Newspaper Page Text
future of the negro.
a riiilntlal'* v. w ml 'ha rullili'al
jrc*«a*ltl*a «1 Iha HloU I'ounlry.
Huntihgton, Miss, F«b 16—Mr
Blanton Duncan, of 'his plsce, ha-i
written a letter ;or pub!lr&>t,>n,
although sdtiremed to John W Darn,
lei, lb*" new United Sates senator
lrom Virginia In the letter be it.Iks
of the negro quretiou ss one which
predominantly and dirkly overs
shadows the uture of the country,
not only over the soo'h. where lit"
great evil exists, but north and enat
and west alike. He argues that the
living togeiher ot no inferioi «• d
superior race la an anomaly which
luunot bear other than the most
bi t f "r fiulia.
Senator glierouau and other grra'
nor hern leaders Lav.- unnruncid as
their battle or y herceforwnrii: • It'
dnctlon of thr sruiiuin arm nth iu
congri b udiD : e tlc-e oral vote to
accord wi'h the number of near
votes which ere yearly counted a
and ihefta? nbieed.” This nu-uns inri
union aud tuna iciun in .Lie n ria
ami txcid-uieiu and iLoi'emoot ’o
bloodshed and violence throughout
the ton'll
The writer Ihen, in referring to the
statue of the negro, say: “The south
ern negro reci* twenty yraresgo was
s a'Ciiy Ui 'iv ti.ifcd f.., self g vein
aunt, to appr ciaie the du'ite i f ciii-
B Cih'p, tiie liuriiy of tl.e lad t, li«n
were the kangaroos o! An- ralia or
U c citlz :oa o! centta* Afnra In two
dtestUa ilnrebas bee., i/o progress
nitntad.v, no'iai y or olhervr s To
doysh-yaiea t: ats of j aupers, not
one in a hundred rieh-g e.bove the
oomuion herii, and ii 11ft to ihuu-
selves for ten jears at; urnily would
reir grade to tue-tam- f ihtirsevage
a,ote o.s. * * * *
Tne southern whitis have neither
the me'-.tis nor toe' mclii.aiion so step
aide (in theit abee.rbit g carta ai.d
struggle to support 'heir t wo Buni
lie ) for the purpose of budding up
the forlmes and txpaudii g the
intellect. and the moral-
of their f.itmer slaves. Ii
would be time thrown away to do so,
and the negro as a ra e will remain
as he haa bin hr the paet’wenry
years-toe pr.y ot ;he shat per. ilie
dupe tf the demogegue, the utterly
debased creature, under the curse of
G ,d against Hsui ami his descend
ants. EJocsiion aioi e will acorns
pll«h no t.e. ' ti hut simply lit tho-e
who are tirigfii te, ugh to learn more
than the r Lilt wshow tube wily urjd
unrerupoi us lenders among the most
oorrupi and unprit clplid Unless by
a miracle from leiveu, the race
Cannot be cbamreil, Leeause the
moral peiu p'i ns d noi
exist j iai d tbsie never can
be intercourse close and rifflflst.t
enough between ihe while's uut) the
bluets to ei'ture any pr g■< ss. Rice
haired prevails cvt:yw.;ere among
the black-, ai.d they would txulting-
ly, it power seemed lobe within ihetr
grusp, light the flris and shed the
blond for another noli oust like that
of Bt Domingo. The negroes, wi ll
rare excipitoos, will sen suut and
body foi whiskey. Tory care) no'h
ing lor honor, virtue, teiiglon. Hon
esty in c miracle a aitnoot unknown
To-day is the of their vision
Thty cauuot appr. eia'.e hii.dt.isi or
good ireatmeLt loose rule them
best wio> use a rod of iron and treat
them iikadogs
“Whet rh mid the real state-man
do wbeij radicalism propose s to re-
duoo southern puli noil strangle?
Meet them m ire .nau na'f wHy a:,ii
suggest a return to the only leg, 1
status of 18liU, when sou hern ciu-
B-Uship was confined to the wht e
race, Accept the proposition i f
northern men and 1st ilie southern
people resume their legal rights and
restore the 'raiioliise where ic be
longed R;dnee me vote aud sireng h
simply n> u.e repr situation of
whites. Lit 'he sou:li voiuD'ar ly
place it h yund perudvr mute that its
voice shah f! a,r« political ion em,
anu let the north, with us.intelligence
and manhood, act as it will then
do, when Imaticism utid falsehood
shall l live tost Us power to Keep the
uuioi> intsci ai d its people liurmou
ious and in couc 'id. Toe south in
national ounctir, after performing
sucli abnegation, would iiave tenfold
it fluei re Our siamuifB would
wield a magic wauu ”
He Uei' quo e- uogiiy from ad
dresses mailt a', difl' lent time? oil the
moral sta us cf ttie u< gro, ami ch ser
by sayirif : “Bo long us then ilitotib
of uegri es re , am wi.hio our borders
political equals, the door is closed t<
all hope ot wt.ue immigration. It
the evil grows there will c ,me a white
exodus, reaving the faitei; and utosi
prod no live pontons ot the continent
to become another Africa. These
are not irnagi atious, ueiu
sions—simply pregnant conclusions.
No one would sstk to rob thu negro
of his full rights of life, liberty and
property, or fail to encourege and aid
him in any progress or material pros
perity. By restriction ot the fran
chise, reducing the political strength
of the southern stales, the greatest
disturbing element of our future
aright be removed. Rhode Island
preventb citizsns of the other states
aud cf the United States from votiog
In thousands of cases, though resident
for yeaiB, Mastachusetts disfran-
ohlsie annually tens of ihousauds of
her poorer voters, It the white masses
oanuut aud do not see what a preoi-
pioe yuwos beneath their feet, there
will be r rude awakening woen the
destined day ot trouble comes.”
Comet* *»• TlBlbU.
Prof Lewis Boss, of tbe Dudley
observatory, at Albany, N Y. bas
made lbe disc ivory that the comet
seen at P^.ris on D=cembir 1 is slowly
Increasing in brighinetH The iu>
crease will ooutinue slow until April
l.when it will begiu to ba rnuob more
rapid, and by tne middle of the
month will bee me visible to tbs
naked eye. Two weeks later It will
reaoh Us maximum of brlg'itness,
when its ppri-nraiio" will h- much
Ukelhat oi taoi, anu nt> vraiDxo ail
niuhi. Ii will also, as (bat of 1881,
be seen in tie western sky. When
e r'.o' ihe earth it will only be 12,-
OUU.OIX) mill s distant. Ii will retain
its brightness until May 15 when it
will gradually fade from the vision
to appear later to the people south of
the equator. The Barnard comet is
also discovered to be Increa-lng in
brightness, but will Dot become vial-
ole to the naked eye. In August It
will also disappear from telueo pic
view, to reappear with the Paris
con et south of thi iqiator. Neither
comet line a previous recorded ap«
pt a ranee.
RUt'Kl.rn’M ABHIL A mvs.
The dc-sl Naive Iu the world for Ouw.
Bruissa, Norr.n, lUoov3,8olt Rheum, Fe
ver Soros, Te'ter.Chappod Hsnrte.Chil-
hiatus, Corns and sli Sk)u Kjrnptiom,
imd positively euros Plies, or uo pi*y
required. It is gnttmiiood to g'svr
per'Vet satloiaetiur., or monev refun.i.
ed Price Life per hex, Fur ea'e tv
tSrunnoTi A ( arson le‘24 ocdAvily
In ye olden time a iar was trgailv
Ih’i'.sbo'i by luiviok a hoia b red
wougb bis toiiguo. Ii ibis wen the
■wuim miw .hero a:o m»u eho e
tongues vr< aid r«scmb:e inrous (,!«••
sr is if iui.sion j cur
9’aii liver 0.1 aid. Ii}|n,)i|iui|>blie>
A moat » spirit'o or Cuosiimpilon
Olie lliminuni,s of 1 esuuj oiaia we l)avii
received In ui tv U'arure vhn have been
pe. tnanoiifly cored by Neon’s Emul»
sion sa t- ti s ns tba. ti will ours oou-
a’ucaption lit ifsesr/y s<«g«s, and alia-
viato 11 not cure in U3 mtier s ag' a.
Young winpHi.. tifs.rknu lo tills frcnti
thv B >••• S mu«' Juries; * I w- uui rath
er t>. 600 old matas shut up In a ro ui
oy niy-elf itiau bw h» wife of one
u: unK .id. 1 ’
nn llu<1 to llsne vcrspl' u, Shsoheiil, of Rurrisbuig,
I i, •»> : ‘'Hiving eo rnuen
benefit fioni E eetrie Bp ira, I ft«l l
mv duty 11 iftt, (ufiferlug hnmnnltv
Know't Have lisd s ronrlug soro oi
uiy leg lor eight yes,-.; my doctors toid
trial would hHvo to h-ve ihe bone
noiaped or eg amp .tad d. 1 used, m-
at.e»d, three buttles of E eo rio Bitters
and seven boxes Bui klen’s a rules
Halve aid my Ug Is now sound and
Wi II.”
Elec'rio Bitters are sold s' 603 a but-
tl , and Buck Ion’s Arnica Halve at 26a
per be x tiy Brannon A Carson,
eod Aw
V olin playing glr h are multiplying
iu iashlonsblc New York, sootoiy anu
have orov. dan oui the ba- J > players.
Tb 1 chio Is tit rcet od this violin.
T o Iroublesomi- disearen of mst.
r woman are caused by a relaxed ui u
flaoby oondltion 0/ the muscular sye-
lyic 1 f ihc cons iiutiOD has nut. betu
0 Tnpietetv sapped, eimmons' Iron
Cordtsl token prrsls'.ently in small
01 Bos allot meins will iffec. a speedy
aud permanent cure iu any cate It
will efljrd gretp. relief aud can do no
pos ibie barer'; iherefore tiy It. A bot-
olo cos.8 buloi edollar, to bo obtained
at all druggists, eod&w
It is said Sir Charles Dilkes will not
talk It is pessib.e that Cuarlts ha-
noibiue to sav that will better Ids ease.
duoii Btivlula Every Ease.
D A Bradford, wholesale paper deal
er of Cha tanoogs Ter.p, writes, that
h. was seriously i flliuled wttb b seve n
nold that so tied on uis lung ; had trie ■
many remedies wllbou' te.i bt. Ba-
Ing induced 10 iry l)r Kir g's Njrv Dih-
covory lor ooesumption, did o si d
was entirely cure 1 by the une of a fsw
hotues. Slice which 'line be has used
it in his family for all C-ugbs and Colds
wi h best results This is the expert
enoe of thousands whose lives have
teen saved by this Wonderful D.scov-
Trial Bottles free at Brannon A Car-
sin’s Dm* Stare eod&w
The w ir d ut ves because (hero In o
good roas r. why i' should stand sti“,
ADVion to Mothkjb—Mbs Wins
now’s HooTHiNo Nsrup stioiild tslwnys
ho used when eimorou nre cutting
tooth It relieves the little suflerer r.i
once; it produces natural, quiet sleep
by relieving the child from pain, and
the llltli cherub awakes as “bright as
a i.uttou.” It is very pleasant to icetr,
Ir, the child, aofloriB the gunu ,
allays all puiu, relieves wind, roguiatis
the bowels, and is the beat kiiov,n
remedy tor diarrhoeu, wbelhor arlsii g
'rum teething or other cattses, Twoniy*
vp «en u» f boo u
In the wuy el in gorge he W tri
• ir organ hi to” is very coi.venisnt 10, a
kin^ Bsvstlu is aln ui 10 try lo.
it r*»>
Af or s much labor enu cspltal has
baeu exoer ded to buia up ttiis modi
cine to alow It to dflteiiorse You
can take 8imm ns Liver Reguis oi
with perfect f.iuh, as it is made by no
adventurers whop ekop ihe buhlnevs
or oonoocilrrg merttcinee, but by edu
cated, prsc leal druggists who hrve
made the study ol medicine and Its
compounds tbs labor of a lifetime.
The care, precision, neatness and per-
leotion exhibited by the very eppear-
auce of the Regulator proves It to be
the beat prepared me laine In the
market, end J H Z dlin A Co. fully
oarry out their motto: '‘Furlselma tt
Optima” (pureat and best).
an wed Aw
It 'a an elcotric mo;, psteat. to atreet
b rokers, that there are moreoomere on
lights than lights on corners.
SMHnnU SMk mm imta mn Wsllkl
In August, 1881, it was discovered
that my son’s wife waa In the last stages
ot consumption. She whs coughing
Incessantly, and at times would dis
charge quantities of pus from her
lungs, could not Bleep or rntain any
thing on her stomaob, and we thought
it, only a question of time when life
would be compelled to give way
to tho fell destroyer, After nil othei
remedies had ialled. w® got Brewer’s
Bang Restorer and began it in very
small dosas, as she wen very weak. Hhe
soon began lo Improve; continued the
remedy and waa restored to Uis and
health, end is to-ci.y better than sh..
has aver been bofero, I regfcrd hor
restoration n-j nearly a miracle, 10:;
which she Is indebted to Brewer’s
Dung Bcatoxer. K W Bonnx*,
dAwtf Macon, tla.
A pnbllo man Is like sn old book.
Wire he ge • cut cl print he is f r
j&. OOX-.X3
'^UPani consuWT'" 0
ifp) g,
% 1'%
500 Tons Cotton freed Meal;
500 Tons jfecid Phosphate;
50 Tons German Kainit;
-V «FES 'IO v| AC
e AM»W*
Hi Ii 1 fj I), {}
I IlfSSff f, fjl
I f Knslilanl Dentist.
Boom N- 2, 67^ Brond sltest, ry
over Wlttlch A Kins* 1 »■ JaLR-Jjv
| kit. C. T, OBBURN, ”
U DstiMot,
(Bncoecinr to Dr J M Mnson.)
Utiles nen <Inor tc Rsoklu House. Hi «»
sn'r«t'ee«» lltil'lls’s aallery oe'fnyv.
3SH Twslfb street (.'ormerly nsifloM
•(reel). JpT
D O, K. K Offlco At t"
BvunR A C i fl. Kchldeuae with W
UlORG, OD Jnok«0»l « Tr Pt H 'n’hePnl
hf-wwo _ Jr!di. __
») R TMkVA AS. JR.
T I -(CM AM * t’HMM DLKLi.
)Wno ;is t^r*
\_lal3a 111JL Wa rollonse
LK NinA-« M'LKSTttA.
Umos over 0 K Hrchrtrarser's C 51»
dims promptly nttnnded to ati.' p m«®d V
mm nmF®
St';;] AKt'Vt.
These throe contain nil the essentia] olcmon'n of 1' o Gna'. cs
Commoiriat Fertilizers eoU, ami when mixml in proper proportions- - : |Jj |J jj. |J
any man with ordinary intelligence can mix tin m •• tho same 1'osuUh
both us to analysis and practical results, can bo obioincil,
$10 PEIt TON SA 'ED by makincr you* own Guanos, Canyon
afford to pay this price to have your Guano simply mixed for you l
Farmers who made their Fertilizers lust }car will make them this.
Call and see us or send io us for prices.
IF 1 O Bi S A Ju 1^"
A h/ni’ti' uoroH, la*ftp c*riu*»
moJ'o’ail u e wl(b <vV *ry roiivTnlorco. ,>na
pur eordt'r, ffulr, Ii i1l», Ao \%
Li’rhi li iRtJ Hiroe In one or ih* moa d‘ elr«»
tli l.icRli'iea nu) icojt lo hu city. I
Bi»ed v/onu < toUnai.9 for city p.opuriy
r '<irA& i
The aweet prtim, na gnthcroil from a! roe of tbo
lame iminf, grotvln# «Jou>x Ujo biuaJ) AjlroiiDis
of the SC'Ulhe'.Mi Htuifs, c'lntains c Ftlmulatl'.ig
expectorant priwiple tli..f Ioosmhh ihoptil'^m
producing the early uioruii-u < t*wpii. ai.d Btirnn-
fni* s the rl’fftl to tfir. -.v oin lie- fair** membrane
In croupand wlmopinjx-'muuli. Wiicn combined
with tiie lienlinu inuc ilaninous principle in tho
mullein plant »>f tJu* old fields, presents in T \y-
1-0 H’8 ( ' 11 Kilo K K K • l K M KI»Y O K S W1 I.T f i I'M AND
M ULLEtN the finest known remedy for C'oiiRhs,
Croup, Whooping CotiRh and ConsnniptVm;
and so palatable, any child is pleased to take it.
Ask your druggist for it. ‘Su:. and .$1.00 sizes.
If he does not. keep it, we will pay, for tine time
only, express charges on large size bottles to any
part of the U. K., on receipt of $1.00.
WALTER A. TAVLOU, Atlama, i;»
Tlio onlv out of Iho
Tluit ia still m the flokl under the sumo namo
Manufucturud by tho
Pacific Guano Comp’y
Wo.i'kx at Wood’) Hull. Mars, and Charleston,
Thu undersigned, who, fdnee 18(55, have supplied
thousand'' of dealent and planters with this popular
anil reliable Fertilizer, are prepared lo taicu f.hoir
gr-,r--v. orders unothor season for Soluble Pacific, Gumo
if-fC* tmd Dissolved Bone l’hosphate, which is a lug-h
grade of Acid Phos|>liato made by tbo Pacific
Ganno Company. JO MATHEW.SON A (JO,
General Agents Pacific Guano Co.Aiguslu, Ga
Foi-G-’ergla, Soijfh Catcil t- At-iuins. H uu, "in Mi..-'- lpi". Oriuvsl-
I' K »gp'ils stp Fisr k 8 Nobi r's, Met t'r; K B G"lit' d, Co urn t m ; D R M ■ Ii no,
MaiOh; P A Dsn bar, Nrvminsh; W B Msthown-).. /’ogcis'- Gs, Fi.j tuls tiy
PIvA ■' R T '\ PXJB1U - &
COLUMBUS, GA. And dealers elsi where,
ti * 19 •*
Pfafiifal ttidul'-tT red hincral Hir e# ,
I A W NOW BETTER F PALLET) - b n n cve * »r 'prp'rh Fncerrls ft iitowt mndetHto*. I Litvg *|»e wn<j m*^* o irp>« o I'n«t ot roT-ir-, «n«j r<i‘ a l(9)R Jn
Ihroi'j, lrom f.fc« PI/h r. m i to Hih ti <rt Wnadf' and Mat'<;!« Ci^ea f.nd
0 r-k *« rflonnfho'ated. A full Mr o rr l k! p-» (Joo'a' and ' Mldteii’n IJu*!h1 H bt h fr in
81 lo U80. Ml modf rn pr c«hos u»ed m «mb« n l - h he UtHd. Panon**! Mun Jor j»lven
to «11 F.aaer»!n in mv ort ’j;ft Buis irnr rhnlnfd. od"'« ly 'oi^raih
will b 8 N In iMPymlriTM Iganranue »il b?ick wcih p. C<muT«ry ir t'vo uaUii*
fjotion, Prlom return nbln.
O. L. TOF JBETT, Mo. fc 65 Broad St
N B-N'ght B»H r' ir ,% nt Jrnr,
O'.prwifo the Hirkir II u «
Five Cold and Two Silver Models,
swarded iu 1885 at the Exposk>ona of
New Orleans and Louisville, arid the In*
ventious Exposition of London.
The superiority of Coraiine over hom
or whalebone has now been demonstrated
by over 11 ve years’ experience. It is more
durable, more pliable, more comfortable,
and timer break*.
Avoid cheap h.iitftUons made of various
kinds of cord. IN’cm; are genuine unless
“Dk. Warnss’s Cor alike ” ia printed
on iuside of Bttel cover.
353 Broadway, New York C.tJf*
Gns Fixtures, Hose of all kinds, Sruor Pipe of all sizes.
Gas Fittii g and Plumbing pivmptly attiruhd (o. Tt hpi ci:c No 09
rl c> l i . ' -1'7 a*-i' I v
Patent Metalie Caskets, Wood Cases and Cuskete, Cliildrcn’s Gloss
Mhite Cases and Caskets, Children’s Gloss White Metalic Caskets,
Personal attention given all orders.
Twelfth Street, 4 Doom Wist of Tho*. Gilbert’s Prlntlne OSes,
8 1 ~»0 !(> j».cri“» l i.nO 0 mill S east o’ <lf*
limid'JH, pnrl.iv l ir/i »er« I aJtl caiSftr
150 DitHlrab! t v vmnt lot \h No' h:c;
L'berlles Wi sell tin iostaL mer
If defilred
2;65 2561 io cm oi linn U?Tib?ieJ ibnill'
Liberty o'jomj F oruld, This IR
ror« nbucoo for h %w m\'i won
1600 Heatt'lfnily hotioil 'ot on non
JdcRsou s’reet* ul! \\ vore ' , i„
LiXo to ci riicr
f#600 F vo ran* ' Jwf.Dlcg', o^rner JacodX*
eo*i an t Blx'vfLtb ei/eeiH
1500 K.vh rm 1 biltdlUM^ In ono blooms.
U-nitlk Mi l ft'’i1 rnilroft. 1 . d.pot
1100 V% In omt block tieorjia
hmiiI ral’ri ail
12a0 % ; ort ncirib Bwlft. tr*aun'Aotciri^’S
o /jxipnny cu u rli M, ;oer Atruci
KOI) /$| ’t .'i o icr,:m Iroa. U .org’.iA ^A,.u.<a>
iUjQ (1
500 Tw.ncrn iw«:lln,'*on nor‘L Ogiituv
275 ‘4 po e corner lot, la Noribor i
OlOO'J V *o. i;: Lni, F arieen'h e'r^ot
tv-Mj'i J t knou end iitf'Mhorpe
COO :*is ttv • ucre F rx-lrcnm
ln«j, Lee c nnty Ain, sevon r/5iV»’»
fiom one tails from Hiatluxck
fill U KIMA W R li
SkOO Tv/o ii'ury K ^M^noi o i Warren ‘-It
InberH'HVt a - i Broad
I0C0 166 Aore fn; in -- ronra dwelllDiJ na i
all nccHHutry on'.bnl dlngi—
wuteredf 5 miles from cliy iu Uuwmv.,ji
run uiy AU
10C0 D3Hirab o'giu on Robc Hill, Alonttue*
y plan
6-0 Lruru K«>h» Hill Mont'a^y
26 OJ \i rorB from luls on Ho « H IK
160 00 *4 <4urc comet* io(h o*. Kofre Util
175 (X) % i«re Ioih <» Hobo Mill
miO y A c*e 1o<b i n Ko^e Hi 1
260 uo y K Here ic ir on Hot>e Mill
25 00 L >:a cu Hoftb Mill
m 00 L Us on Ii ' e Mill
10 00 A Ynar fer tb 00 yours anl
'n c" »n f<>n. Ij • rut floh ye >rh foe uiW»
Birai !« (other li'.pe Hill
25 Oi F r flve yp« v s pnd h.ivo
rubl* l t. o*i U mi Mill
Allobafe filiruvi'ti of 15 p**r rifnt If rr.hfrsMBT
bu Ids a d*r»'Moi: w’lktila iwtt'vo muni-KH
1'OflD la'O >t ptl’O.) 'B»
DwelMtt** for reD» L a ! P'ftsof Ibeclt//; B
Also, ballfi. i fflo.t* and AUi ping roomy.
f TUI IHi FOlt SALE',-
:o Sba'on Uo'uaibaa lca ManuftftdurliAjJ
Coa pa y
Co'ao I on Wo kN
WANT?D - M • M) y •?
'.UiOiABi CH \ W HO HI),
ii- li E i» • \goal*
15 Ni.ri.n Hrfta.l rt :itl
Grfat State Sals
MC-V'OSItB 0"t tf J Z.—Whir-.',,
tjr Jisn t Lew, ,'lr.i'.if tte ,,ut« ot
A L-wl«, i.p'inc',' t" 'll- coii-c ti. ti'» f.-tillouilnly
Slid, tfc.t M h-'i toi.y »'Unoii",»id r«i«n:
Thl.'l, tneref 1.. c’l- • 1 #•'""«, crcvrnvl h-i,-»
M- •ra-liion. I* ihoer e; «w. If *»,» tb-» o*ii, wh»
, Id wtmiajnvraUirthoald uo* li, .li^h.ric-J from
u,. »le.inH"»'.!.i4 hid roC'i"- loUe.ii ..1 uO»(««ioii
ca tl-Cut lli.a ,j I. 'iaicli
a m ii.wuxc
JwU KLVllWI fcltklfl.
Crockery, Cla,
Farcy end House Furnishing Goods.
Being df sirons of closing out stock, I will sell below cost for tie next
30 days. Now ia the time to furnish your homes cheap.
GEO. W, ALLfrN, • • - Webster Building.
1.18 dim °
A nc-J 7T «dx roam icr pottug-
I r« I iu u -i Rrjcl tcogI ve free w co«’iy b-*-
or Kooun woIcq win help all, o< eltbtiv .•r*
to irfcko roor«. zaoatty right uway
anythin* el** lu thl world. Fortune
tte worke i atB ilu elv atire. Term
u-fl/lixi .trot. Thuu m I kj. A<zvt*ln. M.i*tr
Mouth Wash and Dentifrice
Ovrm nWj’nr (ixm** Ulcerfi, Moufli,
Tbroht* (H*hqm4 tha T«w^h hnd 1*0rtflen the ftrerfh
Uw) and recommend d by leed'air denthri*. Lw
e« r «*lbv l)e* J P 4; sv II VToimwi. IHnt'ste H(Mf»r
• ‘ ** '" w '■ ' '.It *?• t . *• .» * • •• Hu>. *u’
utUkMAOm a gatimoa aad M £
filteie, f it its .ii OihB
Whole»»Ie nn"*
F, A. Ferris Si Co.’s Pig HaroMl
Braakf ist Bacon, Beef Tongues?.,
and Smoked Beef.
138 Broad St, Columbus, G*A.
ortho I/fijo'T Qubit p-fiftlee’f car-d hy a*’ anlnlaiov"*
lug O' linm«n • o tio/i ‘■piffle I* c n J*e.» i. 'i
a cop of c ff-4* r>r i^.» n 1 i,cij' the knuw'etlne of t*. M
P<j , N-T t th |cif p | li »bii lu’elv h »rmi ms nod wi t
( u c* a p* ro)»re/jt » 0 ccra. • h« b«r ib< «
p t irn I rtin'>*D r f» .!>fuk^r o-~ * > »lc<»ho fc w*ecfc ^
1' he* haen yffen !u thope*n ■ of C3«w, aud fr-k
•’•if iOfct* o- a core h^i ioI -vt d t»-A
»'Yi> f*il« The •••♦. m 'n e Impr*«o*6s<'l
wfth the Specif! . If bco »a.ei ’•n i “ p **’tlbill y ft>.
u' r uepeti »• • ti * - ar fi-v
m'nieia *udr*u »»«' ^ mr mi iho %. ^
lijiJ tteee tiar au. ti. tfuie, <Ut\ -