Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, February 24, 1886, Image 1
i FOR'IY-NINTH CONGRESS f«ctrd»)’s Prcidhg* In folk /. run has. J JolH< RfioInllOM for lb* l;l*|iu.4i i n ol i lit Boi lilni In lie 7 trotvi y- i n ihn l>Is*n.< Ion cr II>« Education*! (till In tile KeroU. finW »• kM«frw-8B». Washington, February 23-Oi motion ot Formy, of Albania, n rfPuiuiit n w adopted graining leave to (lie aprropriuiioLs committee lo nit during Ibe ercslnnii o' tip hooer Mormon, o' Illinois, from the com- minee on wnr at il means, rrpor id n J trt rex Sutton dirtcrli g the- pay meat i f 'be timing to H e Messury on the public debt R /erred to t! e CotUttiltioe o| in* \ybon- Hewitt, of New Yelk, obtained icnve to fl e the views or tbe tiiirrri- *y- Resolved, e'e, That whenever ft be t orpins or belanc* In the (ira*-u:y irrlurftrig the r mount h'ld for re demption of United B:n “e’ no'en shell ixoied tire eunt of one hu -i- dred millions of ch-llare, il shall be ai,d is hereby made the duty of the efortiary cf tt,o irrontry to apply eecfc i xees s io mum cot less than ten mtliious per mcmli during the existence of any such -urp'u- 1 or > x ct#s, to tbe payment cf tire interest bearing indebtedness of the United Stales, tayuble at the opiitn of the government The report which aco -mi aule* the Joint resolution say *: ‘Or the 30 h of January, 1888, as shown by the official statement of tbe asseo Mini liabilities of the treasury or tin U : td States there was in (tie treasury aud United S ates deposi'ortes, including the amount he'd fir the redemption ol Uui'ed 8 a'cs notes and not lu eluding minor and fraetional stlvei coin olassed ss e^etH not available the sum of $179 880 862 in ix es* of ail other lia diiuts than the reueutp tion of said due notes Ii is believr^i this sum ia largely in ixce-s of lire sum rqurtil for the i m p se fin which li is held, and that a cunsiu erable part thereof shoud be applied to tbo pnyinen of the iutere' -b-aring' dent of the United Ba'ns Dow paysbie to the end that the | u'jlic b r I huh shall be lessened end riot me s-ar-ly l.eid io lure tbe agents t,n;i r> pr. s 1 utadves ot the people oi; io improvident and wasteful exptmdhuris The hou-e proceeded to theoon*-id eratlon of the 1 uduces oq the noust calendar, the flrsi bill being that au thorizing the several execu.ive de- parlm'-rita to exhibit articled at tb< New Orleans expiation, and ttie pending motion beii g one to Icy tbe billon ibe tabic-. Tin- morion to lav tbe billon the table was curried— J85 to 112 The next bill on the calendar was that forfeiting the unearned lai d grant rf the Atlantic and Pic fle railroad company. On m 'lion ol Holman, of Iu'l tin, an ameudnjeni wasadopel providing that the for feited land shall bo Bubjeo! to setlie- ment under the hcniesued law only. The bil! wa> tt ea passed without di vision or objaotion. On motion of Morrison It was or- deied that Saturday of each week be devoted to general debars iu the com mittee of me whole ou the state ol the onion, and then, on motion of Morrison, the bouse a! 3:20 adjourned. N BN XT IS. Frye introduced his Internationa! congress bill whioh was .lelig'epbed Sunday night. Its title is, “A bill to promote the political progress and commercial prosperity of the Amer ican nations ” Morgan cflsrel a preamble and resolutions wnich, at his rtqtus', were oidt r,>d punted and laid on the table for ihe present. Tney lecile the first resolution in the Eimutm's se ries, and d.rect ire cummillee on privileges m.d elec'inus to I; quirt and report whether, if the i flt.iae ot the attorney general is as s attd therein, he is 1.aole •« imp; achm .-til and run vai from • ifii-.e. Hoar ceiled upil.uoi.l appropri" « ii-g $25*),GUO for (De erec.tou of s Uibiiumeiu in VV'ishinviou city io the niimoiy ol Gnu Grant und it wt*s passed, Thetducwlion bill was plac d be fore the tera'e and Gri y, of D.da ware, took the tluor iu opposition t” the bill. Hs did not buiievo it to be within the power of congress to en - not such a lav without first amend ing the constitution. Plumb also opposed the bill. He regarded it as an anomaly in legislioa lation, appropriating money not only for one year, but for eight yiars. He had no doubt that at the end of eight years, if the appropriations now pendlug were not ooutluu-d, con ventions would meet aud de!egae> would be sent to Washington to urge oongtees to keep on appropriating more money. We must, therefore, understand that iu passing this bill We were arranging for expendituiei lor generations yet to oorne. Large appropriations bad come to have something attract'/e in th»m and an aopropria'.ion of $77,000,000 was eeveuty-sevcu turns more aurao- tive thau uu appropriation of $1 000,- 000. Piumb queued figures showing that a much larger piopuUion ol money would go to the states of the south an i a much larger part of ii be supplied by the states of the north aud wear. The whole theory of the bill whs false, that theory being that the southern states were not able to give common school education to their illiterates. Hs held that eao'i state was amply able to educate Its own and said If (bis bill be e >UHtltu- tional, then ibere wore no longer in dependent « except as they ex let Iti imagination Call spi ke in favor of ihe hill. It was idle, lie laiif. to deny that the war lie.d destruyid the relatlous be- twi eu industry and property in the south, The eoulh had tuen left with dirordered industries and with land ed | roperiy iiaving uo convertible sale in money. No people bad ever a riveti harder thun Ihe people of the south to foster education, or hud giveu money to education with « more liberiil hand. Call wasu'terly nni bie to e> e Ihe force of the nice dtsiJueilou atteii.p'ed to be drswn by the opponents of Uiis bill be w,.ei. money in ilie lreti~ury resulting luxation and mom-y re-tilling frnn. satee of r ubl c lands. Ca’l reo- ot’mz j ii the conetruth nal powero f he gei’ersl government io aid the nuus -A iiii their own corn cut, ami the o'lijsli'utioual pow-r i f iho eia'cs to aid the gcuerel government. Buoii aid I ad been regard.d as eonsiiiu- tlonal from I lie fom datlon efibs gov< rnuii-nf. The south was not wiihnu' a.*lf reliance Cull said Its people had airendy taxed themselves to tiiu U'rnoet, nut their lend was no: a- was the cute iu the north, a readi ly convertible asset. Morgan denied the statement made in tbe debhte io the t-Uedt that the legislature ol Alabama bad Instructed Ps senators to vo:e for ibis bill. A memorial, be said, had been sent from the legislature to congress ask ing that body to pass a miarure in aid of education An executive session was held and tne sanaie adjourned. o« ’chans*. Nxw York, February 23 —There was a very general impression tbl* morning that a further decided de cline in stocks must lake place to-day and buyers for a time were dispo-ed to await developments The first figures were very ii regular, Lacks wana and Del- BWaie and Hudson beinglmaterialiy lower, aud Reading and Jersey Can- iral liaoionuily burner, and the rest ol the list making only slight oiiHnge 11 , although gmeratlv lower I’his whs followen by a firm tone wnich cominued wi;h slight reactions until 3. U e market during tbe list Hour being decidedly strong. Stocks, however, were very null. exr pt L'ckawana. Ail x Viliams are down a small fraction the lattir Origin Navigation L :ue Shore aiso show a small decline, bin with llie.-e (XJsptiOBS the active list is up email fractious to 2}. the ta'ter Lackawanna New Jersey C mirol is up 2 and tbe Delaware, atm Hilda >n ami FJrle preierred, (aoli 1 A’l news t fl at relate I to Raadlbg, and the sweet is uvxioua io know wfio is behind R ailing and who ud vaueed money to buy the Vanderbili lu'eien Toe market olcaid steady. Bales, 308 000 -hares. r*uDd Ifeiu Ualllj. ^peotal to Bnqutr«r-iDb Cincinnati. February 23-Ju' ge Genb e, of Ilie Piobate court, to-day anuouuced his decision Id tbe im peachment proceedings Bgeinst Mar tin Brock nan and Fred Hermann, direoiors of the city lbflimary, charged with making fraudulent voncneisBcd various acts of msie- factiou iu r.fifice. He lound them guilty as chaiged and removed them from ifflee They eent thdr reBig nations to tbe mayor last week and theD fisd. It b is been fairly well ascertained that Brockman went to Canada, and Hermann to Havana. Mayor Smith refused to acctpl tbeii resignations, a •* rire. Spsetsl 'o F.rqiilrer.sua. Buffalo, February 23—The old sevei.iy-fcurlb regiment arm' ry, or: Front plsio, cciupied as a roller ekali"grlnk. was desirayed by fir a 1 o’eif ok ibis morning. The new armoiy ad) lining was saved an«i the fire prevented fr' m.spreHding, F ur firemen J bo Mai g, Curi« Fiei-li- mar-, A"thoi y Cook and Cnet Cas tie, luried uud-.r the faliine walls, but isc-ped wi'h eligii' bruises. The I u .dii g was purctiased from ' fee unv last j e tr by Alder man W )' a n Franklin and Huah Price. Their loss t« rsiimaied at $30, 000 I mm races $15,000 The origin of iho fire is uokuowu. Tbe V»ie VoiIImU, iptekil i$ Ewfirtr.&m*.] Charleston, 8 C, February 23 — The euse against Dr Amos A Bellin ger fur tbe murder of S epheney B ley, a prominent colored demoorat last fall, was called to day and con tinued uulil tbe June term of crurt on motion of tbe stalt’s attorney on the ground of tbe absence of material witnesres for tbe prosecution. Dr Belilngiii’s Count; 1 made a strong fight for an immediate trial, even consenting to accept the evidence of the ab-eiu witnesses upon the solid tor's statement, but the motion for a oontlnusnee was granted and Bel- linger released on bail. A OripiMI* elui aeltr Cipinr-d. Atlanta. Oi, Fobrnary 23—On D.-chixuu r 6 b Diputy Uoiiod Mir iL'ii W V K dbit was uiarde ed on buokoa . ui 'iunatii, Suapiolun res.ei! on James M :0 ijt, a despara u oharac- to', woo flj.t ibe country. MoCay was oca'ed in Oheiokso county, and laa c gut D.'ilted States Marshal Ne'ru*, wun a posse of ten deputies, had a lively flub', with MttCay and his irieuds, Oaaofflior wa* shut threugn the thumb. MoUiy and a man named M inin l>runa ey were brought to At- innia, but Crumley wa* released. Mo- Cay ia In |ell. Washington waifs. Mi rgr.n Inlrtxlrce* a Net >f Resola- II ns ■ -a artrt«« to Slid n»|>('b Idtf'tt fo Try n l m< Mi — Nfimlna* llmr irttnii Bfc. Kio tr. p; qn>r#r».«n«. Wasungton, F.bruary 23-T:e follow itia iu tiie ext. of i).e pieamble and tesoluiionp ottend in rt e senate to day bj Morgau.m Alutiam.: Where*-', ihe mslnri-y of the cotu- trit'ee on the Jui c'aiy havorg's nnted a rep. r to the eenate and uo uiin euled The adeptiou of the fol low g reso’u irr : ‘ R solved, Tit at (bcerna'p |t»rohy . x r.-s-es its cordnmua’ion ( .f ;he i-a- u.nal cf t.: e a'toruey general under wliattvit i ilut LOf to send the senate o > mis of paper * celled f rby its rcso u ini' of the 25 li of January and set f' r h in »lit- report of the commit 03 on ne ju tlciary as a violation of his > lliiiai i.uty and eubv>-rsive of the iuudauie.jlal principles of govern ment and good admitilslraiiou there of;” and When as, the ferafe, if said resoiu- tiou is a'lopied ib being tvue upon facts and a» » matter 'cf iaw, wilt thereby announce tiie pr»Judgment of tiie mi.J -rity of this body without any trial according io 1-w, that tbe attorney general of the Uultet) Stalei ie guilty of and comionjr.ed for wll fully committii g au < ft ruse iu tbe conduct of liie cfQ ;e winch is in vio lation of Ilia i fticial duly and is subs versive of the fundamental principle of ihs poverbibent of the United Bia'e*; and Wherei s, The atrorney-geneiat. If he hae in tuc wilfully commlited my (.flense that is In violaiion of bis < ffls dial duly atid is euiiversive of the fuudanienial principles of tbe gov ernment of lilt Untied 8 ales, is ou!y »meual>le to ihe oo: demnatiou of the senate wSien .be eenate )' eittiug with ihe ctiiei jus ice of ihe United States as a court of impeachment to bear uud decide upon a-iic ei of impeach meat presented by the house of rep reeentalivei; a;.d, Whereas, Ii is alleged that the sen ate hes uo ligbiiul authority to cause tbe attorney gencial of the United Stales to he irrtst d, tried and punished for eanlempt ol i;s iu '.horny and dignity, if the senate shall dec are (but such contempt, baa been cummitled by him ou ihe facts stated end Die bvcimenis made Id said risolu ion and in the report wl’ich aco impunies the sanu; aud, Wherta- 1 , ihe senate would be ex posed to just censure if ihey iu the manner icoommended by (lie com- miiteeou judiciary prcceid to an nounce their judgment * f cmdemtn> (ion BL'aiuat tbe attoroey-gcueral ot the Uui'ed Slates on an accm-atiou 'hat includes an oftensc wtitoli is punishable by impeaclimeui, ai d the Htnaie would also be sxiiosed to J list c insure if It should attempt to at Clare ibe attorney-gencial to be iu con tempt of Its au'hnrity aud to pais lodgment of condemnation against aim for such contempt without buy lug him DOtifl d of tbe charge and ariaigued to answer Ibe same at tbe bar of the senatt; R solved, That tbe committee on privihges aud ehotions be lustruoted lo inquire into aud report upon the ques ion whether tbe oflense charged against ihe attorney general In said r«solutions is of (ho class of oflsuses for which (be head of a defarnneut may be impeached and removed from i flics, and whether tbe senate obq take jurisdiction of said alleged , fl use iu themauner provided for in said resolution, and can proceed to conviot and condemn the attorney geneial in advance of a trial for said alleged (flense by re.-olution of tbe senate, there being no tm; eichmeot of said t ffl ter in the mode rtqulred by the constitution. 8?cood That paid committee be iusirucud to further ii qti re aud re- poit whether ti e sena e iihh tiie pow tr, under the law at d mlis adopted for us governme t, toains, try and convict and oumsh ihca urn y go- etal of 'he Untied 8 at- s for Contempt of its righ !ul authority. Third—That said committee be fur'her inslrucieJ to 1, quire aud re port whether the matter stated and referred to in the manner sei forlh in the resolution reported from tbe ooms mittee ou judiciary above copied constitute any form of misdemeauor in office under any law of ibe United SAtes, and if so, wbat penalty is an* ntxed to said crime or inisd- meaner, and what tribunal has tbe rightful Juriidiction to try, and on conviction, to condemn 'lie attorney-general of tbe United S ates to punishment for (be same. Fourth—That ssid o-ommities be further instructed to consider, ascer tain and ieport whetnor in the con duct of the uitoroi-y general its- eta'.ed in th res -iutton reported from the crimmittecou Judiciary aDd lathe accompanying report he lias vlo'aied sny and what law of tbe Uui'ed S ates, aud in what resptc 1 . he ns»e violated said law, aud whether he has done any and wbnl ec s in the conduct of the bupim s8 of hist Hi :e to whioh said resolution relates taut he might not have done in the exer cise of his lewful dlsuretian. Fifth—Too- said como.iit'es be fur- tl.or Jnstructsd to inquire aud report whether the senate has any const!- tutioual right or power to give its advice, aud coneout to removati from cfflcfi by the president, nad wtiother | by withholding euoh ad vie.” and con- | sent tbe senate can prevent the re* moval of any pei sou from tffice by the president. Six h—That said cooimlttee Inquire and report wliether the senate, It the rt.aj >ii<y shall agree to tiie resolution above reoiud, which was reported fr m ihe committee oti judiclsry, bus a right und-r ihe constitution to withheld I's consent to the removal yi persons by (he president who art Iti ( ill :e undtr circumstances tneo tinned in said rtporl of the comuiii- tee on judiciary and Id the resolu tions reported by said committee, and whether the senate cun bind its mt-ui- t'nrs by any dcoUraliou of the tlu'y ( f the ssuate, or by any rule as the du y oi l e sec ate, as the same Is tie- dated ill tho following resolution touching the powers and proper con duct ol tiie Bcuate, which war also it> pnrii il by ihe committee on judicia ry, v'r: ■ Re o’vrd, That It is under these circuriistarcuH iho ilufy ol the senate to re!u -*iis fuivics unit consent to tin- i ropi s d lemovul of olficers, t lie doc uments aud i ap r* in mlen-nco to tin Hippnsnl 'flic al or persona! mlscon- ouct of whom ure wuhneid oy ttie r-X'Outlve or any bead of a depart ment wlien deemed iiecessary hy the cetiale and calltd fir iu ctmsidering the m»"er.” WILL HEAR AR(1 UMENTS The ways and iucbls oommitto'- to-dsy resolved to hear arguments uo to the 12:h of uext month by manufsc‘u:ers and other persons iu- terested in Hie if r!fl revision. CONSIDERING NOMINATIONS In the exioniive session of the senate to-dsy Edmunds reported a resolution from the judiciary com mittee, whioh was adopted, author izing the onmmiUee to send for per sons aud papers In their Investigation of the Charges against John Geode, jr, whose nomination to be solicitor general is pending before the com mittee. The most serious of the charges are taid io rela'e to alleged election frauds wheu G ode was elected to congress from the N-rf-dk district, ami the persms and psp°rs to be sent for will come chi'fl? from Virginia. The finance committee reported adversely upon the nomination of MiGraw tube e 1- leotor of lutern&i rev i tie f nr W s' Virgitiia. There were said to be oliarges in the revenue deportuien ngHinsi McC'rmick, McGraw’s pre- deciSicr, mitde by a dlecharg>d em ploye. The ctm'g- a are not amort* ihe papers tout by Secretary Mannitig to the I'enate aud are iliue assumed by the mejirity of the fitiaice committee to have been withdraw**, hence the adverse re port upon MiGraw’*) case. Eaal TfonfHi*, Virginia uud «»o. tfiu. epecUl to E'lqa'.rer-Saa New York, February 23 — A uuc mg ot ttie stock aud bontiuoldeis of ihe Eis: Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad whs hsld iiere to day A committee was appointed to onslJer and prepare eome plan by which t) c threatened foreclosure tuny be fough', or lo liquidate the road’s Indebtedness by as-essmeut The latter was favored by iho meeting to-day. If Ibis is done the holders of common slock will be assessed $1 per siiaie, of nreferted $2 aud »f Income bonds $4 per share. This asse-suient will aggregate about $2 - 300,000, all that is required to me the road from debt. Tne committ e i* composed of Alexander Taylor, Waller Btund, Thomas Denny, Fleming Smiih. Albert K"11f-y, Jef ferson Levy and Earnest Di!m*n. FOREIGN FLASHES I’rliico J ;r m Ncpol o\i ITritcs a LMter. Th» Dtfllilaa CfbUrnitd’ Columbus O. February 23-The circuit court to-day confirmed the decision of Judge Wylie in the Dal ton contempt case aud it will be et once liken to tbe eupretne court od error Cincinnati, February 23—Tbe s“Date committee investigating 'be October elections has had the p' li bock and tally sheet of precinct "A, f"U(th ward,” photographed and wilt now be *-ble to return (be orgtnul io Clerk Diiion m bo used by him n freamg hinistif from contempt bt> fore the home committee. WKtlfrRjn Out of tJuoger• Sp^oiHl * • Rrt'juJrc • '.Sn Louisville Fen 23 - Wa”ers:>u’c physlu;tt( s today pronounce.- him out of dat ger. His n ii d ia rapidiy clearing, ttie lever has almost disap peared an*i his appetite is being re stored. Perfect recoveiy will be re* lathed owing to tbe great reduction of vital forces cot sequent upon bis attack, bui be will be strong and well within a month, it is expectod. A Dlamironii Fir*. 19—ial !• Wnimrt bv* St Paul, February 23.—Fire occurred today In Manlielmir’s marble dock ury goods store, one of tbe finest lu tbe northwest. The stock was almost totally destroyed hv fire aud water. The loss is $130,000 Tbe building was vaiued at $150,000 and it was damaged to tbe atnouuiuf $60 000. The inrurai.oe about covers the iuus. 4 ' low* WrMk. fpteU) to KfKjnlror-'un. Chattamj ,oa, Feb 23 Early this morning ilie second section of a freight irsiu ou the Western and At lantic railway ran into the rear of tbo first section, causing n serious wrtek. A train hand named Var- neil woe killed, Thr RvmpRppra (fit It «lltfaa:i iu«nd IIIr Kxpultlom —4ril*>i «*f tllT«r-fl«tidiriflb Utflsor tc'U t>m I'ATor foaiui lliud. S90€i&) to KPOTiJrwHoo. Norfolk. Feb 23.—Dr Meade Kemper, a prominent young p.byei- c’mi, eon of ex^Giv Kemper, was found dead iu b.-at '.his morning. A coroner’s Ic-qiest held and »ver- die: of heart dt-esoe rto dered. Hv Arslo Amiirlo n C^b e*. 1 ondon, February 23 —A noting of the chumber of commerce, by a vote nearly ui iitilmnus, resolved 'liat liie t.'eprt Ol rllotl of* leer and i's pie-t- eut It ndency towards ill-m e »h mon ey nr-" dnuiitbit.g irmie generally, and Eoglit d’s easlertl commeioe in parllt dial. Ano bt rrn-olu ion adopt ed by ilie meeting contained tlie fol- loonnir language; • We urge tliegov- eriiu.e t i-u.ius aiih coun.iie* in an endeavor In restore silver in Its loruier function hh legal lei di r, thereby giving it a permanent in- stead of a 11 lcuallng valu** ” HKMIEltHON'S l’ROltARLK SUCCESSOR The . uisctssor ot Coi-*nel Hsmler son ns chief uf ihe police department <f L "idon will le either OaptsiD Wliaw, chief of i t'fa London fire tni- gud**, Colonel Vucer-t, member ot parliament, or Mr Jenkiuson, of Ouiilin. JeiiklUHon is iui s', likely to receive tiie appointment. 'I'lie com* mittee investigating the recnul riot ha* tound that Colonel HeLderson’s instructions to the police on (he 8 h, the day of the Trafalgar iquare meet, mg, were no a t re and madiquate, and that although be had been fully wurued, he hud uoihliig arranged to control the mob The crntnliue de- ciare that afier 'he meeting had fin ished Colonel Henderson ought to have used cabs, telegrams and scouts to give warning before the maroh westward. Praam A LETTER FKi'M PRINCE JEROME NAPOLEON Paris F.bruary 23 -Prince Je rome Napoleon pub i-uee a letter lu which tie protes'e t*ir inst the pro posed proscription of Frccn prlncts, ti:d iti-i ts thati-uch ire mu ni woum be uofuir. Tilt- B -iiuparnsle, he de care*-, wrro tbe defender o’ tevoli.- i)oi). Wbat lb" ia|-ub!1c o q lircs to incr. aie it- slrei g h ar il pr.-i'ge, lie Ftiy-*, is tiie refoiiuof ph metiiods «*l government. The expu slop of prit.ces would ten i to :ti" -,I(h rucioo of the republic Prlncj Napoleon nisi) takes cccBsiou to uritieise tin- muuuer in whioli (lie pr.-sulent is chosen. He says Hi .t the ptopie then d be allowed in lieet their own clip f mi:j;it)U'!U*a t; -i trial the method which gives th" power ■ f'-ehc loi) to the i all iiojI to-, ml,ly should l e abolished. The o .er is addn w-etl to ttiesenaie and elisnah-r of dopulies. Ii ueclarcs tlial ihe Idll of ixpaision against princes is ii revival of lot dee suspects “Ii nplaots,” says Ilie writer, “ju-iloo t*yr poilci; it con* founds Ilie N ipoleon*, the irleude ol revi-lutlon, tl*e Bourbons., Hie enemies of revolution.” Prince N a- pi'lcon declares ih-»t he recog* izis that the republic is the logical out come of universal suff ege, “bu',” be adds, “iho present repulilic is more su oligarchy. It exists by ihe prose* cu.ioLi of udventurere, WBStiDg pub in mom y and reeulnug in national is da* non aud public poverty.” In cot elu sion the piiuce txoiainic: “If it be s crime for a lover of Fiance to Bpesk out of her danger, then punish me I” Tbe protest has thrilled Paris with a genuine sensation. The newspa pers are furious over It They cull it a defiance and demuud the pru os's expulsion. • ■■was Ij Hpw:1fcl to the Knoutrer-Hnc. I Ricihmond, Va, February 23 — The gtaou Jury of ihe hu’IJrgs c* urt, a terhaviLg hud undei cousl leruiiou for ten days the i a*e nf the creditors of the G -.lltg" mills n ui ultc urmg cup <a lyasulnst tiial o'<rporaituu to* d«y ifitir: el twelve indict rnei-ts each "i: ii list Pom t (’ W .mrok and Gt urge C II I isscsli-, (111 -era of the company, ol,»rg(-1 with felony in lekir g, s'eal i"g ai d carrying »w y 11 mr t elong tug to Hio p-*P B >sb & C l^rBUd (tie Pointers savings bank and the Mer idian s*t tin■ k ai gogeti: g in vaitie over $35.(100 The creditors c.'tiiin that the- II .i,r was hypothecated to ibt-m hy iin* company and that h was inude uwiiy with and that they w re t evtr reimbursed. Bench war rants were ordered to he issued for the arrest of both parties. FINANCIAL FACT8 I HMtfif MR HBRDrJrl Hitwlav for tiroriiU-liporl Frta ih« TrMi« • rev. Atlanta, February 22—The fol* lowing report of G uuptioller Wright has b 'su submltied lo the govi rnor : To H's Ex e'lei cy, II D McDaniel, Governor : Hir— Iu compliance with lew. I have the honor to submit my t ffl 'Ial r* port, showing ihe trausac. lions of this department for the “re r*ort year,” ending September 30, ] 3 8.3: Since ihe dale of my Jast report, O P.ober 1, 1884 the treasurer hae o* r- ufied to this ( fflje, aud I i'ave re- eelp - d for same, moneys amounting t..$l 7 77,428 16, which earne ties been chaiged to him upon the books of ibis department lu conformity with luw. Executive and other warrants for same period have been audited and unproved by me for moneys drawn 'rom tiie treasury, acnouu'ltg to $1,441,338 10, and tho treasurer cred- iten ttu-rewuli. Tbecoudlfioo of the treasurv, theroi fore, is as follows ; H«'«-o*lii ran-nry Ootnber 1, 18 1 » 118 100 If K-reiptH trem Oc-'bil 1, (SHI, m Heptember 30, .Hi5 1 777 120 If Making totr.) ami am to 1)» m cru..Hd h r S’. 825 528 0 Krvoniive w’.rrc.ii b oh HI by lrra*uiGr„<tl sx.'sio .il War all's of erCi.tdLiu ol itio ><n»(e s'. *1 •pe* ksr «f tbk bons* ps'd by treat* ui er. FH HO' S’ M-kl"R toiel p-iiiiieu s ny irwasor J1 IP 31? 19 L (*v*t-s to* . OS, (il , a.....iy tie 1 rl*tr 1. 188s 3 43 I0J 7J C impnrallvo statement >f receipts d.sbummeute for year 183-1 and 1880: RMM-'p'* lr< n Os'oF*)- 1, 1333 Io H-p .nib.n m t)1 5:-332'.H Reot Jp'n ;r u. O ■ l>n 1 UM o eipiembor 3J, -3-*y.« 1 777 418 18 Ir oieiue for'S8> 8 241117 73 l> -< a.«ee"**!» iri>„. Or -"er ) !6M. ;<* fu pta.TlM)’ 8 -. 1334 S' 0.4 25) 10 X)-i-u-stmoiit* ('em o *i *tr 1 18(4, 11) ti p aiunec 80. i8Si 1431 3J8 10 D?ore*xe rpr (H'S % 4H 021 91 SCHOOL FUND. Wo levy iu> lax upon property (or the purpose« f ialsing an educa'ional fund, yet it ie gratifying to li. d lids fund Ircrcaeii g fmm year to year. There was in the treasury, to the credit of *uch fund, June 30,1885, $323 670 84 Tide amount is derived hom inx on I'quor dealers, ono-lialf lentid of tiie Western anil Atlantic railroad, 'ax on shews dividends Irom stock on Georgia railroad own ed hy ibe eia’e, net hire of oouvic's. and fees arising from inope.Hlon of fertillzirs. K-o.lpil ron) rsmnl W » .err B»d AU-n.le rallro»" 8150 0:0 Knre'p a from iltvi*.u.,u Ue >«(* falin*'. 180) Rim p s f nru '<x O', h'iowh.4 0l)8 01 Keoelpi. Ir-m Ihx ou llquur (iSiLt* 77 081 Ar, It '0)ipu 1-1 IU hire 01 a* iiv ot- 1(1 001 31 R oalpla from .0 .«• of lnepecor**... 7(1 OR'! <19 M.iklag a Intel o’. 83H i8U 40 Dl“hnc*.i*i*"» (roui .1 Iy 1, 1884 to Ju. « 30 lt85 4.212 f« Leivlna b.lance in bo nppor- klODFd - - H ..v323 5.'8 84 THE STATE tj REVENUE. Tiie -axsi.l*- property ot me stale iia» sumltly Iricreoeed in value f*r the lost six years My rep >r 1 for 18/S) snowed the value of tuxanis property 10 be us loilow-': Pr p-*rty romioH I y cl 1. n« # 2"> < 0? 4'9 P operiy ie aiic d by ral.ioteP. .. t) 8 111*9 M"k!ng n'.o'ul f2"4,4.0f48 V II 1885. Pi- pti.iy rotni-ix-o i-y cli'a* 1." t.fO 411 70S Pr jjisriy re'n.nel by luliroiidu... 12,(38:8 Making a tola' of _{321 COT010 Showing an increass in the v.lnc of taxable pi" p r v for the year 1885 i-ie" ilte year 1879 of eighty sfavii millions two iiunil- (land thirty-six t ii.’it-ut ti and fit: y-eight dollars. O tr receipts fr m u'l s■•urces fir tiie year t titling Bept'atlic.' 30, 1885, show tin Ificrsa-e i.ver last yia. ’eio' oetpts ot two hundml and fnrijofour thou a-d ooe hundred arid seveotiei doilois and S'lveniy-eiglit centr;-; while our dmburstmeuts show t» de- c;eaHo over Ihe previous year * f four hundred and eighty two thnusiuil nine hundred aud twenty dollars aud ulue y one oen s. Wm A. Wright, Compirdier General. A l*roto«l. ftp oIp) l$» E qnlrfi'NHau, Key West, February 23 —The fol* lowti g nro'est was loiegtuphed to ilie «f cremry of ihe navy io-da> : “Goni ernl D I Gido aud his Irietids are treated a* prisoners of war tiy the naval (ffic u rH in cba'ge of ihe steam er Guy of M x cj. No permisedon Is allowed them lo con'er witti legal advberi ot to take soy steps to secure a hearing, hi eutillel by law. Iu tli>ir behalf we protest Bgalust this course, ami reei-'C fully rtqisst lliat ilie ante prtvihgis he aotuiued these iiur'le- Mint aregrantf-d to all peivous (jltHig- '< wit'i a vt'-la ion of the laws of the U..-1 td Hot er ” '« lx- ** Ik- Rod"*. Mt. Pleasant, Pa, Feb 23 —The Hlr.kt it. v*i unity nvtr, and iLe olack -moke is pi urn g lr"*n • it idreds of "ven iiiouihr*tic) weep M Poas.u and U'tloij tow'i. Tim HiJLg tt Uus last i.igtit Utcided 'o g* to work u-)til W doesdsy, wtien ihey win s'o|i if (iieir C' ii o' ry men are not released. Tiis Hungarian organizit.ou bxa gone to pieces. Th. New Oil* Hill UKM. Speol.l If* K* qnotr eon Niw Oklkanh. Fa'oruarv 23—The waaiber *.- m< nod p.eaasnt, HD < tbe tr-ck fa*t. PlrHt raoo, mi i*g ». 100 rounds, tlrree- f inrib mil’; J eh U it gs wuu, Bil> f, rkwan 2 Tune, 1:18, Wen nd rad, felling .ace wl h ua ial condition*, ’even eleli h* mi:*; B'll Jay we n. ’ entei t.lal 24, Hot Wing 31. TlatP, 1:33$ Tlilid ia :e, handlo-p, one «nd one fourth mtlMj B' zsiro won. (J ' tl*2J B'ddy Bowling 3 1. Tune, 2.14i Fourth r»'’e, fir mre-) y *ar o’dt winning pan .Hies, ih’-ee-f-mruj mU4 Ijeooore w >n f. oa Brown 24, Lldrl 34. Tim", 1 171 Kngene Fi "Id, • Bill N»c' snd J rras* WMioornt* It I iv are g il g "on the ro»d” t*n,e ( er. givli g re.'ltnes from (betr own »i rks Toey rr. elu (ak» ia Peck’s mag b >y and iravel as ihe B.g Four. Fanry K -inh e m,r.o deolared that It n q ilrui) a wa k * 1 ' wool v mi mi day loaeepritwn (ha dtvtl h i p"a>osred l;er The ordinary tremp i e!ps the devil by walking uo a- d d .wit the uarih setkli g whom he may airlke fur drinks. Whom tbe gods would tempt lh«y Brat make poo',