Newspaper Page Text
yOL. XXVUI- ^O 43
forty-ninth congrkss
Tha House Passes the FI's Join*
Port r Bill.
■rase hS CiMhcaa Hava an terl>
atalooi Splat-ttldill. bfrg*r Spe&ki
Mailk t aa tba Etfacatlam Bill -
lal.lli ■allcat ihe ftantb.
Washington, February 18 — The
speaker announced tbe appointment
or Findlay, of Maryland, ae a mem
ber of tbe oommiitee on banking
and currenoy, to Dll the vacancy
occasioned by tbe resignation of Cur
In tbe morning hour the bouse re
turned consideration of the bill for
feitlrg tbe Atlantic and Pacific rail
road grant.
Tbe bill was discussed without any
result being reached until tbe txplra
tionoftbe morniug hour, and then
the bouse went into a committee ol
tbe whole on the Fita John Porter
Phelps, of New Jersey, said he bad
believed for twenty yea s that Porter
was a traitor and deserved to be
banged. That was the popular opin
ion of the loyal north, and h*s heart
bad been with it. He had obauged
his opinion ard b dieted Pot*
ter as* an honest man and a
loyal soldier, when as his represent
tative he bad been obliged to exam
ine tbe evidence and learn tbe facts
In conclusion he said: "L’a an old
story j it’s a wearisome odb to u«, bu
to him it’s the story of a life L". us
to day. as courageous friends or Jus
tloe, determine that we will make
what repar tlon we can, and we will
end now and forever, ■) far as this
boose la concerned, tbe strangest and
saddeet Kory In American history ”
Curtin, ol Pennsylvania, earnestly
supported tbe bill. Porter haJ been
denounced as a traitor If Porter was
a traitor, be (CurtH ) was a traitor,
aDd if any oue wanted to tell him
that he was a traitor, let him tell it
in a corner Curtin spoke but a short
time, but was attentively listened to
and bis oriep replies to many inter
rogatories whloh were propound d to
him gave rise to a good dcal of ap
plause and laughter.
Wsrner, of Ohio, expressed the be
lief that Porter had done hla wbols
duty at tbe battle of second Bull
Run, tut be altfb believed that if the
original court martial could assemble
again and have the additional evls
dence before it, it would be compelled
to revtrse tbe verdict. For this rea
son be would vote for tbe bill.
Brsgg, of Wisconsin, closed . the
debate. He stood here he said, repre
senting the fifth army corps, wearing
on hie breast the badge of the ol
army of the P 'tomae that lcvtd Mo
Clellan and Porter well, that fought
tbe battles of their country despite
oongres tonal interference Tney
sometimes had good officers, s me
times t fficers cf medium capacity,
and sometimes bad 'fficers, but they
fought steadily at d well against tbe
fl werrf the confederate army, lei
by the ablest oaptains Tnelr dan
ger bad been more than
tronu the front, for congressional
committees were prowling through
tbe camp lo iking for presidential fa
vorites and Interfering with orders
That condition of things had tx's.ed
up to the time the country cried
against it and tl e power was given
to Grant to oommand the army of
the Potomac until it had gone forth
to vlotory, closed the war and saved
tbe union. So had the
friends of F z John Porter
pressed forward year after year ask
ing tba' justicebedoLe him. Par (Ban
seal, maiioh tis oersoual motives hail
prevented a fair and impartial heir
ing, and had made men fearful to
vote in accordance with their judg
ment lest a lor g black mark mtgui
go down acrn»s thpir names and tbe
curse ol tb G O P be issued against
Tbe oommittce then rose and re
ported to the b use. Two attempio
to recommit tbe bill with irs'ructtons
failed by a vo'e of 112 'o 173
B'Sgg, of Wisoousm, wbo had de
manned he previous question, with
drew the demana and again took tbe
fl )or in support of tbe bill. He sharp
ly criticise:) the persoDnelof tbe court
which convicted Porter, and its one
sided course in tbe trial, aDd accused
McDowell of fraud in representing
the report of Stonewall Jackson ot
tbe battle of August 30th, to apply to
P 'iter’s movements of tbe 29 .b.
Bragg said the gentleman from
Michigan, (CutoheoD.) had taken tbe
report of the second battle of Bull
Run and read a number of killed and
wounded on the 29 h of August, for
the purpose of showiug that there had
been a general battie. If the gentle
man had been dtspoeed to be ingeni
ous, he would have stated that those
reports wore ol casualties between
August 10 h and September 21.
Cutoheon declared that ne had so
stB’ed in his speech.
Bragg —“You took the table of
figures trom a heading that civerei
almost a month, and you have pub
ltshed it i t your speech os evidence
of the losses on August 29, and your
republican constituents who do not
read anything but your sneeeft in re
pubiioau newspapers will tbink th-u
a historical evidence of the war.”
Ouloheon declated that the table
showed what it was.
Bragg declined to yield and Culoh■■
eon asserted his r.gUt to reply, as he
had been misquoted
Bragg, advancing to the bar of the
home—“I suite what you said. I
sta'e what tte figures ars ”
''Now!” exclaimed Cntcheon (also
adiu luo ap.*)- m ol
tha speaker’s desk). "you are trying
to ram a falsehood down the throat
of this house ” [Applause on the
republican aid ]
“I draw my own inferences aa to
your purpcR, s!” orled Bragg, and
(d fl n'ly) “I will repeat them if you
desire.” (Applause ou tbe Demo
cratic side)
At this itme there was a good deal
of c< nluBlon and txcitem-ut In the
nnust at d it was with difficulty that
the v dee of either gentleman could
be hoard, but as the speaker rapned
the bouse to order and e a'-d to
Cutcheon be must not inurrun'
Bisgg without permission, tbe for
mer indignantly exclaim.d:
“Then the gentleman must not
falsify the fao - 1”
“Ah 1” was Mr Brsgg’s retort “I
am glad I have dn\eu that radical
from under B'antou’s petticoats so
that he has oome to the fron I”
Bragg continued In this
clmlng to yield to interruption, and
his m-nuer being at times that of
personal defiance towards the oppo
nents of tbe bill
Tbe vote was finally 'etched and
the bill i arsed—yeas 171. nays 113
The heuss then, a 5:13, adjourned
Among the petitions presenied in
the sena e and appropriately referred
was one by Hoar, from clt asns of the
United Sates whrse names, Hoar
said, seemed to Indicate that they
weie of foreign birtb, praying fot
tbe submission by corgre^a to tbe
-everal states of a prop >ted constitu
tional amendment abolishing tbe
W'en reports of oommluees were
auuou.' oed to be in order E Imuods
lose and said: ' Mr Pnetdeu.: 1 am
iuatructed by the c< mmittee on judi*
oiary, to whom were referred tbe let
ter of the attorney general with au
■homy to report with open doors, to
make a report, with sundry resolu-
tioi s, which I ask may be placed on
the calendar.”
President pro tempore—“Dies the
sena'cr desire to have them r< ati?”
Mr Edmunds—' No, sir; but tbe
set ator from A'abama, Mr Pugh,
desires to make a remark.”
Pugh, from tbe minority of tbe
committee on judiciary, held: “A’ to
*he repor' Jt s made, I dta re to s ate
'hat they knew nothing ot tbeom
tents or tbe report until it was
read to tb- committee this morn
ing. The minori'y desire to prepare
a report tn which they will prese >t
their views and to enable them to do
so they ask tbat they may have un
til Monday week witblu wbioh to
prepare the report, and It 1b uoder-
stw d that the m jrrlty report and
r ailutlona accompanying it will not
be called up for consideration until
we get leive to file a minority report
The time given us to do so is not to
extend beyond next Monday week ”
Mr Dawes—-' Can we nut have the
r<solutions read?’
Chief Clerk Johnson read tbe reso
Buier—“la there a report accom
paoyiug these resolu’io's ?”
President pro tern—‘ Yes.”
Bu'ler—“Is it to b- printed?”
Edmunds “Certainly, It will be
priu et; under tbe rule I ask tba
the report of the committee, as well
as tbe resolution, be printed in tbe
Record also ”
President pro tem—If there be do
objec'.ion that order will le made,
and tbe report aud resolution will ap
pear In full in the Congressional
Record ol to morrow.
Theelucation bill was taken up
and Its c insideratlon proceeded with
Plumb offered an amendment pro
viding that as to the ft rrltory, not
the secretary of the interior, but thc-
legislatures of the several territories,
shall have the administration ot the
money. Agreed to,
I-igalls said the rorih, northwest
and west did not want this bill Ou
the contrary they spurned it, Tue
peopled Kansas indignantly spurned
tbe assumption tbat they desired a
donation from tbe national treasury
to lU'taln their common schools
Ingalls w 8 “fa'lgued” with the
presumptions he bad heard that
northern and vreitern people wanted
this money. "Let us drop dieguls s
sud come down to common sense
Dm’t insult the people of the north
ern and western eta es by declarh g
that they want any portion of this
donation. The bill, Irgalls said, was
essentially dishonest and tbe s ates
that would take the money under It
weie actuated by precisely tbe same
spirit that wan e! to pick pickets or
rob graves. (Laughter ) It waB an
act of grand larceny on the
treasury When the staffs
of tbe south asktd for this
money on a basis of the whole num
ber of Its illiterates above ten years
old they knew, and the whole country
knew that they were obtaining
mo ey under false pretenses.
Msxey emphatically denied that
Texas asked for tbe bill.
Morgan read a telegram received
by him from the governor of Ala
bama (G iv O'Neal) -ayIng he saw no
cons i, uitonal authority for the bill
uud endorsing Morgan's position on
Rdllebcrger said some states
might not need the money. ‘ Or
behalf of as gold people as those f
Kiusas or Texas” ooutinutd R idle-
oerger, "I am not a-hatned to say
that, we do wuvst it. Wo thiok it is
due to us' I am glad the slave is Ire ,
but I ask the gentlemen who cm-
sidered it their duty under a highe r
law to free him, whether it is not
their duty to come to the rescue of au
impoverished people who a cent ihe
situation aud who ask that the .reed
Qiea may be eduoated.” [Applause
iu the galleries which was suppressed
try tbe chair ]
C.k. .’.d-.-jj.J Ike ssnii.e in oji
position to tbe bill. He entere' t n
earnest protest Ngsiost Its passage,
declaring It to hb the moat pernicious
measure Intri dnc<-d into either hop—
of c greas einoe the war Coke
quoted from the wipings of J lie -
son, Madi»nn and other early au-
tbi rities op thecmetitti |»n '•> malt -
<ain his "n-ttlon and argued »' some
le. g.b tba’ the pai-sage ot Ll e pend
ing bill would make congresa a b: dv
ol unlimited and despotic power, a; d
would be a subversion of all tbe re
served rlgta's of the sta'es It would
result, In said, tn stirring up endless
strife bstwaen tbe north srd ». uh
A number of amendments were
submitted, an t it was uidered that
;b‘ v be printed.
Evarts took the fl rur. He remaik
ed that ho w»b heartily In lavor of
tbe bill, but would not speak on it jf
ihe senate desired to come to a vote.
Bialr said if Evans was i.ot will
ing to make a epetob somebt dy
would bu aur- to move an adjourn
This remsik wse greeted with loud
laughter, in which Evarts himself
heartily j iued, at d the senate went
at oDct Into execu.ive session and
■for a few minutes the senate at
5:40 p m, adjourned until 'o morrow
A nu am Meant sat >ku
•i.l Daellac.
Ipteial to UnQUtrtfgum.
New York Ft-biuary 18—Tilt re
wasaUicidtd weakness tn me open-
tug figures at (be stock excharg", 'he
first prices showing a decline < J to
over 1 per cent. The reaction -a-
duu to the public announcement that
the Trmsc mtiuental Association,
which bas been holding a meeting
here, had failed to agree and bad ad
j rurned with the und-rsiaudiog tba
each company was to lt>ke care of
itself. Errly trading was accompa
nied by a further decline nf traotlonal
amounts, ixcept in Pac fl: Mail, bu 1
this was soon checked aud business
whicn bad been decidedly active
became mi.e quiet, with prices
steady to firm condi'ion, which con
tiourd until nearly 1 o'clock.alibi ugh
during tbe latter part of tba' ttou
there was a somewhat greater show
of strength. A heavy tone prevailed
later uutil during tbe 1 s boar,
wbeo some weakness was developed,
in which coal stocks were man
prominent—the drop in Lackawana
amounting to 2 All ac'ive stocks on
tbe list, howev-r, yielded more or
less. Tl ere w. a a reaction tn some
cities In final dealings and tbe market
cl: sed irregular, but decidedly fever
ish for (be most active bilckb and
The announcement of the praoti
cal d sBolution of tbe traus cou'i
rental association was followed in
the afternoon by the further state
ment that >be subsidy which bad
been paid to the Pact fl;* Mad s'eam-
ship company by tbt Pau fl.: railro-d
was to terminate at the end of 30
dnysand tlmtcffldal scion to the
> fl ct had been taken Pacific Malt
shows a net decline ot 2| Licka-
wanna 2 Union P.ic flu 1J, Lake
Shore 1$, and o'.heiu 1 or less. Hales
435 000 snares
h: E-mn ds K siln Ion* 'bait Ap-
poiu meats and Hem ivais.
The Grant Bl'l Rtpartitf
r tortklf-Tb* titver Qn»illon-Ar*
oorAInc lo Oidrra-ioiparaltt Exut*
•■cc«l B«oka Extend**.
«*rnkrmio •tilhlBI.
Special t») EdqdI. «- Ban.
Houston, Tex February 18 -TLe
briiktuieuon me third division of
ibeBouheru Pacific railroad qu t
work yesterday in s> mpa'by with the
s'riking brakfm^n at New Oceana
l'bey make tbe same demand as tbe
Gretna strikers and send wold to tbe
latter to bold oui until their requests
are granted. N" fre ght trains left
Houston yesterday and the freight
engines were sent to tbe round bourn
Hiw far west tbe strike extends is
not yet known, but Ihe indicatlone
i oint 'hat it will extend through to
Ban Franoieeo. The engineers and
firemen strongly sympathize wlib
the brak' men and a report it current
tba ttey will also strike, ea they
buve been dissatiifl.'d since last fall
because of certain uremissaJs. Trouble
is also anticipated on tbe Tex tt Cen
tral railroad
Htr Bukaa. was a OnakarS.
S.mmII. Ea.«rr#r-Saa..
Chicago, February 18 —Mrs Mai-
garei White last evening attempted
to murder ber two children, aged
four and six, by thrusting them un
der tbe wheels of a moving freight
train. The children were rescued
and the mother arres ed by a police
man. Tbe woman turned aivsgely
on theeffloerand exclaimed: “Wbai
did you do that for? My husband Is
a drunkard I am tired of life, but I
want to get rid of thcie children
first.” Her husband appeured before
Justice Me cn this tuoruii g and
stated tbat his wife bad attempted to
tske the life of the children once be
fore with au axe while she was in-
toxlca'ed. The justice sent her to
tbe Mar'hn Washington borne with
a flue i f $50.
Tilt < Mke bin! Ohio.
Special to Kiitii'.iror-buu.
New YokK, Feb 18-The s'ate-
meut of tot Clu-ssp: ake ->:.<1 O.uo
syBiern for D-'cerr b-., 1885, shi Ws
g to-8 ep roi'H H $519 513, ope re' i t’ .■ ex.,
pensts (341 070, net earuinge $178 443
This is an increase, as cimpartd witu
ibe same month cf 1804 —iu ihe grose
ol $0030 a decrease in the operating
txuen. so! $8757, and an increase in
the net earnings of $15 396 The
gross earnings weie couiriouted as
follow- : CneBap ake and Ohio $314,n
195 E iZ'beth, Lexington ami Big
Hiudv $57 732 Cnessneake and Ohio
a _ fll7.3S6.
1p*c(tl to Enuulror-Son
Washington, F binary 18 —
8.'Da,or Edmunds io day reported
the following resolutions from the
senate committee on judiciary ae-
c rupanied bv a long report :
Resolved, Tbat Ihe forgoing rts
port of tbe coinmi tee ou judiciary
be ' greed to and adopted.
R solved, Tbat the senate hereby
ex pin a's l's cot damnation of the re
tueal of tbe attorney general, under
whatever it flueuce, to mail to the
senate copies of papers called for by
I s r sbutton of tbe 26 h of January,
and set forth in tbe reoorts of the
committee on Judiciary, aa In viola
tion of ble cffiuial duly aud aubver*
si vs of tbe fundamental piitciples of
ihe government aud Ibeg-ed admin
istration ttieiuof.
R solved, Tbat It is under these
cucunistances tbe du y ofthesenu'e
to reluse Us sdvloe and corn eut to the
proposed removals of (fficers, the
documents and napersln reference to
:Le supposed i fficial or the personal
mitoouduot of whom are withheld by
tbe ex cu'ive or any head ofade-
paitmeui whendeemid necessary b^
be senate and called for in consider
ing the matter.
Resolved, Tbat provialon ofsecfr n
1754 of the revised statutes, declaring
ibai persons honorably discharged
from military or naval service by
resaon of disability resul'ing from
wounds or sickness Incurred in the
line of duty shall be pre
ferred for appointment. to
civil i ffices, provided they are
found to possess Ihe business capacity
necessary for tbe proper discharge ol
Ihe duties of snob < fflee, ought to be
faithfully and tuily put In ex cutlon,
and tha' to rrm vo nr 'o propo-e to
remove any such eoldier whose faith-
fulnes-, cmipetercy »tid character
are above reproach, and to g ve place
to a^o her who has not rendered
such service, is a violation of the
spirit ol the law and of tne practical
gratitude ttbe people aud the gov
ernment of tbe United States owe to
the defenders of tbe constitutional
liberty and integrity of the govern
ment, all of which is respectfully
[Bignrd] Geo F Edmunds.
H J R McMillan,
James F Wilson,
John J Ingalls,
Geokge F Hoak,
tVuU Evabts.
The report accompanying tbe res
olutinn- is i f great length, embracing
about 5000 words exclusive of vol
uminous appeDdicles. The report
recites the funs e"d clrriimsiances
of the remov'd of D trkiti aud the »p«
pnintm'iut of his successor ae U iited
S a'es attori ey for the souilitrn dis
trict i f Alabama It decluree that it
bas been tbe uniform pracl.eof the
Ju bciary commitiea since tbe pa -
sage ol the tenure of i fflee act to o il
upon the heals of departments for
“all papers aud information” iu the
possession of Ihe department
touching the cord not aud udminis-
ration of ffl ers profosi d to be ap
pointed Tnls has been done with
ihe unanimous uppiovul of ull the
numbers,although thec.«mposition of
the committee has been during llu-
period some lime of one political
character and some times of another
Iu no Insist ce until this lime hi s the
committee m^t with any delay orde
uial from the department to furnish
such papers and informs ion with a
single txception, and in wh'ch ex
cepiion, he dolay ami tuegesieddc
rial lasted only for two or thred-iys.
Prec debts are cited and dircursed,
^nd the oonclt a one of i he oommiitee
are set fot lb in the ixto.iiUOLB ac
companying the report.
The ac ion of ihea-sistanL treasurer
at New Y rk in rtfosing toeccept
leposita of silver until be s able io
count it is in strict accordance with
the instructions i sued by the United
H ates treasurer. B.milar instructions
► ave been sent r> all tbeaaels'ant
ireasurere, tbe object being to insure
greater piotection lu tbe handling of
government funds.
theik existence extended.
TDe acting c mpiroiler of currency
baa extended the corpora e ex s nice
of the national bank of Athena, Gi,
and the Merchant's national bank nf
B'vannab, Ga, to February 24 h,
The oummmee cu ways and means
'oduy ins' runted Chairman Morrb
eon to r<quest an opinion frun the
atcretiry "I the treasury is o ihe
probable i fl c' of the tariff ra es pro
posed tn the M urlson bill upon the
governrreni revenues upon a basis of
last yeai’.- custon a busw «si It wa-
HtipuluUd by Ihe low ter II members
that in the event r f th<-f .me f the
stcre.'ary to re'u:n an answer by
li x f Tuesday, coosidet ion of tiic
tar fl b 11 will begin on a day.
There is » pussininty that the con
test over the si vtr question any be
! rdc.ioaliy tranefoned from ihe coins
age committee ot the house to the
commit,ee on banking and currency.
During the recent stsalon of thecoiu-
age committee, Chairman BUud in
tmiaied veiy strongly that unless
some po«lilve a tl >n w is taken
c.*ai;ur..ce va us
matter at Issue the sub<
ject might be taken out of
their hands by a prompt report from
the commit ec on banning and cur-
r-rcy on s f m" of Me "'onositions
before that cuiimiliee relating to the
bsue of silver or coin oertiflcu«'« on
bullion depoil s That B> - d bad
some tangible ground lor ibis re-
nmik is at'pareut from the fact that
the committee on ha 'king and cur
rency has determined to bigio next
week the consideration of hi asures
relating to stiver coinage with a view
10 foimutating a bill in be reported
to the house. The committee will
first consider, at tbe instance ol
Diogley, tbe Rragau bill providing
fur the issue of silver cer' ficates of a
denomination of 1 and 2 dollars in
addition to the cenlfirates Issued at
It will endeavor to reaoh an
agreement on the qinetlon as to
whether tbe public Interests will hest
be served by ihe Issue of silver certifi
cates of a small denomination or by
the redemption of tbe issue of one
►and two dollar tria-ury notes Tbs
decision of this qiifH'iou as a oonse-
qaeuce involves some 'elided action
upon tbe silver question. A careful
review of tbe composition of tbe
oommlttee, as stated by Uh obnirmau,
discloses the f-o'.tbat, not withstand
ing the addition of Fludtay, a ina
bility i f the members are opposed to
the suspension of the ooinage of sil
Benaioi lioar, from the committee
on library, reported favorably to-day
1 1 e '>111 introduces hr him yesterday
to appropriate $250 090 lor a monu
ment to Gen Grant, to bs erected In
Two nundred and eleven of three
Ini'Mired and seven men, who were
employed In tbe sbopa of tbe navy
yard here, were discharged list night
because of the exhaustion of tbe ap
propriatlon for tbe steel crui-ers.
Tb* British 1‘arllanacBt BsaiiomUn-
Dl«»»t|»r«*tl*» *1 Ulndil’se'i in-
■ «iuaenaaeits. JR<*.
London, February 18-The leads
ing members of the conservative
party met at tbe CarletoD club at
noou to day to confer upon the
course the par'y ► hall pursue in re
gard to Irish effiirs on the reassem
bling ot parlhiment Lord 8ili“bury,
taUly prime mIM- «r, presided.
L >rd Rtudolph Ciiuronlil and 150
other prominent tories were present.
Tbe meeting w is very enthusiastic
The speeches made indioa'ea'i inten
tion on the part or 'ho conservatives
to i fl-r ti e most strenuous opposl-
to any measure ure-ented by the lib
erals concerning home rule for Ire
L >rd Salisbury p e lioied a union
wlm the conservatives of the section
of liberals wbioii f Hows Hartlngton
a d G • cben He urired the con •
servauv.-s to do ail that w»h possible
to bring such a union into efleot.
B one of the sp>akers commented
severely on Lord Ra idnlph Church
ill’s attack on the Catholics and his
Intimacy with members of the Par
nelllte parly
Tbe meeting resolved to mike
borne rule a test qti s'ion in tbe
house ot comm ns and for this pur-
nose will support the Paruellites id
their demand to hav6 it prt e le land
reform lu ihe oonsidr ration of ihe
Tue impression is gaining ground
that the present cabinet will prove
uot armonious and that It will he
impossible to hold It together The
Pall Mall Gaze te 8tate« that the re
signation of Mr Chamberlain, presi
dent ' f the local government b"»id,
from Giad-toiifc’a cabinet, Is a ques
tion oi but a 'ew hours. The
resignation will be unde, tl e U -
7. 'Me says, nstensl ly bectuse Cham-
b r am cannot bring himself to ac
quie.-ce in the government’s policy ol
oercton towards Greeoe, but it is in
reality because he Is unwilling to
mar w hat be believ. s to be his pollti
cal future by Identifying bim ef
just now with tbe borne rule policy
decided ou by a majority of his col
Much agitation prevailed in the
stdek exchange to day, owiDg to a
lack of confidence among business
men In the stability of tbe Gladstone
government. The wildest rumors
nave been In oiiculsMon. One of
them was that Lord Rnsebury. for
eign secretary, had rescued, and an-
oitier was that tbe Greek haui crosse I
tbe Turkish frontier. The": 1 reports
were denied, and towaid thuclisoa
recoveiy took place In the rmrke'.
PARLIAMENT RE ASSEMBLES re-atsuuioleil to-day.
Gi-dstoue sia'eii in tbe bou e of c m
m ms tbat tf:er the government had
c 'ljclude.! tue financial bu-iness lliey
bai to place before the house, they
,wi n’d tie able to “late a pirt. if not
the whole of iht Irish nii'astiris tney
iuteudtd to io'r duce, He exp'.e > d,
he said, to le through the fi ,‘incia!
tiu-iness atiout Hie 231 of Much.
Allu Hi g to the f ireigu policy i f M e
u-vv government, Gladstone s»id bn
would follow tbeeaatern policy inau
gurated by bis predeotsor, Lor ! Hii-
l-bury. Gladstone announc'd fur tier
tbat the government had no inten
tion of renewing coercion P. Ireland.
Iu ihe heute of lords Etn Gran
ville, secretary of 6tate f-r trie colo
nies, aiinoutioed th it the govern*
wuid uot in.' du:. I
mea-ures into parliament before the
firs' of March.
Bitb bouse* of parlliment were
cr wded when the niers snd coin*
niona me' to day. L ril Hsrtluglon
took a i u>t behind tile treasuiy
bench He was loudly cheered by
the conservatives. Tho crowt[,nut-
"Ide the parliament buildings which
usually gives an enthusia*'io r(Jc?p*
tmu, oniy faintly ciiosred Giadstoue
mi hie arrival. Tnere is a gem ral
feeling ol discontent over the meagre*
iifiBs of th" gnverr ment's B'atemi-nts
regarding its prop.-SMl Irish measure.
The fact that the goveiument made
uo aiiuounceuienl of its pu gramme
for tbe lntroduc.lon ofldlls i.fl ctlug
Ireland is taken as an indication that
the rabinet Is plil! nndrcUled rs to
what course it shall rursue. Ia ,iis
nouse of lords the Marquis of Bali**
bury said be would wan to me what
changes six weeks would give to
the polloy of the government.
His remark was greeted with cheers,
In the house of commons Gladstone
said the desire of the government
was to propose to the hou emoasur s
uf a positive and substantial chariO'
ter, dcallt g with Ireland respecting
terla order and questions of land and
the future government of Ireland,
including the method for such gov
ernment. He eald a further state
ment on 'he subject would be made
on th 22 I of March.
The house resumed dfbate on the
address In reptv to the queen’s
speech Lord Randolph Chu.chill
anti ibe rank uuil file of the lories
abuBid and sought to worry
Gladstone. This course brought
oDly trurn the prime minister
a d g nlied sprech iu which he says
that, in- government had a severs
aud d ffl cult task wbioh it would uu-
deav r io perform resolutely aud as
Bpeedily as possible.
In the house of lords, the toriei
vainly tried to force Lord R sebury,
aud the foreign seureiary, to speak on
the situation in theeait.
ikw Aaala.
fVMiOi U
New Yokk, February 18 —The
employes of ilia Eighth aud Ninth
Avenues ratiroad companies, claim*
ing that its i ffleer* had not kpnt
their agreement, went on a strike
this morning for the ptirpo-e ol en
forcing their rights The Interests of
the meu were looked alter by the ex-
• cutlvc ouumlttee of the Empire
railway association B ith roads are
being run by the same company aud
it is claimed that the new time table
agreed to lias not been put Into efleot.
Of the slx'.y-stx V s>y street cars on l y
twenty-eight c one wl hln the 12-
hour 'limit, the rema uder ruui ii g
over time without extra pay. The
strike was sucoes-ful nod before t'*s
middle of ths »f ernnou they con
ceded the deniaods i f the men aud
travel vias resumid
Tb$ Ntw Oilean Btfloi.
3peolal to Bnqairo*'»H , i'i
New Orleans February 18 -The
weather to-day was cloudy. The
track was in go id condition-
First race, weight for age winners
of two nr more raees rx '.Hided, 1 1 18
mile ; Coautilly won. Efflu H 21,
Peacock 81. Tun 1:34$.
Second rue", selling ruoe, usual oon*
dltlons, 1 mil'; King Artliur w"n,
D amond 2', Rriillai 31. Time 1:40
Third r-ce, selling ruce, u*ualoju-
dltlor.s, lj miles, Annie VVoodc ck
won, J it Bullivau 2 I, H Jt Box 31.
Tim'. 2:15.
F.urin race, consolation puree for
beaten horae. J of a mile, 8->iitu:re
led fri iu the si»u to the fluish, win
ning iiylwo lengths, Josh Billings
21, R .in B i 31. Time, 4:19
Hi. Ibi] w»rr EutcrtalaiA.
"pam 1 i> . (| llrer'Hun.
Charleston, February 18—The
National Linoere, of Bis'.on, were
aken to-day ou u visit to F irts
Bumpier aud Moultrie and ou an ix*
eursiou aroui d the harbor. To-night
th'y were eniortamed at u grand
military hail, given In their honor,
which was atieuded by the governor
of the state, the mayor of the city
aud many of the prominent t ffldala
aud oitzuis. Tue Li'..C:rs leave
here b r Rioutuoud aa uooa to mor
A !»**■ Opera »•«».
Span .! to E i4Hir*r-aaa.
Chattanooga February 18—The
Cnatianoog. Dad.v Times ueaded a
subscription 1 s for a new opera
home at Chattanooga with one thou
sand dollars last Saturday aud in*
vlted subscriptions from culzjns.
To-night the list waB oloeei at the
Times i fflee w'tb more than fifty
thousand dollars subscribed Work
on the new building will cotmuenoe
at onoe^
The (litnciifl Go.
Special to Butjnlrer-Hnn.
Niuolons Cala. February 18 —
Eiriy tlismor ..i.g a indy of masked
uieo c i)ipell°'i the Chin 1 so iu this
town, numb-.ring forty- four, to leave.
T ley w-.-e pu: ou hoard tue s'.camel
D E K light a,id notwi'.h-itb,tiding
uie p ite*r nf the Cip.uin of the vea*
set no was f.r'-u '« t >ke '.hum aa
pasast g.r.i for Sicramento,
Vi utMTHOn’X Condition.
bpectfll ft; k'novir*r-ifuti'
t, uisville February 18-Henry
Watbrsou rather a bud n ght
i,n i j:i nrouounced not so we.l tui3
morning His temperature Las ng"iu
r uen 11 1024, pulse remaialtig 114 to
116. The ptiysiciaus express no
uiuruQ, but R&y they hups for n favor-
able change la the courue of the lvxt
24 hours, _
f>4VlU .fa f Mftac’ad.
*# IhMfci'fTr-lh.-r.
Philal ki.phia. February 18.—
J U" B G o i b ed this evtning.