Newspaper Page Text
•Ten IMM I'oMrnanl lr»m »UI*
~K.V>r>Rhftrty ouuuty boa ■ school /and
«ecr 43700
A pell Ion In bolng signed In Oalhnan
aaounty for a vole on ihe prohibition
Colonel James A Benson, the trer
nr>hant, prince ol Washington, Is agaiii
•3 nl'.e ill.
D Pnrooll, of Banks o unty,
v*v, ighs uiuia He la iho larges
av a. v in 15 . .Ua
Tbs Times a ya Vildista will Ijo
ili h.ed l.y gas in five years ami vii
iUhve iHe telephone lu eu.
Tho liis’. qisrlG-ly m,salon of the
SSuwanner jnissinn of iho M E church
lo atgaion at Ty Tt.
Mr Jo i W Hinllh, of VVaycesboro,
'■JtfH thrown Min of a cart lust week and
jlmd hi-i shoulde.' dislocated
The Flint river Is reported very low,
mini sh a aouutquouce Muutciuuaj’u
a row boat may In laid up for a raiu.
The Albany Muhlnm de Hands that
ceihlcites i flzhts In that olty on Bar,da
The work .of ocdifylrg the olty or
Cdinactoe. ol ALbauy la finished, and
sisoQDoll at Its nex meeting will re-
<teire bids for printing them
at man who lives In Harmony Q ove
Ms>d who served four years la the late
•war, taya he did not see a be surd
adoring the whole time of the war.
The turpentine men In Worth county
»*recatling now boxes, and employ a
.UArge forcn of hards who bay their
nassopllos. from Ty-Ty,
M Spencer, who attempted suicld
*it Valdoaia a fi w weeks ugn, In not yet
<rt*at of danger lie In at the hoc a; that
^plnceand reostvos every attention,
•Fudge J hn D Cunningham, muuuger
• £' the celebrated fruit piant-dlon at
cOroliard Hill, say- ihe recent severe
■weather did not Inju e the peaoh crop
At, the sa’o of ui claimed freig , '*s In
JETort G .mea lust Ms unlay, Jom Porier
Krougbi a t ox 'if drugs for (ft) 60, uud on
rsx'vninatlou round t om .o no worth
spun so.
Tho towu council of Jug Tavern
^planted out whits m be -y trees on
tf-lt-e streets, and ate now tna! g oaoh
*tt<tn take care ot the iu front ol
lain dwelling
Mi*s Ann T.aguo a: etnp'od suioids
u\* Bah'o craBa'urday by inking laud-
mourn. A 0 ,i„ qa.. r re I made h r
swvii-b to alii ill 11'inia mortal ootl. wi.o
■will recover,
I u BnitibtIdgs a lor ol ya »*• w hile
xouilklrg a Jn.odona cow, Mia 0 K
Jfo res, proprleiu-hb <11 e house ai a Ltd one cfh r
e broken.
The dry weather bus given Urea an
•opportunity 10 do us good deal ol dam
*-go In Wo; th ui d other cun lcs. L'« !
week ik , eu iio crop of loot) o.xee oe-
fto.r.\glag to Mr James G bbs wav.
At Harmony Grove D- LG Hard-
urauiMx raced a turn a- (rum a irulo
Vm-iopglng to W O Houd on Wednei-
ai*i.y. The mm r, when tekun uu,
vwaighed four pounds. Tse mulo is
ju.uw improving
iW-oun J tuobs baa « dd all ol bin real
oj'WtAo red personal pr perty at Har-
xss.on. 1 Grove, and I lends to cross the
yrciliar.'In cos\)t 111 March or April to
jp>sy h's, parents and kliiemon a visit,
after an absence of leu ye.srs or more s'ab ts anil com crib containing
JAW bushels ot corn ard 2000 , otinda of
fi’j.'wSAer, belonging to B s on Wa ktr,
ton Burkeoottuty, were burned Iasi F; I-
The h urea o (tight ti e irorn a
rOi 8 I) R mb ', o r 15' a is now tu
JBliit v .c with .ho Ib.u ■> i„ Us, after an
mSMset'.io of t i ye.iri,. 0a mg n ,t time
lie,5 has been r m ■<a:dy hib oesstul
with i la i>: foash* i. >»c uiuuli lug the
auntag Jl'tle aatn ei'fSO.llOtf He will, on
ihio return to Hi'.uib «men n, remain
iiPB years, and .hen ouma bst.k to lo
ett: Aflo jug his iriendu.
itJ.’i 0?hnrBt'ay night as the (rein was
TP-jift'.itj, Rrouwood •t.itl"u, Just below
K miUiville, tho g asa water gauge ou
fstC engine burst, and sta.'tleu Bib
JPmurcoy, who was on the eugltie. He
orwipped back upon a a ink of wood,
vrhioh lurued and threw him oQ iho
■cKOgme, breaking ids leg budly, and it
j*» fi ared that it will nave to be taken
Two years ago Mr A R-.tHtf bought
kdm Matx iSccith v,a.e, In oast 0 ugh-
ewty, for a ty-live bales cf cotton, pay-
«'dla la two years L «t fall ho m <de
dt0e£nal payment and hrd 'hlrly three
lonlfcaiofi, He "lion sold the place lo
Bdeesrs Twitu’ & !all lot ono hundred
Imilrs i f ci tton, | able t • 1 iu - years,
1 iios i . l ii-’f •»*»- (:tr pr fi <>t fortysflv •
1'islcr ol cofo.'i n< ryo yv >rn, not '-O
•sou ;> t the hltiy>.threo ii >1
»oovu, w.'dcU Mr utit'iil p.aces ;o .hi
nr'dltof h'.o »xfLui.e r.ceran.,
fa >t TuiHony night U i od
IMurshsl Urrrl'j g. t. ua * hs,\
X'.o.rii a and Vi to o:n rflilii ail
i:,.. iv •aop;it 1. Suvaonab. >ind helmo tht
(Cxttlusiarird ho dropped snleep. A'tor
h pot off ut Way sta inu ho to'rcoa h!
Ssoakt'lbi'oli and warrants. He tr.iok'i
f.nsi some ore on tlio train picked his
S? . oket while ho w-.r s iloop. Ho offered
r-» .-ewa d for the rsitu. of iho warrants,
aibau vfbicb La was more ooncerned
t'.i'.c, nbcut. either tic p'ohe*hi.'ok or
ksb, Liuj, but no trace wu« f and of their
SK’lroroabcuia Having no warrants ho
jTS-iiu'ii no arrests, and he came back
r>-1 bout a i ri uocr.
Perhaps the very kie t phsne of Iho
troyoolt bueii csh uif lies Its appenrarree
in Aeaisll to«n no' h huidrd lr.lua, Tbe o is a certain
<i3t;or cisaler who has a beautiful and
V' iDSoruc cr A young man of
tiif.e pl» .'8 paid Lei att6r.llorp a-,J won
li r • ff r lens, 1 ut the old man objected
r; ii twrtade tlie young man to his
Jiause Bui cothiug ditmsyej, the
2 . " n organ,xad a club of gyr pa
s, , Lave boycotted iho
a ms ’s bu iticst—lefaslog to buy
CMgars ol h,m ULiM*s tLj barricade bo
rriits-j^. ii.h', t uu <j the eld tnuu
-era-, growi g w oak -k r. t ed.
B J McAf o was -.'ut i:, | a U at K-.ox-
vll’6 8*s lunatic. Ho pioaucd bo eor;:-
nasityy and!> u, b e uksn out of
thuo Cflil the tho i he. .11 i k him to hie
c*a home to sleep At ibout 11 o’olock
ire? escaped lu his night cohos. Ho
wia£ lotujil by Mr B enauu in thewoous
tern miles bcuth of Kuoxvllle, Batur-
dl^v, In a most pi table onndl'lna, H e
vsru le body wBshiooreted and bleeding
where he bad been tom by toe bum;
ij l ah,
his Rhlrt W"s entirely torn ‘ fi' or b'm,
and wfat fi w e'r uys wore lelt h« b«d
tied aroaud his fee’, which wero sc
brulsud and 'orn that they had swollen
to nearly three times their nature
nlz i He s lys that the reason lie 'eit Is
b 'cause he thought lha 1 a posse ol
men hid msdea n'ot to kill h'm th«t
night, and the Lord told him to get
out of their way, and sfter he left hi
•ion bi they had hounds him
and he ran in all of 'ho water that be
Ujuid In order to I f 111 them.
A party of Ohoctaw Indians from
M ssisulppl have bcOD in osmp non
Tiiska m u.i for the nv.' | t two or thiee
Mays The men have been riling o
thriving bu.unesa lu sul Ing blow . mis
ii emu l b i r. w'.ile tbe w .Tricri b ,vt
aeen rquRll' ss euo essfui in peddling
KSkom, e:o.
Tun Oh inilnrs ooanty Islr oomraUue
have so.eciOd the site of the old mule
'endemy „s the plccu lor ho,ding Ur*
Mir m x! tail. There Is a vreat <1c*I of
discusMiou oonoeruing the felr, slid
many express themso! vcb as bellivlu>:
that It will b? q rte a °uocess.
Thu Hhctti id and B rm'ngham rail
road nave i xsculorl a mortgnK K . "r deed
if trust, to 'ho K ,;rhorb..ok!,r Trusl
ompauy of Naw Yjrk, cnvilug ihe
entire line to preoure |15 0C0 '0 lb*
mile, whioh Insures Us cumpietlou at
n • arly day.
G 0 Alrrau, chairman of the demo
oratio oommit eo of Fianklin ooanty,
has called a ooanty oouventiou for the
18th of Marob nex', lor the purpose of
e.acting county effl.era and selection
ol delegates to state SDd senatorial con
ri .rids ram.
The Teanheia' institute oonvened at
Tampa Fr day.
All the carpenlers and bricklayers a
O ala are busy.
The Insurance men aro doing a good
bUBiuo*n at Ocain,
L v« O ,k has (675 70 in her treasury
ted is entirely out ol uebt,
O'alu’s Firs'. N tlonsl bank will Le
rttdy lor butlLtts withiL 80 days.
The duko of Suthcrinnd and party
aro Fxteo’ed at TcmpB dal’y In the
iukcV private yeohi.
At Kcuku wsieimtIons ore uy, I, ,;h
ota o are fine unu strawbeuioa will
-o n be rlos.
Jihn^H Ewrp, cf Wildwctd, gel
12 60 r box for Ills m tpcs si ipptd
mmtdl • o y at tr the fietze.
Real vsiatu is boumieg ami the In-
tur of W.ildo Is more promniiu g tha
,u any Urn of Its hlHtory,
Grcrye L-Movce hts received rrdtrs
lor m inis) ft rabru’ l«u new buhu-
li g in sud sr uid O nr do.
15 l i ' MiiMt'iy has recently planted t x
i-.oreN of his fai m near Madbo iu p»-
eun, ueing ht paper skill vaiieiy.
Tho old court ya.d lecce at G; iiks-
villo is being taken dew ", a d hanlcd
swat. The uew lion fonoc will be built
tt 0 Gray has been bu lly ergaged
for a wick t r n < re sum g out a s> v
aoro orange grove on hia ii.acu r.eai
Tallaha sce contraol. r« etc making
en imotcs for the cmsituciiou ol a
r.UDiloi cf c'fgaot b. ildiui s iu (lit
capital elty.
The Methcdlsts of Maitland arc ho d-
li g u nrunol picrscii d m cHi'«w tn
1 1'eir c hmch, fcSHsicii Lj Li v M t Wal
ler, ol Orlando
Ti c 0 sste n C'iiy 1 del, ai Pn ellns,
hau changed hand, ana Is uc w ti der
v tio ixiscagcmeui ci Mr and MncWood,
lute ol K g,,n,cl.
a casual cr nut of , ho nnnoes s r' i kon
lro i tho rcgiftriitlnu li«t cf Bum ter
c. ur y fch. wi 884 The census put the
copulation cf tho c ui ;y a seme
U .I H L Hart. pM.prtetor of Ha 's
OciilswuL.t Ii e c l stesmero, is ooi sld-
< ru g heuia.itrol agiiu runt itig : a
bt'i.s pp :bo river uud suund ihe
Barr Conby, of Tf.tupa, Iisb a enrio s
Bptoimon of natura. bis.ory in the
shape of a mullet, which ho caught iu
the bay, wim. two small lulls ol gm.»
growing: on tbe side* ol its
Mr Nini’fRiv, ol KeukR, who inte* da
to p .tcut 1900 pteeb iron, has so Mr
been unable to sneure them, All iht
home nurseries have cleaned out ihelr
s o k.
Tbe secie ary cf the treasu* y h*s
wrl ten co Judge Groyne, no mm tr,
to selects! elgi^Ie lot lor the tveo-
tlon of n government bullet g at Taim-
hasere, cbueitaiu the price and report
to him,
liier bblis a*e playing havoc with
‘h*i y oursr pear lioor In and about Live
Ok. Mi; It Ba'sdou hud fli y fit
>'■ our tires by iltir b.a week
Tiny a sw tho bark * ff . shiph as they
can levch.
Tf.e lovrn c. ui ci 1 cf L ve O k l ss
>• • t".l the u c t wrat lower rnmrtilu
W'Ute-B 1 iu brick block hr >.
i. »y> rht ui * c >i* d rot nell rot tu. Tlr*
Is ib li , .nit Live Oak has Lad euch
IJ:) .
n finjabed bo’irg
hv oriiiik.. ••til it To no oa M relay
11* went-.hv n to j dtp hit 800 loot
"d ft.ctued !• 11 of b tv>eeu 6 0 aru
6J0 gr ll.i spfr mimic He < ■. • Leer
employ! d by Mtsfrn Y or A Co to
boro a well in Ihoii new town.
W S Catlicert, of Tampa, dug up n
ets* ava root on i he f ,im cf h.s brotlur-
i -law, T V Kennedy, W.dno*day,
w hicli roeosurod five ice* i" ii rg h and
six'ncceain diameter Mr K onedy
) st* qni'.e a !n-ps let planted, which he
S«tn*> :o his oowb.
Ma| r Ku.neli, o'ato superlutondect
* f iLtMQC.n n, loft TallabbSsteTneed, y
Ian for p. v.i r 1 eticn of the s nt.'ifs r.i
V iintli cr.d Bievaid. He is nr w vie*
ing those ct.ui.iiva which he e< u c n**t
tereh ihe rs' t ytr, srd will f rtHrgp
for t Kchois’ institutes in stve ui ol
Y, ting men pr-'ctielrg r.'fl sfootii g
lest F ti v i>i a dln.tpptr, in f p : cl
J jb* bt lew W i dwerd, esn e rtar kill
ing L Vr P.trkt'r, who was plowit g In a
li id nt a by A stray ba.i si ruck hiu
n Ho !' It. side of the see, hut teyoi d
drawing a ii:t’o blood for.unateiy in
ll jleu iu it J ary
Mo''agio, n French philosopher,
ssidieuavar believed iu miiHCles out
ol church II It had lived to-day end
st'su the cures of 'he very worst ra. ; s
of rheu tijfctinn tfle-oted so spetdilv bj
S Jacobs Oil, he would been in-
din d, ic pile ss he wbs, to ihlck tLa*
miracles no still being net mpiished,
The weight cf years is boned to fel *
on a mao, sod make him bald! eade l
while walling
This clues of tronlilesotue eom
plaints embraces a largo list, some
of which nfllict nearly every family
in the land. Heretofore the treat
□lent of nearly all the*-e diseases
has been very iinsiitis-fiictory and
unsuccessful, and the people have
Ikoi very much th reived by pro
tended remedies. A m joiity ft re
caused by an impure, \ dialed con
dition of tlie b uotl, a**d iih most of
tho blood remedits of the day re
quire 50 to 100 bottles before you
discover that they will not effect a
euro, we offer 13 B 13, which mskes
posiiive cures by tho nee of only a
tew bottles
The most oymmon of tho skin
diseases which are emed by the
use of B B B, the only quick Blood
Pnriffer, iue as follows:
Eczema, Old Ulcers,
Impetigo, Abscesses,
Erysipelas, Dry Tetter,
Ringworm, Carbuncles,
Bcaldhead, Itching Humors,
Pruritus, Blotchas,
Old Sores, Herpes,
Pimples, Boils,
Itch, bplotchos.
is sought by the uso of cosmetics
and all sorts of external applica
tions, some of them being poison
All females love to look pretty,
which gentlemen do not object
to, and a smooth, soft, cl ar com
plexion adds greatly to female
The use cf 13 B B will purify
your b'oed, will remove blotches,
splotches and bumps that
appear upon tho face and neck, ond
will tinge Iho pule cheek with the
roseate hues of nature One oi two
botties will couvii ce any one of its
vaue. No family should fail to
keep 13 13 13 in Ihe house, as-there
is no family medicine its equal
One author says: “Rheumatism
is due to thepieuence in the blood
of a vegetable organism t f definite
Another says: “It is due to the
presence a poison in tho blood
which i i of the nature of a miasm.’’
1 his disease h iving its origin in
the blood, it is reasonable to sup
pose that it must be cured by rem
edies directed to the blood
Address B ond Balm Company,
Atlanta, Ga, and you may bo made
i. * t/m « l * x wi in*
IJ HI 111
flhiiBfaelnriiig fh isiste.
They mike and sell thf best
goods Manufacturing is their
fort. Their special prtparnfions,
Neuralgia, are daily gaining in
char..ft r. p pularity an l sale.
Aieiit will roll. Jordan h Joyz us
Julep lias no equal on earth for the
immediate reaef of pain, and
Hood s EitruLa is the only perfect
family medicine. If is put up iu
the dry and liquid shape,
We call your attention t.) our
large and well selected stock of j
If you wear them, examine our
new ’stoi k of Trusses, something I
lit w, easy comfortable and durable, [
U- R 0 K, tbe specilio for all
private diseases. GOSSYPEDIA J
Woman’s Best Friend. ALLENS
LINIMENT, .the best in the mar j
ket. Are wholesale agents for j
Dixon’s Sure Cure, the beid; rerno
dy in the market for Chills, and for
25c We id o sell the great Floii
da Fever Mixture, Wild Orange
Syrup. It is effective and delight-i
ful to the taste ;
We sell a superior brand of Ci
gars. Jiisut try them if you smoke
C3 Broad St, Columbus, Ga
Pan-Electric Stock
May disturb the equilibrium of some, bat os long as the stock of
Remains at par wo will continue to invite investors tp call. Speaking of stocks,
re reminded that our stock of
Men’s Furnishing Goods
Is equal to anything in the state, and in some respect* the equal of many iu
New Yotk, Gentlemen who have not been tracing with ns are invited to call
and examine. H warranted by a liberal proposition of trade we will continue
to improve our assortments until yon can find with us~aU the late novelties such
ns are worn by gentlemen in New York.
Of tho CHEAPER grades ONLY- We keep a large and well selected stock.
It is orn- calulation to keep nothing over $20. Suits $10 to $20 up stairs; Suits
$2 50 to $0 00 down stairs. For the next thirty days we will soil Clothing at
cost for the cash only
Muscogee H .Tiff’*aie,
IS j F *1. Ii HOW I K*
* u^oanctn
HtffiQ DOM
5 fife Lll : i
TIT ILL be acid ou tno flrut Tnc*lav to Match
▼ f ut*id. Jn Irc-ut f t! u ui;c ioi. h ture of i' Ai.
Kuuwi. s A 0- , o. i ei Uzudd ;.ud 10 b f. reot* citf
of (Hlurobuti, Muscoue* county, Of'orfjia, tho piaoa
for hole ing lotmi ao'tsr
Lc 9, block 29, bounded on tbe o tli bj the laud
of Ditu Meyers on the w M br 8t J.niM M. 1,
Ouurch lot on »bo south by lands of John I no ford*
ou the east by fi ?t avenue, iu the city of Oolumhua,
Mono Rtee.) i tj', Q-oigirt. 1: vied r. an tno property
of Bet? r lrq i (. fts’Lfy a U fain ray hauda to
! f* n r cf * yo W'u o v . Beltlo Property point*
ftj ontbr plniutifl i fl ta. Ley y made and ret weed
i t *r.eby A W Me Michael., L C
A^so. f*t tlie s uie t*me uLd olaoe one fwo rorra
i hou»" ar-d *?ract <>f land lvirjr ‘n '^urcocc' 1 coru'.y,
I iu S ite ’#tvl c titn^i-.iR or.e o jjh’h a bc i #-«
more o»- Ie«, a j iti m> the l»-id of *J, «icOooU on tne
east n tho u* rfb by lauds of tba wtefe of Wm, Mc»
1 Ooo?>( / ecoaotd, ou ht* wa’st tiy Troupe si re«t »*>Uih
bj Woolfolk street, fisi la» d nb ve described nd«
ioluiug tut city of Coir.rai ns, Georgia, on C o north
<*f B r *i • city bv'ed or uft fhepropeity ofOaroliu#
McCtiOk. to salia y a ti fd iu ray hands in favor of
R H Moon vg Carol mu "’c'ook L /y inud^ and
r* turned oueby J. L t>»venr $ T» C-
Mso. »t Ihr- n me 1 ime and plase lot of |r i' tntho
clt r.f OolcnRu Mu'viiico cotiuty. Ooor«iH and
known tm !«t Nm L vied or «w the property of
the b of At »rv P ide to hatisty a t^x fl fa in my
l and • for htnte ami count/ t»iXt*rt for t»i** year !e?6.
Lew mud/ a d returned t- mu by * LOj'n L0.
t of t
li' 80.
In h«t, Short Ends in'every class of goods. There are many usefu
and desirable articles in Hub lot of goods. Every
lad/ should see tbecn
A Lot of tbe Celebrated X R” Cor
Will be dosed ont at the low price of $150
\ Lot ol 3CMFOBT Ol 1 SE1 S »t EO Cf Btt
Bargains will be the order of tbe dnj this week.
/ 1 EOi'GIA, MCsrOGKE COUNTY wi.gfHs.
" 1 A: dr* •* A "> e. ber ,» dm iu terror rf th<* ft ate
cf Mtittiu VN . ight. i» pre»6u?a to U’t» co»*r in t.i*
petition c»*l\ field. ti"f be tig ftt’lv adnrinifttfred
nUcitate; Thi3 it tberetore o clt nil rern n>
cocc^:p*di btitR hd* cmll-rn. to »h tv ^^UB‘•. if
a?»T they u v . why -gj • aCtcini ♦••ter nh -cl! -ot bo ,
d Uchnrjrad ft cm bit raid ad®iairtr%ti c gnd ra- j
reive >re) o di*u.U*E u efi Itu* first ■ fidaf U
March, f M Bi»0' K*
dgttil o*«Uwa urtAioaci*
Web§te? Warctliom©.
Wgrebonse & Cum Mtrcbitits.
Wo keep constanth on liaml a full supply of Cotton Seed Meal,
goods were bought in large lots at low prices, and w'e know that we
can make it to tho interest of all parties wishing Fertilizers to call
and see us before buying. As to the m rits of the “Home Mixture,”
we have nothing to say, as it is too well known to the planters of this
section to require any recommendation from us. All we ask is u fair
trial bv the side of anv standard Qu mo sold in this market.
Columbus, Ga, Jan. 24, 1NS6. CARTER Hi BRADLEY-
|.X4 ae wets* tvi.u
A>c» a; ibu Ka’j. Mimo onet’/o-r o-.v f *aui° tuHd«
hr wi'hiu t •<*undo uru nf th? *e.r I* »k.‘ii ia «d
n of wo ntubno gf vtc fG ory'u, :i t* bt*ruj
n an tho cn jv r?y cf Mur Park B * p I>a iVi c/^a*
ion to gvfigf) h »<x fi f.i i’> my haids tor etikte and
k f'.ff Ud y«"*rU86, 3jevy n au- an<\ rt-
n.c; b. J uO'.t.a.LC A worn* of tax
FOR. N»AXji£).
I have 40 desirable building lots
on Rose Hill which will be sold on
installments of not lesstl an $v5 por
month, and as mu' h more as parties
maj' wish to pi:tv. or $10 a year for
three yeais, balance four and five
years. Rebate allowed oflOijer
cent if lots arc improved within 12
months from date of sale.
Re.d Eshrio Agmt,
15 North Broad litre et,
J:l!lt70 1
P to i sS i* * * -
in s t tV.Wf
fcS i? r j> St-Li W D S iXi V. A N 5
'r*>A msr M &2W&
03' Jtvaur D5!*'.TRnftI3JS.
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