Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, February 18, 1886, Image 4
4 DAILY ENQUIRER - SUM, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 188«. imiLlSHlft I! 1828... 57 YIAl OLD, :XAf Ok-. Prop Daily, We'll; and Sunday. Tbi UQUIblt SUM It Irratd mry day iim| ■tKltr The Weakly It leaved ot Tetedar. The Dally (Incl iding Pnnday) It deli? red by Itrileri In the city or mniled, postage free, to tub rlber t for Tit yer month. ll.flt for there pontht. 4.40 for tlx month*. or 47.00 a year The Bnndai la delWeredby carrier ooya In theotty walled to tubecrlbert, yoatat* free, at 41.40 a fear. Tht Weekly laletuod on Tuoedav and la mailed to flBbaciibeit. postejr* free, at 41.10 a year. Traotlant adverffeecjti.ts will he taken for the Pally at|i per tquart of K Unco or leas for the Aral aaaertlon. and 60 corti for each aubaeouent inter* •*, and for the Weekly at |l f*>r each insertion* 411 coinmunloatlona iutended to oroniot^ the pri eatj endaor InteroiU of corvo aticna. aooletlea or aMrldtula trill te charge,; aa advertisements, Bpoclal oontracta mad'for advertialm by the year* Obituaries will be cnarced tor a’ euatomary ratea Hone bnt aoUd metal onta need. All eoammloatl'ui abonld be addraaaed ta the Bvearfator or the KNQpiaaa Bun. THXhoua.' committee ou agrioul' ture expects to report In a tew days Mr Houk’s ..bill to prevent (bespread o/pleuro'pneuinonla The bill em powers the government axil.orltits, with the co-operation of the state au thorities, to condemn and slaughter Infected herds, the governin'nt to pay half the value of (he stock killed,and authorise; the president, in the event of therefutal of u state in which the dlcesse Is prevalent to co operate, to dcclaie lUe state In quarantine. Thk Tribune gleefully quotes the declaration of an independent oon- tempoiary that “.here la no demo cratic party.” l! cites the division of the democrats upon the tariff, silver ooiuage, civil service reform, and other ietu in proof of this as sort iou, a; we have heretofore done. But how much better ofl ia the ag gregation llial calls itself the repub lican party ? What are Its views In regard to silver T Hus it not moe spoilsmen than reformer* ? Is It agreed upon the need of land revis ion ? A considkua ble change set. ms to have been made in (he climatic con ditions of Ktusag and Colorado tbiough the enterpriser/settlers, A considerable part of the western half of Kansas wua for a long while con sidered useless for cultivation, be cause of it s ffljleut rainfall, lliu the eel tiers gradually eucroacbeu upon It., and the cultivation of lire soil is thought to have promoted rains. It Is now said that within the last ten years the rainfall in (he neighborhood of bodge C ty has been trebled iu quantity, and it ia predicted that in a few years irrigation will become unnecessary iu some parts ofC iloias do, where 1. has heretofore been prao ti.e 1, Opinion at the war department is aviout unanimous that Howard and Terry will succeed Hancock and P pe. The prejudice that extala among mauy army officers toward Howard finds frequent expression, yet It is admliud that Lla military aervices and standing on the army register entitle him to a Ivauoement to one of the two plaoee to be vac tut next month. When the president enmee to select, the merits of the men and the Interests of the service will be considered, and not the ou‘.- eide clamor of parlisaus, L ille a 1 * tention will bo given advic* lroin persons not tn the military service or closely allied with It iu duuruiinlug upon these selections. A number if manuf.cturers of carpets, wull papers and other arti cles lu which orlg'ual designs count foragiet' dial are urging the adop tion of B.uaior Platt’s bill prohibiting the use of a design by any other than the patentee. Under existing law It has been found difficult, if not irn- possible, to recover damag e for In fringement of copy-righted designs, but under Senator Piatt’s bill any colorable imitation of a design is to etilj ot the ofieuditig party to a pen alty equal to the tulul profl s made by trim from the mnnufaoiuie or sale, or both, of the artiebs ’o which the In fringing design bus been applied. Tnis pray open t he door to an Immense amount of litigation, for nintVcnih-. of all designs ate adaptations of some thing tint hat gone before; but it is entirely right In principle. If all xusnufacturors should be icqnired to provide their owu designs instead of ‘■‘borrowing” irom thtir neighbors, room would bo made for the em ployment of some of the graduates of nrt schools, who, after graduation, find no demand for their eervic s alnuply bicause it is easier to adopt eometbing that has already achieved popularity than to design something nsw that shall also be popular. Q d original designers are as rare as poets or true inventors of any other kind and their work ought to be folly pro tected ttom pira ea ufa.l ku.Cs. Ti. UM.Maki am. The speech made by Senator Mor gan, of Alabama, on the Blair edu cational bill, which oame up in the ssnats a few days sgo, has excited considerable oomment. Under this bill large appropriations would bo made to the south, amoDg whloh states Georgia would reoelve, accord ing to the official computation, |1,- 860 600 While the bill, If passed, would oonfer many benefits, it is not likely that It would prove an unal loyed blessing. Senator Morgan thinks this way of It and has ex pressed himself in very emphatic language. It Is a serious question whether or not the danger thus In curred would offset the benefits to thus be derived. Mr Biair no d< ubt introduced the bill from the prompting* of a good motive, but this should not have any influence in considering whether It should ps‘B. In the discussion Be i- ator Morgan said it wa. a bill to oreate offices and elaborate the ma chinery of government. It wss a bill to tax the h meet, hard working man In order to edcoate the children of the drunken, loafing vagabond, who would not work for his family. If from the 60,000,000 people in the Uuited States were to be deduct ed all the dead heads, dead-beats, and non-producers, there w uld be about 20,000,000 people left, who would have to pay tl e 'axis to carry out the provisions of this bill. The bill itself would be equivalent to a tax of $8 per capita on this; tax payers, and by tbe time ail the officers were appointed for the ad ministration of this scheme of be nevolence, and all the clrrkp appoint ed that would be necessary to inves tigate the accounts of ihe ihiriy- eigbt elates and ten territories affect ed by the bill, It would be found that the uxjt-r capita wiu’d be flO in stead ol $3 If United Biaies sena tors were men who plowed fields or workid as smiths, and paid taxes out of the sweat of their brow, Mr Morgan could have more respect for them when voting away the money of one man to educate the children of anoth er. The constitutional ground for the biil, Mr Morgan continued, was said to be found in tbe “general we 1 - fare” clause of the preamble to tbe constitution Such an application of that clause simply meant that you c uld pull down the tnan that got up by his own ex rtioue, In order to put up a drunken loafer that would not exert himeelf. That there is a uecet-slly for educa tional facilities we do not qucsttoni but that it will be had from the Blair bill we a: e not prepared to believe. Toe bill will not pa.-s tbe senate in its present form and there Is too much hosti’ity to it arno.ig demo- crate in tbe hou-e for It to become a law. ao opportunity to reconsider their ao- tlon upon any particular nomination If reasons fordoing so should arise. It Is asserted, however, that through inadvertanoe on tbe part of oenaln oommltteea and committee clerks tbs senate has narrowly eeoaped con firming one or two nominations made to fill vacancies caused by sus• pensions. The republioan leaders are not yet prepared to permit the bo os! led contested oasat to be passed upon, and to guard against suoh a thing thla action la taken to keep all confirmations quiet uatil the reoords can be searched and it is found that tn none of mem has the dt-plaoed of- fl ter been suspended or removed. Hnnatok Gray of D lawnre, favors a law which will enable mar ried women to testify in capital naff* to which their husbands are parties. Just bow wise suoh a law would he di pends upon whether the wife be permitted to exercise her ohoioe In the matter, In which case we would eee, with rare exceptions, w men on the sta::d only where their evidence aa favorable to the accus’d. To make the giving of testimony com pulsory would hardly be productive of good results, and, In view of the cruelty and violation of the oorfi deuces of marribd people involved, wed ubtmuob whether suoh a law ci uM be enacted, or, if enacted, en forced. Absolute!) Free from Opiates, Emetics and Poison. SAFE. SURE. ER-QMPT AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO .BALTIMORE, M0. Bole Proprietors. fir Lnii’s Bull) ia’: Sirin. Mo V-tj AilrMilfi. Ti e statement is made tlia’. the school of agriculture and h- rttoullure connected with Harvard college has four pupils a :d seven salaried pro fessors to ins true 1 them. This shows that agricultural schools are not so popular, even in the enlightened north, as they should be. We do not call to mind any agtloul ura‘ school but what there are so many other things connected with It that this feature is lost eight of. I' is strauge that the obits' and must uuiversal and Important of the arts and science-,— farming - has to be oovered out of sight with other arts and sciences its Btudy becomes attractive, even to the young men who expect to fo'low it for a livelihood. In order lo draw lull classes the agriculiuiul school must either be attached to same other eohool or have olher schools attached to it. The M o rgan state agricultural college, perhaps the be** endowed and mo-t euecespfui In the union, line recently had a regular army offl at de ailed to instruct the embryo farmeis lu military science and dtill them so many hours daily In the manual of arms, and this not withstanding the state has an excel lent military academy whi ’h makes that klud of Instruction a specialty. Should the latter institution now have a farmer detailed lo drill the cadets daily lu the manual of hoeing corn and digging potatoes, Mlohlgan might leave her farmers tn do her soldiering and her soldiers to do her funning. In this way the eduotliou- al interests of a state might be round ed to completeness, and the arts of war and peace blend and bang to gether. A new departure has been taken by the senate in the matter of giving out cor.fiiillations r g eed up n iu es cu'ivc srbti u, ami hereafter the aotiuu taken ou nominations at any one session wllll not be made public until af ter the ihx' scs Ion has been held Ju-1 why the adoption of such a rule is ntoese&ry or desirable sena tors are not disposed to say, exe pi to remark in a general w .y ti n 1? was though. he 3 t to give t4,earn'Ives * We beg to call s’tcn. tin >o he above Bn b N ck > feyrlns- -aoeitor mma'l'.'i or pal Ircvrn mint o n«*s, In wh cb - v ,.. . h" or OOld wait! 1« tin- \-ktl sired, dooth -r Syria go is sofffoo nul n aonv «rt« ih.n eol this, tor wl'h I e use wete- cno be ■etMof'd at will lor a j length of time No Syr inge rqu l« 1)1 ror 'he lntfotii-u o' modioli: a! ir. dons, ee i be lu til. el’ ceere brongb- In eo ■ i«Ol wl'h *11 parts. No indy or > exp o’ to eetilj r.oover (rota vaglarl or iverlne disease- wiibon: aHyrloge tbal eaa thor oughly o'* ns’ be rert.n Red bring t n» uud cine.. in conlaol wl b s i be diseased pans Cull fo- circular- nr Us -"her n«o« nt drug mores, Vor sale bv a'l rirngg'-sts. Instrument deep. e-o or ruhber store P Ice'he S 'm- as any 'rdlnarv Hertnge P out —M ug M«n- ufao uredby <3 W LUTZ t OO. iDdmnapoiU, lad. HRANNON A OARt-11. Whole-Rle AL'euts, Columbus, G- teMR u ih s»t I n WEAK,NERVOUS -A2VZ) DEBILITATED MEN COPIES FREE. and WOM1N see kin# Health, Strength and Bn- er#y, should avoid Drays,Beoret Ked- ioinss, etc., and send for M The Re view,” or “ Health and Strength Re gained,” a large Il lustrated Journal, published entirely for their benefit. ft treiitu on hcAtth, hygiene*, phy«io«l cullaro, and mi’dlcul HubjoctH, and In a 01 'nplato oncy* clopiodlaof Information for Hufforlng huraunt- ty uffllctod with lonK-^tandlng. ohronlc, n«rv- oii8, ex haunting and p ilnful alnewie*. Kversr subject that bears ou health and human liappi- new receives attention In Ub pages; and the Fwered, and valuable Information in volun teered to all who are In need of medical advice. No similar work has ever been published. Ev ery 8lck or ailing person should have It. YOUNG AND MIDDIaK AGKD MEN, and others who suffer Irom nervous and phys ical debility, exhausted vitality,promature de cline, etc., are especially benefited by consult- time, money and disappointment. If using medicine or medical treatment of any kind, read Hand learn tbe better way. THK REVIEW exposes the frauds practiced by quacks and medical impostors who profess to" practice medicine.” and points out the only safe.simple and effective road to health, vigor and bodily energy. Electric Holts and all curative appliances are treated upon; all about them - which are gen uine, which are bogus. Belts on thirty days' trial (?>and other fallacies reviewed. Thou sands of dollars saved nervous-debility sufferers and others by the advice given. T1IK RK- VIKW Is now in Its ninth year of publication. Complete specimen copies mailed FRICK for B cents in stamps to pay postage. Address, naming thU paper. Publishers REVIEW, 164 Broadway, NEW YORK. 404*Apply now or preserve our address SPRINTER OPERA HOUSE. Two anted P.i 'ormenoei I Tuesday, Feb uary 23. Matinee .'or La !rs mid Obbdreu at o’o ock Appiaranoe of lit* Old Reliable, H wO' UiN Pi-vb Sb w, GBaWO HIBERTA AND bub ia Dsu Omorly fo pun) 1 . 6 GBFAT COMf D ASS. 6 Hoppor'ed by r .o nop-ljy In tb* tatts'. end Uedd-i-tj, >be I nnlen of Rl! Bboa.: nt cm.dik», T FSE TWO DANS, Or, The f'smody itf if lenders, JOHN FENTON, the grsht®*t. cleg j> re© 1 *-nd wooden nh.te dancer of Amrrlc I H' Y\NOL7NN, tie creates*: of all Iribh Onm dUt* I N<» worn <>nt production—everything new! !*lo curtain filli ! Osc coutinu tie show I Twj an - h«lf hoars of solid char funl JJdN HOWORXH t Solo ' r*prie*or. 434*U»t*u! Prices Reserved setts can row base’ Opted at Bj k ‘tors ltD a 4t Admi-iistrator’e Bal . *f fh KNOWf.B^ St '4, tastlonsers, B Y ’irto* ef or.’er of tba 0 urt of Ordiaary of hathsrr. count', ps‘'.cd at Ou .Noren.b.*r trrtn 1 will call at pub'lc outcry on the first l'a».«(tsY tn srch.iu frct.t I tb auction b-'use of V M Knt'wle* A Oo, n irthwosf ron< r Proad and Tsa»II e'-rsets, in the cltv of Oolnru; ui Gi, tbs u ! soe of hoi lag legal salt*, an^ between *.ho legal hours ol rule the folio\ in p gpo ty to-wit. All ti at tract . * ,-jid known the ncith hhlf of lot No 193. > the weat sid of Ojklethoip# s‘.*c<»t iu the city of Uolumtus, Mn'cog-'o oennty, Ga, t.eld let b«iuc7.. fo t auU ou said ousa and in noli sb ick the whole depth ot said lot, j Abo. all tue soda wsier hp/uib^ua iff- c'a propers 1 tU» a. d ftT>turt*nauo6e uppor'alnloc to the eode water s Is’.ely cariled on by Jt Uu Kyin.d^ ce.LS8 ', at ’.LeubcVt pr t. ih©.» Including on* ho se end t^o * Ajccns u«e^ In ^ id bn nirss bold a*, i « <*' of the Hild J tbn liya . late of raid ooa ty tf CL Alb Am, eceaket. Terms. »11 cash lor the i da w i*er arpxr i us 'tot ft tbe mi d n bail cash and be alc- in a ..e*‘ twelve nmnlh.i \-l.h intere t a* 7 |to pent pr sin n, secured bv -‘U lb ^ land __ Pu L iSeric RECEIVER’S OFFICE, Ml f'Aum au 2s ci folk, Va, Feb 16, 1886. PropooulR will be received at this office uniil Saturday, March 27th, 1HS6, for the purchase of the here nufter mentioned property in its entirety, and also for piece' or par cels- of the same- -refei ence beinp bad to descriptive lists of said property—which lists, statin'' terms of sale will be furnished upon application to the under signed The right to i eject any am all bi !s is reserved. Viz: The extensive and valuable ptop- ertv located in N orfolk and Ports mouth Va, knov n as the “Seaboard Cotton Compress Company of Nor folk, Va, consisting of; 1. The franebue which, among other privileges, authorizes the storage of cotton and other mer- chandi. e, and the issue of nego tinble receipts there for 3. Its plant which consists of tlu-ee first class Cotton Compi esses, Two Steam Tugs, Three Transportation Barges. All adjuncts necessary to a well equipped establishment of this character Its fire-proof Ware bouses, seven in number of capaci ty for storage of 21,000 bales un compressed cotton Its four Frame Warehou-es, metal roofs - capacity, many thou sand tons of Fertilizers, Salt, &e. Its Wharves and Docks, which afford ample room for berthing at same time ten seagoing steam or sailing vessels. The area of the Wart house and Dock property in Portsmouth is about 6 12 acres, together with all its other property which is fulh described : n the lists above referred to W.M H PETERS, feb!6 td Receiver I. D HOOD i CO THE OLD RELIABLE AND laoBfaelnriiig Ch mists. They make ami sell the best goods Manufacturing is their fort. Their special j»r* parations, HOOD’S EUREKA LIVER MEDICINE and JORDANS JOYOUS JULEP for Neuratgia, are nail} - gaining in characttr, popularity and sale. Merit will tell. Jordan s Joyous Julep has no equal on earth for the immediate reuef of pain, and Hood's Euruka is tiie only perfect family medicine. It is put up in the dry and liquid shape. Wo call yoiu 1 attention t.i our large and well selected stock of GARDEN SEEDS. If you wear them, examine our new stm k of Trusses, something ntw, easy comfortable and durable, U R 0 K , the specific for all private diseases. GoSSYPEDIA Woman’s Rest Friend ALLENS LINIMENT, the. best in the mar ket. Are wholesale ngenls for Dixon’s Sure Cure, the best reme dy in the market for Ohille, and for iiho We si =o sell the great Flori da Fever Mixture, Wild Orange Syrnp. It is effective and delight ful to the taste We sell a superior brand of Ci gars. Jnsut try them if you smoke M D HOOD & OO. S3 Broad Bt, Columbus, Gu ER IJROS Five Cold and Two Silver Medal*, awarded in 1885 at the Expose ions of New Orleans and Louisville, and tbe In- ve,ntious Exposition of London. The superiority of Coraline over bom or whalebone has now been demonstrated by over five years’ experience. It is more durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and amv break*. Avoid cheap imitations made of vurious kinds of cord. None are genuine unless “Dk. Warneh’s Oor/link” is printed on inside of steol cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADlilB MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York CW ( 1 ft ■ <* ■ • atr Collector and Insurance Agt. Office with Reedy & Green, Real ; Estate Agents, south side 12th street, Coiumbs. Ga. Will receive applications for Life or Fire In surancf ir some of the best Com- | panics represented in this city. 1 Also give his personal attention to j the collection of notes and accounts, I writing up books copying &c. All i business entrusted to him will 1 receive prompt attention Charges ! reasonable. febl4 eod2w j mvaixu uov«s or ; HENRY CLEWS 5c Co 13 <6 15 Uioal H vte', .".lew Y ik, S t’KH t'KNT I.NTF.BKST ;PaID CM SP SIT BAt-AXOS.V OrIgrE ci fli!sd on ill 'he Exchanges lot T CSS, BCKDS, (. BAIt-i COTT'J Sv d fl ik 1’TH o Cai U on Margin. SEND TEN CENTS FOR A SAMPLE COPY. y&s jvpe/e JPutHnksuta Co. FRANKLIN SQUARE.NX I fM>l6 dlvr . UT‘ J-»2 : v: ...V G koug ± cu *iTT *a )ooa evu * v • !■ '-i t'f b'm nn v !i 1 fV i I’c - rs*u *uJ ▼ lu a-b. . i :l). t . ip?; tn <j M>r Icy tn U ’>> ' i o\ U. AJvk' ,-v- ,»♦ Ul fii J4.4YS OA-jTLa.DL - KY . RiUNfcf fO L0.1R! Oj Ci y KoaI Keifite, 3'i.cks «rd ni-'d n o i:i c ;i !r. i a;, by u. o, war On lio !» - ave r.- qo.-K<ed h> ei-l- a- >1 u-.v 8 'ier co ■ Mo-'s-ag' t. «r. H- f-ftbot in fly --ate. Mo patron o' c lo« tv»r li:a.a at liar. JJH.NBLA K-a.lS, He weil III Cc.'anttu, Hj- ■Mte Osfflif La« To be Sul. at fibartliaa’a S„Ie. A u ' ii voryia, g 'i ty it .; or dir /foul he o. ‘ ' 1 ' *r iiftoci.f* 9 tj lo o r :r, ^ Sr.-t- Muzida, c *4 * .'8:0 r Wl?! - hp* r » !•). /y d< use uo.f lu v u s i.u G , btj'v/fen ’e . ’ h D- ’ f e “ fl ■. TnoPdfi’ <turc*»l • 'J , ? h • »,.! (J >» [ . » r -cuov • H H * p T - c- ' CL' » h coriniy, G i^ v z L ^ nowUer n«ven'y *' >il » -*d ji- i.f*‘ u res tn ri» or ■ IT :>r Her’ na'* of’o number oypr live U 'M’r. J -j\’. 588 c € r -ni'ira or 33 >! ' r, cf. r* CRoiiokb '“ohi’a o n 1 W n ^la. fcs >\l la di liftv.. t.n .ju m % lvi>a «>• rfti i are r. s'ovs t , remain o L di '"•eor*: J r «c* auo f w ■ y h'».vn he;- s »w9il ta oats. A . a u u ti eaii’i v »r--w s.rj the p no' 1 1 H<»e i r d • ,)lv 'I a»n t’R id oot b fl’"1 ^ e~t \V ^ pn cf fjAOMgrjJ T rnj Ol... f lit C.:i .1 bu.k'.LC. 1H ifioB h' M 8 per cf'i' l?/r^p • .1 E O h’H FR Towt-m eu vryG l i’dlp-. f dir . r Heir W ' v M 1 ; p 1 I\:vi p u tv ‘<1 rj'1 ■ - l *-» ,N wb :«'’niaoru •I’.ics *.o purohanerB ... , MU ’ y VB Hn-p . . . . v V : W W tf Uk 4 » t >, Dt»o jt4»K ieua tio4%»6 vr4L . TRADE PALAU This Week, nr White Crochet Spreads, i BED C0BC70BTEB& HAMBURG EDGINGS, TORCHON LACES, LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN NEW, LADIES’, GENTS', AND BOSSES’ HOSIERY! 380 Dos n Ms’ Oalanndfind Shirts At 60c, and i **■ 125 Dcz n Vwj Fill* Clanadr’d Shirts Three ply bosems, Wemsult* Do mestic at 85c, good value for $1 25. We guarantee the fit and finifh of these goods or refund the money.