Newspaper Page Text
Mr Alt Atkluaon will loon build
large livery atable In Madlaon.
On* of iba Ohio exonralonlata bought
*. lot of land in Morgan ooanty.
The Augusta artoilan wall la now WO
goat deep.
Boda are awaiting on the paaoh troea
lit middle and aontbern Georgia.
O ilte a number ol newlbulldlnga are
[going np In and around Q ikiman
A high aobool building la to be built
:!n Amerioua by the colored 8 jatbweat
4imi Baptist association.
Tbe centennial of the Chatham Artll
l ory, at Savannah will be one of the
Iblggeet mllltaiy events of the year.
Aeountry dog trot ed Into Amerioua
Monday and devoured two fine pup'
fpiee that belonged to a hunter In town
The ordinary oi K bun county baa
issued thirty five marriage Uoeneea
within tbe last twelve mouth#.
A gentleman of Oglethorpe aaya that
Abe bniairda are killing young lambs
«n bis plantation.
Tbe wlree of tbo Baltimore and OjIo
railroad are being eiretcbed Into tbe
■elate. Offl'e* in Savannah and Angnata
-are proposed.
C A Ward, of Oonee county, who for
■ate yean wae clerk ol the superior
«ourt of that county, has entered the
■Georgia university at Athene, Ga, aa a
law student.
Tke Warrenton Clipper bae lor-
warded one hundred ooplee of lte trade
-edition to be distributed among iba
Pennsylvania farmers who will reach
A'.lenta on the 24 b Inst.
Judge Lyons, of Macon, was In
Jonesboro last F iday and purchased
the dwelling ol Mrs White for a wid
owed alsior, who will toon move to
-that place.
MraJ .hc FU Anderson, of K ick-
dale oounty, bss sold seventy-six
f ounds ol butter since lost August,
■falsie the prodncl cf one onw,after
ipplylng the family with a aufflolenoy
' batter.
burglar en nod the realdenoe of
i W I* Bearden In Madison Sunday
;ht and succeeded in breaking open
rank belonging to a Miss Ballard
■and rifling it of aeveral article#of |ew-
Frank Smith and Jack McCall, two
negroes, had a "act to" on Mondav
night In Dublin, in which Jack receiv
ed two severe oats—one over the left
-eye and the other In the throat—from a
.knife In the hande ol Frank.
The two year old child of Norman
IMoOsll, colored, In D iblln, while
inlaying in the yard found an oyster
«an-containing potash The ohild swat-
hewed a large piece of tbe potash and
•tiled in a few hours from lie«fl sis.
Daring the Isle cold weather a olti-
:r. .n ol Waynesboro, who bad "taken
siomethlug" to keep warm, started for
jhle room, but mla-ed hla way and was
{found knock!: g a the doorof ihe Pres-
''by Lorlan church, which he mlsto k for
ttiuc hotel, and loudly denis .ding en-
At I),vis A Argo’s store In Americas,
'Mr Davis opened a cans m matches and
jk, ' .-ftfaeui on a shelf. During the night
Atre rate got into acm - of the boxes and
tlgnited a lew, which caught a bundle
ml paper near, and had there been any
jalr, would have oau-ed a big fire
IiJmesboro Monday morning, aa
Mob Johnson, a son o! Mr Jack Jouus
see, was curing w„od, his little
fbrotber George attempted to run be
tween him and the wood, and the ru»
■suit was that the ex strnck him just
ashore the temple, making a severe
,Vtaah which bled profusely.
While Mi Lewis, who lives I mr
.miles below B!ofl on Bpring, was
,driving * w«g n loaded wish raiiaone
.at them roccdiff m d, geittng en
tangled In oi.d ol :bo wheels, was
thrown forward with some tores, strik
ing Mr Lewis on the head and cutting
«gMh about two and a ball Inches
.Sunday morning sa Miss Oleo Camp
wind her little brother were going to
Jonesboro on tbeir way to church the
mule beoame frightened, began Lobaok
and npset the buggy, throwing Miss
Oleo out, the wheels passing oyer her,
-rattling a severe garth In her head and
•otburwlse injuring her.
The barge belonging to ihe steamer
L-aurens sank at R oul station on
Thursday morning, tiavlug on borrd
•SfO sacks of gniino. The barge was tied
Alongside the boat, ami during tbe
night sprang a leak, which wbh not
noticed by tbe watchmen until Jast
■before It sunk,—Dubliu G ante,
A Texas stock man who is slopping
at Atlanta has traded two Tfxas ponieo
for thirty-seven goats. The trade was
made with a Henry couuty man, and
the goals are to be delivered to A anta
the last of next week The stock man
-wants to take lbs Rests back to the
X>ono 8 nr slate. j
The students p-.ilin“d the college
Inulloltiga at Athens white on Friday
night, Instead of red. They Hans
yilantcd a barber’s j>ole on B oad alreet
md sot it up on the campus, They
t ainted the columns In front cf tue
c hapel In large leilera and also put a
few finishing touches on the front of
U he chapel.
J udge Carnes, for whom Carnesvllle
I* named, orce lived at Parker’s mill,
fn Hart county, Carnes came from tho
north a pocr lad, and, it is eald, was an
Illegitimate son of the famous Wash
ington Irving. By energy and indus
try he worked Lib way up until hi be-
• came Judge of the superior court.
Jack Wutkina wr.s tried before the
rfenccck coun.'y court last week on the
ohatge of cruelty to animal* and found
irullty It appears that J > Audersou’s
r ule Invaded Jack’s premises, when
the iattoi attacked thcai inai with an
f.x f.Ed it fllcted wounde on it from
v. bleb it died. O.ring to some Irregu
larity In the proceeding, J ck'o coun
sel obtained a new trial tor him, ami hr out on bond,
li will toe remembered f hat K J Tram*
:rxieU end B,1 Williams, of Pulaski
• Bounty, Vrere corifined lor Home time
in tbe B'bb oounty j ill lor safe kcop-
u g They were scoused of iu uderirg
• vi old man named William J hueon,
Xast week Willimr>s was tried in tbe
Puifatki superior court. At midnight
Saturday the j iry brought in a verdict,
Of nol guilty
Itoreo deaths that have cocorriri it
M aeon since 8 * urda\ night t'amieii
Jfiomc rf** 1 er t»u. w hi c ir,'> . • cws, Mr
Wltkowski, ill Kofa.i.o a..u ilia ..m-
mal, wars eaob born in Fabruiry, the
dales being the 11 b, 8 u and 8 b A I
Ihreadied la February. Ia tbaoaaa ol
Mrs Bcamel her mother and two of her
brother* died In February.
A correspondent In the sixty-third
dletriot of Burke eoonty writes i Nev
er In the history of onr section has
there been so much game ns now
Partridges and doves have beootne n
duIbido*. 4 V Burton Mud Jud Moist-
morrar killed 108 partridge* laat Mon
day. Mini* MoK.Murray aaya that be
• ween MO end 1000 rooe'ed In bla buck
yard on# night lsat week.
At Amerioua Saturday night D B
Hill’s colored nurae was up with the
baby and alulng close to tbe fire I
some manner her dress caught fire.
Mr Hill quickly came fo the rescue,
and In extinguishing the fl .men was
badly burned around tbe lace, arms,
body and feet, and severely sprained
0 ie fool. He aucaeedcd la saving the
girl, though she was badly burned
Bud Williams, tbt convict whoae
feet were froacn off several weeks ego
while be was oonfiued In tbe S u h
At >mi camp, is still disposed to give
somebody trouble. Hin mother bas
retained Gertrell and La laden, and
will sue tbe oounty. Iu the meantime
tbe oonvlot le getting along niotly. and
Dr Boring, tb* county phytiolsn, la of
the opinion that he will reoover.
Mr Jama* Lee, of Perry ooanty, died
e day or two alnoe.
Tbe preae association meet* nt Marlon
In tbe spring.
Then Is s new poetoffl ie in Cherokee
ooanty, and Its name le Chance.
The Presbyterians of Birmingham
have ralaed f18 000 for a new church
There la a poitoffioe in C vlngton
ooanty eallod Kit and one In Birbour
celled Tab.
Mrs Nma Courtney, a teacher at Mi
rlon, died a few dava ago. She leaves
an invalid husband and three obtldren.
Mr E Martin bas gone from Enfaula
to Y am City, Mississippi, where he
will locate.
Prif R W Oleytor la teaching a fl lav
ishing school ol about 40 pupils al the
Headland academy
The appointment of Mr O Hnioy as
onunty superintendent of education
meets wltb tbe beerty approval of all
tbe teaobers of Pike county,
Tbp Clayton Courier learns from tbe
cocnty treasurer that Barbour o.-outy
la out of debt, except railroad bonded
Indebtedness, and has |12,000 in tbe
Mr S L Russell, in Cherokee Adver
tiser, wants to see It made a peulteu*
tlary cflinse for a man to sell or buy
guano. He also warns termers against
planting too muob cotton this year
A horse Jockey who oalls himself D
Cushman, bas brought upon bis Ik ad
the maledlo’ lonB of si I the good teui
plsrs at Troy by scandalising Lather
” »n#on In a speech 8 un relay,
Tbe Anniston ootton manufacturing
company Is running full time, with
large orders ahead for several months
to oome Toe machine works aud
foundries bave tbolr bands full.
Tbe famous Woodstock Iron com
pany is selling more Iron now than at
any time since 1878, including tbe ao
on mutated products of tbe last two
years, while the outturn tor several
months ahead la already sold, all at ad
vanced figures.
Tbe Abbeville Times aays; M-
Jonathan Trimmeil, of bea<, 15, near
tbe Hudepelh aobool bouse, wbate he
had lived for slx’y years, died last
Monday morning at 2 o’clock. If he
had lived until the 28th day of August
next bo would have been one hundred
and three years old.
Birmingham Age t The Memphis,
Birmingham and Atlantia rullroad peo
ple are receiving right of way and
rurobaalng mineral lands through
darton oounty from the Mississippi
line eaal. Mr J B Huckabee is in
Wulker county looking after tho right
of way for the Georgia Paoifio between
Day’s Gap and Birmingham. It really
locks aa though weat Alabama will
soon have more railroads and be ad
mitted Into the oommeralal world.
Montgomery Dispatoh; Few of the
re iders of the Dispatch are perhaps
aware of the iuot that for seme time
past tbe Montgomery cotton mills have
been running full time, and turning
ont large quantities of tbe boat kinds
of eight ounce cauaburgs, but such Is
tbe faot. And what Is better still, tbo
mills are doing a fl e business, with
the demand at present tar oxosedtug
tbe supply. Can’t Montgomery b.tve
another such factory? Tho oaplta! is
here and In abundance .
Koran la Mailt R v Mr Thomaron,
the evangoliRt who has been packing
the liaptlHt church with pooplo for the
ran lew weeks, will bold t momorlsl
service tins afieruoon at 8 o’cloc.i,
which wiu end Lis work 1 th's ui y,
aa h« leaves to morrow for K ha, C. 1-
ite oounty, Ala. Mr Thomason has
labored ea ur-stly to save sluuers la
tbio oily, and hi i off >us uuvn not been
in vain. The evangelist, by hla earn
est Christian bearing, bae endeared
himself to our people generally, aid
who wish him God speed iu bis good
work wherever he may ro We learn
ibat Dr Nunnally may possibly oou-
tlnne tbe meetings a while longer.
Noh-lj-one hundred c -nvorsi -na have
ot en made during the progress of the
A (lean to It M-w
Many suffering people drag them*
selves about with failing atrengtb,
feeling that they are steadily Binklng
Into the grave, w hen by using Parke:'a
Tonic they would find-a core com-
morolng with tbs first doge, and vital
ity and strength surely coming ta.-k to
"1 am 83 years old ) have been alok
nearly all my life, and eight to know
something about medicine by this
time. 1 hrvo used Porker’s Toilo
freely for rnoro than a year, end con
eider it tbe best remedy I bare ever
known In fact, I now find no other
medicine necessary. For weakness,
d< bility, rheumatism, and that dis
tressing cl goneness end pain from
Which I suffered so long, it bas no
equal. Ido not eee how any one can
cflord to do without so vnluab'c e. med
icine.”— Mrs jtiiitiio N Graves, corner
Bast and F nt streets, Providence, RI
VarJmrV 1 tuic
[Prepared by Hlsoex & Co., N, Y ]
B Id by all Druggists iu large bot-
les at Oue Djllur. f.:L17 tn fr<fe. lm
1 has bi on observed that "Good peo
ple are a' ways happy.” That is it. If
they weren’t happy they wouldn't b'<
go ii. T ntra is ioih of go< di eaa m this
world Lhit b ows away b lire the first
orosth of trouble,
Abaoluteljr Pore and Unadulterated.
Amo PaiwwiMo iv Phvmdms (vumiHnw.
And all Wasting Diseases t
For the Siok, Invalids,
Weak and Debilitated Women.
For ule 1)7 Dragf lata, Orocera sod Onlers.
Price, One Dollar ear Bottle.
Sir Soli) mty In J—1 Niltlr,, «n(l non. 'nH-
Mj'tauchsH l)««r onr trad fr-mark l ibol ofUisuldciicmiAf.,
13 above, and tho nemo ofcompany blown In bouls.
0 ;>‘Pe-Bon8 east of Oit Kooky Mountnlna (except tbe
Territories), unxblo to procure It from their doalera,
•an have Half Down wnt, In plain awe, unmArkcd, Bx-
m-cbs chur^ei propulil, by roinltthix Hlx Pollen to
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Baltimore, Md.
.Sm.f J-rirnt ttamp for cur CnftUllng OomwmptUm Fbr*i-
la,rouai*ting principally oj ram btcUtctk aud ear ic»lkr-
A'.pml/y ralunhlt for hidigeetton, Jl\.tp*ps<a % an>l
tcorcrvfrom dll Watting fiitrata. /I can h* prepared
by tiny : etptr. Allii'quiriu concerning thu formula
and the iat of our «'h tatty In a.iy dbun, tedi »* cheer
fully iinsttcrtd by our Htdieu I Department,
' adMAw 'op OO nr l«
The hat come it eat when
to e terrible eg n? Incident t thle
w? critical period in e wo'vinn'e
life can be avoided. A dlwtln-
inishtd pbrsiciti , who DeMed
the gr>et8«t portion of bis life
(forty four jeer*; in thU breach
of erectlce left to cblld-bekrinf
women this priceless legecy end
U^e - gavln* eoplience. Tfl*
dey there ere thontendi of the
beat won to In onr lend who.
heYlDg ux*d this wonderfn! reme*
dy before confln-»nent,rleeepend
cell hit name bleeied
We receive letten from erery
•e.’tion cf t^e country thank Inf
on fir plioinf ibte crereretton
In the roach ot •nfiarlnf women.
One tedy from North Oxiollne
wrl re a« that ahe wunid like to
thank the peoprietore on he
knrei iocbrin«iap it to her notice,
ea in a prrviona confloement ah#
he two doctorsa end they were
compolled to rae chloroform*in-
a rnment., rtc and ahe suffered
almost death : bu», this time she
•o l tier t-bor was ahort* qaick.
en 1 elmcst li>:e sobrIc. Now,
wh» ebould s women golf r when
«h« can avoid H? We can prove
ell we claim by living witoeasea,
end euv one fete eated -an cell,
or have their hn.sbendfi do so. at
our office, end seethe original let
ter a* which we cannot pabllth.
This remedy Is one about which we cannot publish
eertifl. aica, bat It la a moot wonderful liniment to
be nsen a<ter the first two or three months.
fiend for oar treatise on the Hee th and happfnee*
of Woman, mailed free, which «lvea all p«rtioalars
Tea BeanrivLO Rvoulatoe Oo.
Box as, Atlanta, Ga.
fold bi all drnaeiat* ae tn thaw axt id mt (I
Beal Estate Agents
1.0JK our for 3ARGAI B
, 5U0 Two ntn ter-m-ni tu.uass uea.)
Swif>'s utils In tieil h> y
Five ifiatmuui nousen on MTic*
tlOtO 2% aeres. v.k—ni io » tvontlng IV.rk
:H M Si’ll 'Ml it 'USD
HUM % -o :e 1> , tour room irouae on Fo s
-yr-n i
$.':50 Two vso nt lo'.B froutitig o: O.jle-
it - pus' near Ihe murkot
{70CW Klghl v-io OL -uialronllntt o low s-
Llro-fi atreui, H V a Haloh. Will s.llBiip-
rr b T-rmsinsj’
12SC0 >cr«'o. <ni’ Hvg on lower Bront
*l Fit-' r< om h nre. 8 ro*» Bite sen
K- m tor 2 m >rti h^nso, G >od s» i) .".i aud
vtr a Brel The he,' welt ot wa"4r tn th
o' y JVrjnit to null pnroh mer A^plr a
o-' ne
*1600 Five tenexran housoe In Souh'iu
LihtrUee Knn'i for 81 00 per month Will
eel) Bap irate at fit CO pir month
,1-0J B x room houee So 48 Oale borpe
p<, two room klloLcn esrvant home lc. very
good repair Tti'tn-i easy
810'OovRh ^ ao-e lot on Og’emnrpe s'
$t:0 T'-rec quarter acts land, 3 room
run-r U :Gr fa oh Oue diiIo trom ol y
271P u «sore laod snd 4 h Uertp
for 813 53 per month Iu Girard Ttrui™
£1:03 Fnnr room house and lot In Browne-
vl i»
8310 One ace lot and 8 roomhou.eln
Q rard
Fit een vaodot, lot-, in Girard and Bow de
vil's -nd on R.rie Hill O e:ip
8 ICO 0:r haddred uod Utieei ncr s cu
'and 3 miles from el y on Bui: creak. In s
ftu« sia*e of oultlvatloD, 60 or CO sores 1 .
woods T rase' 0’iongir to pf.y t >r p ro
llo you want an orange grov ? Dry-
won', a homo elher for ymrse'f or nnU'-?
I no, rociirB witbont delft- a deed i.o build -
li-glo' hom ‘ or nrohard grova, looaied at
8t Andrew’, 11 •, , Florida, tlio fulrent f'p H
In lire Land of Fi "se r e
D ’ di-i-»y IVe are pgohls for Hi. S
Anoraw's B .y Kailroad »no L-m> Go oyi.
r.y R"d innei flaJ! A ;Ood horn,- o-in bo b»d
lor S,6 8 10 or 12 doiura
fine UY & CREEN. ■
».» i;|lu \, m n
Ties, Canes,
Hats, Jeans,
Cuff Buttons,
Collar Buttons
Soarf Holders,
Hose Supp’t’rs,
Night Shirts,
&c., &c.
ORFIL %. C. JOHNSON. M eager
SolublePaciflc Guano
The only one of the
That is still in tbe field under the same name
Manufactured by the
Pacific Guano Uomp’y
Works at Wood’s Hnl . Mass, and Charleston,
S C, Capital,
The undersigned, who, finee 1865, hove ^applied
thousands of dealers and plan levs with this popular
and reliable Fertilizer, are prepared to take tlieir
orders another seaNon for Soluble Pacific Gnano
and Dissolved Bone Phosphate, which ie a high
grade of Acid Phosphate made by the Pacific
General Agents Pacific Guano Co,A.igUKta, Ga
For Goorgla, H >uth Catoilua Auiitns, F nrlan aim Mini.-i-ipn'. O iravei-
irg EgeiMn are Frank 8 Hoh-n«, Mobile) F B Gordon, Coluiri'ii-i D R Mai no,
Mauoc; P A Danbar, Savannah: B Matbf.wa u, Aupas'a, G:a, For sale by
Guano Company.
COLUMBUS, GA, And dealers elsewhere.
Practical Ciidsrlakif and Funeral Hi'if o',
I ASS HOW BKTTKR PR tPARKD 'ban ever to fttrnlib FnoeraU „L morf moderate
prtoei. I have the Ihthm and nio.l o'.molete lire of Co Tut, G*ae< anil Gasket# In
Lheelty, from the ehespeH' Pine Com to ihe flne.l Wrodea end Metallc Canea and
Qisfc ts mannhetmod. A toll line ol l.»d er’ Geute’ and ( olldreo'e Burial R-,b;s tr.,m
(1 to 883. All modern pr.ionSRes n*ed In einhaimfng 'he rfeo.l P fRonel uten.lon given
to oil Funcrnls placed in my ctuc-ga 8).'1« action Kcsranteed, Orderr by ieiegrar>h
will be B led In 'fclrly mluu 6. lguirautce all bilck work a 1 O oaeleiy io give seUe-
(actlon, Prioia reniouabie.
O. L. TOBBETT, No, 55 Broad St
N B -NIr’eY Bell n front do r.
O pn- te iX*.e R
BROOfc R.,ok J-YTDnil, * V. t I.riv i’itX V.
EK1£ MKD»CAk OOv BUtr>AUfc *•
CVr» (Oi-'W
'Webster Warehouse.
We keep constantly on hand a full snpply of Cotton Seed Meal,
goods were bought in large lots at low prices, and we know that we
can make it to the interest of all parties wishing Fertilizers to call
and see us before buying. As to the merits of tho "Home Mixture,”
we have nothing to say, es it is too well known to the planters of this
section to require any recommendation from us. All we ask is a fair
trial by the side of any standard Guano sold in this market.
Columbus, Ga, Jan. 24, 188b. CARTER k BRADLEY-
1 24 -n -»nl*w2in
UN 3D UiK-TA. K Ei R,,
Patent Metalic Caskets, Wood Cates and Caskets, Children’s Glost
White Cases and Caskets, Children’s Gloss White Metalic Caskets,
1 Personal attention given all orders,
Vw It h Street, 4 Boors West of Tho*. GilbnUs Pi’tatia* Office.
Roaldect nentlaL
ftoom No I, nk Broad street, ap itaUa
over Wlttluh A Khm a JaMly
(Saeoeskor to Dr J M
v— —... . — Mneoik)
Offioe uez< door t.o Rankin Honse. Santa
■o'ranoaHH Biddle’s gallery oct4 ly
38?4 Twelfth street (formerly RandoM
"reef). f*l Yy
D tt. B. K. SBliisi Office at 7 fl
Evans A Co’e. Residence with W B
Jlaae, an Jnekson sweet, eonvtiesat. of ooort
b'-nee )»M If
T homas a chandler.
Office 118 Broad Bt. Colnmhne, Ga.
O 7 I
Anorneya at Raw.
Office over O K H 'Ohatraeser’a. Oblleo-
Uona promptly ol -nded tn end procead*
f'.rw.nld pevlfltf
Betwean En;{lahd ana atorgii-, /lorl.
da, Alabama, ihe float!", vnd SociHiweat
^Irst-claes Pagseayer Accowma.4tafito*l
Cab^a 92C.
Exonrsloc 8Sfi Htesr**# IU.
r KE nrat-olaeo Ircu :3t«aKi"l;l;'S nt Shi*
Coin puny are appointed to vail «v*ry
"Jy.\r»d»y trorr Kos .'in »!8i> ta, from its
vnrnaif ne follow*:
(Standard ilmf)
GATE CITY, Thnreday J in 14. »t 1:00 P m
OITY OK MAOON, Thursday. J»n 3b »*
7:TO p ni
GATE OITY. Thnrsday, Jan 2*. at 11:80 r m
OITY OK MACON, Thnrsday, Fib 4, at 6:00
GA?E CITY, Thr.ruday, Feb 11, at KUO
O'TY OF MACON, Tlinrsdny, Feb 18, »*
6:30 p m
GATE CITY, Thursday, Feb 25, at 11:00
a m
UTY OF MAOON, atmrsday, Moroh 4, »t
5.00 p m
GATE CITY, Thursday, Marob 11, it 9.8)
city OF MACON, Thursday, March 18. at
G t‘' CITY, Ttinrsdry, March 25. ul 10.C0
am . ,
OITY OF MACON, Thursday, Aprfl 1,
4:00 p Tu
GATE CITY. Ti-.ursdaT- April 8, 81. 8.30 J> o»
Through biUr ot lading given to »'«*
Tnc’ tu.aunfacturlnt >. Icfr and to L>T»
Orapcny’s wharver lc both Rsvsji*
tab and Boston are connncted w'.Lh roll*
•»da landing nul ;>i the two altles.
RIUHARJDhON <t BA.-.- iiOft
Agen’-B. B&r units. OJ-
O 1Y L CLARK, C-, •'U'al Railroad, Ooiumoim. Gl
A life experience. Unaimrkuh
Igem. UeiiviSt'
IsiltW' UM'»*. .
Lblc Ml J. jaick on, m. -r,i»l
JVui.l .qt-.:np for atwii(1 pfiti-’u-qr- ‘.it *r.r,D,
Dr. W/aRD a Git.. LOPibiAka, m«.