeag mill
ther-- was sorn - hootlug, but do at
tempt was made to molest thepa.
There was a crowd of several thou*
i and at the Am ry mill entrance,
but it wan well behaved The opera
tives weieall ordered lu flf een miu-
u'es earlier tliun usual, and at tho
Lmgdon ail were inside and tbe gates
aUirt at 12:20 o’clock The streets are
crowded with operatives.
*on>« In Wngea.
SmMoJ to fcVMWrer-S*-.
Norwich, Conn, February 17.—
Ponemah mills, at Taftvilie, have
granted 10 per cent increase in wages
and a reduction in the hours of labor
io sixty per week. The Bheetuoket
company has made a similar advance
in wages.
North Adams, Mass, Feb 17.—
Tin- R ufrew manufacturing compa
ny has voluutarily raised wages 10
per cent.
WrficftrfB Ufip'arcil.
Syeef.r' 16 /vnfftiirdr /tui*.
.Sew Ohleans February 17—A
i-i.eciai to the Timce-Dsmoorat frona
Harr-ng'ou, Miss, sevs: An agent
-if the Ml-siseijipi Valley rati: o*-4
compn-y ha® cap'iired 11 ree n^groa*
who attempted t- wr-ck a train neait
Glister stall m lart riiiad.y. They
Lave confissed .he crime.
flh.*e L aitiV tn.Ilea.
Opor.l,! t; Knju.rvr.--ao.
Natcii.2, Ml S3, Feb 17 — This
morning the la-t ru iu J .Cuckoc’s
hoot ami shoe factory Btrucs against
tbe employment of thieegreen ua_«l*.
A d Gem to,
Mr-r Llgh-head: “Of course, Dp
Bciipture, se were very sorry
lo give up our pew in your church,
but it cant us jo much for tho chtl«
nreii’fl dancing lessons this winter
that we had to give up sounethlug.’*
— Oo’hUib. 8 ee'ator.