Newspaper Page Text
f,|t a rMi ef Iki
■ik Hut Mill ks (•■KrtM.
Haitlmors Ban.
AH day yesterday re. a euger boys
were d.livering telegrauis at the
•rohlepueopal reeldeuoe on north
Charles street. They followed each
other in each rapid succession lu the
afternoon that the bell boy stationed
himself at the door to avoid extra ex-
«:lion The telegrams were from
archbishops, bishops, priests, lay*
men, societies and colleges in every
part of the ooun'ry, north, south,
east and west. Each telegram was a
message of congratulation to Arch-
b shop J rues Gobouo, who will soon
be er a td a car.liual. The teKgrams
showed how dearly the arotibl-.itop Is
loved a td admired, and how wolootne
Sind been the news ol tbe honor that
is about to be conferred upon him.
Official notification of the action of
the pope has not bean received at the
aruute-'iiscopal residence yet, and Is
not expected until the last of the
woefc The avchbia top will either
be invited to Rome, so that be will
be present at tbe coming consistory
in March, or else he will receive the
leaner insignia of his rank from two
pspal messengers, one of whom will
be a layman and a member of the
noble guard, and the other an ecclesi
astic of eome prelate rank in the
pope’s household. Tbe layman will
bring with him the aucobetto or
ekull cap, and his companion the
bnrretto. After reo ivlrg these the
aiohbiehop w'l! go to R me to be
p.eseDt at sumo future consistory
Tbe i ffleial notification will indicate
wbloh of these two coursta tbe arch-
bi.-uop wilt take.
The consistory Is au assembly of
prelates, tbe college of cardinals at
R :me. If a candidate for the cardl-
nulate ie in the city o’ R me when
nominated, bea-unus the c n.eistor'
next morning and is toriLbliy install
ed Into the body by * cert mi my called
’‘opening of the mouth,” which
means that he ebaii Ln.uct forth have
a voice in (he councils. If be is a way
from Rome, as in Archbishop Gib
bous ’ case, he wtii be summoned
thither as (Jeocrlbeii and go through
the ceremony in like manner.
The famous dietinotiou of a oaidi
nal la tbe red hat. Toe special nig
mficanoe of the hat is that It is placed
by the hands of it e pope himself
upon the head r .f the new cardinal
Its color signifl s tha- the wearer is
prepared to ice - tbe last drop of uis
blood rather than betray Ms trust.
It was first conferred iu 1249 The
hat is now a mere ceremonial and
serves but twice- once when the car
dinal receive? It in consistory, and
mxt when it re?ts upon the ca'.a
falque at bis (biquies. If is then
sue pended from tue ceiling of the
chapel orals'-: of theohurch in which
be may bs buried The hat worn
by the late Cardinal McCl skey is
hanging over his t mb in 8 Pat
rick’s cathedral, N w Yoik city
The form of the red but is r u 1 d,
with a low crown and wide, stiff
rim, from the inside of whioh hang
fifteen tassels attached to a triangle
from one to flue. At the cor mo y
of giving the hat the pope say* in
I>tiD: 1 R o-ive for (he glory of AS
mighty God and the Holy Apostolic
See this r-.d hat, the sign of tlie une-
q t iled dignity of the curdinalate, b,
wnich ii d. dared tha' even to death
by the shedding of thy blood thou
ehnulilst show thys if lutrenld for the
exaltation of tbe hie set! faith, for the
piece and tranquility of the Curia-
tlan people, for the increase and pros
perityof the Holy R >mttu church.’’
Another di?tino’we ornament of a
cardinal is a gold ring, set with a
eapphiie and engraved on the metal
eurfaoe of the inside with the arms of
ihe pope who has orealcd him It is
puL on hie fl ger by the pope him*
Arohbtshop Gibbons will he one
of the youngest membeis of the
college In the library at
the arohiepiecopal residence
there is a large book containing fine
ly executed likenesses of the presc.ut
cardinals They are remarkably in
tellectual looking men. Tae new
cardinal’s face will be noticeable
evou among that striking group
R iinor has it that Archb'snop Wil
liams, of B iston, will also be orea.en
a cardinal at the March o msistory,
but there is no iuf irma.ton on the
sutj ctin Baltimore.
Orio* In fork,
New Yov& city inunt be iu a rtread
fttv way, Indeed, judging front the
thlly r .p-irt- puhiisi.e.i in the Tr-
buoe of the fearful orimesttud soda
i idisorettouH committed in tha- el y
I' »ne issue of ihe Iribu ejsevrrel
days ago an acooum was giver, of in.-
explosion of chemicals in 8 J 'hn’e
college, which cans fl a d'imiig». t f
1100; of the fearful leap of Win V
Duel, who jumped out of a f'urlb*
story window and fractured his skull;
of the dlsml-eal of the charge ugains
F.onols McDonald of killing his
brother-da law, ou the ground that it
was done lu selfsde'ensc; and of the
h’rrible death of Charles Ntchoia, a
colored man who was taken ill ou tha
street aud died eoon after b- ing re
moved to the hospital. AU the poc-
currencei) took place iu N vr YorK
ct'y and within the ebb-low
tf the tall tower of the Tiibur.e.
And yet the Tribune talks about
outrages th»‘ are said to be c tamt'.tu'l
In the acult I
The w»J inn 01.4 .talua Wnti,
L it n'ght a g'.n'lumau, and, by
the wsy, a minuter of th gnspal,
c.-.tne from E ^iaud to Tuoknan*-
nock. B f re sTti'ing from L ndou
he bought a suit of cl < hes, for which
h paid'$18 By >C ual I rial ha coul!
not boy k eui lilt, it lu W Ike b .rre
for less than $lo I orttitbse ab tins
msy seem to some, it is tbe neked
tru h, the ‘nriff u y on cl h* nug*
log fr .n. 4,3 115 . sr c t. \ our
Rrai ufac mers W tid m«ko ' s 's
li-vn that our tariff -ys'em, wh et)
coiiipal < an Atu ricw) ci z . to pay
$27 aore fur his clothe 0 tlnir. tli'y
ate worth. Is for tiis beneti .--Tur k
haunook Da,merit.
Whit warn<r v s safe cure
Why—< Bagration *f the
KI<1oey», R.ek ehe,
■ • ■ainatlea «fik« XMiin, Bl«44,r
or Ur I Barr Ornit-Ctunk mi ikt
RladSer, Grave!, sit-i, nrepsy, ■».
largid Fractal. SlaaS, largia,, ar
Slant ral Debility Svliki’i DliraM.
WBYf B'cause it is the only
reoneo v kaowu tns 1 . bos power to ex
cel tho ario add and urea, of which
there are some 600 grains score:e I eaob
lay ee'he tesua of muscular tuition,
and auflh"ent if retained in tbe blood,
o XUI six men I is the direo cause
f ait rue shove di'esses, w« wet! hs or
Heart T>..ii;«ee, Rtiuuuiatisui. apu
p : sxy, P .'a'ysts, Insanitv end Dja.h
Tins great epuiitl : re!p ves tlm kid
noya of too mu on blood, frees aieur
fioui ad irritants, rrstotos thom to
henttby aotion by Us certain and sooth
ing povrar.
I C CURB8 AL- O J tundioe, enlarge-
ooeut ot the L.vb.-, Absoesa and Ca
tarrh of tbs Bile Duota, Biliousness,
Headache, Fuirtd Tongue, Sleepless
ness, Languor, DeollUy, Oouatipatiou,
Hall StoncB and every unpleasant
f-ym ptem whioh reenlta from liver
W H Y T Bsoanee it has a specific and
posldve aodon on the liver as well aa
on the kidneys, increasing the seore-
tiou ar-d fl . * oi bile, regulates its elab
orating fuoodon, removes unhealthful
formations, and, lu a word, restores U
natural activity, without which health
is an lmn sal ility,
IT CUKES AL‘0 Female Com
plaints, Lsuoorrboaa. Dlsplac naeuia,
E targements, U ceraaoua, P tinfui
Mona ruation, mnkes Piegonnoy safe,
prevents Convulsions and Cbi'd-B-ii
F ver and fids nature by restoring
fanotlop!' 1 ao ivl y.
WHY T All those 'roubles, as is, wail
kaowu by every phreioien of iduoa-
ti n, eri.-.e from ouagestion aud im
paired .' idnay hc tun, r."ius'pg s ag- a
tl -ucf'.he blood vtsaels aud breaking
d vn, a :d this <s ttie betrit ning and
no direct cause of a t tbe «'.'m->nie
fruui which wt niettenfle-, a d must ae
surety f low as rigl t doer, the clay.
WHY War er’s 8 do Cure la ro
knowlcdged by ttuuisnda of our best
mediaa'’ mci to be the "'nly true b'ood
pnrifie-, is tieoausu it acts upon aunn-
tfij prlrrcipics, s ilk’iig at the very
r ot of the dtsarder bv us sotioc on the
kidneys and liver F.u, if these organs
were kept in health all the morbid
waste ma ter, so deadly poisonous If
stained in the body, 1' passed out. On
the contrary, if they are deranged, the
acids are taken up by the blood, de-
c mpost: g It acd carrying death to tbs
moat retn^'e part of the body
WHY 93 per osnt of all dlseracs
which : fll ..humanity, arise from tm
pedred aianeys, is h >w i by medical
authorities, W reel’s Sife Ours, by
ua direct action, positively restores
them to health - nd fu 1 working capaoi
ty, ’ atijis o ring all tbe above dis-
»:a ca herself when the cause is re
moved, aud wo guarante- that War-
act's S fe Care Is a positive proven lvo
11 taken in time.
As you value health teke It to av Id
Moknesr, ae it will at all timoe and un
der all oiroumstaocea keep ail the vi a 1
iudc tons up to par.
Wj also guarantee a cute and ber.e-
fi i’.leff o', tot eioh oi the forgoing
d ai-aosa. s'no tha' every caso of Liver
a .d K .i’loy trouble oau tie cured where
d generation ha.'oot taken place, and
even then benefit wi'l snrety bs de
rived. In every instance it hat eitab-
i'sh«d i ( s otaim
iarly in the epr ng, It l» un- qua'led,
’or you cannot ha70 pure blood who :
“he kidneys or lifer are oat ol order.
Look to your o audition at, onoa. Bj.i
not postpeme treatmaut for » day ni)v
an hoar. The d ap'ors oanuok oom ml#
records with ud. j G vo yodrsclf tu t-
oogb oonetPut'opel treatment w.lh
Warner’s Bale Cure, and th-re arc yet.
many years of life aud health assured
Vaale Joiiaay Jordan Tolliofo rigmo
B«a>i TOlMj-rivo Iran Ac-.
Just oue uailefrom B ’chanan there
a e living two o. Hiualaou’s oiderd
ei iz-'tap They are u-clef-J innyand
T uiamie J rdaa. U ice J-'linny is
now about seventy years old.a'td has
l.vtd wl'i'in two miles ot this p/act’
fi>r i et.rly six y years, and uncle
Tommie ttbou' (ho sunr.- leog'h of
imc. 'Lj.’s before H.raison was on
tne record as a c unty of Georgia,
these jtwo oid pioneers trav.r ed
t i se Mils and valleys. J/hn J. tuat)
wa- 4u the grand ju y
that Wa or^tto z d at B ch-via t,
whi.hlv. ,, '3 abiut the year 1867
H nitrates ma ty events which
w uld interopt our re'.der" O ie In
partien’sr is bl» disc'ipHon of tue old
! igeon r< os*, tt b : c’i w a ’ cited tfcr e -
mite' from B :ch^nan, ai>d-vaa‘be
l-.nd rha* lien d.r’frly between tijc
fatmsofJ 1 lg H-ud aud I Ho' 8 M
D .e.',p' l ri. Tbe plg^n'nu! ruade this
tltcii ro s place iu the fall and
winter oi 1850, w think. Tb ’. crop
of acoruR wa" very iaiga and near
to Christmao thane birds o mitnenced
cming to thiB country by thethous
auds. Their roost c ve ed between
f-iar rnd tx l uqdren acres ol land
&D' J dan says that r.i.t,r him down of
e tch day these birds would crao
flicking to their ro- sting gr iu'd
'lhe elements were dark* ae-', as if by
n cloud. They mud 3 a u :use i >.
-.emb'irg ths di-utit thu:i'erings
of a mighty stprm. A; durk h.I
inetrr-e- on thts vis y ecS of gr u- d
were covered with the: feathered
tiibe, aud occasionally e rounds r.f
tho limbs, waicn had sivt-n away
u-der their heavy 1 ad, could b
nertd, cud a'so occa ionaliy a tree
would give way uuatr its heavy
we,/ it. When a tree r bar won’ 1
fur give way, the rising f the birds
irum 'heir I lleutts'.hg pbc would
oi k as- u-.d ie? iubh g tue utur
uuum t.t (i’-statit tbui.der. Ne.rly
i very ohfsti-.u tie.', wa? ;n < w e I u
ln-in l»j.n;at i*. n pv .rt-,./o
,1 , T) c "' r in ' 'ey *>''• g m< re
: ii. He -ti tl tiie o u;:f . in 'he roost
\lr J i dan says t-vnry tie- lu the
ruoai s r.'tued to be full
Tj‘UiAUds. it these biris were
killed by hunters. People would
come from distant oonuties aud camp,
slaying weeks at a time, and shoot
them by fi elight, but the number
seemed not to deer-ase These birds
kept up this place aa a ronet till
spring, and tbe people near were
very apprehensive of them remaining
so long, on account of the young
plantei orops. This phenomenal
rooet waa visited by thouasnds of
people who delighted to shoot In the
feathered 11.ok By firelight and lo see
them ae they came from their daily
bunt lor food. Mr Jordan saye they
would go as far as forty mike in a
day, bat all, like a family of loved
ones, would come to the ro-'st at night
■m counties numbers.—B.jchanan
B .oner.
Rankin Hons;-:. -W B Kv-rson,
Ci-.ciunati} D E Lceberger, V slide;
A L Hirsoh, SI - w Y >K; C Merer, I t •
t R 'Ok; W H Hyman, Mas-aohoseUs;
E: Rung, N-wO iso*; J F Adam-
anU wife, Atat'HtiiBt 0 R Watson, Q F
Moulton, New Y ik; t -n msmburi oi
Only aFdi mer’a Daughter oompany; L
W New, Baltimore; R A Spratllng,
A ilanta; J A Maguua, Ciuoinnalt; A H
K nylon, New York; Dave Cohen, Ma
ntle; K M Patterson, Atihama; C H
Ci ohrsn, Cuioago; W H Clayton, Join
L vntte, Atlanta; D R K . id, India: -
spoils; F P Wri*bt, F P Dyer, Joi n
Qlii, New Turk; W U Hoa*t#n,Da' a
vllle; J Lehman, Louie vibe; J T Davtai
Ootamblr; O L Campbell, Tuskcgee; 8
T E iaon, E tnrelte; T L Joukiua, B x
Hprlngs; J B Br iwd, B . timnre; M D
Wilder, 8t L'uis; R D Redhead, Now
Y k; j B Bntupn, Hia »; W A Drive ,
M '-naciaicry.
I'BNTSAL. HOTfitO — J E Ft-SE 1, At-
.anta; C ESmi-u, No-oku, tit.; Mr . J
B Ml son aid daughter, Tainotton;
Mt«s Ma’tle T'tnpkins, C ii aQ-ovt,
At.; T, 3.tian, L iditvilU; W IWjiir--,
Wui W H-ibor, Attanis; Flank P
Dyer, N. w Y ik; O D Wi-,ifm>, M L
C 'Alt, Jurnly.aa, A,b; '.V FJ .yoe, B -N
'.lmore; A Caldwell, N w Y k; J M
Cbtiton, Opal'ka; W P K non, j:,
8 .lem; L ltbiSaxiy, AL Vtabr*, De-
'roR, M .oh; S T Fowler, PJill delptiiB;
B A Marou*, Mavannat; R G Herbert,
Cedant'wr., Gr
The new bank building at Tampa is
’(fban you visitor leave Naw York Oily
»)« Grand Cantral Depot sov# ex
■rasaega and 13 oarrUga blra, and stop at
’.bs Grand Union Bote), oppmslta u.ald da-,
81x bnndred sisgant rooms, fltied np s.t s
;-.\tt of one million dollars, II and npwiu <1.-
;>er dn.v Aaropaan plan. EtovaUirr. Boa.’
anreot sapplled vritb the bent, Horn* cm
tgsii and elevated railroad to all depot:-
.'ami!iw can live better for lmn money at
» Grand Union Hotel than at any ot.har
»)««• '--tlN'., tVio Mtrr.
" * cttairu .... ..... tlN?
Norfolk A ,v iH-eCit..g
tlorth« wi.
do preferred....
Poolflo . !•«
iloKdins ......... Mih
Ulohoiou-J A All ; 7 «
Klohmond J U»n 7«
itlca'a A W. r. iV, »ja
doos f-iland ... mi
M P.ul .......... SI),
do sreforr*.) . in
Hi I«fe<rsph la lk« Uaewlror-nai
I.ond.'N. Ke.fluty 17 dpm-Cnnso'a
tOlS S, oo mutU'L
JSkW foart FaUrw-ry 17-Noou-B p:-SS
ar - <i .1 )t ami naevy, idouty .,..-y . iy fy
•i p-1 ee-jt Xxctranev—Jos* M Vtii r
H MX S'Hi Bonds 'logieoteu. Gov-
errun ni Ponds ■ ■’-ldy and qnlei.
MV Von■ Feb 17— SixoiiH «o M Wfi
14-m.y •«4jt Ofcau Go yfUttiaiOAl.. ci) . .j
aaii Lat *,.r.jcg- w loot p#r iz %
thro* c6j\c 100^ bid. uu.. j
6 r .‘Qi
GOJG :c. flftt’-'irwfWj ?*6G 8*^8,000 o»Ij
•«f ioy •ll.46lgf00
wtcw rox* wool AAixrr,
■•^W Yox*., Fcbmxry 17.-Tfcr toUowine
were vc.e oiiJAiu^ quol«.iiOietj> of itoe c• ocx.
Aim clam a » io > fUS Mobil# A Ohio 1A
da clam »MhTille a (Jhjkfc.^.. 47H
tfleorglA •*« - 100 NO Pacific l*afe> 6»>r
(ieorfift • >, morts. 10l\ H T Orntral .... A ... IMS
t '•TOuohbA.old.. .. 30
t flOfiFt 30
f lo fnetliai-..-.... 10
'j. U. brown cc«»o<b.<08
rLV»nbBM«* M 67.%
t ?trfin1a 6'« 4*
fdo oon#ol* to
vbuMLpObJfcL A Ohli ‘IS
•hiengo A ^'ortbw’xill'
rfo r^ T *rr*u.. ..Hi
Dn 14 r L o'iftWMia ..'32S — »>««•<
iwie • •• VaniQ* not
n«t To'id /> ii sw nlo- reel*< 5 *
sJako tfbui«. M «e seS »* w •'ir Ch.nt j m |
uimrin* A Naan .. 4’\ *Wourt Fmc flo.... 1 OS
.on h UlwulMWe *S Diw..-., 7i„ I
o-i- • bnr ... 8 4 lOOB 9 5-100
Kovornhor 8 Wt-lOJ® 8 »» 100
0 H U'aan A On, In tholr rkporl on oovton
'nlnica ‘ -day, say it It was again largely
1 xnl markal aud wltbont poalilve featnra.
Tbe beeit -pgeared ni Inclined to make
uny special move, and taking advantage
of Mutt the lo gs forced a eoaaewhet firmer
tone, making a gain over laet evening,
finding “O-ne aasimence in the advanclug
taodanoy of oab'e qnoiellons on e'lvar.
Tbe ta'ter was abont 'he only stimulating
fe 'lure, trade at borne and abroad remain-
log slow and tha movement of (apply
pretty fait Tbe o res wee apparently needy
but alow.
GALvasrox ; F inrnary 18 - cotton doll:
m'ddilngiiu Hr: nat reeelpta 8M6 oai
8808 sale- 7il stock 66 838. exports Great
Britain CO continent 10,79*
Noavnus. Vebrnary 17 0:1 on qn'e'i
midflu g« n^^. net r- -el >'s 1184, ur> ae
1184; sa'eu 3o0 nuook 83189; exporU Urea
Hrl'utn 00. ,o Unent 0U
UAUTiMona Fetiruhry 17—Cotmn nem’i:
mldddnae net recelp'e 8*0 sro « 7*7;
""'ea—, sol,vi lo spin ers 1(Xj; took 88 WO
'XP'Tta to Groat Brltnln OU, Ain't eat
B STON, F«b 17-Cotton ma ke! q"t»';
m. Idlings OH ; "l receipt- 8108 grow 8561
nalna 00, aiook 8310; exp via to Great Bri s
atu 00
Winviparox, Febaary 17- ottou mi rket
- eady; middlings B)i aa' reeetpis 131
sr -HSl3l; .ales 00 e:oca 6481, expo '(G.ost
"'I'alnOO onntlnentOO
t’HiuDSL.rnu. Pa, February 17—W.ton
dm I. middling V/i i •'-t reoel.M* 88 ..oer
931; -ales 00; slack ii St'fc export* continent
uo. Great Britain 00
HavAHMAH, *ebruery 17—Cotton qnt« |
Tt idlliige 8 9 16a net receto<s 1752 g-oet
1761; (Ales S6 - s'oek tl ISA. exports to
Grout Britain 00 enntlnen 00
Nbw OKUAHb F 'iruery If - olton m > ■
ket dn'l; middllnFs 8Mo; nc -eeelpie 680 .
groee 7108. ales SU6; ' took 860,071 ipor-i
lu Great Britain 8(11. Franca 00, oon t-
-enl am
iui.;i.a, February 17 — cotton qa'-u
mlildUnsoi (He, net renalpta 492, gro- e 538
vales BOO- itobk 48,904 nxp-r.s to C.-.t
del lain 00
MnisruiH F-hruary 17 - Ootf'-b esey;
mtddllnna 8 9.16c: net raoetpt" 1662; .dip
-i :>n 181 xee 700, 1. JdA 118 846. .(.tnnera
•■naca*A, February 17 niton dull—
m -idllnya 854c rocei p e 863 ; tblpiornts
U0 u.lid 43- 2. - look
..Tiiaiorw Fj'.rue.ry 17 .Hi qntst
m', 8D 16a eevlo's 1190
190; w.n 6 0 68 l.:'2; o - to
Great Bittpl.. 00, F n o»-0J. ooutlneo'- 8800
■ in
FHour f, ar* paartuois,
1 HICAOO, "Ah'nary 17- F.'.mr ticebuaa'oil;
JOU Lib. i 64 4IKa4 45. Win at op i.ed
>n-l c oe .i toeber 'ha- yaetorii- y’s
UROren—Fo U r 7H .(D'U'q, M- ’i’ll 765i't
79J4-;, Mat 88E«8)J<-. N - 3 • ■ ring 78R«-8
On-n no'tv. t- nb roirg—cia ”8') F auary
- 0, Vturch 87% Msy — . O tir-rorg
-cash 3I4.31HJ F - nary — Mhrct; 8
Ur-y 8. J4 }tyi ■ M-ioi pn k u need ule dy
- n ire ' t .u .ly b'e'.’eas'.' nnd via.on
109 (81100. 'dev 11; 07K@H 30 L dq""i
ail - isd -o**b 66 0214,1.6 0 <•- 96 !7>»
B x ti» •" any-dry •«"»(}■ . a. «
68 »5<94 0 s' ort rln elds' 5 49 bo", hon
oi. >* b 8 a5 86 SYMay 'dendy—91 is
ug»i eioftuy—b ,„ndard A %<-.
HI. leviels.
jr. Louis, F bfUnry 17 Moor oochii t-
ed—ftmiy 96 70 8 76. abotoe H D.g.4 1C.
I :roy 4 6C-fi 4 80, Vr hem oorae fir »r but
eery qn'et. .ltd otne n 'itglu,)' tlm 7«s
lent-1—Nr.J redoaer FebrUitry 9.i'4<i
M y9i!J4 193Ho Corn in qiital, all) IngVi
st-’jj-i iw.i v*t(--der—N.-. 3 mixed oaoli d‘i'4
F. .-U.V; 3 % . a oh -c. ilHi'SiJi
3 Jt" Oist” 0 r ei cu' 'nailing c nfln-
...u> — Nr, 3mtx"d m»o 39 ciSi>.0.' b d F
•aar« 391. • b'd, M y 82c W Hky »t 10
P't'Viei ere a ; Pu' k 111 '2R68I1 3. ldsr«
36 90 Uu k di -.1-—HKi-K ot, long c ent
•i.,es 5 46 shod rib °ldt« 6 55 sbori o'eer
5 70s boxed lots—In- r e'ear 6 8714, hnr rib
6 DO, hnr 0 6 Ui4 B"c -t—-ung elaur
, do 85 80 »’-f!rl rib •••Idee |5 9 bn <-'ear
HbSA 68 l«ti6 15; ba» k o»u>-8>( : 'llj^c,
Xu/iU :fll«;
"OtrisvyiJJ.Fel.rit iy 17-Grain
Wrimt.N'. 2 -Vtl 9 : -94 ; o. ,, sue a is .
89 ve wbt e td^'.fje -.“.see '»ln.. a..jj
P :,bl»l(.a« tvs.ik :.n i Ijwer: P k— ,<*b
til 50 b.oori— uis..' rib aidss 6 1C, cl>i;.r
■ ida,. 6 -ii. «b aiders 4 fib iiaik u>«. s e ?. r
r beldw 4 80. C;«»r «'d.>n6 8V. idimiiloi" 4 0"
:sagenene»d bam-9'8®l ’ 0) L« , "C n
1 >■• 7 75»K 0U,
k*» ItVtvie »i
riuw Oar.RAWe.Feoroaf7 17 CIT.e mar
k <' we'k—“Ip In ovrgoe*> «o'«fWba lu
urtnr e eti'-- #iif'
• ‘to* s «uay — Lontelauu, a it
prime 8@5k£':'
'.Bgar *. bade slid 1) fnlr dein .d — ‘ rtf
Hi m u tiner k«"'e, cb- Ire S 11 i#a ..trio iy
li ipie 4J4'i4 i5 16 , comrn- fi i,j * ol oi"»-
mnn 4/i W eer; i .Id.iS.e. if Vitl” to «bo <v-
6 I) |6 . b-. ioe yuilnw c Iilla . *4)6 l-.l*c.
douisce i i'oin!,’al—L iQl-laue open kellie
; oil pi I ua > 26 ''.7'!,- n.-ntrlf get... prime to
• 'ie y p Hoe t6b}3tlo. common to good
fM/nm n 18c
aUweiu»r.Ti ( Ktbrn«ry 17— Yhieky steady
at 91 10.
Uolion *••* on.
law CKJ.KAlSk.P b 17 so»t o'l—
•narkd q 'e( bu v*.k — prim* ernue
2l!4&27)4c. iummor ysllutr i'Qitc, e kennd
ein— - a
'4nw t aa* F. o 17 XtUo’ eeed »i; —
*4’SS6s for niuAv, lie far "Kilned.
I.rva t 'oor, l^'ornar*- 17 H-.-'i v on
d-.i ..ilo"' i.e ...v .a boys.’.- f.-.v ;
middling up!, .a >s 4 15 1* , middling-5':. is
ad; v's.' 8.1'Ui Ui„ita— pueix u-D end
•ipar. 1 Uti os
..eaei./i- 14 I0t: bfe,ou—ul. V. -usricu..
- dtaror * e.-dy, at .Uu , &. t
toi.qwtnr qitct- l f v :
Fvor' fuy i.ut M.ircb 4 ?. 44 '
■i red and Ap 1 .„._..4 ai 4lji4 3 u< i
Ac" B tt Msy . * 5! M
y a J J '.•■ ——4 8 Ml
In; e a . >nlj 4 5. *i
J ;ly AJId Aaca.ii....... 4 61 M t
A-igavi ii ud pip.cmbei .4 tS 04
r«a4«n of deitve -ies for tOMiave olnerlne
600 ual)* or new docket, end 400 i*lt« >y
2jUU p ne—filHloe at tka day incindr 7(K»
bu J Auieitoan; np.auda 4Mt orlt.u..
4 I5 6 l.
utiuts: F lirs'-rvl 63 lil'i eelicis- Fc.brb ■
ary sr. 1 Marc - 1 52 6id Mil -: •! Ma ch ■ cd
/’P"’ 4 62 84 hu-ers April m: • Me"
4 51 64c s '-lav eoJ Ja ie 4 58 Wi
v. .o; junto an 1 Jd.y 4 58 611 v uu:
Je y nn-: A’l.'d 4 INK* «sU«"s; Angaa 1 -
,A)U acplambsr 4 S. u4u buytra. Fd.nrea
5;W ! p m— Futawi Februkry delivery
4 82 641 v lie; Fvbruar. e-.d X c-
4 ',2 84 1 vain -: Star:! w.1 A; - ' 4 52
nij - “- ; A'-'M cr.6 " y 4 F4 - 1' r,nyer»;
4;, a, si June -4 5’) fll a '-as era Ja < ima
J’ 4 '.8-61 ' bny"«- Jd'y ft».i An 1
1 a i-ffd boyar; Augun and ticp:- b—
5.4 vi. u ■ F u arev ckmcil q ilei bu. He i y
Nli.-w '/ j.'iii F .u-na-y 17— Kye -lug-Oo ". n
m ki q"i“ sfi'es 262 bul-i.a; up itndr
9 MW), O'ldiU* »‘4\
(> :BO’l-'Ai -3 V rece'pta 14 180 1 ' «.
p rt4 R it B: till 89,-i; oca ! .-««' fl"4t
Fr-inee 00
VW v sr i
a.v iu i «i •» la:
i-r.« B’.saJ. —•
--brr.arr 17—t"va:
, (rroes 8 tr.
, r were Pi Or)
F . Id'
9 4 -IPiit 9 V 100
,9 42 1001(6 13 0
U i -iOOkJ 9 .3 )01
a AT A A ITORS*. M(,
Vnv Ti r.i Febrniryn tt«*ln K'eidy—
It 02W45 17K ru;-ponline fl.m—
13 .
■IbwTork. Fib 17 Uild-G, rpirke qn <4;
W-' adiiud '•lew i^rlakbi *»■:•<. tew 45 end
» ponud,.. »105 Tax;.- Mtu. .sd, V. aud .6
Rndr. tote
'l*W yOAK, Kebmeiv 17 W«r market
U a — dot(ia..tiv Uu-. 't IU . 36 , ’< exse —— c,
ltd: If® 2V,
Feb 17 I'riPphr f Llv»rpoO'
! m o'-'' - ')' eer ,;«cier 7 61 nbos.'
CHAHf.wroN. F -b 17 Tn re lire quiet
36!4«4(>" ttutm- mr, insd 50:, good
9 .
'avAcvak F'b t7-9>.rpe»i:n« Br; •—
4. , , m e 00 u. s.eitdy— 61 :I'll* 06 mile*
r K) a. rr 'ls.
HlL :‘ltrTrr> Feb i7 "■)';■ "Ube fl la t
41c fKieiu d nt iti. u.iii 75r ; g")ud 40-
r c - u t 10 "Mt» tuipei tint fl.rn,
V5 * - " -i'" -' -'ryiti »s n»
ArilT.l and llepa'tiire of all Train6
at CdlncibiiM '■ ar? jin, Patoe ,g*rs
In EO;rt Is, nan 17 c, 1*S«
Mali i'.fin iJDm G ttnv’.l* ...^....10.04 ra
AsCCOiniYi d’ -ior. fri'.n Grec-*w 8:ii3 p m
C<j L V It II': - AM) W !iTKft N RA 1L V, A V
Mall train t: la .Vlonifif mrjy«... w .1J:36 rt.
M .11 tM'i frum A **n a 6; 19 m
KODIIsT amj ai:-AKD hailr;Ad
M il -ftl . from Tr y Montgy^l2'45 p m
A’jo lu (1: l«* t it iu Tr >y t aa
a^wa.U'.CE - Id
A cct Oi’d t»u si f-m Uh' n SptlAg8 M ,llt47 p m
DEP a R1 L T i4E.
Man r i fs r G i'V 'e 2 /3 p rr
A ‘.oBiU’ H I CJ .!Vt 1 ... 0:4 I • U t
* J
If J t t) ■
: • VfB -ft A '
' 1 O Ai
n v
U i:0 p ,
fad Pmh|v mi Li hUiT
Tbe tautest Bleamer plying tbe Obette.
hooches. Flint and AoaUobloala rivers, moduli ne Brst-olass. Will be
;nu between Oolumbne, BkI abridge
end Avaieohlobln, making oonnsoitun at
ba tahooobee with trains to and from
Savannah. J .cktonvllle.Pensao)la, Mobile
ai d N.: - O leans on Bnndsy going down.
Oa J'neadaya coming np she oonnecla
with all paeaenger trains going to Bavsn*
nnh, J-ckeonvllle, Pe.maoola. Mubtla and
Now O.-letni.
Leave Ojtumbuk Skiui. sy 6 09 a aa
Lesv E if'iila Sa .nrday 4 80 p m
Leave Furt Gxlaea Batnrday. 710 p m
Leave Commute Saturday... 11 00 p m
L-ave Obattabooebee Sunday-.™. 8 00 a aa
Airlvs Balnbrldge Sunday............110)6 p m
Le ive Balnbrldge Sunday — 103 p m
arrive Cua.uhoocbee Sna ay....„ t ufl p m
Arrive Apalnebloola M^ncay.™. 600 a m
l.eeve Apelaeblodla Monday0 00 p aa
Arrive CUatiabooabee Tnesday—.1* 00 a m
Le-tveOb-.ttaboochee Tae«4lay—11 00 a m
t eav*Ootumbta Toeeday lit p aa
t. oave Fori Gaines Wednesday™. 1 00 a m
Lews Knfanta Wednesday8 00 a aa
Leave Fiorenoa Wadasaday...—a. 900 a aa
Arrive Columbus Wednesday....™ 6 90 p m
Os end slier February 6 lr88 aa above
(obeJnle will be run, rlvai log, oto, per*
vy»ni.b. Florida and Wis.eruJtallroad—
Ai.Ivbj from Uavannub and Jacknonvllle
* 4 (14 p tn. Ld.vos lor bavannuU and
J- kH.i:,V) lu ui u 10 \ m.
Florid ' Killwav end NftVlgBtlrm Oiv—
Arriv.ra ir-.-tn Jaeks -uvillo at * pm.
.nav e r Jacksonville at 11 *0 a m.
I' >la and A'lunita Ksuroad—
Ari lvra from Frneao da at 11 tt m Leaves
0 Beomcola at 4 14 p m,
Ou uod uf cr l'ebrnuaiy 6,1886 the looal
rsiti of fruigbi aud p R'lego io all points or.
the Cba lub.'.'ochebaud Apalnoblo.ila rivers
will be m follows:
Fiou; pnr barrel w 10 cents
1 'atton prr b le ...„.25 oenle
Fur '.llk- s per ton „.91 36
O -Con H d Meal pei iim II 26
Sail pi r 91 35
O her freights tit p . pur.Ion.
Pn.-aige tr tn Ooiuaii.-n« to Apalaohloole
66 01' O her point* in proportion,
sbippure win plane * have ihelr'reigtal el
b-si by 8 m ■ p ■ ey uf leaving, a* noni
will be received ntier lbal hour.
Boit rceei vaa the riubto' aol landing at
u. uy point when ooi.ilderud dangerous by
■ be pilo',
B j.-.t wll not a'op at any pot r t not named
In tbe pnbnnbmt llei of landings iuraished
•>b‘p: art ft)" 1888,
Onr rropouelblllly for freight oeaeee alto
ill. s oti-i) dltobarged at * landing wbea
u.- purnuu j« there 0 receive it.
Hs ei> snbj -cl lo obac ge wl'bont noldoe,
T H Mock*,
le,.97 .f Agent.
;-n: 1: • ; — 2.2 : p ill
M BII.K AND GIB * 111) UAI/.rt AD
'89,11 'ruin 5)- Tr j u-d MnBtg'y... 2 25 p rr
Aoc-d'u fur Tr;,y a K.. nt « 4 5i » cu
,uj.rum ds'a fu U. I «• Bpriug;.. n.05 p ;n
riilnil Line
OF JB0^LT?^3.
CcLOnaie Os F ' 1 , 886.
( sN n I a' Si F .• u»'y )3 .6)8 .ne loenl
*ru'j ofinlKbf "n ih~ D* lahonobse.
F f end A; aliiciiloUs. rivers will bs c.s
Flour pa bsrre' 8 n«nte
liitiai) tc, i mei i* „n 4 mam
O” . n pev balo,,..— _.._v6oeaie
O . r frelgbl in prepu uuo.
P -cage irom Oolumbne io Apnlaobloola
W 0. O ner p dale In p : p ir 1 aa.
Bteem^r Naiad
jvi'lle V'iOolnmbn« 'nr Apa'aci lgota via
U lM-rdke »v« y H7t->DAY nnrnlng ot
» c/O'ick., is uralng vi* Hn cblnsoc’s
Stesmer Bartha Lee
WI'l !e«ve Oolnmbni for Aoxlnohlcole ev
ary 5 HI DAT -j 8 u IB going via H . norldge
0 dawn and np trip .
Above aebedn'e will be ran, river, eto,
pe’inl' lug.
r-tbippc-s will p ease their frelgb'. at
boat b 8 * in ou day of leuv og, aa noao
wi'l bs leoelved «r «r -ha one
H .1 reseru-e ibe i igh*. of ro' lauding at
a. y rolu' w «d c-iae,dared dsugernus by
the comm-iL-dtr.
B i?.t will do' slupai any pv'nt not named
1 "e» of lendings fnrulshed shir-pe a for
Ou ■ rerpr.r.slplll'.y for frelgb ceoies after
• i hie been discharged h. a laudlug where
"Dp, so-.; if- -bora i rrc' 1 '* 1 '
HWt’., J Wliirf.BtLE
Oey’y»’.cT:i s, fab.’4 .1
H.iving' ordered in from the va
rious oxjiress offices all my suits of
the past season that were not taken,
a beautiful line of CUSTOM
MADE SUITS will be sold regard
less of cost. Anyone coming it
with the Gusli and making an offer
will be apt to got a Huit. Corn*
quickly aud sccu’o a bargain.
.N w arriving a 1 ,rgt lot ot
3PR ZN v- v 1Q8Q
] z v»o r
r i h ■*> -j Va
CV/JU21 M»‘A?.*ixtirj.rcri
3-j Si 06 BrORi" St., Oola-fabus Qu
Beal Ketate Ageat.
A p aoe of twenty seres, large sad 00aa-
aaodlona Hon -e with awry 0011 vanleuoe, Ua
parfeet order, frail, shade, Ao- m mtlau
from Broad street in one of tbe most dealra*
blelocullMea adlaoent to 'he ally. If do*
sired wonld exobeme for ally proparty
I 150 102R Roree land fl miles ea« ol Oo>
lumiioi, partly timbered and oudac
150 Desirable vacant lot In Not’hern
L'bertiae Win sell on Installments
U desired
21*6 3685 eorea of One Umbered land lu
Liberty oouoty, Florida. This la a
rare obenoe tor saw mill man
1800 Beanilfnlly looated lot on north
Jackson street* lull M sate aud
next to corner
19800 room dwelling, earner Jeefc-
Mn ant Blxteeutb at reels
MOO Five email building* in one Mask
Georgia Midland railroad depot
1380 X sere lu oue block Georgia MU*
land railroad
1190 X sere north Swift manuMeturtaw
company on north Meroer street
900 % aeie across from Georgia Hus
laud depot
NO Two room dwelling on north Ogle
2ft ae.eeornei lotto Northern Me
et ties
11030 Veotul Lot, Fourteenth street ba.
tween Jaokson and Oglethorpe
600 .- 1x1} five aore Farm-4 room Dwell*
lng, Lee ooniuy, Ala, seven mtlen
from the oily, one mile from etatum
on O and W H K
2100 Two story Regldenoe on Wartan Bt—
In'ereeollon of Broad
1000 100 ttore farm— room dwelling and
all aeoecsttry ontbnl dings— wall
watered, 6 miles from oily In Beeped
eonnty Ala
10(10 Desirable lota on Rose H11L doeth*
iy plan
6 00 L-1 is on Hose Hill Monthly pay*
36 03 % .ore front Iota on Roia H 11
150 OU X »are oorner Iota on Rose HIU
176 00 X acre lots on R ise Hill
3001)0 ii "ere loll on Rose Hill
360 00 ii (tore lots on Rose Hill
36 00 Lots on Rose HIU
10 00 L't* on Ron HIU
10 00 A year for first three years and bal
ance in fourth and flub yean far deq
suable lotion Rose HIU
28 01 Fir five years and yon have deaiq
rable lot on Rise Hill
A Rabate allowed of 16 p«r 01 nt If wkMW
bn .Id* a dwelling within twelve month
Irom date of porebaee
Dwelling* for rant ia all parts of Ihe dtp
Also, halls. cfBoei and neaping rooms,
20 Shares Colombo* loa Man a raolurlnq
Compc j
Oilumbn* Iron
WANTED . Utuowet Rntldlnr and Load
Reel SLUie Agent.
]6 Norib Broad Hires!
*ia ea«n ih i*
Hup Tni' Ciuri «r (fmirgi*.
Cl.EHK 8 O 7 FinK,
Atla- Tt, Ga, F'ebruar 10, 188H
Ii npp h r from the dockn 01 ihe
■rnpramo 0"')rt of the Pinto of Geurgla,
for (he Maroh term. 1H8S b»i the or-
dt r of ib«' oirouitu.|WKh the numlter ot
oavea f.-fin each county n> d f out the
oily courts, t« ae tollown;
Fulton II 1 continued), niy oourt
of Atian’a 18 (2 oontlnued),
Oleyton 1 (cfu,tliined)...„.... ...;. Rf
STONK mountain circuit
D K . b t
KAHTMKH oircc t
Chatham 2 nffliyham 3 city oourt
ofNavaunab 7...._ tfl
K i anual 2 JeffarMin 2 J hneon 1,
8 iriveo 1, WsehlngtoD 6 It
M0D1 ffl 1 K ouftioud 8, city court
01 Kichmnud nountv 4 g
Elbert 2, Hanoook 4 lur I, Madi
son 1, Warren 1, Wiikial.~—_ 10
lianks l. OI«r I, Gwinnett 1 Jack-
BOD 8 Waimn 8 . 0
Kibuu 1, Haul 2. Hm ernbam 8 8
(’herr.kei. 1, Cooo 8 (1 continued),
Potsytb 2 8
Bartow 2 Oh oims 1 Drod 3 Gor
don 2 ilurray 1 W itlield 1 10
Chattooga 1, Fio>a 1 (continued),
H tralecn 1 (unatiou-d), Polk 2,
Paulding 1 8
Oi.W ta 01. cu IT,
Coweta 2 D ugla* 1, -mrtweibex 8_ 8
Batts 1 Houry 2(1 ".nttnued], Mon
roe 2, ^ewton #, Pi'-e 1. Rock
dale 8 '‘pauldiug 2 17
G.eon 8. 1 Ho;rud 2, Pit-
uam 1, Wilkinson 1 f '.oouuuedj S
Houston 2 . i,y ouuil. ot M con 1 8
Cha''ahooobes 8 iur .s 1 ilarion
2 Mure 6, TalbotS, Taylor
8 18
PiTAULA circuit
C.ay 2 [I ! ‘--tiiuodl E.;y3[looa-
tiuii"il] Q Rian 1, Kauduiph 1,
Terri! 2 9
Maco; 5. do:; ay 4 Sir-wart 1 ["in-
tinue '], “'im'.e-l Wabate. 2 18
A l. 11ANT CIl'.OTtT
(7 ,;h'it} J [. ■ iii'-oto] riajAi.ur 1 8
'.1 2 l
; I'
C'ail' Ko• tou)u Oourt uf UuonfiA,
fobll aa2w