Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, February 18, 1886, Image 8

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    DAILY ENQtlT^ER - SUN, OOtUllBtifc, GEORGIA THURSDAY MOllNIlf&, f£BRUArV 18, 1888.
IA < 1
>■>■11 ud tasters dnaand tod ton bilk A ofli
»aa>ati right % of; aavaaaah H of.' Baaka duck
iwlw Tdti. awl U» senator X pwafca afd
■safe* t»daa Maadii lafcrtee a* ortlaary to#
Ml artisan. 7e» Jo* aMillagr TKn mU-
Mak.' He. food aiMdllnn (Ho,
ascsira. _ _
To-day. To Data
r a* |oalb*aaUni railroad — 11
^S&stswisffra^ta: *
(jalsaabu and fcorii railroad u
*aaoaa...rj!lll™-l^l^- X".!!.—■ 10
Tlrt - "
11 ti
76.1 ttl
To Data
10. MHI
By<M Brn—
by OolunjLiualaoiorlaa—.-.
n. Teaser,
on hand Aojuatllat, 1HM.._
HaaO oa I,,, i „ IWT.
fOoaS Aaa Hat. 1104, life raatlrad Mao day. «4|
aW rayadyda. iMlfe ablMod. aaata day dfe total
iMiMM M.UOl nook U'fe Maa Mi »WdUa,a
ailMydt at Caltad dtataa yana toaday. Id, I (at lor*
I, M.«*I| azyorta to (Inal Britain, M.TIti oontla
a.otfe nook—
rorto-BoealKa lot l dan Ml
Britain ll.Mli I* aoaMaafet IM.»
IM Bair feMrartlaeaaaMU.
ol Wanted—Addie s Trsebrt
•tesmfer Ald-Juu F Fiaaruoy, Fiss'i
Or Lola'* Balk Ni is e syringe
At Fprlager Opora Homo- Grand HI ber.
.toad- John L Hogan
BrgBtar Martin, BtoneWfell Lodga Mo 2fe.
K of P
Bhed-Btllsbury 4 Grow
Ofelled MaoUng Darley Chapter, No 7, H
wanted-Daily's Fodtral Prooodnro
Th# frlaodo and stqaalntacoaa cl My
D A Bit* and fan lip ato rfqhielrd to»t-
land lb# fnnoral of bio atm. Fair oil k
from bio reildanof on Jaekson ftroot, be-
twoon T*alfUi and TbtrtMnih alrtc ■ at
W o'slock tbli morning.
WUI fit At S'ft.
Jftdgs J M onmon, of Opall&a was in lbs
slip last i lgbt lOOkittg afMr tagal bailors*.
Ws SsS from our I xohsnge* ha has bain
proBlnantlp manliooed for tho Jadgooblp
of bis Judicial olioult, bat nrs In (or mad bp
rsllabls smnoruy that ho la not a ouadi-
dat* and sonld not in any a rant sc tit lbs
position If nominated or eltoiod.
W.nt to Ci aao is Viltlatsa.
Osplain O M Will lima has rooelvsd a 1st-
tarttoM tbs Chisago Blnas baas ball olab
atatlag that tbop woaldllka Ic locals In
Colombo! for tbs tprlt>| to play rttih slnbi
rs soasa son b, provided sellable arranges
manta aan ba mada Vhry bare baan writ-
tan to know vbiUarrscgements tbap de
al fa to make. I' l* prcbabla that tbap will
soma, ai d u tbay do, Oolnmbtu wlllsae
Boms good bfll piping.
■ ad Daatbofa LI Its Bap,
Franbls J£,.y, :b« mile Cv vearsold ion
of Mr nod Mrs t) It Biss, died ; rs arday
attsmoon at I o’sl ok. Tuesday morning
ho Wfi tbddenly attaekad with Orr np and
Was anoonaolona whan fonnd, Krery sBort
w:s made to rsllfvs blm, bnt wlihoui
avail. H a aad death to a i erara shock to
Ute farm is, it diboy have tbt sympathy of
a.bost of rrlsndi In tbslr bareavomsst The
funeral will li ka plaoa from tha family
roaidenoeat 10 o’sio k th n morning.
1 Slorprl,a Party,
Yesterday aveulng a lew aelMt Irlc’ds
arrsrgad u mile anrprlta party to Mi E M
Walab with ibe nnaclmonsobject olonn.
gralolallng blm on a oertaln Interesting
ohangeabnnt to taka plaoa, Intimately ooo-
naeled wlb tbl» gentleman's future bap-
pin far. Tbs 'Tssat of raeaon and fl iw of
soul” waa UbaraUp Indulged in, oonpled
with wlabaaof a very varied natnrs Mr
Walab’a rendering of ''Tbs Time I’vs Lott
In WoolDg.” was enoorsd amid oontluned
applante, wbtn bshrarltlp rraponded wl'b
that » muring reollation ol'-Tba Newr a is
Apothecary,” followed by “Tba Bosky
Hoad to Dublin.”
Brakep Ihoaaat A Baahav.
Thatrnna'er ol Blabup Btokar, of Wll-
mlngloi,. Dal, to be dloctsa i.l Georgia baa
been oobQimtd, and It 1« OLifldsut'p ok-
•srtod th-ri Gatbolloi in ihla dice: a will
bsvs reason to be proud of bis aelec Ion.
‘‘Thomri A Ucckrr >• s born In Flltibnrg,
Pa, December SO, :&82. Hu made bla rludl'i
In Ibe Propaganda college, In Home, ai d
waa ordained In tbat oily on Junelg'b,
18W. Os hfi ralnrn to lb's otnnlryhewa*
aaalgcad to H obmomt, Va, whence be waa
sent to MaiMntbnrg and Berlly Springs
Betnrnlng lo Bel lmore at the end oftbu
war, be was stationed at Si Peter’a ebnrob,
andal atwardi bee mi proiessor of tbe-
ob gy, coolealadleal blalory and (acred
Borlpmre al Monnt Bt Maip’i eollaga, Bar.
maliabnrg. Dr Broker sated as cr s of lbs
swrelarlss of lbs sseond plenary cuunell.
Ha afterwards was stationed at Blot-mood
eeihcdral, until bis appointment tn Mareb,
IMS, to ibe rew dloocee of Wllmlnglob,
Bel, lor wbloh be wea sonaeorated in tbs
Baltimore oalbrdral, / ugntt lflb, IKS. He
Is a man of gisat ability and rradltloo,
and baa sndearad bimreli to ble people ”
T* l*»I Sill*.
Tbt'Atlanta Conalltn'ioa raye:
•The oontsntlon of railroad . fflclaleoali'
«d for tbe porpoae ol apply log tbe Onii Mug
tonobsa to iba prcgiamma adopted K,r
ebanglng tbe gauge ol all tbe aoulburn
lino a.*t oi tbe Mleslie'pp! end eontu <>t
tbe Ohio, metal lbs Kin. ball yeataiduy
m rnli k hi 10 80.
"Mi H s Htlueawsc called tc h) uhair
•ml S! P K Hi ger ri que«trd oaoiuseeo
retary, in H.iue, cl an man ol tbe i peom:
oomtnUleb on wbic! g.ttge, fubmiued t.
report, wh od wi a mo. The upoil pro
vid'd tLav ihu g ugo th ■! tie In m ft ur
fad fl a and ibiee dgti ti lncbct between
the fl regra, a ... w i g cr.f r'gliih of nn lno.-
varlr. los r'lhBi fl cg-.a o boons
and I qnvriei 1 cbteiMik buiween Ibe
Bang'B, ih it I . the amaiUat distance be-
twetn lit fli-gaf ttmi! be bur lie five
to diet, end ibe m.elleM c'lsiai ca frr m cn
to ooi oMbe lbuac * 1 ol lha wlreel to be five
feel lenr ltthe-. At y wicel me.curlng
Unto Dt I'J.e’ed. Tha rjport wasdlam a-
ed < pprovi) t y by iha convention am
ad'T *d, f no* vblcb ;be mecing ■ J-n r
tlBktrwl fiaraaak al Ike
Iran Lao Blfka.
1m ,
Oolnmhns baa bud atorw oldellgh fal
soelal anterlalnmanu tniaaa. aon, Boola.y
Slrcl a have never been aoan'lve.and n*ver
•elore were ao many brilliant aoooaarta
seored. It aroma ibal tacb eoooesdu.g ger
man ■ del lned lo add new lue’ra to Iba
already long atrlcg of el>gan' entertain
manta Tia ona g.van by Miaa H allo
O’Bilenallba Hunk'n bone* laat night,
comp'.lmeuiury to ber fi aide, Dili Gap-
con, ol Blahmnnd, aad Mlute* Hf-Iyu und
Quion, of Montgomery, “'»* dec'dsrlly one
of tbe moat oeilgn tol that Coiombu*
aoolety baa cnjjyeu In a lo -g time. T
a laudM.oe W.H very large. Mud a .qua a
Hon b y pleaenre rn.ed erne
those preten’ were ’be foil wing
Vra Mail O’Brian
Mr end Mia U T Uatolier
Mr end Mre C A Luveleea
Mr and v a item H tcher
Mr and V a foal* Redd
Dr and M a ■ N Jordan
Mr and Mra H H Bpplng
Mr and a W A Gnauowatn
Mr and Mra C Of urne
Mr and Ura W B hi >da
Mr and Mre Dan Jcstpb
Mra Mott,
Mn Dr Johnson
Mrs MM Curtis
Mis 11 Kay
Tot WO LA 1 S.
Mill Baslye. Montgomery Ala
Miaa Gaston, Montgomery, Ala
Ml*a L>ovrU, M in (ornery. Ala
Miaa Willi, mi, Montgomery. Ain
Mill Applega e Indian pol I id
Mies WrisL , I idlanapolls, Ind
Mite Garrst', Knczvliia, Tenn
Ml«' H.rtma i, G.«v laud, O
Mlie Tyuge, New York
V a Handtra, A'leula
Miss Heard, Miaela* ppl
UlasCapito . Blobmotuf.Va
Ml*s Howsli, Mariotm
MlSI Fluid, Ailaul*
Ml(( Keson, Charleston, H o
Y se Bborter, MarleMa
Miaa Htclia O'Bvlen Min Bier ebe O’ffrlen
Mias Mamie Hansard Mti-o Fannie Bpplng
Mias Men L Mott Miss Ida B^noe
Min F Wellborn Mias Bo die Berue.t
Mias itufy Lj owe Mlua Annie Hedd
Mils Jolla'u Huds o 5£ s Billie Peabocy
Mlae Lnoy Hill Miss Klla Marcus
Mi: Bannle CiawfordMIas Sadie Hall
Mlsa J bnnlsLlndsay Miss Marla Pealed,
Miaa Bettis Tillman Mis. Varna Hartman
Miss Annie Kyis Miss Bora Buds
Mias Carrie Jobnsi on Mies Lottie Hngbes
Mia- Clare Boot ey Mas Garris T yior
Miss orn
TuCr o saw Lisas.
A A Wllloox C U Hi ell
Marshall Wallborn
Ale la Way fiiSi • Sauk.I la ike
Baatii at a Suit.
it 8 Fabsr
F C Djwnl: g
TWO over
■bodes Browne
Jc-p Tnroer
Wilfred Johnson
Leroy Johnson
WiU Williams
Cube Kbernart
■a M K iy
Poll G Hp Irgir
Arthur Battle
Arthur Mnrduob
I H Joseph
John Peubody
Bootl Bales
Walter Curtis
Will BntoJph
Frank Tlchuor
Arthur Munson
Henry R>yno ds
Grorge Hldd a
Mark O’Brien
Fre. k Adams
A B Mason
Will D Ivor
Win rntdiey
Andrew Cruwlord
Birtow Bos.uau
Tim Stllsbrry
Wm M K y
BCi Par ers >n
G Y Tlguor
Henry Woo,(oik
P B Pal e sou
Ohas Woodruff
J Hurt Bites
£ B Freeman
Bam Ltw
"Only a Far ni.r'a Oa.|ki»a.”
Toe company which renoe'vd O Iv a
Farmer’s Dangh er” at BprlDger opora
bouse last eight cnetui vsd a mooli lnrgcr
andtsuoe. Every member was well np to
the averrge and Mias Blnnebe Cnrllsse, os
the nd ventnress, bas low superiors In ber
Una of noting on the glsge, ‘■lie Is n bean*
tlfnl woman and rc 1 sea tbe purl she is
piayi'f, and for the time bring la no,
Blf h i Ourtlsae playing n part, bat (he
author's oharr.otsr endowed with fife
What strikes the close ' s .over most la
the are mobility r f bar (eetaros. Bbe 3 s
Almee’s power ol snggts len, wl’h Adc.
lulde Neills" '* sweet *omen'y sofi; s<
eud Ristnrl's grand drtmauo fores. Her
sollug last night wkb ot arming and she
won r strong bold upon tbe sndlsnoe. The
other members of lie t’onpe enstslurd
their parts well, end In the fourth act the
full power of tarh wre given ample rcope.
Bipeclally does little Minnie Gltvln de
ss, vs mention.
Daring the Intermission between tbs fl »t
end scoot'd ro's Frof K.iytoc, of Nsw York,
bo le not connected wl h the coirp'.n>,
recdeied ihrsc violin solos In a cot cfleot-
r e manner, and wenhe xtcl; eat ol Jond
A Palafwl UsISssf.
O i Thnrtdey, ibe ll'b Inaiant, Eugrt e
Gar, ell, sou tf Mr S Garreit. brppvned to a
palnfnl acoldent WM'* eng gro In haul,
log tlsa to tbe tallroud bis ntnlea lot k
fright and soon been me unmanageable
Mr Garrett was threwn from bla wagon
and almost ibs entire load of orosttles fell
upon blm Hs held lest bold to one of ibe
standard* tc l la wagon with bis left band
nntll forced to release hit bold. Hu
left bmd waa tearfully mangled, while
he sustained otber painful braise*. Mr
Gsrre’' Is said lo bave aoled with herol !
ffforis In getting bis males under sublet),
lion in ble psln'nl slia&tlon His males
were (berk6d with me band while >bsy
were maklug stromi ifforts to eeoepe end
not tbt leis< diimsg. wm done to bll
wng'-n. He la n wunby and lndnstilona
jorng gemleman and tho palnfnl l:Jury
bo um, uttiilurd la ii UJh rigrelled.—Bai er
The Two Daws.
• Tin Two f-’a^n” will bt giVcn at Springer
opvra h nse r.ix Tuesday night by H s
wcrib’s Double Bbcw ccmpnrj T._ Nor
wich Balieiln i t.yp:
H, wo’.th’.-’ shew w s p:<re'’teil In
Brcrd hall to r inige prri h'gV, y delighted
ond'e oe’sal iven-ng Tae on eitalument
oimprlsed u ps/.o,tuus. f I el'td, w:-!ch
was, wl.b pltndld rilcr mlt:
Rhd mecbanloal (fleet, together with
a highly rmiuli g comedy anil led
tho "Two D,-.r.e, tr the C'mrd of P un-
dsrs”--which o n ed rbnii.lsnt mir’lmciit
for ilia Istgo aid cs.’bur.luei c ai.fler.oe.
The clog d’LOlng of L ; Ji he F ■ ton end
ventrlVqnlfm of fieri K'mbnit, biisldss
other tp.plaHles by 'he different i Is <ol
Um n mpsny were beuillly appUudvd,
T ss it all In nil the ibov was a -pleudid
.„ -«•» s-rt ‘s -vetjwlitra w.-'h* o f
> area aid bouoc-,, -
Neatly everybody on Broad street knows
Bob a* ta, tho lUUo barefoot boy who
spends day af or day bogging a nickel from
wbonver wn give, Yasierday ; * mother
appeared at po'.lro heo’quarlers w tb a
smell brown sr.ionel, which aba tarred
over lo Glilci Psln er » d reported 'bn B jb
bao b ug'll It tn t- r.a’lng that he t and
ltluth nloniY of :be sewer iiotcoBs*
stMl t etf H.o ^n’orisollon p Trodp. There
was no, ■ rg In U, au ) Iba b' Hi tn and ona
s de w a ou open T A"»iohei is a very
nealon.-nd lean lin.i* lou ol alllgairr
sk li I bo's ’he lmso of C Y MoLsUiblln,
Now, ihe qassilon Is wll. 1 cftiohei Is It
Bh:t how came It tbtr. T tuts Is wuat le
tr,,ub]in t Chief Palme.- ai d any inf <rma-
tton ibat wll unraval ibis mys ery will be
tbanklal.y received.
- Yesterday was a lovely dsy,
-Tae -'learner Berth i Lee la eipee id Dp
-Tue City L gbt Gaaids bad a pleasant
danoo laa. nlgnt,
-Busan Wallaoe, charged with lnfantl-
olds, wl.l have a preliminary heating to
—Mr W 8 Brooks, of Eellsvue, reoenllj
bsd til etova ro,.m burned and o me near
''■log bis dwelling
—The arivelai. well. ; Hrynolda la said ,o
have reaobed s dvp h of 707 fee-., w. u
stioug ludloatlono that wa er Is near „l
—ludlo^ilous for the soaih AlUnue
sla'ei: Hilghlly warmer, fair woslber Va
riable wind#, general ; s-'lltlng to soatb-
• ot.
-The Talbot ion Now Era sc; i ’Our
Opera boas# la m.W complete wi n new
soeueiy, drop onr al.., e a, as flue as any
town of iba s'asluUi United Bmtee oan
- Bailor K-rsldi Mr W H Oolllne hud
bis store broken open at tbe wcicd rsck
Hboat three miles below icwn on Fricmy
n’gbt last and ebon 8100 worth ol goods
taken therefrom Tne burglars en ered tbe
store between sunset and dark, wbLte Mr
Johns in, tke nterk, wns at sapper.
MUM Btaila B at'ek, of Atlanta, wb > baa
basn visiting the city, tbe gas, lot Mrs F J
Jsnkta*, lafl for home yesterday,
Mias L asieBborter, who bas beau . ;add
ing several months wl’h Mis- Bondi* Bar>
netl, will leave for her home at M::.: e te
Mr Tom Glover, of MarleMa, Is In tbe
ol y,
Mr Will Di 'm, of Msooc, wiu In lb .„iy
Mr Cbsrles F Brown and M- ’ Amos
lsfl for DHlak, Texan, yee< ay to a' ead
tbe oock lights to take plaoa ihers between
Dallas, s Loots am. Kmsss Cl’y
Mr James A Lewi* re urr ed from Florida
Mr md Mu A Hlgoi relarnsd t th* ally
Mr W N Hawks of wtfanta Is In heel’ •
Jndgr. J M Chilton of Opelika la In be
Mrs B wen, of Cleveland, 0, te visiting
the ol'y, tbe fneat of Mrs Marcus.
Iks Hsigkii of Labor.
A local aseemb y 61 tb* order of Kutghts
of Labor waa orgrilasl In ibis oily last
nlgotby a Mr Hsrbeu, of Atlanta. Tba
meeting was bold at. Webster hall and
ebont 160 or ICO workingmen enrolled - a
oharier members Tn* order 1* a soorei
owe, and of o.mree the repo rter ounnoi. tel
wb.*' waa done, bsyond tbe 'sot that an or
ganlastion was,
t. m. v. a.
The matloa! eMormlnmen’ a: Ibe Y M 0
A to. me, on Broad (licet, on Monday
night next., promises to l.a very Interesitng.
Among .hose who will trkc part are Miss
Llnscy, Miss Caiglll, Miss Moody, Ml*'
Hansard, M'S Siimberg end Mtssiv; Her
mon and Cheer. Wl’h tki*« names on Lbe
programme *' a safe lo prediet ax. evening
of rare pitasnru.
Mas Ur. BalsSer.
Rev Ei H 'obar, of Atlanta, will pr»ach
attheFl B:p'lB. olmrch to-night. H: s
ona of lha editors of ite Chs lstlan Index,
and Is a preacher ot ablldy aud dtstlro-
A Oink Dcraisa.
A g»: man wif, be g.vea a*, lb,-' Rankin
b-n»» to-morrow ulglu by L’ Allegro g>r-
mai; club, ocmpllinoiHery to r a inif
yonrg .'.dies of Montiomery. The dance
will bLgla promptly at & o’oluck.
Arrival of tke B(aaaia Berg* A14 nag
■learner Kltla.
The steam barge Aid arrived yester
day morning, bringing six bale* ci oot-
ton, lour of wbiob were consigned to
Slade A Etberedgo and two to Swiir A
Following la a Hat of ber passengers i
N M HUJ, J W Wiley, W W Wilder,
Chattahoochee; Mm M Wsllenstein,
Fori Gaines; Mre Alexander, En futile;
L8 0’>hoi\ Fort G.*lnes; G N N^al,
Blificown; 18 ou deuk, various.
The steamer Wl’llsm 1) Kills arrived
a! 6 c’oiook yeeterday al'erccor,
bringing a lair mleceUanef-ua freight
ami 'heloliowiug p.igseugore:
R P Hcmerksnip, Mrs C W Marks,
F *d Scott, L am Worrell, Apgiuchl-
c ; Sain A' It an s, Cha'tehooot-'f; J P
O’onp-ieH. J-.>hn T Divia, Coiuiub c; L
H M -Lunch lu, V 55 Ohfsinat, Earsu'-t
Frank Frederick, W T B rr, Mri, J B
Fai'er, F oret or; G D Wi'-Hs, M L
O.latt, J, rr.lg- i; T S Fontaine-, F.m-
tBluo'n; G H Th mpso BufRu!-.; Jibo
M-ty,Ma.vs ;,L F Hntuber, Hunaber’-;
8 ou deck.
Dixon'i GHKoi, lor sale by
o3t *«-, M D Ho'D A Co
Jn-tt Rioelved-Fin# ripe Bapsrai t also
a lot of pars, fresh BUok *nd Kraucb
r -:f*ri: n* Povr: t J-'-ricr's
X-C7 jodkf
MM(» f MM*r (• B A. 0.
A sailed meeting will ba held this
(Thursday) evening ai IM o’olack, frr
woik la tbs B A degree. All iMnslent
and visiting brethren ore invited to attend
By ordw ot the M B H P.
Boa oar Jr sue. My.
(Art t tksd f
Ftom M tc. lOoants apices, at
One bnudred fra»b *-had -f Weems, at
f am.'udkt a CkowM
Cody’s Federm Procedure and otber
StO'iod-hnnil l*> bu ka. Apply !.o C. core
E QPIKKH ' ffl.l*.
■lM(*all Lads* it. M, ■,</ Ft
RtguUr inaeung will b: ih (; ("bars-
d y) evtnlt-.g B’ 1% i.’olcok.
By orderol Jss AOalhnnr:, CO
Jho 8 Et. wart,
K f B r.d 8
Mekael Raaod,
Any ina in ib.s cr tbe r n> round lag oonn-
tha desiring iba earvloes of a ooaapeten
male fapober, can reoelve lnfcm-a Ion nl
tblsplvet, “Tesehar,"
oar* Enqnllvsr Pnn. febiTFi
nale 'apobar. can roe
i’)« by a<hHidling at tl
nr* EuqulW Pnn.
J Sr.ata*-
Fill Jegyg/cr Apsisab
er AMI
Will Jcgie^cr Apsisohloola aiu’ Dead Like
on Chlpola river Tboradav mo-nlng m, I
o’o ock Hblp Wowa- I’cl-ka freight* by
ibis Una Jmo V Fl cbjtot F.ea’t
Dlxor.'i Bare Care for Ob Ills for sals by
(18 Wll M D Ho p a Qo
Jail k>r«*(d
S'.x'y flue White sbaa. Fresh Wy#r
Trout ,md White Flab. Wn Thomas
l bl7 It
F*r MoiM,
Bfore House NofM, ou west aide of Broad
street, now ooonpled by fnmos E Cargill as
» dry goods store. Possovsion «lveu Onto-
bir let, Apply to
yiif v on- v garkaki
We baV6 (bis day uo.d onr Drug B'o e No
48 Tenth (11*01, known »* Ra< kin H, nse
Drag B’oro, to Dr J F Bbackeifcrd. Thank-
Ing the public lor their pa'.ion*g<-, we oom
mend oar mootsaor for aonntlnnsnoe of tbs
some. J. v o P Turrsb A B: o
Referring to th# above. I beg tosaytbst
I will oontiba* ’be Ding Bailee'* at tbe
o d stand, wbt: I will be plasssd loserve
the pnbllo generally. A eompeteut pre.
sorlptlonlat in »:tender oe
,eblj 31 J F bHHKEXVOAK, M Ik
ItlfM lo ihr rslue.
1 bave Ibla day sssodaud wl b me
lfl business my brother, Mr J C
Turner. The Arm nsm* will here,
alter be J P Turner A Bro. Tun
new ffrm sssames all .'labilities sod US a
ohargo of all : e atre s o' he old flra),
Tbaoklng Ihe pnollo (or tbetr patronage
In tbe pact, we will en-’eavor to merit a
oonilnnance In tbe lntnre.
dtf J P Tubmxa.
worn vAf/ir,
A Bara Cksair for m Geed P *(sg
I offer for sale the B’osk, Furnllnre,
Flxtnrea and all appllanoeBoonneoted with
the bni n« a formerly conduced by I G
(ilrupner, and lately oarrled oi> by Mr Oha*
L Freer, at No 78 Broad s tree. Thee ock
Isa well eclen’ed one, comprising Candy,
Cun:eoilous, Frnl'.f, Toye. Btekels, Willow
Work, ela, with very superior i-pplUucee
for mvnafaoinie and sale ol Ice Cream,
Sods Water, eto
Tbe s And le well known sod popular.
Tbe store is lenied n ill Oe'ober fi f, 18e«,
and will be transferred lo ibe pnrebaser,
For terms and pt rtionlars cpply to
fl M A 1 I'lTl.a,
Attorney t. t Mrs P eer
February Uth, 1 88 feb II,
TBB gplVdt, 11 wm,
Assads, I I I I Oi.aet «A
The Muiusi Lift Com puy fs pre aml-
nenily tun graedta! mo,.amen', ' heteui. b.
o meelved o' psren'al devo, l-.n tn d .-mest ic
love end duty. * • • Tbe late Cardin’l
McOloskey wc* » puiloy-holder in tbe Mu
lu(,l Life IiLUranoo Company, and wi.e
wont lo trprese li) tie own geutle way tbe
gri ales', sdmlrntlon 'or '..he flnino'el oblMi y
of lbe men who mansgeJ 11s affairs—N Y
Huaday Dcmoorut.
I. lean lusilta.ion whose financialoon-
oerv.a rival In magnitude ibrxaof a flreu
olass pci war - Journal of oommorce.
D F WILLC X, Agent,
J in! UL' 71 Broad Si
M Brsad (iiroel,
(Fe received ytsferdey a large shipment
of laeasonsb e goods,, Di-ntrlflo: n,
I’olle. Washes, eto. We have nlmost sny-
ibing you want. Did you ever thli:.k how
many article* a Drng Store mast keep t
W« have—
Haudkarobtnf Extraeta and Calomel
Fke Cologne and Obawlng Qnm
Hair Binabes and Bub Towels
Toolb Brnsbas and Corn Salve
Fine Tooth OombB and Otntmanli
Toilet Boeps and Blood Madlolnea
Faoe Powders and Blacking
Camphor Ioe and Tobacoo Retnedlta
Shaving Brnchea and Wnlak Brooms
Lancets and Blioklng Plasters
Castile Soap and Patent Lint
Dough Medicines and Bird Food
Tolic. Water* aud Hair Dy*s
Flue Teas sod Uaitor Oil
V&eollneeand Flows Bosds
Bine Mass ar-d Cathartic Pills
Nursing Bdltlss nod Robber Goods
Kidney Pads and T(Usr>a
Cigars aud Ma chos
Infsol everything lo moke mnn beaMby
clean ai’d reepec eble. Come end see us
Wo wll di on-' besi to ploese yon We
keep'he b-sl only, and feel o .iflier.1 ws
c,.h p,tase.
Gao A t.'HADrOHD,
duf Mnn a gar.
run*ii uuaaa
Sail Riot'ottl al Cnlumbu* Bailork.
Almond' IWo p r pound
’Valnu • 2)c jer pound
Mixed NnK 2>0 P*' pnnud
Freich Candy SOo per pound
A Sugar 12 pounds for tl 03
G E Go- beti Butter 36c per pound
Luge Bcnsuas h tic per 4t a»n
Remember tbe puce—Loyfleld'v old
siiu-'. R F Evrnsrr P rprlftor.
MbM lw
jrrlls 1* r. L GraaatA for kaylklag
Toa Waal la the Llaa af ■aildar*
i He baa a supply stcr* on Broad street
and a plaining mill and tamer yard at 'he
senib end ol tbe oily. It la hie aim to keep
on band anything yon mty want lot your
home, Mantles of ell k'nd*, Fatal*, Balia
ore* Hardware, Plaotor. Content, Lime,
Saab. Door* aad Bilnde, Iron Creating, oio
tio. Ho osa turn Hb from hi* mill and yard
5 11 kinds of Lombtr,.ri ugh -and dressed,
tooring. OofHog, ete He don* all kind* of
till Work, Scroll' aw ng, Taming, ole.aad
if psr oh auoe y on wise inytbtog be has not
on bard, no mi n In the ol'y wil pal him
self tr. mere tionhlo too*rve yon iboi T L
Grill'd. Whtr yoa visit tbe city oall In
aud k«oblm s' :87Br;nd street, s'&nd lau-
occupied by th« Pm- t.r Co. dt>
ckrtkgj, gAunoAii ff onogoia
•Icteiae car j m(wm*4s(4oa
COLUMBUS GA, Jib 98, 1808
A Sleeper Is aiiscbed lo train No W b«-
iwaeu Columbus and Mr«on, leaving 0 »
iambus every night bi • 'oiooc.
Beri.hs oan be seemed Upon rpplloatloo
lo 0 W Meyer, ticket seller, Unloh Depot
or to oendaotor of train.
W L Clavx, Agent,
GA A iuiEBKAT) Qtn’l Pass, Agent,
1a20 U _
BrMf Brian/ Friekf
Contractors and others wanting Brick
will do wall to call on the nnderslqnsd fn
prices. Now is tbs time to build while tm>
terlal is cheap. Are prepared to Jarnlet
Brlok la any qoan'lty desired.
W W A Gao O Baaar.
Tfelanhoneffi -#101-
Booms le Boot with Board.
Two eit'gaui uome lu ibe Goe'oblus
bouse wi'.h ho- rd. Possession given Moo.
d»v 16'b Oie a very large front roem
DcUghtfnUy looalodl lor coiutorl and o, n-
venlenoe. Mug H L 6'oGkbeb
febi* H ________
Old rtwpamrs for Isis.
Those who want old newspapers for pin
ning under carpets oan get them at tb!
-idler at no cents s bnodrod. 'wpW'
Old (love* made ss g-od - s new by
I«b4 t J B Joes or '89 Broad St
Leave orders ai 189 Broad *'reel lo hav
your tiova > spaitsd. leb411
J B Bramhall, lfl sriid Urot*.
Sole age <l lor lbe cosley Hamd Printing
Press, Ii print's perfectly wl b robber (ype
rubber rleteolypei camps, esc, It Is In*
dlipsmable lo every coaming loom for
printing bills, stitements ana leiler bea ts,
dlreollng end pr bring envelopes, e:c. Price
currents (r tpeolvlprice en postal etc. eic
The best robber type, stereotype stamp,
and lck tarnished’ feb!4:r
Fine gebceae; a,
Specnsr’c Calbonu, SnUlv-n’d Beat. Bui.
I Ivan’s Free and Easy, LarlllaraV C i-nex,
Lorlllaid’H Flr.e Cm, Bmckeoli’s Durham.
Duke's Durban. L trlllsrd and Ralrend
S.s; IT brie br.xe* tot 10 cents at
xugl ly l.obxht S Chare's.
Odd Watobes
Gold WAlcbM
Gold Witches
Sliver Ware
Silver War*
Eyr gist tea
A. C Sebomberg’s
81 *«',Co;uniba*,
Go d Watches
Odd WnlohsE
Gold Wu'ou**
Slivur War#
Silver Ware
3pee‘ oIcb
Sped soles
Jiwclry Store, 106 Brond
Qi If
EMve yon tried lbe F’mck Slddkll Sosp
for o'i - t I'will please yen Th-eebi x s Snuff 10 corns, al Crane’s
Bhgl dly
If yr.n wan' pare Whisky g»t Hhlelo’
Bon.’boa kt CrsiJ'-’s. He Is sole agent foi
G->'.rgli end Ainb m«t acglnly
» Tto Itpykesi a - SO uma to
69ii Gr e.'.rd’ete-(phone number aintastcr
on Broaa street end No 70 at hie filming
Mul and Luu btr Yurd. eorner or l'ronr
and Seventh ctreet* '«S4d(>
Hem Honor and Wat m for Mala.
I off cr for srle hi a berg, iu the pl»oe
kuown «( Nauce’c bbop, «lx mlito
norlb of Colnmtmi on he Opium,
bus acd fi me Hollrond, Including lbe
Store House and 187 acres goed la rd, on
which art . wr se L.erueutn and occupied s
two separa e lamrs. Ol tbe pisoc are si v-
sral oonetunt running s'.rcr mf, aud :wj
wells uf ( xcelleiv. wafer 1 I- one of the
best buslines loofelloni In lb< c un.ry. M
J M Dunr.Ob, who occupies the sloie, wll.
snow toe place.
For price and terms sppy'o
ItbisiA b u J H Ham ltd*
fjTloc B*n If anted.
A brlgbl buy, -b m, four itn years of age
Mnol wrl'.o «nd cipher well. Addrsoa 1>
applloauls' own wrl lug,
feblT t| P O B x K, Oily.
■xira Mosieu Blcaier Maokerel In 1
pound pall*, Pick ed Columbia Blver Bel.
mon. Flv# hmi per dcaim bexes lor Sal
pbar Matches
augllr Kobmxt S Cxamk
OPKKATuro Surgeon and Physician.
Reoiience, Stanford House: Telephone
No. i> i Office, Carter's l>rnfi Store.
’ lxon’« Oongbnot .or gale by
feblit 81 wit 61 D H od A Co
20 B 'xes oholoe Florida Ora: gee ot
auglJly (‘h Ana’s
Fa-cvObio C-eamuiy Bu'.le- 25o per )b
My cn>'omere prenounce A'l ucklc’s Ar::>
cat Ci ffio the brsi Ibey h ye ; vei used
T.y o v '• ponnd at Oc or 3 pnn ds for 5)c
HUgl ly KoBKilT i-n.HAHS
D’X'c’sBibf Poadcraior (eic by
(8 4' M D Bo D S Co
For Kent.
S'ore nexl door to oori : ill le. Possession
glvtn lmmtdlaleiy Icqu'rt. of
laid codtf C A Kltrk.
Tb* Magnolia Hum is lbe perfection of a
sugar cured Horn-cnrci In ib: most rolenv
lifle manner. T ey do not pretend to or ms
pnle wl'b (be cheap Himu os lied sugar
cured If you biive not tried them seed
your order* lo Robert 8 Crane. Batlafso-
lion guarsmeid In every lespeo'. Ev#:y
eugl dly
And intend to keep it so. We fire
displaying this Spring the finest
selection of
White Goods
We are in receipt of a very pretty
line of White Goods for early
Spring Trade!
Beaut fill SHEER PLAID
at 12 1-2 and 15 cents.
Beautiful line of PLAID
Ab a starter for the Spring w*
offer, commencing to-morrow, 100
at 10 cents, very pretty goods and
well worth 15 cents. Call early to
seoure ohoice patterns.
We take pleasure to announce to
our many friends of
that we are just In reoeipt of a full
line in blacks and colors, all size*
Tjqw Prices