Newspaper Page Text
BilABLiSlIliD IS 1828... 57 I BAB OLD.
Daily, Wetllf and Sunday.
The KNOUUiRR I5UM la '•anel •▼*rr dk? evcap
B)cdday. f he WeekH it luaued «d Tu atlay.
The Pallv (Inolrdluf Hand*?* It drHv rad *•?
»arr|ora In thocliy or mailed. a , >«tafe fie*. V» anh-
nbo » for Tin per luonth. ft® CO for tluro
Bo&ttas. 4.00 for »U uitfi ba. or S?.0o a y»*r
The Weekly la Uaood oa Tuefrfer eod i$ mailed O
loescribcia poniaae free, at 91.10 a rear
Ttaitdeot. udvertlnuinatiin alii he laLei. forth#
Dally at I' per i qnnre of 1C Hue* or I mm for tha tlrat
uaerUon. aui fto cet ta foi < a<-U timer-
or . and for the Weekly at |l t r aiirh luaertioo.
All oomtuunl otioLi. Intended to nrcn.oi tha pri
talr nude or inter*.tt of ( oraoiatlona acciaUea or
n’ivida-lH v 111 he cbar«#u aa adrertiae cianla,
BpooiiU rontraete mad for adrrrtlalnf by ilie year
Gbltuarle* v 1)1 he ci,ar«i>U lor tti caawtnarj rates
None but .v li» luelm cut# used.
All ortnmunlratl u* shml' ha addraaaed to the
proprietoi or the Lsuvi&tu tun.
Intense cold l - . jfislereil by the R ih-J
sinu inoteoruli gists at VVorkht j »n»-k 1
»’mh evidently not Imported tliliher
from the Arctic ocean, but wub gen
erated on the mud
Be,ssi mkh steel is evidently com
ing Into extended use m a eubstllule
for iron. In 1682 eighty-five per
cent of the Beisetuer steel made in
this ooautry was converted Into
rail*; last year, with an increased
production of steel ingots, only six-
ty-three per cent of the steel pruduo
ed was made into rails. Penney!
vania made sixty'live per cent of
the ingots and sixty-eight per cent
of the rails produced lu the United
Htalei. V„ry few Iron rails are made
now, and a silll smaller quantity of
open hearth steel rails. The produo
tion of iron ruils has fallen from
nearly half a million tons in 1880 to
less than filtteu thousand tons in
The people of the south will be
very greatly rejoioul lo know that
there tu u prospect for honest dat ings
>n elections In wicked Ouio. That
stale has long since been considered
past redemption. The Cincinnati
Times Btnr lells us tha'. “the indioax
tlous ure favorable fur a decent elec
tion lu Cincinnati next April. That
will be u novelty. And nothing could
please the peep'e b tier, or go farther
toward redr eming the oily than a
f dr vote and an honest count at iho
coming municipal election. Pr s
psc s arc daily getting brighter The
rogues aro on the run, ami at every
fctep they feel the lash." We pre
sume by this tha there Is a regular
stampede ainnrg tbo republicans If
all the rogues of Cincinnati feel the
lash, the icpubiicina ot that city
must be a sore crowd.
There hiiB been estimate of the
amount the- Morrison lurid bill would
reduce the amount extruded by the
ex s tug met uro for the public rus
ury—uU u $20,0110,COO But for the
most important reouution it has net
been estimated, aid Hint is the
emruLitit w u’d gave tbepeip'eln
cheapening ot home products ju t us
the putting of quinine on toe flee
list hss brought that sick-room ttf>
cessliy down r no $4 60 to $1 00 an
ounce; i ud yet lave any of the milL
ionnlri quinine Uiukrs broken lip or
quit lUeiLet, ? 'I’Ll ar il bill which
reduces the government revecuo
$20,000,000 w« ulil pr. bably save to
t! e people of 1 he ceuulry $100,000,000
in their ruiehuies which they ucvv
I ay tu fi r'lie bentli. eflheprivae
pertounaLd Aims that fatten elf ihiB
It 'b now cue hundred aid thirty,
three yearn since B-rJamin Franklin
wits app'-inted pos.muster general for
the Americau colonies, F,r seeing
and in advance ol his time* rs he
wub, Franklin enr’d have had very
li.llo conception of ihe future whioh
awaited the posul butiuetta of this
country Thirty sscveu years later,
w Gn that marvel rf gui;iua died,
there Were oi ly seventy flee post
offices in iho entire United gates
Incredible us the uintcuient Bounde,
it Is made upon iLu uuthori'y of
Airs worth R Bj-oflmd, librarian of
congress, who certainly ought to
know. There are now, nccotiiiag to
the last annual report cf the posts
master-genera), 70 pcs' clHcee of tbs
first ciuss, 3S2 of the foeoml-'lars,
17S1 of the ihiru class and 40 019 of
the fourth, a total of51.252
At the late meeting of the 8: Pe
tersburg Academy of Hcienoes, as
r.ported in the current number of
Seionee, it. was e'tded that the mtau
temperature of Werkhcjanek during
January, 1S85, was 02 0 degree-;
Fubrcnhcal below z.'ra ami she lowest
readirg of tha thermometer was
DO 4 dtgrorc below z ro, Tire
New Yuik Herald tells us this la tho
lowiflt minimum temperature ever
recorded on the glebe, under oiroura-
s ancts which mako the record en
tirely ieimLie, and is probably
lower than would ever ba
recorded at tho North Po.'e Itself.
Tie iuter *.bt at! aebir: g to the Work
bc.Jansk observations ia more than is
eiiotited by a mere prodigy i a nature,
They show that the great cause of res
frigeruiion on the continents is cot
due lo tho movement of polar air
over them, but, as Sir J >hu Richard-
eon maDy years ego suggested, to the
rediatii n and Ions of heat ly the soil
itself under an atmosphere of ex
tremely low absolute humidity, TU
Nlms'WfUi.iig la* Somli,
Sera or Ingalls is very much op-
p ,sed to the Blair education bill. He
has made this fact known by a speech
In ihe senate during the Course of
which he took octaion to say that
“one of the most dl> trussing sympu
tuuisabout tlie bouHi is its want of
self reliance, i>s diep isitlou to call on
the g.iueral g iverumenp for assist
(■Dilator Ingulls Is very wide of the
trull) in buch aelalemuut, a id argues
his owu ignorance of the sliuatlou—
Ignorance of such a nature, ay, uuder
thu elrcum- anccH, almost to amount
to a crime. The fuels u'e tersely put
by our cotemporary, me Nashville
Union, ami we here repeat them:
“The south pays her millions of
revenue to the government uncom
plainingly, knowing that the bulk of
U ia to go into the pockets of the un
ion soldiers. She pays and pays,
knowing that the rivers and harbors
aud canals and railroads and publlo
buildings and defenses or the north
are to be built and beautified,founded
and fostered, started and stuffed with
her greenbacks. Not a cent lu pen
sions do our people claim, and even
li e blind and helpless heroes who
gavo more then life lo Ibelr country
neither seek no u k govermunt aid,
but from their scant aud poverty
pay tribute to the men who con
quered and crippled them. The pons
derous wealth invested in slaves at
the south melted like a snow Hake lu
tho sun at a single stroke of a foe-
arttu’s pen, and a horde of menial
illiterates made equal clllz ns aud
with power to e Ulcers to make and
execute laws without the intelligence
or discretion necessary to select wise
ly. To say that it is the duty of the
general government to finish ti.etadk
it began ot mukiLg ollizens who
would bo us ;ful Is to assort a truth that
tt Is folly to question. The south bar
this great burden on her aud she
Blands Hal-footed ^ud bares her
brawny shouldeigjKoarry the load.
Bbe didn’t, ask this helpi. A north
eru uiau instiiuted the nr asure. To
accuse her so unjustly in face of the
faot that she has done largely more
for the negro than the north is slan
derous and untrue. The south has
never demanded one-tenth part her
due 8he bus, been content to pay
and wait. Hue does not ask esslst-
anoc—she demands justice. Bhe
sonrns to fawn aud ll rtfer, to bend
aDd beg, and she resents the imputa
tion of the grasshopper senator.”
The truth of the ubove is substun
tiaud tu many ways, but in noue
morn forcibly than by appropriations
for pensions. There were over two
and a half milliou soldiers in the
union armies during the late war
aud more thun one-third of them
receive peiisious. Tir s takes now
nearly one huudred milhous from
the treasury annually, and if the
pensicn bill recently introduced
passes it will Increase the amount to
over three hundred millions, and not
a dollar gies to any one in the sou'.b,
though the south contributes as
much to ihe fund as thu north.
Take, again, the matter of appro
priations for rivers and hiubrrs The
four states of Oaio, Wiecocsiu, I li-
nois and M o ligau have received
$18 431.000 Tho north Atlantic
s.a'es, from Maine toMu^yland, have
reo-1 veil $24 110,500 Tie south A -
Iftulto t'.aies from Virginia to Florida
inclueive, have received ouly $7 26S,-
Trshow whether these south At
om'lo tra.i-s are worthy of c 'usnLra-
tl m it may bo stated that the reoird
shows the* t< ri'tory tl.ey repress t
omltiias 284 817 100 ucres of land,
wiih a population u! 11.824,000,
I a annual cotton crop is
8,795 032 bales, which wlih
o:hor products of rice, wool, tobacco,
uovsl stores, etc, aggregate theauuusl
value 1 of $287,110,028 The number
of Ira manufacturing establishments
is 31,187, with a capital invested in
t iem of $169,288,486 Its mines of
Iron and coal, and its quarries of
granite, slate aud marble are
Oompura'ively undeveloped, but
are assuming gigantic growth.
La forejta are to-day the must
valuable lu this or auy other
ooutr.ry of ths earth. Iis railways,
completed and In actual operation,
comprise27,607 miles, aud have in
vested in Ultra the sum ol $858,368,
000. Its touuage, foreign and do-
incaHe, for the past year amounted
to 2,311,423 tons.
With such an array of facts as
there, tho uuprejadioed mind wdl
boo what gross violeuoj has been
done ro truth by the statement ol
S.uator Iuguhs.
Xh# Yuotirinorw,
A cotemporary learns that the vine
growers of California are heading a
movement at Washington to procure
protective legislation from congress
Awmoulug Urat the government de
sire" to promote viticulture, the vlut*
growers of California ask that their
pure products be kept free from taxa
tion, hut ibat all adulterate 1 wints
aud products be stamped, to show
c insumers what the packages con
tain, and taxed by the govern moot
through the agency of the revenue
service. It is also proposed that
adulterations determined to bs in
jurious to publlo health be sul jtot to
such deal ruction by distillaiioo or
otherwise. as shall remove
them us a danger to the public
The vine growers also u-lc ihai
brandy riquired for the foruflcanon
of sWfet wines be free from ux iiion,
and that the term f r bonding brandy
shall be unlimited or not less than
eight years. The fruit growers also
ask that lu any adjustment of ihe j
tariff they shall be protected from <
the competition of ooolie labor lu
Mextoo, since they are themselves
preve iled (even though they should
desire to do so) from employing such
labor in the United States. The vice
growers of California look forward to
an immencegrcw b of their bualnets
as soon as trade facilities are so far
Improved as to bring producers and
consumers into closer relations, and
they ask for protection while mak
ing a start.
a Wl • Prurian)
The Philadelphia presents a 1
very sensible programme for dealing
wlih the president’s appointments. :
It is s'mply this: j
“The republican senators have
agreed to confirm all appoint men ta j
made by Mt Cltvdaftd toortgb'xi vu- I
ca icies, but in case of removal of re- I
publicans before their terras have *-x
plred a id appointment of succesBor.i
to fill their plaoe, they will demand
the grounds for removal If It be for
cause, then demooratio successors will
ba confirmed; if it be that they are re
moved because they are republicans,
tho president will be asked to soeta e,
and ia that case their successors will
he also confirmed. The republican
senators insist that this course of pro
cedure Is due to the competent repub
lican officials whose terms have not
expired, as their removal is a stsin
unexplained to the public. If Mr
Cleveland has removed them merely
breaueo they are republicans (is it is
within hie province) ho will be asked
to so state, and the oou rtry cau pss<
upon his partisan appointments with
tlie ia ''s before it."
White we do not understand tint
the above properly represents the
situation at present, It is a wise pro
gramme. L means that every uom*
iriatirawill be confirmed, all that
the HBua'e wants to know being
who)her a i officeholder has beeu re-
ur ved for moral reasons, for cause,
us it is generally stated, or for reasons
of politics. The good juiiguue it that
Is d splayed in this plan consists in
the .agreement to ounfi mail the pres
ident's unmiuatious The intention
of solemnly demanding au answer,
however, us to witeiber the cause i f
removal iu each case was incompe
tence or politics oau bust be dsscnb-d
by placing it about ou a par with the
origiuul conception of ofleusive par
Toere may have basn a good dsal
or display of the penalties for ol-
foisivo par.leans, but the main con
siderations in th
siore the pme it adminlstra ion
began has bueo politics, and the
publican fe >ator« know it as wel
tlie rest of uv Tb« amusiug uoi
their pr. sent pr.'g'a urns seems to ie n-.nsirg
that they think the r>s'. of the co;i~-
try doesn’t know It.
Absolutely Puro and Unadulterated.
And PRUonifUo by Physicians Evesywh***.
And all Wasting Diseases;
For TrtE Sick, Invalids,
Weak and Degilitated Women.
For salo by Druggists, Grocers aud Dealers.
Prioe, One Dollar per IloltJe.
Oftlic K».cl.y Mo
Hi Imvc llali Dot-.n nvu'., i«i j.livln e^e, unmarked. Eft
nosa charges prepaid, by remitting Six Dollars to
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Baltimore,Md.
sur {
Sec tliat you get the genuine, with th* red 9
an front of Wrapper, prepared only by
J. H. ZE1L.IN & CO.,
(txjt rkcki'NiKTLNM. PA
■ » f -S. IT t k n
VVhilk the senate cot.firms o e
uoiumaiiun wiihg eat prjtnp'u-ss, I;
lang uo .o >r<s , f itbers wi U serene
Iclib rateneas, and lets them hang
si! e lie. Fue rai3oo is that the mau
o.fufirmi d w is at one time a sena‘nr,
and "the courtesy of ths eena’e'' de
mands protup’ ao ion in such t-ase.
Tout is all the dillereuoe. It Is not
that the man f r whom justice ie
done is auy worthier than the man
from whom jus ios is withheld—sim
ply that he was a senator. Yet these
gentlemen would he shucked at aa
intimation of favoritism.
^O’ne de y he-U .if,vJ" ' u* 1 n' r ,
ilce air*., o rwe-•'.We.iwil :
th-.c-s a ■ i, i''«f.|AynC»rMrB
a ’ .aKdl. - »* *■ ' " - v
or rt-irir a. (i ilok H.l'e
ntnl P ,Vi- Cn c. \ n T'ln e. r '.pp 'ei
P'otaou nOM'lc ft'cil is r?-- orCIr in c.e
P i-’nfi ‘i i>/ m " ■ ’ s-n. (jis’R for
e ruu-a M Y BUOi'HKK .
Ja x JeocE tPuBiismtta Co.
i Rheumatism,
Backarhc, VfrndnoVie, Tootlinclio,
Kpralnit, Brniveft, t(c M ek 1 .
Price, Fifty CentA. At J>rugglgUamJ Dc»l«r«.
TH* CHARLES A. VOGELE^ CO., Self Prop'#.
toil fi aiim tf icltoln.
Too Annual Mce lig rf the Etooklin’darg
of ihe
W.ll ba he'd at Uiiir m'flji on Monday
March 8 h ncx . a 13 'c' o'* n~on.
w a swipr.
'e*-?3 d S-’e'v »nd T fln.’r
AMI V A Quirk, lVrmanont.
URLlmii... roi'I.OST MAN.
noun. HKBII.1TY. her.
/^VURE Biliousness: Sick Headache InFourhours.
{G) One dose relieves ffeuralyia. They euro and
prevent Chills <' Fever, Sour Stomach Bad
Breath. Clear tho Skin, Tone tho Nerves, and alto
Life -r Vigor lo ihe system. Dose i ONE KEAN.
Try them once ana you will never he without there.
Price, 26 cents per bottle. Sold by Drugyi.'ts and
Medtclno Dealers generally. Sen! on receipt of
price iii stamps, postpaid, to any address,
J. F. SMITH & CO.,
Manufacturers and Solo Props.. ST. tOU’S, M0.
ulten for Kh.-umatism; Mur.Uumu'ht io.. of up.
pi'tlto | sometimes nausea an.] waterdrasli, or imIigestlorH
flaluletiLy and acid emulations . liowcl'. aUcmatcly costivt
and Jax; hi'ikdnnho I loss of memory, with a painful sop
satlon of having failed to do something which might u
have i>cetadoue; debility 1 low spirits; a thick, yellow
apj.ear-.tice of die skin and eyes ; a dry cough j fever ; rust
ics,ness j tiic urine is scanty and high-colored, aud, S
auuwud to stand, deposits a MditucfO.
Bfa1ar!». DyspepNla*
CoiiK<limtiofiu Bfli4)Urtiiea%
Sick Hi adauoAk Jaiindioe,
Nausea, Colic,
Mentiil Depression, Bowel Complalnta
Et4%, Etc,, KUu,
Is grrnemny us#d in the South lo WOuW dw Tod
pio'Giver to a healthy aclion.
Il acta without disturbance to the nystein, did
or c ecu nation. It regulate* tiio I-lver, mod
causes the bile to act as the purge. The excess of
bile being removed, a tonic effect is produced
*nd health is perfectly restored.
The Regulator is given with nafoty and th#
happi<‘Ht rcHultB to the most delicate infant
For all diseases in which a laxative, altera
tive or purgative Is needed it will give th*
most perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Purest
sod Rest Family Medicine in the World I
<nu «Kt«
Nail Exchange laat
Kojfolk, Va, Feb 16,1886.
Proposals will bo received at this
office nmil Saturday, March 27th,
1886, for Ihe purchase of the here
inafter mentioned property in its
entirety, and also for piocef or par
cels of the same- -reference bein#
bad to descriptive lists of said
property—which lists, stating
terms of sale will be furnished
upon application to the under
signed The right to reject any aat
all bids is reserved.
The extensive and valuable prop
erty located in Norfolk and Ports
mouth, Va, knov.n as the “Seaboard
Cotton Compress Company of Nor
folk, Va, consisting of;
1. The franclmo which, among
other privileges, authorizes the
storage of cotton and other mer-
chandi'-e, aud the issue of nego
' tiublc receipts therefor
ii. Its plant, which consists of
threu first class Cotton Compresses,
Two Steam Tugs,
Three Transportation Barges,
All adjuncts necessary to a well
equipped establishment of this
character Its fire-proof Ware
houses, seven iu number of capaci
ty for storage of 24,000 bales un
compressed cotton
Its lour Frame Warehouses,
metal roofs capacity, many thou
sand tons of Fertilizers, Balt, Ac.
Its Wharves and Docks, which,
afford ample room for berthing at'
sums time ten seagoing steam or'
sailing vessels. The urea of the
Warehouse and Dock property in
Portsmouth is about. 6 12 acres,
tog-ether with all its other property
which is fully described ; n the lists
above referred to
febl6 td Receiver
ONK tiiuur ONLY,
WiVn-gfidj, F b uiry 24th,
i'ue Best o nfertaiu iuuii ever P evented,
ibo narlvd. erl
TO^Y 0*N!EH*3
Auu »or«am;i giy nnoy Mileni oar-
itHQUV. *h(b
WIL,D W10®T t
Butt .io Bth'e ittii rxilBc, or »4ven«
• nr#gof
Operatic O oheeirs. t Mtltiary Bant'I
P <o neual. ua »i> jal, -'li-itn’j
Buck -Coro >ch20 li
Thrirsday, Feb. 25cli
Oliver .0
Will be sold, at the corner of
Broad and Tenth streets, in front
of the auction house of P JU
Knowles & Co, at 11 o'clock slMp,
on '
the Lots on tho Bast Commons
lying between Third and Fourth
avenues, and south of St' Clair
or 11th street, being the lots south
of tlie Cotton Seed Oil Mill and
north of the culvert road to Wynn-
ton, comprising Lots Nosl, 2 3 and
4, of Block No 32, each lot being
73 feet 11 inches wide and 134
feet 10 1-2 inches deep.
Terms: One fifth purchase mon
ey cash, tho balance in four annual
notes with interere&t at 7 per cant
from the day of sale.
By order of ihe Commissioners
of Commons.
M M MOORE, Secretary.
J G BURRUS, Auct’r.
firoker, Real Gstati anl tusirra'ioe
Awoa", 118 l 2 Uro id Mrest.
For Sale,
D veiling «lx roona opp islta Dr Bunfey’*,
new if ■roillnic algtu raomi Fourth -vauoo.
na'v SlaJe’a school
. Dwelling fimrrooms Troop slreel, north
o’ P'ane-n'h
V *o mi. lev Troup c!le7e survey
HI* -o-omiii. lo-.B trjrsyths’issl, oa lt»e
ol C A W rallr-'-rt
Kruine «)ore O , e turps etresl, south of
D 1 • brow’s
Puur room dwelling Ta'botlon roes, B-we
Th* Chappell resi.iono.i, JO rooms. R va
V loam lots Haw U'n
Two story dwelling J toitHon straal, north
ol G»cell’s
I’am’ store O ;.eth )rpe street, opposMa
Perry Houe-
Mupo ( rO i Milt stock
Me: chantr. »• t viroh nlai bank r'ciok
or-m-'d: V tr'eaud Pae lx rtook Uoor-
gt» H m- ok. Motile ami Girard rail-
rn-id sv.ok Mntoosee tn», itrao nrfne oora-
par.y uouilu
Moi-oy loaned on stncki, bonds and real
W S GUttlilN.
Real J&state Agents
In ibe fam as Ocmedy Drgm^, en-
tl* 01 th©
Written by F A Bcndomcrs,
“Tha laughing snceeis of tho sbmoh,»
A graet love s>ory devoir^p-d c tdst
ahomicT loughtor.
Tha bm> natural play ov*r or'-fneod.
nirrtacss may br ■ rdere-l ». lftso
Prloeaos nsu» r , RtvaivcdBti.o i-1 c^ar.
flo’S. f«: U ft
THE CO?.U vsaj 4
Are now-
prepared to fiunish
kinds of
And to Dress Lumber for tho puj
lie, and solicit patronage.
t-b .
18 A 15 Broad Hlrret, Now fork.
Psa Cint imtBTgT Paid ox Iiposit
Orders r* “cuted on su ib* E*cti»r.,,«s for
tbojumik fur C«kh on Margin,
J 500 Tw«i new loncmen' htosas near
S.vii's .-mils lu hail h> looailiy
8HUj P’lee i.eaettout nor.Koi on Alcln iih
SlOuO wires, vacant loie f.-ontlng P,rk
ne-! B ^*'8 noh ,ol h-'Uee
KiOUU Id acre lu , fear ruom on Pole
py' ri <i i.
4J250 Two veoknl lots fronting oa Osl* 1 -
ti. m«' near ihtt caaiket
t7iX>!f vne r.t mtsironrlrg o i torer
Urojo utr««., 14 Vi a Kmoh Wiit6-Unep-
nr • •. T-r'jaa ic-ji
fZfk'tl % ure 'O' iro>- tir g on l -wtr Sired
»•- Fir- . '.(mi h h.». 0 ro . tii Kliouea
R ) r rvj I-" £ iti ■ i-i ii -urivi G'«Jd tie cbm and
vi-e ,"ti.i .Cm 11tv-- #r*n ol w.uer in me
o' y l’crme to cult pa.eU.cre.- Apply nl
0 f“.
tliCQ S’ivo errnaen hunres la Northsrn.
1. t x:..*••> Use''' f-i* fl 00 • tt tco.ub Will
o i >irp ira e j.i HI 1 . t'J y.r mo th
il.OJ u s room lioa-u vo <3 Ogle h'.rpa
, iw i ro. in kHo' c-.n o< vrunt hua-a lu very
repfa-T Tone vary
5:0'llcc/h 14 acie lot on O ;'o!hr>rr» at
fffiO Three- nuui-tor roiio and 3 room
< i me Uid<rfs"oe Oca m Ie from ol y
570? O * aura mud and 4 h uise Rente
lor »1S 50 per no. nth lu Girard Terms
SQOO Four room house attd lot In Browne,
(HO One aero lot end 3 room home la
G r*rd
Pltiecn vaountlotain GtrarJ andB.otrne-
vllie and on Rw Hill O eep
51110 Ota luiuuriiii t-i'd I’fvcen aorss ol
loutlSsallwi from ol'y on Puli ornoii. In »
a-ao state of onlUvallon, HO or CO acres in
v/onde T.tnba ecutih .o p y for uln-ct
Doju-i w.»n*. bh >.mi j:r g Do yon
Wunt a nutria idih.r L.r youreelf or lamlljT
1 no, eecn.-r. wilhont deluj a died to liotid«
log lot, home or orchard grove, iooa'sd »*
Bt Anil ss'i Bii Florida, tho fairest spot
lu 'he Licit ol FI 'were
D id’, detry Wo «.ro agents for ths 81
Auiirt.w’:i B.y Railroad and Lead Compa
ny a* il roam aoll A good heats can bs had
for 3,5 8,10 o> 12 Juiijira
HCiiC' Y A CttEEN.
C A.
Ivt ill *w df 1 S’ Id. t.
Dillingham Street, opposita South
ern Plow "Works.