Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, February 18, 1886, Image 7
DAILY KNQUIRBR.SUN, COLUMBUS, G BORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, FBBBUARY 18. 1888 DROP CURTAINS !«■» •» Wathi •f Art aa« raat a tn ar »»mar. MHimnto Hat m nu vnrrr Waighi HSh ** . w “ dl»<»T*rt:Q inmt my son’s wlft waa ol consumption. She «u ooughina Inoeseantly, and at times would dlt" fwge quantities of put from her Inuga, could not sleep or ratals any thing ou bar atomaoh, and wa thought U only a question of time when Ufa would be compelled to give waj to the fall destroyer. After all otbei remedies had falfed. wa got Brewer’s Lung Restorer and. began It In v#rj small doses, as she was very weak. She soon began to improve; continued the remedy and waa restored to Ute and health, and Is to-day better than she has ever been before. I regard her r8 f{°£ at *? u *• ne »rly • miracle, lor vhloh ahe in irlebtod to Brewer’* Lang Restorer. R w Bormna, ■tawtf Macon. Oa It te understood (fiat Senator Htrri- son took up the o ■ uso or Dakota on<v upon tbe solemn promise that ;ho oltl- saua ahould run a nam pipes np tht-ir liberty pole* to keep tbe oid 0 >g from frecat-'g, Nelaou H Baker, district a toruey, Weatobta or county, N y office at White P ains, write June 20 1885: • Pise years ago I, my two so s and wife were very liable to oolda We wore the heaviest olotbing, wrapping onrselvea up very warm; but it wa; oolda, eougha and oatairh all tha time. oomoneuoed wearing All- oock’a Porous Plasters as obeet protec tors. The first yaar we got rid or our heavy fl nnel as well as all ooughe and oolda. We racb wore twe plasters on tbe cheat and pit ol tbe atomaoh for three or four weeks at a time, then washed tbe parte with alcohol and pu on fresh ones; they appeared to warm and Invigorate tne whole body so that we never took odd.” eodAw wee In the last stages ■China •'A man who paints scenes snd stage curtains Is Just as much an art 1st as tbe one who paints piotures that are exhibited In tbe Academy of Da sign," said aioenlo artist to a reporter for tbe Mall and Express recently. "Now, take, for lnatauoe, scene cun tatua—by those I mean tbe ourtaln that la dropped at the end of each act. Too much care cannot b< taken tndesig 'log them, and whenever paint one I try to produce some Idea worked out in, say, warm and at mospheric grays, that when lowered will rest the ryes of the audienceand at the same lime present to them something pleasing that oin be stud led out without tiring of it." "How muoh does a good ourtaln cost?’’ "All the way from (300 to glOOO An average pleoe of work will take four weeks to do Sometimes, how ever, we are so hurried that we are not able to do onrselves Jua toe have painted curtains In nearly eve ry city iu the onion. The bee' efforts have been at Philadelphia, in the Arob afreet theatre There the cur tain Is a landscape having ten life- sis figures in It. It is a dreamy subjeot, and I named It the Isle of JDsloa. Borne of my other curtains are at MoViokei'a theatre, Chicago; Boston Park theatre, National the atre, Washington; R ddlc’s academy of music at New O. leans, Euclid ave« nne opera house, Cleveland, aud the Festival ourtaln at Cincinnati. "What have you dune in that city?’’ “The Third Avenua theatre, that Is a landscape painting. The Grand opera bouse, that represents drapery hanging over a tesbelatcd fl jor. Tnree steps are in the foreground and a gayly dressed page is stepping for ward holding back the curtuiuB. Niblo’e is perhaps the bis in this city. It Is the Midsummer Night’s Dream, and has been very favorably mentioned ” The artist s' owed the reporter a small curtain bung on the stage av the Metropolitan opera iiouee, tn the concert room. I' is a beautiful pic ture, a landscape entitled Morning, painted In very soft tines. “How are curtains in this country compared with tbe old country? ’ “Far ahead. There they Buck to the old drapery ourtaln. It is usually painted to represent a real curtain with a long silk fringe. I think we are ahead of that, alt hough some .hea- tres are away behind others." Florida Fuel*. A large broom factory is to be erect ed Immediately at Tamps. The crop of Japan plums In Levy county will be short this year, the freeze killing ofi the young fruit. Peen-To peaokee in L-vy aounly are looking finely; the young fruit on the trees Is ss large as balls s. Indian river people are agitating the importance of making auew tnl6t and dredging ont their river. The Messenger at D ytona has been compelled to enlarge its quarters ou eooount of tbe lnoroaee in business. Fornaudlna’s board ot trade will con sider the withdrawal of ibo Charleston line of B'.eamors from that port. The orange trees about Bronson are budding moely, and in a few weeks (he efiocts of tbe cold wave cannot be seen The burned district on the Florida Southern property Rt P.itatka will noon be rebuilt with new brtok build- in r»- The ladles of the Presbyterian church nt Ooale are working bard to secure funda for the erection ot a new build ing. Seventeen square rigged vessels en tered Pensacola harbor last Thursday, and U was not a very good doy for them either. The old ralla on the South Florida railroad between Likelami and Tampa have been repiaood by new Buy-pound steel rails. . A water cocapauy hits been formed at Green Cove which will sink an arie- «lan well 800 feet deep, to supply the town with waier. Policeman Carew, of Pensacola, was badly Injured lastF. lday by a riru'ikeD carpenter with a taw. Hin arm was nearly out off at the wrist. Too South Florida railroad company Is laying track at the rate of 3000 feet a day, anil have jeacted Ra.i.m.nake ford At the rate of pragree-. they will reach Bartow by the 4 b of Msroh, Ground hao bean broken f t a new hriok ho'.ol on trie Jot. where the o’d Kentucky house was turned I' ia Vo bo 36 x40 fee;, three stores bieti, with mansard roof. F J Fie ds bus charge of the brink work. The oounty ocnjm'ssloiiers, of Leer- county, arehr.viug a stairway erected lu tbe interior of tt e now court house tower, so that persons may ascend to the top and enjiy a fine view of the hill olty and hill couatry. Ribert Spencer, a ons-srmed negro, Was arrested by Sheriff i P,;rrainoro and Whitlock, aeeiated by Marshal G.oveqBtein, at Madison, last w'lek, Monday. Ho Is wanted In L iwnries cnnmy, G>, for mnrdor commuted last year. The superin’er dent o! public schools in O -ange county, J T Berks, has colled a teachers’ institute to tr.eot a A opks on Tuesday roorplci?, February 23 Lr 7. >3 Mason vtlil address the teaohers nnrl cP’.z mr. ou that day on “F pnlor Education.” The business of shipping !ish to the northern markets lu a fl urishing oouduioD on iho S J hu’e river, and some retuarbably big cislches have been made during 'ho seas n. Mr W B Gross, whose fi Ulng camp Is located ►t Bufftl Bluff, during the last w r -V In January shipped more than 6JOO shad. A Madison nlnircd cin'.cn'i to have esught Ill’ll pnir-dgea on -he ground recently which bad bt3n p i de l by 1 i-i 0- g bin ha-, no! soot o', a • a point was u.a-le bor.rpid the do- o the birds n the isr'io, which wa: *o thirk oa to impede iheli movements, and one was caught in this man ler by the dog from Ure separate o iveys. CIPI1AL PRIZE $150,000, I. is understood thxt Lydia Thomp- •oo will wear mournlrg nalr, in place of blonde, now that the death ot Hen do-«on hue mado her a widow. Functional derangement cf the fe male system'-a quickly cured by the Ut6 of ur R V Pierce's "Favorl e Prc- acrlptlon,” It removea pain »od re stores health end strength. B> ail druggists. Commencing with the first tall sow* Ing tbe out crop has beer, twice killed tbla eeseoii; but, Kke the oaniugod poach crop, it will o mo up em'iing at the proper time. Adviob to Mothkur —Mbs Wins low’s Boothino Btbcp should always be used when children are outiing teeth. It relieves the little sufierer at onoe; It produoea natural, quiet ale,op by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “bright at- a button.” It is very pleasant to taato. It soothes tbe child, softens the gum/., allays all pain, relieves wind, regulate--, the bowels, and le the best known remedy Jor diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty- ve cents a bottle A naturalist e*y» that when alioti becomes old aod ucanle to Injure a man hi - mane falls out. This probably gave rise to tbe stor/ of S''m<Gn’a weakne -a lor having his hair out. ■•mas, Osklliutml aim, ifou are allowed a free trial of thirty days of the uso of Dt Dye’s Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Bleotrlo Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief anil permanant cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhiv d, and all kindred trouble*. Also for many oth er disease* Gotnpleto restoration u. health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pam phlet, with full information, terms, eio, mailed ireo by addressing ToUslc Belt Go, Marshall, Mtnb deni? grnerally We ks Ssrsktr errU/t MW ws r-rw»g«r»«Wi for aU Ms JfeWJMv e*4 Quartern Dmtinreef Ute UtOHema aau tvrspmv.mnatapereen mammae emd wmtrolthe Drattingt Ihtmttl*—, tmdIkat Ute ram or, eandvoU<iuUh\an*ttv,tmtmtM, and in growl faith (sword all pmrUu, msTsmstuo <V Qwywwiv lou.Mli esrttteete i»4M/es efmdUe at w SnsteM eMeetkeAe* uwf*-— 1Q8S. VifauteiteW Bamkt mi Butter, WB m *0 PtUm Awm te Tte LwMum -Mi LoUrimAim ■itV te pramtlW 1 nr Mllltri. M a. OuLBSIT, rr.t La. Mam Bus a H HKNIBDT Pr...aiaia Main an 4. BUBMII, rr.1, M- a, NaCI BuS UNPRECEDENTED RTTBRCTIOIl m HALr i IILLiOl II8TRIBUTID ixmlfilans State Lottery Comp*?. r — x ' e *' * By »u tYonrhelnliif poFoUrtolo lu InuHi rw port of m« irwont Bute OoitatUatlo' < lopted l»tweraber 14. A.B. INI. Sft?*** 4 Wrtwim will Uko place montkly. It never ocoImi or poaoo. Look at the following distribution. IWfh Vraad ttontbly AND TO* MTBAdfiBISAKI Qi iRfSILI MARilU la tlic Aeadra, of Hade, Nrw Orlaus, Iinilq, lutk IS, lUiiO Uadar Ui, sersonol anpnrdrSto juid atanm4.amaxu o' Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of LA Gen. JUBAL X^EARLY, of Va. Capital Friz - $150,000. VorrCB—rhOrW ,rr rm ttaUmm •alt.. Salem, ft. M/lkt. ft. tetete, $I LIST OF PUIZK8: 1 CAPITAL PK17.K OK fl.OO.UOO-.fl.*»,(*« 1 OH AND f'HIZK OK i(>,««„ SO OIX ENQUIRER-SUN. FIRST SPECIAL .EDITIONS. Daily, Weekly and Sunday. T^a ihuoredoal grange fells back on fertilia -rs. 8 ca idont, tbe ladies’ prioe, O u.y nva s It deride. Z npliyrs of fl wer ladon air, O nly with It can oompare, D oiug good to everything. O n every sldo Its praise, ring; N egleet to use it, ladies won’t; T hey all must have ihelr Soz o .nt, •at se tu ih* v We are likely to have an open win ter from bow on to the hall of gentle spring. For all forms of nasal ca arrh whore there is dryness of the air pes-iayf"' witn wbr.t is o- mmonly called “s'.nff tng up,” especially when g-'li g 'o Ired. K.y’s OrfiAnn Bflm gives immsdta'.e re lief. Ite ‘>eni fl to me hiss bee i price less—A G Ghae, M D. Mllwood, Kae. The bottle of "fly's Cream B’lm that I obtained ol y u last mi corner baa en- tlraly nnrod nay IIMe boy o' a severe attack of este.rrh —Mrs Ssilie Duvib, G.-oen Pont ©tti^e, Ala ot U.vs “Paps, will Sent 1 . Chaus eotre scalp to-r.lcb'f’ 6«ked a 1’i e girl on New V. ar’a ova "Not If be krn wa It, my cherub 8vtits O.aus h«< a long bo d and ra cot a pta tie know* whe-i Wa get enough ” Just then the door bell rai.gand papa want ou to toll hb ool- IcoU-t to cut Hst'n wlti' bis hill for UhrldLuiaa toyR —N Y uk Jo it La.. I GRAND PRIZK OF l LARUE PRIZES OF i LARUE PRIZES OF JO PRIZES OF 50 “ 100 10# “ 800 t.oeo JO.UOO- J0,0U 10,000- JO DOC MU0_ 1,000„ 500... 900- aoo.. too. JOJXX JOOOt XOOt w.oov toou 90 001 50 00 50.. Arraoiimnos pbissu. 100 Approximation Prlxefc of IC0U)_ (WC,0t* 100 too.. 10 000 100 •• •• 74- 7 50C 1JI70 Prlaes, amoanung so... ...J6JJ801I ^yi»*4c.auji* tor cbvw uorjutiiBiioxilo |>* \a*d« - ai© OffJoBof fh® Oou.yntLy tn Ot.c«nA. tor le.r her writ® clearly, xiviu* Addr«M«. 1*0*1 ekl. NOTRH, ExpreM lii r. Bxpennf) tular A*Hod •piartMfl. roai di. Kn. KxpreM tHou*) Jrdci'8, or New Yct\ Cxchango Inordinary lett.-ri ' “ ‘ ” ** finaiB ot %h and upward* «) A, DABFM1M. V«w Orlfifloo, j. • be. i. kik* F 0. lone? Orders pxyab!* did ad drru iif|stmd Leitan U *VJBI.«Aff* BATIOVA*- HAWK, N«w OrtaBBR. La G0IJ5 .MEDAL, PARIS, 1870 BAKERS Goughs aud Hca.-acctsa-Ttte iirlta- tion vhicb induces coughim: Imrae- dir.tely relieved by use of Brown's Bronchial Tboohro. Sold ouiv in boxes, th sat se tuAw Ij acme inN.a ices, where stock own ers ive by damigaa secured frnca ra s rrads on account of Jiraoy catllo kill ed, i'. is necessary to tie cauls on tbs hey have boon known to ru the spproHCh of the eogi"' alter 7 having been driven on the track. rantaH Jil.f-ol nto-ly pnre Cocoa, fr.,m which the esrcofi ol tlllhos boon ivmoved. IthaotArW timer the utremjih of Cocoa mixes with Btarch, Arrowroot otBtiijju and Ih Ihoroforc far moraocoooiT innl, rortitiff l* is thav or.ecerU cvp. It is dfdir.toui*, nourishls; atrenvt honing, tardy d'T'-'U.vI .and admirably uilaptod for hivnl Ida or well na for persons in health. Hold by Broccrs orsrywhera. W.BAKEEKO., Drtester.Maa, H F Everett, Complainant, vs The Columbus Compress Company, Defendant, Bill of Injuntion arul Receiver, ST ATM OF GEORGIA, Musco- pee County, To The Columbus Compress Company, Defendant. Greeting 1 ; Yon are hereby cited and required to be and appear be fore the Honorable James T Willis. Judge of the Superior Court oi said county,at Columbus, on the second : Monday it) March next, at fen 1 o’clock it m of that day. at the ! eouri house in said county, then ind i there to show cause why ar injunc tion ah on Id not be granted and » receiver appointed as prayed for in the above slated bill until which time you art restrained from dis posing of any of the property men tioned in rind bill us per restraining order of the court granted on the 1 Sth day of De ember, lbfc>.j. | And further, you are nereby cited and required to be. and appear at the next, May term of said superior court, to be held in and for said ; county, on the second Monday in May next, then and there to answer j to all such matters and things as are charged against you in (he Dill Ciuwl Drill lnTSMif in thi Country THE ENQUIRER-SUN IRAM BERN :zz BKdiARORlD AND IMPROVBJD sea sr ' 1 I*"—* ! End IS NOw”8KOOND TO NONB IN FURNiHBIWO’J“* ; , a -u>-1 - . . MMOnJill 'UtliteUJI ,fjki .... teldo -UO.A I - V-i ivkii'Ji a-auam ... ... ... —. .. .. .jXlilA . ., —li'.": imi THE LATEST HEWS TO JHEitPEOPLE. - . ..=■ tgfffltK-BBj:.* --vftiMi-.zrs. 5iJlS -Awl Odum .LsMXlia mmm- it-*...f- j. tufA^sfij ; ~~mm .;r" 'TWflgr^ /.po ■ '%. f rttf.’ FmH Tetagr*pti and Market Reporta. _ AUE£Sl«SIEBaU T M El X> IA I L. ; Will be sent to anyiadfiroaa ontraoelptiof price for tlmo'BBmad, viz; |™ Thrao Months, • ! ix Months, - One Year, - "W^ E3 El $2 OO IS 50 |7J)0 isi^sr. away at the aporoaoh of the eccP'O for injunction and receiver filed by j . F >r fif..e.?n years I wes BBHoyeil wl'h severe petu in my head aud diBChnr. pr tuio my throat from catarrh. My sense of t me’l whs ranch 'rnpe'rad li» the use of Eilv’e Go.ra B .-m 1 hsv . yercome ttc ie tro’ 1 files — J B C.cjc, S. Denis Bore!, N :w Y rk. I Aid Ely’s Guam Balm good lor r i : rh of di g Blaudiug — M K 1. «s , le34 West C.ieetou:. Hi, 1- uisvidt, K. ecci<41/ A naovera-nt sa'vab'iihi: r.u lc \g w .-reh na-j flmouM. nsuce .’iUOht! I bod ; - a loot ’ < >> ifo-d said Henry l' 1 Everett against you, the sai'l Columbus Compress Company, and to abide by such order and decree as may be i.liuu anil there made in the premises. A Vi 1 ness the Honorable .1 T M'illi.s, Judge of .sai l Courl ] bt day of J.uiu iry, 188h GEO Y i'OVD. Clerk S C M C Ga. Monttui, One 7ear, 55 I 10 LI il(38 this a‘ f ms a:’.' 1 -'ure -■ to '-rly r i<r nil throat troubles has V.-e-m found ie R d K'sr Gough Ouro, which ooutalnv no opiates. U5 t)on ta. ufUol*) kl^Lutlir*. th “V M UlLO »Ka, XT KT S3 Jk-bTST* ix Mon oh 3 Ye^r, If yon intend building for i jpancy next October, now ia tha time to |huy the lot, no your ho«H| will not be injured by haate in eompletion. I have aeveral beautiful lota, $1,000 and upward, in northern part of city, the healthient and moat desirable part of city. Beautiful lot northwest comer of old Female College lot, 104-“6, r Another within f>0 feet of Me Rankin’s residence; another bade of Mr Jno D Carter's rtsideuaa, and others. I will take plcamve in showin* property. Call and see me. JOHN BLACKMAB, Real Estate Agent- ••wed frt t) ASK FOE THB W. L. DOUGLAS Host wtlfial, pcrfeol fit, iqaili *07 n or ..j ■-*- m gaiiai I. OO JOHN KINO, Prop’r. BIkhi, warranted." Con- srwa, Sstion aaJ * W 701 rnnnot eel Mies ten dealer For sale only by G J EDGE Mo 112 Broad SI la I# ectfjm Administratrix** Sale. O f Till FI BIT TUB1DAT IF BABOK. to-wit; On lh» arcond ray of Haro*. • will bi old ikd*r oH« r of Ml - } of ordinary without row I Auction bona* of PM K towlos h C».. ■< oornorof ro*d and 10th -treauformorl* c., •troot th« placo of holdinc Itgel sale* le { be». In the county of Huso *00 sad ftoto et Georgia, between the hoar* of It o'olo h in tfce forenoon end 4 o'olook in the afternoon, by bm» On oline l«Hcy D >*a eg. ac nlnlilrotrl* oo the wruteof Umvat T Downing, deootoo t. the follove tug deooribed real estate of he deoomod tying «ni being in said state and c nnty to-wlt. Allofetta lot number one bo ad red and aixty-eght •ttooked <»thaaorthwr.J corner of OgieUiorie and I We eelMforaerly 9t C'el- streeU). ooxt to aadeoeMM of the Itiioos^l chnrob, with all ieireveHtfi thereon oontaialng one half of aa aero or land moo* or lean. Terms of gale: One hall oaefa. halaoee fa one smi twe years with internet from date of sale at eoami •er ce* I OL DOWF1MOT^ Adma of the He tale of L T Dowuing. 4m^L ieo-'tOoawSw N dice t# Debtors and Greditura G EOKUIA-WtH' OOKK CXlOHTY t Afl per. na hsv eg dims ds against me of Hy 1 vs H anford <•(• ot ssld eorni- iv deceased, ate hereby BoUAt-d to prseent 'hero li. roe i.alx certified within tbs time nre-crthc d ty law sod all prreims tndnbt> ed 'o .aid dacs-red .re rcqnlied to make immediate payment to me JOHN IJU CA*. J 'r>»ew Adrr.’r of Hvlva Htanfor.i DIITHET CAW Tlsod for ove r ?B yearn with great gQoceee by ttus phyaioioua «»f J‘ari«, Now York and Ijomlon, tud •nppriur to all o»h«*rH f«*r tho i<rcn>pt rare of nB Onae?*, rttrrnt. or of long «f an(lin>;. I'utnp ot*1y hi Oiamu HottUurnnf/titling rt-l fJttpfuIreewiti. PHI' A 75 OKNTK, MAKINU 11IBM THE CHEaI’WBC CATSIHJ’S IN *nIB MARKKl'. Wr.pai cxd l.y CUK 4 Oltt. Faria. CAPSULES A>M Bvery- whurn. SWSi i-Tpin nmdlHnu of t!»* l.iver. a* l>y». pRip^la, < on-1 1.1 lion. IMurn-on-**, Jnurslif-ti, Hwadaon^ Mu 1 ur:u,Ilhcu'ii:>M.rii t g»c. It T.iliiU*Htlo lK.*w»)ls,]»tirh lift* 1 Mi pR-f'i’-tWH ‘hp we’.-m, ilbwetKitae AN INVAliVAIiJrE FAMILY MI’iDlCUSTSL houfliin(I* of prove* ftn merit. HOUSES’ SERE (JURE, Mouth Wash and Dentifrice PRINTING, BOO H> HINDI MG AMD ol rv»«y DHsonitn ioa. <LT LOWEST PRICE! » LARUK RTOOF of W fc’.TXIs of BARUH! iDoludlng. L*U*r. t a ad flats tl.aad'i, Bill Reads, t*t.i’aW always oa aond. Also auvaiov^s. Csirfl«t'«., pt’uittet -.1 ain.r 10’, •*. I'ofv of b-jj e'za or disscrlptlou nol rep', in ato. n made at hurt notite, KXKtH. ♦•'..S.Jt'BH'li, ■jfXh.. ntfr.t n EAFNFSS /ui r U’ K iWJ ( V k& wto wits Ocai f i 1by most r.f Mif^ with umeir lu :hra« red 1 o* nt libra ;>iii)r**e find wao- Nptt- Y'»rMr 1 H> gm - lEvancChey.lalCa, Alcctt A- l-iHk,^JMC H jiIsou, D*. Y» Ohio. SuMbyJ*aggtalm Pticv, t&.GBh 0*