Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, February 24, 1886, Image 5
DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 24, 1886. POVERTY AMIDST RICHES ®'l»a«m UtendlBB Ibe 1,11c and <’■*' * Wrnniliott ml i I, <dir uf .u* Diolaratlou mt Ia<li>ean. 4 nee. I The B.ston Traveller priule a re- m( ,ik.-u»e sioty about J men Hmry a gruuiiwOU ot U Obi. i'.uai p i je, out) of the siguerJ of Urn de claration oi led ipeudeuce There !i:.l in N.w Yirk city some two ^ elw Kg' ! i lu iqualor and a Joot wtc'oUedaoas, u man who, up to feme thirty years ago, was well 'kuowu iu B aton in j purnainmo ctr» ^ a musical cdtiu of more tuan uvi'ius'e ability aud a UoaeeUl repur. t>r „l UL o muiion kceutieiic. O i tire street oaa fiaowu as cue of the moat ni BprJy, unscrupuloua und giunpiug ,j[ uaunous mo.ey lenders. His li Ui.e was J mies Heury Paine. He whs uo.’n in Boston iu 1812, and was educated iu ibe public souools, sLl d lu 1829 ue began business for huu-elf and a ion becume musical and financial reports nr lor the Post, and ecme years later was employed by the Traveller as its financial reporter. He Inherited quite a property from bis father’s estate and began bis business of ioauing money on tbe streets at bigb rates of interest. His habits, even at this time, were miserly in tbe ex treme, and bis personal appearance was repulsive beoause of bis sloven* iy d.ess and person He gained on tbe etreet an unenviable notoriety for his practice of loaning money on stocks and then bearing the blocks through the columns of die paper on which be was trnpli ycd. This nat urally led to bis loss of employment as a fi social wilier, and his poison* si r abits became more disgusting, wide bis greed for money lueieusen, Iu tbe laiter para of 1851, owing to ii questionable duancn.i irausaotion, B ision became too hot for him aud bo departed for New Y rrk. His only baggage was an old woolen, nair ov< ered trunk, iniowbiolr be packed ait bis earthly possessions His brotner, ibe late R .bertTresi P.iue, frtqueiu- ly said that be hud uo drum nis brother James carried away iu that oid trap of a trunk not less .ban $200,000 oi 1300,000 iu good securities, oiustly bonus. He was nex- nccl«. dentally met iu New Y .rk uy the executor of an estate wuicu he bad defrauded He was und taken iu me Tombs, where, alter some par leying, Paine promised, if be rnigb. be reiesstd, to mskegood tbe amount sf the stocks and other property which belonged to tbe estate. Tbe executor went with him to a huge brown stone front home on b.i.u uveuuo, where they were ad* alitttd without question, and on filtering a finely furnbned room Paine asked a man they found there to nnng him bis bondB. Tbe man ci mplitd aud brought a large quan tity uf bond-, whicn Paine piled on a table ai d ooun ed out to the rxccutor dhy-six one thousand iiuiiur bonds without making any perceptible (limiuudon of tbe pile Hu continued to be iu aril from, now aud then, about New York. He fiuiihv became so ragged and filthy that be was arrest ed us a vsgraut and sent to tbe I band. Suns acqu dntance, who knew ot bis mu-lcai abllty, raised a nurse ol some $00, scoured nis release and procured him u presentable suit of clothes. SibsiqueiHiy it was known that he #irtd a room in (Janal J’reet, to which uo one was ariuitited. He grew eo wretched and sank so low that he was te in on the street bolding his ba . begging lor pennies 5.0 purcuase rood. Ai er bis mis. ruble death, on sesrc.oing tbe rags wiiien civered his person, some $201) or $300 wore found secreted in menu, aud this was all. Ami Uere arises me question, what bud become d bra etccKs, bonds and weaiin. His brother, R ibert Tr a 1 Paine, believed tbat be wbs worth item $1 000,000 to $2 000,000. It is certainly known that be owued a large amount or pr.iper.y. He was a Vge owner iu tne Ctuc-go laud com pany Checks iu payment of divi dends were gent to him in Now York, and though it wss never easy to find inm tbete checks were al ways promptly acknowledged aud came back to Obicngo prupeny en- H'>r.jdii by him in token mat be bud received ibe money. iUo’. ipi>jiimt,i. The president, uf or a nominee is r<.puled, is required by law to send “ws bcju a* piac icable’' the uanies of fothij other persons for tbe iflice. rue qjta.ion is already dUcu.-tsed smiODg senators es to wiiit Is to bo tinders ood by tte words “as soon as practicable,” and i i the senate or the pfssnieut to be the judge ol the length -int® in whiob tne spirit and letter or the law may bo complied with. EFFECT OF UEJECriON, It is surprising bow many repub* bcsn senators are really in doubt about the effect, of tbe rejsotlou of a nominee. O.ilaido of the judiciary committee the impression la general , at iRRcuou will give tho suspond- e 'i' mriai immediaiepojesslon of the , ‘Le. Evou me -xiutitivc merks of me senate, who do nothing else but bsadle oxscutive ilocinneuts and listen to ths coufi lenustl discussions m secret session, could not answer ‘ba question, “VVuat is tliti etleoiot ojtOuou in the case ofanominea binuit a suspended uffi :er’s shoe.-?’' OPINION OF SENATOR INGALLS, Hi is not to bo pieruinad tnut in formation will be osked i i tho case ot if.ry suspended niiijar. But -mp- P'si iig wo should reject tbe suiae-wiva Domim, 0s iu the 613 cases becuuis in- jonnation deemed necessary ii denied too samite, It in nay opinion that I " action will keep .be persons now m oili ie in ibalr respective places un it the end of the sessio i of tbs senate, “ben their tempor.rv commission '*pirea. Tub suspaudid offl ;ial Is •isn entitled to resunas tbe place, but me prssident is likewise empowered to Bgniti su pend him, rr if be fails to make oil im to the ttt\ -e the ptesi- dent can consider tbe office vseaut, recommission bis first appointee and so on to the end of bis administra tion. The public servioe will not »uff r, nor will ibe removed repuoli- can get back his place. Tost is my understanding of the matter” Benolor Iogall’s opinion, it is un- derstoi d. correctly rifli’cis tlio views of all trie members of me seua,o j !■ diclary couimiiiee, democrats as well as republicans. A DEMOCRATIC VIEW. "The pr-c cu til c id uuberence •o that lesnluiio'.i,” Buys Senator Pugh, me leading dtmocrat on the c .inmli’e , "will no to lender nuga tory tbe powertd' tbe senate ‘to ad vise and consent’ to a; p'Intmonifl, for every api niniec temoorarily serv lug may coutiuue in oillou to ibe eun of tne administration, without being coiiflrmed, so long ae the seuuie d^- clines to o u Aim any one nominated in place of a suspended • ffl dal. What diflereDce will it muke to the democrat in office whether be gets a permanent commission so long as be bolds tbe cffiie and gets tbe pay? A GET EVEN POLICY. Sena'or CVckenn, of Missouri, democrat, referring to ibe anomalous programme marked out by ibe re publicans, says: ‘ What I moBt fear is that they will not suck to their resolution, bnt having put the stigma of rejection on tbe pending nominee, as au offset to tbe suspension of a re publican and tbe president’s refos d to disclose charges, will thertoy compel the president to make another nomination Nominee num ber two, I am uppreneusive, will be uobfiroiej. Y u can plainly see what discord such amiou will make in the democratic ranks, and what ir< u de it will ceuae in the loculi iee wbeie bo rejected person resides. It looks to mo veiy like a “get even’ policy wim tho admioiHirauon Of course the person confirmed Ik en titled to take the i ffico immediately on filing bis boi d and e&th. I sharp ly suspect there is a nigger iu that republican woodpile called a report.” — Now Yolk Herald. Block or raised figures ara beat for bouse numbers. Take a mao home In the dark aud he eaunot feel where be lives if bis number is simply p .iuted on tin or glass. Public sobools will revolutionize Mexico iu a new way A polltloal boom is nut lasting ‘When tho booru is o i tho rye ” RUNNING OF TRAINS. Arriv 1 null Depa^tere of all Trains at Columbus t arrying I’aase ig<rs la EOeM louaihri 17.b, H86. ARRIVALS. COLUMBUS AND B( MB RAILWAY. Mall T.nin fiom GiecnviUc„.10.04 i ir. Aooommcdation 'tom Gie»'jyme_ S:2IS p m SOUThWn'STKBN UAILKOAD Mail train from vinoon. i:10 ■? m AoootnmodaUon from M ,n 6:23 a u> OOLUS BUS AND WKSTBBN RAILWAY Malt train lrom Moaigomtiy„...„.li;35 .. nt Mall >r»t-i from A'lsn-a 6:,9pm MOBILE AND OXBAKD BAILUOAD Mall train from Troy an: Monii;y_t2:45 p m AoonmiijCidaitoj from Tr,.y one Eu'aula li-ra a ni Aooom’dr.t’u lrom Union Hprl: bs„U;47 pm DEPARTURE. COLUMBUS AND ROM* RAILWAY Mult ir. ti. lor 2:i3 p m A , 'Comm:da'lrn or Qrtou vi:i<-,..» 8:80 am S UTHWB-TKKN RAILROAD Mall trel.i for Muaon„ 11:It's m Acoommcda’lon for Macon. 9:00 p m ooLuanasAND wabtern railway Mob Mat 1 (or At.iai.uf, 8:25 - r/i M dl Iralu for Montgomery 2.20 pm MOBILE AND QIUAHD RAILROAD Mall iraln for Tr. y and Montg’y... 2:25 y m Aoo i’n for Troy and Eaf .nla 4:ft5 » m Acnomm-’d' 1 * for Union «or.>na-.. H.-U.5 o ni ttAUKKI KliVOKTft. Hr Ttletraek lo u» Ca«air«r-eaa riltSOiAk. I ONDDN. Febru-ry !8 -4 p m—Oonso'e 101 6-1S, HCoanuL b\% NEW YORK MONKY MARKET, New York, Fainu*r> 18-Noon - Blocks are anil ar.a Arm. Mnuiy easy at 1H@ 2 par cent. Exonau**—long 84 17S tb.ri 81 89.14 B-a'o bonds nes eo id. Govern ment oorids e ivlv and ho'lve. New VoilK Feb 2:f—S.xohange 84 S7J4- M m y IH®2 .erosnl, Government no-us Ini, e.rung--N‘SW tear per come 12i%j hreo per oeute 100J4 bid. Blato bonds u eady SUB TREASURY BALANOBS oN>io .. out - - i«A4ur.v ..64.191,000 ear easy 812.3i6.l00 NEW YOKE HTOOX KARKET. m,w Yobx. F«bru«ry 23 -TO» following worn ,Le cloning quot^iloae of the biooY eseba iKfl: Ala elan a iki » 101 Mobil* A Ofilc 1 -\ da etnas B.A'fl.. .Hit -aorgia 7’«. aaort*. 10I5» t S Cat oliaa, old.... 10 t do JO Ho funding......... 10 S. O. brows oonaola.IOS ♦ ranaamaa*‘!..~— »Hi t Virginia «'a — 4} fdo oonjoli......... n ubaosnseaks a Ohio It Uhioago a Northw’clll) do preferred „1<0 Do a .1 L oliawana...lwq Erie - •* East Ti-an it K. XMhrlllo A OUat.... 47,. NO Parlflo I’ela ..... fo N Y CJestral ioa>4 Norfolk a W prePd... NorUternPanma...„ Mk do pralerred^....,,., MR PaeiSo MaU.... (bit keafllog lug Rlchiaoad A .Die,... . Richmond * Das.. Wi kich'd A W. P. Ter. 31- Bops Inland 1.9)4 81 Foal . «jq do preferred..... 12:1,4 l'e.cas P»olllc,,„_„. \'JH u , .... — — r nio c.RiB.- 44)4 Lake Shore.......... 87A'New Ja aer C»nt.el aiq Lonleville A Walk 41S TUwiouxl Paciflo no Mem a Chniloatoc W -- D 1 Ai4A'-ann oe,... 7J,q 1)44 X X 08 , Liverpool Fabru'iry 23 ■ Noon— Gotten dull, w.ib oHa.- gc-j, rally in buyers’ ftvoi; m'..Idling np'HUUB 4 13 16 , alddllngorlenns 4% V antes 7000 b.lioa—.pcou. Uion and us- p .11 600 Lisle 1 xteoaipu 27,000 bates—25.5 0 Arnsnoon Futares dn-t, si following qtK't-i'.ona .- M-.roU anil AUfl 1 ....™ 4 47 (111 Aurll at.d May I 44 64 1 M y and June 4 )l 011 Iujo and duly 4 ;3-64 i July :nd Austin! 4 56 544 Aigaei and Boptembar .4 a9 all Tondgra of ile.iverlds for to-dav’a clnar'.nt 03 nates 01 new dookgt, and tw balea o' Old. • (.lures: February 4 47 641 buysr*: Fibre- ■ry >Hd Maroa 4 47 t.d bayers: Marek April 4 47-44.1 bu-erg April and Hay < $4-442 ieliais Hay aad Jang 4 61 44d nayan; Joaa and July 4 &L44d boyani Jn y and Aagns' 4 56 Old v hue; Anguet and BepltJiiber 4 69-b41 sel;»r«. Futnret q-1st, S-'Hi p m— Fatal--'.: F«bra»ry delivery 4 44 64,1 g.'lle-e; Fvhraar aud 86—eh 4 41 64d Sflleie: Marrh and April 4 48 Old ««» f A"rll «,4 Mar 4 49 64 1 burare; May am) Jane 4 <9 04 1 -ellere Jane and Jntv 4 64 64 1 teiK.a; July aud Au nat 4 50 64d uyert; Angus: aud Beptember 4 69 04 1 vmnn Futures closed quiet New Tobk February 23— Evening—Oeltoa nriuka. qule" tales 13 balaa: aplandt y% \ orleanA ( l-16c. Uoagoildai-d ne. receibis 15 749 bales: eg. porta Gr-a* Brltalu 14 402; oonunenl 20 38'.: France 8835 NEW YORK AND NSW ORLEANS FOTUBlf, NEW ORLEANS, Fcbrim r 23-S.10 P M — Fu urea quest sales 61828 Drier, -I to!. ’ w«: February 8 28 100« S3) no «. tub 8 23 ItO® 8 21 110 Apr)' 8 37-100, 8 38 lilt, vl ot 8 11O lt'O© 8 51 lOu time v 6I-U0 8 64 100 r Ily 8 74 1W© 8 76-100 Vj.-nnl <8 7,.i lllllu 8 77-MA B )P miliei 8 17 l.ll® 8 69 100 Ur obei. 8 47 lOOUi 8 49 UO November 8 13 1;,U® 8 44 100 New Ylsk, Feurnarv 23 ivsum. Ne receipt- 10 baleo, groeo 653j u-l-e. Futi re- olored steed;—sales were IN 6 0 balea, as folows: Febrnary 8 76 100# 8 74-100 Haroh 8 77 100# 8 78 ICO April.. Hay June July August. eplember, Oiinber........™—.... N ivitnbvr ... 8 88-100© k 89 ICO 8 98 100© 8 99 100 t 18 100.* » 09 IN t lb-101,© 0 16 100 0 21-100© » 22 IN 0 3-100© ( 4 100 8 01 100© 0 Ml-100 8 10 100© 8 87 100 O L G eon A Oc-'e -f port on futures say.: Tbe wtk opened wltboni Improve men. in tone. Some reoeui biers haveg .ua over to the bull s'dt and appear lobe bnylng ib* market down, bnt made nu balanoe again, ooo'.lnn-il llb rrl offerings, and pr cei abrask u^der the pres n-e. Toe stia-Mo 1 In Europe lenaatna Ume tu the prlumpii depressing 1,0 orswere .Us full movement of supplies, wl b evldenos 0! mire 10 'o • low es the romli Improve end large iff-r- luge of long oo' ton on s miberu aooouni. Alter luhlng some Ovb or s x points, the u csD wiii fnlrly s eady, threngu icoil lnfld- rnioes. GALVESTON February 23-C'"”,li qmo': mHintJusu 8%); net -ipls 813 -roar 355 snlei 00 clonk 8 ‘ 267. e*p.,n« Great Britain 10, continent 00 CO.FOLK, Fobruary 23 0 >»- weik m',i iii g e , 89^6; net i. enipis 1517, guss 1517, rai-c 28. stock 39.180, expo .a Great Hnun 00 Bamikopi FnbiUi.y 23—'Intton dull; mtciuiliiyu 1 uot reouipie 71. gro s 832; sales —, su.* i» splnrers IX; sicok 36:198 ezpor'E lo Great Britain 00, orm.l ei.t 00 Bcston, Feb 23-Oot<on ma'K'il q-ilc; m.uaungt 9,; „el reoilpt. 00 groe CO; nules 00, stoex 6310; exp wts to Great B11 s alu 00 WlLHiNoroN. F«b iary28 -cotton m- rk«t gleam: middlings S%6 -ei reoelpm 195 gr se 89',: tarn 00 slunk 7620; expoits G.uai Prltein CO emtlnenl CO Philadelphia. Pa,February 23-Co ton dan, nal. .tong 8H f 5 n “- r eoelptc 00, gross 57; salee 00, stock 21995: exports continent 00; Grea Brttal, 00 FAVANKAB. FablUi/y 2J-Conou du 1 middlings 8145; net receio's 1578 gr. » 16:1, ««ie:i 4i ,: etoek 80 838' exports O Great Brlla,. 00 conm e . 1650 Ntw Orleau Februsry 23 ■ U. ” n eai.y: mld'ltlow* ‘ ost -e.-rin r e 9914, groet 10 561; 4a., 4;0.- stool 870,0 6 xp„ s to G'»a-. Bri’Ulu 4851 Franco 00, eon t- nem CO ".nnri, February 18 da 1 1 lulddllpus 8 5-18:i; r e . .pif 489, -t- 410. ,iafse 400 -toil 44,442 expot,, lo l tlr'.'P.l! 00 MKMPHI. F ,-ruiry 23 J.ttoe qulal: middlings 8 7 16.: net" 1563; .alp- nion t 19613 00 stoek 138 416 spinnerr. 07 AOOUBTA, Fobruary 23 Cotton duil: ailddling" 8%o 588: ahlpmeLii 00| sales 610; monk 87 570 o'UAKLWr-o- F.-nruary 28-U qale ; niiddllligt 8 9 16a; ,»o. --—fptc 1393, *i-> t 1398i sale 250 r.tnsk 65 49); exports to U eat Brlla: , 00. F a ot OJ eantlneul 00 PKOOIItS AMD PBflfl.IO»« tuhianxe. CHICAGO, February 23 FI’nr firm but nueunin-u; soatnera 94 40.e4 45. Wueai opened end o’oscd \%<J ■■ %' higbtr ih> n de'ur ay—Fonrnnr- 8l.'!4a8:.'%0, M-rc 8liq <88(%r. Mai N 2 .iprc g :. Uoru dul an 1*r—c si 3766='38■) F ero arv 0, Ma.cli 87 ” iua3i% . M..y i0!4:» 41H6 O'WSUll r x ■ lO’Ti 0-r .• Suii > M • .oil 30o, May It \ *ai. Mis p irn ault K .d ess.— nsb 810 90. Fob'U«,'y an 1 Mnrcli *10 9iH®lU9j May It it©II 15. Lid Jiea’ly—imho S6)7q Ica.v86 17>4 B x"d. m steady diy 1 a.nvd s ;->cf'r 83 Out; 4 10, short r 1 — side 6 15 jd 55, short cum side* ft 84<p5 85, WU'skv « ea<ly—81 16 tiuj* steady—standard A Jiio. •I. Laru 81. Louie, F.brusry 23- Flour m» k- naobmevLt—faiaiy 88 26.8 85, eboloe 84 oocg 4 10, fans; 8 39,fi4 70. a best fairly «.o iv-j >.d stronger—No 2 rsd oash 931. March 9-He bid; C<>-u dull nr.d vi X- — N-> 2 mixsd nasb 36^:;-86o bid. M,y37^A87^i Ovti.uo tradiug—No 2 mixed c»u — ■. Whisky — It 10. Provlsieus ve-v dnil sud lrreguia'i Po'k eisy — 811 27©1I 25 Lard easy—86 94 Bulk meats— mo.-e 10..— long olear sidec short rib sides — sborl o'enr Ijox-.d lot"—long 0 car 5 70, 1 hort rib 6 00. »hm o.rar 8 25 Bionu— , s cl «ar s!do„ 85 87q@6 90 shnr? rib rid’ 85 9 96 05, short clear sides 86 10§6 15; ha.; s - SHGUHo. essisvuit. ^UUMVILLJ. F-a 23-Grnln maiksl dull; Wheal, No.2 r<d 93^916; oorn, utis. mlxid —0. re ■ »H"o 39)4'<40r; oat., ro w N , 2 nix- 3;>4(! P.uvisiuph nil: P’rk—nf«s 311 to b eon—citsr rip slant, G 0C, oiear aide 6 .TU. su 'Utdcrr. 4 50 Hulk is.a r o'enr - b dJ-i 0 Ml. cear r d..h5 75. sbou'dorn 4 00 Augur.rn-rd 'unit 9 00®1'J 00 Lx. , tear 7 75®8 00. a.-■* 4>'rK.*f.r!» jSvw «ii.LK/.Hfc,Febrnnrj 23 O ff>e mar ks' birxdy — 1.4lo, Cargoes, common t prlite 6!4Y0)4" c ju 1 - Louisiana, o'dinary to prime 8456)40 d*.;ar crs’.er bnt not qna'.so.y love — Lnul-i-vn opea k.'ttle, cnoloe 6H'. prime to strlolly prime 4 15 16^‘o, oammon to good loir <>4C; lnienor 2(8.l)ln; esutrlfujkls, ( IT Khlfe (nois" 1)926 8 lo ebaloe yellew a. r'flei 6f 6 1.18c Molasses . »a iy-Linl"l»na opec kettle good prime 20 22r; teatrll gam, prime to sir let ly p lme 16©26o, osmmon to good oemmun 18c oissliueP. OnssiirWAFT, Febiusry £3— Whisky In good Usmtnd—(1 10, Station Seed OU, Nhw CXaidSANe Frb 23-Uuu.m u»#J r, — market qalet snd uoBhsngs.f—prlnin cru?e 21 ;-5W22;<.« tammer yellow 2:®4i j, oaks sun Mo..- - e Wnw York, F"i-, 2,3 -oni*<’r> «vu - - 31335* for 411; 21a fur " ifi:'.41. JJAT.ill. HTWUEB, 37t,n. New T '»s Fobroery 23 -Kosln dn l— r.t,-aliied 81 04)4®l 10. Taxpattlns fl-mur— 45 NewYork:, Feb 28-HlSer, martn'. nir>;;;; we, salted "(sv or.Mtu re.-.,r- 45 K na JO pounds. 9>^10c; *«x*& si. nvkv/, 5c .and - V or.a'i 1*. 10)» . New York, February 23 Wmi market firm—domor'i/j neons :.7 .'36:, iexas c, yallso J4©2)7. ”)aw York, Fob 23 Frslgiia ’ Llverpao' qulBi -o ffor’ nor disa'er 7.61,: »»tv,1 per itesoie'2>4’. Charleston. Fib 23-Tarpsetlr.e flrm- 41140, 14 j«u. - eirduiid 80r, gold s.ra.^ed 8.8. Savannah Fjhir ai-Tnwiins (11-0"— 46:: ,»;n ICO U-/, . q 1 0 —Ji UO© (5 sa'ee 5c0 barrels. Wilminciton, Feb 27 — Turpentine-<2; bid Basin - strained 77)49; good 8254.. tur Arcs at fl IS Oruds tiupenUae Ora, nerd It MS yellow dip and virgin © la TM€ RlVltW 7»Ts.M»')At.H» PEOPLES LINE STEAMERS shade nm fut Piutipr ud Nr] ?thf4a'i OF TUB HTKAMKK Wm. D. ELLIS Toe faeiesl Bdivmsr ply ng the Uuaus, boodles Flint and A al.culcoie rivers, mcoo i niod . I nr Urst.ol,.sa. Will he nu beiw.en Ooitim'-ue, Ba'.nbi'idge and A> ali.chlcjl.-, iPAk'.ng ojumoihii at heltaliuoihee wPh Iraln* lo aud from BBVannsli, Jickeonvllle, Pent .o.da, Mobl.e end NixO leaps on Sunisy going down, On Tutsdays coming up she connects with all peiseuger trains golrg to Haven* nab, J tcksonvlUe, Pensaooia, M.bile end New Orleans. D 1 w N Leavs Uilumbns Bslaisay 801a m Leav* Kifauia Be n r dny 4 80 p m Leave Fort Galnae aeiuraay 7 80 p m Le*ve Columbia Baturdey .1IX) p m Leave Oae.lehooohes Bnndey8 00 e m Airlve Belnbrldge Hnndey— 11’.00 p m Lsevs BelnuiiUev Bauds;.... — SIM pm Arrive Chet taboo, he# Suu.ey eun p m Arrive Apeltebloole M nosy 607 e m ur Leeve Apelacbloola Monday..—. 8 00 pm Arrive GhaMauuoohoe Tnesdey...... 10 011 a in Leave ChuVtRhnnchte T re'day......11 00 a m Leave Columbia Tuesday SIM p m Leave For. Galoea Wvuueeuey 1 00 a m Leave EtKuule We«lnei,aiy™ tlkl 1 in Leave Florerce Wkdrsifiav ....... 0 00 a m Arrive Uolumbas Weaneeoay5 00 p m On sud after Febroai; 6 It8o ,ue sbjve aobeduie will be rnn, rive, log, mo, per* milling ARRIVAL AND DKPAUTrUE OK TUAINU At CHAlfAliijOCHKX, KLA. •lavannLL, F.ol'Ua ulU Wie eru Kalliumi— Arrives In m BaviLUali i.nd jackuouvllle a’. 4 04 p m. Lnavce lor aavannsli auu Jackhoovine at 11 10 * m. Fionas K nwa; and Navigation Oo— Arrivse lrom at 4 pm Leevts or Jmeejuville ui 11.0 a m. Feu-auoia and A'ltu la Kst.road— Arrives from PeueaCcle el II a m Leevee lor Pensaooia at 4 14 p m. On and af er »ebrunery 6, J886 the looa: lutes ol freigui end p siege .0 a,i poiins ur, the Cha Ubouchee i.ud Apalachiojla rlveri will be as follows: Float per barrel....-...——. —...... 10 cenl* Cetlun per b le .—26 oei ti FertlllBeiS par ton—— —Hi 15 Cotton Bee*. Meet pur u- 81 25 Balt per ton....— — — 81 25 O.herlreiau a In proportion. Fatsase trim Crilumbua to Apklnchlotu. 86 Ou. O her points in proportion, r’h.ppe'" wCIplessi hava Uielr reigtu a; Uosi by 8 a m <u mj ol lo.’vhig, at n.i.; will bo re; e.ved slier that hour. Bovl resei vea ibe rlsht ol i»ol landing a; an; point when considered dar.goioue b} i lie pilot. Boat will DoL slop at anv point not named tu me pubuebea llsi of laudlugu inrulsner shippers for 1836, Our rispjnslbUtly for freight oeee-enitc U h *s been discharged a* a landing whet an peisou a. there . u ;io»IVe It, fu el lubiaOl lo obAUgv wi'tn ut uolloe, T H MOORE, dec77 tf Agsr.i. GRAND DISPLAY OP MOTHERS’ FRIEND "> * * AK>.8 CH EAST. Central Lint OF BOAT: THE OLD RSLIABL ( oi iTMMrs. liA F*1) 1 i«K6 O Nani a^ior IT u u» y -3 . n«- J of fi cii. nr on in** (I or F Urt acd Aoft)aoLloolii livers wiii ne as »ollo -s: Flour pi' hir»ft 5 <' n » O.niun i ixiuui r«r wju I fpr'.i O '* 'u ifli' bilf t» jbP'p O U*t Jrpigbt In pmpn'Hou. PabBttue from Ooiumooy to ApilaobioolA S6 0. O .Her p ,ln 8 in p .v. portion. Stesmir Kaiad wrjla vt' ColumbQv f or AprIhoi IjCila ▼!& Zl lr.or dieo every 7 UKSDAY r af»roiD8; nt H c’o'.cok, re ureiiiitt via iiu ohinftou'a LanrHocj. Abnv« anhednle will ba ru”, rlver^f’c, porinUljfc. •*h»pperw will p'cia* hiv* frai*:h' at boat nv 8am on d»v of leav riy, an none wl'l be received af or ibn* oa B ?i ruter^pg the right of rotlRndlnpa* auy wola< \v< on oonOi'.tO’Bd nau^eioau by th'* c irpm i dor, Biel w 11 po 1 »fop p* a , 7P' ,, n | no< n a rood 1 link of In no ini'ft iurulooed for 18« Our reip .PtU.lll y for frolpb’. after i« bjs been d!a‘burg.d a vi iai w:»ci« no pe-^ou la ’ll"™ ’o rei;oivr. •* * -T , R Fane; Laces 1 The entire stook of a rawnnafhe- turur ©t fl If Mr Regular Priee. Tbonsnnds of yariis of Dontollo Edo weiss, ThotiHiindB of yards of Point D’Al- onoon, Thousfinda of yards of Point D’AJ- bany, Thousands of yards of Point Brabant, Thousands of yards of Duntollo Torchon, Thousands of yards of Matlese Lilcoh, Irish Trimming Luces from lOo a dozen to 75e, Everlasting Trimmings in endless variety, Florence Embroidt ry. - P cial UriY is in ). HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES [ALL OVER EMBROIDRIES, i RIEN TAL EMBROIDERED LACE NE C.LACE TUCKINGS. INDIA LINENS, LINEN D’ALONCON. LINEN D’DEC-! CA, FRENCH NAINSOOK, CHECK NAINSOKS 7 l-2c, H l-3c, <J 1 2c, 12 1 2c. NEW GINOIIAMS ju&t received th. very ctIMcrI petfod Iu a touid’i It to i ii11 lio nwiiiled. A dl-'tltt- RUii*hid phydk’Ur, wbo panned ih« cr ntral roritnu f’f liln Ufa (forty four yen -; in tliin branch of practices, iptt to chil<]*l>oarinfl wotraii this pr'co|rt"fi lo^at? ana 1'4( • m vlntf fti.P Unc». TUB MOTUKH8’ Ml KM>, and to* day ttioro niw tliouanuds of the bo»t vro ni lu our land who, hii»irui iiMod thm uonderfni rrmin dy hofor conOn trcut, rise up and cii'i liti unniH l Ipsiimd We u'cohe l<tt<'r« from ev«ry •« tioti rf t '.e . ountrj tlninklnir uh f r pMciUtf tlith prdiaratlnn lu tho rrtch of Huffortuu woman, One indy from North Oaioltnn wrl fu an thnt nlie would like lo thauk the poopiietora on hw kucea lo^brlu*tn« it toher notion, na In n previous coufloamant she ha two dcctora* and they w«ra compelled to qsa ch loroform, t&- ■irnmeul), dc and aba luflerad almost death ; bnt thla time aha mad *• MO I HKK8* fBUND? and her i-bor waa •hort, gnlok. and almost like maala. Now, why ahoold « woman acfli r when •he can avoid ft T Waoen prove or have their hntibanda do ao. our office, and aeethe nrlil tort, which we cannot piib This remedy la one about which weeanrot pnhHah certifleatea, hut it la a mott wouderful liniment to be uaeu alter the first two or three months. 8»nd for our treatise oo the Hett th and happfoeaa at Woman* mailed free, which dives all p irtlculam Tin Hbapfivli) IU(jui./.TuR Go,. box 2':, Atlanta, Oa. field tv all druvvlat* «u> tu thaw ur.i id mt (1 Building Lots. If you inlenil building for o<‘j«u- pancy next, October, now iH the time to jlmy the lot, so your house will not tie injured by haste in completion. I have several beautiful lots, $1,001’ and upward, in northern part, of city, the healthiest, and most desirable part of city. Beautiful lot northwest oornor of old Female College lot, lOl-**®,” Another within M) feet of Mrs Rankin's residence; another book of Mr .Jno 1) Carter’s residence, and others. 1 will talio pleasuie in sltowing property. Cull and see mo. John lUjAckmaii, He il K,state Agent, "* x ’ i THE GREAT ' EGULATOR Pitis Carminatne, THE BEST MEDICINE ON EARTH FOR CHILDREN An infallible rpceifie foi Flatu- lont Colic, Diarrhoea, Coughs, Teeth'ug, Cholera Infantum, Chol era Morbus, aud all dieeTrcs inci dent, t.o children Give it a trial 25 cents per bottle. For gale at CITY DRUG STORE. te i Admi'^itAra-tor a s fsaio ♦tv F n K.VOWI.rv .V t ffl. %niUlcneera, 1>Y virtue cl un oro’er ot the C' urt of OriMuary ot J > G>kvI, -l i Cl.Mil', pxiitf(i ft’ lb. ■■ vembor tf.rrn lrd5. I will soil at puLMc outcry on the fir*t Tu^' I'yt I in a.cL, in frojii l •.» « hanaa of V vi \ Knowles A fM. n -Gw - f rormr P-f-u-l and Tti th •uMtU.i.. rlie cUv ot C ltudluH, Q 9. ilm pla.o ot hoMinK If irit H'tl' *», an M ctwtif.n the l<«u hou ' of Wile th-.* foliowlu-! P opo ty to-wit. All that true- ♦ • nd kactm iu »he north hqlf i lot No IV3, or ll e we»t nid (f Ofll«:l:t.tpe««rc«t. i tFi«s cl»vof C-ir.ifil n*. Mu'Cog. D county O i, u lot Inintr" fe t and 1. chrn on «uid elrcet ai 'or b itk th** wit dc dop'.b of Ai no t'l th« ode « '■PP • fl’ct* proj i irit. log to tho h *n by J Im Ryan. water buMn-j a CtUO , At 104* h _ . . und f^o L'« In ^ id bu 1d'> o Sold au t e • uutte ot th* imu‘. Jjhn Hjaj, tutu ol 8ai«l c-a^ty ot Cbttthurc, k*vJ Termn. all csHh tf>r the 4edt. w%ter srpars qu «tc| for the land. ■ na ha f ca*h and ba ance lu n itaat twalva monflMi with intara t at 7 p»t tvut par aunum •aewrad by mart gaga an t>*> 'aad Pmrhiyar to i ay frrUdaa JOfLto VJI VBKOOXJIk Will Open 25 Pieces ii! fool Cairn, Hfi inches wido, at 25e, good valuo for 40o 15 Pieces BLACK WOOL CASHMERE, dd inches wide, at 37 1 2 ctnl.s, woit’n 50 cents 10 Pieces Blue k Gros Grain Silk at 74! 1 2-’, Tie, file and $1 00 per ynrtl, the best over offered in Columlins COLUMBUS, GA. AugavU*, G©. . . Samnath, fit -PURELY VEGETA3LE.- —ARIE YOU- jj* !lie Rogululor upvn’ |Jfj alia UH'iire. I most el,err «— Ullv recommend ill., all v.ho ,ttnt k4 or any Iliaeasn ruined In *f tho Liver. W.U HERN A III), 0 YOU WANT 0000 1 Riiffored intenaely tllh Full Ntorti- «li, lfl4*mlncl»o, etc. A neiirlibor wliohnd tnicen Irnmons Liver ItuKiilator, told me it v/ab h cira »ro for my trouble. The first done i look rotlertid « very much, and in one week’e time I at ronif ntid hrnfty a* 1 ever «n«. li la Use beat iedl<1uft B ever took fur I)ya|»wf»al». >0 YOU lifer from KLNSIIAW, Km on\ ..f JIikam Waknkii, Chief-Juvtire « f (la. : tiked Simmons Liver ReKiilatnr for Ctmiti* I rny Ib.WfN, (vmar-d l.y a ternp..rary Le nt of the Liver for the la-t ftirer nr four id ftlwn} H vvfCK.i (lerlufd lienrtll." mn Mimzi i n nr the Liver, m 1 have in th hnl.ii „f takinc rnn 1.1 to A) K-’ilMH of ra'.m.r-l, wide Ii ger.eralA lull fi up f...-Ihrie or four *l.>>Lni-lv I have' beon i:it! tf Sinmonu l.i’ .r ];, ufl-iinr. wl.h h trnve nm Jiof, ivilheut any tplenniiUdii lo ImmIv CN«P. J. Ill 1.(1, ,\J/01)1 KI’OkT, UlU/J. ONLY GENUINE 1 II. 2EIUM&CO., Philadelphia, Pa, PRICE, *1.00. any--- .-.’.'.Mvim wrn m Sf||| yllil k)li i Dt ’IY ’ 2 FACTORY «i »«ii« Mt * areal itho'H haUH .AUCAGO CORSET CO 13 Lispenard St., New York. • ! MV a Sag *$*•-u* St, Cbwaae, mp