Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, February 24, 1886, Image 6
DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24 1886. 8HFRMAN AND THE PREEIS A Mtoty Afcvat Rli Mr#* Hl«k !■ «»• vinaib. <*n. Htiernim.’rt epistolary troubled Ju-i nova leu.xll tome a lory which war told of tils allot,ipt 10 control the press, soon after be ' a I taken pos es slon of Ba van nub, Ben Parity P.mre in tlie B iston Bu iget Amnnit those attnont ti to bis army wsa a well known BiM.,n reporter, who wm orlieil Tom M'lee, although tl a *• not til-* real tiamo. Mil-s, on eo'er- lug 8 iVHfi-iih, found a vaor.ed pnuthg Tnere were types ami pies c .nil all the parapher nalia essential to business, with a form on (be |mss, which the printer hoi left ii hi flight, utui Milts, faking outihe edn rial au*i other * ff-ojsive matter, rilled it* Ct luti Ps with union sentiment, with the a d of one or iwo - f the oral! wiit-oj he bed discover*<1 tn ihearmy Bis Ituiit-r wi;» a rlcli eptcimeii oi crowitg over be victory, in which he * x'.olled (bn rihe'ivan as the greatest bernei ce A’txutidcr, anti hie army t ! e floestai.d best di B cip lined itiut lue world tveesaw. Wi t- this grand fl uush of tiunipe <* *ne first nuinber was is-ned a* d Miles lt»y bulk it* teis editor Ial ol.inr, coniem plmit g bis work wi b tire belie' that he had achieved the nix triumph lo Bhcrmun’s, and wonder ing what the c ; tjueror would ne_\ when be saw he- pral-es beape* upon him. The next nn ruing, ts tin ge-iernl and hip e'afl' wereab, u' 11.kit.g brer kfa.-r, a taper veus hand cd to l im—-1h* 8jvain,ah republicuii, I eiiit U—and he commenced to reaei tht) leider which wr,s sojavisk in bih praise, “Look tier, !” said be, red anti furious, ’ Wiial ti n d —i tints thi meai ? W'-n kt - wa anylbii gnbau 1 this pup r ?’’ Hist rderly, who hud known some th'pk about (If pre| arallein.f xplulneet to him time It »a< lire work of oneol the li erary gentlemen wlio bad fol lowed the expedition. “Well." said lire general, “godnwn to the Hire and tell him t> iliscous tinue ills paper, or I’ll put him unde i guard I won’t have such cursed stutl mimed ah' ut me when I cat prevent il. is bail enough, bu tb's iH a elueetl sight worse ” Down went lire orderly, and tin confusion of pour Mii<a ws« ovt r- whe'nilrg when be not the > quelchei from the general c nmiai d i g. “Why, it was all prah, ,’’said be. “No matter for that It it I ad beet the * tlu-r way it wonlu havtt i eo treated just the So Miles move d a o inure mime- 1 hardly know whu' — unit urg'd II* e flic al to * xpiesH his regime and ' eg tbercmovMl <>i the itjm.clion, aoo soon Die til er c ine hu* k to it hum him that permission waagranteel him to run Ids pap* r in c ■inli.h n that to should nev* r mi ntlon the gsuerui’- name ay uni This w us agri ul to, aid the paper appt art d Atieradsy er l\» i an aim ceme dr wu one morning wl h an e ider fr u Gen Bheirmn foi piibl'caliou Miles glutte d over il and tiand d it burl’, “l 1 cfti’i go in, sir,’’ saiel he. "Wi y lit ?” a ktd Ihe astonished nu eseuger, wtio w> s a si rat ger. “11 csuse It lias Btu rmab’ij name t'. it," was i he reply. • Thai’s the re ason why It must go In," urged tin juni*>. “And tlist’s me reason why i' ehi.i 't. He sti ppeil my paper fo praisit g him, I promised bin that his came should never appear i. my oilnrnt s again, uud hang mu If n Shall ’’ Miles stood residu e, and Die < 111 «i r returned tor oidrre, expecting the ordering out ot a flie ut men amt an arrest, but was astonished lo se e tht' get erst burst into the beanies' laugh, anti bear him cinfiss tbat ihe printer had Die best ol ii. The mee eonger was sent back with a concilia tory no.e, uud Diere was no mere trouble. RING AROUND THE BUN fl orotiM H i'lfh I• A ppiuru! to l lfiff* Obi#>r ver/« Popular Belesoe Moith’y If ttiere is noliiii g new under I Ik sun, Dn re is al leas; something i ew around it. For the last two ytats cl-so observers of Die sky have none*el that Die tioopelay sun h e been i ui rounded liy a corona of tins ky, coppery, or reddish ligiit, as i has tieen variously described, the circle of moat die u-cl color having a radius ot about 15 el g, and locios lug a brilliant silvery or bluish glow close around the solar disc. A man iar uppenianceot much less intensity has It eo oecHsiouaily noticed around lbs full moon on very clear winter nights. The most experienced observer* of •ky colors are agreed 'ha; the corona was not visible be'ce the latter months of 1883 Von B i .hi, of Mu- nicb, who was considered (he most Ot mpeient meteorologist to prepare a schedule for observations on Die col- ors of tbs sky lor a icaeut German Arctic expedition, says (bat in spite of the close attention be had previ-, ouely given to ihe appssra ce of tin usu-jJ whitish glow around Die sun, he had never till recently -®bu the dutkyii g Thollon, of Nice, who bad mads a s|.tc;al study of ibe sky around the sun for a series of years, dtc'vri.l to; fl'.ienDy Dial aohang- occurred i-i N ivembsr, 1881 B ickboua, of Huutier aud, who Ut.s a careful r-cool t,f parliel'a lot twenty flre years,co’ fir us tbisop’n Ion. Wo may, imrif.ire, ac cept 'be Co* *3IU9.-n that Ui. onange of o lor from Dio blus of ,ue sky to the iide.ise glare of whitish lighi close around (be sun was until late elliotcel without Die appcarauoe of any reddish tinge* lu ibu traLsitloual area Tea new c roua, to which the nan e cf'B'abop's rtng"ha< 'e-i el-rca if ter Its first observer, has never been a very consplouou* affair, an*l there' .fore has not attracted the popular at- 'Wit on that It dee rve-: but it could easily be seen every clear eiay Jast winter and has repeatedly beenjno- Meed -Inoe then in the latter mouths of 1885 A 8UPB1R.B Flwli P o< n«w an ! Tonic, II ur the WI rtwgo 1 10 to SO Pound* I ATLANTA MAN’S WEIGHT AND APPETITE I tn< !< four bottles Guinn's Pioneer ona gained 15 pounds in flesh. My appetite has been ro stored 1 have procured a lot for use in my family. Yotns respectfully, GKO THOMPSON, flU Humphries St, Atlnntu, (ra A MAN OF G8 WINTERS. I mil 08 yours of age, and regard Guinn's Pioneer a,fine tonic for the feeble. By its usemy strength has been restored and my weight in creased ton pounds. A F G CAMPBELL, « Gotton Gin Mukor. Macon, Ga, Feb 1,8,1880 A crippled Confederate says; “I only weighed 128 pounds when I commenced Guinn’s Pioneer, and now weigh 147 pounds. 1 could hardly walk with a stick to sup port mo, and can now walk lon<>- distances without help. Its bene fit io me is beyond calculation D RUFUS JJOSTIPK, Macon, Ga. Cotton Buyer. Mr A H BRAMBLETT, Hard were Merchant of Forsyth, Ga, writes i It acted like a charm on my general health. I consider it a fino tcnic 1 weigh more than I have for 25 years." Rc epectfullv, A H BieAMBLETT Mr W fl' JONES, Macon, Ga Rays; "My wife has regained her strength and increased ten mutuds in weight. Wo i ocominendGuinn’s Pioneer as the best tonic.” W FJONES Dr G W DELRRIDOE, of At lanta, Ga, writes of Guinn’s Pio neer, “Guinn's Pioneer Blood Uo newer has been used for years with unprecedented success. It, is en tirely vegetable and does iho sys tem no liuim. Improves tho appo tito, digestion and blood-making, stimulating invigorating and ton mg up all the functions at d tissue a of the system, aud thus becomes the great blood renewer and health re storer " GUrNN’S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER cures all Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Srrof ula, Old Sores. A perfect Spring Medicine. If not in your market it will bo forwarded on receipt of price. Small bottles $1 00; large bottles J1 75 Essay on Blood anti Skin Die cases maileel free. MACON MEDICINE COFP’Y M;:.con, Georgia. Ladies Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion l If so, a few applications of Hagan’s MAGNOLIA HALM will grat ify yon fo your heart's con tent.. It does away with Sal lowness, Redness, Pimples, Blot,dies, aud all diseases and Imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the Unshed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement,. It maltes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY ; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its elfects. that ft is impossible to detect its application. CIPI1AL PRIZE $160,000, 11 Wa do htra by aarii/h that too ntpervUt th* nrr<xn(7«-i*t»il» for all th* Monlhln «-d Quarterly Drawing* •/ The Louitia- a Dot) Uollerv ’ o-npany. and In per ion mnnaat one untrolth* Drawing* thematite*, and the! He •ante are aon'iuel*ri*oithh»nr*ty,faim***, ru In good faith toward alt parti**, and we ou thorite th* Company to ui* IM* eertiltr ‘ t* veC 1 - 'n-.«tnll»' o' ««r ttmiihirfl attach- il UtadttrHftmeni* ” UaaawlMlanori, f* - the unttereipneA IJ'ieke nnti Honker* trill pap a Frixe* drawn in I’he Irmuiiana tote boUeriet wt.ic tte prceentrd at our counter*. 4. II. ot.I.KSi. Y. l'r... I.u. .Vel’l Uinl » h liiUMniV. rrn.<inte ■« *1 ua v IIALIMVIN, Free. M. «*, Snt’l nuiik yNPdECtQENTEpjnRflCTIQd m HALF A MILLION OLsTRIBlJIKk Louisiana State Lottery Come j :.r KJnortllynal Cii301iHrUftbl punoowM’ ti of $l,0OQ,b00—to which a rtwru fane? of o ■/i/ip 1 ' l'u«?t!inoobeea a*Med. By %tt iverwhelmlng popolarfote :ti fraach - riiml^ft part of the jo ivw»jt 'Jon»t!to*fo' a lovtM I)f setubor TA, a. D. 1670. i n bcaad .muffle NnwuSier ''rnwln will tak*> plac» monthly. Tt never sculea or p)nt c cum. Look >it the following dhtributiou. IDtltb Uradd Humbly AND THE HXTRAORUlNAIli HUaHIHBLV 0RARIH! In the icadcmi of Music, Son Orleans, luesdar, March 10, II» w 0. Under tho personal Bupervlsii'ii and managomont c Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of LA —ADD— Gbd. J1TBAL A. EARLY, of Vx Capital Priz r ‘ $150,000. ■VOTtCte—Ttokrtm are Ten Dalian unite. Huleee, $t. Vifiha, I,. Tenth*, pi LIST OK PKIZK8: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF Wd0,000...jl60.00l 1 GRAND PRIZE OK SO,000... 50 0W 1 GRAND PRIZE OK 2 LARGE PRIZEH OF i LARGE PRIZES OK Ol PRIZES OK 50 100 'iOO 20,000.. 20,00 10,000... 20 00 5.000. .. 20,00 1.000. . — 500.« 300.. . 200.. 100 . 20 00. 25.00* 30 00 »ouo 60 00 50_ 50 00’ APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 ApproxlmelloD Prlies of *200... }20,00i 100 “ “ 100... 10 oo- 100 - 11 75... 7 50 2,279 Prizes, amoiuitlng t,o 5522 50 AvuieoAtlul* (or rate** l*.o*u**6ea<.cl*J ,*eae ulli ■o tae Ofiloe of the Oompenr In Sow Oi.emna. For fnrUierluloriaffelo.-.i write ole-srly, elrlor ■ I ertdrese. l-OHel. .AliteVE*. KxorMB Ido**.) Jtilors, or Noe* Tori* tfechange In onlluarr thtt-ii 'JnrroDcv Oy ICxd^obi* (all of 5ft nod upwsnl* ilr. exr-iiMl o6(lrt-axe6 Mi A. OAllPHIn. Mow Vrl-XA*, I *r ex. A. DACPU1N, n -.-hlnctoti. At. t). faki P. 0. Moorv Orders payable aid ar tow Hcf stered Letters to NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You aro allowed a free trial of thirty days ot tho wso of Lir. Inyo's Celebrated Voltaic Belt witn klectric Susnensory Ar>plJnnces, for tho rperdjr rel'of and |«m nunient emo of Scrvoi.n D. bility. lo&» of Vitality and Jla hood, and till Kindred troubles Also for rmtnv caher dlsenpes. Complete test ora tion to Tleaitfi, Vigor nnd guaranteed. No rink ta incurred, illustrated prunphlot la sealed THVnivpi rrinfled free, bv nddreselDK V0LTA10 B2LT 00., H -raliall, Mioh SBERiFP’di SALES. I if ClOilliM /Ind Furnishing Goods and Fixtures UT PUB! 1C OUTCRY, F fl. KSOWLKS & CO, Jmt’rs. Georgia, Muscogee County: By virtue of the order of the Hon James T Willis, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Chattuhoo chee circuit I wi’l sell on Friday, the 26th of February, 1886, in fiont of stole house) Nos 83 and 85, e*n the went side of Broad street, in the city of Columbus, said county, with in the legal hours < f sale, to the highest bidder for cash, tho follow ing property, to wit: All of the Goods. Wares and Merchandise comprising the stock of goods now contained in store house known as 83 and 85 on the west side of Broad street, in the cite of Columbus, in the county and slate aforesaid. Said stock consist i:ig of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Hats, Shiite, Socks, Collars, Coifs’ Cravats, Gloves, Rubber Goods Piece Goods, Merchunt Tailoring Goods and Material, Gentlemens Furnishing Goods, Satchels, Canes, Umbrellas, Notions and Fancy Goods; and also all the desks, office fumitnie, mi rors, shelving, counters, tables and fix lures, sewing machines and tailors’ tools in saiel store house All of said go ds, fixtures, fumi lure, Ac, will be sold as a whole ai d not in parts 8 aid property levied od ob tie property of H J Thornton to sutis fy a mortgage fi fa issued from the superior court of said county in fa vor of tl e Merchants and Meehan ics’ Bank vs H JTlornton. This J5'h day of February. 1886, J G BURRUS, (Sheriff Central, souume&im & ) a £.nia«ii &. I’Ofc All train* o: this ■ytttm are ran b; Cutttl er Sim !**enAx**. enu. SAVANNAH. Sa.i J«nn»IJ at, 15,A O N *nd *lt«r SUNDAY, Jan 2Pn, Wt>8 p*M*ns*i tmin« un tb«»* road* W«>* ret ae follow* i BEAD DOWN, lC.AB.Ji’* tl** HEAD DP. Mo, i*.t Aoc. No. 53 • Pass’g’r No. 51.* Pasa’g'r Savannah and Al tanta Dlvlalona. NO. 62.* I’aaa’g'r No 64.* Pasa'g'r NO lf.t Roe. 5:40 pm H: 10 pKi 8 40 am Lv JJavaanab«„A * 4 07 pm 6 0) am 8:06 am 7 ’76 pm 9 id bui 1U:25 am Ar...,-01lver,...,L's 2 35 pm 1:14 am R 45 pm 11.-03 pm 11 4U am At Milled.. ...L 1 30 pm 3 10 an. 6 22 am ew 11:16 pm U:lH) m Lv MUlen Ai 1 18 pm 3») sm L***le.'...'.* No. L* 2 38 am 3 'fl pu lUUifnm IIP 6 pm No. A* Af .. ** Afl HOOxi ***** I :0 40 fl 251. U:2d tiir j 8 an 7 U'l po. Ar Liirneevill* Lv 8 03 -Ii 9 01 DHL. 4 53 pm IU 20 . ■ 5: IS an. 7 18 pr Li Raniesvllla a 8 Ul an. 9 III pr. 4 53 mp J1:0i It 1. V i>; |. Ar,....Gi IDln 7 31 (■ .' 9. 4 ,9 pi t I2 4JI f:VJ 0.1 9 36 /' ,tr E-lnnta... J.,, b DO fc 55 p 2 16 p — No U.u c U M.,- AttJKW* AklNlf, If*.,** iHi. da i i im’, V’ BfHB-’h II »*.*> i’ Peicr,’.. i i .Y ilf ,ll Lv VI;:.Du At • ■ .c Vie i:«J0 unu*..- e.eevee 0 16,. 3 .5 1 kI...* 0«t- ta ... L 9-0 ' N-. e’ti.t Hlllo$|0vUI( NO. 3 i.t - «rVi. r&sHV* 2 .6 \.a Lv ;v,i t* I ...„A , 9 Hr. Vo \ .... 4 0 i i L v.. Gordon “ i [ 8 *0 PI j uet • -,'ZZ 7 40 r* ir (*t v-r .. | 5 15* f 1 No. 35 i >i.’, a. • I'li&UU € ifU«\|7 | Nu Nu. nt i Fa- s'! 't P-aa’i;' HntlroM I > •• y 1 7-MI , ,n w ■ (.V 1'Hr. Ml.vtllv \ - 1 0 : DIO | 4 3-’; pm I 1 6 15 rm* i l 85 ■>'.. a r Thijinno', n-. L ’ «;60 • rx I 8 30 i 1 NO. 8 t No. 1 ! SlliUryfril P'lo’K'r I2:3t p>a| Lv.... J/i n!i \r 9:40 ’y.rv ~*e,~ 3:15 (■!>• a,- ..No**-,.an... A -58 - ... •'ll • “I . t HI ). f tm . **ee*H«e N H 11 LNw 1* ,•% W A Xi Ah KU’fl 2- N Ai* ’ No 10 t\ 0*' 1 p i -(Main*.-. P «"*' 1 Auc. | 0 DU VYu ■wee**- ! 9 an: ii Fon Val;;j h\ 4 1)1 pL ...» 1 14 r r. . Ar l-rulihTll!* Lv 1 41 »>n -m*- . . S 1 2 pro 2 40 am I ;-4 i. rr y Af i .4 pn 11)55 «nr> 1 10 mi A r.4 1 »i 3 9 n, 2'9 pr ., * ...l.ctuVort Ar [\ 5»Ufi pel pir* (i 4 r . iu 12 53 a m i l ftUt \ 01 m - t ...Etliaulii ...Lv K 55 i-r*. b 51 C»i 90H pm l 1 */> 4 51 im 11 (i; >i l.V .. Eo RVif. ...Ai iC5J(ii* ft .51 pu - 3s p 4, ***••■ <» H 8 f 4 17 « 1 « a. 6 42 4 . ; v Dnu c -p'grAi 9 D. an 7 37 pro h lorn * 05 '• ru 7 30 a 1 7 25, ir,.,M».’5 uf.'v.. h> 7 (0 ,u* 6 20 P’> 2 85 nm *W4-*. No a.< N-, 5 F.,eh'ger fc» vi B!U-ASL)v»- No. 4» No ui N* : 34 "i "" VfUh'* p : itS I (*!<’. f'ur c^vi; P. R.’R’r Pope | fi 45 pi, 1 ...V,. v ; * n... A ' | h JO t n. ,' ,42 pl.t at Fori V:u't*y J -v b5HPV ..oo.n, j I 9 4«pr- Ar Sr. uhvilie Ia 5 06 an 7 -15 -hK. '() 65 Df. | u 4u r >j LV fleet' a»!l:« A 5 06 '-i* 2 40 ' ml 7 2> pm 3 On | 1 43 pv ■P 4,4 r-r.,1 *r.....•> ’Sto ±... i. -1 i Wrl l 40 ii,| 5»- I No. ?3f | Nt*. i t ih W It. 44.—JPx-r-l No. ’fit I N.». «< | 1 Pds-V;’ 1 ■wi'y,’ 1 rj Mrnfli Ii* 1 r|Pa^. I 1 S UU 15 Lv Foi. Valley A, , n 45 oil . 6 45 on | 1 1 1 MS.-Tr |l9i0 rr 1 T.. Perry... Lvl H 00 pri \ til l 1 j No. 25t |M » n ai—<*; lixlci*. I N-. m I |Pag* K”; | ty t xie-nilon IPdr.e'g’rl 1 ? 45 -*0) Lv.. AP eiay ..A- 11 45 am 1 « 63 ft 4. A.f.. B K*ly ..L\l K »5«» Nt. 27f I A*, tv U «.-forl|No 2»t | P'gg lidAlt-r* Hranvli iPrfftg’c’r 1 S l5p '.|l/V...C’u*i*bcn . Arill rttuenl 4 3 a pmI Ar Fort (uslnt):. Lv|i<l 06 a I I No 2Ht|h a r»ula a* clnjr.j No Set I tP.ia:*'S':l ion B. 11 |Pt«8’g';| I MSpuilLv... Eiifaniu., Uro -.| tr...CDylO ' l' 15 ID, 9 i U. I LV WI'.Of • A 1*1 fl V;) : m l 5 2U 1)4 l2f-3.»ro 0 1 K ir. Ar VabeyAr 8 <7 2 52 »vn 6 S3 am 2'6 H. J Ay U./i.2ftl-v’i5 .. Ill On 1 9 CO w T**.ln« N > 19 «nit 21 Sally XleBint local Sloulnx C»r» on nlRht ernlni* an fol!»trst Botneen SftTf. n»h gnl Anient*. IrMuiHo*:. H f*nd M; between StiTiinnah and Maooh, trninfl Nog. anil 54 bet***** t e*T».iOft't and Allanls. Wo, 13 and M, Pnllninn Snflett Onra between ClnotcnAtl end J.v.tteoiiylM*. ! thronkh Rlttlne cer between ChattanoO' *e (end JaclisonxIlle.TIa Atlanta. Albany anil A ay* 0-r TLiocub i’nlace Slncnlng Car between Mod KOTuery end A'oycroRe. Trelne marked tlmo * run dally; trelne merkaii ttno t rnn d«I’,r'.a:eitCr::oxr; Irglne marked tkni trti dally exoept Monday, Tlnkota for ell point* end Sleerfxi Cttr Berthe o* ;»(* **» Union De*«t T'lokoi Offloe so mlnnte* tide. WILLI AS W. t.BHBLLMAN TeeWr Mklioirr, ;.*Av*noeh. - nr »rn- *,.,i o^in T. n. KI.INZ, Bnn’t S. W. K. B.. Mtecn C » WUITBHBA». Qen'l Pam. Aeert Cl (ll, WESTERN FAIL ROAD t F ALABAMA Tte first-(lass Dlrrct Krnt»to all Fat’orn title , 8€8 fllhs Slrotl r to Sew loiktlian via L'nisvllle. Close nonneoiioD mn”o with Pieiluiorit Ai.-Line, ADarDo Cosst Lliie, ard CinelDoait 8oulh"rn. Ojly 37 h uts srd 23 m>i ire" frrin Montfromorv ioNcw Y ik. and nnh 36 hours ard 10 in:nut's from New YorK to Montzcmey, J u u am 3, .1883, Leave Akron ’’ Greensboro ” Murior Arrive 8olaia,...„„. Leave 8o!ai"... e rclx-f, M n'lC-irR No. f!i, No 6 6 00 a «i 0 00 n in ";60 (i ai 1';30 a ni 10:46 a n 2: Ifi c ir 1 No. 8. t’: n 0 tt ui 12;00 a m lit 0 p rn 3: CO n uj 3.16 p m « 10 -( on L.^ic in„ (gu.4i.,i. ki D. :> libo vi u. deltib i* .UO Uj Arrive Cowlis* 8:63 *e it 4 61 p ii 0:01 p m ” Chebav 3 29 4 n Pi 11 a in 1:36 p o 9:8i p m ” N Dtasupa. 0: if a ii « 40 p * 10.10 p u ” Loaobapok - 0:37 a n 7:16 p t m,40 p ai ” Anburr 0.60 a u 7:60 p j, 11:0f> p nri A rr\^' O pMfc-e 4:’6 n > 10.03 ^ n 8 26 - 11:80 14 rr> AliiVb Y ,uui.;Uf 14:24 .41. 3:56 n omn W*». TL >i 4.53 tt ii 1U.40 - 1 1 ■A 4u a ... ” A'lo-•» 7:22 a - 1:54 0’ 1 10:05 a m Via CLmra. K 1 — L«)»V9 Atlanta 2:46 p rrj fi:50 p in Arrive Meoon 6:27 p m 10:40 n in " «*■» - i 0:00 n ,r 5.65 * rr> V,,. u 0 *>, k ,» iv . ,). a - Lf-ave Atlar l*. 8:00 a n 8:40 rr * Arrive Augus i- 3 35 p ti 9:10 p r * ’’ Ob a '«• 0 40 P r, 0 29 '* ti Vl.liP.eili' '• A,1 Llun ,, IN I a •( Hum Lseeve A'lanto 8 40 a n (5:10 r> n- Arrive f ha tot e <>: i 0 n i» 5:0 i it \: ” ftlubmiiHl 7 <0 i n 4:07 0 u ’ WnahiPKloi 8 00 a i; 9.20 p ii ” Bilflmme . 0 35 a n 11 39 p tti ” Pul a l»l phi. 2:40 p a 8:30 ». rr ” Nr* Y r9 3:40 r* *i 8:30 *» n rnliman ia-m< tarn on iiaip* 61 t> *«' 63, ftn cri* a ns to FifibbuiRto , wltbont < liauue. South B um) Tiatus— No. 60 No. 62 No. 4 No. 6. Leave Atlanta 1:10 p n 0 66pr 4:28 p n " Oiinmhu* _... 2 30 p p ” Opolika 4:63 p u 1:02 a n 2 67 a n 10:16 a tn ” AuDurr..„ 6:06 p r 1:21 a o 10:18 a m ” Loaobapoka 6:18 p n *67 a n 11:22 a m ” Nntaaufgi’ ■ 6 28 [i n 4:18 a u 11:62 a m ” Cbebaw 6:48 p d 146 a n. 4:61 an * 2.-80 p m ” Cowle* 6:00 p d 6:26 a no 1:17 p m Arrive MoniBoaisri 0:65 p a 2>60 a m 7:26 a m 8:40 p no Leave Montgouiarv 8:20 a no 7 86 pm Arrive 8-Iod* 1210 a m 10:05 p id Arrive Meridian 4.12 p di 12:46 a m ” Greensboro 6.42 p u 1:09 a in L ava Akron..„ 7 6ft n n. 8.22 a ni Arrive ''pridin' 1 11.30 p n 6:26 a m ’’ Vi k-h'ita’ 12 40 p ui »• H-r vnn -t 11.10 ti rr* i '.(1 , Scud :*]» (ur.,ra(Lt( ..,*Orenc, Dr. WARD A- CO,. JMIUISIAKA. VO <'L«*uls. ftlUaCO -KK v OUNTY -V Ik’»*<*■» IJ AM »< Diiulp’riilor f>t the* VAtat «f 8 Aniflttt Wriflt. rrpirMBta ?.o tho c<fjrt In hu »-f” i but) nly tiled that bo ) ** hib» .tltiii: it 'Stale Thin h lb*rnfor*i. to Hto e'l p «ir-ns aooc^rn'd. h* tis an-t cr«f1itt rs to show chim*. it m %\ thu hiYa fh tl ‘ to i»t»a!«r fLorl not b«- "IsiharuFt 4 . trfl-tn tidm rl-tratlon and te '•!?•» le'tors of tils lu'vlonoti tba fi r < Modi)a la ^pri). AS' WltDu iuv slpna urr this Ja tmrV Svb MS, r M HRttOlfH t*in‘oiwSm w.*-’.uum I In. u*L C sob fii ui Moi.lscuiery lo M* riaiun, muku k ot.jy ■ ue obBiigo •n V t’hhbiirp ai d Sbrevtport, Trslne 60 end 61 corr<n> *t Chelnw withTus- ke-'fcee Kt'lns t CRASH CHOM W ELL, Geii’l Pais Agent. ' Rrff. GABHETT. Genor* 1 Mfttvev«r dtf Notice tc Ibbtois anti Crtdltors G EORGIA-VU-t 'OHKB' OCUNTT.- Ah ,sr- ns h»v kb « in i ■*» AS-unin ,«i ■ -ts'e of By Tl B e»n*o-d, (»t* o' -ila oovn tv dtcMlt'd, mo heiebr ladflrd Wpr»esi bom t ' n>tn-»l» c«riltt*a wms the e»r«< r lo-e’ISed by l«w. peu »ii petanc* lnrfrb e ad <o sstd d*ee*ovrt f ro reqahui tn nmk ItnuwdlHle ftatmeui. tame ^ Id .i.Ull 2.Li vi ul ,V_ uj ........ tbe’totesi OeorgLi of Jo. l*o McC rt» Ueh- nry miner eh'h’ nl J..«*h A 0*1,our/, umkes enphen- tlan fur loi.i to roll *11 Ihe real wUt*.- Lelcng- o/ to eel J *e-o, The'o arc,, thu elore, to olio nil per*oro erne rued to bow *./n»e. If ear for dan. w thin the ’’mi proenlln, by (nw, why ,'enve io Roll ee!J rent w ite’e thonld not tw Kmnt«d to told appKceot. v-ltce*e my ottelei denature thi, ditua-rr IdtV •-»* t M TIS'I' K", •— vi tfiniMe MOBILE! GIIURD 9. n fn OOI,UNIT*. Ot., Boy. bth g' ■all Train fla* 1-Being West (d*ihv Leave Unlo* Depot, eJolnoihrie.^.,,, , SSJ't Leave Union Spring* '$ Arrlflr »t Ttot jjn AnAt Montgomery— ' *• * ' *» D U Arrive nt Eufenla.. MA IL/r R A IN NO 2 (Da iy’)" 8: ” ’ K Leave Montgotuery,. Leave Troy...™ Arrive at Union Sprint* ■ 7,30, I<e»T* Union Serin**..., Si!'** Arrive at KufAnIe,..™. g‘"« ® Arrive (It Cnlninlmn —d Ovj NIGHT FREIGHT A AOCOMMODAtmS T n , ?* l, cp' Bonday). TI0S I Leave Uolninbant Union Depot Cf , t Leave Oclniubns Brond Stp. et DcDot*******"*^ Arri u at U.’ilcr —P& NIUiiT FKEIGUT <v AUOMA.Oi Levvt' Union Spiiit.q# *••*.. 7 ;, fi Arrive ttt Collinibne,.-.. WAl FREIGHT A AVtOuZoiru!?* jaooUJaUy Except wr.nii^) A ' lue ’ Leave rolnmlmr Uuion It^-eve Oolcmbup iiroaU b rect l)«noi.,l"“ ;: n ^ Union F-p-ivtite *** " ’ L*?»Ve Unlop »*vrlT-^ni ' ” " , Arr'r© at Tro*. , Arrivf ntKnfauift W AY b ItIfi'.HH r * ACCOM !U)iV N.,6(D,* ly Exccpi ! ' ^ r«Bve Tjoy..M - AirWiv o' Uh'du . 1 * vI\ "j *' " Arrive Montgov.ierv J «4<avo Uuion bprsniftj,, ■ ' r *.rrlvj«>t directl>opoi,Cfi!u;Tbr. (t " \i- , a ® OFei/RA, Au^e Dp eioho G NO % Leave OveMtrn Arr*.ve •wolumtin„.^ww.,.., ,..... Leeve Cnollktt„«. . in os n to • 1 35 tl ??0 ru 3 ft I 6, * ~rf - \ilr t SO * l-eave Coin 1 * Arrive Opelike... *'■' Ar^lvo i*t Qoodw*i‘«r. NO. a. t«eve Arrive Or Arrive Oolumbua NO 7 Leave Coin’- bn»...^ Arrive Opelika NO S Leave Qp»IOre Arrive Columbrn Tho ulght trains are dlscontinrrl for tir ‘ ^ v fit UN r.r, • ? 6ft p he 6 39 p a; i preseiiv s m Bfifflh I w OFFIOR GE’VRRAL M/.NAG3R, COI.T7MK0R.GA. Jib 17. 18,8. O N (end £UMT Js.n 17. IKG. llie *,i.h5'Iv ut* o' Mhi! Train wlil b# ns f* 'lovre! No 1—Goliig North Lally, Leave) Cchnnhnn ■/ 23 p u_ Arrive at Chlplsy t 2 6" a. Arrive ot Greenville 6 4j;i!i No 2-Comluij South Daily. Lesive Gre--nvtile BfOgnr, Arrive»t Chiple.v * ; •- Arrive «( cxtimshnn is "lux No 8—Freight and AeooinmoeltiUoE. Legve Cti'nirhus 8‘K'ni" Arrive fetOhipley « n g n. Arrive&tOr»e):vlile ll 1 S7:_ No 4—FTllghl nml Accomrandfillon Leave Greenville lisnaix; Arrive at Chlpley 12 47 t> js Arrlv* »t Colnrrbpc s 22 p m w L flLAKK, GenM ?<1(ID";I?T T O H HOWARD, Gen’! Ticket ,L«’i. • hid Jy VTEAM9HIP CO r FOR BOSTON DIR SCI J?!?. 0 rejf '■ /'?;■. > 'V 'e-'iv • i im iimt-x&i iMfi 28 W Soite fieitbt PASSENCrn RODTK Betwemn New England and GaorslR, Klorb dn, Alatritmi, tha South and SotitbrreaL i'trsl,-clisH Ftutsengcr AccoaiinoJaliwB Ohio Paygogs |2U. Exeatslon d£&. Btecras* 872 T he Brpt-fingg iron staamaUlpi of Ce,rops, uy nr* * T>preirtt(fc4> to «**( even Tbtirstdtey Iron- Boston ctSp w frees vi» yauriui ns foju.w* ■ (Htanderd time) GATE CITY, Th mutiny, Feb 25, ot H:df CITY OF MAey<N, Thuredgy, March 4, 8* 5 Oil |> in . GA1E GUY, Tbuiiisy, Msioh 11, Et 8*83 CITY OF VACON, Thuridpy, Meroh 18, 4r8t. r» m „ G8T3 CITY. Thnrsdsy, March 25. at J0:CS CITY OF MACON, Tburadny. April 1. •> 4:00 p in GATE ary, Thur«a»y, April 8, at 8.80 p m Through bill* of lading glvan to N«W England man nlaeturlng points and tout* **^9 Company’s wharvaa In both Bavan* nab and Boston ar* eonnnetad with ran* roads loading ont of th* two eMlas. RICHARDSON « BARNARD. Aganta, Bav*nnah, ae. Oi W L CLARK, Agant Central Railroad, Oolnmbna, Of •epistf „ yalil Real Estate FOR EXOHANGE. -1 g AAfk WORTH OF CITY OF CO (blO)UUu larxibn*. hd ai'Bid V or umh-rert Isude either in Georgia, Alabama or Florida. TOOMBS CRAWFORD, Krai Eilat* Agent. 10 North Broad Street. lan7T«nffff — D rarucrcc n* cause and cur* tfirNtOO by one who was deal twao'y-eiautyoa-s Treated by mort of iho onted ■pec’*lli£« of the day wit no benefit Cored himself In *hrea month*, and at' oe than bnndredi of othara by a.miprawM A plain, almpie enj w 0 * eevfnl borne treatmant OddreM ^ y * 8F. 138 Emt SC h > ' t »» ▼' r * ' I aavaitihW'**