Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, February 18, 1886, Image 3
DAILY ENQUIRER. SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 18, 1886. EXAMPLE OF THE SOUTH fm uou'air •>■ Jobs Itkfi a Pl» for rraklklilaa In ar«w Fa k. Kaa York Time,. Ex Governor John P 8! John laid down,the law on tbenutjeet of nrohi- bltion In CblckeriDg Hill ye«terday afternoon. He wanted to bring ab..u* total abstinence for a 1 ptrpie and prohibition for the state, and held rp the southern aiatcB ea glorious t xmi» pies and patterns for all others to follow In dealing with the liquor traf. flo. He told bow he had gone through the eouib, attending prohi bition meetings in K rt utky, Ge.;r gia North and 8nuu; Carolina, Ten nessee and Mississippi, and lad found states and countitp, towns and cities, emulating each other in auol- lshing the saloons The town of Corinth, in Miesbsiipi, furnish ed him with au illustration, fie landed there very early one morning and went to a hotel in company wi b another stranger, who htd lust ar rived When they got inside his oompanion called on the landlord to briDg a hot, strong toddy before breakfast, but was promptly told they didn’t keep anythli g of that kind. "Oh, Is that a temperance house? Then maybe ycu cau tell me whereabouts lu ihis town a goi> oan get a hot toddy," was the rtJciDder. The host said deliberate ly, "You can’t get a hot toddy or a cold toddy or any other kind of In toxicating toddy in the whole town of Corinth." Mr S' John went on to relaiehow the man resigned himself to his fate, beard that "that fauatic St John” wa» going to addret a a pro hibition meeting that night, went there and recogmzsd the s, a kor a? his companion ar. the table, and wa- oonverled to the cause. The thought that In three southern states, out of 122 counties 117 bad blotted out the saloons, and mat M s sissippi tad but one dram shop where New Y tk bad ten, led the lecturer to speak in hot torn and With much sarcasm of the present an happy condition of this state, Beer gardens, "sac.e 1” concerts, side doors on iht Skbbatb, and happy homes ruined by drink were graph! cally depicted and strongly com* mented upon, and then Mr 8; John drew another pic'u e, bright and pure aDd beautiful, In which sarsa parilla and ginger ale should be the almost limit in the way of strong drink. ' 8 rike the shackles i fl the ram trsffl j,” he said, after rcmindlt g his hearers of the victorious aboli tion movmeut. * L?t the flat go forth that by the grace of God and by the will of American freemen this self-destioyir g vulture, fattened on the life blood of the best of our land, most go. Let the Christian people stand ae firmly c gainst the liquor treflflows toe liquor tr flic stands by satau. I wish God would give some of you men backbone. Stay away from the bellot box and let the wo men ruD the government, and In one year I warrant we would have no sa loons.'’ JAPANESE GAEDENS. A UlBt War ExltMIri a Vaatilaa-bCB Cm» IO ika Buck Tara. Outing for February Plots of ground even as small sb ten feet i quare are exquisitely beau tified by Japanese n eibcdr, so much do ihete neople admire gardens and garden effects. Thr e is truth in the suggestion that too many American "back yards" are given over io coal ashes, tin cans and the garbage bar rel, which by simple moans and a little taste might be rendered charm ing to the eye. Such waste places in Japan would be made neat and clear ly to I ej;in with; a fewtvtrgreen shrubs and one or two clusters of flowers would be planted; there would be a rustic fence projecting from the side of the house and hero and there a quaintly-shaprd fl>wer- pot combining a few choice plants Iu gardens of more pre tence there would be a little pond or sheet of water of irregular outline, aDd If so situated that a brook can be turned to run through It a great charm is attained. The piotur- esque fea.ures of such a streamlet are brought out with the aid of rock frses merits and even r< ut ded boul e a; rustic bridges of etone or word a.e made to spaa It, even the smallest pond baviug a bridge of seme kind thrown across: hammocks and min iature mountains six or eight feet high, over or about which tne palb runs are always present. In gardens of larger sites the mountain grows lo twenty and even tory feet high and apon the summit a little rustic look out with thatched roof Is made. In a 111 larger gardens several hundred feel square, "the ponds and bridgia, ■mail hills and meandering paths with shrubs trimmed in round balls of various sizes and grotesquely* shaped pine with long tortuous braLohes running near the ground, are all combined In euoh a way by the ekililul landscape gardeners that the area seems, without exaggeration cf statements, ten ttmeB as vast.” Hrrvli. London, Feb 10 — A dispatch from BeJgra.e says that a conspiracy lias been discovered thtre to overthrow Kirg inilfui oi. 1 place unon the throne Prince Alexander Ksrngor- gerltcn. 8'vi ral persons charged with being implicated in the con spiracy have, be u arree : ed. Prince Kar grgeriih has long been a pre tender to the S-rvian throne. No stead or uotiaie Vv Therm. “Y s,” sad the wetpirg widow, "John has gone at las'. Many a fight we had over who strculd get up lo light the fite in the winter, but he’ll, have no trouble of that kind where hb’s gone." "No?” queried a sympathizing friend. “No, I guess they keep the fires vi the t'm* ”-B n Commercial. 1 THE SKIN. ITS DISHSFS 4-0 CURE. This class of troublesome com plaints embraces u large list, some of which lllict nearly every family in the land. Heretofore the treat ment of nearly all these dieeases has been very unsatisfactory and unsuccessful, and the people have been very much deceived by pre tended remedies. A mujoiity are caused by an impure, vitiated con dition of the blood, a«d us moBt of the blooil remedies of the day re quire 60 to 100 bottles before you discover that they will not effect a cure, we offer BBli, which makes positive cures by the use of only a few bottles The most common of the skin diseases which are curoel by the use of B B B, the only quick Blood Purifier, aie as follows: Eczema, Old Ulcers, Impetigo, Abscesses, Erysipelas. Dry Tetter, Ringworm, Carbuncles, SctUdhend, Itching Humors, Pruritus, Blotches, Old Sores, II trpes, Pimples, Boils, Itch, Splotches. BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION is sought by the use of cosmetics and ail sorts of external applica tions, some of them being poison ous. All fema'es love to look pretty, which gentlemen do not object to, and a smooth, soft, cb ar com plexion adds greatly to female charms The use of B B B will purify your blood, will remove blotches, splotches and bumps that I appear upon the face and neck, and! will tinge the pale chesk with the J roseate hues of nature One or two bottles will convir ee any one of its ▼a’ue. No family should fail to keep BB B in the house, as there is no family medicine its equal RHEUMATISM. One author says: ‘‘Rheumatism is due to the presence in the blood of a vegelable organism < f definite characters. Another says: ‘‘It is due to the presence a poison in the blood which it of the nature of a miasm.’’ This disease having its origin in the blood, it is reasonable to sup pose that it must be cured by rem edies directed to the blood Address B’oud Bahn Company, Atlanta, Ga, and you may be made happy. oX.*w Hiiftw tne i; >1 rd not CLINCMAN’S T obacco REMEDIES THE CL1HGMH TOBACCO OIMTHEBT the most effective pkitmra tion on tho enfl-rkot for Files. A SURE C I. If I£ tor ItrliiiiM Film. Has never lulled to give prompt relief. Will cure Annl Ulcere, Abst'eng, Fistula, Tetter. Balt Rheum. Barter’s Iich, Ring* wonn«, Pimplob, Soreo and Boils. Price 50 rta* THE CLIKGMAN TOBACCO CAKE NATUKIl’S OWN ItICMROY, Cmva'm Wounds. Outs. Bruises, 8i>rains, Erytripela*. Bods, Carbuncles, Bone Felons. Ulcers, Sores. Sore Lyes, Sore Throat,Bunions,Corns. Neuralgia.Rheumatism. Orchitis, Gout. Rheumatio Gout. Golds, Couebs, Bronchitis, MUk Leg, Hnake and Dog Bites, Sttnge of Insects, Ac. In fact allays all local Irritation and Inflammation from whatever cause. Price 25 cf «• THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER iNURlIDiRNTS compounded with the pnreet Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended for Group.Weed or Gake of the Broa-t, and for that class of irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and Ruins where, from too delicate a state of the system, tho patient is unable to bear the stronger application of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches and Paine, it is invaluable. Price 15 cfh. Ask your druggist for thone remedies, or write to the CUNGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM. N. C.. U. S. A Mil Real Mi FOR IX ;F A NQF. $15,000 i a'».bii..:B or 'lrr»b »el ! n SHERIFF’S SALES M cf Clothing And Furnishing Goods and Fixtures ST PUBLIC OUTCRY K n. EAOWLEh a 10, Uil»is. Georgia, Muscogee County: By virtue of the order of the Hon Janies T Willis, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Cliattahoo chee circuit. I wL’l sell on Friday, the 12Gth of February, 1886, in front of store house Nob 83 and 85, on the west side of Brood street, in the city of Columbus, said county, with in the legal hours of sole, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing property, to wit: All of the Goods. Wares and Merchandise comprising the stock of goods now contained in store house known as 83 and 85 on the west side of Brord street, in the city of Columbus, in the county and state aforesaid. Said stock consist ing of Mei.’s and Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Shirts, Socks, Collars, Caffs Cravats, Gloves, Rubber Goods Piece Goods, Merchant Tailoring Goods and Material, Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods, Satchels, CaneS, Umbrellas, Notions and Fancy Goods; and also all the desks, office furniture, mhrors, shelving, counters, tobies and fix tur«s, sewing machines and tailors’ tools in said store house All of said go ds, fixtures, fumi ture, &c, will be sold as a whole and not iu parts 8aid property levied on as the property of H J Thornton to satiB fy a mortgage fi fa issued from the superior court of said county in fa vor of the Merchants and Mechan ics’ Bank vs H J Thornton. This 15th day of Februnry. 1886, J G BURRUS, Sheriff febie 1«UI 2*1 20 BALL’S CORSETS. Tl.r ONI.Y C OT^FTmudc that ranLefrtnrno Y,v it< purchaser alter three weeks’ wear 1 T’eSfegtly satisfactory - -t.’i-tt. mui its price ixl-inded 1 y :.e!lo variety cf -rt:. .... --s. 15. -airat ... n-inti.’.*. Nonei;..linetvil!.«trtBa!Pl atUCACO CORSET CO *3 Li jpeiiard St., New Yuile, *40 & 24? St. Chicaen, tu * Muscogee Sheriff Sale, By F. 91. KIOWLlf AC». AoitUntri W ILL he Hold on the flret Ta««d»r la March oext. In (rout if »be aac'ion house of F M. KnawlfB & Go.* ' , oirer Broad kud 10 h b rreta city of Ofintobna, Mnicogec county, Georgia, the place for lioldiui? lepai sa -va: . % . , Lo’ 9, block 29, bounded on the • o tb bj the land of Dan Meyeii. on the w it br fli J im*n M. k OlinrcU lot. on the ftou*h by lands of John Luu ford, <>d the cast bt first avooue, io the city of G lumt as. Mnic gvecoonty. GttorFi** b Yl*d natbe property of Bettfr V les, to laili'fr a fi fain my baud* in favor cf K?o Wire Vr. Bettie Ml'a-. Property point* ed ootby plaiutifl io fi fa. Leyv made and retnrned t me by A W. AfcMicbaol., L, O Alto, at tht t me time aud place, ona two rocm house and a *rart of land lying in Murcoaet cosnty, Ovomia. thld land ct ntainiDg one-e chib of as nor* more o r lata, »• joln'ng the land of G, M«.Oook tn the east. r n theni.rth by b ndt of the eetate ol Wm, Mo- Ocok; ('ereeotd, on ibe went by Troupe ilrrat tooth by Woolfolk street, flail lard tb >va described ad joining the city of Oolutobat, Georgia, on the north of »hH city, Icvlod on at the property of Carolina McCook, to satisfy a A ft In dt hands Id favor of R B Moon va. Carolina Mof’ook. Livy made and rt turnad to me by J. L. Owens, L. O. Also, at the s • me time and plase lot of land in tho eltv of Columbus. Mnscogra county, Gtorfia end known as lot No 012 Levied on as the pronarty of tha es ate of Mary P ida to satisfy a t«x fi fa In my hand* for itate and county taxes for the year 1886, Levy toad*- and returned to mo by f L Owen, Aj O. Amoo-. t of tax |1 80. Also, at the same time ons two-room I'ame build ing within the enclosure of the tar P >rk. situated in thecitv ofCo’umbo* stater f G<org<ft« a* d being near iha ■onthfai'tern corner of tb-* oaV city Levied on as tho rr« perty of Afar Park Bs^e iia 1 A'DoHa* ticn to satisfy a tnx fl fa in my for state and county faxes for th'* year Jft5. Levy rradeand re turned to me bv J I,Oven, LC Amoort of tux y no J O ;'OB r iU9, f«b2 oaw4w 1TY OF CO ■i ro i nanei-ber in Qeoxulfta Ai bamp • r Florida. TOOM B * CR A W FORT), flctU E tfitw A;ent, IG N r tv Bro y d H’reet, C ^EOHQI%. MUSCOoKK COUNTS'-Who-eas, J A M Hrann. n. a-’minUfrator « f rh* c-f.tat.* of 8 Amelia Wrlvl t, reprei'eufs to the court in his petition duly filod that he has fully admlni* tered *''’ftris^a 6 thrr'-fore, to cite all p-vsons soncerurd. hslra and creditors to show cmic. It aoy the- have, wuj Art d adr ipistrator should not bs • Iff.barged from hi* administration rartivs le tors of dls m*««ioQon th^> fir»t Monday in April, 886 I’l'lil sivpa‘nr- .1-•---r fltb ItteO. a ol Da'iuao. ja&fcawkn Cnliaai #, bhcriff L'RJLJU £2 00U Columbus Manufacturing Couiimuy'n 7 per cent Bonds. JOHN TO V 4 NO". VAN, a ,;9 a<l ,r K i! K.inte ‘ n <i Ad mi a is;r at o r’n S ale. B Y virtue < f au order fwn the Court of Ori in*, n t iklt'.acogee cour ty# G » wiil he sold o i fh» first TueHl»y in March 1ft U're cf the auction be use V M Fonwitt A C - cr.ithw et cf Broad an-1 Tooth s'recL. (JolamUs. <ifii Haceof b^i'.tiig leg 1 sales, between ti e le*»i| h nra of tale, to tho I.Uhest bidder, ‘he following described property to wit Alima* pit>ce or parcel ofiaar ijiQg and bring In tha c1tt o' Colunibus. county of Musoogee. state oi Gam gin rti*.Ding *1*;y fee? on Bridge and lorty f»*ot od Wcli.tosh street of one of tne vacant lots laid ouf by 'h* city of a Iambus nnd known u Nnu. 1 or One on the wrrt side oJ Ho- Jot.-sh str**"t. on vrMrb is »» two -o■ m S’ »' ♦»»/. p-operr, ' a ' ‘ J *" OuLUMBUM and savannah, oa Great Skngiiter Sale of Crocker?, Chiaa, GLASS WARE, Fancy and House Furrlshing Goods. Being desirous of closing out sti ck, I will sell below cost for the next 30 days. Now is the time to furnish your homes cheap. GEO W. ALLfcN, ■ • - Webster Building. •cbie dim Lively Times KIRVEN’S. While others are complaining of dull trade, fa are toning Up a Lively Bwss With fresh Goods every week Received last week j NEW SUES, NEW BLACK GOODS. MEW WHITE GOODS, NEW GINGHAMS. NEW HOSIERY NEW GLOVES- In short, we have replenished every deportment with new, choice Goods, bought at bargain prices. We name no prices, but they are right. We are always busy because we keep what the "deHr people’’ want and sell at prices to suit the times. Come and see us J. A. KIRVEN & CO. AT HALF COST! RENI HANTS I REMNANTS! BiustiaiDs, Iks etuis, Tills Limn FLANNELS, SILKS, Injfaet, Short Ends in'every class of goods, TgThere are' many']use5j end desirable articles in this lot of goods. Every lady should see them. A Lot of lie CfiltliaM X P.” iCorsels Will be closed out at the low price of $1-50. A Lot ot COMFORT CCESETS at IO Cents Bargains will be tho order of the day this week. FOR SALE. modern? eonnlruCad rmniug norm Troup rrMi, orpiritr Dr'Jk Qanrler nor« Thoroughly .quipped wltl» water work*, drainage and servant* New Dwelling wl’h ten room* and onl■■ bou.e, on avenne, fronting thr park-roost beauiliul elle In lh« olty Building Uni l »H on north Trnup nred Home and Lm 54xltS on north Troaf ■tree! FOIi miTSNT'. New Dwelling corner T'onp and Ohape, Hreeu, lull square uoith ol Urier'a Fnnr rr ona Dwelling corner Jackson arte! Tblr fbai h .'.reels, opposite Urawlord’e New Store on Oglethorpe street south o Dlibitw’i L- H. CHAPPELL, Broker, Real Estate and Ins. Ag’Stj, jsr ew J. J. PATTERSON. Having purchased tho interest orf J H Edwards in the firm of PAT TERSON & EDWARDS, I will continue tho business at the olol stand, onpOHite the Rankin House. J1Y STOCK contains every thing in tho Hardware lino, is en' tdrely new anil bought at tho veiT lowest prices. I am determined to sell as low or lower than any house in tho city. Try me and sod if I don’t. Cast Turn Plows lower than any body. Oriental Gnu Powder, the best in use. Razors, Pocket Knivos, and alS kinds of Cutlery, and everything; kept in a first class Hardware* House. All I ask is for my friend-t* to give me a call before purehasinig anything iii my line. J J PATTERSON Telephone No C. dwlf SAMARITAN NERVINE THE GREAT NERVE CONQUERORS NEVER FAILS. The on!* know*' fiytcif < for ftptinptic fits, Also for Spa> nie mi'. F*n|rg -t ekness. No'vous wDitkiiCHH yiifokh roll voi and cared. ICtjnAitttI bf rjono in floli iuu; of nvor. Nouta' rlr,*-H Knrinn of dineitHO.t and siihuer** Gore* n^ly bl an ’ stubborn blood sores (ilea use * Id nd tjtiiot e*a uliigyixh rirculation,,. Klltu'iiHti* Boils Ourbonnlss am) .Sraids Perm •* n J promptly an res Pautlyst*. Yes, It is % charming and healthful Aperient, Kill* Scrofula mi'1 King's Kvl), twin brothers* fibaiitf s had breith h> goody rttnoviug ranse,. RontB B Mo lsnif'S and olearn complex Ion O v 'Armi"g r> « dveot and uiat' blesn 'axative. It drivoi 8)rU i'-ad cholike the wind, Oontains n«- druntU c-tbartlos or opiates, Prom tly cur*- r' f'nniaH'm by rontlr g It. Restore* bf * giving p-opertl s to the bloody 7s gnsraiifted to cure nil nervous disorders* Reliable when ali op uti s fall. BefresbcH fb* oiitid au ' In^lgorst s the l»ody. Ou'ee Dvioophla <»r "•oner reiuuded. Kndo sod Id «ri’ ne b* over filtv tbonssnd Leadf 'y pt vsJclons in 17 S and Eo-. pe. Le ding cl erg > iuuu In U 8 and Knrope, DByHiKEKfiESSi Or fin* l.hpior VK.ihif, Posillvely Curoil l».v iMlmiwisilrriiiK Or. llaiiiuN* t.’olciu.i ,S|»r< ifiu. ;,mui bo if Ivor* ii « cup of roffue or tf’n wli-Xa ^at tho knowlodgo o» tho ponton tuklng \\ i Absolutely lmrmleas. An ’ will otfect a ponn.t, bont and speo«ly cure, whetu’*r the pmleultu? A moderate drinker or am Alcoholic *vreclc hAAbeen given (n thouMands of canes, and tfr every Instance a perfect cure has followed. Bg: never fnita. The system once ImproK'^atesJ With the Hpeclflc, It becomes an utter liuj*oads bility for the liquor Appetite to eiis* FOR BALK BY M. D. HOOD & CO , Mult. •3 ll’M* Street. COM/MHI)*, HA. Call or write for pamphlet containing how Aredsof testimonials from the best woman aalr men from ail ourta of the oonntrw THE COLUVBU9 Iron Ms Coup*’ Arc now prepored to furnish ft. kinds of ROUGH 4 DRESSED LUMBBf And to Dress Lumber for the put lie, and solicit patronage. | ‘t»»a ....... ._„o mw iis JilUiiUlU MgjJUUt Wiiu MUM 11*44 «Wij WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ST$AM, GAS, WATER PIPE & FITTINGS ! FOR SALE: Gat Fixtures, Hose of all kinds, Sewer Pipe of all sizes. GarFittirg and Plumbing promptly attended to. Teleptiono No 09 JMo. 40 xtauaoipix etc kl? »uu*j PARKER’S j AIR BAL3AWI* ; ,:.r fiv.iit'.. f..- dr'-.ln. .75*1 * ■9!«. W. W. 8#HI & SOY, rhyslcl dis anil Sr*rg! 0n.s, T HW 8eulor of tbs fl**rn will ilovctiw pkcI m si>' n*l n lo LI*sa.i«e» OfllQvt ov r F' »!* <Sf YV.gii.’4 *Gii«. IL-eV* I’lA'C** <*t , v •» l>” Kctxwpt*